async def _members(self): members = [] for member in await self._state._members_get_all("guild",, name="member"): members.append(Member(guild=self, state=self._state, data=member)) return members
async def message(self, content, channel, author=None, **kwargs): if not author: author = self.make_member(channel.guild, self.make_user()) author_data = { 'user': author._user._to_minimal_user_json(), 'nick': author.nick, 'roles': author._roles, 'joined_at': author.joined_at.isoformat(), } member = Member(state=self.client._connection, data=author_data, guild=channel.guild) data = { 'id': '0', 'channel_id':, 'reactions': [], 'attachments': [], 'embeds': [], 'mention_roles': [], 'application': None, 'activity': None, 'edited_timestamp': '1970-01-01T00:00:01+00:00', 'type': 0, 'pinned': False, 'flags': 0, 'mention_everyone': False, 'tts': False, 'content': content, 'nonce': None, 'message_reference': None, 'author': author._user._to_minimal_user_json(), 'member': author_data } data.update(kwargs) self.client._connection.parse_message_create(data)
def make_member(self, guild, user): data = { 'user': user._to_minimal_user_json(), 'nick': None, 'roles': [], 'joined_at': '1970-01-01T00:00:01+00:00' } member = Member(data=data, state=self.client._connection, guild=guild) guild._add_member(member) guild._member_count = len(guild._members) return member
async def member(self): try: member = self._data["member"] author = await try: author._update_from_message(member) except AttributeError: author = Member._from_message(message=self, data=member) return author except KeyError: return None
async def parse_guild_member_update(self, data, old): guild = await self._get_guild(int(data["guild_id"])) if old and guild: member = await guild.get_member(int(data["user"]["id"])) if member: old_member = Member._copy(member) old_member._update(old) user_update = old_member._update_inner_user(data["user"]) if user_update: self.dispatch("user_update", user_update[1], user_update[0]) self.dispatch("member_update", old_member, member)
async def parse_presence_update(self, data, old): guild = await self._get_guild(utils._get_as_snowflake( data, "guild_id")) if not guild: return old_member = None member = await guild.get_member(int(data["user"]["id"])) if member and old: old_member = Member._copy(member) user_update = old_member._presence_update(data=old, user=old["user"]) if user_update: self.dispatch("user_update", user_update[1], user_update[0]) self.dispatch("member_update", old_member, member)
async def edit_webhook( self, ctx: commands.Context, chan: Optional[discord.TextChannel], service: ServiceConverter, webhook: bool, ): """Set whether or not to use webhooks for status updates. Using a webhook means that the status updates will be sent with the avatar as the service's logo and the name will be `[service] Status Update`, instead of my avatar and name. If you don't specify a channel, I will use the current channel. """ if TYPE_CHECKING: channel = GuildChannel() me = Member() else: channel = chan or me = old_conf = await if not in old_conf.keys(): return await ctx.send( f"It looks like I don't send {service.friendly} status updates to " f"{channel.mention}") if old_conf[]["webhook"] == webhook: word = "use" if webhook else "don't use" return await ctx.send( f"It looks like I already {word} webhooks for {service.friendly} status updates " f"in {channel.mention}") if webhook and not channel.permissions_for(me).manage_webhooks: return await ctx.send( "I don't have manage webhook permissions so I can't do that.") old_conf[]["edit_id"] = {} old_conf[]["webhook"] = webhook await # type:ignore, value=old_conf[]) word = "use" if webhook else "not use" await ctx.send( f"{service.friendly} status updates in {channel.mention} will now {word} webhooks." )
async def mentions(self): try: mentions = self._data["mentions"] members = [] guild = self.guild state = self._state if not isinstance(guild, Guild): members = [state.store_user(m) for m in mentions] else: for mention in filter(None, mentions): id_search = int(mention["id"]) member = await guild.get_member(id_search) if member is not None: members.append(member) else: members.append( Member._try_upgrade(data=mention, guild=guild, state=state)) return members except KeyError: return []
async def on_message(self, message: Message) -> None: author = avatar = id = try: count = self.session.query(DBMember).filter( == id).count() if count < 1: member = Member(id=id, name=author, avatar=avatar, level=1, experience=0) self.session.add(member) await self.add_exp(id) await self.level_up(, except Exception as error: await'Could not complete your command') self.logger.error(error)
async def parse_message_reaction_add(self, data, old): emoji = PartialEmoji.with_state( self, id=utils._get_as_snowflake(data["emoji"], "id"), animated=data["emoji"].get("animated", False), name=data["emoji"]["name"], ) raw = RawReactionActionEvent(data, emoji, "REACTION_ADD") member = data.get("member") if member: guild = await self._get_guild(raw.guild_id) if guild: raw.member = Member(guild=guild, state=self, data=member) self.dispatch("raw_reaction_add", raw) message = await self._get_message(raw.message_id) if message: reaction = Reaction(message=message, data=data, emoji=await self._upgrade_partial_emoji(emoji)) user = raw.member or await self._get_reaction_user(, raw.user_id) if user: self.dispatch("reaction_add", reaction, user)
async def get_member(self, user_id): result = await self._state._get(f"member:{}:{user_id}") if result: result = Member(guild=self, state=self._state, data=result) return result
async def parse_guild_member_remove(self, data, old): if old: guild = await self._get_guild(int(data["guild_id"])) if guild: member = Member(guild=guild, data=old, state=self) self.dispatch("member_remove", member)
async def parse_guild_member_add(self, data, old): guild = await self._get_guild(int(data["guild_id"])) if guild: member = Member(guild=guild, data=data, state=self) self.dispatch("member_join", member)
async def statusset_preview(self, ctx: commands.Context, service: ServiceConverter, mode: ModeConverter, webhook: bool): """ Preview what status updates will look like. You can also see this at **<service>** The service you want to preview. There's a list of available services in the `[p]help statusset` command. **<mode>** **all**: Every time the service posts an update on an incident, I will send a new message containing the previous updates as well as the new update. Best used in a fast-moving channel with other users. **latest**: Every time the service posts an update on an incident, I will send a new message containing only the latest update. Best used in a dedicated status channel. **edit**: Naturally, edit mode can't have a preview so won't work with this command. The message content is the same as the `all` mode. When a new incident is created, I will sent a new message. When this incident is updated, I will then add the update to the original message. Best used in a dedicated status channel. **<webhook>** Using a webhook means that the status updates will be sent with the avatar as the service's logo and the name will be `[service] Status Update`, instead of my avatar and name. """ if TYPE_CHECKING: me = Member() channel = TextChannel() else: me = channel = if webhook and not channel.permissions_for(me).manage_messages: return await ctx.send("I don't have permission to manage webhook.") incidentdata, extra_info = await self.config_wrapper.get_latest( if (incidentdata is None or extra_info is None or (time() - extra_info.get("checked", 0) > 300)): # its older than 3 mins try: json_resp, etag, status = await self.statusapi.incidents( except Exception: return await ctx.send("Hmm, I couldn't preview that.") if status != 200: return await ctx.send("Hmm, I couldn't preview that.") incidentdata_list = process_json(json_resp, "incidents") await self.config_wrapper.update_incidents(, incidentdata_list[0]) incidentdata = incidentdata_list[0] update = Update(incidentdata, [incidentdata.fields[-1]]) await SendUpdate(, self.config_wrapper, update,, SendCache(update,, False, True, ).send({ { "mode": mode, "webhook": webhook, "edit_id": {} } })