コード例 #1
ファイル: lighttag.py プロジェクト: zymITsky/twittomatic
    def __init__(self, filetrie="anchors.marisa", filestop="stop.txt"):
        self.trie = marisa_trie.Trie()
        self.disambig = Disambiguator()
        self.stopwords = set()

        with open(filestop, 'r') as stopfile:
            self.stopwords = set(
                filter(lambda x: x and x[0] != '#',
                       map(lambda x: x.rstrip(), stopfile.readlines())))

        with open(filetrie, 'r') as inputfile:

        print "Loaded %d anchors" % len(self.trie)
コード例 #2
ファイル: lighttag.py プロジェクト: antiface/twittomatic
    def __init__(self, filetrie="anchors.marisa", filestop="stop.txt"):
        self.trie = marisa_trie.Trie()
        self.disambig = Disambiguator()
        self.stopwords = set()

        with open(filestop, 'r') as stopfile:
            self.stopwords = set(filter(lambda x: x and x[0] != '#', map(lambda x: x.rstrip(), stopfile.readlines())))

        with open(filetrie, 'r') as inputfile:

        print "Loaded %d anchors" % len(self.trie)
コード例 #3
ファイル: lighttag.py プロジェクト: antiface/twittomatic
class LightTag(object):
    def __init__(self, filetrie="anchors.marisa", filestop="stop.txt"):
        self.trie = marisa_trie.Trie()
        self.disambig = Disambiguator()
        self.stopwords = set()

        with open(filestop, 'r') as stopfile:
            self.stopwords = set(filter(lambda x: x and x[0] != '#', map(lambda x: x.rstrip(), stopfile.readlines())))

        with open(filetrie, 'r') as inputfile:

        print "Loaded %d anchors" % len(self.trie)

    def annotate(self, text):
        with profiled("Disambiguated in %s"):
            matches = self.match(text)

            spots = []
            indices = {}
            for (start, stop), anchors in matches.items():
                if anchors[0] in self.stopwords:
                    print "Ignoring stopword", anchors[0], anchors

                indices[anchors[0]] = (start, stop)

            ret = {}
            results = self.disambig.disambiguate(spots)

            for spot in results:
                ret[spot] = results[spot]
                ret[spot]['indices'] = indices[spot]
                start, stop = indices[spot]
                ret[spot]['spot'] = text[start:stop]

            return [v for(k, v) in ret.items()]

    def match(self, text, context=5, threshold=0.8):
        anchors = {}

        with profiled("Annotated in %s"):
            start = 0
            text_words = extract_words(text)

            while start < len(text_words):
                stop = min(start + context, len(text_words)) 

                while stop >= start:
                    words = map(lambda x: x[0], text_words[start:stop])
                    target = u' '.join(words)

                    # Only consider strings which are at least 3 characters long
                    if len(target) >= 3:
                        begin = text_words[start][1][0]
                        end   = text_words[stop - 1][1][1]

                        #assert target == text[begin:end].lower()

                        wiki_titles = self.trie.keys(target)
                        wiki_titles = [title for title in self.filter_wiki_titles(words, wiki_titles, threshold=threshold)]

                        if wiki_titles:
                            anchors[(begin, end)] = wiki_titles
                            stop = 0

                    stop -= 1
                start += 1

        return anchors

    def filter_wiki_titles(self, words, wiki_titles, threshold=0.8):
        Filter a list of wiki titles based on similarity

        #print "Filtering", words, wiki_titles
        for title in wiki_titles:
            similarities = 0

            for counter, (word1, word2) in enumerate(izip_longest(words, title.split())):
                if not word1 or not word2:

                if word1 == word2:
                    similarities += 1

            sim = similarities / float(counter + 1)

            if sim > threshold:
                yield title

                if sim == 1.0:
                    raise StopIteration
コード例 #4
ファイル: lighttag.py プロジェクト: zymITsky/twittomatic
class LightTag(object):
    def __init__(self, filetrie="anchors.marisa", filestop="stop.txt"):
        self.trie = marisa_trie.Trie()
        self.disambig = Disambiguator()
        self.stopwords = set()

        with open(filestop, 'r') as stopfile:
            self.stopwords = set(
                filter(lambda x: x and x[0] != '#',
                       map(lambda x: x.rstrip(), stopfile.readlines())))

        with open(filetrie, 'r') as inputfile:

        print "Loaded %d anchors" % len(self.trie)

    def annotate(self, text):
        with profiled("Disambiguated in %s"):
            matches = self.match(text)

            spots = []
            indices = {}
            for (start, stop), anchors in matches.items():
                if anchors[0] in self.stopwords:
                    print "Ignoring stopword", anchors[0], anchors

                indices[anchors[0]] = (start, stop)

            ret = {}
            results = self.disambig.disambiguate(spots)

            for spot in results:
                ret[spot] = results[spot]
                ret[spot]['indices'] = indices[spot]
                start, stop = indices[spot]
                ret[spot]['spot'] = text[start:stop]

            return [v for (k, v) in ret.items()]

    def match(self, text, context=5, threshold=0.8):
        anchors = {}

        with profiled("Annotated in %s"):
            start = 0
            text_words = extract_words(text)

            while start < len(text_words):
                stop = min(start + context, len(text_words))

                while stop >= start:
                    words = map(lambda x: x[0], text_words[start:stop])
                    target = u' '.join(words)

                    # Only consider strings which are at least 3 characters long
                    if len(target) >= 3:
                        begin = text_words[start][1][0]
                        end = text_words[stop - 1][1][1]

                        #assert target == text[begin:end].lower()

                        wiki_titles = self.trie.keys(target)
                        wiki_titles = [
                            title for title in self.filter_wiki_titles(
                                words, wiki_titles, threshold=threshold)

                        if wiki_titles:
                            anchors[(begin, end)] = wiki_titles
                            stop = 0

                    stop -= 1
                start += 1

        return anchors

    def filter_wiki_titles(self, words, wiki_titles, threshold=0.8):
        Filter a list of wiki titles based on similarity

        #print "Filtering", words, wiki_titles
        for title in wiki_titles:
            similarities = 0

            for counter, (word1, word2) in enumerate(
                    izip_longest(words, title.split())):
                if not word1 or not word2:

                if word1 == word2:
                    similarities += 1

            sim = similarities / float(counter + 1)

            if sim > threshold:
                yield title

                if sim == 1.0:
                    raise StopIteration