class PackageInstaller(DirectObject): """ This class is used in a p3d runtime environment to manage the asynchronous download and installation of packages. If you just want to install a package synchronously, see appRunner.installPackage() for a simpler interface. To use this class, you should subclass from it and override any of the six callback methods: downloadStarted(), packageStarted(), packageProgress(), downloadProgress(), packageFinished(), downloadFinished(). Also see DWBPackageInstaller, which does exactly this, to add a DirectWaitBar GUI. """ notify = directNotify.newCategory("PackageInstaller") globalLock = Lock() nextUniqueId = 1 # This is a chain of state values progressing forward in time. S_initial = 0 # addPackage() calls are being made S_ready = 1 # donePackages() has been called S_started = 2 # download has started S_done = 3 # download is over class PendingPackage: """ This class describes a package added to the installer for download. """ notify = directNotify.newCategory("PendingPackage") def __init__(self, packageName, version, host): self.packageName = packageName self.version = version = host # This will be filled in properly by checkDescFile() or # getDescFile(); in the meantime, set a placeholder. self.package = PackageInfo(host, packageName, version) # Set true when the package has finished downloading, # either successfully or unsuccessfully. self.done = False # Set true or false when self.done has been set. self.success = False # Set true when the packageFinished() callback has been # delivered. self.notified = False # These are used to ensure the callbacks only get # delivered once for a particular package. self.calledPackageStarted = False self.calledPackageFinished = False # This is the amount of stuff we have to process to # install this package, and the amount of stuff we have # processed so far. "Stuff" includes bytes downloaded, # bytes uncompressed, and bytes extracted; and each of # which is weighted differently into one grand total. So, # the total doesn't really represent bytes; it's a # unitless number, which means something only as a ratio # to other packages. Filled in by checkDescFile() or # getDescFile(). self.downloadEffort = 0 # Similar, but this is the theoretical effort if the # package were already downloaded. self.prevDownloadedEffort = 0 def __cmp__(self, pp): """ Python comparision function. This makes all PendingPackages withe same (packageName, version, host) combination be deemed equivalent. """ return cmp((self.packageName, self.version,, (pp.packageName, pp.version, def getProgress(self): """ Returns the download progress of this package in the range 0..1. """ return self.package.downloadProgress def checkDescFile(self): """ Returns true if the desc file is already downloaded and good, or false if it needs to be downloaded. """ if not # If the contents file isn't ready yet, we can't check # the desc file yet. return False # All right, get the package info now. package =, self.version) if not package: self.notify.warning( "Package %s %s not known on %s" % (self.packageName, self.version, return False self.package = package self.package.checkStatus() if not self.package.hasDescFile: return False self.downloadEffort = self.package.getDownloadEffort() self.prevDownloadEffort = 0 if self.downloadEffort == 0: self.prevDownloadedEffort = self.package.getPrevDownloadedEffort( ) return True def getDescFile(self, http): """ Synchronously downloads the desc files required for the package. """ if not return False # All right, get the package info now. package =, self.version) if not package: self.notify.warning( "Package %s %s not known on %s" % (self.packageName, self.version, return False self.package = package if not self.package.downloadDescFile(http): return False self.package.checkStatus() self.downloadEffort = self.package.getDownloadEffort() self.prevDownloadEffort = 0 if self.downloadEffort == 0: self.prevDownloadedEffort = self.package.getPrevDownloadedEffort( ) return True def __init__(self, appRunner, taskChain='default'): self.globalLock.acquire() try: self.uniqueId = PackageInstaller.nextUniqueId PackageInstaller.nextUniqueId += 1 finally: self.globalLock.release() self.appRunner = appRunner self.taskChain = taskChain # If we're to be running on an asynchronous task chain, and # the task chain hasn't yet been set up already, create the # default parameters now. if taskChain != 'default' and not taskMgr.hasTaskChain(self.taskChain): taskMgr.setupTaskChain(self.taskChain, numThreads=1, threadPriority=TPLow) self.callbackLock = Lock() self.calledDownloadStarted = False self.calledDownloadFinished = False # A list of all packages that have been added to the # installer. self.packageLock = RLock() self.packages = [] self.state = self.S_initial # A list of packages that are waiting for their desc files. self.needsDescFile = [] self.descFileTask = None # A list of packages that are waiting to be downloaded and # installed. self.needsDownload = [] self.downloadTask = None # A list of packages that were already done at the time they # were passed to addPackage(). self.earlyDone = [] # A list of packages that have been successfully installed, or # packages that have failed. self.done = [] self.failed = [] # This task is spawned on the default task chain, to update # the status during the download. self.progressTask = None self.accept('PackageInstaller-%s-allHaveDesc' % self.uniqueId, self.__allHaveDesc) self.accept('PackageInstaller-%s-packageStarted' % self.uniqueId, self.__packageStarted) self.accept('PackageInstaller-%s-packageDone' % self.uniqueId, self.__packageDone) def destroy(self): """ Interrupts all pending downloads. No further callbacks will be made. """ self.cleanup() def cleanup(self): """ Interrupts all pending downloads. No further callbacks will be made. """ self.packageLock.acquire() try: if self.descFileTask: taskMgr.remove(self.descFileTask) self.descFileTask = None if self.downloadTask: taskMgr.remove(self.downloadTask) self.downloadTask = None finally: self.packageLock.release() if self.progressTask: taskMgr.remove(self.progressTask) self.progressTask = None self.ignoreAll() def addPackage(self, packageName, version=None, hostUrl=None): """ Adds the named package to the list of packages to be downloaded. Call donePackages() to finish the list. """ if self.state != self.S_initial: raise ValueError, 'addPackage called after donePackages' host = self.appRunner.getHostWithAlt(hostUrl) pp = self.PendingPackage(packageName, version, host) self.packageLock.acquire() try: self.__internalAddPackage(pp) finally: self.packageLock.release() def __internalAddPackage(self, pp): """ Adds the indicated "pending package" to the appropriate list(s) for downloading and installing. Assumes packageLock is already held.""" if pp in self.packages: # Already added. return self.packages.append(pp) # We always add the package to needsDescFile, even if we # already have its desc file; this guarantees that packages # are downloaded in the order they are added. self.needsDescFile.append(pp) if not self.descFileTask: self.descFileTask = taskMgr.add(self.__getDescFileTask, 'getDescFile', taskChain=self.taskChain) def donePackages(self): """ After calling addPackage() for each package to be installed, call donePackages() to mark the end of the list. This is necessary to determine what the complete set of packages is (and therefore how large the total download size is). None of the low-level callbacks will be made before this call. """ if self.state != self.S_initial: # We've already been here. return # Throw the messages for packages that were already done # before we started. for pp in self.earlyDone: self.__donePackage(pp, True) self.earlyDone = [] self.packageLock.acquire() try: if self.state != self.S_initial: return self.state = self.S_ready if not self.needsDescFile: # All package desc files are already available; so begin. self.__prepareToStart() finally: self.packageLock.release() if not self.packages: # Trivial no-op. self.__callDownloadFinished(True) def downloadStarted(self): """ This callback is made at some point after donePackages() is called; at the time of this callback, the total download size is known, and we can sensibly report progress through the whole. """"downloadStarted") def packageStarted(self, package): """ This callback is made for each package between downloadStarted() and downloadFinished() to indicate the start of a new package. """ self.notify.debug("packageStarted: %s" % (package.packageName)) def packageProgress(self, package, progress): """ This callback is made repeatedly between packageStarted() and packageFinished() to update the current progress on the indicated package only. The progress value ranges from 0 (beginning) to 1 (complete). """ self.notify.debug("packageProgress: %s %s" % (package.packageName, progress)) def downloadProgress(self, overallProgress): """ This callback is made repeatedly between downloadStarted() and downloadFinished() to update the current progress through all packages. The progress value ranges from 0 (beginning) to 1 (complete). """ self.notify.debug("downloadProgress: %s" % (overallProgress)) def packageFinished(self, package, success): """ This callback is made for each package between downloadStarted() and downloadFinished() to indicate that a package has finished downloading. If success is true, there were no problems and the package is now installed. If this package did not require downloading (because it was already downloaded), this callback will be made immediately, *without* a corresponding call to packageStarted(), and may even be made before downloadStarted(). """"packageFinished: %s %s" % (package.packageName, success)) def downloadFinished(self, success): """ This callback is made when all of the packages have been downloaded and installed (or there has been some failure). If all packages where successfully installed, success is True. If there were no packages that required downloading, this callback will be made immediately, *without* a corresponding call to downloadStarted(). """"downloadFinished: %s" % (success)) def __prepareToStart(self): """ This is called internally when transitioning from S_ready to S_started. It sets up whatever initial values are needed. Assumes self.packageLock is held. Returns False if there were no packages to download, and the state was therefore transitioned immediately to S_done. """ if not self.needsDownload: self.state = self.S_done return False self.state = self.S_started assert not self.downloadTask self.downloadTask = taskMgr.add(self.__downloadPackageTask, 'downloadPackage', taskChain=self.taskChain) assert not self.progressTask self.progressTask = taskMgr.add(self.__progressTask, 'packageProgress') return True def __allHaveDesc(self): """ This method is called internally when all of the pending packages have their desc info. """ working = True self.packageLock.acquire() try: if self.state == self.S_ready: # We've already called donePackages(), so move on now. working = self.__prepareToStart() finally: self.packageLock.release() if not working: self.__callDownloadFinished(True) def __packageStarted(self, pp): """ This method is called when a single package is beginning to download. """ self.__callDownloadStarted() self.__callPackageStarted(pp) def __packageDone(self, pp): """ This method is called when a single package has been downloaded and installed, or has failed. """ self.__callPackageFinished(pp, pp.success) pp.notified = True # See if there are more packages to go. success = True allDone = True self.packageLock.acquire() try: for pp in self.packages: if pp.notified: success = success and pp.success else: allDone = False finally: self.packageLock.release() if allDone: self.__callDownloadFinished(success) def __callPackageStarted(self, pp): """ Calls the packageStarted() callback for a particular package if it has not already been called, being careful to avoid race conditions. """ self.callbackLock.acquire() try: if not pp.calledPackageStarted: self.packageStarted(pp.package) self.packageProgress(pp.package, 0) pp.calledPackageStarted = True finally: self.callbackLock.release() def __callPackageFinished(self, pp, success): """ Calls the packageFinished() callback for a paricular package if it has not already been called, being careful to avoid race conditions. """ self.callbackLock.acquire() try: if not pp.calledPackageFinished: if success: self.packageProgress(pp.package, 1) self.packageFinished(pp.package, success) pp.calledPackageFinished = True finally: self.callbackLock.release() def __callDownloadStarted(self): """ Calls the downloadStarted() callback if it has not already been called, being careful to avoid race conditions. """ self.callbackLock.acquire() try: if not self.calledDownloadStarted: self.downloadStarted() self.downloadProgress(0) self.calledDownloadStarted = True finally: self.callbackLock.release() def __callDownloadFinished(self, success): """ Calls the downloadFinished() callback if it has not already been called, being careful to avoid race conditions. """ self.callbackLock.acquire() try: if not self.calledDownloadFinished: if success: self.downloadProgress(1) self.downloadFinished(success) self.calledDownloadFinished = True finally: self.callbackLock.release() def __getDescFileTask(self, task): """ This task runs on the aysynchronous task chain; each pass, it extracts one package from self.needsDescFile and downloads its desc file. On success, it adds the package to self.needsDownload. """ self.packageLock.acquire() try: # If we've finished all of the packages that need desc # files, stop the task. if not self.needsDescFile: self.descFileTask = None eventName = 'PackageInstaller-%s-allHaveDesc' % self.uniqueId messenger.send(eventName, taskChain='default') return task.done pp = self.needsDescFile[0] del self.needsDescFile[0] finally: self.packageLock.release() # Now serve this one package. if not pp.checkDescFile(): if not pp.getDescFile(self.appRunner.http): self.__donePackage(pp, False) return task.cont # This package is now ready to be downloaded. We always add # it to needsDownload, even if it's already downloaded, to # guarantee ordering of packages. self.packageLock.acquire() try: # Also add any packages required by this one. for packageName, version, host in pp.package.requires: pp2 = self.PendingPackage(packageName, version, host) self.__internalAddPackage(pp2) self.needsDownload.append(pp) finally: self.packageLock.release() return task.cont def __downloadPackageTask(self, task): """ This task runs on the aysynchronous task chain; each pass, it extracts one package from self.needsDownload and downloads it. """ while True: self.packageLock.acquire() try: # If we're done downloading, stop the task. if self.state == self.S_done or not self.needsDownload: self.downloadTask = None self.packageLock.release() yield task.done return assert self.state == self.S_started pp = self.needsDownload[0] del self.needsDownload[0] except: self.packageLock.release() raise self.packageLock.release() # Now serve this one package. eventName = 'PackageInstaller-%s-packageStarted' % self.uniqueId messenger.send(eventName, [pp], taskChain='default') if not pp.package.hasPackage: for token in pp.package.downloadPackageGenerator( self.appRunner.http): if token == pp.package.stepContinue: yield task.cont else: break if token != pp.package.stepComplete: pc = PStatCollector( ':App:PackageInstaller:donePackage:%s' % (pp.package.packageName)) pc.start() self.__donePackage(pp, False) pc.stop() yield task.cont continue # Successfully downloaded and installed. pc = PStatCollector(':App:PackageInstaller:donePackage:%s' % (pp.package.packageName)) pc.start() self.__donePackage(pp, True) pc.stop() # Continue the loop without yielding, so we pick up the # next package within this same frame. def __donePackage(self, pp, success): """ Marks the indicated package as done, either successfully or otherwise. """ assert not pp.done if success: pc = PStatCollector(':App:PackageInstaller:install:%s' % (pp.package.packageName)) pc.start() pp.package.installPackage(self.appRunner) pc.stop() self.packageLock.acquire() try: pp.done = True pp.success = success if success: self.done.append(pp) else: self.failed.append(pp) finally: self.packageLock.release() eventName = 'PackageInstaller-%s-packageDone' % self.uniqueId messenger.send(eventName, [pp], taskChain='default') def __progressTask(self, task): self.callbackLock.acquire() try: if not self.calledDownloadStarted: # We haven't yet officially started the download. return task.cont if self.calledDownloadFinished: # We've officially ended the download. self.progressTask = None return task.done downloadEffort = 0 currentDownloadSize = 0 for pp in self.packages: downloadEffort += pp.downloadEffort + pp.prevDownloadedEffort packageProgress = pp.getProgress() currentDownloadSize += pp.downloadEffort * packageProgress + pp.prevDownloadedEffort if pp.calledPackageStarted and not pp.calledPackageFinished: self.packageProgress(pp.package, packageProgress) if not downloadEffort: progress = 1 else: progress = float(currentDownloadSize) / float(downloadEffort) self.downloadProgress(progress) finally: self.callbackLock.release() return task.cont
class Messenger: notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory("Messenger") def __init__(self): """ One is keyed off the event name. It has the following structure: {event1: {object1: [method, extraArgs, persistent], object2: [method, extraArgs, persistent]}, event2: {object1: [method, extraArgs, persistent], object2: [method, extraArgs, persistent]}} This dictionary allow for efficient callbacks when the messenger hears an event. A second dictionary remembers which objects are accepting which events. This allows for efficient ignoreAll commands. Or, for an example with more real data: {'mouseDown': {avatar: [avatar.jump, [2.0], 1]}} """ # eventName->objMsgrId->callbackInfo self.__callbacks = {} # objMsgrId->set(eventName) self.__objectEvents = {} self._messengerIdGen = 0 # objMsgrId->listenerObject self._id2object = {} # A mapping of taskChain -> eventList, used for sending events # across task chains (and therefore across threads). self._eventQueuesByTaskChain = {} # This protects the data structures within this object from # multithreaded access. self.lock = Lock() if __debug__: self.__isWatching = 0 self.__watching = {} # I'd like this to be in the __debug__, but I fear that someone will # want this in a release build. If you're sure that that will not be # then please remove this comment and put the quiet/verbose stuff # under __debug__. self.quieting = { "NewFrame": 1, "avatarMoving": 1, "event-loop-done": 1, 'collisionLoopFinished': 1, } # see def quiet() def _getMessengerId(self, object): # TODO: allocate this id in DirectObject.__init__ and get derived # classes to call down (speed optimization, assuming objects # accept/ignore more than once over their lifetime) # get unique messenger id for this object # assumes lock is held. if not hasattr(object, '_MSGRmessengerId'): object._MSGRmessengerId = (object.__class__.__name__, self._messengerIdGen) self._messengerIdGen += 1 return object._MSGRmessengerId def _storeObject(self, object): # store reference-counted reference to object in case we need to # retrieve it later. assumes lock is held. id = self._getMessengerId(object) if id not in self._id2object: self._id2object[id] = [1, object] else: self._id2object[id][0] += 1 def _getObject(self, id): return self._id2object[id][1] def _getObjects(self): self.lock.acquire() try: objs = [] for refCount, obj in self._id2object.itervalues(): objs.append(obj) return objs finally: self.lock.release() def _getNumListeners(self, event): return len(self.__callbacks.get(event, {})) def _getEvents(self): return self.__callbacks.keys() def _releaseObject(self, object): # assumes lock is held. id = self._getMessengerId(object) if id in self._id2object: record = self._id2object[id] record[0] -= 1 if record[0] <= 0: del self._id2object[id] def accept(self, event, object, method, extraArgs=[], persistent=1): """ accept(self, string, DirectObject, Function, List, Boolean) Make this object accept this event. When the event is sent (using Messenger.send or from C++), method will be executed, optionally passing in extraArgs. If the persistent flag is set, it will continue to respond to this event, otherwise it will respond only once. """ notifyDebug = Messenger.notify.getDebug() if notifyDebug: Messenger.notify.debug( "object: %s (%s)\n accepting: %s\n method: %s\n extraArgs: %s\n persistent: %s" % (safeRepr(object), self._getMessengerId(object), event, safeRepr(method), safeRepr(extraArgs), persistent)) # Make sure that the method is callable assert hasattr( method, '__call__'), ("method not callable in accept (ignoring): %s %s" % (safeRepr(method), safeRepr(extraArgs))) # Make sure extraArgs is a list or tuple if not (isinstance(extraArgs, list) or isinstance(extraArgs, tuple) or isinstance(extraArgs, set)): raise TypeError, "A list is required as extraArgs argument" self.lock.acquire() try: acceptorDict = self.__callbacks.setdefault(event, {}) id = self._getMessengerId(object) # Make sure we are not inadvertently overwriting an existing event # on this particular object. if id in acceptorDict: # TODO: we're replacing the existing callback. should this be an error? if notifyDebug: oldMethod = acceptorDict[id][0] if oldMethod == method: self.notify.warning( "object: %s was already accepting: \"%s\" with same callback: %s()" % (object.__class__.__name__, safeRepr(event), method.__name__)) else: self.notify.warning( "object: %s accept: \"%s\" new callback: %s() supplanting old callback: %s()" % (object.__class__.__name__, safeRepr(event), method.__name__, oldMethod.__name__)) acceptorDict[id] = [method, extraArgs, persistent] # Remember that this object is listening for this event eventDict = self.__objectEvents.setdefault(id, {}) if event not in eventDict: self._storeObject(object) eventDict[event] = None finally: self.lock.release() def ignore(self, event, object): """ ignore(self, string, DirectObject) Make this object no longer respond to this event. It is safe to call even if it was not already accepting """ if Messenger.notify.getDebug(): Messenger.notify.debug( safeRepr(object) + ' (%s)\n now ignoring: ' % (self._getMessengerId(object), ) + safeRepr(event)) self.lock.acquire() try: id = self._getMessengerId(object) # Find the dictionary of all the objects accepting this event acceptorDict = self.__callbacks.get(event) # If this object is there, delete it from the dictionary if acceptorDict and id in acceptorDict: del acceptorDict[id] # If this dictionary is now empty, remove the event # entry from the Messenger alltogether if (len(acceptorDict) == 0): del self.__callbacks[event] # This object is no longer listening for this event eventDict = self.__objectEvents.get(id) if eventDict and event in eventDict: del eventDict[event] if (len(eventDict) == 0): del self.__objectEvents[id] self._releaseObject(object) finally: self.lock.release() def ignoreAll(self, object): """ Make this object no longer respond to any events it was accepting Useful for cleanup """ if Messenger.notify.getDebug(): Messenger.notify.debug( safeRepr(object) + ' (%s)\n now ignoring all events' % (self._getMessengerId(object), )) self.lock.acquire() try: id = self._getMessengerId(object) # Get the list of events this object is listening to eventDict = self.__objectEvents.get(id) if eventDict: for event in eventDict.keys(): # Find the dictionary of all the objects accepting this event acceptorDict = self.__callbacks.get(event) # If this object is there, delete it from the dictionary if acceptorDict and id in acceptorDict: del acceptorDict[id] # If this dictionary is now empty, remove the event # entry from the Messenger alltogether if (len(acceptorDict) == 0): del self.__callbacks[event] self._releaseObject(object) del self.__objectEvents[id] finally: self.lock.release() def getAllAccepting(self, object): """ Returns the list of all events accepted by the indicated object. """ self.lock.acquire() try: id = self._getMessengerId(object) # Get the list of events this object is listening to eventDict = self.__objectEvents.get(id) if eventDict: return eventDict.keys() return [] finally: self.lock.release() def isAccepting(self, event, object): """ isAccepting(self, string, DirectOject) Is this object accepting this event? """ self.lock.acquire() try: acceptorDict = self.__callbacks.get(event) id = self._getMessengerId(object) if acceptorDict and id in acceptorDict: # Found it, return true return 1 # If we looked in both dictionaries and made it here # that object must not be accepting that event. return 0 finally: self.lock.release() def whoAccepts(self, event): """ Return objects accepting the given event """ return self.__callbacks.get(event) def isIgnoring(self, event, object): """ isIgnorning(self, string, DirectObject) Is this object ignoring this event? """ return (not self.isAccepting(event, object)) def send(self, event, sentArgs=[], taskChain=None): """ Send this event, optionally passing in arguments event is usually a string. sentArgs is a list of any data that you want passed along to the handlers listening to this event. If taskChain is not None, it is the name of the task chain which should receive the event. If taskChain is None, the event is handled immediately. Setting a non-None taskChain will defer the event (possibly till next frame or even later) and create a new, temporary task within the named taskChain, but this is the only way to send an event across threads. """ if Messenger.notify.getDebug() and not self.quieting.get(event): assert Messenger.notify.debug( 'sent event: %s sentArgs = %s, taskChain = %s' % (event, sentArgs, taskChain)) self.lock.acquire() try: foundWatch = 0 if __debug__: if self.__isWatching: for i in self.__watching.keys(): if str(event).find(i) >= 0: foundWatch = 1 break acceptorDict = self.__callbacks.get(event) if not acceptorDict: if __debug__: if foundWatch: print "Messenger: \"%s\" was sent, but no function in Python listened." % ( event, ) return if taskChain: # Queue the event onto the indicated task chain. from direct.task.TaskManagerGlobal import taskMgr queue = self._eventQueuesByTaskChain.setdefault(taskChain, []) queue.append((acceptorDict, event, sentArgs, foundWatch)) if len(queue) == 1: # If this is the first (only) item on the queue, # spawn the task to empty it. taskMgr.add(self.__taskChainDispatch, name='Messenger-%s' % (taskChain), extraArgs=[taskChain], taskChain=taskChain, appendTask=True) else: # Handle the event immediately. self.__dispatch(acceptorDict, event, sentArgs, foundWatch) finally: self.lock.release() def __taskChainDispatch(self, taskChain, task): """ This task is spawned each time an event is sent across task chains. Its job is to empty the task events on the queue for this particular task chain. This guarantees that events are still delivered in the same order they were sent. """ while True: eventTuple = None self.lock.acquire() try: queue = self._eventQueuesByTaskChain.get(taskChain, None) if queue: eventTuple = queue[0] del queue[0] if not queue: # The queue is empty, we're done. if queue is not None: del self._eventQueuesByTaskChain[taskChain] if not eventTuple: # No event; we're done. return task.done self.__dispatch(*eventTuple) finally: self.lock.release() return task.done def __dispatch(self, acceptorDict, event, sentArgs, foundWatch): for id in acceptorDict.keys(): # We have to make this apparently redundant check, because # it is possible that one object removes its own hooks # in response to a handler called by a previous object. # # NOTE: there is no danger of skipping over objects due to # modifications to acceptorDict, since the above # iterates over a list of objects that is created once at # the start callInfo = acceptorDict.get(id) if callInfo: method, extraArgs, persistent = callInfo # If this object was only accepting this event once, # remove it from the dictionary if not persistent: # This object is no longer listening for this event eventDict = self.__objectEvents.get(id) if eventDict and event in eventDict: del eventDict[event] if (len(eventDict) == 0): del self.__objectEvents[id] self._releaseObject(self._getObject(id)) del acceptorDict[id] # If the dictionary at this event is now empty, remove # the event entry from the Messenger altogether if (event in self.__callbacks \ and (len(self.__callbacks[event]) == 0)): del self.__callbacks[event] if __debug__: if foundWatch: print "Messenger: \"%s\" --> %s%s" % ( event, self.__methodRepr(method), tuple(extraArgs + sentArgs)) #print "Messenger: \"%s\" --> %s%s"%( # event, # self.__methodRepr(method), # tuple(extraArgs + sentArgs)) # It is important to make the actual call here, after # we have cleaned up the accept hook, because the # method itself might call accept() or acceptOnce() # again. assert hasattr(method, '__call__') # Release the lock temporarily while we call the method. self.lock.release() try: method(*(extraArgs + sentArgs)) finally: self.lock.acquire() def clear(self): """ Start fresh with a clear dict """ self.lock.acquire() try: self.__callbacks.clear() self.__objectEvents.clear() self._id2object.clear() finally: self.lock.release() def isEmpty(self): return (len(self.__callbacks) == 0) def getEvents(self): return self.__callbacks.keys() def replaceMethod(self, oldMethod, newFunction): """ This is only used by - the module that lets you redefine functions with Control-c-Control-v """ import new retFlag = 0 for entry in self.__callbacks.items(): event, objectDict = entry for objectEntry in objectDict.items(): object, params = objectEntry method = params[0] if (type(method) == types.MethodType): function = method.im_func else: function = method #print ('function: ' + repr(function) + '\n' + # 'method: ' + repr(method) + '\n' + # 'oldMethod: ' + repr(oldMethod) + '\n' + # 'newFunction: ' + repr(newFunction) + '\n') if (function == oldMethod): newMethod = new.instancemethod(newFunction, method.im_self, method.im_class) params[0] = newMethod # Found it retrun true retFlag += 1 # didn't find that method, return false return retFlag def toggleVerbose(self): isVerbose = 1 - Messenger.notify.getDebug() Messenger.notify.setDebug(isVerbose) if isVerbose: print "Verbose mode true. quiet list = %s" % ( self.quieting.keys(), ) if __debug__: def watch(self, needle): """ return a matching event (needle) if found (in haystack). This is primarily a debugging tool. This is intended for debugging use only. This function is not defined if python is ran with -O (optimize). See Also: unwatch """ if not self.__watching.get(needle): self.__isWatching += 1 self.__watching[needle] = 1 def unwatch(self, needle): """ return a matching event (needle) if found (in haystack). This is primarily a debugging tool. This is intended for debugging use only. This function is not defined if python is ran with -O (optimize). See Also: watch """ if self.__watching.get(needle): self.__isWatching -= 1 del self.__watching[needle] def quiet(self, message): """ When verbose mode is on, don't spam the output with messages marked as quiet. This is primarily a debugging tool. This is intended for debugging use only. This function is not defined if python is ran with -O (optimize). See Also: unquiet """ if not self.quieting.get(message): self.quieting[message] = 1 def unquiet(self, message): """ Remove a message from the list of messages that are not reported in verbose mode. This is primarily a debugging tool. This is intended for debugging use only. This function is not defined if python is ran with -O (optimize). See Also: quiet """ if self.quieting.get(message): del self.quieting[message] def find(self, needle): """ return a matching event (needle) if found (in haystack). This is primarily a debugging tool. """ keys = self.__callbacks.keys() keys.sort() for event in keys: if repr(event).find(needle) >= 0: print self.__eventRepr(event), return {event: self.__callbacks[event]} def findAll(self, needle, limit=None): """ return a dict of events (needle) if found (in haystack). limit may be None or an integer (e.g. 1). This is primarily a debugging tool. """ matches = {} keys = self.__callbacks.keys() keys.sort() for event in keys: if repr(event).find(needle) >= 0: print self.__eventRepr(event), matches[event] = self.__callbacks[event] # if the limit is not None, decrement and # check for break: if limit > 0: limit -= 1 if limit == 0: break return matches def __methodRepr(self, method): """ return string version of class.method or method. """ if (type(method) == types.MethodType): functionName = method.im_class.__name__ + '.' + \ method.im_func.__name__ else: functionName = method.__name__ return functionName def __eventRepr(self, event): """ Compact version of event, acceptor pairs """ str = event.ljust(32) + '\t' acceptorDict = self.__callbacks[event] for key, (method, extraArgs, persistent) in acceptorDict.items(): str = str + self.__methodRepr(method) + ' ' str = str + '\n' return str def __repr__(self): """ Compact version of event, acceptor pairs """ str = "The messenger is currently handling:\n" + "=" * 64 + "\n" keys = self.__callbacks.keys() keys.sort() for event in keys: str += self.__eventRepr(event) # Print out the object: event dictionary too str += "=" * 64 + "\n" for key, eventDict in self.__objectEvents.items(): object = self._getObject(key) str += "%s:\n" % repr(object) for event in eventDict.keys(): str += " %s\n" % repr(event) str += "=" * 64 + "\n" + "End of messenger info.\n" return str def detailedRepr(self): """ Print out the table in a detailed readable format """ import types str = 'Messenger\n' str = str + '=' * 50 + '\n' keys = self.__callbacks.keys() keys.sort() for event in keys: acceptorDict = self.__callbacks[event] str = str + 'Event: ' + event + '\n' for key in acceptorDict.keys(): function, extraArgs, persistent = acceptorDict[key] object = self._getObject(key) if (type(object) == types.InstanceType): className = object.__class__.__name__ else: className = "Not a class" functionName = function.__name__ str = (str + '\t' + 'Acceptor: ' + className + ' instance' + '\n\t' + 'Function name:' + functionName + '\n\t' + 'Extra Args: ' + repr(extraArgs) + '\n\t' + 'Persistent: ' + repr(persistent) + '\n') # If this is a class method, get its actual function if (type(function) == types.MethodType): str = (str + '\t' + 'Method: ' + repr(function) + '\n\t' + 'Function: ' + repr(function.im_func) + '\n') else: str = (str + '\t' + 'Function: ' + repr(function) + '\n') str = str + '=' * 50 + '\n' return str
class StoryManager(SogalForm): """Story controller of Sogal Controls the whole story scene. Mainly for logic control And graphics is on other Attributes: gameTextBox: the current GameTextBox, useful for user scripting storyView: the current StoryView, useful for user scripting """ script_space = {} _currentDump = None __destroyed = False def __init__(self): self.step = 0 #shows how many commands line it had run self.scrStack = [] self.commandList = [] self.__currentPtr = None if not runtime_data.RuntimeData.command_ptr: self.nextPtr = 0 else: self.nextPtr = runtime_data.RuntimeData.command_ptr if not runtime_data.RuntimeData.command_stack: runtime_data.RuntimeData.command_stack = self.scrStack else: self.scrStack = runtime_data.RuntimeData.command_stack if not runtime_data.RuntimeData.command_list: runtime_data.RuntimeData.command_list = self.commandList else: self.commandList = runtime_data.RuntimeData.command_list self._frame = DirectFrame(parent = aspect2d) # @UndefinedVariable pydev在傲娇而已不用管 self._frame.setTransparency(TransparencyAttrib.MAlpha) self.storyView = StoryView() self.audioPlayer = base.audioPlayer # @UndefinedVariable pydev在傲娇而已不用管 = StoryMenuBar() self.gameTextBox = GameTextBox() self.textHistory = TextHistory() self.button_auto = = 'Auto',state = DGG.NORMAL,command = self.autoPlayButton) self.button_history = = 'History',state = DGG.NORMAL,command = self.showTextHistoryButton) self.button_skip = = 'Skip',state = DGG.DISABLED,command = self.startSkippingButton) self.button_lastchoice = = 'Last Choice',state = DGG.DISABLED,command = self.lastChoice) self.button_save = = 'Save',state = DGG.DISABLED, command = self.saveButton) self.button_load = = 'Load',state = DGG.NORMAL,command = self.loadButton) self.button_quicksave = = 'Quick Save',state = DGG.DISABLED,command = self.quickSaveButton) self.button_quickload = = 'Quick Load',state = DGG.DISABLED,command = self.quickLoadButton) self.button_config = = 'Options', state = DGG.NORMAL, command = self._configButton) self.button_title = = 'Title',state = DGG.NORMAL,command = self.returnToTitle) self._inputReady = True self.__arrow_shown = False self._choiceReady = True self._currentMessage = '' self.__currentSelection = None self.__finishing = False self.__lock = Lock() self.forcejump = False self.__autoInput = False self.__focused = False self.intervals = [] self.__skipping = False self.__autoplaying = False self.__autoInterval = None self.__autoplaystep = None self.mapScriptSpace() SogalForm.__init__(self) taskMgr.add(self.loopTask,'story_manager_loop',sort = 2,priority = 1) # @UndefinedVariable 傲娇的pydev……因为panda3D的"黑魔法"…… taskMgr.doMethodLater(runtime_data.game_settings['jump_span'],self.__jumpCheck,'story_jump_check', sort = 5, priority = 1) # @UndefinedVariable def focused(self): if not self.__focused: self.accept('mouse1', self.input, [1]) self.accept('enter', self.input, [1]) self.accept('mouse3', self.input, [3]) self.accept('wheel_up', self.showTextHistory) self.accept('escape', self.showMenu) self.accept('control',self.setForceJump, [True]) self.accept('control-up',self.setForceJump, [False]) SogalForm.focused(self) self.__focused = True def defocused(self): if self.__focused: self.ignore('mouse1') self.ignore('enter') self.ignore('mouse3') self.ignore('wheel_up') self.ignore('escape') self.ignore('control') self.ignore('control-up') self.setForceJump(False) SogalForm.defocused(self) self.__arrow_shown = False self.gameTextBox.hideArrow() self.__focused = False def destroy(self): self.__destroyed = True taskMgr.remove('story_manager_loop') # @UndefinedVariable taskMgr.remove('story_jump_check') # @UndefinedVariable if self._frame: self._frame.destroy() self._frame = None if self.__currentSelection: self.__currentSelection.destroy() self.gameTextBox.destroy() self.storyView.destroy() self.textHistory.destroy() SogalForm.destroy(self) def loopTask(self,task): ''' The task loop of StoryManager, trying to advance every task frame ''' if not self.__destroyed: if self.hasFocus(): self.forward(False) return task.cont else: return task.done def _enableSavingButton(self): self.button_save['state'] = DGG.NORMAL self.button_quicksave['state'] = DGG.NORMAL def _disableSavingButton(self): self.button_save['state'] = DGG.DISABLED self.button_quicksave['state'] = DGG.DISABLED def presave(self): if self.nextPtr is not None: runtime_data.RuntimeData.command_ptr = self.nextPtr self.gameTextBox.presave() self.storyView.presave() self.audioPlayer.presave() def reload(self): taskMgr.remove('storyManagerLoop') # @UndefinedVariable self.nextPtr = runtime_data.RuntimeData.command_ptr self.mapScriptSpace() self.gameTextBox.reload() self.storyView.reload() self.audioPlayer.reload() taskMgr.add(self.loopTask,'storyManagerLoop',sort = 2,priority = 1) # @UndefinedVariable 傲娇的pydev……因为panda3D的"黑魔法"…… def mapScriptSpace(self): if runtime_data.RuntimeData.script_space: #map script space self.script_space = runtime_data.RuntimeData.script_space else: runtime_data.RuntimeData.script_space = self.script_space script_global['goto'] = self.goto script_global['story_manager'] = self script_global['game_text_box'] = self.gameTextBox script_global['story_view'] = self.storyView script_global['audio_player'] = self.audioPlayer def quickfinish(self): self.__lock.acquire() if not self.__finishing: self.__finishing = True self.storyView.quickfinish() self.gameTextBox.quickFinish() for itv in self.intervals: itv.finish() self.__lock.release() def input(self,type = 1): self.stopSkipping() self.stopAutoPlaying() if not self.hasFocus(): return #left mouse button or enter key if type == 1 : if not self.getSceneReady(): self.quickfinish() else: self.setTextInputReady(True) #right mouse button elif type == 3: self.quickfinish() if self.getSceneReady(): def showMenu(self): self.stopSkipping() self.stopAutoPlaying() self.quickfinish() if self.getSceneReady() and not self.forcejump: def showTextHistory(self): if self.getSceneReady() and not self.forcejump: def saveButton(self): base.saveForm.setData(self._currentDump, self._currentMessage) def loadButton(self): def quickSaveButton(self): '''quicksave the data''' self.button_quicksave['state'] = DGG.DISABLED self.button_quickload['state'] = DGG.DISABLED if self._currentDump: messenger.send('quick_save', [self._currentDump,self._currentMessage]) def quickLoadButton(self): ConfirmDialog(text= '要读取吗?',command= self.__confirmedQuickLoad) def _configButton(self): messenger.send('config_form') def returnToTitle(self): ConfirmDialog(text= '回到标题界面?',command= self.__confirmedReturnToTitle) def __confirmedReturnToTitle(self): messenger.send('return_to_title') def showTextHistoryButton(self): self.showTextHistory() def startSkippingButton(self): self.startSkipping() def autoPlayButton(self): if self.__autoplaying: self.stopAutoPlaying() else: self.startAutoPlaying() def lastChoice(self): ConfirmDialog(text= '要回到上一个选择枝吗?',command= self.__confirmedLastChoice) def __confirmedQuickLoad(self): messenger.send('quick_load') # @UndefinedVariable def __confirmedLastChoice(self): if runtime_data.RuntimeData.last_choice: messenger.send('load_memory',[runtime_data.RuntimeData.last_choice]) # @UndefinedVariable def autoSave(self,info = ''): if not info: info = self._currentMessage messenger.send('auto_save',[self._currentDump,info]) def getSceneReady(self): '''Get if the scene is ready''' textbox_ready = False view_ready = False intervals_ready = True if not self.gameTextBox.getIsWaiting(): textbox_ready = True if not self.storyView.getIsWaiting(): view_ready = True for itv in self.intervals: if itv.isPlaying(): intervals_ready = False break scene_ready = textbox_ready and view_ready and intervals_ready if not scene_ready: return False #auto play span if scene_ready and self.__autoplaying: if self.__autoplaystep != self.step: self.__autoplaystep = self.step self.__autoInterval = Wait(runtime_data.game_settings['auto_span']) self.__autoInterval.start() scene_ready = False else: if self.__autoInterval.isPlaying(): scene_ready = False if self.audioPlayer.isVoicePlaying(): scene_ready = False return scene_ready def getInputReady(self): '''define is user's 'next' command given''' textinput_ready = self._inputReady or self.__autoInput choice_ready = self.getChoiceReady() if self.__autoInput: self.__autoInput = False if textinput_ready and choice_ready: return True return False def setTextInputReady(self, value): self._inputReady = value def getChoiceReady(self): return self._choiceReady def forward(self,is_user = False): '''run nextCommand() or finish current operations quickly @param is_user: define if this operation is started by the player ''' scene_ready = self.getSceneReady() if scene_ready and not self.__arrow_shown: self.gameTextBox.showArrow() self.__arrow_shown = False if scene_ready and self.getInputReady(): self.nextCommand() if self.forcejump or self.__skipping: self.quickfinish() def nextCommand(self): '''Process the next command in the non-processed queue ''' #TODO: 还要添加循环的支持,用到runtime_data.command_stack来暂存需要回跳的命令组和回跳节点 #TODO:添加对条件和选择的支持 self.__finishing = False self.__arrow_shown = False self.gameTextBox.hideArrow() #Dumps story data for saving or further use if self.__destroyed: return self.presave() self._currentDump = copy.deepcopy(runtime_data.RuntimeData) if self.nextPtr < 0: self.nextPtr = 0 self.__currentPtr = self.nextPtr self.nextPtr += 1 if not self.commandList: return if len(self.commandList) > self.__currentPtr: handled = False if self.commandList[self.__currentPtr].command: comline = self.commandList[self.__currentPtr].command.strip() if comline.startswith('mark ')or comline.startswith('mark:'): handled = True # 条件判断处理 If condition elif comline.startswith('if '): splited = space_cutter.split(comline, 1) if len(splited)<2: raise Exception('没条件玩毛线') if self.scriptEval(splited[1]): handled = True else: relative_depth = 0 #if not match the condition, try to jump to elif or else for i in range(self.__currentPtr+1,len(self.commandList)): cli = self.commandList[i] if cli.command: cl = cli.command.strip() else: continue #一个嵌套循环的情况! A inner if if cl.startswith('if '): relative_depth += 1 continue elif relative_depth == 0 and cl.startswith('elif '): splited = space_cutter.split(cl, 1) if len(splited)<2: raise Exception('没条件玩毛线') if self.scriptEval(splited[1]): self.nextPtr = i + 1 handled = True break else: continue elif relative_depth == 0 and cl == 'else': self.nextPtr = i + 1 handled = True break elif cl == 'end' or cl.startswith('end '): if relative_depth == 0: self.nextPtr = i + 1 handled = True break else: relative_depth -= 1 continue #if we meet else or elif then jump to end elif comline.startswith('elif ') or comline == 'else': relative_depth = 0 for i in range(self.__currentPtr+1,len(self.commandList)): cli = self.commandList[i] if cli.command: cl = cli.command.strip() else: continue if cl.startswith('if '): relative_depth += 1 continue elif cl == 'end' or cl.startswith('end '): if relative_depth == 0: self.nextPtr = i + 1 handled = True break else: relative_depth -= 1 continue #ignore end elif comline == 'end' or comline.startswith('end '): handled = True if not handled: self.processCommand(self.commandList[self.__currentPtr]) #self.scrPtr = self.scrPtr + 1 #runtime_data.RuntimeData.command_ptr = self.scrPtr if base.hasQuickData(): self.button_quickload['state'] = DGG.NORMAL if runtime_data.RuntimeData.last_choice: self.button_lastchoice['state'] = DGG.NORMAL if self._currentDump: self._enableSavingButton() self.step += 1 #mark step def goto(self, target): '''Jump to a mark''' for i in range(0, len(self.commandList)): if self.commandList[i].command: mark = mark_cutter.split(self.commandList[i].command , 1) if len(mark) > 1: markText = mark[1].strip() if markText == target: self.nextPtr = i #Solved: #this is not a good solution but this method runs at 'nextCommand', and ths scrPtr would plus 1 afterwards return safeprint('unable to find mark') def processCommand(self,command): '''Process a StoryCommand @param command: The StoryCommand to deal with ''' def seval(strs): return self.scriptEval(strs) #Mark read if not runtime_data.read_text.has_key(command.fileLoc): runtime_data.read_text[command.fileLoc] = {} if not runtime_data.read_text[command.fileLoc].has_key(command.index): already_read = False self.stopSkipping() else: already_read = True runtime_data.read_text[command.fileLoc][command.index] = True if already_read: self.button_skip['state'] = DGG.NORMAL else: self.button_skip['state'] = DGG.DISABLED self.storyView.clearQuickItems() #clear out quick items name = '' continuous = False is_script = False is_selection = False spaceCutter = space_cutter hidingtext = False voiceFlag = False #it will be True if voice is stopped in this line of command #used for disable cross voice of different command lines #but enable one command line with multiple voices autoSaving = False #Mark if autosaving is needed at the end of this step autoSavingInfo = '' #read command line if command.command: commands = command.command.split(',') comm = '' for item in commands: comm = item.strip() if comm: messenger.send('sogalcommand',[comm]) #allow other tools to deal with it @UndefinedVariable #名字设置命令 if comm.startswith('name ') or comm.startswith('name='): nameCutter = re.compile(ur'name *=?',re.UNICODE) name = nameCutter.split(comm,1)[1].strip() #改变文本框格式命令 elif comm.startswith('textboxstyle '): if self.gameTextBox: self.gameTextBox.setTextBoxStyle(spaceCutter.split(comm, 1)[1]) self.gameTextBox.applyStyle() #文本框分段命令 elif comm == 'p': if self.gameTextBox: self.gameTextBox.paragraphSparator() elif comm == 'c': continuous = True elif comm.startswith('wait '): temp = spaceCutter.split(comm,1) if len(temp) > 1: self.sceneWait(seval(temp[1])) #文本框属性设置命令 elif comm.startswith('textbox '): temp = spaceCutter.split(comm,2) if temp[1] == 'apply': self.gameTextBox.applyTextBoxProperties() elif len(temp)>=3: self.gameTextBox.setTextBoxProperty(temp[1],seval(temp[2])) else: safeprint('Not enough: ' + comm) #背景设置命令 elif comm.startswith('bg '): temp = spaceCutter.split(comm,2) if len(temp) >= 3: fadein = seval(temp[2]) else: fadein = 0 self.storyView.changeBackground(temp[1],fadein) #图片显示命令 elif comm.startswith('p '): temp = spaceCutter.split(comm,6) if len(temp) >= 7: fadein = seval(temp[6]) else: fadein = 0 if len(temp) >= 6: scale = seval(temp[5]) else: scale = 1 if len(temp) >= 5: location = (seval(temp[3]),0,seval(temp[4])) else: if self.storyView.itemEntries.has_key(temp[1]): location = self.storyView.itemEntries[temp[1]].pos else: location = (0,0,0) svie = StoryViewItemEntry(temp[1],temp[2],SVIC.FG,pos = location,scale = (scale,scale,scale),color = (1,1,1,1),fadein = fadein) self.storyView.newItem(svie) elif comm.startswith('del '): temp = spaceCutter.split(comm,2) if len(temp)>=3: self.storyView.deleteItem(temp[1], seval(temp[2])) else: self.storyView.deleteItem(temp[1]) elif comm.startswith('ploc '): temp = spaceCutter.split(comm,5) if len(temp) >= 5: location = (seval(temp[2]),seval(temp[3]),seval(temp[4])) else: location = (seval(temp[2]),0,seval(temp[3])) if len(temp) >= 6: fadein = seval(temp[5]) else: fadein = 0 self.storyView.changePosColorScale(temp[1], pos = location,time = fadein) elif comm.startswith('pcolor '): temp = spaceCutter.split(comm,6) color = (seval(temp[2]),seval(temp[3]),seval(temp[4]),seval(temp[5])) if len(temp) >= 7: fadein = seval(temp[6]) else: fadein = 0 self.storyView.changePosColorScale(temp[1], color = color, time = fadein) elif comm.startswith('pscale '): temp = spaceCutter.split(comm,5) if len(temp) >= 5: scale = (seval(temp[2]),seval(temp[3]),seval(temp[4])) else: scale = (seval(temp[2]),seval(temp[2]),seval(temp[2])) if len(temp) == 6: fadein = seval(temp[5]) elif len(temp) == 4: fadein = seval(temp[3]) else: fadein = 0 self.storyView.changePosColorScale(temp[1], scale = scale, time = fadein) elif comm.startswith('o3d '): temp = spaceCutter.split(comm) svie = StoryViewItemEntry(temp[1],temp[2],SVIC.O3D,pos = (seval(temp[3]),seval(temp[4]),seval(temp[5])) ,scale = (seval(temp[10]),seval(temp[11]),seval(temp[12])),color = (seval(temp[6]),seval(temp[7]),seval(temp[8]),seval(temp[9]))) self.storyView.newItem(svie) elif comm.startswith('o2d '): temp = spaceCutter.split(comm) svie = StoryViewItemEntry(temp[1],temp[2],SVIC.O2D,pos = (seval(temp[3]),seval(temp[4]),seval(temp[5])) ,scale = (seval(temp[10]),seval(temp[11]),seval(temp[12])),color = (seval(temp[6]),seval(temp[7]),seval(temp[8]),seval(temp[9]))) self.storyView.newItem(svie) elif comm.startswith('pa '): temp = spaceCutter.split(comm) if len(temp) >= 8: fadein = seval(temp[7]) else: fadein = 0 svie = StoryViewItemEntry(temp[1],temp[2],SVIC.AFG,pos = (seval(temp[3]),0,seval(temp[4])) ,scale = (seval(temp[5]),1,seval(temp[6])),fadein = fadein) self.storyView.newItem(svie) elif comm == 'clear': hidingtext = True self.storyView.clear() elif comm.startswith('clear '): hidingtext = True temp = spaceCutter.split(comm,2) if len(temp)>=3: self.storyView.clear(seval(temp[1]),temp[2]) elif len(temp)==2: self.storyView.clear(seval(temp[1])) else: self.storyView.clear() elif comm.startswith('delbg '): temp = spaceCutter.split(comm,1) if len('temp')>=2: self.storyView.deleteItem('__bg__', seval(temp[1])) else: self.storyView.deleteItem('__bg__') elif comm.startswith('qp '): temp = spaceCutter.split(comm,3) svie = StoryViewItemEntry('quickitem',temp[1],SVIC.FG, pos = (seval(temp[2]),0,seval(temp[3])), quickitem = True ) self.storyView.newItem(svie) elif comm.startswith('v '): if not voiceFlag: self.audioPlayer.stopVoice() voiceFlag = True temp = spaceCutter.split(comm , 2) if len(temp)>=3: volume = seval(temp[2]) else: volume = 1 self.audioPlayer.playVoice(temp[1],volume) elif comm.startswith('se '): temp = spaceCutter.split(comm , 2) if len(temp)>=3: volume = seval(temp[2]) else: volume = 1 self.audioPlayer.playSound(temp[1],volume) elif comm == 'vstop': self.audioPlayer.stopVoice() voiceFlag = True elif comm == 'sestop': self.audioPlayer.stopSound() elif comm.startswith('bgm '): temp = spaceCutter.split(comm , 4) if len(temp)>=3: fadein = seval(temp[2]) else: fadein = 0 if len(temp)>=4: volume = seval(temp[3]) else: volume = 1 if len(temp)>=5: loop = bool(seval(temp[4])) else: loop = True self.audioPlayer.playBGM(temp[1], fadein=fadein, volume=volume, loop=loop) elif comm.startswith('env '): temp = spaceCutter.split(comm , 4) if len(temp)>=3: fadein = seval(temp[2]) else: fadein = 0 if len(temp)>=4: volume = seval(temp[3]) else: volume = 1 if len(temp)>=5: loop = bool(seval(temp[4])) else: loop = True self.audioPlayer.playENV(temp[1], fadein=fadein, volume=volume, loop=loop) elif comm.startswith('bgmstop ') or comm == 'bgmstop': temp = spaceCutter.split(comm , 1) if len(temp)>=2: fadeout = seval(temp[1]) else: fadeout = 0 self.audioPlayer.stopBGM(fadeout) elif comm.startswith('envstop ') or comm == 'envstop': temp = spaceCutter.split(comm , 1) if len(temp)>=2: fadeout = seval(temp[1]) else: fadeout = 0 self.audioPlayer.stopENV(fadeout) elif comm.startswith('audiostop ') or comm == 'audiostop': temp = spaceCutter.split(comm , 1) if len(temp)>=2: fadeout = seval(temp[1]) else: fadeout = 0 self.audioPlayer.stopAll(fadeout) elif comm == 'script': is_script = True elif comm.startswith('script '): temp = spaceCutter.split(comm , 1) self.runScriptFile(temp[1]) elif comm == 'choice' or comm.startswith('choice '): ''' Selection ''' is_selection = True temp = spaceCutter.split(comm, 1) if len(temp) > 1: striped = temp[1].strip() if striped: self.pushText(text = striped, speaker = None, needInput = False, read = already_read) elif comm.startswith('jump '): temp = spaceCutter.split(comm , 1) self.beginScene(temp[1].strip()) elif comm.startswith('expand '): temp = spaceCutter.split(comm , 1) self.expandScene(temp[1].strip()) elif comm.startswith('goto '): temp = spaceCutter.split(comm , 1) self.goto(temp[1].strip()) elif comm.startswith('theme '): temp = spaceCutter.split(comm , 1) self.reloadTheme(temp[1].strip()) elif comm == 'autosave' or comm.startswith('autosave '): if self.step > 0: autoSaving = True temp = spaceCutter.split(comm , 1) if len(temp) > 1: autoSavingInfo = temp[1] else: if comm: safeprint('extra command: ' + comm) if command.text: if is_script: self.runScript(command.text) elif is_selection: ''' If encountered a selection ''' choiceList = [] enablesList = [] textlines = command.text.splitlines() for tl in textlines: if tl.startswith('--'): #--means disabled text = tl[2:] enablesList.append(False) else: text = tl enablesList.append(True) choiceList.append(text) self.showSelection(choiceList = choiceList, enablesList = enablesList) else: self.pushText(text = command.text, speaker = name, continuous = continuous, read = already_read) else: if hidingtext: self.gameTextBox.hide() #better to hide the textbox when 'vclear' if self.gameTextBox.newText: runtime_data.RuntimeData.latest_text = self.gameTextBox.newText if runtime_data.RuntimeData.latest_text: self._currentMessage = runtime_data.RuntimeData.latest_text #Autosave if autoSaving: if autoSavingInfo: self.autoSave(autoSavingInfo) else: self.autoSave() def pushText(self, text, speaker = None, continuous = False, needInput = True, read = False): def translate(t): ''' ,实现通配,__代替空行已经在一开始实现 ''' return t.replace(ur'\:', ur':').replace(ur'\:',ur':').replace(ur'\#',ur'#') #检查有无在文本中的name #name: formation checking textlines = text.splitlines() first_line = unicode(textlines[0]) #匹配第一行中是否有表示name的冒号,正则表达式表示前面不是\的冒号(@name 命令行的简写形式判断) pattern = re.compile(ur'(?<!\\)[:(:)]',re.UNICODE) splited = pattern.split(first_line,maxsplit = 1) #print(splited) #测试用,废弃 #如果存在name即分割成功 if len(splited)>1: speaker = translate(splited[0]).strip() if splited[1].strip(): textlines[0] = splited[1] else: textlines[0] = None final_text = '' #生成文本并解决转义符 #Generate the final text for item in textlines: if item: final_text += translate(item) + '\n' if final_text: self.textHistory.append(final_text, speaker, None) self.gameTextBox.pushText(text = final_text, speaker = speaker, continuous = continuous,read= read) if needInput: self._inputReady = False def runScript(self,pscriptText): exec(pscriptText,script_global,self.script_space) def runScriptFile(self,fileName): #'''note that would ignore panda virtual pathes''' pathes = runtime_data.game_settings['pscriptpathes'] types = runtime_data.game_settings['pscripttypes'] for ft in ((folder,type) for folder in pathes for type in types): if exists(ft[0] + fileName + ft[1]): handle = open(ft[0] + fileName + ft[1]) script = handle.close() break if script: self.runScript(script) else: safeprint("file not find: "+ fileName) def beginScene(self,fileName): '''Load target .sogal script file and go to that file. ''' self.nextPtr = 0 self.scrStack = [] #used for stack controller pointers self.commandList = loadScriptData(fileName) runtime_data.RuntimeData.command_stack = self.scrStack runtime_data.RuntimeData.command_list = self.commandList def expandScene(self,fileName): '''expand a scene, inserting another sogal file in to current point''' expanding = loadScriptData(fileName) if len(self.commandList)> self.__currentPtr+1: self.commandList = self.commandList[:self.__currentPtr] + expanding + self.commandList[self.__currentPtr+1:] else: self.commandList = self.commandList[:self.__currentPtr] + expanding runtime_data.RuntimeData.command_stack = self.scrStack runtime_data.RuntimeData.command_list = self.commandList self.nextPtr = self.__currentPtr #Solved: # this is not a good solution but this method runs at 'nextCommand', and ths scrPtr would plus 1 afterwards def showSelection(self,choiceList = ['A','B'],enablesList = None): '''This method shows a selection, which sets 'last_choice' in script space to player's choice. (0 is the first, 1 is the second etc.) you can disable some of the selections with enablesList for example for choiceList ['A','B','C'] and enablesList ''' #Store the last selection rdc = copy.deepcopy(self._currentDump) rdc.last_choice = None self.__tempDumpedLastChoice = pickle.dumps(rdc, 2) self._choiceReady = False startPos = (0,0,0.1 * len(choiceList)) frameSize = (-0.6,0.6,-0.05 - 0.1*len(choiceList), 0.1 + 0.1*len(choiceList)) buttonSize = (-0.5,0.5,-0.050,0.10) margin = 0.05 self.__currentSelection = SogalDialog(enableMask = False, fadeScreen= None, command = self.__selected, textList= choiceList, enablesList= enablesList, sortType= 1,noFocus = True, startPos = startPos,frameSize = frameSize,margin = margin, buttonSize = buttonSize) def __selected(self,choice): #Store the last selection if self.__tempDumpedLastChoice: runtime_data.RuntimeData.last_choice = self.__tempDumpedLastChoice self.script_space['last_choice'] = choice self._choiceReady = True def scriptEval(self,str): return eval(str,script_global,runtime_data.RuntimeData.script_space) def setForceJump(self,forcejump): if forcejump: if not self.forcejump: self.forcejump = True self.setTextInputReady(True) self.__skipping = False self.stopAutoPlaying() else: self.forcejump = False def __jumpCheck(self,task): if self.hasFocus(): if self.forcejump or self.__skipping or self.__autoplaying: self.__autoInput = True return task.again def sceneWait(self,time,hidetextbox = True): waitinterval = Wait(time) self.intervals.append(waitinterval) waitinterval.start() if hidetextbox: self.gameTextBox.hide() def reloadTheme(self,theme): base.setStyle(theme) self.textHistory.reloadTheme() self.gameTextBox.reloadTheme() def stopSkipping(self): self.__skipping = False if not self.forcejump: self.__autoInput = False def startSkipping(self): self.stopAutoPlaying() self.__skipping = True def startAutoPlaying(self): self.__skipping = False self.__autoplaying = True self.button_auto['text'] = 'Stop Auto' def stopAutoPlaying(self): self.__autoplaying = False if self.__autoInterval: self.__autoInterval.pause() self.button_auto['text'] = 'Auto'
class Messenger: notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory('Messenger') def __init__(self): self.__callbacks = {} self.__objectEvents = {} self._messengerIdGen = 0 self._id2object = {} self._eventQueuesByTaskChain = {} self.lock = Lock() self.quieting = { 'NewFrame': 1, 'avatarMoving': 1, 'event-loop-done': 1, 'collisionLoopFinished': 1 } def _getMessengerId(self, object): if not hasattr(object, '_MSGRmessengerId'): object._MSGRmessengerId = (object.__class__.__name__, self._messengerIdGen) self._messengerIdGen += 1 return object._MSGRmessengerId def _storeObject(self, object): id = self._getMessengerId(object) if id not in self._id2object: self._id2object[id] = [1, object] else: self._id2object[id][0] += 1 def _getObject(self, id): return self._id2object[id][1] def _getObjects(self): self.lock.acquire() try: objs = [] for refCount, obj in self._id2object.itervalues(): objs.append(obj) return objs finally: self.lock.release() def _getNumListeners(self, event): return len(self.__callbacks.get(event, {})) def _getEvents(self): return self.__callbacks.keys() def _releaseObject(self, object): id = self._getMessengerId(object) if id in self._id2object: record = self._id2object[id] record[0] -= 1 if record[0] <= 0: del self._id2object[id] def accept(self, event, object, method, extraArgs=[], persistent=1): notifyDebug = Messenger.notify.getDebug() if notifyDebug: Messenger.notify.debug( 'object: %s (%s)\n accepting: %s\n method: %s\n extraArgs: %s\n persistent: %s' % (safeRepr(object), self._getMessengerId(object), event, safeRepr(method), safeRepr(extraArgs), persistent)) if not (isinstance(extraArgs, list) or isinstance(extraArgs, tuple) or isinstance(extraArgs, set)): raise TypeError, 'A list is required as extraArgs argument' self.lock.acquire() try: acceptorDict = self.__callbacks.setdefault(event, {}) id = self._getMessengerId(object) if id in acceptorDict: if notifyDebug: oldMethod = acceptorDict[id][0] if oldMethod == method: self.notify.warning( 'object: %s was already accepting: "%s" with same callback: %s()' % (object.__class__.__name__, safeRepr(event), method.__name__)) else: self.notify.warning( 'object: %s accept: "%s" new callback: %s() supplanting old callback: %s()' % (object.__class__.__name__, safeRepr(event), method.__name__, oldMethod.__name__)) acceptorDict[id] = [method, extraArgs, persistent] eventDict = self.__objectEvents.setdefault(id, {}) if event not in eventDict: self._storeObject(object) eventDict[event] = None finally: self.lock.release() return def ignore(self, event, object): if Messenger.notify.getDebug(): Messenger.notify.debug( safeRepr(object) + ' (%s)\n now ignoring: ' % (self._getMessengerId(object), ) + safeRepr(event)) self.lock.acquire() try: id = self._getMessengerId(object) acceptorDict = self.__callbacks.get(event) if acceptorDict and id in acceptorDict: del acceptorDict[id] if len(acceptorDict) == 0: del self.__callbacks[event] eventDict = self.__objectEvents.get(id) if eventDict and event in eventDict: del eventDict[event] if len(eventDict) == 0: del self.__objectEvents[id] self._releaseObject(object) finally: self.lock.release() def ignoreAll(self, object): if Messenger.notify.getDebug(): Messenger.notify.debug( safeRepr(object) + ' (%s)\n now ignoring all events' % (self._getMessengerId(object), )) self.lock.acquire() try: id = self._getMessengerId(object) eventDict = self.__objectEvents.get(id) if eventDict: for event in eventDict.keys(): acceptorDict = self.__callbacks.get(event) if acceptorDict and id in acceptorDict: del acceptorDict[id] if len(acceptorDict) == 0: del self.__callbacks[event] self._releaseObject(object) del self.__objectEvents[id] finally: self.lock.release() def getAllAccepting(self, object): self.lock.acquire() try: id = self._getMessengerId(object) eventDict = self.__objectEvents.get(id) if eventDict: return eventDict.keys() return [] finally: self.lock.release() def isAccepting(self, event, object): self.lock.acquire() try: acceptorDict = self.__callbacks.get(event) id = self._getMessengerId(object) if acceptorDict and id in acceptorDict: return 1 return 0 finally: self.lock.release() def whoAccepts(self, event): return self.__callbacks.get(event) def isIgnoring(self, event, object): return not self.isAccepting(event, object) def send(self, event, sentArgs=[], taskChain=None): if Messenger.notify.getDebug() and not self.quieting.get(event): pass self.lock.acquire() try: foundWatch = 0 acceptorDict = self.__callbacks.get(event) if not acceptorDict: return if taskChain: from direct.task.TaskManagerGlobal import taskMgr queue = self._eventQueuesByTaskChain.setdefault(taskChain, []) queue.append((acceptorDict, event, sentArgs, foundWatch)) if len(queue) == 1: taskMgr.add(self.__taskChainDispatch, name='Messenger-%s' % taskChain, extraArgs=[taskChain], taskChain=taskChain, appendTask=True) else: self.__dispatch(acceptorDict, event, sentArgs, foundWatch) finally: self.lock.release() def __taskChainDispatch(self, taskChain, task): while True: eventTuple = None self.lock.acquire() try: queue = self._eventQueuesByTaskChain.get(taskChain, None) if queue: eventTuple = queue[0] del queue[0] if not queue: if queue is not None: del self._eventQueuesByTaskChain[taskChain] if not eventTuple: return task.done self.__dispatch(*eventTuple) finally: self.lock.release() return task.done def __dispatch(self, acceptorDict, event, sentArgs, foundWatch): for id in acceptorDict.keys(): callInfo = acceptorDict.get(id) if callInfo: method, extraArgs, persistent = callInfo if not persistent: eventDict = self.__objectEvents.get(id) if eventDict and event in eventDict: del eventDict[event] if len(eventDict) == 0: del self.__objectEvents[id] self._releaseObject(self._getObject(id)) del acceptorDict[id] if event in self.__callbacks and len( self.__callbacks[event]) == 0: del self.__callbacks[event] self.lock.release() try: method(*(extraArgs + sentArgs)) finally: self.lock.acquire() def clear(self): self.lock.acquire() try: self.__callbacks.clear() self.__objectEvents.clear() self._id2object.clear() finally: self.lock.release() def isEmpty(self): return len(self.__callbacks) == 0 def getEvents(self): return self.__callbacks.keys() def replaceMethod(self, oldMethod, newFunction): retFlag = 0 for entry in self.__callbacks.items(): event, objectDict = entry for objectEntry in objectDict.items(): object, params = objectEntry method = params[0] if type(method) == types.MethodType: function = method.im_func else: function = method if function == oldMethod: newMethod = types.MethodType(newFunction, method.im_self, method.im_class) params[0] = newMethod retFlag += 1 return retFlag def toggleVerbose(self): isVerbose = 1 - Messenger.notify.getDebug() Messenger.notify.setDebug(isVerbose) if isVerbose: print 'Verbose mode true. quiet list = %s' % ( self.quieting.keys(), ) def find(self, needle): keys = self.__callbacks.keys() keys.sort() for event in keys: if repr(event).find(needle) >= 0: print self.__eventRepr(event), return {event: self.__callbacks[event]} def findAll(self, needle, limit=None): matches = {} keys = self.__callbacks.keys() keys.sort() for event in keys: if repr(event).find(needle) >= 0: print self.__eventRepr(event), matches[event] = self.__callbacks[event] if limit > 0: limit -= 1 if limit == 0: break return matches def __methodRepr(self, method): if type(method) == types.MethodType: functionName = method.im_class.__name__ + '.' + method.im_func.__name__ else: if hasattr(method, '__name__'): functionName = method.__name__ else: return '' return functionName def __eventRepr(self, event): str = event.ljust(32) + '\t' acceptorDict = self.__callbacks[event] for key, (method, extraArgs, persistent) in acceptorDict.items(): str = str + self.__methodRepr(method) + ' ' str = str + '\n' return str def __repr__(self): str = 'The messenger is currently handling:\n' + '=' * 64 + '\n' keys = self.__callbacks.keys() keys.sort() for event in keys: str += self.__eventRepr(event) str += '=' * 64 + '\n' for key, eventDict in self.__objectEvents.items(): object = self._getObject(key) str += '%s:\n' % repr(object) for event in eventDict.keys(): str += ' %s\n' % repr(event) str += '=' * 64 + '\n' + 'End of messenger info.\n' return str def detailedRepr(self): import types str = 'Messenger\n' str = str + '=' * 50 + '\n' keys = self.__callbacks.keys() keys.sort() for event in keys: acceptorDict = self.__callbacks[event] str = str + 'Event: ' + event + '\n' for key in acceptorDict.keys(): function, extraArgs, persistent = acceptorDict[key] object = self._getObject(key) if type(object) == types.InstanceType: className = object.__class__.__name__ else: className = 'Not a class' functionName = function.__name__ str = str + '\t' + 'Acceptor: ' + className + ' instance' + '\n\t' + 'Function name:' + functionName + '\n\t' + 'Extra Args: ' + repr( extraArgs) + '\n\t' + 'Persistent: ' + repr( persistent) + '\n' if type(function) == types.MethodType: str = str + '\t' + 'Method: ' + repr( function) + '\n\t' + 'Function: ' + repr( function.im_func) + '\n' else: str = str + '\t' + 'Function: ' + repr(function) + '\n' str = str + '=' * 50 + '\n' return str
class PackageInstaller(DirectObject): """ This class is used in a p3d runtime environment to manage the asynchronous download and installation of packages. If you just want to install a package synchronously, see appRunner.installPackage() for a simpler interface. To use this class, you should subclass from it and override any of the six callback methods: downloadStarted(), packageStarted(), packageProgress(), downloadProgress(), packageFinished(), downloadFinished(). Also see DWBPackageInstaller, which does exactly this, to add a DirectWaitBar GUI. """ notify = directNotify.newCategory("PackageInstaller") globalLock = Lock() nextUniqueId = 1 # This is a chain of state values progressing forward in time. S_initial = 0 # addPackage() calls are being made S_ready = 1 # donePackages() has been called S_started = 2 # download has started S_done = 3 # download is over class PendingPackage: """ This class describes a package added to the installer for download. """ notify = directNotify.newCategory("PendingPackage") def __init__(self, packageName, version, host): self.packageName = packageName self.version = version = host # This will be filled in properly by checkDescFile() or # getDescFile(); in the meantime, set a placeholder. self.package = PackageInfo(host, packageName, version) # Set true when the package has finished downloading, # either successfully or unsuccessfully. self.done = False # Set true or false when self.done has been set. self.success = False # Set true when the packageFinished() callback has been # delivered. self.notified = False # These are used to ensure the callbacks only get # delivered once for a particular package. self.calledPackageStarted = False self.calledPackageFinished = False # This is the amount of stuff we have to process to # install this package, and the amount of stuff we have # processed so far. "Stuff" includes bytes downloaded, # bytes uncompressed, and bytes extracted; and each of # which is weighted differently into one grand total. So, # the total doesn't really represent bytes; it's a # unitless number, which means something only as a ratio # to other packages. Filled in by checkDescFile() or # getDescFile(). self.downloadEffort = 0 # Similar, but this is the theoretical effort if the # package were already downloaded. self.prevDownloadedEffort = 0 def __cmp__(self, pp): """ Python comparision function. This makes all PendingPackages withe same (packageName, version, host) combination be deemed equivalent. """ return cmp((self.packageName, self.version,, (pp.packageName, pp.version, def getProgress(self): """ Returns the download progress of this package in the range 0..1. """ return self.package.downloadProgress def checkDescFile(self): """ Returns true if the desc file is already downloaded and good, or false if it needs to be downloaded. """ if not # If the contents file isn't ready yet, we can't check # the desc file yet. return False # All right, get the package info now. package =, self.version) if not package: self.notify.warning("Package %s %s not known on %s" % ( self.packageName, self.version, return False self.package = package self.package.checkStatus() if not self.package.hasDescFile: return False self.downloadEffort = self.package.getDownloadEffort() self.prevDownloadEffort = 0 if self.downloadEffort == 0: self.prevDownloadedEffort = self.package.getPrevDownloadedEffort() return True def getDescFile(self, http): """ Synchronously downloads the desc files required for the package. """ if not return False # All right, get the package info now. package =, self.version) if not package: self.notify.warning("Package %s %s not known on %s" % ( self.packageName, self.version, return False self.package = package if not self.package.downloadDescFile(http): return False self.package.checkStatus() self.downloadEffort = self.package.getDownloadEffort() self.prevDownloadEffort = 0 if self.downloadEffort == 0: self.prevDownloadedEffort = self.package.getPrevDownloadedEffort() return True def __init__(self, appRunner, taskChain = 'default'): self.globalLock.acquire() try: self.uniqueId = PackageInstaller.nextUniqueId PackageInstaller.nextUniqueId += 1 finally: self.globalLock.release() self.appRunner = appRunner self.taskChain = taskChain # If we're to be running on an asynchronous task chain, and # the task chain hasn't yet been set up already, create the # default parameters now. if taskChain != 'default' and not taskMgr.hasTaskChain(self.taskChain): taskMgr.setupTaskChain(self.taskChain, numThreads = 1, threadPriority = TPLow) self.callbackLock = Lock() self.calledDownloadStarted = False self.calledDownloadFinished = False # A list of all packages that have been added to the # installer. self.packageLock = RLock() self.packages = [] self.state = self.S_initial # A list of packages that are waiting for their desc files. self.needsDescFile = [] self.descFileTask = None # A list of packages that are waiting to be downloaded and # installed. self.needsDownload = [] self.downloadTask = None # A list of packages that were already done at the time they # were passed to addPackage(). self.earlyDone = [] # A list of packages that have been successfully installed, or # packages that have failed. self.done = [] self.failed = [] # This task is spawned on the default task chain, to update # the status during the download. self.progressTask = None self.accept('PackageInstaller-%s-allHaveDesc' % self.uniqueId, self.__allHaveDesc) self.accept('PackageInstaller-%s-packageStarted' % self.uniqueId, self.__packageStarted) self.accept('PackageInstaller-%s-packageDone' % self.uniqueId, self.__packageDone) def destroy(self): """ Interrupts all pending downloads. No further callbacks will be made. """ self.cleanup() def cleanup(self): """ Interrupts all pending downloads. No further callbacks will be made. """ self.packageLock.acquire() try: if self.descFileTask: taskMgr.remove(self.descFileTask) self.descFileTask = None if self.downloadTask: taskMgr.remove(self.downloadTask) self.downloadTask = None finally: self.packageLock.release() if self.progressTask: taskMgr.remove(self.progressTask) self.progressTask = None self.ignoreAll() def addPackage(self, packageName, version = None, hostUrl = None): """ Adds the named package to the list of packages to be downloaded. Call donePackages() to finish the list. """ if self.state != self.S_initial: raise ValueError, 'addPackage called after donePackages' host = self.appRunner.getHostWithAlt(hostUrl) pp = self.PendingPackage(packageName, version, host) self.packageLock.acquire() try: self.__internalAddPackage(pp) finally: self.packageLock.release() def __internalAddPackage(self, pp): """ Adds the indicated "pending package" to the appropriate list(s) for downloading and installing. Assumes packageLock is already held.""" if pp in self.packages: # Already added. return self.packages.append(pp) # We always add the package to needsDescFile, even if we # already have its desc file; this guarantees that packages # are downloaded in the order they are added. self.needsDescFile.append(pp) if not self.descFileTask: self.descFileTask = taskMgr.add( self.__getDescFileTask, 'getDescFile', taskChain = self.taskChain) def donePackages(self): """ After calling addPackage() for each package to be installed, call donePackages() to mark the end of the list. This is necessary to determine what the complete set of packages is (and therefore how large the total download size is). None of the low-level callbacks will be made before this call. """ if self.state != self.S_initial: # We've already been here. return # Throw the messages for packages that were already done # before we started. for pp in self.earlyDone: self.__donePackage(pp, True) self.earlyDone = [] self.packageLock.acquire() try: if self.state != self.S_initial: return self.state = self.S_ready if not self.needsDescFile: # All package desc files are already available; so begin. self.__prepareToStart() finally: self.packageLock.release() if not self.packages: # Trivial no-op. self.__callDownloadFinished(True) def downloadStarted(self): """ This callback is made at some point after donePackages() is called; at the time of this callback, the total download size is known, and we can sensibly report progress through the whole. """"downloadStarted") def packageStarted(self, package): """ This callback is made for each package between downloadStarted() and downloadFinished() to indicate the start of a new package. """ self.notify.debug("packageStarted: %s" % (package.packageName)) def packageProgress(self, package, progress): """ This callback is made repeatedly between packageStarted() and packageFinished() to update the current progress on the indicated package only. The progress value ranges from 0 (beginning) to 1 (complete). """ self.notify.debug("packageProgress: %s %s" % (package.packageName, progress)) def downloadProgress(self, overallProgress): """ This callback is made repeatedly between downloadStarted() and downloadFinished() to update the current progress through all packages. The progress value ranges from 0 (beginning) to 1 (complete). """ self.notify.debug("downloadProgress: %s" % (overallProgress)) def packageFinished(self, package, success): """ This callback is made for each package between downloadStarted() and downloadFinished() to indicate that a package has finished downloading. If success is true, there were no problems and the package is now installed. If this package did not require downloading (because it was already downloaded), this callback will be made immediately, *without* a corresponding call to packageStarted(), and may even be made before downloadStarted(). """"packageFinished: %s %s" % (package.packageName, success)) def downloadFinished(self, success): """ This callback is made when all of the packages have been downloaded and installed (or there has been some failure). If all packages where successfully installed, success is True. If there were no packages that required downloading, this callback will be made immediately, *without* a corresponding call to downloadStarted(). """"downloadFinished: %s" % (success)) def __prepareToStart(self): """ This is called internally when transitioning from S_ready to S_started. It sets up whatever initial values are needed. Assumes self.packageLock is held. Returns False if there were no packages to download, and the state was therefore transitioned immediately to S_done. """ if not self.needsDownload: self.state = self.S_done return False self.state = self.S_started assert not self.downloadTask self.downloadTask = taskMgr.add( self.__downloadPackageTask, 'downloadPackage', taskChain = self.taskChain) assert not self.progressTask self.progressTask = taskMgr.add( self.__progressTask, 'packageProgress') return True def __allHaveDesc(self): """ This method is called internally when all of the pending packages have their desc info. """ working = True self.packageLock.acquire() try: if self.state == self.S_ready: # We've already called donePackages(), so move on now. working = self.__prepareToStart() finally: self.packageLock.release() if not working: self.__callDownloadFinished(True) def __packageStarted(self, pp): """ This method is called when a single package is beginning to download. """ self.__callDownloadStarted() self.__callPackageStarted(pp) def __packageDone(self, pp): """ This method is called when a single package has been downloaded and installed, or has failed. """ self.__callPackageFinished(pp, pp.success) pp.notified = True # See if there are more packages to go. success = True allDone = True self.packageLock.acquire() try: for pp in self.packages: if pp.notified: success = success and pp.success else: allDone = False finally: self.packageLock.release() if allDone: self.__callDownloadFinished(success) def __callPackageStarted(self, pp): """ Calls the packageStarted() callback for a particular package if it has not already been called, being careful to avoid race conditions. """ self.callbackLock.acquire() try: if not pp.calledPackageStarted: self.packageStarted(pp.package) self.packageProgress(pp.package, 0) pp.calledPackageStarted = True finally: self.callbackLock.release() def __callPackageFinished(self, pp, success): """ Calls the packageFinished() callback for a paricular package if it has not already been called, being careful to avoid race conditions. """ self.callbackLock.acquire() try: if not pp.calledPackageFinished: if success: self.packageProgress(pp.package, 1) self.packageFinished(pp.package, success) pp.calledPackageFinished = True finally: self.callbackLock.release() def __callDownloadStarted(self): """ Calls the downloadStarted() callback if it has not already been called, being careful to avoid race conditions. """ self.callbackLock.acquire() try: if not self.calledDownloadStarted: self.downloadStarted() self.downloadProgress(0) self.calledDownloadStarted = True finally: self.callbackLock.release() def __callDownloadFinished(self, success): """ Calls the downloadFinished() callback if it has not already been called, being careful to avoid race conditions. """ self.callbackLock.acquire() try: if not self.calledDownloadFinished: if success: self.downloadProgress(1) self.downloadFinished(success) self.calledDownloadFinished = True finally: self.callbackLock.release() def __getDescFileTask(self, task): """ This task runs on the aysynchronous task chain; each pass, it extracts one package from self.needsDescFile and downloads its desc file. On success, it adds the package to self.needsDownload. """ self.packageLock.acquire() try: # If we've finished all of the packages that need desc # files, stop the task. if not self.needsDescFile: self.descFileTask = None eventName = 'PackageInstaller-%s-allHaveDesc' % self.uniqueId messenger.send(eventName, taskChain = 'default') return task.done pp = self.needsDescFile[0] del self.needsDescFile[0] finally: self.packageLock.release() # Now serve this one package. if not pp.checkDescFile(): if not pp.getDescFile(self.appRunner.http): self.__donePackage(pp, False) return task.cont # This package is now ready to be downloaded. We always add # it to needsDownload, even if it's already downloaded, to # guarantee ordering of packages. self.packageLock.acquire() try: # Also add any packages required by this one. for packageName, version, host in pp.package.requires: pp2 = self.PendingPackage(packageName, version, host) self.__internalAddPackage(pp2) self.needsDownload.append(pp) finally: self.packageLock.release() return task.cont def __downloadPackageTask(self, task): """ This task runs on the aysynchronous task chain; each pass, it extracts one package from self.needsDownload and downloads it. """ while True: self.packageLock.acquire() try: # If we're done downloading, stop the task. if self.state == self.S_done or not self.needsDownload: self.downloadTask = None self.packageLock.release() yield task.done; return assert self.state == self.S_started pp = self.needsDownload[0] del self.needsDownload[0] except: self.packageLock.release() raise self.packageLock.release() # Now serve this one package. eventName = 'PackageInstaller-%s-packageStarted' % self.uniqueId messenger.send(eventName, [pp], taskChain = 'default') if not pp.package.hasPackage: for token in pp.package.downloadPackageGenerator(self.appRunner.http): if token == pp.package.stepContinue: yield task.cont else: break if token != pp.package.stepComplete: pc = PStatCollector(':App:PackageInstaller:donePackage:%s' % (pp.package.packageName)) pc.start() self.__donePackage(pp, False) pc.stop() yield task.cont continue # Successfully downloaded and installed. pc = PStatCollector(':App:PackageInstaller:donePackage:%s' % (pp.package.packageName)) pc.start() self.__donePackage(pp, True) pc.stop() # Continue the loop without yielding, so we pick up the # next package within this same frame. def __donePackage(self, pp, success): """ Marks the indicated package as done, either successfully or otherwise. """ assert not pp.done if success: pc = PStatCollector(':App:PackageInstaller:install:%s' % (pp.package.packageName)) pc.start() pp.package.installPackage(self.appRunner) pc.stop() self.packageLock.acquire() try: pp.done = True pp.success = success if success: self.done.append(pp) else: self.failed.append(pp) finally: self.packageLock.release() eventName = 'PackageInstaller-%s-packageDone' % self.uniqueId messenger.send(eventName, [pp], taskChain = 'default') def __progressTask(self, task): self.callbackLock.acquire() try: if not self.calledDownloadStarted: # We haven't yet officially started the download. return task.cont if self.calledDownloadFinished: # We've officially ended the download. self.progressTask = None return task.done downloadEffort = 0 currentDownloadSize = 0 for pp in self.packages: downloadEffort += pp.downloadEffort + pp.prevDownloadedEffort packageProgress = pp.getProgress() currentDownloadSize += pp.downloadEffort * packageProgress + pp.prevDownloadedEffort if pp.calledPackageStarted and not pp.calledPackageFinished: self.packageProgress(pp.package, packageProgress) if not downloadEffort: progress = 1 else: progress = float(currentDownloadSize) / float(downloadEffort) self.downloadProgress(progress) finally: self.callbackLock.release() return task.cont
class Messenger: notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory("Messenger") def __init__(self): """ One is keyed off the event name. It has the following structure: {event1: {object1: [method, extraArgs, persistent], object2: [method, extraArgs, persistent]}, event2: {object1: [method, extraArgs, persistent], object2: [method, extraArgs, persistent]}} This dictionary allow for efficient callbacks when the messenger hears an event. A second dictionary remembers which objects are accepting which events. This allows for efficient ignoreAll commands. Or, for an example with more real data: {'mouseDown': {avatar: [avatar.jump, [2.0], 1]}} """ # eventName->objMsgrId->callbackInfo self.__callbacks = {} # objMsgrId->set(eventName) self.__objectEvents = {} self._messengerIdGen = 0 # objMsgrId->listenerObject self._id2object = {} # A mapping of taskChain -> eventList, used for sending events # across task chains (and therefore across threads). self._eventQueuesByTaskChain = {} # This protects the data structures within this object from # multithreaded access. self.lock = Lock() if __debug__: self.__isWatching=0 self.__watching={} # I'd like this to be in the __debug__, but I fear that someone will # want this in a release build. If you're sure that that will not be # then please remove this comment and put the quiet/verbose stuff # under __debug__. self.quieting={"NewFrame":1, "avatarMoving":1, "event-loop-done":1, 'collisionLoopFinished':1, } # see def quiet() def _getMessengerId(self, object): # TODO: allocate this id in DirectObject.__init__ and get derived # classes to call down (speed optimization, assuming objects # accept/ignore more than once over their lifetime) # get unique messenger id for this object # assumes lock is held. if not hasattr(object, '_MSGRmessengerId'): object._MSGRmessengerId = (object.__class__.__name__, self._messengerIdGen) self._messengerIdGen += 1 return object._MSGRmessengerId def _storeObject(self, object): # store reference-counted reference to object in case we need to # retrieve it later. assumes lock is held. id = self._getMessengerId(object) if id not in self._id2object: self._id2object[id] = [1, object] else: self._id2object[id][0] += 1 def _getObject(self, id): return self._id2object[id][1] def _getObjects(self): self.lock.acquire() try: objs = [] for refCount, obj in self._id2object.values(): objs.append(obj) return objs finally: self.lock.release() def _getNumListeners(self, event): return len(self.__callbacks.get(event, {})) def _getEvents(self): return list(self.__callbacks.keys()) def _releaseObject(self, object): # assumes lock is held. id = self._getMessengerId(object) if id in self._id2object: record = self._id2object[id] record[0] -= 1 if record[0] <= 0: del self._id2object[id] def accept(self, event, object, method, extraArgs=[], persistent=1): """ accept(self, string, DirectObject, Function, List, Boolean) Make this object accept this event. When the event is sent (using Messenger.send or from C++), method will be executed, optionally passing in extraArgs. If the persistent flag is set, it will continue to respond to this event, otherwise it will respond only once. """ notifyDebug = Messenger.notify.getDebug() if notifyDebug: Messenger.notify.debug( "object: %s (%s)\n accepting: %s\n method: %s\n extraArgs: %s\n persistent: %s" % (safeRepr(object), self._getMessengerId(object), event, safeRepr(method), safeRepr(extraArgs), persistent)) # Make sure that the method is callable assert hasattr(method, '__call__'), ( "method not callable in accept (ignoring): %s %s"% (safeRepr(method), safeRepr(extraArgs))) # Make sure extraArgs is a list or tuple if not (isinstance(extraArgs, list) or isinstance(extraArgs, tuple) or isinstance(extraArgs, set)): raise TypeError("A list is required as extraArgs argument") self.lock.acquire() try: acceptorDict = self.__callbacks.setdefault(event, {}) id = self._getMessengerId(object) # Make sure we are not inadvertently overwriting an existing event # on this particular object. if id in acceptorDict: # TODO: we're replacing the existing callback. should this be an error? if notifyDebug: oldMethod = acceptorDict[id][0] if oldMethod == method: self.notify.warning( "object: %s was already accepting: \"%s\" with same callback: %s()" % (object.__class__.__name__, safeRepr(event), method.__name__)) else: self.notify.warning( "object: %s accept: \"%s\" new callback: %s() supplanting old callback: %s()" % (object.__class__.__name__, safeRepr(event), method.__name__, oldMethod.__name__)) acceptorDict[id] = [method, extraArgs, persistent] # Remember that this object is listening for this event eventDict = self.__objectEvents.setdefault(id, {}) if event not in eventDict: self._storeObject(object) eventDict[event] = None finally: self.lock.release() def ignore(self, event, object): """ ignore(self, string, DirectObject) Make this object no longer respond to this event. It is safe to call even if it was not already accepting """ if Messenger.notify.getDebug(): Messenger.notify.debug( safeRepr(object) + ' (%s)\n now ignoring: ' % (self._getMessengerId(object), ) + safeRepr(event)) self.lock.acquire() try: id = self._getMessengerId(object) # Find the dictionary of all the objects accepting this event acceptorDict = self.__callbacks.get(event) # If this object is there, delete it from the dictionary if acceptorDict and id in acceptorDict: del acceptorDict[id] # If this dictionary is now empty, remove the event # entry from the Messenger alltogether if (len(acceptorDict) == 0): del self.__callbacks[event] # This object is no longer listening for this event eventDict = self.__objectEvents.get(id) if eventDict and event in eventDict: del eventDict[event] if (len(eventDict) == 0): del self.__objectEvents[id] self._releaseObject(object) finally: self.lock.release() def ignoreAll(self, object): """ Make this object no longer respond to any events it was accepting Useful for cleanup """ if Messenger.notify.getDebug(): Messenger.notify.debug( safeRepr(object) + ' (%s)\n now ignoring all events' % (self._getMessengerId(object), )) self.lock.acquire() try: id = self._getMessengerId(object) # Get the list of events this object is listening to eventDict = self.__objectEvents.get(id) if eventDict: for event in list(eventDict.keys()): # Find the dictionary of all the objects accepting this event acceptorDict = self.__callbacks.get(event) # If this object is there, delete it from the dictionary if acceptorDict and id in acceptorDict: del acceptorDict[id] # If this dictionary is now empty, remove the event # entry from the Messenger alltogether if (len(acceptorDict) == 0): del self.__callbacks[event] self._releaseObject(object) del self.__objectEvents[id] finally: self.lock.release() def getAllAccepting(self, object): """ Returns the list of all events accepted by the indicated object. """ self.lock.acquire() try: id = self._getMessengerId(object) # Get the list of events this object is listening to eventDict = self.__objectEvents.get(id) if eventDict: return list(eventDict.keys()) return [] finally: self.lock.release() def isAccepting(self, event, object): """ isAccepting(self, string, DirectOject) Is this object accepting this event? """ self.lock.acquire() try: acceptorDict = self.__callbacks.get(event) id = self._getMessengerId(object) if acceptorDict and id in acceptorDict: # Found it, return true return 1 # If we looked in both dictionaries and made it here # that object must not be accepting that event. return 0 finally: self.lock.release() def whoAccepts(self, event): """ Return objects accepting the given event """ return self.__callbacks.get(event) def isIgnoring(self, event, object): """ isIgnorning(self, string, DirectObject) Is this object ignoring this event? """ return (not self.isAccepting(event, object)) def send(self, event, sentArgs=[], taskChain = None): """ Send this event, optionally passing in arguments event is usually a string. sentArgs is a list of any data that you want passed along to the handlers listening to this event. If taskChain is not None, it is the name of the task chain which should receive the event. If taskChain is None, the event is handled immediately. Setting a non-None taskChain will defer the event (possibly till next frame or even later) and create a new, temporary task within the named taskChain, but this is the only way to send an event across threads. """ if Messenger.notify.getDebug() and not self.quieting.get(event): assert Messenger.notify.debug( 'sent event: %s sentArgs = %s, taskChain = %s' % ( event, sentArgs, taskChain)) self.lock.acquire() try: foundWatch=0 if __debug__: if self.__isWatching: for i in self.__watching.keys(): if str(event).find(i) >= 0: foundWatch=1 break acceptorDict = self.__callbacks.get(event) if not acceptorDict: if __debug__: if foundWatch: print("Messenger: \"%s\" was sent, but no function in Python listened."%(event,)) return if taskChain: # Queue the event onto the indicated task chain. from direct.task.TaskManagerGlobal import taskMgr queue = self._eventQueuesByTaskChain.setdefault(taskChain, []) queue.append((acceptorDict, event, sentArgs, foundWatch)) if len(queue) == 1: # If this is the first (only) item on the queue, # spawn the task to empty it. taskMgr.add(self.__taskChainDispatch, name = 'Messenger-%s' % (taskChain), extraArgs = [taskChain], taskChain = taskChain, appendTask = True) else: # Handle the event immediately. self.__dispatch(acceptorDict, event, sentArgs, foundWatch) finally: self.lock.release() def __taskChainDispatch(self, taskChain, task): """ This task is spawned each time an event is sent across task chains. Its job is to empty the task events on the queue for this particular task chain. This guarantees that events are still delivered in the same order they were sent. """ while True: eventTuple = None self.lock.acquire() try: queue = self._eventQueuesByTaskChain.get(taskChain, None) if queue: eventTuple = queue[0] del queue[0] if not queue: # The queue is empty, we're done. if queue is not None: del self._eventQueuesByTaskChain[taskChain] if not eventTuple: # No event; we're done. return task.done self.__dispatch(*eventTuple) finally: self.lock.release() return task.done def __dispatch(self, acceptorDict, event, sentArgs, foundWatch): for id in list(acceptorDict.keys()): # We have to make this apparently redundant check, because # it is possible that one object removes its own hooks # in response to a handler called by a previous object. # # NOTE: there is no danger of skipping over objects due to # modifications to acceptorDict, since the above # iterates over a list of objects that is created once at # the start callInfo = acceptorDict.get(id) if callInfo: method, extraArgs, persistent = callInfo # If this object was only accepting this event once, # remove it from the dictionary if not persistent: # This object is no longer listening for this event eventDict = self.__objectEvents.get(id) if eventDict and event in eventDict: del eventDict[event] if (len(eventDict) == 0): del self.__objectEvents[id] self._releaseObject(self._getObject(id)) del acceptorDict[id] # If the dictionary at this event is now empty, remove # the event entry from the Messenger altogether if (event in self.__callbacks \ and (len(self.__callbacks[event]) == 0)): del self.__callbacks[event] if __debug__: if foundWatch: print("Messenger: \"%s\" --> %s%s"%( event, self.__methodRepr(method), tuple(extraArgs + sentArgs))) #print "Messenger: \"%s\" --> %s%s"%( # event, # self.__methodRepr(method), # tuple(extraArgs + sentArgs)) # It is important to make the actual call here, after # we have cleaned up the accept hook, because the # method itself might call accept() or acceptOnce() # again. assert hasattr(method, '__call__') # Release the lock temporarily while we call the method. self.lock.release() try: method (*(extraArgs + sentArgs)) finally: self.lock.acquire() def clear(self): """ Start fresh with a clear dict """ self.lock.acquire() try: self.__callbacks.clear() self.__objectEvents.clear() self._id2object.clear() finally: self.lock.release() def isEmpty(self): return (len(self.__callbacks) == 0) def getEvents(self): return list(self.__callbacks.keys()) def replaceMethod(self, oldMethod, newFunction): """ This is only used by - the module that lets you redefine functions with Control-c-Control-v """ retFlag = 0 for entry in list(self.__callbacks.items()): event, objectDict = entry for objectEntry in list(objectDict.items()): object, params = objectEntry method = params[0] if (type(method) == types.MethodType): function = method.__func__ else: function = method #print ('function: ' + repr(function) + '\n' + # 'method: ' + repr(method) + '\n' + # 'oldMethod: ' + repr(oldMethod) + '\n' + # 'newFunction: ' + repr(newFunction) + '\n') if (function == oldMethod): newMethod = types.MethodType( newFunction, method.__self__, method.__self__.__class__) params[0] = newMethod # Found it retrun true retFlag += 1 # didn't find that method, return false return retFlag def toggleVerbose(self): isVerbose = 1 - Messenger.notify.getDebug() Messenger.notify.setDebug(isVerbose) if isVerbose: print("Verbose mode true. quiet list = %s"%( list(self.quieting.keys()),)) if __debug__: def watch(self, needle): """ return a matching event (needle) if found (in haystack). This is primarily a debugging tool. This is intended for debugging use only. This function is not defined if python is ran with -O (optimize). See Also: unwatch """ if not self.__watching.get(needle): self.__isWatching += 1 self.__watching[needle]=1 def unwatch(self, needle): """ return a matching event (needle) if found (in haystack). This is primarily a debugging tool. This is intended for debugging use only. This function is not defined if python is ran with -O (optimize). See Also: watch """ if self.__watching.get(needle): self.__isWatching -= 1 del self.__watching[needle] def quiet(self, message): """ When verbose mode is on, don't spam the output with messages marked as quiet. This is primarily a debugging tool. This is intended for debugging use only. This function is not defined if python is ran with -O (optimize). See Also: unquiet """ if not self.quieting.get(message): self.quieting[message]=1 def unquiet(self, message): """ Remove a message from the list of messages that are not reported in verbose mode. This is primarily a debugging tool. This is intended for debugging use only. This function is not defined if python is ran with -O (optimize). See Also: quiet """ if self.quieting.get(message): del self.quieting[message] def find(self, needle): """ return a matching event (needle) if found (in haystack). This is primarily a debugging tool. """ keys = list(self.__callbacks.keys()) keys.sort() for event in keys: if repr(event).find(needle) >= 0: print(self.__eventRepr(event)) return {event: self.__callbacks[event]} def findAll(self, needle, limit=None): """ return a dict of events (needle) if found (in haystack). limit may be None or an integer (e.g. 1). This is primarily a debugging tool. """ matches = {} keys = list(self.__callbacks.keys()) keys.sort() for event in keys: if repr(event).find(needle) >= 0: print(self.__eventRepr(event)) matches[event] = self.__callbacks[event] # if the limit is not None, decrement and # check for break: if limit > 0: limit -= 1 if limit == 0: break return matches def __methodRepr(self, method): """ return string version of class.method or method. """ if (type(method) == types.MethodType): functionName = method.__self__.__class__.__name__ + '.' + \ method.__func__.__name__ else: if hasattr(method, "__name__"): functionName = method.__name__ else: return "" return functionName def __eventRepr(self, event): """ Compact version of event, acceptor pairs """ str = event.ljust(32) + '\t' acceptorDict = self.__callbacks[event] for key, (method, extraArgs, persistent) in list(acceptorDict.items()): str = str + self.__methodRepr(method) + ' ' str = str + '\n' return str def __repr__(self): """ Compact version of event, acceptor pairs """ str = "The messenger is currently handling:\n" + "="*64 + "\n" keys = list(self.__callbacks.keys()) keys.sort() for event in keys: str += self.__eventRepr(event) # Print out the object: event dictionary too str += "="*64 + "\n" for key, eventDict in list(self.__objectEvents.items()): object = self._getObject(key) str += "%s:\n" % repr(object) for event in list(eventDict.keys()): str += " %s\n" % repr(event) str += "="*64 + "\n" + "End of messenger info.\n" return str def detailedRepr(self): """ Print out the table in a detailed readable format """ import types str = 'Messenger\n' str = str + '='*50 + '\n' keys = list(self.__callbacks.keys()) keys.sort() for event in keys: acceptorDict = self.__callbacks[event] str = str + 'Event: ' + event + '\n' for key in list(acceptorDict.keys()): function, extraArgs, persistent = acceptorDict[key] object = self._getObject(key) if (type(object) == types.InstanceType): className = object.__class__.__name__ else: className = "Not a class" functionName = function.__name__ str = (str + '\t' + 'Acceptor: ' + className + ' instance' + '\n\t' + 'Function name:' + functionName + '\n\t' + 'Extra Args: ' + repr(extraArgs) + '\n\t' + 'Persistent: ' + repr(persistent) + '\n') # If this is a class method, get its actual function if (type(function) == types.MethodType): str = (str + '\t' + 'Method: ' + repr(function) + '\n\t' + 'Function: ' + repr(function.__func__) + '\n') else: str = (str + '\t' + 'Function: ' + repr(function) + '\n') str = str + '='*50 + '\n' return str
# Add on the rest of the models for the last thread if i == numThreads - 1 and len( orig_models) > firstModel + modelsPerThread: models += orig_models[firstModel + modelsPerThread:] print len(models), "models on thread", i t = Thread(target=__threadRevamp, args=(models, )) threads.append(t) for t in threads: t.start() while True: prog_lock.acquire() prog = int(__progress) prog_lock.release() sys.stdout.write("Progress:\t{0}\t/\t{1}\r".format( prog, len(orig_models))) sys.stdout.flush() alive = 0 for t in threads: if t.isAlive(): alive += 1 if alive == 0: break else: print "Running without threads" __threadRevamp(orig_models) if len(errors) > 0: print "Errors whilst revamping:"
class MainMenu(SogalForm): ''' main menu class ''' def __init__(self, entry='ifselectionjumptest'): ''' Constructor ''' self.entry = entry self.closed = True SogalForm.__init__(self, fading=True, fading_duration=1.0, backgroundImage=None, backgroundColor=(0, 0, 0, 1), enableMask=True, hiddenFunc=self.closedFunc, shownFunc=self.openedFunc) self.addButtonBar() self.fadinglock = Lock( ) #This lock is to prevent open or close failure when the main menu is on fading def addButtonBar(self): = VLayout(margin=0.1) def addButtons(self): ''' override this if you want custom buttons ''' #TODO:Continue Button 注意继续的位置可能是从硬盘上读入的也可能是从游戏中返回标题画面的 也有可能是在游戏正常结束之后所以没有Continue数据 self.addButton(text='New Game', state=DGG.NORMAL, command=self._startGame) self.addButton(text='Load', state=DGG.NORMAL, command=self._load) self.addButton(text='Options', state=DGG.NORMAL, command=self._config) #TODO:Gallery Button self.addButton(text='Exit', state=DGG.NORMAL, command=self._exit) def close(self): '''Called by SogalBase. Do something and hide, you will need it if you want a more complex main menu''' self.fadinglock.acquire() if self.closed: return SogalForm.hide(self) self.closed = True if for btn in btn['state'] = DGG.DISABLED def open(self): '''Called by SogalBase. Do something and show, you will need it if you want a more complex main menu''' self.fadinglock.acquire() if not self.closed: return self.addButtons() self.closed = False def show(self): #redirect show/hide to open/close def hide(self): #redirect show/hide to open/close self.close() def closedFunc(self): self.cleanup() self.fadinglock.release() def cleanup(self): for btn in btn.destroy() self.addButtonBar() def openedFunc(self): self.fadinglock.release() def addButton(self, **args): '''Add a button and return it''' btn = DirectButton(**dict(base.getStyle()['mainMenuButton'], frameSize=BUTTON_SIZE, **args)) # @UndefinedVariable #self.vbox.pack(btn) return btn def _startGame(self, scene=None): if self.closed: return if not scene: messenger.send('start_game', [self.entry]) else: messenger.send('start_game', [scene]) def _load(self): if self.closed: return messenger.send('load_game') def _exit(self): if self.closed: return messenger.send('exit_game') def _config(self): messenger.send('config_form')
class Messenger: notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory("Messenger") def __init__(self): """ One is keyed off the event name. It has the following structure: {event1: {object1: [method, extraArgs, persistent], object2: [method, extraArgs, persistent]}, event2: {object1: [method, extraArgs, persistent], object2: [method, extraArgs, persistent]}} This dictionary allow for efficient callbacks when the messenger hears an event. A second dictionary remembers which objects are accepting which events. This allows for efficient ignoreAll commands. Or, for an example with more real data: {'mouseDown': {avatar: [avatar.jump, [2.0], 1]}} """ self.__callbacks = {} self.__objectEvents = {} self._messengerIdGen = 0 self._id2object = {} # A mapping of taskChain -> eventList, used for sending events # across task chains (and therefore across threads). self._eventQueuesByTaskChain = {} # This protects the data structures within this object from # multithreaded access. self.lock = Lock() if __debug__: self.__isWatching = 0 self.__watching = {} # I'd like this to be in the __debug__, but I fear that someone will # want this in a release build. If you're sure that that will not be # then please remove this comment and put the quiet/verbose stuff # under __debug__. self.quieting = { "NewFrame": 1, "avatarMoving": 1, "event-loop-done": 1, } # see def quiet() def _getMessengerId(self, object): # TODO: allocate this id in DirectObject.__init__ and get derived # classes to call down (speed optimization, assuming objects # accept/ignore more than once over their lifetime) # get unique messenger id for this object # assumes lock is held. if not hasattr(object, '_messengerId'): object._messengerId = (object.__class__.__name__, self._messengerIdGen) self._messengerIdGen += 1 return object._messengerId def _storeObject(self, object): # store reference-counted reference to object in case we need to # retrieve it later. assumes lock is held. id = self._getMessengerId(object) if id not in self._id2object: self._id2object[id] = [1, object] else: self._id2object[id][0] += 1 def _getObject(self, id): return self._id2object[id][1] def _getObjects(self): self.lock.acquire() try: objs = [] for refCount, obj in self._id2object.itervalues(): objs.append(obj) return objs finally: self.lock.release() def _getNumListeners(self, event): return len(self.__callbacks.get(event, {})) def _getEvents(self): return self.__callbacks.keys() def _releaseObject(self, object): # assumes lock is held. id = self._getMessengerId(object) if id in self._id2object: record = self._id2object[id] record[0] -= 1 if record[0] <= 0: del self._id2object[id] def accept(self, event, object, method, extraArgs=[], persistent=1): """ accept(self, string, DirectObject, Function, List, Boolean) Make this object accept this event. When the event is sent (using Messenger.send or from C++), method will be executed, optionally passing in extraArgs. If the persistent flag is set, it will continue to respond to this event, otherwise it will respond only once. """ notifyDebug = Messenger.notify.getDebug() if notifyDebug: Messenger.notify.debug( "object: %s\n accepting: %s\n method: %s\n extraArgs: %s\n persistent: %s" % (object, event, method, extraArgs, persistent)) # Make the the method is callable assert callable(method), ( "method not callable in accept (ignoring): %s %s" % (method, extraArgs)) self.lock.acquire() try: acceptorDict = self.__callbacks.setdefault(event, {}) id = self._getMessengerId(object) # Make sure we are not inadvertently overwriting an existing event # on this particular object. if notifyDebug: if acceptorDict.has_key(id): oldMethod = acceptorDict[id][0] if oldMethod == method: self.notify.warning( "object: %s was already accepting: \"%s\" with same callback: %s()" % (object.__class__.__name__, event, method.__name__)) else: self.notify.warning( "object: %s accept: \"%s\" new callback: %s() supplanting old callback: %s()" % (object.__class__.__name__, event, method.__name__, oldMethod.__name__)) acceptorDict[id] = [method, extraArgs, persistent] # Remember that this object is listening for this event eventDict = self.__objectEvents.setdefault(id, {}) eventDict.setdefault(event, None) self._storeObject(object) finally: self.lock.release() def ignore(self, event, object): """ ignore(self, string, DirectObject) Make this object no longer respond to this event. It is safe to call even if it was not already accepting """ if Messenger.notify.getDebug(): Messenger.notify.debug( ` object ` + '\n now ignoring: ' + ` event `) self.lock.acquire() try: id = self._getMessengerId(object) # Find the dictionary of all the objects accepting this event acceptorDict = self.__callbacks.get(event) # If this object is there, delete it from the dictionary if acceptorDict and acceptorDict.has_key(id): del acceptorDict[id] # If this dictionary is now empty, remove the event # entry from the Messenger alltogether if (len(acceptorDict) == 0): del self.__callbacks[event] # This object is no longer listening for this event eventDict = self.__objectEvents.get(id) if eventDict and eventDict.has_key(event): del eventDict[event] if (len(eventDict) == 0): del self.__objectEvents[id] self._releaseObject(object) finally: self.lock.release() def ignoreAll(self, object): """ Make this object no longer respond to any events it was accepting Useful for cleanup """ if Messenger.notify.getDebug(): Messenger.notify.debug( ` object ` + '\n now ignoring all events') self.lock.acquire() try: id = self._getMessengerId(object) # Get the list of events this object is listening to eventDict = self.__objectEvents.get(id) if eventDict: for event in eventDict.keys(): # Find the dictionary of all the objects accepting this event acceptorDict = self.__callbacks.get(event) # If this object is there, delete it from the dictionary if acceptorDict and acceptorDict.has_key(id): del acceptorDict[id] # If this dictionary is now empty, remove the event # entry from the Messenger alltogether if (len(acceptorDict) == 0): del self.__callbacks[event] del self.__objectEvents[id] if id in self._id2object: del self._id2object[id] finally: self.lock.release() def getAllAccepting(self, object): """ Returns the list of all events accepted by the indicated object. """ self.lock.acquire() try: id = self._getMessengerId(object) # Get the list of events this object is listening to eventDict = self.__objectEvents.get(id) if eventDict: return eventDict.keys() return [] finally: self.lock.release() def isAccepting(self, event, object): """ isAccepting(self, string, DirectOject) Is this object accepting this event? """ self.lock.acquire() try: acceptorDict = self.__callbacks.get(event) id = self._getMessengerId(object) if acceptorDict and acceptorDict.has_key(id): # Found it, return true return 1 # If we looked in both dictionaries and made it here # that object must not be accepting that event. return 0 finally: self.lock.release() def whoAccepts(self, event): """ Return objects accepting the given event """ return self.__callbacks.get(event) def isIgnoring(self, event, object): """ isIgnorning(self, string, DirectObject) Is this object ignoring this event? """ return (not self.isAccepting(event, object)) def send(self, event, sentArgs=[], taskChain=None): """ Send this event, optionally passing in arguments event is usually a string. sentArgs is a list of any data that you want passed along to the handlers listening to this event. If taskChain is not None, it is the name of the task chain which should receive the event. If taskChain is None, the event is handled immediately. Setting a non-None taskChain will defer the event (possibly till next frame or even later) and create a new, temporary task within the named taskChain, but this is the only way to send an event across threads. """ if Messenger.notify.getDebug() and not self.quieting.get(event): assert Messenger.notify.debug( 'sent event: %s sentArgs = %s, taskChain = %s' % (event, sentArgs, taskChain)) self.lock.acquire() try: foundWatch = 0 if __debug__: if self.__isWatching: for i in self.__watching.keys(): if str(event).find(i) >= 0: foundWatch = 1 break acceptorDict = self.__callbacks.get(event) if not acceptorDict: if __debug__: if foundWatch: print "Messenger: \"%s\" was sent, but no function in Python listened." % ( event, ) return if taskChain: # Queue the event onto the indicated task chain. taskMgr.add( self.__lockAndDispatch, name='Messenger-%s-%s' % (event, taskChain), extraArgs=[acceptorDict, event, sentArgs, foundWatch], taskChain=taskChain) else: # Handle the event immediately. self.__dispatch(acceptorDict, event, sentArgs, foundWatch) finally: self.lock.release() def __lockAndDispatch(self, acceptorDict, event, sentArgs, foundWatch): self.lock.acquire() try: self.__dispatch(acceptorDict, event, sentArgs, foundWatch) finally: self.lock.release() def __dispatch(self, acceptorDict, event, sentArgs, foundWatch): for id in acceptorDict.keys(): # We have to make this apparently redundant check, because # it is possible that one object removes its own hooks # in response to a handler called by a previous object. # # NOTE: there is no danger of skipping over objects due to # modifications to acceptorDict, since the above # iterates over a list of objects that is created once at # the start callInfo = acceptorDict.get(id) if callInfo: method, extraArgs, persistent = callInfo # If this object was only accepting this event once, # remove it from the dictionary if not persistent: # This object is no longer listening for this event eventDict = self.__objectEvents.get(id) if eventDict and eventDict.has_key(event): del eventDict[event] if (len(eventDict) == 0): del self.__objectEvents[id] del acceptorDict[id] # If the dictionary at this event is now empty, remove # the event entry from the Messenger altogether if (self.__callbacks.has_key(event) \ and (len(self.__callbacks[event]) == 0)): del self.__callbacks[event] if __debug__: if foundWatch: print "Messenger: \"%s\" --> %s%s" % ( event, self.__methodRepr(method), tuple(extraArgs + sentArgs)) #print "Messenger: \"%s\" --> %s%s"%( # event, # self.__methodRepr(method), # tuple(extraArgs + sentArgs)) # It is important to make the actual call here, after # we have cleaned up the accept hook, because the # method itself might call accept() or acceptOnce() # again. assert callable(method) # Release the lock temporarily while we call the method. self.lock.release() try: method(*(extraArgs + sentArgs)) finally: self.lock.acquire() def clear(self): """ Start fresh with a clear dict """ self.lock.acquire() try: self.__callbacks.clear() self.__objectEvents.clear() finally: self.lock.release() def isEmpty(self): return (len(self.__callbacks) == 0) def getEvents(self): return self.__callbacks.keys() def replaceMethod(self, oldMethod, newFunction): """ This is only used by - the module that lets you redefine functions with Control-c-Control-v """ import new retFlag = 0 for entry in self.__callbacks.items(): event, objectDict = entry for objectEntry in objectDict.items(): object, params = objectEntry method = params[0] if (type(method) == types.MethodType): function = method.im_func else: function = method #print ('function: ' + `function` + '\n' + # 'method: ' + `method` + '\n' + # 'oldMethod: ' + `oldMethod` + '\n' + # 'newFunction: ' + `newFunction` + '\n') if (function == oldMethod): newMethod = new.instancemethod(newFunction, method.im_self, method.im_class) params[0] = newMethod # Found it retrun true retFlag += 1 # didn't find that method, return false return retFlag def toggleVerbose(self): isVerbose = 1 - Messenger.notify.getDebug() Messenger.notify.setDebug(isVerbose) if isVerbose: print "Verbose mode true. quiet list = %s" % ( self.quieting.keys(), ) if __debug__: def watch(self, needle): """ return a matching event (needle) if found (in haystack). This is primarily a debugging tool. This is intended for debugging use only. This function is not defined if python is ran with -O (optimize). See Also: unwatch """ if not self.__watching.get(needle): self.__isWatching += 1 self.__watching[needle] = 1 def unwatch(self, needle): """ return a matching event (needle) if found (in haystack). This is primarily a debugging tool. This is intended for debugging use only. This function is not defined if python is ran with -O (optimize). See Also: watch """ if self.__watching.get(needle): self.__isWatching -= 1 del self.__watching[needle] def quiet(self, message): """ When verbose mode is on, don't spam the output with messages marked as quiet. This is primarily a debugging tool. This is intended for debugging use only. This function is not defined if python is ran with -O (optimize). See Also: unquiet """ if not self.quieting.get(message): self.quieting[message] = 1 def unquiet(self, message): """ Remove a message from the list of messages that are not reported in verbose mode. This is primarily a debugging tool. This is intended for debugging use only. This function is not defined if python is ran with -O (optimize). See Also: quiet """ if self.quieting.get(message): del self.quieting[message] def find(self, needle): """ return a matching event (needle) if found (in haystack). This is primarily a debugging tool. """ keys = self.__callbacks.keys() keys.sort() for event in keys: if ` event `.find(needle) >= 0: print self.__eventRepr(event), return {event: self.__callbacks[event]}
class MainMenu(SogalForm): ''' main menu class ''' def __init__(self, entry = 'ifselectionjumptest'): ''' Constructor ''' self.entry = entry self.closed = True SogalForm.__init__(self, fading = True, fading_duration = 1.0, backgroundImage = None, backgroundColor = (0,0,0,1), enableMask = True, hiddenFunc = self.closedFunc, shownFunc = self.openedFunc) self.addButtonBar() self.fadinglock = Lock() #This lock is to prevent open or close failure when the main menu is on fading def addButtonBar(self): = VLayout(margin= 0.1) def addButtons(self): ''' override this if you want custom buttons ''' #TODO:Continue Button 注意继续的位置可能是从硬盘上读入的也可能是从游戏中返回标题画面的 也有可能是在游戏正常结束之后所以没有Continue数据 self.addButton(text = 'New Game', state = DGG.NORMAL, command = self._startGame) self.addButton(text = 'Load', state = DGG.NORMAL, command = self._load) self.addButton(text = 'Options', state = DGG.NORMAL, command = self._config) #TODO:Gallery Button self.addButton(text = 'Exit', state = DGG.NORMAL, command = self._exit) def close(self): '''Called by SogalBase. Do something and hide, you will need it if you want a more complex main menu''' self.fadinglock.acquire() if self.closed: return SogalForm.hide(self) self.closed = True if for btn in btn['state'] = DGG.DISABLED def open(self): '''Called by SogalBase. Do something and show, you will need it if you want a more complex main menu''' self.fadinglock.acquire() if not self.closed: return self.addButtons() self.closed = False def show(self): #redirect show/hide to open/close def hide(self): #redirect show/hide to open/close self.close() def closedFunc(self): self.cleanup() self.fadinglock.release() def cleanup(self): for btn in btn.destroy() self.addButtonBar() def openedFunc(self): self.fadinglock.release() def addButton(self,**args): '''Add a button and return it''' btn = DirectButton(**dict(base.getStyle()['mainMenuButton'], frameSize = BUTTON_SIZE,**args)) # @UndefinedVariable #self.vbox.pack(btn) return btn def _startGame(self, scene = None): if self.closed: return if not scene: messenger.send('start_game', [self.entry]) else: messenger.send('start_game', [scene]) def _load(self): if self.closed: return messenger.send('load_game') def _exit(self): if self.closed: return messenger.send('exit_game') def _config(self): messenger.send('config_form')
class SogalText(NodePath): ''' A text label, contains many TextLines ''' def __init__(self, parent = None, pos = (0,0,0), text = u'', wordwrap = None, maxRows = None, spacing = 0, lineSpacing = 0, minLineHeight = 0.5, font = None, fg = (1,1,1,1), scale = 0.07, shadow = None, shadowOffset = (0.04, 0.04), textScale = None, ): ''' Constructor :param parent: parent NodePath :param text: text :param font: font of the text :param wordwrap: set the width when wraping the word (note that ) :param maxRows: max row of the text :param spacing: spacing of words :param lineSpacing: spacing of lines :param minLineHeight: height of a line when it is empty :param fg: foreground color :param scale: scale of the text :param shadow: shadow color of the text :param shadowOffset: shadow offset of the text ''' self.destroyed = False self.__parent = parent or aspect2d self.__lerpLock = Lock() self.__font = font self.__currentLerpInterval = None self.wordwrap = wordwrap self.lines = [] self.spacing = spacing self.lineSpacing = lineSpacing self.minLineHeight = minLineHeight self.maxRows = maxRows self.recordedText = [] #recorder text sections used in backup NodePath.__init__(self,'') self.setScale(scale) self.setPos(pos) self.currentHeight = 0 self.reparentTo(self.__parent) # @UndefinedVariable self.textMaker = TextNode('textMaker') if font: self.setFont(font, specNode = None) if fg: self.setFg(fg, specNode = None) if shadow: self.setShadow(shadow, shadowOffset, specNode = None) if textScale: self.setTexScale(textScale,specNode = None) self.textMaker.setAlign(TextNode.ALeft) if shadow: pass if text: self.appendText(text) def destroy(self): if self.__currentLerpInterval: self.__currentLerpInterval.pause() self.clear() if not self.destroyed: self.destroyed = True self.textMaker = None self.recordedText = None self.removeNode() def clear(self): if self.__currentLerpInterval: self.__currentLerpInterval.pause() self.currentHeight = 0 for tl in self.lines: tl.removeNode() self.lines = [] self.recordedText = [] def setFg(self, fg, specNode = None): node = specNode or self.textMaker node.setTextColor(fg[0], fg[1], fg[2], fg[3]) def setFont(self,font, specNode = None): node = specNode or self.textMaker node.setFont(font) def setShadow(self, shadow, offset = (0.04, 0.04), specNode = None): node = specNode or self.textMaker if shadow[3] != 0: node.setShadowColor(shadow[0], shadow[1], shadow[2], shadow[3]) node.setShadow(offset) else: node.clearShadow() def setTextScale(self, scale , specNode = None): node = specNode or self.textMaker node.setTextScale(scale) def setMaxRows(self,maxrows): self.maxRows = maxrows def setWordwrap(self,wordwrap): self.wordwrap = wordwrap def setMinLineHeight(self,minLineHeight): self.minLineHeight = minLineHeight def appendText(self, text,speed = 0, fadein = 0, fadeinType = 0, newLine = False, custom = False, font = None, textScale = 1, fg = (1,1,1,1), shadow = None, shadowOffset = (0.04, 0.04), **kwargs): textprops = dict(text = text,newLine = newLine, custom = custom, font = font, textScale = textScale, fg = fg, shadow = shadow, shadowOffset = shadowOffset, **kwargs) self.recordedText.append(textprops) self.appendStoredText(textprops, speed, fadein, fadeinType) def appendStoredText(self,textprops, speed = 0, fadein = 0, fadeinType = 0): #append a text stored with appendText() or by loading self.recordedText text = textprops['text'] newLine = textprops['newLine'] custom = textprops['custom'] if custom: textMaker = TextNode('temptextmaker', self.textMaker) font = textprops['font'] if font: textMaker.setFont(font) textScale = textprops['textScale'] if textScale: textMaker.setTextScale(textScale) fg = textprops['fg'] if fg: self.setFg(fg, textMaker) shadow = textprops['shadow'] shadowOffset = textprops['shadowOffset'] if shadow: self.setShadow(shadow, shadowOffset, textMaker) #prepared to add more props here else: textMaker = self.textMaker if newLine or not self.lines: self.startLine() if not speed: for word in text: self.appendWord(word, tm = textMaker, fadein = fadein, fadeinType = fadeinType) #TYPER EFFECT else: self.__TextLerpInit() self.__currentLerpInterval = LerpFunc(self._appendTextLerpFunc,extraArgs = [text,textMaker,fadein,fadeinType], duration = len(text)/float(speed)) self.__currentLerpInterval.start() def __TextLerpInit(self): if self.__currentLerpInterval: self.__currentLerpInterval.finish() self.__lerpLock.acquire() self.__lastTextLerpValue = 0 self.__lerpLock.release() def _appendTextLerpFunc(self, lerp, text, tm, fadein, fadeinType): '''The function interval method for typer effect''' self.__lerpLock.acquire() tlen = len(text) start = int(math.floor(self.__lastTextLerpValue * tlen)) end = int(math.floor(lerp * tlen)) if end > start: appendingText = text[start:end] for word in appendingText: self.appendWord(word, tm, fadein = fadein, fadeinType = fadeinType) self.__lastTextLerpValue = lerp self.__lerpLock.release() def isWaiting(self): if self.__currentLerpInterval: return self.__currentLerpInterval.isPlaying() return False def quickFinish(self): if self.__currentLerpInterval: return self.__currentLerpInterval.finish() for l in self.lines: l.quickFinish() def appendWord(self,word,tm = None, fadein = 0, fadeinType = 0): if word == '\n': self.startLine() return textMaker = tm or self.textMaker if not self.lines: self.startLine() active_line = self.lines[-1] unicodeText = isinstance(word, types.UnicodeType) if unicodeText: textMaker.setWtext(word) else: textMaker.setText(word) width = textMaker.getWidth() height = textMaker.getHeight() node = textMaker.generate() textpath = NodePath('text_path') textpath.attachNewNode(node) if self.wordwrap: if active_line.getTotalWidth() + width > self.wordwrap: self.startLine() active_line = self.lines[-1] active_line.append(textpath, width, height,self.spacing, fadein = fadein, fadeinType = fadeinType) active_line.setPos(0,0,-(self.currentHeight + active_line.getLineHeight()) ) def startLine(self): if self.lines: self.currentHeight += self.lines[-1].getLineHeight() + self.lineSpacing line = TextLine(parent = self, height = self.minLineHeight) line.setPos(0,0,-self.currentHeight) self.lines.append(line) def removeNode(self, *args, **kwargs): return NodePath.removeNode(self, *args, **kwargs) def getCurrentText(self): return self.recordedText def getCopiedText(self): return copy.deepcopy(self.recordedText) def loadRecordedText(self,recorded): for section in recorded: self.appendStoredText(section) self.recordedText = copy.copy(recorded) def getNewText(self): if self.recordedText: return self.recordedText[0]['text'] return '' def getEndPos(self): if self.lines: return (self.lines[-1].getEndPos()[0],0 , -(self.currentHeight + self.lines[-1].getLineHeight())) else: return (0,0,0) def hasContent(self): "get if this text label empty" return bool(self.lines)
class TextLine(NodePath): ''' One line of SogalText, contains geom generated by TextNodes Text are unable to be changed ''' def __init__(self,parent = None, height = 0): self.parent = parent or aspect2d NodePath.__init__(self,'line') self.reparentTo(self.parent) self.currentPtr = (0,0,0) self.lineHeight = height self.lineWidth = 0 self.items = [] #each word/character is a NodePath self.__lerpIntervals = [] self.__lock = Lock() def quickFinish(self): for l in self.__lerpIntervals: l.finish() def removeNode(self, *args, **kwargs): for l in self.__lerpIntervals: l.pause() del self.items return NodePath.removeNode(self, *args, **kwargs) def append(self,text,width,height,spacing = 0, fadein = 0, fadeinType = 0): '''Add a NodePath that contains a generated text geom This method is called by SogalText ''' self.__lock.acquire() self.items.append(text) text.reparentTo(self) textPos = self.currentPtr text.setPos(textPos) if fadein: interval = Parallel() if fadeinType == 0 or fadeinType == 'normal': interval.append(LerpFunc(_modifyAlphaScale,fadein,0,1,blendType = 'easeOut',extraArgs = [text])) if fadeinType == 1 or fadeinType == 'flyin': interval.append(LerpFunc(_modifyAlphaScale,fadein,0,1,blendType = 'easeOut',extraArgs = [text])) interval.append(LerpPosInterval(text,fadein, self.currentPtr, (self.currentPtr[0],self.currentPtr[1],self.currentPtr[2] -0.3), blendType = 'easeOut')) interval.start() self.__lerpIntervals.append(interval) self.lineWidth = self.currentPtr[0] + width self.lineHeight = max(height, self.lineHeight) self.currentPtr = (self.lineWidth + spacing, 0, 0) self.__lock.release() def getLineWidth(self): return self.lineWidth def getLineHeight(self): return self.lineHeight def getTotalWidth(self): return self.currentPtr[0] def getEndPos(self): return self.currentPtr