コード例 #1
ファイル: pid.py プロジェクト: dakaufma/maslab2012team10
				if len(greenBalls) > 0:
					debugStr += "found a ball\t"
					closestBall = None
					for ball in greenBalls:
						if closestBall == None or ball[3] > closestBall[3]: # index 3 is radius; TODO make ball a class so you can refer to attributes by name
							closestBall = ball

					angle = ball[0]
					debugStr += str(angle) +"\t"
					if not currentlyTurning:
						pidLastTime = time.time()
						#don't change right speed or left speed until the next iteration, when we have a delta t
						pidCurrentTime = time.time()
						pidOutput = int(pid.run(angle, pidCurrentTime - pidLastTime))
						pidLastTime = pidCurrentTime
						rightSpeed = approachSpeed - pidOutput
						leftSpeed = approachSpeed + pidOutput
						tmp = max(abs(leftSpeed), abs(rightSpeed), 127)
						leftSpeed = leftSpeed*127/tmp
						rightSpeed = rightSpeed*127/tmp
						debugStr += str(int(pidOutput)) + "\t" + str(angle) + "\t"
					currentlyTurning = True
					currentlyTurning = False

			#avoid walls
			rightVal = irRight.getValue() 
			leftVal = irLeft.getValue()
			if rightVal != None and leftVal != None:
コード例 #2
ファイル: pilot.py プロジェクト: dakaufma/maslab2012team10
class Pilot(StoppableThread):
	"""Translates higher level navigation commands (e.g. turn to a certain angle, pull the winch up, etc) into arduino-level output"""

	def __init__(self, ard):
		super(Pilot, self).__init__("Pilot")
		self.ard = ard

	def safeInit(self):
		self.pidController = None
		self.lastPIDtime = None
		self.rampUpAngle = 90
		self.rampDownAngle = 0
		self.rampLastAngle = self.rampUpAngle
		self.lastTimeCommandReceived = time.time()
		self.deadManTimeout = 1 # second

	def safeRun(self):
		# receive new commands
		commands = None
		while self.conn.poll():
			commands = self.conn.recv()
			self.lastTimeCommandReceived = time.time()
		if commands == None:
			if time.time() - self.lastTimeCommandReceived > self.deadManTimeout:
				commands = PilotCommands(None) # dead man's switch activated -- stop the robot until you get another command
		else: # command received
			self.lastTimeCommandReceived = time.time()

			ao = ArduinoOutputData()

			self.evalDriveCommand(ao, commands)
			self.evalRollerCommand(ao, commands)
			self.evalWinchCommand(ao, commands)
			self.evalRampCommand(ao, commands)

			if self.ard.lock.acquire(1):

	def cleanup(self):

	def evalDriveCommand(self, ao, commands):
		if commands.forwardSpeed == None:

		if commands.desiredDeltaAngle != None: # pid control of angle (setting the turnSpeed command), then arcade drive on the result
			t = time.time()
			if self.lastPIDtime == None: # re-initialize PID
				p = 1
				i = .1
				d = 0
				iMax = 500
				iMin = -500
				uMax = 127  * 2 # at max should be sufficient to overcome any forward speed command
				uMin = -127 * 2
				self.pidController = PID(p,i,d,iMax,iMin,uMax,uMin)
			else: # PID angle control
				commands.turnSpeed = self.pidController.run(commands.desiredDeltaAngle, t - self.lastPIDtime)

			self.lastPIDtime = t
			self.lastPIDtime = None

		if commands.turnSpeed != None: # turn based on turnSpeed(standard arcade drive)
			l = r = commands.forwardSpeed
			l += commands.turnSpeed
			r -= commands.turnSpeed
			tmp = max(abs(l), abs(r), 127)
			l = int(l*127/tmp)
			r = int(r*127/tmp)
			ao.leftSpeed = l
			ao.rightSpeed = r

	def evalRollerCommand(self, ao, commands):
		speedMap = {RollerCommands.STOP:0, RollerCommands.FORWARD:127, RollerCommands.REVERSE:-127}
		ao.rollerSpeed = speedMap[commands.rollerCommand]

	def evalWinchCommand(self, ao, commands):
		if commands.winchCommand == WinchCommands.UP:
			if not commands.ai.winchTop:
				ao.winchSpeed = 127
				ao.winchSpeed = 0
		elif commands.winchCommand == WinchCommands.STOP:
			ao.winchSpeed = 0
		elif commands.winchCommand == WinchCommands.DOWN:
			if not commands.ai.winchBottom:
				ao.winchSpeed = -127
				ao.winchSpeed = 0
		elif commands.winchCommand == WinchCommands.HALF:
			raise NotImplementedError()

	def evalRampCommand(self, ao, commands):
		if commands.rampCommand == RampCommands.UP:
			ao.rampAngle = self.rampUpAngle
		elif commands.rampCommand == RampCommands.DOWN:
			ao.rampAngle = self.rampDownAngle
		elif commands.rampCommand == RampCommands.STOP:
			ao.rampAngle = self.lastRampCommand
		self.lastRampCommand = ao.rampAngle