コード例 #1
ファイル: cameraview.py プロジェクト: openhumanoids/director
def sendFOVRequest(channel, imagePoints):

    import maps as lcmmaps

    channelToImageType = {
        "CAMERA_LEFT": lcmmaps.data_request_t.CAMERA_IMAGE_HEAD_LEFT,
        "CAMERACHEST_LEFT": lcmmaps.data_request_t.CAMERA_IMAGE_LCHEST,
        "CAMERACHEST_RIGHT": lcmmaps.data_request_t.CAMERA_IMAGE_RCHEST,

    dataRequest = lcmmaps.data_request_t()
    dataRequest.type = channelToImageType[channel]

    message = lcmmaps.subimage_request_t()
    message.data_request = dataRequest

    imagePoints = np.array([[pt[0], pt[1]] for pt in imagePoints])
    minX, maxX = imagePoints[:, 0].min(), imagePoints[:, 0].max()
    minY, maxY = imagePoints[:, 1].min(), imagePoints[:, 1].max()

    message.x = minX
    message.y = minY
    message.w = maxX - minX
    message.h = maxY - minY

    # print message.x, message.y, message.w, message.h

    requestChannel = "SUBIMAGE_REQUEST"
    lcmUtils.publish(requestChannel, message)
コード例 #2
ファイル: handdriver.py プロジェクト: caomw/director
    def sendFingerControl(self, positionA, positionB, positionC, force, velocity, scissor, mode):
        assert 0.0 <= positionA <= 254.0
        assert 0.0 <= positionB <= 254.0
        assert 0.0 <= positionC <= 254.0
        assert 0.0 <= force <= 100.0
        assert 0.0 <= velocity <= 100.0
        assert 0 <= int(mode) <= 4

        if not scissor is None:
            assert 0.0 <= scissor <= 254.0

        msg = lcmrobotiq.command_t()
        msg.utime = getUtime()
        msg.activate = 1
        msg.emergency_release = 0
        msg.do_move = 1
        msg.ifc = 1
        msg.positionA = int(positionA)
        msg.positionB = int(positionB)
        msg.positionC = int(positionC)
        msg.force = int(254 * (force/100.0))
        msg.velocity = int(254 * (velocity/100.0))
        msg.mode = int(mode)

        if not scissor is None:
            msg.isc = 1
            msg.positionS = int(scissor)

        channel = 'ROBOTIQ_%s_COMMAND' % self.side.upper()
        lcmUtils.publish(channel, msg)
コード例 #3
    def onIiwaStatus(self, msg):

        armJointPositions = list(msg.joint_position_measured)

        jointPosition = armJointPositions + self.fingerJointPositions

        m = lcmbotcore.robot_state_t()
        # m.utime = msg.utime                                        # this used to get utimes from the kuka robot.  should later fix in drake-iiwa-driver/src/kuka_driver.cc
        m.utime = getUtime()
        m.pose = robotstate.getPoseLCMFromXYZRPY(self.basePosition[0:3],
        m.twist = lcmbotcore.twist_t()
        m.twist.linear_velocity = lcmbotcore.vector_3d_t()
        m.twist.angular_velocity = lcmbotcore.vector_3d_t()
        m.num_joints = self.numJoints
        m.joint_name = self.jointNames
        m.joint_position = jointPosition
        m.joint_velocity = np.zeros(m.num_joints)
        m.joint_effort = np.zeros(m.num_joints)
        m.force_torque = lcmbotcore.force_torque_t()
        m.force_torque.l_hand_force = np.zeros(3)
        m.force_torque.l_hand_torque = np.zeros(3)
        m.force_torque.r_hand_force = np.zeros(3)
        m.force_torque.r_hand_torque = np.zeros(3)

        lcmUtils.publish('EST_ROBOT_STATE', m)
コード例 #4
    def planFootDownAndCenterWeight(self):
        leftFootDownPlan, leftFootDownEndPose = self.planLeftFootDown()
        centerWeightPlan = self.planCenterWeight(startPose=leftFootDownEndPose)

        # now we need to combine these plans
        footDownEndTime = leftFootDownPlan.plan.plan[-1].utime

        robotPlan = leftFootDownPlan
        robotPlan.plan.plan_info = list(robotPlan.plan.plan_info)
        for state, info in zip(centerWeightPlan.plan.plan, centerWeightPlan.plan.plan_info):
            state.utime += footDownEndTime

        robotPlan.plan.num_states = len(robotPlan.plan.plan)

        # make support sequence
        for support, t in zip(centerWeightPlan.support_sequence.supports, centerWeightPlan.support_sequence.ts):
            t += footDownEndTime

        robotPlan.is_quasistatic = True
        lcmUtils.publish('CANDIDATE_ROBOT_PLAN_WITH_SUPPORTS', robotPlan)
        return robotPlan
コード例 #5
 def publishPlanWithSupports(self, keyFramePlan, supportsList, ts, isQuasistatic):
     manipPlanner = self.robotSystem.manipPlanner
     msg_robot_plan_t = manipPlanner.convertKeyframePlan(keyFramePlan)
     supports = manipPlanner.getSupportLCMFromListOfSupports(supportsList,ts)
     msg_robot_plan_with_supports_t = manipPlanner.convertPlanToPlanWithSupports(msg_robot_plan_t, supports, ts, isQuasistatic)
     lcmUtils.publish('CANDIDATE_ROBOT_PLAN_WITH_SUPPORTS', msg_robot_plan_with_supports_t)
     return msg_robot_plan_with_supports_t
コード例 #6
    def publish(self):
        messages = self.reader.getMessages()

        for message in messages:
            channel = message[2]
            val = message[3] / 127.0
            if channel is 102:
                self.msg.slider1 = val
            elif channel is 103:
                self.msg.slider2 = val
            elif channel is 104:
                self.msg.slider3 = val
            elif channel is 105:
                self.msg.slider4 = val
            elif channel is 106:
                self.msg.knob1 = val
            elif channel is 107:
                self.msg.knob2 = val
            elif channel is 108:
                self.msg.knob3 = val
            elif channel is 109:
                self.msg.knob4 = val
            elif channel is 110:
                self.msg.knob5 = val
            elif channel is 111:
                self.msg.knob6 = val
            elif channel is 112:
                self.msg.knob7 = val
            elif channel is 113:
                self.msg.knob8 = val

        if len(messages) is not 0:
            self.msg.utime = getUtime()
            lcmUtils.publish(self.lcmChannel, self.msg)
コード例 #7
ファイル: footstepsdriver.py プロジェクト: tkoolen/director
    def sendWalkingPlanRequest(self, footstepPlan, startPose, waitForResponse=False, waitTimeout=5000, req_type='traj'):

        msg = lcmdrc.walking_plan_request_t()
        msg.utime = getUtime()
        state_msg = robotstate.drakePoseToRobotState(startPose)
        msg.initial_state = state_msg
        msg.new_nominal_state = msg.initial_state
        msg.use_new_nominal_state = True
        msg.footstep_plan = footstepPlan

        if req_type == 'traj':
            requestChannel = 'WALKING_TRAJ_REQUEST'
            responseChannel = 'WALKING_TRAJ_RESPONSE'
            response_type = lcmdrc.robot_plan_t
        elif req_type == 'controller':
            requestChannel = 'WALKING_CONTROLLER_PLAN_REQUEST'
            responseChannel = 'WALKING_CONTROLLER_PLAN_RESPONSE'
            response_type = lcmdrc.walking_plan_t
        elif req_type == 'simulate_drake':
            requestChannel = 'WALKING_SIMULATION_DRAKE_REQUEST'
            responseChannel = 'WALKING_SIMULATION_TRAJ_RESPONSE'
            response_type = lcmdrc.robot_plan_t
            raise ValueError("Invalid request type: {:s}".format(req_type))

        if waitForResponse:
            if waitTimeout == 0:
                helper = lcmUtils.MessageResponseHelper(responseChannel, response_type)
                lcmUtils.publish(requestChannel, msg)
                return helper
            return lcmUtils.MessageResponseHelper.publishAndWait(requestChannel, msg,
                                                                 responseChannel, response_type, waitTimeout)
            lcmUtils.publish(requestChannel, msg)
コード例 #8
  def processTraj(self, constraints, ikParameters, positionCosts, nominalPoseName="", seedPoseName="", endPoseName=""):

    # Temporary fix / HACK / TODO (should be done in exotica_json)
    largestTspan = [0, 0]
    for constraintIndex, _ in enumerate(constraints):
      # Get tspan extend to normalise time-span
      if np.isfinite(constraints[constraintIndex].tspan[0]) and np.isfinite(constraints[constraintIndex].tspan[1]):
        largestTspan[0] = constraints[constraintIndex].tspan[0] if (constraints[constraintIndex].tspan[0] < largestTspan[0]) else largestTspan[0]
        largestTspan[1] = constraints[constraintIndex].tspan[1] if (constraints[constraintIndex].tspan[1] > largestTspan[1]) else largestTspan[1]

    # Temporary fix / HACK/ TODO to normalise time spans
    for constraintIndex, _ in enumerate(constraints):
      if np.isfinite(constraints[constraintIndex].tspan[0]) and np.isfinite(constraints[constraintIndex].tspan[1]):
        if largestTspan[1] != 0:
          constraints[constraintIndex].tspan[0] = constraints[constraintIndex].tspan[0] / largestTspan[1]
          constraints[constraintIndex].tspan[1] = constraints[constraintIndex].tspan[1] / largestTspan[1]

    listener = self.ikPlanner.getManipPlanListener()

    fields = self.setupFields(constraints, ikParameters, positionCosts, nominalPoseName, seedPoseName, endPoseName)
    msg = self.setupMessage(fields)

    lcmUtils.publish('PLANNER_REQUEST', msg)
    lastManipPlan = listener.waitForResponse(timeout=20000)

    return lastManipPlan, lastManipPlan.plan_info[0]
コード例 #9
    def publishTwoStepEstimateData(self, twoStepEstimateData,
        msg = cpf_lcmtypes.actual_and_estimated_contact_locations_t()
        msg.utime = self.getUtime()
        msg.actual_contact_location = actualContactLocationsMsg

        estMsg = cpf_lcmtypes.multiple_contact_location_t()
        estMsg.num_contacts = len(twoStepEstimateData)

        for linkName, data in twoStepEstimateData.iteritems():
            tmpMsg = cpf_lcmtypes.single_contact_filter_estimate_t()
            tmpMsg.body_name = linkName
            tmpMsg.contact_normal = data['force']

            if data['pt'] is None:
                tmpMsg.utime = -1  # signifies that no intersection was found
                tmpMsg.contact_position = data['contactLocation']
                tmpMsg.contact_position_in_world = data[

            tmpMsg.contact_force = data['force']
            tmpMsg.contact_force_in_world = data['forceInWorld']

        msg.estimated_contact_location = estMsg

コード例 #10
ファイル: navigationpanel.py プロジェクト: patmarion/director
 def onUseNewMapButton(self):
     Send a trigger to the GPF to use the newly created map
     msg = lcmdrc.utime_t()
     msg.utime = getUtime()
     lcmUtils.publish("STATE_EST_USE_NEW_MAP", msg)
コード例 #11
ファイル: navigationpanel.py プロジェクト: patmarion/director
 def onStartNewMapButton(self):
     Send a trigger to the Create Octomap process to start a new map
     msg = lcmdrc.utime_t()
     msg.utime = getUtime()
     lcmUtils.publish("STATE_EST_START_NEW_MAP", msg)
コード例 #12
    def autoIRISSegmentation(self,
                             xy_lb=[-2, -2],
                             xy_ub=[2, 2],
        msg = lcmdrc.auto_iris_segmentation_request_t()
        msg.utime = getUtime()
        A = np.vstack((np.eye(2), -np.eye(2)))
        b = np.hstack((xy_ub, -np.asarray(xy_lb)))
        msg.xy_bounds = irisUtils.encodeLinCon(A, b)

        msg.initial_state = robotstate.drakePoseToRobotState(self.jointController.q)
        msg.map_mode = self.map_mode_map[self.params.properties.map_mode]

        msg.num_seed_poses = 0

        msg.max_num_regions = max_num_regions
        msg.region_id = self.getNewUIDs(max_num_regions)
        msg.default_yaw = default_yaw
        msg.max_slope_angle = max_slope_angle
        msg.max_height_variation = max_height_variation
        msg.plane_distance_tolerance = plane_distance_tolerance
        msg.plane_angle_tolerance = plane_angle_tolerance
        lcmUtils.publish('AUTO_IRIS_SEGMENTATION_REQUEST', msg)
コード例 #13
def onIiwaStatus(msg):

    fingerHalfDist = lastGripperMsg.actual_position_mm * 1e-3 * 0.5
    fingerJointNames = ['wsg_50_finger_left_joint', 'wsg_50_finger_right_joint']
    fingerJointPositions = [fingerHalfDist, fingerHalfDist]

    armJointNames = ['iiwa_joint_1', 'iiwa_joint_2', 'iiwa_joint_3', 'iiwa_joint_4', 'iiwa_joint_5', 'iiwa_joint_6', 'iiwa_joint_7']
    armJointPositions = list(msg.joint_position_measured)

    jointNames = armJointNames + fingerJointNames
    jointPositions = armJointPositions + fingerJointPositions

    m = lcmbotcore.robot_state_t()
    m.utime = msg.utime
    m.pose = robotstate.getPoseLCMFromXYZRPY([0,0,0], [0,0,0])
    m.twist = lcmbotcore.twist_t()
    m.twist.linear_velocity = lcmbotcore.vector_3d_t()
    m.twist.angular_velocity = lcmbotcore.vector_3d_t()
    m.num_joints = len(jointNames)
    m.joint_name = jointNames
    m.joint_position = jointPositions
    m.joint_velocity = np.zeros(m.num_joints)
    m.joint_effort = np.zeros(m.num_joints)
    m.force_torque = lcmbotcore.force_torque_t()
    m.force_torque.l_hand_force = np.zeros(3)
    m.force_torque.l_hand_torque = np.zeros(3)
    m.force_torque.r_hand_force = np.zeros(3)
    m.force_torque.r_hand_torque = np.zeros(3)

    lcmUtils.publish('EST_ROBOT_STATE', m)
コード例 #14
	def publish(self):
		messages = self.reader.getMessages()
		for message in messages:
			channel = message[2]
			val = message[3] / 127.0
			if channel is 102:
				self.msg.slider1 = val
			elif channel is 103:
				self.msg.slider2 = val
			elif channel is 104:
				self.msg.slider3 = val
			elif channel is 105:
				self.msg.slider4 = val
			elif channel is 106:
				self.msg.knob1 = val
			elif channel is 107:
				self.msg.knob2 = val
			elif channel is 108:
				self.msg.knob3 = val
			elif channel is 109:
				self.msg.knob4 = val
			elif channel is 110:
				self.msg.knob5 = val
			elif channel is 111:
				self.msg.knob6 = val
			elif channel is 112:
				self.msg.knob7 = val
			elif channel is 113:
				self.msg.knob8 = val
		if len(messages) is not 0:
			self.msg.utime = getUtime()
			lcmUtils.publish(self.lcmChannel, self.msg)
コード例 #15
    def autoIRISSegmentation(self,
                             xy_lb=[-2, -2],
                             xy_ub=[2, 2],
        msg = lcmdrc.auto_iris_segmentation_request_t()
        msg.utime = getUtime()
        A = np.vstack((np.eye(2), -np.eye(2)))
        b = np.hstack((xy_ub, -np.asarray(xy_lb)))
        msg.xy_bounds = irisUtils.encodeLinCon(A, b)

        msg.initial_state = robotstate.drakePoseToRobotState(self.jointController.q)
        msg.map_mode = self.map_mode_map[self.params.properties.map_mode]

        msg.num_seed_poses = 0

        msg.max_num_regions = max_num_regions
        msg.region_id = self.getNewUIDs(max_num_regions)
        msg.default_yaw = default_yaw
        msg.max_slope_angle = max_slope_angle
        msg.max_height_variation = max_height_variation
        msg.plane_distance_tolerance = plane_distance_tolerance
        msg.plane_angle_tolerance = plane_angle_tolerance
        lcmUtils.publish('AUTO_IRIS_SEGMENTATION_REQUEST', msg)
コード例 #16
ファイル: atlasdriver.py プロジェクト: jediofgever/director
 def sendElectricArmEnabledState(self, enabledState):
     msg = atlas.electric_arm_enable_t()
     msg.utime = getUtime()
     msg.num_electric_arm_joints = 6
     assert len(enabledState) == msg.num_electric_arm_joints
     msg.enable = enabledState
     lcmUtils.publish('ATLAS_ELECTRIC_ARM_ENABLE', msg)
コード例 #17
 def onStartNewMapButton(self):
     Send a trigger to the Create Octomap process to start a new map
     msg = lcmdrc.utime_t()
     msg.utime = getUtime()
     lcmUtils.publish('STATE_EST_START_NEW_MAP', msg)
コード例 #18
 def onUseNewMapButton(self):
     Send a trigger to the GPF to use the newly created map
     msg = lcmdrc.utime_t()
     msg.utime = getUtime()
     lcmUtils.publish('STATE_EST_USE_NEW_MAP', msg)
コード例 #19
def sendFOVRequest(channel, imagePoints):

    import maps as lcmmaps

    channelToImageType = {
        'CAMERA_LEFT': lcmmaps.data_request_t.CAMERA_IMAGE_HEAD_LEFT,
        'CAMERACHEST_LEFT': lcmmaps.data_request_t.CAMERA_IMAGE_LCHEST,
        'CAMERACHEST_RIGHT': lcmmaps.data_request_t.CAMERA_IMAGE_RCHEST,

    dataRequest = lcmmaps.data_request_t()
    dataRequest.type = channelToImageType[channel]

    message = lcmmaps.subimage_request_t()
    message.data_request = dataRequest

    imagePoints = np.array([[pt[0], pt[1]] for pt in imagePoints])
    minX, maxX = imagePoints[:, 0].min(), imagePoints[:, 0].max()
    minY, maxY = imagePoints[:, 1].min(), imagePoints[:, 1].max()

    message.x = minX
    message.y = minY
    message.w = maxX - minX
    message.h = maxY - minY

    #print message.x, message.y, message.w, message.h

    requestChannel = 'SUBIMAGE_REQUEST'
    lcmUtils.publish(requestChannel, message)
コード例 #20
 def sendEchoResponse(self, requestId=None):
     if requestId is None:
         requestId = newUUID()
     msg = self._newCommandMessage('echo_response',
     lcmUtils.publish(self.channel, msg)
コード例 #21
 def sendElectricArmEnabledState(self, enabledState):
     msg = atlas.electric_arm_enable_t()
     msg.utime = getUtime()
     msg.num_electric_arm_joints = 6
     assert len(enabledState) == msg.num_electric_arm_joints
     msg.enable = enabledState
     lcmUtils.publish('ATLAS_ELECTRIC_ARM_ENABLE', msg)
コード例 #22
ファイル: atlasdriver.py プロジェクト: jediofgever/director
    def sendDesiredPumpPsi(self, desiredPsi):
        msg = atlas.pump_command_t()
        msg.utime = getUtime()

        msg.k_psi_p = 0.0  # Gain on pressure error (A/psi)
        msg.k_psi_i = 0.0  # Gain on the integral of the pressure error (A/(psi/s)
        msg.k_psi_d = 0.0  # Gain on the derivative of the pressure error (A/(psi s)

        msg.k_rpm_p = 0.0  # Gain on rpm error (A / rpm)
        msg.k_rpm_i = 0.0  # Gain on the integral of the rpm error (A / (rpm s))
        msg.k_rpm_d = 0.0  # Gain on the derivative of the rpm error (A / (rpm/s)

        msg.ff_rpm_d = 0.0  # Feed-forward gain on the desired rpm (A / rpm)
        msg.ff_psi_d = 0.0  # Feed-forward gain on the desired pressure (A / psi)
        msg.ff_const = 0.0  # Constant current term (Amps)

        msg.psi_i_max = 0.0  # Max. abs. value to which the integral psi error is clamped (psi s)
        msg.rpm_i_max = 0.0  # Max. abs. value to which the integral rpm error is clamped (rpm s)

        # Max. command output (A). Default is 60 Amps.
        # This value may need to be lower than the default in order to avoid
        # causing the motor driver to fault.
        msg.cmd_max = 60

        msg.desired_psi = desiredPsi  # default should be 1500
        msg.desired_rpm = 5000  # default should be 5000

        lcmUtils.publish('ATLAS_PUMP_COMMAND', msg)
コード例 #23
    def sendDesiredPumpPsi(self, desiredPsi):
        msg = atlas.pump_command_t()
        msg.utime = getUtime()

        msg.k_psi_p = 0.0  # Gain on pressure error (A/psi)
        msg.k_psi_i = 0.0  # Gain on the integral of the pressure error (A/(psi/s)
        msg.k_psi_d = 0.0  # Gain on the derivative of the pressure error (A/(psi s)

        msg.k_rpm_p = 0.0  # Gain on rpm error (A / rpm)
        msg.k_rpm_i = 0.0  # Gain on the integral of the rpm error (A / (rpm s))
        msg.k_rpm_d = 0.0  # Gain on the derivative of the rpm error (A / (rpm/s)

        msg.ff_rpm_d = 0.0  # Feed-forward gain on the desired rpm (A / rpm)
        msg.ff_psi_d = 0.0  # Feed-forward gain on the desired pressure (A / psi)
        msg.ff_const = 0.0  # Constant current term (Amps)

        msg.psi_i_max = 0.0  # Max. abs. value to which the integral psi error is clamped (psi s)
        msg.rpm_i_max = 0.0  # Max. abs. value to which the integral rpm error is clamped (rpm s)

        # Max. command output (A). Default is 60 Amps.
        # This value may need to be lower than the default in order to avoid
        # causing the motor driver to fault.
        msg.cmd_max = 60

        msg.desired_psi = desiredPsi # default should be 1500
        msg.desired_rpm = 5000  # default should be 5000

        lcmUtils.publish('ATLAS_PUMP_COMMAND', msg)
コード例 #24
    def processIK(self,

        fields = self.setupFields(constraints, ikParameters, positionCosts,
                                  nominalPoseName, seedPoseName)
        msg = self.setupMessage(fields)

        listener = self.ikPlanner.getManipIKListener()
        lcmUtils.publish('IK_REQUEST', msg)
        ikplan = listener.waitForResponse(timeout=12000)

        endPose = [0] * self.ikPlanner.jointController.numberOfJoints
        if ikplan.num_states > 0:
            endPose[len(endPose) -
                    len(ikplan.plan[ikplan.num_states -
                                    1].joint_position):] = ikplan.plan[
                                        ikplan.num_states - 1].joint_position
            info = ikplan.plan_info[ikplan.num_states - 1]
            info = -1
        return endPose, info
コード例 #25
    def commitManipPlan(self, manipPlan):

        for previousPlan in self.committedPlans:
            if previousPlan.utime == manipPlan.utime:
                raise Exception('Refusing to re-commit manipulation plan.')


        if isinstance(manipPlan, lcmdrc.robot_plan_w_keyframes_t):
            manipPlan = self.convertKeyframePlan(manipPlan)
            supports = self.getSupports()
            if supports is not None:
                manipPlan = self.convertPlanToPlanWithSupports(
                    manipPlan, supports, [0.0],
        manipPlan.utime = getUtime()

        channelMap = {
        defaultChannel = 'COMMITTED_ROBOT_PLAN'
        channel = channelMap.get(type(manipPlan), defaultChannel)
        lcmUtils.publish(channel, manipPlan)
        self.callbacks.process(self.PLAN_COMMITTED, manipPlan)
コード例 #26
    def sendFingerControl(self, positionA, positionB, positionC, force,
                          velocity, scissor, mode):
        assert 0.0 <= positionA <= 254.0
        assert 0.0 <= positionB <= 254.0
        assert 0.0 <= positionC <= 254.0
        assert 0.0 <= force <= 100.0
        assert 0.0 <= velocity <= 100.0
        assert 0 <= int(mode) <= 4

        if not scissor is None:
            assert 0.0 <= scissor <= 254.0

        msg = lcmrobotiq.command_t()
        msg.utime = getUtime()
        msg.activate = 1
        msg.emergency_release = 0
        msg.do_move = 1
        msg.ifc = 1
        msg.positionA = int(positionA)
        msg.positionB = int(positionB)
        msg.positionC = int(positionC)
        msg.force = int(254 * (force / 100.0))
        msg.velocity = int(254 * (velocity / 100.0))
        msg.mode = int(mode)

        if not scissor is None:
            msg.isc = 1
            msg.positionS = int(scissor)

        channel = 'ROBOTIQ_%s_COMMAND' % self.side.upper()
        lcmUtils.publish(channel, msg)
コード例 #27
 def applyAllButtonClicked(self, event):
     msg = data_request_list_t()
     msg.utime = getUtime()
     msg.requests = []
     for name in self.groups:
     msg.num_requests = len(msg.requests)
     lcmUtils.publish('DATA_REQUEST', msg)
コード例 #28
 def applyAllButtonClicked(self,event):
     msg = data_request_list_t()
     msg.utime = getUtime()
     msg.requests = []
     for name in self.groups:
     msg.num_requests = len(msg.requests)
コード例 #29
 def immediateRequestClicked(self,event):
     req = self.getMessage()
     req.period = 0
     msg = data_request_list_t()
     msg.utime = getUtime()
     msg.requests = [req]
     msg.num_requests = len(msg.requests)
コード例 #30
ファイル: cameratransform.py プロジェクト: rcory/spartan
    def onEstRobotState(self, msg):

        cameraToWorld = self.getCameraToWorld()

        # make the message and publish it out
        cameraToWorldMsg = lcmframe.rigidTransformMessageFromFrame(
        lcmUtils.publish(self.channelName, cameraToWorldMsg)
コード例 #31
ファイル: pydrakeik.py プロジェクト: RobotLocomotion/director
    def processTraj(self, constraints, ikParameters, positionCosts, nominalPoseName="", seedPoseName="", endPoseName=""):

        fields = self.setupFields(constraints, ikParameters, positionCosts, nominalPoseName, seedPoseName, endPoseName)
        fields = self.testEncodeDecode(fields)
        poses, poseTimes, info = self.ikServer.runIkTraj(fields)
        plan = self.makePlanMessage(poses, poseTimes, info, fields)
        lcmUtils.publish('CANDIDATE_MANIP_PLAN', plan)
        return plan, info
コード例 #32
 def immediateRequestClicked(self, event):
     req = self.getMessage()
     req.period = 0
     msg = data_request_list_t()
     msg.utime = getUtime()
     msg.requests = [req]
     msg.num_requests = len(msg.requests)
     lcmUtils.publish('DATA_REQUEST', msg)
コード例 #33
    def sendClose(self, percentage=100.0):
        assert 0.0 <= percentage <= 100.0
        msg = lcmirobot.position_control_close_t()
        msg.utime = getUtime()
        msg.valid = [True, True, True, False]
        msg.close_fraction = percentage / 100.0

        channel = 'IROBOT_%s_POSITION_CONTROL_CLOSE' % self.side.upper()
        lcmUtils.publish(channel, msg)
コード例 #34
 def sendStatusMessage(self, timestamp, response):
     msg = lcmrl.viewer2_comms_t()
     msg.format = "viewer2_json"
     msg.format_version_major = 1
     msg.format_version_minor = 0
     data = dict(timestamp=timestamp, **response.toJson())
     msg.data = json.dumps(data)
     msg.num_bytes = len(msg.data)
     lcmUtils.publish('DRAKE_VIEWER2_RESPONSE', msg)
コード例 #35
    def updateDescription(self, desc, publish=True, notify=True):
        self.collection[self.getDescriptionId(desc)] = desc
        if publish and USE_LCM:
            msg = self._newCommandMessage('update', description=desc)
            lcmUtils.publish(self.channel, msg)

        if notify:
            self.callbacks.process(self.DESCRIPTION_UPDATED_SIGNAL, self, self.getDescriptionId(desc))
コード例 #36
    def updateDescription(self, desc, publish=True, notify=True):
        self.collection[self.getDescriptionId(desc)] = desc
        if publish and USE_LCM:
            msg = self._newCommandMessage('update', description=desc)
            lcmUtils.publish(self.channel, msg)

        if notify:
            self.callbacks.process(self.DESCRIPTION_UPDATED_SIGNAL, self, self.getDescriptionId(desc))
コード例 #37
ファイル: handdriver.py プロジェクト: caomw/director
    def sendClose(self, percentage=100.0):
        assert 0.0 <= percentage <= 100.0
        msg = lcmirobot.position_control_close_t()
        msg.utime = getUtime()
        msg.valid = [True, True, True, False]
        msg.close_fraction = percentage / 100.0

        channel = 'IROBOT_%s_POSITION_CONTROL_CLOSE' % self.side.upper()
        lcmUtils.publish(channel, msg)
コード例 #38
def sendControlMessage(contents):
    msg = lcmrl.viewer2_comms_t()
    msg.utime = getUtime()
    msg.format = 'rigid_body_sim_json'
    msg.format_version_major = 1
    msg.format_version_minor = 1
    data = dict(**contents)
    msg.data = bytearray(json.dumps(data), encoding='utf-8')
    msg.num_bytes = len(msg.data)
    lcmUtils.publish(controlChannel, msg)
コード例 #39
ファイル: startup.py プロジェクト: openhumanoids/director
    def sendDataRequest(requestType, repeatTime=0.0):
      msg = lcmmaps.data_request_t()
      msg.type = requestType
      msg.period = int(repeatTime*10) # period is specified in tenths of a second

      msgList = lcmmaps.data_request_list_t()
      msgList.utime = getUtime()
      msgList.requests = [msg]
      msgList.num_requests = len(msgList.requests)
      lcmUtils.publish('DATA_REQUEST', msgList)
コード例 #40
    def _updateAndSendCommandMessage(self):
        self._currentCommandedPose = self.clipPoseToJointLimits(self._currentCommandedPose)
        if self._baseFlag:
            msg = robotstate.drakePoseToRobotState(self._currentCommandedPose)
            msg = drakePoseToAtlasCommand(self._currentCommandedPose)

        if self.useControllerFlag:
            msg = drakePoseToQPInput(self._currentCommandedPose)

        lcmUtils.publish(self.publishChannel, msg)
コード例 #41
    def sendDataRequest(requestType, repeatTime=0.0):
        msg = lcmmaps.data_request_t()
        msg.type = requestType
        msg.period = int(repeatTime *
                         10)  # period is specified in tenths of a second

        msgList = lcmmaps.data_request_list_t()
        msgList.utime = getUtime()
        msgList.requests = [msg]
        msgList.num_requests = len(msgList.requests)
        lcmUtils.publish('DATA_REQUEST', msgList)
コード例 #42
ファイル: handdriver.py プロジェクト: caomw/director
 def sendDrop(self):
     msg = lcmrobotiq.command_t()
     msg.utime = getUtime()
     msg.activate = 1
     msg.emergency_release = 1
     msg.do_move = 0
     msg.mode = 0
     msg.position = 0
     msg.force = 0
     msg.velocity = 0
     channel = 'ROBOTIQ_%s_COMMAND' % self.side.upper()
     lcmUtils.publish(channel, msg)
コード例 #43
 def sendDrop(self):
     msg = lcmrobotiq.command_t()
     msg.utime = getUtime()
     msg.activate = 1
     msg.emergency_release = 1
     msg.do_move = 0
     msg.mode = 0
     msg.position = 0
     msg.force = 0
     msg.velocity = 0
     channel = 'ROBOTIQ_%s_COMMAND' % self.side.upper()
     lcmUtils.publish(channel, msg)
コード例 #44
ファイル: yawLock.py プロジェクト: zhouchangSJTU/director
    def publishCorrection(self, channel='POSE_YAW_LOCK'):

        pelvisToWorld = self.getPelvisEstimate()

        position, quat = transformUtils.poseFromTransform(pelvisToWorld)

        msg = lcmbot.pose_t()
        msg.utime = robotStateJointController.lastRobotStateMessage.utime
        msg.pos = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
        msg.orientation = quat.tolist()

        lcmUtils.publish(channel, msg)
コード例 #45
 def requestIRISRegion(self, tform, uid, bounding_box_width=2):
     start = np.asarray(tform.GetPosition())
     A_bounds, b_bounds = self.getXYBounds(start, bounding_box_width)
     msg = lcmdrc.iris_region_request_t()
     msg.utime = getUtime()
     msg.initial_state = robotstate.drakePoseToRobotState(self.jointController.q)
     msg.map_mode = self.map_mode_map[self.params.properties.map_mode]
     msg.num_seed_poses = 1
     msg.seed_poses = [positionMessageFromFrame(tform)]
     msg.region_id = [uid]
     msg.xy_bounds = [irisUtils.encodeLinCon(A_bounds, b_bounds)]
     lcmUtils.publish(self.request_channel, msg)
コード例 #46
    def _updateAndSendCommandMessage(self):
        self._currentCommandedPose = self.clipPoseToJointLimits(self._currentCommandedPose)
        if self._baseFlag:
            msg = robotstate.drakePoseToRobotState(self._currentCommandedPose)
            msg = drakePoseToAtlasCommand(self._currentCommandedPose)

        if self.useControllerFlag:
            msg = drakePoseToQPInput(self._currentCommandedPose, useConstrainedDofs=self.options['useConstrainedDofs'],
                                     fixedBase=self.options['fixedBase'], forceControl=self.options['forceControl'])

        lcmUtils.publish(self.publishChannel, msg)
コード例 #47
 def requestIRISRegion(self, tform, uid, bounding_box_width=2):
     start = np.asarray(tform.GetPosition())
     A_bounds, b_bounds = self.getXYBounds(start, bounding_box_width)
     msg = lcmdrc.iris_region_request_t()
     msg.utime = getUtime()
     msg.initial_state = robotstate.drakePoseToRobotState(self.jointController.q)
     msg.map_mode = self.map_mode_map[self.params.properties.map_mode]
     msg.num_seed_poses = 1
     msg.seed_poses = [positionMessageFromFrame(tform)]
     msg.region_id = [uid]
     msg.xy_bounds = [irisUtils.encodeLinCon(A_bounds, b_bounds)]
     lcmUtils.publish(self.request_channel, msg)
コード例 #48
    def _updateAndSendCommandMessage(self):
        self._currentCommandedPose = self.clipPoseToJointLimits(
        if self._baseFlag:
            msg = robotstate.drakePoseToRobotState(self._currentCommandedPose)
            msg = drakePoseToAtlasCommand(self._currentCommandedPose)

        if self.useControllerFlag:
            msg = drakePoseToQPInput(self._currentCommandedPose)

        lcmUtils.publish(self.publishChannel, msg)
コード例 #49
ファイル: ikconstraintencoder.py プロジェクト: caomw/director
    def publishConstraints(self,constraints,messageName='PLANNER_REQUEST'):
        poses = getPlanPoses(constraints, self.ikPlanner)

        #poseJsonStr = json.dumps(poses, indent=4)
        #constraintsJsonStr = encodeConstraints(constraints, indent=4)
        poseJsonStr = json.dumps(poses)
        constraintsJsonStr = encodeConstraints(constraints)

        msg = lcmdrc.planner_request_t()
        msg.utime = getUtime()
        msg.poses = poseJsonStr
        msg.constraints = constraintsJsonStr
        lcmUtils.publish(messageName, msg)
コード例 #50
 def sendStatusMessage(self, timestamp, response, client_id=""):
     msg = lcmrl.viewer2_comms_t()
     msg.format = "treeviewer_json"
     msg.format_version_major = 1
     msg.format_version_minor = 0
     data = dict(timestamp=timestamp, **response.toJson())
     msg.data = json.dumps(data)
     msg.num_bytes = len(msg.data)
     if client_id:
         channel = "DIRECTOR_TREE_VIEWER_RESPONSE_<{:s}>".format(client_id)
     lcmUtils.publish(channel, msg)
コード例 #51
ファイル: handdriver.py プロジェクト: caomw/director
    def sendClose(self, percentage=100.0):
        assert 0.0 <= percentage <= 100.0

        msg = lcmrobotiq.command_t()
        msg.utime = getUtime()
        msg.activate = 1
        msg.emergency_release = 0
        msg.do_move = 1
        msg.position = int(254 * (percentage/100.0))
        msg.force = 254
        msg.velocity = 254
        channel = 'ROBOTIQ_%s_COMMAND' % self.side.upper()
        lcmUtils.publish(channel, msg)
コード例 #52
 def sendStatusMessage(self, timestamp, response, client_id=""):
     msg = lcmrl.viewer2_comms_t()
     msg.format = "treeviewer_json"
     msg.format_version_major = 1
     msg.format_version_minor = 0
     data = dict(timestamp=timestamp, **response.toJson())
     msg.data = bytearray(json.dumps(data), encoding='utf-8')
     msg.num_bytes = len(msg.data)
     if client_id:
         channel = "DIRECTOR_TREE_VIEWER_RESPONSE_<{:s}>".format(client_id)
     lcmUtils.publish(channel, msg)
コード例 #53
ファイル: mappingpanel.py プロジェクト: caomw/director
    def onStartMappingButton(self):
        msg = map_command_t()
        msg.timestamp = getUtime()
        msg.command = 0
        lcmUtils.publish('KINECT_MAP_COMMAND', msg)

        utime = self.queue.getCurrentImageTime('KINECT_RGB')
        self.cameraToLocalInit = vtk.vtkTransform()
        self.queue.getTransform('KINECT_RGB', 'local', utime, self.cameraToLocalInit)
        vis.updateFrame(self.cameraToLocalInit, 'initial cam' )
        print "starting mapping", utime
        print self.cameraToLocalInit.GetPosition()
        print self.cameraToLocalInit.GetOrientation()
コード例 #54
ファイル: handdriver.py プロジェクト: caomw/director
    def setMode(self, mode):
        assert 0 <= int(mode) <= 4

        msg = lcmrobotiq.command_t()
        msg.utime = getUtime()
        msg.activate = 1
        msg.emergency_release = 0
        msg.do_move = 0
        msg.position = 0
        msg.force = 0
        msg.velocity = 0
        msg.mode = int(mode)
        channel = 'ROBOTIQ_%s_COMMAND' % self.side.upper()
        lcmUtils.publish(channel, msg)
コード例 #55
    def removeDescription(self, descriptionId, publish=True, notify=True):

            del self.collection[descriptionId]
        except KeyError:

        if publish and USE_LCM:
            msg = self._newCommandMessage('remove', descriptionId=descriptionId,)
            lcmUtils.publish(self.channel, msg)

        if notify:
            self.callbacks.process(self.DESCRIPTION_REMOVED_SIGNAL, self, descriptionId)