def neuron(shade,rk,rho): horror=list(shade) crystal=[] if len(horror)>rk: for r,k in enumerate(horror): if r>rk and r%3==rho: crystal.append([k,ord(k)]) else: pass # use the index only. fuckme0=list(map((lambda x:x[1]),crystal)) f****e=[fuckme0] if len(f****e[0])>2: incline=sorted(f****e[0]) decline=True for decease in range(len(incline)): if incline[decease]==f****e[0][decease]: pass else: decline=False break if decline==False: f****e.append(incline) print("NOT THE SAME\nNOT THE SAME") else: print("THE SAME\nTHE SAME") print("\n---reality---\n---reality---\n---reality---") for bitchEternity in f****e: init="lua geniusWalk.lua" for fuckall in bitchEternity: init+=" "+str(fuckall) # print(init) # print(f****e) myCmd0 = os.popen(init) myCmd=list(filter((lambda xn:xn!=""),"\n"))) #myCmd[1]=list(map((lambda x:int(x)),myCmd[1])) dickHead=badAss(list(filter((lambda x:x!=""),myCmd[1].split(" ")))) if myCmd[0]=='false': print("--suck my dick--") #for knob in myCmd: print(same_fuck(myCmd[1])) print("--people eater--") print(notorious(dickHead)) else: pass myCmd0.close() print("--spilter--") for mv in myCmd: print(mv) print("--spliter--") else: pass return crystal
def neuron(shade, rk, rho): horror = list(shade) crystal = [] if len(horror) > rk: for r, k in enumerate(horror): if r > rk and r % 3 == rho: crystal.append([k, ord(k)]) else: pass # use the index only. f****e = sorted(list(map((lambda x: x[1]), crystal))) if len(f****e) > 2: init = "lua geniusWalk.lua" for fuckall in f****e: init += " " + str(fuckall) # print(f****e) myCmd0 = os.popen(init) myCmd = list(filter((lambda xn: xn != ""),"\n"))) #myCmd[1]=list(map((lambda x:int(x)),myCmd[1])) dickHead = badAss( list(filter((lambda x: x != ""), myCmd[1].split(" ")))) if myCmd[0] == 'false': print("--suck my dick--") #for knob in myCmd: print(same_fuck(myCmd[1])) print("--people eater--") print(notorious(dickHead)) else: pass myCmd0.close() print("--spilter--") for mv in myCmd: print(mv) print("--spliter--") else: pass return crystal
def neuron(fuckingSavangers, shade): #this is the f*****g shit print("--f**k me now--") print(fuckingSavangers) print("--f**k me now--") # horror=list(shade) crystal = [] dishFish = Magisk(shade) # if len(horror)>rk: # for r,k in enumerate(horror): for k in dishFish: # if r>rk and r%3==rho: crystal.append([chr(k), k]) # else: # pass # use the index only. jerkMeOff = list(map((lambda x: x[1]), crystal)) fuckme0 = f7(jerkMeOff) honeyPot = 0 # if fuckme0!=[]: # for termIn in fuckme0: # try: # toyProject(1,[termIn,fuckingSavangers]) # print("CODE INDEXED") # except: # print("DUPLICATE CODE 1") # else: # honeyPot+=1 quickFuck = (True if fuckme0 == jerkMeOff else False) # if false then there is duplication. # alphabetical order may not maintained. pureApk = [len(fuckme0)] pureApk.append(shaver(pureApk[0] % 2)) print("-- fuckme1--") print(fuckme0) print("-- fuckme2--") # to purify the input. f****e = [fuckme0] if len(f****e[0]) > 2: incline = sorted(f****e[0]) decline = [True, False] CykaBlyat = 0 for decease in range(len(incline)): if incline[decease] == f****e[0][decease]: pass else: decline[0] = False break if decline[0] == False: f****e.append(incline) print("NOT THE SAME\nNOT THE SAME") else: CykaBlyat += 1 print("THE SAME\nTHE SAME") print("\n---reality---\n---reality---\n---reality---") bitchSureDie = [] for bitchEternity in f****e: init = "lua geniusWalk.lua" # CykaBlyat=0 for fuckall in bitchEternity: init += " " + str(fuckall) # print(init) # print(f****e) myCmd0 = os.popen(init) myCmd = list( filter((lambda xn: xn != ""),"\n"))) #myCmd[1]=list(map((lambda x:int(x)),myCmd[1])) dickHead = badAss( list(filter((lambda x: x != ""), myCmd[1].split(" ")))) if myCmd[0] == 'false': # decline[1]=False absoluteDuo = amplifier(decline) print("--suck my dick--") #for knob in myCmd: fake = same_fuck(myCmd[1]) print(fake) # try: # jk=verizon0(absoluteDuo,fake,pureApk) # print("HOLY SHIT\nHOLY SHIT") # print(jk) # bitchSureDie.append(jk) # except: # print("SECOND F**K\nSECOND F**K") print("--people eater--") KarlMarx = notorious(dickHead) print(KarlMarx) decline[1] = True if CykaBlyat == 1: print("-- cyka blyat --") Souviet = list(filter((lambda x: x[0] == 1), KarlMarx))[0][1] Moscow = list(range(len(bitchEternity))) navyTight = panasonic(Moscow, Souviet) # wavyTight=aka(Moscow,Souviet,navyTight) # related to the exact shit. Bruises = (lambda x: bitchEternity[x]) Tokyo = (lambda x: [Bruises(x[0]), Bruises(x[1])]) shakeThatBooty0 = [ list(map(Tokyo, Souviet)), list(map(Bruises, navyTight)) ] print(shakeThatBooty0) # try: # shakeIt=verizon1(shakeThatBooty0,pureApk) # bitchSureDie.append(shakeIt) # print("NAVY TIGHT\nNAVY TIGHT") # print(shakeIt) # except: # print("FIRST F**K\nFIRST F**K") print("-- cyka blyat --") else: CykaBlyat += 1 elif len(list(filter((lambda x: x == 1), dickHead))) >= 1: # for those with simple alignments. # check if difference is one print("-- bitch sure die --") soul = bitchEternity[0] print([soul, soul - 1 + len(bitchEternity)]) print("-- bitch sure die --") else: print( "SAME DISTANCE BUT NOT EQUAL TO IDENTITY\nSAME DISTANCE BUT NOT EQUAL TO IDENTITY" ) myCmd0.close() print("--spilter--") # counter+=1 for mv in myCmd: print(mv) print("--spliter--") try: print("--mississippi--") print(bitchSureDie) # print(dickHead) print("--mississippi--") if not quickFuck: print("ATTENTION DUPLICATES FOUND\nATTENTION DUPLICATES FOUND") # print(list(set([[fx[1],crystal.count(fx)] for fx in crystal if crystal.count(fx)>1]))) nope = [pos[1] for pos in crystal] nah = list(set(nope)) print([[happyFuck, nope.count(happyFuck)] for happyFuck in nah if nope.count(happyFuck) > 1]) # Randall forever! Randall = [ index for index, pos in enumerate(nope) if nope.count(pos) > 1 ] print([[nope[index - 1], pos, nope[index + 1]] for index, pos in enumerate(nope) if index in Randall]) print("ATTENTION DUPLICATES FOUND\nATTENTION DUPLICATES FOUND") if takeThisBooth(list(reversed(sorted( [kd[1] for kd in crystal])))) < 5000 and takeThisBooth( sorted([kv[1] for kv in crystal])) < underConstruction and len( bitchSureDie) > 1 and 61440 not in [ svn[1] for svn in crystal ]: instinct = utilize( similar(nuke(bitchSureDie), len(bitchSureDie) * 2), quickFuck, list(filter((lambda x: x[1] != 962), crystal))) if instinct != [[], []]: akgAnother = s***n(instinct, crystal) print(akgAnother) if honeyPot == 0 and akgAnother != [[], []]: jerkJack0, jerkJack1 = silkRoad( akgAnother[0]), silkRoad(akgAnother[1]) for landMark in range(len(jerkJack0)): try: toyProject(0, [ jerkJack0[landMark], fuckingSavangers, jerkJack1[landMark], fuckingSavangers, "toLower" ]) print("CASE INDEXED") except: print("DUPLICATE CODE 0") print("-- CALL OF WILD --\n-- CALL OF WILD --") else: pass else: print( "-- TOO YOUNG TO GET F****D --\n-- TOO YOUNG TO GET F****D --" ) except: print("UNFUCKABLE\nUNFUCKABLE") else: pass return crystal
def neuron(shade): # horror=list(shade) crystal=[] dishFish=Magisk(shade) # if len(horror)>rk: # for r,k in enumerate(horror): for k in dishFish: # if r>rk and r%3==rho: crystal.append([chr(k),k]) # else: # pass # use the index only. jerkMeOff=list(map((lambda x:x[1]),crystal)) fuckme0=f7(jerkMeOff) quickFuck=(True if fuckme0==jerkMeOff else False) pureApk=[len(fuckme0)] pureApk.append(shaver(pureApk[0]%2)) print("-- f****e --") print(fuckme0) print("-- f****e --") # to purify the input. f****e=[fuckme0] if len(f****e[0])>2: incline=sorted(f****e[0]) decline=[True,False] CykaBlyat=0 for decease in range(len(incline)): if incline[decease]==f****e[0][decease]: pass else: decline[0]=False break if decline[0]==False: f****e.append(incline) print("NOT THE SAME\nNOT THE SAME") else: CykaBlyat+=1 print("THE SAME\nTHE SAME") print("\n---reality---\n---reality---\n---reality---") bitchSureDie=[] for bitchEternity in f****e: init="lua geniusWalk.lua" # CykaBlyat=0 for fuckall in bitchEternity: init+=" "+str(fuckall) # print(init) # print(f****e) myCmd0 = os.popen(init) myCmd=list(filter((lambda xn:xn!=""),"\n"))) #myCmd[1]=list(map((lambda x:int(x)),myCmd[1])) dickHead=badAss(list(filter((lambda x:x!=""),myCmd[1].split(" ")))) if myCmd[0]=='false': # decline[1]=False absoluteDuo=amplifier(decline) print("--suck my dick--") #for knob in myCmd: fake=same_fuck(myCmd[1]) print(fake) try: jk=verizon0(absoluteDuo,fake,pureApk) print("HOLY SHIT\nHOLY SHIT") print(jk) bitchSureDie.append(jk) except: print("SECOND F**K\nSECOND F**K") print("--people eater--") KarlMarx=notorious(dickHead) print(KarlMarx) decline[1]=True if CykaBlyat==1: print("-- cyka blyat --") Souviet=list(filter((lambda x: x[0]==1),KarlMarx))[0][1] Moscow=list(range(len(bitchEternity))) navyTight=panasonic(Moscow,Souviet) # wavyTight=aka(Moscow,Souviet,navyTight) # related to the exact shit. Bruises=(lambda x: bitchEternity[x]) Tokyo=(lambda x: [Bruises(x[0]),Bruises(x[1])]) shakeThatBooty0=[list(map(Tokyo,Souviet)),list(map(Bruises,navyTight))] print(shakeThatBooty0) try: shakeIt=verizon1(shakeThatBooty0,pureApk) bitchSureDie.append(shakeIt) print("NAVY TIGHT\nNAVY TIGHT") print(shakeIt) except: print("FIRST F**K\nFIRST F**K") print("-- cyka blyat --") else: CykaBlyat+=1 elif len(list(filter((lambda x: x==1),dickHead)))>=1: # for those with simple alignments. # check if difference is one print("-- bitch sure die --") soul=bitchEternity[0] print([soul,soul-1+len(bitchEternity)]) print("-- bitch sure die --") else: print("SAME DISTANCE BUT NOT EWUAL TO IDENTITY\nSAME DISTANCE BUT NOT EQUAL TO IDENTITY") myCmd0.close() print("--spilter--") # counter+=1 for mv in myCmd: print(mv) print("--spliter--") try: print("--mississippi--") print(bitchSureDie) # print(dickHead) print("--mississippi--") if len(bitchSureDie)>1: instinct=utilize(similar(nuke(bitchSureDie),len(bitchSureDie)*2),quickFuck,crystal) print(instinct) print("-- CALL OF WILD --\n-- CALL OF WILD --") else: print("-- TOO YOUNG TO GET F****D --\n-- TOO YOUNG TO GET F****D --") except: print("UNFUCKABLE\nUNFUCKABLE") else: pass return crystal