class GmailHistory(object): """ This is the main class you instantiate to access the Gmail API to get the messages from user's mailbox. :ref : """ MAX_RESULTS = 500 # gmail api max results LABELIDS = ["INBOX"] # labels to which, pub/sub updates are to be pushed GMAIL_CREATED_TS = "2004/01/01" # year in which gmail has introduced GMAIL_WATCH_DELAY = 86400 # time in sec to make gmail api watch() request SCOPES = ("" ) # type of permission to access gmail api def __init__( self, cred_path=None, topic_name=None, query="", file_path=None, status_path="/tmp/", targets=None, log=DUMMY_LOG, ): self.log = log self.cred_path = cred_path self.query = query = None self.topic = topic_name self.file_path = file_path self.dd = DiskDict(status_path + "disk.dict") self.targets = targets self._pool = ThreadPool() def authorize(self): """ Gets valid user credentials from the user specified cred path if nothing has been stored, or if the stored credentials are invalid, the OAuth2 flow is incomplete and throws an authentication failed error or file not found error client_secret.json : This is the name of the secret file you download from credentials.json : This is the file that will be created when user has authenticated and will mean you don't have to re-authenticate each time you connect to the API """ self.log.debug("authorize") store = file.Storage("{}credentials.json".format(self.cred_path)) creds = store.get() if not creds or creds.invalid: flow = client.flow_from_clientsecrets( "{}client_secret.json".format(self.cred_path), self.SCOPES) creds = tools.run_flow(flow, store) # build return gmail service object on authentication = build("gmail", "v1", http=creds.authorize(Http()), cache_discovery=False) return def save_files(self, message): """ This fun helps to store gmail attachments from the given message. :calls : GET :param message : dict """ self.log.debug("save_file") for part in message["payload"].get("parts", ""): if not part["filename"]: continue file_id = part["body"]["attachmentId"] file_dic = ( userId="me", messageId=message["id"], id=file_id).execute()) file_data = base64.urlsafe_b64decode( file_dic["data"].encode("UTF-8")) path = "".join([self.file_path, part["filename"]]) with open(path, "w") as file_obj: file_obj.write(file_data)"attachment saved to", path=path) def set_tmp_ts_to_last_msg(self): """ This fun help to reset last_msg_ts to tmp_ts """ self.log.debug("set_tmp_ts_to_last_msg") self.dd["last_msg_ts"] = self.dd["tmp_ts"] self.dd.close() def renew_mailbox_watch(self): """Renewing mailbox watch You must re-call watch() at least every 7 days or else you will stop receiving pub/sub updates. We recommend calling watch() once per day. The watch() response also has an expiration field with the timestamp for the watch expiration. :ref : """ while True: self.watch_gmail() time.sleep(self.GMAIL_WATCH_DELAY) def get_new_msg(self): """ This fun help us to see any changes to the user's mailbox and gives new msgs if they are available. Note : startHistoryId - returns Histories(drafts, mail deletions, new mails) after start_history_id. :calls : GET >>> from mock import Mock, MagicMock >>> obj = GmailHistory() >>> obj.store_msgs_in_db = Mock() >>> obj.set_tmp_ts_to_last_msg = Mock() >>> = Mock() >>> obj.dd = MagicMock() >>> sample_doc = {'history': [{'messagesAdded': [{'message': {'labelIds': ['UNREAD'], 'id': '163861dac0f17c61'}}]}]} >>> = Mock(,return_value=sample_doc) >>> obj.get_new_msg() [{'labelIds': ['UNREAD'], 'id': '163861dac0f17c61'}] """ self.log.debug("get_new_msg") msg_list = [] new_msg = ( userId="me", startHistoryId=self.dd["historyId"]).execute()) if "history" not in new_msg: return for record in new_msg.get("history"): if "messagesAdded" not in record: continue msg = record.get("messagesAdded")[0]["message"] if msg.get("labelIds")[0] == "DRAFT": continue msg_list.append(msg) self.store_msgs_in_db(msg_list) self.set_tmp_ts_to_last_msg() return msg_list def watch_gmail(self): """To recive Push Notifications In order to receive notifications from Cloud Pub/Sub topic, simply we can call watch() from google api client on the Gmail user mail box. :ref : :calls : POST >>> from mock import Mock >>> obj = GmailHistory() >>> = Mock() >>> api_doc = {'historyId':1234,'expiration':1526901631234} >>> = Mock(, return_value=api_doc) >>> obj.watch_gmail() {'expiration': 1526901631234, 'historyId': 1234} """ self.log.debug("watch_gmail") request = { "labelIds": self.LABELIDS, "topicName": "{}".format(self.topic) } hstry_id ="me", body=request).execute()"Gmail_watch_id :", hstryid=hstry_id) return hstry_id def send_msgs_to_target(self, target, msg): """ This fun helps to send msg to target database and store it. :param target : db_obj :param msg : dict """ self.log.debug("send msgs to tatgets") target.insert_msg(msg) def write_message(self, msg): """ This function helps to push msgs to databases in asynchronous manner, if more than one db is specified. :param msg: dict """ self.log.debug("write msgs in db") if self.targets: fn = self.send_msgs_to_target jobs = [] for t in self.targets: jobs.append(self._pool.apply_async(fn, (t, deepcopy(msg)))) for j in jobs: j.wait() def change_diskdict_state(self, message): """ This fun helps us to change the state of diskdict :param message : dict """ # for every msg the last_msg_ts will be replace with new msg internalDate self.dd["last_msg_ts"] = message["internalDate"] if "frst_msg_ts" not in self.dd.keys() or (self.dd["frst_msg_ts"] <= message["internalDate"]): self.dd["frst_msg_ts"] = message["internalDate"] self.dd["historyId"] = message["historyId"] def store_msgs_in_db(self, msgs_list): """ Get msg ids from list of messages amd makes an api call with the msg id and store in db. :params msgs_list : list :calls : GET """ self.log.debug("store_msgs_in_db") for msg in msgs_list: message = ( userId="me", id=msg["id"]).execute()) self.write_message(message) self.change_diskdict_state(message) if self.file_path: self.save_files(message) def get_default_ts(self): """ This fun helps to return next day date from today in Y/m/d format :rtype: str """ self.log.debug("get_default_ts") return ( + timedelta(days=1)).strftime("%Y/%m/%d") def get_history(self, before, after=GMAIL_CREATED_TS): """ Get all the msgs from the user's mailbox with in given dates and store in the db Note : Gmail api will consider 'before' : excluded date, 'after' : included date Eg: before : 2017/01/01, after : 2017/01/31 then gmail api gives msgs from 2017/01/02 - 2017/01/31 :ref : :calls : GET :param before : string :param after : string :rtype : list >>> from mock import Mock >>> obj = GmailHistory() >>> = Mock() >>> api_doc = {'messages':[{'id':'163861dac0f17c61'},{'id':'1632163b6a84ab94'}]} >>> = Mock(, return_value=api_doc) >>> obj.store_msgs_in_db = Mock() >>> obj.get_history('2017/05/10') [{'id': '163861dac0f17c61'}, {'id': '1632163b6a84ab94'}] """ self.log.debug("fun get history") query = "{} before:{} after:{}".format(self.query, before, after) response = ( userId="me", maxResults=self.MAX_RESULTS, q=query).execute()) msgs = [] response = AttrDict(response) if "messages" in response: msgs.extend(response.messages) self.store_msgs_in_db(response.messages) while "nextPageToken" in response: page_token = response.nextPageToken response = ( userId="me", maxResults=self.MAX_RESULTS, q=query, pageToken=page_token, ).execute()) response = AttrDict(response) if response.resultSizeEstimate is not 0: msgs.extend(response.messages) self.store_msgs_in_db(response.messages) return msgs def get_oldest_date(self, ts): """ This fun helps to get next day date from given timestamp. :param ts: str (Unix time stamp) :rtype: str >>> obj=GmailHistory() >>> obj.get_oldest_date('1526901630000') '2018/05/22' """ self.log.debug("get_oldest_date") return (datetime.fromtimestamp(int(ts[:10])) + timedelta(days=1)).strftime("%Y/%m/%d") def get_latest_date(self, ts): """ This function helps us to get date from given timestamp :param ts: str (Unix time stamp) :rtype: str >>> obj=GmailHistory() >>> obj.get_latest_date('1526901630000') '2018/05/21' """ self.log.debug("get_latest_date") return (datetime.fromtimestamp(int(ts[:10]))).strftime("%Y/%m/%d") def start(self): self.log.debug("start") # Gets next day date from current date as before_ts in 'yr/m/d' format # and check for last_msg_ts key in diskdict file before_ts = self.get_default_ts() last_msg_ts = self.dd.get("last_msg_ts", 0) # If any messages present in diskdict, get the last_msg_ts value and replace before_ts var with the # last_msg_ts with 'yr/m/d' format if last_msg_ts: before_ts = self.get_oldest_date(last_msg_ts) # Get and store the messages from before_ts date to the time gmail has created self.get_history(before_ts) self.dd["tmp_ts"] = self.dd["last_msg_ts"] # Recheck for any new messages from the time, execution has happened after = self.get_latest_date(self.dd["frst_msg_ts"]) self.get_history(self.get_default_ts(), after) # reset last_msg_ts to temp_ts self.set_tmp_ts_to_last_msg()
class SlackHistory(object): """ FIXME: explain the responsbilities of this abstraction This module gives all the history between given timestamps """ CACHE_LEN = 100 CACHE_LIFE_TIME = 500 CHUNK_SIZE = 1024 def __init__( self, auth_token=None, connect_time=time.time(), dict_path="/tmp", file_path=None, targets=None, log=DUMMY_LOG, ): self.auth_token = auth_token self.slack = SlackClient(self.auth_token) self.connect_time = connect_time self.targets = targets self.file_path = file_path self.dd = DiskDict(dict_path + "/disk.dict") self.log = log self.username_cache = ExpiringDict(self.CACHE_LEN, self.CACHE_LIFE_TIME) self._pool = ThreadPool() def get_username(self, _id): """ >>> from mock import Mock >>> ob = SlackHistory() >>> ob.slack.api_call = Mock(ob.slack.api_call, return_value={"user":{"name":"asdf"}}) >>> ob.get_username(677) 'asdf' """ name = self.username_cache if _id in name: return name["user_id"] user_name = self.slack.api_call("", user=_id) name["user_id"] = user_name["user"]["name"] return name["user_id"] def get_permalink(self, channel_id, ts): """ >>> from mock import Mock >>> ob = SlackHistory() >>> ob.slack.api_call = Mock(ob.slack.api_call, ... return_value={"permalink":''}) >>> ob.get_permalink(677, 123545) '' >>> ob.slack.api_call = Mock(ob.slack.api_call, ... return_value={"error":"No link found"}) >>> ob.get_permalink(677, 123545) False """ link = self.slack.api_call( "chat.getPermalink", channel=channel_id, message_ts=ts ) if "permalink" in link: return link["permalink"] return False def get_file(self, url, filename): headers = {"Authorization": "Bearer " + self.auth_token} r = requests.get(url, headers=headers) with open(os.path.join(self.file_path, filename), "wb") as f: for chunk in r.iter_content(self.CHUNK_SIZE): if chunk: f.write(chunk) def replace_text(self, text): """ >>> from mock import Mock >>> ob = SlackHistory() >>> ob.get_username = Mock(ob.get_username, return_value="asdf") >>> ob.replace_text('<@677> hii') '@asdf hii' """ self.log.debug("replacing text") text_list = text.split(" ") for counter in range(0, len(text_list)): if "<@" in text_list[counter]: user_id = text_list[counter].split("<@")[1].split(">")[0] if "|" in user_id: user_id = user_id.split("|")[0] username = self.get_username(user_id) text_list[counter] = "@" + username return " ".join(text_list) def get_key(self, channel, timestamp): """ >>> ob = SlackHistory() >>> ob.get_key("U8S2NSX6J", "1518582605.000239") '18a920561dec17877db2a4628c13734e2f63df1d' """ return hashlib.sha1((channel + timestamp).encode("utf8")).hexdigest() def parse_dict(self, msg): """ >>> from mock import Mock >>> ob = SlackHistory() >>> ob.get_permalink = Mock(ob.get_permalink, return_value="") >>> ob.replace_text = Mock(ob.replace_text, return_value="uploaded a file @asdf") >>> ob.get_username = Mock(ob.get_username, return_value="justaname") >>> ob.get_file = Mock() >>> ob.parse_dict(AttrDict({'channel': 'abcd', 'user': '******', 'text': 'uploaded a file <@123>', 'ts': '1518582605.000239'})) AttrDict({'permalink': '', 'text': 'uploaded a file @asdf', 'ts': '1518582605.000239', 'user': '******', 'user_name': 'justaname', 'channel': 'abcd'}) """ p = self.get_permalink(, msg.ts) if p: msg.permalink = p if "user" in msg: user_name = self.get_username(msg.user) msg.user_name = user_name if "text" in msg and "<@" in msg.text: msg.text = self.replace_text(msg.text) if "uploaded a file" in msg.text and self.file_path is not None: filename = str(msg.ts) + "_" +" ", "_") self.get_file(msg.file.url_private_download, filename) return msg def change_status(self, _id, ts): if _id + "_oldest" in self.dd.keys() and ts > self.dd[_id + "_oldest"]: self.dd[_id + "_latest"] = ts else: self.dd[_id + "_oldest"] = ts def _send_msgs_to_target(self, target, msg): while 1: try: msg["key"] = self.get_key(msg["channel"], msg["ts"]) target.insert_msg(msg) self.change_status(msg["channel"], msg["ts"]) break except (SystemExit, KeyboardInterrupt): raise except: self.log.exception("_send_msgs_to_target_failed", target=target) time.sleep(self.WAIT_TIME_TARGET_FAILURE) def _write_messages(self, msg): if self.targets: fn = self._send_msgs_to_target jobs = [] for t in self.targets: jobs.append(self._pool.apply_async(fn, (t, deepcopy(msg)))) for j in jobs: j.wait() def get_history(self, slack, _id, _name, end_ts, start_ts=0): """ >>> from mock import Mock >>> ob = SlackHistory() >>> ob.slack.api_call = Mock(ob.slack.api_call) >>> ob.slack.api_call.side_effect= [{'messages' :[{'message': 'Dummy <@123>', 'ts': '123.234'}], 'has_more': True}, {'messages' :[{'message': 'Dummy <@123>', 'ts': '122.234'}], 'has_more': False}] >>> ob.parse_dict = Mock(ob.parse_dict, return_value={'message': 'Dummy @asdf', 'ts': '123.234'}) >>> ob._write_messages = Mock() >>> ob.get_history('', '1234', 'general', 12345) 2 """ messages = [] ts = end_ts num = 0 while True: response = self.slack.api_call( slack, channel=_id, latest=ts, oldest=start_ts, count=1000 ) if "messages" not in response: return num messages.extend(response["messages"]) messages = sorted(messages, key=itemgetter("ts")) for message in messages: msg = AttrDict(message) = _id msg.channel_name = _name msg = self.parse_dict(msg) self._write_messages(dict(msg)) num += len(messages) if response["has_more"]: ts = messages[-1]["ts"] messages = [] else: return num def get_channel_status(self, _type, _id, name): if not _id + "_oldest" in self.dd.keys(): last_ts = self.connect_time else: last_ts = self.dd[_id + "_oldest"] num = self.get_history(_type, _id, name, last_ts) if not _id + "_latest" in self.dd.keys(): latest_ts = 0 else: latest_ts = self.dd[_id + "_latest"] if latest_ts != self.connect_time: num = num + self.get_history(_type, _id, name, self.connect_time, latest_ts) "finished_inserting_channel_data", channel=_id, channel_name=name, num_msg=num, type="metric", ) time.sleep(1) def get_public_channels_list(self): _type = "channels.history" public_channels = self.slack.api_call("channels.list")["channels"] for channel in public_channels:"fetching_public_channel_message", channel=channel["name"]) self.get_channel_status(_type, channel["id"], channel["name"]) def get_private_channels_list(self): _type = "groups.history" private_channels = self.slack.api_call("groups.list")["groups"] for channel in private_channels:"fetching_private_channel_message", channel=channel["name"]) self.get_channel_status(_type, channel["id"], channel["name"]) def get_direct_channels_list(self): _type = "im.history" direct_channels = self.slack.api_call("im.list")["ims"] for channel in direct_channels:"fetching_direct_channel_message", channel=channel["user"]) self.get_channel_status(_type, channel["id"], channel["user"]) def start(self): self.get_public_channels_list() self.get_private_channels_list() self.get_direct_channels_list()
class GithubHistory(object): """ This is the main class you instantiate to access the Github API v3 and store all msgs in the db. """ def __init__( self, auth_token=None, repos=None, status_path="/tmp/", targets=None, log=DUMMY_LOG, ): self.git = Github(auth_token) self.log = log self.repos = repos self.targets = targets = None self.dd = DiskDict(status_path + "disk.dict") self._pool = ThreadPool() def get_repo_obj(self, repo_fullname): """ :params repo_fullname : string :rtype: :class:`github.Repository.Repository` >>> obj = GithubHistory() >>> obj.get_repo_obj('org/reponame') Repository(full_name=None) """ self.log.debug("fun : get repo obj") return self.git.get_repo(str(repo_fullname)) def get_repos_list(self): """ :rtype: :class:`github.PaginatedList.PaginatedList` of :class:`github.Repository.Repository` or :rtype: [class:`github.Repository.Repository`,..] >>> from mock import Mock >>> obj = GithubHistory() >>> m=Mock(obj.repos) >>> obj.repos=m.return_value='org/repo1,org/repo2' >>> obj.get_repos_list() [Repository(full_name=None), Repository(full_name=None)] """ self.log.debug("fun : get repos list") if self.repos: return [self.get_repo_obj(repo) for repo in self.repos.split(",")] return self.git.get_user().get_repos() def get_raw_data(self, obj): """ Gets raw json from the obj :param obj: class github :rtype: dict >>> obj = GithubHistory() >>> class test(object): ... __dict__ = {'_rawData':{'id':'123456'}} ... >>> obj.get_raw_data(test()) {'id': '123456'} """ self.log.debug("fun : get raw data") for key, value in obj.__dict__.items(): if key is "_rawData": return value def merge_dict(self, *args): """ :params args: dict :rtype: dict >>> obj = GithubHistory() >>> obj.merge_dict({'a':1,'b':2},{'c':3,'d':4}) {'a': 1, 'c': 3, 'b': 2, 'd': 4} """ self.log.debug("fun : chain dict or merge dict") return dict(ChainMap(*args)) def get_key(self, record): """ :params record: dict :rtype: dict >>> obj = GithubHistory() >>> obj.get_key({'repository':{'updated_at':'21-04-14'},'issue':{'updated_at':'21-04-14'},'comment':{'updated_at':'21-04-14'}}) {'id': '1c4882d4c922bcfdc070de97de03706c9276f8eb'} >>> obj.get_key({'repository':{'updated_at':'21-04-14'},'issue':{},'comment':{}}) {'id': '8acfc9c43a5c9f64ee2070007591811f4048c907'} """ self.log.debug("fun : get hash key") key = "%s%s%s" % ( record.get("repository", {}).get("updated_at", 0), record.get("issue", {}).get("updated_at", 0), record.get("comment", {}).get("updated_at", 0), ) # TODO: Need to add repo id return {"id": hashlib.sha1(key).hexdigest()} def send_msgs_to_target(self, target, msg): """ :param target: db obj :param msg: dict """ self.log.debug("send msgs to tatgets") target.insert_msg(msg) def write_message(self, msg): """ :param msg: dict """ self.log.debug("write msgs in db") if self.targets: fn = self.send_msgs_to_target jobs = [] for t in self.targets: jobs.append(self._pool.apply_async(fn, (t, deepcopy(msg)))) for j in jobs: j.wait() def store_record(self, repo, issue=None, comment=None): """ :param repo: class 'github.Repository.Repository' :param issue: class 'github.Issue.Issue' :param comment: class 'github.IssueComment.IssueComment' >>> obj = GithubHistory() >>> class repo(object): ... __dict__ = { '_rawData' : { 'id' : 1234 }} ... class owner(object): ... type = 'user' ... >>> class issue(object): ... __dict__ = {'_rawData':{'id':5678}} ... >>> class comment(object): ... __dict__ = {'_rawData':{'id':91011}} ... >>> obj.store_record(repo(), issue(), comment()) {'comment': {'id': 91011}, 'issue': {'id': 5678}, 'id': '8aefb06c426e07a0a671a1e2488b4858d694a730', 'repository': {'id': 1234}} """ self.log.debug("fun : store record") iss = cmnt = {} rp = self.get_repo_dict(repo) if issue: iss = self.get_issue_dict(issue) if issue and comment: cmnt = self.get_comment_dict(comment) record = self.merge_dict(rp, iss, cmnt) record.update(self.get_key(record)) self.write_message(record) return record def get_repo_dict(self, repo): """ :param repo: class 'github.Repository.Repository' :rtype: dict >>> from mock import Mock >>> class repo(object): ... __dict__ = {'_rawData':{'id':'12345', 'name':'abcd'}} ... class owner(object): ... type = 'Organization' ... login = '******' ... >>> class org(object): ... __dict__ = {'_rawData':{'id':'12345'}} ... >>> obj=GithubHistory() >>> obj.git.get_organization = Mock(obj.git.get_organization,return_value=org()) >>> obj.get_repo_dict(repo()) {'organization': {'id': '12345'}, 'repository': {'id': '12345', 'name': 'abcd'}} """ self.log.debug("fun : get repo dict") org_dict = {} if repo.owner.type == "Organization": org = self.git.get_organization(str(repo.owner.login)) org_dict = {"organization": self.get_raw_data(org)} repo_dict = {"repository": self.get_raw_data(repo)} return self.merge_dict(org_dict, repo_dict) def get_issue_dict(self, issue): """ :param issue: class 'github.Issue.Issue' :rtype: dict >>> from mock import Mock >>> obj = GithubHistory() >>> class issue(object): ... __dict__ = {'_rawData':{'id':123456}} ... >>> obj.get_issue_dict(issue()) {'issue': {'id': 123456}} """ self.log.debug("fun : get issue dict") return {"issue": self.get_raw_data(issue)} def get_time(self, _time): """ :param _time: string :rtype: datetime.datetime >>> obj = GithubHistory() >>> obj.get_time('2018-02-15T09:17:49Z') datetime.datetime(2018, 2, 15, 9, 17, 50) """ self.log.debug("fun : get api time format") return datetime.strptime(_time, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") + timedelta(seconds=1) def get_comment_dict(self, cmnt): """ :param cmnt:class 'github.IssueComment.IssueComment' :rtype: dict >>> from mock import Mock >>> obj = GithubHistory() >>> class comment(object): ... __dict__ = {'_rawData':{'id':123456}} ... >>> obj.get_comment_dict(comment()) {'comment': {'id': 123456}} """ self.log.debug("fun : get comment dict") return {"comment": self.get_raw_data(cmnt)} def check_rate_limit(self): """ Checks no of api calls remaining before going to any function if remaining calls of range less than 100 calls wait for some time. """ self.log.debug("fun :check api rate limit") remaining, total = self.git.rate_limiting if remaining > 1 and remaining < 100: expiry = self.git.rate_limiting_resettime delay = (expiry - time.time()) + 60"waiting for " + str(delay) + " sec") time.sleep(delay) def get_comments(self, repo, issue, changes=None): """ Get comments related to the issue :param repo: class 'github.Repository.Repository' :param issue: class 'github.Issue.Issue' :param changes: string, eg: '2018-02-15T09:17:49Z' """ self.log.debug("fun : get comments") self.check_rate_limit() # converting issue obj to raw dict as iss_dict iss_dict = self.get_raw_data(issue) # get issue created time in '%d/%m/%Y' as last_time last_time = self.get_time(iss_dict["created_at"]) # In case there are changes in issue,replace the last_time if changes: last_time = self.get_time(changes) # get and store the comments since issue created or last issue comment updated time(in case of new comments) for comment in issue.get_comments(since=last_time): self.store_record(repo, issue, comment) self.store_record(repo, issue) def get_issues(self, repo): """ Get issues related to the input Repository :param repo: class 'github.Repository.Repository' """ self.log.debug("fun : get issues") self.check_rate_limit() for issue in repo.get_issues(): # getting issue dict from issue obj as iss iss = self.get_issue_dict(issue) # passing the issue dict and checking in db for issue related records and changes # returns (count as 0 or 1),(changes as 0 or time in '2018-02-15T09:17:49Z' format) count, changes = # if no records and no changes found realted to issue in db,then get all the comments if count is 0: self.get_comments(repo, issue) continue # if records present in db,but the current issue updated time not matched with the last comment # updated time in db,so get the msgs from last comment updated time. if changes: self.get_comments(repo, issue, changes) def get_history(self): """ Get user's account repos and from that iterate over issues and comments. get_history -> repos -> issues -> comments """ self.log.debug("fun : get history") for repo in self.get_repos_list(): # if repo doesn't contain any issues just store the record if repo.open_issues is 0: self.store_record(repo) continue # get the issues related to the repo self.get_issues(repo) # store the status in disk dict self.dd["repository"] = repo.full_name def start(self): self.log.debug("fun : start") # create db obj at 0th index from target = self.targets[0] if "repository" not in self.dd.keys(): self.get_history() # recheck for new messages self.get_history()"Messages stored successfully")