def popupControls(self, tl = None): from direct.showbase.TkGlobal import Toplevel, Frame, Button, LEFT, X, Pmw import math from direct.tkwidgets import EntryScale if tl == None: tl = Toplevel() tl.title('Interval Controls') outerFrame = Frame(tl) def entryScaleCommand(t, s = self): s.setT(t) s.pause() = es = EntryScale.EntryScale(outerFrame, text=self.getName(), min=0, max=math.floor(self.getDuration() * 100) / 100, command=entryScaleCommand) es.set(self.getT(), fCommand=0) es.pack(expand=1, fill=X) bf = Frame(outerFrame) def toStart(s = self, es = es): s.setT(0.0) s.pause() def toEnd(s = self): s.setT(s.getDuration()) s.pause() jumpToStart = Button(bf, text='<<', command=toStart) def doPlay(s = self, es = es): s.resume(es.get()) stop = Button(bf, text='Stop', command=lambda s = self: s.pause()) play = Button(bf, text='Play', command=doPlay) jumpToEnd = Button(bf, text='>>', command=toEnd) jumpToStart.pack(side=LEFT, expand=1, fill=X) play.pack(side=LEFT, expand=1, fill=X) stop.pack(side=LEFT, expand=1, fill=X) jumpToEnd.pack(side=LEFT, expand=1, fill=X) bf.pack(expand=1, fill=X) outerFrame.pack(expand=1, fill=X) def update(t, es = es): es.set(t, fCommand=0) if not hasattr(self, 'setTHooks'): self.setTHooks = [] self.setTHooks.append(update) self.setWantsTCallback(1) def onDestroy(e, s = self, u = update): if u in s.setTHooks: s.setTHooks.remove(u) tl.bind('<Destroy>', onDestroy) return
def __init__(self, worldColor,lightEnable,ParticleEnable, basedriveEnable,collision, backface, texture, wireframe, grid, widgetVis, enableAutoCamera, parent = None, nodePath = render, **kw): self.worldColor = worldColor self.lightEnable = lightEnable self.ParticleEnable = ParticleEnable self.basedriveEnable = basedriveEnable self.collision = collision self.backface = backface self.texture = texture self.wireframe = wireframe self.grid = grid self.enableAutoCamera = enableAutoCamera self.widgetVis = widgetVis # Define the megawidget options. optiondefs = ( ('title', self.appname, None), ) self.defineoptions(kw, optiondefs) if parent == None: self.parent = Toplevel() else: self.parent = parent AppShell.__init__(self, self.parent) self.parent.geometry('%dx%d+%d+%d' % (self.frameWidth, self.frameHeight,self.frameIniPosX,self.frameIniPosY)) self.parent.resizable(False,False) ## Disable the ability to resize for this Window.
def __init__(self, worldColor, lightEnable, ParticleEnable, basedriveEnable, collision, backface, texture, wireframe, grid, widgetVis, enableAutoCamera, parent=None, nodePath=render, **kw): self.worldColor = worldColor self.lightEnable = lightEnable self.ParticleEnable = ParticleEnable self.basedriveEnable = basedriveEnable self.collision = collision self.backface = backface self.texture = texture self.wireframe = wireframe self.grid = grid self.enableAutoCamera = enableAutoCamera self.widgetVis = widgetVis # Define the megawidget options. optiondefs = (('title', self.appname, None), ) self.defineoptions(kw, optiondefs) if parent == None: self.parent = Toplevel() else: self.parent = parent AppShell.__init__(self, self.parent) self.parent.geometry('%dx%d+%d+%d' % (self.frameWidth, self.frameHeight, self.frameIniPosX, self.frameIniPosY)) self.parent.resizable( False, False) ## Disable the ability to resize for this Window.
def popupControls(self, tl=None): """ Popup control panel for interval. """ from direct.showbase.TkGlobal import Toplevel, Frame, Button, LEFT, X, Pmw import math from direct.tkwidgets import EntryScale if tl == None: tl = Toplevel() tl.title('Interval Controls') outerFrame = Frame(tl) def entryScaleCommand(t, s=self): s.setT(t) s.pause() = es = EntryScale.EntryScale( outerFrame, text=self.getName(), min=0, max=math.floor(self.getDuration() * 100) / 100, command=entryScaleCommand) es.set(self.getT(), fCommand=0) es.pack(expand=1, fill=X) bf = Frame(outerFrame) # Jump to start and end def toStart(s=self, es=es): s.clearToInitial() s.setT(0) es.set(0, fCommand=0) def toEnd(s=self): s.setT(s.getDuration()) s.pause() jumpToStart = Button(bf, text='<<', command=toStart) # Stop/play buttons def doPlay(s=self, es=es): s.resume(es.get())
def popupControls(self, tl=None): from direct.showbase.TkGlobal import Toplevel, Frame, Button, LEFT, X, Pmw import math from direct.tkwidgets import EntryScale if tl == None: tl = Toplevel() tl.title('Interval Controls') outerFrame = Frame(tl) def entryScaleCommand(t, s=self): s.setT(t) s.pause() = es = EntryScale.EntryScale( outerFrame, text=self.getName(), min=0, max=math.floor(self.getDuration() * 100) / 100, command=entryScaleCommand) es.set(self.getT(), fCommand=0) es.pack(expand=1, fill=X) bf = Frame(outerFrame) def toStart(s=self, es=es): s.setT(0.0) s.pause() def toEnd(s=self): s.setT(s.getDuration()) s.pause() jumpToStart = Button(bf, text='<<', command=toStart) def doPlay(s=self, es=es): s.resume(es.get()) stop = Button(bf, text='Stop', command=lambda s=self: s.pause()) play = Button(bf, text='Play', command=doPlay) jumpToEnd = Button(bf, text='>>', command=toEnd) jumpToStart.pack(side=LEFT, expand=1, fill=X) play.pack(side=LEFT, expand=1, fill=X) stop.pack(side=LEFT, expand=1, fill=X) jumpToEnd.pack(side=LEFT, expand=1, fill=X) bf.pack(expand=1, fill=X) outerFrame.pack(expand=1, fill=X) def update(t, es=es): es.set(t, fCommand=0) if not hasattr(self, 'setTHooks'): self.setTHooks = [] self.setTHooks.append(update) self.setWantsTCallback(1) def onDestroy(e, s=self, u=update): if u in s.setTHooks: s.setTHooks.remove(u) tl.bind('<Destroy>', onDestroy) return
def popupControls(self, tl = None): """ Popup control panel for interval. """ from direct.showbase.TkGlobal import Toplevel, Frame, Button, LEFT, X, Pmw import math from direct.tkwidgets import EntryScale if tl == None: tl = Toplevel() tl.title('Interval Controls') outerFrame = Frame(tl) def entryScaleCommand(t, s=self): s.setT(t) s.pause() = es = EntryScale.EntryScale( outerFrame, text = self.getName(), min = 0, max = math.floor(self.getDuration() * 100) / 100, command = entryScaleCommand) es.set(self.getT(), fCommand = 0) es.pack(expand = 1, fill = X) bf = Frame(outerFrame) # Jump to start and end def toStart(s=self, es=es): s.clearToInitial() s.setT(0) es.set(0, fCommand = 0) def toEnd(s=self): s.setT(s.getDuration()) s.pause() jumpToStart = Button(bf, text = '<<', command = toStart) # Stop/play buttons def doPlay(s=self, es=es): s.resume(es.get()) stop = Button(bf, text = 'Stop', command = lambda s=self: s.pause()) play = Button( bf, text = 'Play', command = doPlay) jumpToEnd = Button(bf, text = '>>', command = toEnd) jumpToStart.pack(side = LEFT, expand = 1, fill = X) play.pack(side = LEFT, expand = 1, fill = X) stop.pack(side = LEFT, expand = 1, fill = X) jumpToEnd.pack(side = LEFT, expand = 1, fill = X) bf.pack(expand = 1, fill = X) outerFrame.pack(expand = 1, fill = X) # Add function to update slider during setT calls def update(t, es=es): es.set(t, fCommand = 0) if not hasattr(self, "setTHooks"): self.setTHooks = [] self.setTHooks.append(update) self.setWantsTCallback(1) # Clear out function on destroy def onDestroy(e, s=self, u=update): if u in s.setTHooks: s.setTHooks.remove(u) tl.bind('<Destroy>', onDestroy)
def __init__(self, directNotify, tl=None): """ NotifyPanel class pops up a control panel to view/set notify levels for all available DIRECT and PANDA notify categories """ # Make sure TK mainloop is running from direct.showbase.TkGlobal import Pmw, Toplevel, Frame, Label, Radiobutton from direct.showbase.TkGlobal import HORIZONTAL, X, W, NW, BOTH, LEFT, RIGHT, IntVar # To get severity levels from pandac.PandaModules import NSFatal, NSError, NSWarning, NSInfo from pandac.PandaModules import NSDebug, NSSpam if tl == None: tl = Toplevel() tl.title('Notify Controls') tl.geometry('300x400') # Init active category self.activeCategory = None # Create widgets mainFrame = Frame(tl) # Paned widget for dividing two halves framePane = Pmw.PanedWidget(mainFrame, orient=HORIZONTAL) categoryFrame = framePane.add('categories', size=200) severityFrame = framePane.add('severities', size=50) # Category frame # Assemble PANDA categories categories = self.getPandaCategoriesAsList() self.__categories = {} categoryNames = [] for category in categories: name = category.getBasename() self.__categories[name] = category categoryNames.append(name) # Assemble DIRECT categories for name in directNotify.getCategories(): category = directNotify.getCategory(name) self.__categories[name] = category categoryNames.append(name) # Sort resulting list of names categoryNames.sort() # Create a listbox self.categoryList = Pmw.ScrolledListBox( categoryFrame, labelpos='nw', label_text='Categories:', label_font=('MSSansSerif', 10, 'bold'), listbox_takefocus=1, items=categoryNames, selectioncommand=self.setActivePandaCategory) self.categoryList.pack(expand=1, fill='both') # Severity frame Label(severityFrame, text='Severity:', font=('MSSansSerif', 10, 'bold'), justify=RIGHT, anchor=W).pack(fill=X, padx=5) self.severity = IntVar() self.severity.set(0) self.fatalSeverity = Radiobutton(severityFrame, text='Fatal', justify='left', anchor='w', value=NSFatal, variable=self.severity, command=self.setActiveSeverity) self.fatalSeverity.pack(fill=X) self.errorSeverity = Radiobutton(severityFrame, text='Error', justify='left', anchor='w', value=NSError, variable=self.severity, command=self.setActiveSeverity) self.errorSeverity.pack(fill=X) self.warningSeverity = Radiobutton(severityFrame, text='Warning', justify='left', anchor='w', value=NSWarning, variable=self.severity, command=self.setActiveSeverity) self.warningSeverity.pack(fill=X) self.infoSeverity = Radiobutton(severityFrame, text='Info', justify='left', anchor='w', value=NSInfo, variable=self.severity, command=self.setActiveSeverity) self.infoSeverity.pack(fill=X) self.debugSeverity = Radiobutton(severityFrame, text='Debug', justify='left', anchor='w', value=NSDebug, variable=self.severity, command=self.setActiveSeverity) self.debugSeverity.pack(fill=X) self.spamSeverity = Radiobutton(severityFrame, text='Spam', justify='left', anchor='w', value=NSSpam, variable=self.severity, command=self.setActiveSeverity) self.spamSeverity.pack(fill=X) # Pack frames framePane.pack(expand=1, fill='both') mainFrame.pack(expand=1, fill='both') # Get listbox listbox = self.categoryList.component('listbox') # Bind updates to arrow buttons listbox.bind('<KeyRelease-Up>', self.setActivePandaCategory) listbox.bind('<KeyRelease-Down>', self.setActivePandaCategory) # And grab focus (to allow keyboard navigation) listbox.focus_set() # And set active index (so keypresses will start with index 0) listbox.activate(0) # Select first item self.categoryList.select_set(0) self.setActivePandaCategory()
def __init__(self, directNotify, tl = None): """__init__(self) NotifyPanel class pops up a control panel to view/set notify levels for all available DIRECT and PANDA notify categories """ # Make sure TK mainloop is running from direct.showbase.TkGlobal import Pmw, Toplevel, Frame, Label , Radiobutton from direct.showbase.TkGlobal import HORIZONTAL, X, W, NW, BOTH, LEFT, RIGHT, IntVar # To get severity levels from pandac.NotifySeverity import NSFatal, NSError, NSWarning, NSInfo from pandac.NotifySeverity import NSDebug, NSSpam if tl == None: tl = Toplevel() tl.title('Notify Controls') tl.geometry('300x400') # Init active category self.activeCategory = None # Create widgets mainFrame = Frame(tl) # Paned widget for dividing two halves framePane = Pmw.PanedWidget(mainFrame, orient = HORIZONTAL) categoryFrame = framePane.add('categories', size = 200) severityFrame = framePane.add('severities', size = 50) # Category frame from pandac import NotifyCategory # Assemble PANDA categories categories = self.getPandaCategoriesAsList() self.__categories = {} categoryNames = [] for category in categories: name = category.getBasename() self.__categories[name] = category categoryNames.append(name) # Assemble DIRECT categories for name in directNotify.getCategories(): category = directNotify.getCategory(name) self.__categories[name] = category categoryNames.append(name) # Sort resulting list of names categoryNames.sort() # Create a listbox self.categoryList = Pmw.ScrolledListBox( categoryFrame, labelpos = 'nw', label_text = 'Categories:', label_font=('MSSansSerif', 10, 'bold'), listbox_takefocus = 1, items = categoryNames, selectioncommand = self.setActivePandaCategory) self.categoryList.pack(expand = 1, fill = 'both') # Severity frame Label(severityFrame, text = 'Severity:', font=('MSSansSerif', 10, 'bold'), justify = RIGHT, anchor = W).pack(fill = X, padx = 5) self.severity = IntVar() self.severity.set(0) self.fatalSeverity = Radiobutton(severityFrame, text = 'Fatal', justify = 'left', anchor = 'w', value = NSFatal, variable = self.severity, command = self.setActiveSeverity) self.fatalSeverity.pack(fill = X) self.errorSeverity = Radiobutton(severityFrame, text = 'Error', justify = 'left', anchor = 'w', value = NSError, variable = self.severity, command = self.setActiveSeverity) self.errorSeverity.pack(fill = X) self.warningSeverity = Radiobutton(severityFrame, text = 'Warning', justify = 'left', anchor = 'w', value = NSWarning, variable = self.severity, command = self.setActiveSeverity) self.warningSeverity.pack(fill = X) self.infoSeverity = Radiobutton(severityFrame, text = 'Info', justify = 'left', anchor = 'w', value = NSInfo, variable = self.severity, command = self.setActiveSeverity) self.infoSeverity.pack(fill = X) self.debugSeverity = Radiobutton(severityFrame, text = 'Debug', justify = 'left', anchor = 'w', value = NSDebug, variable = self.severity, command = self.setActiveSeverity) self.debugSeverity.pack(fill = X) self.spamSeverity = Radiobutton(severityFrame, text = 'Spam', justify = 'left', anchor = 'w', value = NSSpam, variable = self.severity, command = self.setActiveSeverity) self.spamSeverity.pack(fill = X) # Pack frames framePane.pack(expand = 1, fill = 'both') mainFrame.pack(expand = 1, fill = 'both') # Get listbox listbox = self.categoryList.component('listbox') # Bind updates to arrow buttons listbox.bind('<KeyRelease-Up>', self.setActivePandaCategory) listbox.bind('<KeyRelease-Down>', self.setActivePandaCategory) # And grab focus (to allow keyboard navigation) listbox.focus_set() # And set active index (so keypresses will start with index 0) listbox.activate(0) # Select first item self.categoryList.select_set(0) self.setActivePandaCategory()
class sideWindow(AppShell): ################################################################# # sideWindow(AppShell) # This class will open a side window wich contains a scene graph and # a world setting page. ################################################################# appversion = '1.0' appname = 'Navigation Window' frameWidth = 325 frameHeight = 580 frameIniPosX = 0 frameIniPosY = 110 padx = 0 pady = 0 lightEnable = 0 ParticleEnable = 0 basedriveEnable = 0 collision = 0 backface = 0 texture = 1 wireframe = 0 enableBaseUseDrive = 0 def __init__(self, worldColor, lightEnable, ParticleEnable, basedriveEnable, collision, backface, texture, wireframe, grid, widgetVis, enableAutoCamera, parent=None, nodePath=render, **kw): self.worldColor = worldColor self.lightEnable = lightEnable self.ParticleEnable = ParticleEnable self.basedriveEnable = basedriveEnable self.collision = collision self.backface = backface self.texture = texture self.wireframe = wireframe self.grid = grid self.enableAutoCamera = enableAutoCamera self.widgetVis = widgetVis # Define the megawidget options. optiondefs = (('title', self.appname, None), ) self.defineoptions(kw, optiondefs) if parent == None: self.parent = Toplevel() else: self.parent = parent AppShell.__init__(self, self.parent) self.parent.geometry('%dx%d+%d+%d' % (self.frameWidth, self.frameHeight, self.frameIniPosX, self.frameIniPosY)) self.parent.resizable( False, False) ## Disable the ability to resize for this Window. def appInit(self): print '----SideWindow is Initialized!!' def createInterface(self): # The interior of the toplevel panel interior = self.interior() mainFrame = Frame(interior) ## Creat NoteBook self.notebookFrame = Pmw.NoteBook(mainFrame) self.notebookFrame.pack(fill=Tkinter.BOTH, expand=1) sgePage = self.notebookFrame.add('Tree Graph') envPage = self.notebookFrame.add('World Setting') self.notebookFrame['raisecommand'] = self.updateInfo ## Tree Grapgh Page self.SGE = seSceneGraphExplorer.seSceneGraphExplorer( sgePage, nodePath=render, scrolledCanvas_hull_width=270, scrolledCanvas_hull_height=570) self.SGE.pack(fill=Tkinter.BOTH, expand=0) ## World Setting Page envPage = Frame(envPage) pageFrame = Frame(envPage) self.LightingVar = IntVar() self.LightingVar.set(self.lightEnable) self.LightingButton = Checkbutton(pageFrame, text='Enable Lighting', variable=self.LightingVar, command=self.toggleLights) self.LightingButton.pack(side=Tkinter.LEFT, expand=False) pageFrame.pack(side=Tkinter.TOP, fill=Tkinter.X, expand=True) pageFrame = Frame(envPage) self.CollisionVar = IntVar() self.CollisionVar.set(self.collision) self.CollisionButton = Checkbutton(pageFrame, text='Show Collision Object', variable=self.CollisionVar, command=self.showCollision) self.CollisionButton.pack(side=Tkinter.LEFT, expand=False) pageFrame.pack(side=Tkinter.TOP, fill=Tkinter.X, expand=True) pageFrame = Frame(envPage) self.ParticleVar = IntVar() self.ParticleVar.set(self.ParticleEnable) self.ParticleButton = Checkbutton(pageFrame, text='Show Particle Dummy', variable=self.ParticleVar, command=self.enableParticle) self.ParticleButton.pack(side=Tkinter.LEFT, expand=False) pageFrame.pack(side=Tkinter.TOP, fill=Tkinter.X, expand=True) pageFrame = Frame(envPage) self.baseUseDriveVar = IntVar() self.baseUseDriveVar.set(self.basedriveEnable) self.baseUseDriveButton = Checkbutton(pageFrame, text='Enable base.usedrive', variable=self.baseUseDriveVar, command=self.enablebaseUseDrive) self.baseUseDriveButton.pack(side=Tkinter.LEFT, expand=False) pageFrame.pack(side=Tkinter.TOP, fill=Tkinter.X, expand=True) pageFrame = Frame(envPage) self.backfaceVar = IntVar() self.backfaceVar.set(self.backface) self.backfaceButton = Checkbutton(pageFrame, text='Enable BackFace', variable=self.backfaceVar, command=self.toggleBackface) self.backfaceButton.pack(side=Tkinter.LEFT, expand=False) pageFrame.pack(side=Tkinter.TOP, fill=Tkinter.X, expand=True) pageFrame = Frame(envPage) self.textureVar = IntVar() self.textureVar.set(self.texture) self.textureButton = Checkbutton(pageFrame, text='Enable Texture', variable=self.textureVar, command=self.toggleTexture) self.textureButton.pack(side=Tkinter.LEFT, expand=False) pageFrame.pack(side=Tkinter.TOP, fill=Tkinter.X, expand=True) pageFrame = Frame(envPage) self.wireframeVar = IntVar() self.wireframeVar.set(self.wireframe) self.wireframeButton = Checkbutton(pageFrame, text='Enable Wireframe', variable=self.wireframeVar, command=self.toggleWireframe) self.wireframeButton.pack(side=Tkinter.LEFT, expand=False) pageFrame.pack(side=Tkinter.TOP, fill=Tkinter.X, expand=True) pageFrame = Frame(envPage) self.gridVar = IntVar() self.gridVar.set(self.grid) self.gridButton = Checkbutton(pageFrame, text='Enable Grid', variable=self.gridVar, command=self.toggleGrid) self.gridButton.pack(side=Tkinter.LEFT, expand=False) pageFrame.pack(side=Tkinter.TOP, fill=Tkinter.X, expand=True) pageFrame = Frame(envPage) self.widgetVisVar = IntVar() self.widgetVisVar.set(self.widgetVis) self.widgetVisButton = Checkbutton(pageFrame, text='Enable WidgetVisible', variable=self.widgetVisVar, command=self.togglewidgetVis) self.widgetVisButton.pack(side=Tkinter.LEFT, expand=False) pageFrame.pack(side=Tkinter.TOP, fill=Tkinter.X, expand=True) pageFrame = Frame(envPage) self.enableAutoCameraVar = IntVar() self.enableAutoCameraVar.set(self.enableAutoCamera) self.enableAutoCameraButton = Checkbutton( pageFrame, text='Enable Auto Camera Movement for Loading Objects', variable=self.enableAutoCameraVar, command=self.toggleAutoCamera) self.enableAutoCameraButton.pack(side=Tkinter.LEFT, expand=False) pageFrame.pack(side=Tkinter.TOP, fill=Tkinter.X, expand=True) pageFrame = Frame(envPage) self.backgroundColor = ColorEntry(pageFrame, text='BG Color', value=self.worldColor) self.backgroundColor['command'] = self.setBackgroundColorVec self.backgroundColor['resetValue'] = [0, 0, 0, 0] self.backgroundColor.pack(side=Tkinter.LEFT, expand=False) self.bind(self.backgroundColor, 'Set background color') pageFrame.pack(side=Tkinter.TOP, fill=Tkinter.X, expand=True) envPage.pack(expand=False) ## Set all stuff done self.notebookFrame.setnaturalsize() mainFrame.pack(fill='both', expand=1) def createMenuBar(self): # We don't need menu bar here. self.menuBar.destroy() def onDestroy(self, event): ################################################################# # onDestroy(self, event) # This function will be called when user closed the side window. # Here we will send out a message with whole data set we will need # for the next time user open the side window. ################################################################# messenger.send('SW_close', [ self.worldColor, self.lightEnable, self.ParticleEnable, self.basedriveEnable, self.collision, self.backface, self.texture, self.wireframe, self.grid, self.widgetVis, self.enableAutoCamera ]) ''' If you have open any thing, please rewrite here! ''' pass ############################### def updateInfo(self, page='Tree Graph'): ################################################################# # updateInfo(self, page = 'Tree Graph') # This function will be called when each time user change the main # page of the window. # What it dose is to call right function to restore the data for current selected page. ################################################################# if page == 'Tree Graph': self.updateTreeGraph() elif page == 'World Setting': self.updateWorldSetting() def updateTreeGraph(self): ################################################################# # updateTreeGraph(self) # When scene graoh page has been opend, call sceneGraphExplorer to # updata the tree. ################################################################# self.SGE.update() pass def updateWorldSetting(self): ################################################################# # updateWorldSetting(self) # When world setting page has been selected, this function will # reset those check box in the page to reflect the current world setting. ################################################################# self.LightingVar.set(self.lightEnable) self.CollisionVar.set(self.collision) self.ParticleVar.set(self.ParticleEnable) self.baseUseDriveVar.set(self.basedriveEnable) self.backgroundColor.set(value=self.worldColor) pass def toggleLights(self): ################################################################# # toggleLights(self) # send out a message to let sceneEditor know we need to toggle the light. # Then, sceneEditor will pass the message to dataHolder to disable/enable # the lights. (lightManager is inside the dataHolder) ################################################################# self.lightEnable = (self.lightEnable + 1) % 2 messenger.send('SW_lightToggle') pass def showCollision(self): ################################################################# # showCollision(self) # This function will send out a message to sceneEditor to toggle # the visibility of collision objects. ################################################################# self.collision = (self.collision + 1) % 2 messenger.send('SW_collisionToggle', [self.collision]) pass def enableParticle(self): ################################################################# # enableParticle(self) # This function will send out a message to sceneEditor to toggle # the visibility of particle objects. ################################################################# self.ParticleEnable = (self.ParticleEnable + 1) % 2 messenger.send('SW_particleToggle', [self.ParticleEnable]) pass def enablebaseUseDrive(self): ################################################################# # enablebaseUseDrive(self) # This function will toggle the usage of base.useDrive. # Well, it may not usefull at all. # # We won't send out any message in this time to notice # the sceneEditor this event happend. # In the other hand, we will restore it back when # the side window has been closed. # ################################################################# if self.enableBaseUseDrive == 0: print 'Enabled' base.useDrive() self.enableBaseUseDrive = 1 else: print 'disabled' #base.useTrackball() base.disableMouse() self.enableBaseUseDrive = 0 self.basedriveEnable = (self.basedriveEnable + 1) % 2 pass def toggleBackface(self): ################################################################# # toggleBackface(self) # This function will toggle the back face setting. so it will # render the polygon with two sides. ################################################################# base.toggleBackface() self.backface = (self.backface + 1) % 2 return def toggleBackfaceFromMainW(self): ################################################################# # toggleBackfaceFromMainW(self) # This function is called by sceneEditor when user used hot key # to toggle the back face setting in the main panda window. # In here we will only reset the flag and reset the state of # check box ################################################################# self.backface = (self.backface + 1) % 2 self.backfaceButton.toggle() return def toggleTexture(self): ################################################################# # toggleTexture(self) # This function will toggle the txture using option for the whole scene. ################################################################# base.toggleTexture() self.texture = (self.texture + 1) % 2 return def toggleTextureFromMainW(self): ################################################################# # toggleTextureFromMainW(self) # This function is called by sceneEditor when user used hot key # to toggle the texture usage from the main panda window. # In here we will only reset the flag and reset the state of # check box ################################################################# self.texture = (self.texture + 1) % 2 self.textureButton.toggle() return def toggleWireframe(self): ################################################################# # toggleWireframe(self) # This function will toggle the wire frame mode. ################################################################# base.toggleWireframe() self.wireframe = (self.wireframe + 1) % 2 return def toggleWireframeFromMainW(self): ################################################################# # toggleWireframeFromMainW(self) # This function is called by sceneEditor when user used hot key # to toggle the wire frame mode in the main panda window. # In here we will only reset the flag and reset the state of # check box ################################################################# self.wireframe = (self.wireframe + 1) % 2 self.wireframeButton.toggle() return def toggleGrid(self): ################################################################# # toggleGrid(self) # This function will toggle the usage of the grid. ################################################################# self.grid = (self.grid + 1) % 2 if self.grid == 1: SEditor.grid.enable() else: SEditor.grid.disable() def togglewidgetVis(self): ################################################################# # togglewidgetVis(self) # This function will toggle the visibility of the widget of the grid. ################################################################# self.widgetVis = (self.widgetVis + 1) % 2 SEditor.toggleWidgetVis() if SEditor.widget.fActive: messenger.send('shift-f') return def toggleWidgetVisFromMainW(self): ################################################################# # toggleWidgetVisFromMainW(self) # This function is called by sceneEditor when user used hot key # to toggle the visibility of widgets ('v') from the main panda window. # In here we will only reset the flag and reset the state of # check box ################################################################# self.widgetVis = (self.widgetVis + 1) % 2 self.widgetVisButton.toggle() return def setBackgroundColorVec(self, color): ################################################################# # setBackgroundColorVec(self,color) # Call back function # This will be called from the colorEntry on the world setting page. # The "color" here is a list containing three integer data, R, G and B. ################################################################# base.setBackgroundColor(color[0] / 255.0, color[1] / 255.0, color[2] / 255.0) self.worldColor = [color[0], color[1], color[2], 0] def toggleAutoCamera(self): ################################################################# # toggleAutoCamera(self) # This function will toggle the usage of the auto-camera movement # when user loaded model or actor into the scene. ################################################################# self.enableAutoCamera = (self.enableAutoCamera + 1) % 2 SEditor.toggleAutoCamera() return def selectPage(self, page='Tree Graph'): ################################################################# ################################################################# self.notebookFrame.selectpage(page)
class sideWindow(AppShell): ################################################################# # sideWindow(AppShell) # This class will open a side window wich contains a scene graph and # a world setting page. ################################################################# appversion = '1.0' appname = 'Navigation Window' frameWidth = 325 frameHeight = 580 frameIniPosX = 0 frameIniPosY = 110 padx = 0 pady = 0 lightEnable = 0 ParticleEnable = 0 basedriveEnable = 0 collision = 0 backface = 0 texture = 1 wireframe = 0 enableBaseUseDrive = 0 def __init__(self, worldColor,lightEnable,ParticleEnable, basedriveEnable,collision, backface, texture, wireframe, grid, widgetVis, enableAutoCamera, parent = None, nodePath = render, **kw): self.worldColor = worldColor self.lightEnable = lightEnable self.ParticleEnable = ParticleEnable self.basedriveEnable = basedriveEnable self.collision = collision self.backface = backface self.texture = texture self.wireframe = wireframe self.grid = grid self.enableAutoCamera = enableAutoCamera self.widgetVis = widgetVis # Define the megawidget options. optiondefs = ( ('title', self.appname, None), ) self.defineoptions(kw, optiondefs) if parent == None: self.parent = Toplevel() else: self.parent = parent AppShell.__init__(self, self.parent) self.parent.geometry('%dx%d+%d+%d' % (self.frameWidth, self.frameHeight,self.frameIniPosX,self.frameIniPosY)) self.parent.resizable(False,False) ## Disable the ability to resize for this Window. def appInit(self): print '----SideWindow is Initialized!!' def createInterface(self): # The interior of the toplevel panel interior = self.interior() mainFrame = Frame(interior) ## Creat NoteBook self.notebookFrame = Pmw.NoteBook(mainFrame) self.notebookFrame.pack(fill=Tkinter.BOTH,expand=1) sgePage = self.notebookFrame.add('Tree Graph') envPage = self.notebookFrame.add('World Setting') self.notebookFrame['raisecommand'] = self.updateInfo ## Tree Grapgh Page self.SGE = seSceneGraphExplorer.seSceneGraphExplorer( sgePage, nodePath = render, scrolledCanvas_hull_width = 270, scrolledCanvas_hull_height = 570) self.SGE.pack(fill = Tkinter.BOTH, expand = 0) ## World Setting Page envPage = Frame(envPage) pageFrame = Frame(envPage) self.LightingVar = IntVar() self.LightingVar.set(self.lightEnable) self.LightingButton = Checkbutton( pageFrame, text = 'Enable Lighting', variable = self.LightingVar, command = self.toggleLights) self.LightingButton.pack(side=Tkinter.LEFT, expand=False) pageFrame.pack(side=Tkinter.TOP, fill=Tkinter.X, expand=True) pageFrame = Frame(envPage) self.CollisionVar = IntVar() self.CollisionVar.set(self.collision) self.CollisionButton = Checkbutton( pageFrame, text = 'Show Collision Object', variable = self.CollisionVar, command = self.showCollision) self.CollisionButton.pack(side=Tkinter.LEFT, expand=False) pageFrame.pack(side=Tkinter.TOP, fill=Tkinter.X, expand=True) pageFrame = Frame(envPage) self.ParticleVar = IntVar() self.ParticleVar.set(self.ParticleEnable) self.ParticleButton = Checkbutton( pageFrame, text = 'Show Particle Dummy', variable = self.ParticleVar, command = self.enableParticle) self.ParticleButton.pack(side=Tkinter.LEFT, expand=False) pageFrame.pack(side=Tkinter.TOP, fill=Tkinter.X, expand=True) pageFrame = Frame(envPage) self.baseUseDriveVar = IntVar() self.baseUseDriveVar.set(self.basedriveEnable) self.baseUseDriveButton = Checkbutton( pageFrame, text = 'Enable base.usedrive', variable = self.baseUseDriveVar, command = self.enablebaseUseDrive) self.baseUseDriveButton.pack(side=Tkinter.LEFT, expand=False) pageFrame.pack(side=Tkinter.TOP, fill=Tkinter.X, expand=True) pageFrame = Frame(envPage) self.backfaceVar = IntVar() self.backfaceVar.set(self.backface) self.backfaceButton = Checkbutton( pageFrame, text = 'Enable BackFace', variable = self.backfaceVar, command = self.toggleBackface) self.backfaceButton.pack(side=Tkinter.LEFT, expand=False) pageFrame.pack(side=Tkinter.TOP, fill=Tkinter.X, expand=True) pageFrame = Frame(envPage) self.textureVar = IntVar() self.textureVar.set(self.texture) self.textureButton = Checkbutton( pageFrame, text = 'Enable Texture', variable = self.textureVar, command = self.toggleTexture) self.textureButton.pack(side=Tkinter.LEFT, expand=False) pageFrame.pack(side=Tkinter.TOP, fill=Tkinter.X, expand=True) pageFrame = Frame(envPage) self.wireframeVar = IntVar() self.wireframeVar.set(self.wireframe) self.wireframeButton = Checkbutton( pageFrame, text = 'Enable Wireframe', variable = self.wireframeVar, command = self.toggleWireframe) self.wireframeButton.pack(side=Tkinter.LEFT, expand=False) pageFrame.pack(side=Tkinter.TOP, fill=Tkinter.X, expand=True) pageFrame = Frame(envPage) self.gridVar = IntVar() self.gridVar.set(self.grid) self.gridButton = Checkbutton( pageFrame, text = 'Enable Grid', variable = self.gridVar, command = self.toggleGrid) self.gridButton.pack(side=Tkinter.LEFT, expand=False) pageFrame.pack(side=Tkinter.TOP, fill=Tkinter.X, expand=True) pageFrame = Frame(envPage) self.widgetVisVar = IntVar() self.widgetVisVar.set(self.widgetVis) self.widgetVisButton = Checkbutton( pageFrame, text = 'Enable WidgetVisible', variable = self.widgetVisVar, command = self.togglewidgetVis) self.widgetVisButton.pack(side=Tkinter.LEFT, expand=False) pageFrame.pack(side=Tkinter.TOP, fill=Tkinter.X, expand=True) pageFrame = Frame(envPage) self.enableAutoCameraVar = IntVar() self.enableAutoCameraVar.set(self.enableAutoCamera) self.enableAutoCameraButton = Checkbutton( pageFrame, text = 'Enable Auto Camera Movement for Loading Objects', variable = self.enableAutoCameraVar, command = self.toggleAutoCamera) self.enableAutoCameraButton.pack(side=Tkinter.LEFT, expand=False) pageFrame.pack(side=Tkinter.TOP, fill=Tkinter.X, expand=True) pageFrame = Frame(envPage) self.backgroundColor = ColorEntry( pageFrame, text = 'BG Color', value=self.worldColor) self.backgroundColor['command'] = self.setBackgroundColorVec self.backgroundColor['resetValue'] = [0,0,0,0] self.backgroundColor.pack(side=Tkinter.LEFT, expand=False) self.bind(self.backgroundColor, 'Set background color') pageFrame.pack(side=Tkinter.TOP, fill=Tkinter.X, expand=True) envPage.pack(expand=False) ## Set all stuff done self.notebookFrame.setnaturalsize() mainFrame.pack(fill = 'both', expand = 1) def createMenuBar(self): # We don't need menu bar here. self.menuBar.destroy() def onDestroy(self, event): ################################################################# # onDestroy(self, event) # This function will be called when user closed the side window. # Here we will send out a message with whole data set we will need # for the next time user open the side window. ################################################################# messenger.send('SW_close',[self.worldColor, self.lightEnable, self.ParticleEnable, self.basedriveEnable, self.collision, self.backface, self.texture, self.wireframe, self.grid, self.widgetVis, self.enableAutoCamera]) ''' If you have open any thing, please rewrite here! ''' pass ############################### def updateInfo(self, page = 'Tree Graph'): ################################################################# # updateInfo(self, page = 'Tree Graph') # This function will be called when each time user change the main # page of the window. # What it dose is to call right function to restore the data for current selected page. ################################################################# if page=='Tree Graph': self.updateTreeGraph() elif page == 'World Setting': self.updateWorldSetting() def updateTreeGraph(self): ################################################################# # updateTreeGraph(self) # When scene graoh page has been opend, call sceneGraphExplorer to # updata the tree. ################################################################# self.SGE.update() pass def updateWorldSetting(self): ################################################################# # updateWorldSetting(self) # When world setting page has been selected, this function will # reset those check box in the page to reflect the current world setting. ################################################################# self.LightingVar.set(self.lightEnable) self.CollisionVar.set(self.collision) self.ParticleVar.set(self.ParticleEnable) self.baseUseDriveVar.set(self.basedriveEnable) self.backgroundColor.set(value = self.worldColor) pass def toggleLights(self): ################################################################# # toggleLights(self) # send out a message to let sceneEditor know we need to toggle the light. # Then, sceneEditor will pass the message to dataHolder to disable/enable # the lights. (lightManager is inside the dataHolder) ################################################################# self.lightEnable = (self.lightEnable+1)%2 messenger.send('SW_lightToggle') pass def showCollision(self): ################################################################# # showCollision(self) # This function will send out a message to sceneEditor to toggle # the visibility of collision objects. ################################################################# self.collision = (self.collision+1)%2 messenger.send('SW_collisionToggle', [self.collision]) pass def enableParticle(self): ################################################################# # enableParticle(self) # This function will send out a message to sceneEditor to toggle # the visibility of particle objects. ################################################################# self.ParticleEnable = (self.ParticleEnable+1)%2 messenger.send('SW_particleToggle', [self.ParticleEnable]) pass def enablebaseUseDrive(self): ################################################################# # enablebaseUseDrive(self) # This function will toggle the usage of base.useDrive. # Well, it may not usefull at all. # # We won't send out any message in this time to notice # the sceneEditor this event happend. # In the other hand, we will restore it back when # the side window has been closed. # ################################################################# if self.enableBaseUseDrive==0: print 'Enabled' base.useDrive() self.enableBaseUseDrive = 1 else: print 'disabled' #base.useTrackball() base.disableMouse() self.enableBaseUseDrive = 0 self.basedriveEnable = (self.basedriveEnable+1)%2 pass def toggleBackface(self): ################################################################# # toggleBackface(self) # This function will toggle the back face setting. so it will # render the polygon with two sides. ################################################################# base.toggleBackface() self.backface = (self.backface+1)%2 return def toggleBackfaceFromMainW(self): ################################################################# # toggleBackfaceFromMainW(self) # This function is called by sceneEditor when user used hot key # to toggle the back face setting in the main panda window. # In here we will only reset the flag and reset the state of # check box ################################################################# self.backface = (self.backface+1)%2 self.backfaceButton.toggle() return def toggleTexture(self): ################################################################# # toggleTexture(self) # This function will toggle the txture using option for the whole scene. ################################################################# base.toggleTexture() self.texture = (self.texture+1)%2 return def toggleTextureFromMainW(self): ################################################################# # toggleTextureFromMainW(self) # This function is called by sceneEditor when user used hot key # to toggle the texture usage from the main panda window. # In here we will only reset the flag and reset the state of # check box ################################################################# self.texture = (self.texture+1)%2 self.textureButton.toggle() return def toggleWireframe(self): ################################################################# # toggleWireframe(self) # This function will toggle the wire frame mode. ################################################################# base.toggleWireframe() self.wireframe = (self.wireframe+1)%2 return def toggleWireframeFromMainW(self): ################################################################# # toggleWireframeFromMainW(self) # This function is called by sceneEditor when user used hot key # to toggle the wire frame mode in the main panda window. # In here we will only reset the flag and reset the state of # check box ################################################################# self.wireframe = (self.wireframe+1)%2 self.wireframeButton.toggle() return def toggleGrid(self): ################################################################# # toggleGrid(self) # This function will toggle the usage of the grid. ################################################################# self.grid = (self.grid+1)%2 if self.grid==1: SEditor.grid.enable() else: SEditor.grid.disable() def togglewidgetVis(self): ################################################################# # togglewidgetVis(self) # This function will toggle the visibility of the widget of the grid. ################################################################# self.widgetVis = (self.widgetVis+1)%2 SEditor.toggleWidgetVis() if SEditor.widget.fActive: messenger.send('shift-f') return def toggleWidgetVisFromMainW(self): ################################################################# # toggleWidgetVisFromMainW(self) # This function is called by sceneEditor when user used hot key # to toggle the visibility of widgets ('v') from the main panda window. # In here we will only reset the flag and reset the state of # check box ################################################################# self.widgetVis = (self.widgetVis+1)%2 self.widgetVisButton.toggle() return def setBackgroundColorVec(self,color): ################################################################# # setBackgroundColorVec(self,color) # Call back function # This will be called from the colorEntry on the world setting page. # The "color" here is a list containing three integer data, R, G and B. ################################################################# base.setBackgroundColor(color[0]/255.0, color[1]/255.0, color[2]/255.0) self.worldColor = [color[0],color[1],color[2],0] def toggleAutoCamera(self): ################################################################# # toggleAutoCamera(self) # This function will toggle the usage of the auto-camera movement # when user loaded model or actor into the scene. ################################################################# self.enableAutoCamera = (self.enableAutoCamera+1)%2 SEditor.toggleAutoCamera() return def selectPage(self,page='Tree Graph'): ################################################################# ################################################################# self.notebookFrame.selectpage(page)