async def about(self, ctx: commands.Context): """ View info of the bot """ data = { "id":, "owner": "StarrFox#6312", "created": humanize.naturaldate(, "up since": humanize.naturaltime(, "guilds": len(, "commands": len(set(, "dc version": dc_version, " version": discord.__version__, } events_cog ="events") if events_cog: data.update({ "events seen": "{:,}".format(sum(events_cog.socket_events.values())) }) paginator = PrologPaginator() paginator.recursively_add_dictonary({ data}) source = NormalPageSource(paginator.pages) menu = DCMenuPages(source) await menu.start(ctx)
async def memberinfo(self, ctx: commands.Context, member: FetchedMember = None): """ Get info on a guild member """ if member is None: member = await ctx.guild.fetch_member( data = { "id":, "top role":, "joined guild": humanize.naturaldate(member.joined_at), "joined discord": humanize.naturaldate(member.created_at), } paginator = PrologPaginator() paginator.recursively_add_dictonary({ data}) source = NormalPageSource(paginator.pages) menu = DCMenuPages(source) await menu.start(ctx)
async def guildinfo(self, ctx: commands.Context): """ Get info on a guild """ guild = ctx.guild bots = len([m for m in guild.members if]) humans = guild.member_count - bots data = { "id":, "owner": str(guild.owner), "created": humanize.naturaltime(guild.created_at), "# of roles": len(guild.roles), "members": {"humans": humans, "bots": bots, "total": guild.member_count}, "channels": { "categories": len(guild.categories), "text": len(guild.text_channels), "voice": len(guild.voice_channels), "total": len(guild.channels), }, } paginator = PrologPaginator() paginator.recursively_add_dictonary({ data}) source = NormalPageSource(paginator.pages) menu = DCMenuPages(source) await menu.start(ctx)
async def show(self, ctx, *, bot: BotConverter()): """ Show the ratings of a bot. """ ratings = await self.get_bot_ratings( if not ratings: return await ctx.send("No ratings for this bot.") title = f"Ratings for {bot}" average_holder = [] entries = [] for user_id, rating, review in ratings: user = if not user: await self.clear_bot_rating(, user_id) continue entries.append(self.format_rating(user, rating, review)) average_holder.append(rating) average = round(sum(average_holder) / len(average_holder), 2) description = f"Average: {average}" source = EmbedFieldsPageSource( entries, per_page=3, title=title, description=description ) menu = DCMenuPages(source) await menu.start(ctx)
async def send_raw(ctx: commands.Context, data: dict): paginator = PartitionPaginator(prefix="```json", max_size=1985) to_send = json.dumps(data, indent=4) paginator.add_line(to_send) source = NormalPageSource(paginator.pages) menu = DCMenuPages(source) await menu.start(ctx)
async def jsk_python(self, ctx: SubContext, *, argument: codeblock_converter): arg_dict = get_var_dict_from_ctx(ctx, SCOPE_PREFIX) arg_dict["_"] = self.last_result scope = self.scope try: async with ReplResponseReactor(ctx.message): with self.submit(ctx): executor = AsyncCodeExecutor(argument.content, scope, arg_dict=arg_dict) async for send, result in AsyncSender(executor): if result is None: continue self.last_result = result if isinstance(result, discord.File): send(await ctx.send(file=result)) elif isinstance(result, discord.Embed): send(await ctx.send(embed=result)) elif isinstance(result, PaginatorInterface): send(await result.send_to(ctx)) elif isinstance(result, DCMenuPages): send(await result.start(ctx)) else: if not isinstance(result, str): # repr all non-strings result = repr(result) result = result.replace(, "[token omitted]") if result.strip() == "": result = "[empty string]" if len(result) > 2000: paginator = PartitionPaginator(prefix="```py") paginator.add_line(result) source = NormalPageSource(paginator.pages) menu = DCMenuPages(source) send(await menu.start(ctx)) else: send(await ctx.send(f"```py\n{result}```")) finally: scope.clear_intersection(arg_dict)
async def socketstats(self, ctx: commands.Context): """ View soketstats of the bot """ events_cog ="events") socket_events = events_cog.socket_events total = sum(socket_events.values()) paginator = PrologPaginator(align_places=20) paginator.recursively_add_dictonary( {f"{total:,} total": socket_events}) source = NormalPageSource(paginator.pages) menu = DCMenuPages(source) await menu.start(ctx)
async def prefix(self, ctx: commands.Context): """ Base prefix command, Lists prefixes """ prefixes = [ f"{idx}. `{prefix}`" for idx, prefix in enumerate([], 1) ] source = CodeblockPageSource(prefixes, per_page=5) menu = DCMenuPages(source) await menu.start(ctx)
async def guildinfo(self, ctx: commands.Context): """ Get info on a guild """ guild = await # I don't have guild.channels channels = await guild.fetch_channels() data = { "id":, "owner": str(await, "created": humanize.naturaltime(guild.created_at), "# of roles": len(guild.roles), "members": guild.approximate_member_count, "channels": { "categories": len([ c for c in channels if isinstance(c, discord.CategoryChannel) ]), "text": len([ c for c in channels if isinstance(c, discord.TextChannel) ]), "voice": len([ c for c in channels if isinstance(c, discord.VoiceChannel) ]), "total": len(channels), }, } paginator = PrologPaginator() paginator.recursively_add_dictonary({ data}) source = NormalPageSource(paginator.pages) menu = DCMenuPages(source) await menu.start(ctx)
async def charinfo(self, ctx: commands.Context, *, characters): """ Convert characters to name syntax, or unicode if name isn't found. """ paginator = PartitionPaginator( prefix=None, suffix=None, max_size=300, wrap_on=("}", "\n") ) final = "" for char in characters: try: name = final += f"\\N{{{name}}}\n" except ValueError: final += f"\\U{ord(char):0>8x}\n" paginator.add_line(final) source = NormalPageSource(paginator.pages) menu = DCMenuPages(source) await menu.start(ctx)
async def jsk_db(self, ctx: commands.Context, *, quarry: str): """ Execute a db quarry """ async with db.get_database() as connection: try: cursor = await connection.execute(quarry) except OperationalError as e: return await ctx.send(str(e)) await connection.commit() quarry_result = await cursor.fetchall() if quarry_result: collums = [coll[0] for coll in cursor.description] final = [collums] for data in quarry_result: final.append(list(data)) table = AsciiTable(final) paginator = PartitionPaginator(prefix="```sql", max_size=1000, wrap_on=("|", "\n")) paginator.add_line(table.table) source = NormalPageSource(paginator.pages) menu = DCMenuPages(source) await menu.start(ctx) else: await ctx.send("[no result]")
async def snipe_command(self, ctx: commands.Context, **options: dict): """ Snipe delete/edited messages from your server. Optional: --authors: List of members that authored the snipe --channel: Channel to snipe from --server: Snipe from the entire server instead of just a channel --before: Message id that snipes must be before --after: Message id that snipes must be after --list: Show all snipes found instead of one --mode: Mode of the snipes (edited, deleted, purged) --contains: String that must be in the snipes Positional: index: Index to show from returned snipes, defaults to 0 Nsfw (if not used from one) and channels you can't view are auto filtered out. """ print(options) if options["channel"] is None: channel = else: channel = options["channel"] # These are filtered out by get_snipes anyway if not and channel.is_nsfw(): return await ctx.send( "You cannot snipe a nsfw channel from a non-nsfw channel.") if isinstance(, discord.User): author = await ctx.guild.fetch_member( else: author = if not channel.permissions_for(author).read_messages: return await ctx.send( "You need permission to view a channel to snipe from it.") # noinspection PyTypeChecker snipes = self.get_snipes( command_author=author,, channel=channel, guild=options["guild"], authors=options["authors"], before=options["before"], after=options["after"], mode=SnipeMode[options["mode"]] if options["mode"] else None, contains=options["contains"], ) if not snipes: return await ctx.send("No snipes found for this search.") if options["list"]: proxies = self.get_proxy_fields(snipes) # 5 * 1,024 = 5,120 + 500 (names) = 5,620 < 6000 (max embed size) source = EmbedFieldsPageSource(proxies, per_page=5) menu = DCMenuPages(source) await menu.start(ctx) else: try: # noinspection PyTypeChecker snipe = snipes[options["index"]] except IndexError: return await ctx.send("Index out of bounds.") e = discord.Embed(title=str(snipe), description=snipe.content) e.set_footer(text=f"{options['index']}/{len(snipes) - 1}") await ctx.send(embed=e)