def main(unused_argv): if not FLAGS.davis_path: raise ValueError( 'You must download and extract the DAVIS dataset and pass a path ' 'a path to the videos, e.g.: /tmp/DAVIS/JPEGImages/480p') for i, difficulty in enumerate(['easy', 'medium', 'hard']): for j, (domain, task) in enumerate([('ball_in_cup', 'catch'), ('cartpole', 'swingup'), ('cheetah', 'run'), ('finger', 'spin'), ('reacher', 'easy'), ('walker', 'walk')]): env = suite.load(domain, task, difficulty, background_dataset_path=FLAGS.davis_path) # Get the first frame. time_step = env.reset() frame = time_step.observation['pixels'][:, :, 0:3] # Save the first frame. try: os.mkdir(FLAGS.output_dir) except OSError: pass filepath = os.path.join(FLAGS.output_dir, f'{i:02d}-{j:02d}.jpg') image = PIL.Image.fromarray(frame) print(f'Saved results to {FLAGS.output_dir}')
def test_suite_load_with_difficulty(self, difficulty, mock_dm_suite, mock_pixels): domain_name = 'cartpole' task_name = 'balance' suite.load(domain_name, task_name, difficulty, background_dataset_path=DAVIS_PATH) mock_dm_suite.load.assert_called_with(domain_name, task_name, environment_kwargs=None, task_kwargs=None, visualize_reward=False) mock_pixels.Wrapper.assert_called_with(mock.ANY, observation_key='pixels', pixels_only=True, render_kwargs={'camera_id': 0})
def _load_dm_env(domain_name, task_name, pixels, action_repeat, max_episode_steps=None, obs_type='pixels', distractor=False): """Load a Deepmind control suite environment.""" try: if not pixels: env = suite_dm_control.load(domain_name=domain_name, task_name=task_name) if action_repeat > 1: env = wrappers.ActionRepeat(env, action_repeat) else: def wrap_repeat(env): return ActionRepeatDMWrapper(env, action_repeat) camera_id = 2 if domain_name == 'quadruped' else 0 pixels_only = obs_type == 'pixels' if distractor: render_kwargs = dict(width=84, height=84, camera_id=camera_id) env = distractor_suite.load( domain_name, task_name, difficulty='hard', dynamic=False, background_dataset_path='DAVIS/JPEGImages/480p/', task_kwargs={}, environment_kwargs={}, render_kwargs=render_kwargs, visualize_reward=False, env_state_wrappers=[wrap_repeat]) # env = wrap_repeat(env) # env = suite.wrappers.pixels.Wrapper( # env, # pixels_only=pixels_only, # render_kwargs=render_kwargs, # observation_key=obs_type) env = dm_control_wrapper.DmControlWrapper(env, render_kwargs) else: env = suite_dm_control.load_pixels( domain_name=domain_name, task_name=task_name, render_kwargs=dict(width=84, height=84, camera_id=camera_id), env_state_wrappers=[wrap_repeat], observation_key=obs_type, pixels_only=pixels_only) if action_repeat > 1 and max_episode_steps is not None: # Shorten episode length. max_episode_steps = (max_episode_steps + action_repeat - 1) // action_repeat env = wrappers.TimeLimit(env, max_episode_steps) return env except ValueError as e: logging.warning( 'cannot instantiate dm env: domain_name=%s, task_name=%s', domain_name, task_name) logging.warning('Supported domains and tasks: %s', str({ key: list(val.SUITE.keys()) for key, val in suite._DOMAINS.items() })) # pylint: disable=protected-access raise e
def load_pixels( domain_name, task_name, observation_key='pixels', pixels_only=True, task_kwargs=None, environment_kwargs=None, visualize_reward=False, render_kwargs=None, env_wrappers=(), camera_kwargs=None, background_kwargs=None, color_kwargs=None, ): """Returns an environment from a domain name, task name and optional settings. Args: domain_name: A string containing the name of a domain. task_name: A string containing the name of a task. observation_key: Optional custom string specifying the pixel observation's key in the `OrderedDict` of observations. Defaults to 'pixels'. pixels_only: If True (default), the original set of 'state' observations returned by the wrapped environment will be discarded, and the `OrderedDict` of observations will only contain pixels. If False, the `OrderedDict` will contain the original observations as well as the pixel observations. task_kwargs: Optional `dict` of keyword arguments for the task. environment_kwargs: Optional `dict` specifying keyword arguments for the environment. visualize_reward: Optional `bool`. If `True`, object colours in rendered frames are set to indicate the reward at each step. Default `False`. render_kwargs: Optional `dict` of keyword arguments for rendering. env_wrappers: Iterable with references to wrapper classes to use on the wrapped environment. camera_kwargs: optional dict of camera distraction arguments background_kwargs: optional dict of background distraction arguments color_kwargs: optional dict of color distraction arguments Returns: The requested environment. Raises: ImportError: if dm_control module was not available. """ dm_env = suite.load(domain_name, task_name, task_kwargs=task_kwargs, environment_kwargs=environment_kwargs, visualize_reward=visualize_reward, camera_kwargs=camera_kwargs, background_kwargs=background_kwargs, color_kwargs=color_kwargs, pixels_only=pixels_only, render_kwargs=render_kwargs, pixels_observation_key=observation_key) env = dm_control_wrapper.DmControlWrapper(dm_env, render_kwargs) for wrapper in env_wrappers: env = wrapper(env) return env