async def create_channel(guild_id): """Create a channel in a guild.""" user_id = await token_check() j = await request.get_json() await guild_check(user_id, guild_id) await guild_perm_check(user_id, guild_id, 'manage_channels') channel_type = j.get('type', ChannelType.GUILD_TEXT) channel_type = ChannelType(channel_type) if channel_type not in (ChannelType.GUILD_TEXT, ChannelType.GUILD_VOICE): raise BadRequest('Invalid channel type') new_channel_id = get_snowflake() await create_guild_channel(guild_id, new_channel_id, channel_type, **j) # TODO: do a better method # subscribe the currently subscribed users to the new channel # by getting all user ids and subscribing each one by one. # since GuildDispatcher calls Storage.get_channel_ids, # it will subscribe all users to the newly created channel. guild_pubsub = app.dispatcher.backends['guild'] user_ids = guild_pubsub.state[guild_id] for uid in user_ids: await app.dispatcher.sub('guild', guild_id, uid) chan = await await app.dispatcher.dispatch_guild(guild_id, 'CHANNEL_CREATE', chan) return jsonify(chan)
async def _put_emoji(guild_id): user_id = await token_check() await guild_check(user_id, guild_id) await guild_perm_check(user_id, guild_id, 'manage_emojis') j = validate(await request.get_json(), NEW_EMOJI) emoji_id = get_snowflake() icon = await app.icons.put( 'emoji', emoji_id, j['image'], # limits to emojis bsize=128 * KILOBYTES, size=(128, 128)) if not icon: return '', 400 await app.db.execute( """ INSERT INTO guild_emoji (id, guild_id, uploader_id, name, image, animated) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6) """, emoji_id, guild_id, user_id, j['name'], icon.icon_hash, icon.mime == 'image/gif') await _dispatch_emojis(guild_id) return jsonify(await
async def create_payment(subscription_id, db=None): """Create a payment.""" if not db: db = app.db sub = await get_subscription(subscription_id, db) new_id = get_snowflake() amount = AMOUNTS[sub['payment_gateway_plan_id']] await db.execute( """ INSERT INTO user_payments ( id, source_id, subscription_id, user_id, amount, amount_refunded, currency, description, status, tax, tax_inclusive ) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, 0, $6, $7, $8, 0, false) """, new_id, int(sub['payment_source_id']), subscription_id, int(sub['user_id']), amount, 'usd', 'F**K NITRO', PaymentStatus.SUCCESS) return new_id
async def create_user(username: str, email: str, password: str, db=None, loop=None): """Create a single user.""" db = db or app.db loop = loop or app.loop new_id = get_snowflake() new_discrim = randint(1, 9999) new_discrim = '%04d' % new_discrim pwd_hash = await hash_data(password, loop) await check_username_usage(username, db) try: await db.execute( """ INSERT INTO users (id, email, username, discriminator, password_hash) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5) """, new_id, email, username, new_discrim, pwd_hash) except UniqueViolationError: raise BadRequest('Email already used.') return new_id, pwd_hash
async def create_role(guild_id, name: str, **kwargs): """Create a role in a guild.""" new_role_id = get_snowflake() # TODO: use @everyone's perm number default_perms = dict_get(kwargs, 'default_perms', DEFAULT_EVERYONE_PERMS) # update all roles so that we have space for pos 1, but without # sending GUILD_ROLE_UPDATE for everyone await app.db.execute(""" UPDATE roles SET position = position + 1 WHERE guild_id = $1 AND NOT (position = 0) """, guild_id) await app.db.execute( """ INSERT INTO roles (id, guild_id, name, color, hoist, position, permissions, managed, mentionable) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9) """, new_role_id, guild_id, name, dict_get(kwargs, 'color', 0), dict_get(kwargs, 'hoist', False), # always set ourselves on position 1 1, int(dict_get(kwargs, 'permissions', default_perms)), False, dict_get(kwargs, 'mentionable', False) ) role = await, guild_id) # we need to update the lazy guild handlers for the newly created group await _maybe_lg(guild_id, 'new_role', role) await app.dispatcher.dispatch_guild( guild_id, 'GUILD_ROLE_CREATE', { 'guild_id': str(guild_id), 'role': role, }) return role
async def _handle_pin_msg(app, channel_id, pinned_id, author_id): """Handle a message pin.""" new_id = get_snowflake() await app.db.execute( """ INSERT INTO messages (id, channel_id, guild_id, author_id, webhook_id, content, message_type) VALUES ($1, $2, NULL, $3, NULL, '', $4) """, new_id, channel_id, author_id, MessageType.CHANNEL_PINNED_MESSAGE.value) return new_id
async def _create_payment_source(): user_id = await token_check() j = validate(await request.get_json(), PAYMENT_SOURCE) new_source_id = get_snowflake() await app.db.execute( """ INSERT INTO user_payment_sources (id, user_id, source_type, default_, expires_month, expires_year, brand, cc_full, billing_address) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9) """, new_source_id, user_id, PaymentSource.CREDIT.value, True, 12, 6969, 'Visa', '4242424242424242', json.dumps(j['billing_address'])) return jsonify(await get_payment_source(user_id, new_source_id))
async def create_message(channel_id: int, actual_guild_id: int, author_id: int, data: dict) -> int: message_id = get_snowflake() async with app.db.acquire() as conn: await pg_set_json(conn) await conn.execute( """ INSERT INTO messages (id, channel_id, guild_id, author_id, content, tts, mention_everyone, nonce, message_type, embeds) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10) """, message_id, channel_id, actual_guild_id, author_id, data['content'], data['tts'], data['everyone_mention'], data['nonce'], MessageType.DEFAULT.value, data.get('embeds', [])) return message_id
async def _create_subscription(): user_id = await token_check() j = validate(await request.get_json(), CREATE_SUBSCRIPTION) source = await get_payment_source(user_id, j['payment_source_id']) if not source: raise BadRequest('invalid source id') plan_id = j['payment_gateway_plan_id'] # tier 1 is lightro / classic # tier 2 is nitro period_end = { 'premium_month_tier_1': '1 month', 'premium_month_tier_2': '1 month', 'premium_year_tier_1': '1 year', 'premium_year_tier_2': '1 year', }[plan_id] new_id = get_snowflake() await app.db.execute( f""" INSERT INTO user_subscriptions (id, source_id, user_id, s_type, payment_gateway, payment_gateway_plan_id, status, period_end) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, now()::timestamp + interval '{period_end}') """, new_id, j['payment_source_id'], user_id, SubscriptionType.PURCHASE, PaymentGateway.STRIPE, plan_id, 1) await create_payment(new_id, app.db) # make sure we update the user's premium status # and dispatch respective user updates to other people. await process_subscription(app, new_id) return jsonify(await get_subscription(new_id))