コード例 #1
    def test_process_template_line(self):
        # testing  all MANIFEST.in template patterns
        file_list = FileList()

        # simulated file list
        file_list.allfiles = [
            join("global", "one.txt"),
            join("global", "two.txt"),
            join("global", "files.x"),
            join("global", "here.tmp"),
            join("f", "o", "f.oo"),
            join("dir", "graft-one"),
            join("dir", "dir2", "graft2"),
            join("dir3", "ok"),
            join("dir3", "sub", "ok.txt"),

        for line in MANIFEST_IN.split("\n"):
            if line.strip() == "":

        wanted = [
            join("global", "one.txt"),
            join("global", "two.txt"),
            join("f", "o", "f.oo"),
            join("dir", "graft-one"),
            join("dir", "dir2", "graft2"),

        self.assertEquals(file_list.files, wanted)
コード例 #2
ファイル: sdist.py プロジェクト: francescog/distutils2
    def run(self):
        # 'filelist' contains the list of files that will make up the
        # manifest
        self.filelist = FileList()

        # Run sub commands
        for cmd_name in self.get_sub_commands():

        # Do whatever it takes to get the list of files to process
        # (process the manifest template, read an existing manifest,
        # whatever).  File list is accumulated in 'self.filelist'.

        # If user just wanted us to regenerate the manifest, stop now.
        if self.manifest_only:

        # Otherwise, go ahead and create the source distribution tarball,
        # or zipfile, or whatever.
コード例 #3
ファイル: sdist.py プロジェクト: francescog/distutils2
class sdist(Command):

    description = "create a source distribution (tarball, zip file, etc.)"

    def checking_metadata(self):
        """Callable used for the check sub-command.

        Placed here so user_options can view it"""
        return self.metadata_check

    user_options = [
        ("template=", "t", "name of manifest template file [default: MANIFEST.in]"),
        ("manifest=", "m", "name of manifest file [default: MANIFEST]"),
        ("use-defaults", None, "include the default file set in the manifest " "[default; disable with --no-defaults]"),
        ("no-defaults", None, "don't include the default file set"),
            "specifically exclude files/directories that should not be "
            "distributed (build tree, RCS/CVS dirs, etc.) "
            "[default; disable with --no-prune]",
        ("no-prune", None, "don't automatically exclude anything"),
        ("manifest-only", "o", "just regenerate the manifest and then stop " "(implies --force-manifest)"),
        ("force-manifest", "f", "forcibly regenerate the manifest and carry on as usual"),
        ("formats=", None, "formats for source distribution (comma-separated list)"),
        ("keep-temp", "k", "keep the distribution tree around after creating " + "archive file(s)"),
        ("dist-dir=", "d", "directory to put the source distribution archive(s) in " "[default: dist]"),
            "Ensure that all required elements of meta-data " "are supplied. Warn if any missing. [default]",
        ("owner=", "u", "Owner name used when creating a tar file [default: current user]"),
        ("group=", "g", "Group name used when creating a tar file [default: current group]"),

    boolean_options = ["use-defaults", "prune", "manifest-only", "force-manifest", "keep-temp", "metadata-check"]

    help_options = [("help-formats", None, "list available distribution formats", show_formats)]

    negative_opt = {"no-defaults": "use-defaults", "no-prune": "prune"}

    default_format = {"posix": "gztar", "nt": "zip"}

    sub_commands = [("check", checking_metadata)]

    def initialize_options(self):
        # 'template' and 'manifest' are, respectively, the names of
        # the manifest template and manifest file.
        self.template = None
        self.manifest = None

        # 'use_defaults': if true, we will include the default file set
        # in the manifest
        self.use_defaults = 1
        self.prune = 1

        self.manifest_only = 0
        self.force_manifest = 0

        self.formats = None
        self.keep_temp = 0
        self.dist_dir = None

        self.archive_files = None
        self.metadata_check = 1
        self.owner = None
        self.group = None

    def _check_archive_formats(self, formats):
        supported_formats = [name for name, desc in get_archive_formats()]
        for format in formats:
            if format not in supported_formats:
                return format
        return None

    def finalize_options(self):
        if self.manifest is None:
            self.manifest = "MANIFEST"
        if self.template is None:
            self.template = "MANIFEST.in"

        if self.formats is None:
                self.formats = [self.default_format[os.name]]
            except KeyError:
                raise DistutilsPlatformError, "don't know how to create source distributions " + "on platform %s" % os.name

        bad_format = self._check_archive_formats(self.formats)
        if bad_format:
            raise DistutilsOptionError, "unknown archive format '%s'" % bad_format

        if self.dist_dir is None:
            self.dist_dir = "dist"

    def run(self):
        # 'filelist' contains the list of files that will make up the
        # manifest
        self.filelist = FileList()

        # Run sub commands
        for cmd_name in self.get_sub_commands():

        # Do whatever it takes to get the list of files to process
        # (process the manifest template, read an existing manifest,
        # whatever).  File list is accumulated in 'self.filelist'.

        # If user just wanted us to regenerate the manifest, stop now.
        if self.manifest_only:

        # Otherwise, go ahead and create the source distribution tarball,
        # or zipfile, or whatever.

    def check_metadata(self):
        """Deprecated API."""
            "distutils.command.sdist.check_metadata is deprecated, \
              use the check command instead",
        check = self.distribution.get_command_obj("check")

    def get_file_list(self):
        """Figure out the list of files to include in the source
        distribution, and put it in 'self.filelist'.  This might involve
        reading the manifest template (and writing the manifest), or just
        reading the manifest, or just using the default file set -- it all
        depends on the user's options and the state of the filesystem.
        # If we have a manifest template, see if it's newer than the
        # manifest; if so, we'll regenerate the manifest.
        template_exists = os.path.isfile(self.template)
        if template_exists:
            template_newer = newer(self.template, self.manifest)

        # The contents of the manifest file almost certainly depend on the
        # setup script as well as the manifest template -- so if the setup
        # script is newer than the manifest, we'll regenerate the manifest
        # from the template.  (Well, not quite: if we already have a
        # manifest, but there's no template -- which will happen if the
        # developer elects to generate a manifest some other way -- then we
        # can't regenerate the manifest, so we don't.)
        setup_newer = newer(self.distribution.script_name, self.manifest)

        # cases:
        #   1) no manifest, template exists: generate manifest
        #      (covered by 2a: no manifest == template newer)
        #   2) manifest & template exist:
        #      2a) template or setup script newer than manifest:
        #          regenerate manifest
        #      2b) manifest newer than both:
        #          do nothing (unless --force or --manifest-only)
        #   3) manifest exists, no template:
        #      do nothing (unless --force or --manifest-only)
        #   4) no manifest, no template: generate w/ warning ("defaults only")

        manifest_outofdate = template_exists and (template_newer or setup_newer)
        force_regen = self.force_manifest or self.manifest_only
        manifest_exists = os.path.isfile(self.manifest)
        neither_exists = not template_exists and not manifest_exists

        # Regenerate the manifest if necessary (or if explicitly told to)
        if manifest_outofdate or neither_exists or force_regen:
            if not template_exists:
                self.warn(("manifest template '%s' does not exist " + "(using default file list)") % self.template)

            if self.use_defaults:
            if template_exists:
            if self.prune:


        # Don't regenerate the manifest, just read it in.

    def add_defaults(self):
        """Add all the default files to self.filelist:
          - README or README.txt
          - setup.py
          - test/test*.py
          - all pure Python modules mentioned in setup script
          - all files pointed by package_data (build_py)
          - all files defined in data_files.
          - all files defined as scripts.
          - all C sources listed as part of extensions or C libraries
            in the setup script (doesn't catch C headers!)
        Warns if (README or README.txt) or setup.py are missing; everything
        else is optional.

        standards = [("README", "README.txt"), self.distribution.script_name]
        for fn in standards:
            if isinstance(fn, tuple):
                alts = fn
                got_it = 0
                for fn in alts:
                    if os.path.exists(fn):
                        got_it = 1

                if not got_it:
                    self.warn("standard file not found: should have one of " + string.join(alts, ", "))
                if os.path.exists(fn):
                    self.warn("standard file '%s' not found" % fn)

        optional = ["test/test*.py", "setup.cfg"]
        for pattern in optional:
            files = filter(os.path.isfile, glob(pattern))
            if files:

        # build_py is used to get:
        #  - python modules
        #  - files defined in package_data
        build_py = self.get_finalized_command("build_py")

        # getting python files
        if self.distribution.has_pure_modules():

        # getting package_data files
        # (computed in build_py.data_files by build_py.finalize_options)
        for pkg, src_dir, build_dir, filenames in build_py.data_files:
            for filename in filenames:
                self.filelist.append(os.path.join(src_dir, filename))

        # getting distribution.data_files
        if self.distribution.has_data_files():
            for item in self.distribution.data_files:
                if isinstance(item, str):  # plain file
                    item = convert_path(item)
                    if os.path.isfile(item):
                else:  # a (dirname, filenames) tuple
                    dirname, filenames = item
                    for f in filenames:
                        f = convert_path(f)
                        if os.path.isfile(f):

        if self.distribution.has_ext_modules():
            build_ext = self.get_finalized_command("build_ext")

        if self.distribution.has_c_libraries():
            build_clib = self.get_finalized_command("build_clib")

        if self.distribution.has_scripts():
            build_scripts = self.get_finalized_command("build_scripts")

    def read_template(self):
        """Read and parse manifest template file named by self.template.

        (usually "MANIFEST.in") The parsing and processing is done by
        'self.filelist', which updates itself accordingly.
        log.info("reading manifest template '%s'", self.template)
        template = TextFile(
            self.template, strip_comments=1, skip_blanks=1, join_lines=1, lstrip_ws=1, rstrip_ws=1, collapse_join=1

        while 1:
            line = template.readline()
            if line is None:  # end of file

            except DistutilsTemplateError, msg:
                self.warn("%s, line %d: %s" % (template.filename, template.current_line, msg))