コード例 #1
ファイル: fabfile.py プロジェクト: Tomas-zhang/server_setup
def _setup_env():
    sysinfo = _get_ubuntu_info()
    # dotfiles
        '[ ! -f ~/.tmux.conf ] && { '
        'git clone -b minimal --single-branch --recursive '
        'https://github.com/ichuan/dotfiles.git '
        "&& echo 'y' | bash dotfiles/bootstrap.sh; }",
    # UTC timezone
    sudo('cp /usr/share/zoneinfo/UTC /etc/localtime', warn_only=True)
    # limits.conf, max open files
    # rc.local after 15.04
    # https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SystemdForUpstartUsers
    if _V(sysinfo['release']) >= _V('15.04'):
    # sysctl.conf
    # disable ubuntu upgrade check
        "sed -i 's/^Prompt.*/Prompt=never/' "
    # douban pip config
    run('mkdir -p ~/.pip', warn_only=True)
    run(r'echo -e "[global]\nindex-url = https://pypi.douban.com/simple\n'
        r'trusted-host = pypi.douban.com" > ~/.pip/pip.conf')
コード例 #2
ファイル: fabfile.py プロジェクト: Tomas-zhang/server_setup
def _setup_mariadb():
    can be used to migrate mysql to mariadb
    if run('test -f /etc/mysql/conf.d/mariadb.cnf ', warn_only=True).succeeded:
        print 'Already installed mariadb'
    # user/password => root/root
    sudo("debconf-set-selections <<< 'mariadb-server mysql-server/"
         "root_password password root'")
    sudo("debconf-set-selections <<< 'mariadb-server mysql-server/"
         "root_password_again password root'")
    # https://mariadb.com/kb/en/mariadb/installing-mariadb-deb-files/
    sysinfo = _get_ubuntu_info()
    key = '0xcbcb082a1bb943db'
    if _V(sysinfo['release']) >= _V('16.04'):
        key = '0xF1656F24C74CD1D8'
    sudo('apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80 %s'
         % key)
    sudo('apt-get install -yq software-properties-common')
    sudo("add-apt-repository -y 'deb http://ftp.osuosl.org/pub/mariadb/repo/"
         "10.2/ubuntu %s main'" % sysinfo['codename'])
    sudo('apt-get update -yq')
    sudo('service mysql stop', warn_only=True)
    sudo('apt-get install -yq mariadb-server libmysqld-dev', warn_only=True)
コード例 #3
import json
import os
import sys
from distutils.version import LooseVersion as _V

from fabric.api import cd, env, get, lcd, local, prefix, run, sudo
from fabric.context_managers import shell_env

from version import VERSION

version = _V(VERSION)

env.hosts = ["systori.io"]

PROD_MEDIA_PATH = "/var/lib/systori/production"
PROD_MEDIA_FILE = "systori.media.tgz"

def prepare(service, branch):
    "copy database and migrate"

    settings = {
        "HOST": "db",
        "NAME": "systori_{}".format(service),
        "USER": "******"

    if service != "production":
        local("dropdb -h {HOST} -U {USER} {NAME}".format(**settings))
            "createdb -T systori_production -h {HOST} -U {USER} {NAME}".format(
コード例 #4
import sympy as sp
import re
from sympy.core.function import AppliedUndef as _AppliedUndef

from sympy.printing import StrPrinter as _StrPrinter
from sympy.printing.ccode import CCodePrinter as _CCodePrinter
from sympy.printing.latex import LatexPrinter as _LatexPrinter
from sympy.printing.latex import latex as _sympy_latex
from sympy.printing.precedence import precedence as _precedence

from modelparameters.utils import check_arg as _check_arg
from modelparameters.utils import scalars as _scalars

from distutils.version import LooseVersion as _V

_current_sympy_version = _V(sp.__version__)

# Check version for order arguments
if _current_sympy_version >= _V("0.7.2"):
    _order = "none"
    _order = None

# A collection of language specific keywords
_cpp_keywords = ["auto", "const", "double", "float", "int", "short", "struct", 
                 "break", "continue", "else", "for", "long", "signed", "switch", 
                 "case", "default", "enum", "goto", "register", "sizeof", "typedef",
                 "char", "do", "extern", "if", "return", "static", "union", "while",
                 "asm", "dynamic_cast", "namespace", "reinterpret_cast", "try",
                 "bool", "explicit", "new", "static_cast", "typeid", "volatile",
                 "catch", "operator", "template", "typename",
コード例 #5
def _default_params(exclude=None):
    exclude = exclude or []
    check_arg(exclude, list, itemtypes=str)

    # Add not implemented parameters to excludes
    exclude += ["max_terms", "parameter_contraction", "use_variables"]

    # Build a dict with allowed parameters
    params = {}

    if "use_state_names" not in exclude:
        # Use state names in code (compared to array with indices)
        params["use_state_names"] = Param(
            description="Use state names in code "
            "(compared to array with indices)",

    if "use_parameter_names" not in exclude:
        # Use parameter names in code (compared to array with indices)
        params["use_parameter_names"] = Param(
            description="Use parameter names "
            "in code (compared to array with indices)",

    if "keep_intermediates" not in exclude:
        # Keep all intermediates
        params["keep_intermediates"] = Param(
            description="Keep intermediates in code",

    if "use_variables" not in exclude:
        # If True, code for altering variables are created
        # FIXME: Not used
        params["use_variables"] = Param(
            description="If True, code for altering variables are created",

    if "parameter_contraction" not in exclude:
        # Find sub expressions of only parameters and create a dummy parameter
        # FIXME: Not used
        params["parameter_contraction"] = Param(
            description="Find sub expressions of only parameters "
            "and create a dummy parameter",

    if "parameter_numerals" not in exclude:
        # Exchange all parameters with their initial numerical values
        params["parameter_numerals"] = Param(
            description="Exchange all parameters with their initial"
            " numerical values",

    if "max_terms" not in exclude:
        # Split terms with more than max_terms into several evaluations
        # FIXME: Not used
        params["max_terms"] = ScalarParam(
            description="Split terms with more than max_terms "
            "into several evaluations",

    if "use_cse" not in exclude:
        # Use sympy common sub expression simplifications,
        # only when keep_intermediates is false
        params["use_cse"] = Param(
            description="Use sympy common sub expression "
            "simplifications, only when keep_intermediates is false",

    if "generate_jacobian" not in exclude:
        # Generate code for the computation of the jacobian
        params["generate_jacobian"] = Param(
            description="Generate code for the computation of the jacobian",

    if "transposed_jacobian" not in exclude:
        # Generate code for the computation of the jacobian
        params["transposed_jacobian"] = Param(
            description="The Jacobian is transposed",

    if "generate_lu_factorization" not in exclude:
        # Generate code for the factorization of the jacobian
        params["generate_lu_factorization"] = Param(
            description="Generate code for the factorization of the jacobian",

    if "generate_forward_backward_subst" not in exclude:
        # Generate code for the forward backward substitution code
        params["generate_forward_backward_subst"] = Param(
            "Generate code for the forward backward substitution code",

    if "generate_linearized_evaluation" not in exclude:
        # Generate code for linearized evaluation
        # For sympy versions lower than 0.7.2 linearized computation does not work
        default_linearized_evaluation = _current_sympy_version > _V("0.7.2")

        params["generate_linearized_evaluation"] = Param(
            description="Generate code for linearized evaluation",

    # Return the ParameterDict
    return ParameterDict(**params)
コード例 #6
from modelparameters.parameterdict import ScalarParam
from modelparameters.sympy import cse
from modelparameters.sympytools import iter_symbol_params_from_expr
from modelparameters.sympytools import sp
from modelparameters.utils import check_arg
from modelparameters.utils import check_kwarg

from ..model.ode import ODE
from ..model.odecomponent import Comment
from ..model.odecomponent import ODEComponent

# System imports
# Model parametrs imports
# Local gotran imports

_current_sympy_version = _V(sp.__version__)
_jacobian_pattern = re.compile("_([0-9]+)")

def _iszero(x):
    """Returns True if x is zero."""
    x = sp.sympify(x)
    return x.is_zero

def _default_params(exclude=None):
    exclude = exclude or []
    check_arg(exclude, list, itemtypes=str)

    # Add not implemented parameters to excludes
    exclude += ["max_terms", "parameter_contraction", "use_variables"]