コード例 #1
ファイル: factorize.py プロジェクト: 1060460048/python-recsys
class SVD(Algorithm):
    Inherits from base class Algorithm. 
    It computes SVD (Singular Value Decomposition) on a matrix *M*

    It also provides recommendations and predictions using the reconstructed matrix *M'*

    :param filename: Path to a Zip file, containing an already computed SVD (U, Sigma, and V) for a matrix *M*
    :type filename: string
    def __init__(self, filename=None):
        #Call parent constructor
        super(SVD, self).__init__()

        # self._U: Eigen vector. Relates the concepts of the input matrix to the principal axes
        # self._S (or \Sigma): Singular -or eigen- values. It represents the strength of each eigenvector.
        # self._V: Eigen vector. Relates features to the principal axes
        self._U, self._S, self._V = (None, None, None)
        # Mean centered Matrix: row and col shifts
        self._shifts = None
        # self._matrix_reconstructed: M' = U S V^t
        self._matrix_reconstructed = None

        # Similarity matrix: (U \Sigma)(U \Sigma)^T = U \Sigma^2 U^T
        # U \Sigma is concept_axes weighted by axis_weights.
        self._matrix_similarity = SimilarityMatrix()

        if filename:

        # Row and Col ids. Only when importing from SVDLIBC
        self._file_row_ids = None
        self._file_col_ids = None

    def __repr__(self):
            s = '\n'.join(('M\':' + str(self._reconstruct_matrix()), \
                'A row (U):' + str(self._reconstruct_matrix().right[1]), \
                'A col (V):' + str(self._reconstruct_matrix().left[1])))
        except TypeError:
            s = self._data.__repr__()
        return s

    def load_model(self, filename):
        Loads SVD transformation (U, Sigma and V matrices) from a ZIP file

        :param filename: path to the SVD matrix transformation (a ZIP file)
        :type filename: string
            zip = zipfile.ZipFile(filename, allowZip64=True)
            zip = zipfile.ZipFile(filename + '.zip', allowZip64=True)
        # Options file
        options = dict()
        for line in zip.open('README'):
            data = line.strip().split('\t')
            options[data[0]] = data[1]
            k = int(options['k'])
            k = 100 #TODO: nasty!!!

        # Load U, S, and V
        #Python 2.6 only:
        #self._U = loads(zip.open('.U').read())
        #self._S = loads(zip.open('.S').read())
        #self._V = loads(zip.open('.V').read())
            self._U = loads(zip.read('.U'))
            matrix = fromfile(zip.extract('.U', TMPDIR))
            vectors = []
            i = 0
            while i < len(matrix) / k:
                v = DenseVector(matrix[k*i:k*(i+1)])
                i += 1
                idx = [ int(idx.strip()) for idx in zip.read('.row_ids').split('\n') if idx]
                idx = [ idx.strip() for idx in zip.read('.row_ids').split('\n') if idx]
            #self._U = DenseMatrix(vectors) 
            self._U = DenseMatrix(vectors, OrderedSet(idx), None)
            self._V = loads(zip.read('.V'))
            matrix = fromfile(zip.extract('.V', TMPDIR))
            vectors = []
            i = 0
            while i < len(matrix) / k:
                v = DenseVector(matrix[k*i:k*(i+1)])
                i += 1
                idx = [ int(idx.strip()) for idx in zip.read('.col_ids').split('\n') if idx]
                idx = [ idx.strip() for idx in zip.read('.col_ids').split('\n') if idx]
            #self._V = DenseMatrix(vectors) 
            self._V = DenseMatrix(vectors, OrderedSet(idx), None)

        self._S = loads(zip.read('.S'))

        # Shifts for Mean Centerer Matrix
        self._shifts = None
        if '.shifts.row' in zip.namelist():
            self._shifts = [loads(zip.read('.shifts.row')), 
        self._reconstruct_matrix(shifts=self._shifts, force=True)

    def save_model(self, filename, options={}):
        Saves SVD transformation (U, Sigma and V matrices) to a ZIP file

        :param filename: path to save the SVD matrix transformation (U, Sigma and V matrices)
        :type filename: string
        :param options: a dict() containing the info about the SVD transformation. E.g. {'k': 100, 'min_values': 5, 'pre_normalize': None, 'mean_center': True, 'post_normalize': True}
        :type options: dict
        if VERBOSE:
            sys.stdout.write('Saving svd model to %s\n' % filename)

        f_opt = open(filename + '.config', 'w')
        for option, value in options.items():
            f_opt.write('\t'.join((option, str(value))) + '\n')
        # U, S, and V
        MAX_VECTORS = 2**21
        if len(self._U) < MAX_VECTORS:
            self._U.dump(filename + '.U')
            self._U.tofile(filename + '.U')
        if len(self._V) < MAX_VECTORS:
            self._V.dump(filename + '.V')
            self._V.tofile(filename + '.V')
        self._S.dump(filename + '.S')

        # Shifts for Mean Centered Matrix
        if self._shifts:
            #(row_shift, col_shift, total_shift)
            self._shifts[0].dump(filename + '.shifts.row')
            self._shifts[1].dump(filename + '.shifts.col')
            self._shifts[2].dump(filename + '.shifts.total')

        zip = filename
        if not filename.endswith('.zip') and not filename.endswith('.ZIP'):
            zip += '.zip'
        fp = zipfile.ZipFile(zip, 'w', allowZip64=True)

        # Store Options in the ZIP file
        fp.write(filename=filename + '.config', arcname='README')
        os.remove(filename + '.config')
        # Store matrices in the ZIP file
        for extension in ['.U', '.S', '.V']:
            fp.write(filename=filename + extension, arcname=extension)
            os.remove(filename + extension)

        # Store mean center shifts in the ZIP file
        if self._shifts:
            for extension in ['.shifts.row', '.shifts.col', '.shifts.total']:
                fp.write(filename=filename + extension, arcname=extension)
                os.remove(filename + extension)

        # Store row and col ids file, if importing from SVDLIBC
        if self._file_row_ids:
            fp.write(filename=self._file_row_ids, arcname='.row_ids')
        if self._file_col_ids:
            fp.write(filename=self._file_col_ids, arcname='.col_ids')

    def _reconstruct_similarity(self, post_normalize=True, force=True):
        if not self.get_matrix_similarity() or force:
            self._matrix_similarity = SimilarityMatrix()
            self._matrix_similarity.create(self._U, self._S, post_normalize=post_normalize)
        return self._matrix_similarity

    def _reconstruct_matrix(self, shifts=None, force=True):
        if not self._matrix_reconstructed or force:
            if shifts:
                self._matrix_reconstructed = divisi2.reconstruct(self._U, self._S, self._V, shifts=shifts)
                self._matrix_reconstructed = divisi2.reconstruct(self._U, self._S, self._V)
        return self._matrix_reconstructed

    def compute(self, k=100, min_values=None, pre_normalize=None, mean_center=False, post_normalize=True, savefile=None):
        Computes SVD on matrix *M*, :math:`M = U \Sigma V^T`

        :param k: number of dimensions
        :type k: int
        :param min_values: min. number of non-zeros (or non-empty values) any row or col must have
        :type min_values: int
        :param pre_normalize: normalize input matrix. Possible values are tfidf, rows, cols, all.
        :type pre_normalize: string
        :param mean_center: centering the input matrix (aka mean substraction)
        :type mean_center: Boolean
        :param post_normalize: Normalize every row of :math:`U \Sigma` to be a unit vector. Thus, row similarity (using cosine distance) returns :math:`[-1.0 .. 1.0]`
        :type post_normalize: Boolean
        :param savefile: path to save the SVD factorization (U, Sigma and V matrices)
        :type savefile: string
        super(SVD, self).compute(min_values)

        if VERBOSE:
            sys.stdout.write('Computing svd k=%s, min_values=%s, pre_normalize=%s, mean_center=%s, post_normalize=%s\n' 
                            % (k, min_values, pre_normalize, mean_center, post_normalize))
            if not min_values:
                sys.stdout.write('[WARNING] min_values is set to None, meaning that some funky recommendations might appear!\n')

        # Get SparseMatrix
        matrix = self._matrix.get()

        # Mean center?
        shifts, row_shift, col_shift, total_shift = (None, None, None, None)
        if mean_center:
            if VERBOSE:
                sys.stdout.write("[WARNING] mean_center is True. svd.similar(...) might return nan's. If so, then do svd.compute(..., mean_center=False)\n")
            matrix, row_shift, col_shift, total_shift = matrix.mean_center() 
            self._shifts = (row_shift, col_shift, total_shift)

        # Pre-normalize input matrix?
        if pre_normalize:
            Divisi2 divides each entry by the geometric mean of its row norm and its column norm. 
            The rows and columns don't actually become unit vectors, but they all become closer to unit vectors.
            if pre_normalize == 'tfidf':
                matrix = matrix.normalize_tfidf() #TODO By default, treats the matrix as terms-by-documents; 
                                                  # pass cols_are_terms=True if the matrix is instead documents-by-terms.
            elif pre_normalize == 'rows':
                matrix = matrix.normalize_rows()
            elif pre_normalize == 'cols':
                matrix = matrix.normalize_cols()
            elif pre_normalize == 'all':
                matrix = matrix.normalize_all()
                raise ValueError("Pre-normalize option (%s) is not correct.\n \
                                  Possible values are: 'tfidf', 'rows', 'cols' or 'all'" % pre_normalize)
        #Compute SVD(M, k)
        self._U, self._S, self._V = matrix.svd(k)
        # Sim. matrix = U \Sigma^2 U^T
        self._reconstruct_similarity(post_normalize=post_normalize, force=True)
        # M' = U S V^t
        self._reconstruct_matrix(shifts=self._shifts, force=True)

        if savefile:
            options = {'k': k, 'min_values': min_values, 'pre_normalize': pre_normalize, 'mean_center': mean_center, 'post_normalize': post_normalize}
            self.save_model(savefile, options)

    def _get_row_reconstructed(self, i, zeros=None):
        if zeros:
            return self._matrix_reconstructed.row_named(i)[zeros]
        return self._matrix_reconstructed.row_named(i)

    def _get_col_reconstructed(self, j, zeros=None):
        if zeros:
            return self._matrix_reconstructed.col_named(j)[zeros]
        return self._matrix_reconstructed.col_named(j)

    def predict(self, i, j, MIN_VALUE=None, MAX_VALUE=None):
        Predicts the value of :math:`M_{i,j}`, using reconstructed matrix :math:`M^\prime = U \Sigma_k V^T`

        :param i: row in M, :math:`M_{i \cdot}`
        :type i: user or item id
        :param j: col in M, :math:`M_{\cdot j}`
        :type j: item or user id
        :param MIN_VALUE: min. value in M (e.g. in ratings[1..5] => 1)
        :type MIN_VALUE: float
        :param MAX_VALUE: max. value in M (e.g. in ratings[1..5] => 5)
        :type MAX_VALUE: float
        if not self._matrix_reconstructed:
            self.compute() #will use default values!
        predicted_value = self._matrix_reconstructed.entry_named(i, j) #M' = U S V^t
        if MIN_VALUE:
            predicted_value = max(predicted_value, MIN_VALUE)
        if MAX_VALUE:
            predicted_value = min(predicted_value, MAX_VALUE)
        return float(predicted_value)

    def recommend(self, i, n=10, only_unknowns=False, is_row=True):
        Recommends items to a user (or users to an item) using reconstructed matrix :math:`M^\prime = U \Sigma_k V^T`

        E.g. if *i* is a row and *only_unknowns* is True, it returns the higher values of :math:`M^\prime_{i,\cdot}` :math:`\\forall_j{M_{i,j}=\emptyset}`

        :param i: row or col in M
        :type i: user or item id
        :param n: number of recommendations to return
        :type n: int
        :param only_unknowns: only return unknown values in *M*? (e.g. items not rated by the user)
        :type only_unknowns: Boolean
        :param is_row: is param *i* a row (or a col)?
        :type is_row: Boolean
        if not self._matrix_reconstructed:
            self.compute() #will use default values!
        item = None
        zeros = []
        if only_unknowns and not self._matrix.get():
            raise ValueError("Matrix is empty! If you loaded an SVD model you can't use only_unknowns=True, unless svd.create_matrix() is called")
        if is_row:
            if only_unknowns:
                zeros = self._matrix.get().row_named(i).zero_entries()
            item = self._get_row_reconstructed(i, zeros)
            if only_unknowns:
                zeros = self._matrix.get().col_named(i).zero_entries()
            item = self._get_col_reconstructed(i, zeros)
        return item.top_items(n)

    def centroid(self, ids, is_row=True):
        points = []
        for id in ids:
            if is_row:
                point = self._U.row_named(id)
                point = self._V.row_named(id)
        M = divisi2.SparseMatrix(points)
        return M.col_op(sum)/len(points) #TODO Numpy.sum?

    def kmeans(self, ids, k=5, components=3, are_rows=True):
        K-means clustering. It uses k-means++ (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/K-means%2B%2B) to choose the initial centroids of the clusters

        Clusterizes a list of IDs (either row or cols)

        :param ids: list of row (or col) ids to cluster
        :param k: number of clusters
        :param components: how many eigen values use (from SVD)
        :param are_rows: is param *ids* a list of rows (or cols)?
        :type are_rows: Boolean
        if not isinstance(ids, list):
            # Cluster the whole row(or col) values. It's slow!
            return super(SVD, self).kmeans(ids, k=k, is_row=are_rows)
        if VERBOSE:
            sys.stdout.write('Computing k-means, k=%s for ids %s\n' % (k, ids))
        MAX_POINTS = 150
        points = []
        for id in ids:
            if are_rows:
        M = array(points)
        # Only apply Matrix initialization if num. points is not that big!
        if len(points) <= MAX_POINTS:
            centers = self._kinit(array(points), k)
            centroids, labels = kmeans2(M, centers, minit='matrix')
            centroids, labels = kmeans2(M, k, minit='random')
        i = 0
        clusters = dict()
        for cluster in labels:
            if not clusters.has_key(cluster): 
                clusters[cluster] = dict()
                clusters[cluster]['centroid'] = centroids[cluster]
                clusters[cluster]['points'] = []
            point = self._U.row_named(ids[i])[:components]
            centroid = clusters[cluster]['centroid']
            to_centroid = self._cosine(centroid, point)
            clusters[cluster]['points'].append((ids[i], to_centroid))
            clusters[cluster]['points'].sort(key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True)
            i += 1
        return clusters

コード例 #2
ファイル: baseline.py プロジェクト: dnarwani/twitter-rec
class Baseline(Algorithm):
    def __init__(self, filename=None):
        #Call parent constructor
        super(Baseline, self).__init__()

        # self._U: Eigen vector. Relates the concepts of the input matrix to the principal axes
        # self._S (or \Sigma): Singular -or eigen- values. It represents the strength of each eigenvector.
        # self._V: Eigen vector. Relates features to the principal axes
        self._U, self._S, self._V = (None, None, None)
        # Mean centered Matrix: row and col shifts
        self._shifts = None
        # self._matrix_reconstructed: M' = U S V^t
        self._matrix_reconstructed = None

        # Similarity matrix: (U \Sigma)(U \Sigma)^T = U \Sigma^2 U^T
        # U \Sigma is concept_axes weighted by axis_weights.
        self._matrix_similarity = SimilarityMatrix()

        if filename:

        # Row and Col ids. Only when importing from SVDLIBC
        self._file_row_ids = None
        self._file_col_ids = None

    def __repr__(self):
            s = '\n'.join(('M\':' + str(self._reconstruct_matrix()), \
                'A row (U):' + str(self._reconstruct_matrix().right[1]), \
                'A col (V):' + str(self._reconstruct_matrix().left[1])))
        except TypeError:
            s = self._data.__repr__()
        return s

    def load_model(self, filename):
        Loads SVD transformation (U, Sigma and V matrices) from a ZIP file

        :param filename: path to the SVD matrix transformation (a ZIP file)
        :type filename: string
            zip = zipfile.ZipFile(filename, allowZip64=True)
            zip = zipfile.ZipFile(filename + '.zip', allowZip64=True)
        # Options file
        options = dict()
        for line in zip.open('README'):
            data = line.strip().split('\t')
            options[data[0]] = data[1]
            k = int(options['k'])
            k = 100 #TODO: nasty!!!

        # Load U, S, and V
        #Python 2.6 only:
        #self._U = loads(zip.open('.U').read())
        #self._S = loads(zip.open('.S').read())
        #self._V = loads(zip.open('.V').read())
            self._U = loads(zip.read('.U'))
            matrix = fromfile(zip.extract('.U', TMPDIR))
            vectors = []
            i = 0
            while i < len(matrix) / k:
                v = DenseVector(matrix[k*i:k*(i+1)])
                i += 1
                idx = [ int(idx.strip()) for idx in zip.read('.row_ids').split('\n') if idx]
                idx = [ idx.strip() for idx in zip.read('.row_ids').split('\n') if idx]
            #self._U = DenseMatrix(vectors)
            self._U = DenseMatrix(vectors, OrderedSet(idx), None)
            self._V = loads(zip.read('.V'))
            matrix = fromfile(zip.extract('.V', TMPDIR))
            vectors = []
            i = 0
            while i < len(matrix) / k:
                v = DenseVector(matrix[k*i:k*(i+1)])
                i += 1
                idx = [ int(idx.strip()) for idx in zip.read('.col_ids').split('\n') if idx]
                idx = [ idx.strip() for idx in zip.read('.col_ids').split('\n') if idx]
            #self._V = DenseMatrix(vectors)
            self._V = DenseMatrix(vectors, OrderedSet(idx), None)

        self._S = loads(zip.read('.S'))

        # Shifts for Mean Centerer Matrix
        self._shifts = None
        if '.shifts.row' in zip.namelist():
            self._shifts = [loads(zip.read('.shifts.row')),
        self._reconstruct_matrix(shifts=self._shifts, force=True)

    def save_model(self, filename, options={}):
        Saves SVD transformation (U, Sigma and V matrices) to a ZIP file

        :param filename: path to save the SVD matrix transformation (U, Sigma and V matrices)
        :type filename: string
        :param options: a dict() containing the info about the SVD transformation. E.g. {'k': 100, 'min_values': 5, 'pre_normalize': None, 'mean_center': True, 'post_normalize': True}
        :type options: dict
        if VERBOSE:
            sys.stdout.write('Saving svd model to %s\n' % filename)

        f_opt = open(filename + '.config', 'w')
        for option, value in options.items():
            f_opt.write('\t'.join((option, str(value))) + '\n')
        # U, S, and V
        MAX_VECTORS = 2**21
        if len(self._U) < MAX_VECTORS:
            self._U.dump(filename + '.U')
            self._U.tofile(filename + '.U')
        if len(self._V) < MAX_VECTORS:
            self._V.dump(filename + '.V')
            self._V.tofile(filename + '.V')
        self._S.dump(filename + '.S')

        # Shifts for Mean Centered Matrix
        if self._shifts:
            #(row_shift, col_shift, total_shift)
            self._shifts[0].dump(filename + '.shifts.row')
            self._shifts[1].dump(filename + '.shifts.col')
            self._shifts[2].dump(filename + '.shifts.total')

        zip = filename
        if not filename.endswith('.zip') and not filename.endswith('.ZIP'):
            zip += '.zip'
        fp = zipfile.ZipFile(zip, 'w', allowZip64=True)

        # Store Options in the ZIP file
        fp.write(filename=filename + '.config', arcname='README')
        os.remove(filename + '.config')

        # Store matrices in the ZIP file
        for extension in ['.U', '.S', '.V']:
            fp.write(filename=filename + extension, arcname=extension)
            os.remove(filename + extension)

        # Store mean center shifts in the ZIP file
        if self._shifts:
            for extension in ['.shifts.row', '.shifts.col', '.shifts.total']:
                fp.write(filename=filename + extension, arcname=extension)
                os.remove(filename + extension)

        # Store row and col ids file, if importing from SVDLIBC
        if self._file_row_ids:
            fp.write(filename=self._file_row_ids, arcname='.row_ids')
        if self._file_col_ids:
            fp.write(filename=self._file_col_ids, arcname='.col_ids')

    def _reconstruct_similarity(self, post_normalize=True, force=True):
        if not self.get_matrix_similarity() or force:
            self._matrix_similarity = SimilarityMatrix()
            self._matrix_similarity.create(self._U, self._S,
        return self._matrix_similarity

    def _reconstruct_matrix(self, shifts=None, force=True):
        if not self._matrix_reconstructed or force:
            if shifts:
                self._matrix_reconstructed = divisi2.reconstruct(self._U, self._S,
                                                                 self._V, shifts=shifts)
                self._matrix_reconstructed = divisi2.reconstruct(self._U, self._S,
                                                                 self._V, shifts)
        return self._matrix_reconstructed

    def _get_row_reconstructed(self, i, zeros=None):
        if zeros:
            return self._matrix_reconstructed.row_named(i)[zeros]
        return self._matrix_reconstructed.row_named(i)

    def _get_col_reconstructed(self, j, zeros=None):
        if zeros:
            return self._matrix_reconstructed.col_named(j)[zeros]
        return self._matrix_reconstructed.col_named(j)

    def compute(self, i, k=100, min_values=None, pre_normalize=None, mean_center=False,
                post_normalize=True, savefile=None, v_vectors=None, col_labels=None):

        self._V = DenseMatrix(v_vectors, col_labels)

        # Sim. matrix = U \Sigma^2 U^T
        #self._reconstruct_similarity(post_normalize=post_normalize, force=True)
        # M' = U S V^t
        self._reconstruct_matrix(shifts=self._shifts, force=True)

        if savefile:
            options = {'k': k, 'min_values': min_values, 'pre_normalize': pre_normalize,
                       'mean_center': mean_center,'post_normalize': post_normalize}
            self.save_model(savefile, options)

    def recommend(self, i, n=10, only_unknowns=False, is_row=True, save=False,

        db = DBConn()

        self.compute(i, k=100, min_values=None, pre_normalize=None, mean_center=False,
                     post_normalize=True,savefile=save, v_vectors=v_vectors,
                     col_labels=col_labels) #will use default values!
        item = None
        zeros = []
        if is_row:
            if only_unknowns:
                zeros = self._matrix.get().row_named(i).zero_entries()
            item = self._get_row_reconstructed(i, zeros)
            if only_unknowns:
                zeros = []
                soundcloud_artists = db.get_soundcloud_labels()
                for artist in soundcloud_artists:
                    if not artist["index"] in sparse_matrix_vector:

            item = self._get_col_reconstructed(0, zeros)
        return item.top_items(n)
コード例 #3
class SVD(Algorithm):
    Inherits from base class Algorithm. 
    It computes SVD (Singular Value Decomposition) on a matrix *M*

    It also provides recommendations and predictions using the reconstructed matrix *M'*

    :param filename: Path to a Zip file, containing an already computed SVD (U, Sigma, and V) for a matrix *M*
    :type filename: string
    def __init__(self, filename=None):
        #Call parent constructor
        super(SVD, self).__init__()

        # self._U: Eigen vector. Relates the concepts of the input matrix to the principal axes
        # self._S (or \Sigma): Singular -or eigen- values. It represents the strength of each eigenvector.
        # self._V: Eigen vector. Relates features to the principal axes
        self._U, self._S, self._V = (None, None, None)
        # Mean centered Matrix: row and col shifts
        self._shifts = None
        # self._matrix_reconstructed: M' = U S V^t
        self._matrix_reconstructed = None

        # Similarity matrix: (U \Sigma)(U \Sigma)^T = U \Sigma^2 U^T
        # U \Sigma is concept_axes weighted by axis_weights.
        self._matrix_similarity = SimilarityMatrix()

        if filename:

        # Row and Col ids. Only when importing from SVDLIBC
        self._file_row_ids = None
        self._file_col_ids = None

    def __repr__(self):
            s = '\n'.join(('M\':' + str(self._reconstruct_matrix()), \
                'A row (U):' + str(self._reconstruct_matrix().right[1]), \
                'A col (V):' + str(self._reconstruct_matrix().left[1])))
        except TypeError:
            s = self._data.__repr__()
        return s

    def load_model(self, filename):
        Loads SVD transformation (U, Sigma and V matrices) from a ZIP file

        :param filename: path to the SVD matrix transformation (a ZIP file)
        :type filename: string
            zip = zipfile.ZipFile(filename, allowZip64=True)
            zip = zipfile.ZipFile(filename + '.zip', allowZip64=True)
        # Options file
        options = dict()
        for line in zip.open('README'):
            data = line.strip().split('\t')
            options[data[0]] = data[1]
            k = int(options['k'])
            k = 100  #TODO: nasty!!!

        # Load U, S, and V
        #Python 2.6 only:
        #self._U = loads(zip.open('.U').read())
        #self._S = loads(zip.open('.S').read())
        #self._V = loads(zip.open('.V').read())
            self._U = loads(zip.read('.U'))
            matrix = fromfile(zip.extract('.U', TMPDIR))
            vectors = []
            i = 0
            while i < len(matrix) / k:
                v = DenseVector(matrix[k * i:k * (i + 1)])
                i += 1
                idx = [
                    for idx in zip.read('.row_ids').split('\n') if idx
                idx = [
                    idx.strip() for idx in zip.read('.row_ids').split('\n')
                    if idx
            #self._U = DenseMatrix(vectors)
            self._U = DenseMatrix(vectors, OrderedSet(idx), None)
            self._V = loads(zip.read('.V'))
            matrix = fromfile(zip.extract('.V', TMPDIR))
            vectors = []
            i = 0
            while i < len(matrix) / k:
                v = DenseVector(matrix[k * i:k * (i + 1)])
                i += 1
                idx = [
                    for idx in zip.read('.col_ids').split('\n') if idx
                idx = [
                    idx.strip() for idx in zip.read('.col_ids').split('\n')
                    if idx
            #self._V = DenseMatrix(vectors)
            self._V = DenseMatrix(vectors, OrderedSet(idx), None)

        self._S = loads(zip.read('.S'))

        # Shifts for Mean Centerer Matrix
        self._shifts = None
        if '.shifts.row' in zip.namelist():
            self._shifts = [
        self._reconstruct_matrix(shifts=self._shifts, force=True)

    def save_model(self, filename, options={}):
        Saves SVD transformation (U, Sigma and V matrices) to a ZIP file

        :param filename: path to save the SVD matrix transformation (U, Sigma and V matrices)
        :type filename: string
        :param options: a dict() containing the info about the SVD transformation. E.g. {'k': 100, 'min_values': 5, 'pre_normalize': None, 'mean_center': True, 'post_normalize': True}
        :type options: dict
        if VERBOSE:
            sys.stdout.write('Saving svd model to %s\n' % filename)

        f_opt = open(filename + '.config', 'w')
        for option, value in options.items():
            f_opt.write('\t'.join((option, str(value))) + '\n')
        # U, S, and V
        MAX_VECTORS = 2**21
        if len(self._U) < MAX_VECTORS:
            self._U.dump(filename + '.U')
            self._U.tofile(filename + '.U')
        if len(self._V) < MAX_VECTORS:
            self._V.dump(filename + '.V')
            self._V.tofile(filename + '.V')
        self._S.dump(filename + '.S')

        # Shifts for Mean Centered Matrix
        if self._shifts:
            #(row_shift, col_shift, total_shift)
            self._shifts[0].dump(filename + '.shifts.row')
            self._shifts[1].dump(filename + '.shifts.col')
            self._shifts[2].dump(filename + '.shifts.total')

        zip = filename
        if not filename.endswith('.zip') and not filename.endswith('.ZIP'):
            zip += '.zip'
        fp = zipfile.ZipFile(zip, 'w', allowZip64=True)

        # Store Options in the ZIP file
        fp.write(filename=filename + '.config', arcname='README')
        os.remove(filename + '.config')

        # Store matrices in the ZIP file
        for extension in ['.U', '.S', '.V']:
            fp.write(filename=filename + extension, arcname=extension)
            os.remove(filename + extension)

        # Store mean center shifts in the ZIP file
        if self._shifts:
            for extension in ['.shifts.row', '.shifts.col', '.shifts.total']:
                fp.write(filename=filename + extension, arcname=extension)
                os.remove(filename + extension)

        # Store row and col ids file, if importing from SVDLIBC
        if self._file_row_ids:
            fp.write(filename=self._file_row_ids, arcname='.row_ids')
        if self._file_col_ids:
            fp.write(filename=self._file_col_ids, arcname='.col_ids')

    def _reconstruct_similarity(self, post_normalize=True, force=True):
        if not self.get_matrix_similarity() or force:
            self._matrix_similarity = SimilarityMatrix()
        return self._matrix_similarity

    def _reconstruct_matrix(self, shifts=None, force=True):
        if not self._matrix_reconstructed or force:
            if shifts:
                self._matrix_reconstructed = divisi2.reconstruct(self._U,
                self._matrix_reconstructed = divisi2.reconstruct(
                    self._U, self._S, self._V)
        return self._matrix_reconstructed

    def compute(self,
        Computes SVD on matrix *M*, :math:`M = U \Sigma V^T`

        :param k: number of dimensions
        :type k: int
        :param min_values: min. number of non-zeros (or non-empty values) any row or col must have
        :type min_values: int
        :param pre_normalize: normalize input matrix. Possible values are tfidf, rows, cols, all.
        :type pre_normalize: string
        :param mean_center: centering the input matrix (aka mean substraction)
        :type mean_center: Boolean
        :param post_normalize: Normalize every row of :math:`U \Sigma` to be a unit vector. Thus, row similarity (using cosine distance) returns :math:`[-1.0 .. 1.0]`
        :type post_normalize: Boolean
        :param savefile: path to save the SVD factorization (U, Sigma and V matrices)
        :type savefile: string
        super(SVD, self).compute(min_values)

        if VERBOSE:
                'Computing svd k=%s, min_values=%s, pre_normalize=%s, mean_center=%s, post_normalize=%s\n'
                % (k, min_values, pre_normalize, mean_center, post_normalize))
            if not min_values:
                    '[WARNING] min_values is set to None, meaning that some funky recommendations might appear!\n'

        # Get SparseMatrix
        matrix = self._matrix.get()

        # Mean center?
        shifts, row_shift, col_shift, total_shift = (None, None, None, None)
        if mean_center:
            if VERBOSE:
                    "[WARNING] mean_center is True. svd.similar(...) might return nan's. If so, then do svd.compute(..., mean_center=False)\n"
            matrix, row_shift, col_shift, total_shift = matrix.mean_center()
            self._shifts = (row_shift, col_shift, total_shift)

        # Pre-normalize input matrix?
        if pre_normalize:
            Divisi2 divides each entry by the geometric mean of its row norm and its column norm. 
            The rows and columns don't actually become unit vectors, but they all become closer to unit vectors.
            if pre_normalize == 'tfidf':
                matrix = matrix.normalize_tfidf(
                )  #TODO By default, treats the matrix as terms-by-documents;
                # pass cols_are_terms=True if the matrix is instead documents-by-terms.
            elif pre_normalize == 'rows':
                matrix = matrix.normalize_rows()
            elif pre_normalize == 'cols':
                matrix = matrix.normalize_cols()
            elif pre_normalize == 'all':
                matrix = matrix.normalize_all()
                raise ValueError("Pre-normalize option (%s) is not correct.\n \
                                  Possible values are: 'tfidf', 'rows', 'cols' or 'all'"
                                 % pre_normalize)
        #Compute SVD(M, k)
        self._U, self._S, self._V = matrix.svd(k)
        # Sim. matrix = U \Sigma^2 U^T
        self._reconstruct_similarity(post_normalize=post_normalize, force=True)
        # M' = U S V^t
        self._reconstruct_matrix(shifts=self._shifts, force=True)

        if savefile:
            options = {
                'k': k,
                'min_values': min_values,
                'pre_normalize': pre_normalize,
                'mean_center': mean_center,
                'post_normalize': post_normalize
            self.save_model(savefile, options)

    def _get_row_reconstructed(self, i, zeros=None):
        if zeros:
            return self._matrix_reconstructed.row_named(i)[zeros]
        return self._matrix_reconstructed.row_named(i)

    def _get_col_reconstructed(self, j, zeros=None):
        if zeros:
            return self._matrix_reconstructed.col_named(j)[zeros]
        return self._matrix_reconstructed.col_named(j)

    def predict(self, i, j, MIN_VALUE=None, MAX_VALUE=None):
        Predicts the value of :math:`M_{i,j}`, using reconstructed matrix :math:`M^\prime = U \Sigma_k V^T`

        :param i: row in M, :math:`M_{i \cdot}`
        :type i: user or item id
        :param j: col in M, :math:`M_{\cdot j}`
        :type j: item or user id
        :param MIN_VALUE: min. value in M (e.g. in ratings[1..5] => 1)
        :type MIN_VALUE: float
        :param MAX_VALUE: max. value in M (e.g. in ratings[1..5] => 5)
        :type MAX_VALUE: float
        if not self._matrix_reconstructed:
            self.compute()  #will use default values!
        predicted_value = self._matrix_reconstructed.entry_named(
            i, j)  #M' = U S V^t
        if MIN_VALUE:
            predicted_value = max(predicted_value, MIN_VALUE)
        if MAX_VALUE:
            predicted_value = min(predicted_value, MAX_VALUE)
        return float(predicted_value)

    def recommend(self, i, n=10, only_unknowns=False, is_row=True):
        Recommends items to a user (or users to an item) using reconstructed matrix :math:`M^\prime = U \Sigma_k V^T`

        E.g. if *i* is a row and *only_unknowns* is True, it returns the higher values of :math:`M^\prime_{i,\cdot}` :math:`\\forall_j{M_{i,j}=\emptyset}`

        :param i: row or col in M
        :type i: user or item id
        :param n: number of recommendations to return
        :type n: int
        :param only_unknowns: only return unknown values in *M*? (e.g. items not rated by the user)
        :type only_unknowns: Boolean
        :param is_row: is param *i* a row (or a col)?
        :type is_row: Boolean
        if not self._matrix_reconstructed:
            self.compute()  #will use default values!
        item = None
        zeros = []
        if only_unknowns and not self._matrix.get():
            raise ValueError(
                "Matrix is empty! If you loaded an SVD model you can't use only_unknowns=True, unless svd.create_matrix() is called"
        if is_row:
            if only_unknowns:
                zeros = self._matrix.get().row_named(i).zero_entries()
            item = self._get_row_reconstructed(i, zeros)
            if only_unknowns:
                zeros = self._matrix.get().col_named(i).zero_entries()
            item = self._get_col_reconstructed(i, zeros)
        return item.top_items(n)

    def centroid(self, ids, is_row=True):
        points = []
        for id in ids:
            if is_row:
                point = self._U.row_named(id)
                point = self._V.row_named(id)
        M = divisi2.SparseMatrix(points)
        return M.col_op(sum) / len(points)  #TODO Numpy.sum?

    def kmeans(self, ids, k=5, components=3, are_rows=True):
        K-means clustering. It uses k-means++ (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/K-means%2B%2B) to choose the initial centroids of the clusters

        Clusterizes a list of IDs (either row or cols)

        :param ids: list of row (or col) ids to cluster
        :param k: number of clusters
        :param components: how many eigen values use (from SVD)
        :param are_rows: is param *ids* a list of rows (or cols)?
        :type are_rows: Boolean
        if not isinstance(ids, list):
            # Cluster the whole row(or col) values. It's slow!
            return super(SVD, self).kmeans(ids, k=k, is_row=are_rows)
        if VERBOSE:
            sys.stdout.write('Computing k-means, k=%s for ids %s\n' % (k, ids))
        MAX_POINTS = 150
        points = []
        for id in ids:
            if are_rows:
        M = array(points)
        # Only apply Matrix initialization if num. points is not that big!
        if len(points) <= MAX_POINTS:
            centers = self._kinit(array(points), k)
            centroids, labels = kmeans2(M, centers, minit='matrix')
            centroids, labels = kmeans2(M, k, minit='random')
        i = 0
        clusters = dict()
        for cluster in labels:
            if not clusters.has_key(cluster):
                clusters[cluster] = dict()
                clusters[cluster]['centroid'] = centroids[cluster]
                clusters[cluster]['points'] = []
            point = self._U.row_named(ids[i])[:components]
            centroid = clusters[cluster]['centroid']
            to_centroid = self._cosine(centroid, point)
            clusters[cluster]['points'].append((ids[i], to_centroid))
            clusters[cluster]['points'].sort(key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True)
            i += 1
        return clusters

コード例 #4
class SVD(Algorithm):
    Inherits from base class Algorithm.
    It computes SVD (Singular Value Decomposition) on a matrix *M*

    It also provides recommendations and predictions using the reconstructed matrix *M'*

    :param filename: Path to a Zip file, containing an already computed SVD (U, Sigma, and V) for a matrix *M*
    :type filename: string
    def __init__(self, filename=None):
        #Call parent constructor
        super(SVD, self).__init__()

        # self._U: Eigen vector. Relates the concepts of the input matrix to the principal axes
        # self._S (or \Sigma): Singular -or eigen- values. It represents the strength of each eigenvector.
        # self._V: Eigen vector. Relates features to the principal axes
        self._U, self._S, self._V = (None, None, None)
        # Mean centered Matrix: row and col shifts
        self._shifts = None
        # self._matrix_reconstructed: M' = U S V^t
        self._matrix_reconstructed = None

        # Similarity matrix: (U \Sigma)(U \Sigma)^T = U \Sigma^2 U^T
        # U \Sigma is concept_axes weighted by axis_weights.
        self._matrix_similarity = SimilarityMatrix()

        if filename:

        # Row and Col ids. Only when importing from SVDLIBC
        self._file_row_ids = None
        self._file_col_ids = None

        #Update feature
        self._foldinZeroes = {}
        self.inv_S = None  #since it doesn't get updated so redundent to calculate each time

    def __repr__(self):
            s = '\n'.join(('M\':' + str(self._reconstruct_matrix()), \
                'A row (U):' + str(self._reconstruct_matrix().right[1]), \
                'A col (V):' + str(self._reconstruct_matrix().left[1])))
        except TypeError:
            s = self._data.__repr__()
        return s

    def load_model(self, filename):
        Loads SVD transformation (U, Sigma and V matrices) from a ZIP file

        :param filename: path to the SVD matrix transformation (a ZIP file)
        :type filename: string
            zip = zipfile.ZipFile(filename, allowZip64=True)
            zip = zipfile.ZipFile(filename + '.zip', allowZip64=True)
        # Options file
        options = dict()
        for line in zip.open('README'):
            data = line.strip().split('\t')
            options[data[0]] = data[1]
            k = int(options['k'])
            k = 100  #TODO: nasty!!!

        # Load U, S, and V
        #Python 2.6 only:
        #self._U = loads(zip.open('.U').read())
        #self._S = loads(zip.open('.S').read())
        #self._V = loads(zip.open('.V').read())
            self._U = loads(zip.read('.U'))
            matrix = fromfile(zip.extract('.U', TMPDIR))
            vectors = []
            i = 0
            while i < len(matrix) / k:
                v = DenseVector(matrix[k * i:k * (i + 1)])
                i += 1
                idx = [
                    for idx in zip.read('.row_ids').split('\n') if idx
                idx = [
                    idx.strip() for idx in zip.read('.row_ids').split('\n')
                    if idx
            #self._U = DenseMatrix(vectors)
            self._U = DenseMatrix(vectors, OrderedSet(idx), None)
            self._V = loads(zip.read('.V'))
            matrix = fromfile(zip.extract('.V', TMPDIR))
            vectors = []
            i = 0
            while i < len(matrix) / k:
                v = DenseVector(matrix[k * i:k * (i + 1)])
                i += 1
                idx = [
                    for idx in zip.read('.col_ids').split('\n') if idx
                idx = [
                    idx.strip() for idx in zip.read('.col_ids').split('\n')
                    if idx
            #self._V = DenseMatrix(vectors)
            self._V = DenseMatrix(vectors, OrderedSet(idx), None)

        self._S = loads(zip.read('.S'))

        # Shifts for Mean Centerer Matrix
        self._shifts = None
        if '.shifts.row' in zip.namelist():
            self._shifts = [
        self._reconstruct_matrix(shifts=self._shifts, force=True)

    def save_model(self, filename, options={}):
        Saves SVD transformation (U, Sigma and V matrices) to a ZIP file

        :param filename: path to save the SVD matrix transformation (U, Sigma and V matrices)
        :type filename: string
        :param options: a dict() containing the info about the SVD transformation. E.g. {'k': 100, 'min_values': 5, 'pre_normalize': None, 'mean_center': True, 'post_normalize': True}
        :type options: dict
        if VERBOSE:
            sys.stdout.write('Saving svd model to %s\n' % filename)

        f_opt = open(filename + '.config', 'w')
        for option, value in options.items():
            f_opt.write('\t'.join((option, str(value))) + '\n')
        # U, S, and V
        MAX_VECTORS = 2**21
        if len(self._U) < MAX_VECTORS:
            self._U.dump(filename + '.U')
            self._U.tofile(filename + '.U')
        if len(self._V) < MAX_VECTORS:
            self._V.dump(filename + '.V')
            self._V.tofile(filename + '.V')
        self._S.dump(filename + '.S')

        # Shifts for Mean Centered Matrix
        if self._shifts:
            #(row_shift, col_shift, total_shift)
            self._shifts[0].dump(filename + '.shifts.row')
            self._shifts[1].dump(filename + '.shifts.col')
            self._shifts[2].dump(filename + '.shifts.total')

        zip = filename
        if not filename.endswith('.zip') and not filename.endswith('.ZIP'):
            zip += '.zip'
        fp = zipfile.ZipFile(zip, 'w', allowZip64=True)

        # Store Options in the ZIP file
        fp.write(filename=filename + '.config', arcname='README')
        os.remove(filename + '.config')

        # Store matrices in the ZIP file
        for extension in ['.U', '.S', '.V']:
            fp.write(filename=filename + extension, arcname=extension)
            os.remove(filename + extension)

        # Store mean center shifts in the ZIP file
        if self._shifts:
            for extension in ['.shifts.row', '.shifts.col', '.shifts.total']:
                fp.write(filename=filename + extension, arcname=extension)
                os.remove(filename + extension)

        # Store row and col ids file, if importing from SVDLIBC
        if self._file_row_ids:
            fp.write(filename=self._file_row_ids, arcname='.row_ids')
        if self._file_col_ids:
            fp.write(filename=self._file_col_ids, arcname='.col_ids')

    def _reconstruct_similarity(self, post_normalize=True, force=True):
        if not self.get_matrix_similarity() or force:
            self._matrix_similarity = SimilarityMatrix()
        return self._matrix_similarity

    def _reconstruct_matrix(self, shifts=None, force=True):
        if not self._matrix_reconstructed or force:
            if shifts:
                self._matrix_reconstructed = divisi2.reconstruct(self._U,
                self._matrix_reconstructed = divisi2.reconstruct(
                    self._U, self._S, self._V)
        return self._matrix_reconstructed

    def compute(self,
        Computes SVD on matrix *M*, :math:`M = U \Sigma V^T`

        :param k: number of dimensions
        :type k: int
        :param min_values: min. number of non-zeros (or non-empty values) any row or col must have
        :type min_values: int
        :param pre_normalize: normalize input matrix. Possible values are tfidf, rows, cols, all.
        :type pre_normalize: string
        :param mean_center: centering the input matrix (aka mean substraction)
        :type mean_center: Boolean
        :param post_normalize: Normalize every row of :math:`U \Sigma` to be a unit vector. Thus, row similarity (using cosine distance) returns :math:`[-1.0 .. 1.0]`
        :type post_normalize: Boolean
        :param savefile: path to save the SVD factorization (U, Sigma and V matrices)
        :type savefile: string
        super(SVD, self).compute(
        )  #creates matrix and does squish to not have empty values

        if VERBOSE:
                'Computing svd k=%s, min_values=%s, pre_normalize=%s, mean_center=%s, post_normalize=%s\n'
                % (k, min_values, pre_normalize, mean_center, post_normalize))
            if not min_values:
                    '[WARNING] min_values is set to None, meaning that some funky recommendations might appear!\n'

        # Get SparseMatrix
        matrix = self._matrix.get()

        # Mean center?
        shifts, row_shift, col_shift, total_shift = (None, None, None, None)
        if mean_center:
            if VERBOSE:
                    "[WARNING] mean_center is True. svd.similar(...) might return nan's. If so, then do svd.compute(..., mean_center=False)\n"
            matrix, row_shift, col_shift, total_shift = matrix.mean_center()
            self._shifts = (row_shift, col_shift, total_shift)

        # Pre-normalize input matrix?
        if pre_normalize:
            Divisi2 divides each entry by the geometric mean of its row norm and its column norm.
            The rows and columns don't actually become unit vectors, but they all become closer to unit vectors.
            if pre_normalize == 'tfidf':
                matrix = matrix.normalize_tfidf(
                )  #TODO By default, treats the matrix as terms-by-documents;
                # pass cols_are_terms=True if the matrix is instead documents-by-terms.
            elif pre_normalize == 'rows':
                matrix = matrix.normalize_rows()
            elif pre_normalize == 'cols':
                matrix = matrix.normalize_cols()
            elif pre_normalize == 'all':
                matrix = matrix.normalize_all()
                raise ValueError("Pre-normalize option (%s) is not correct.\n \
                                  Possible values are: 'tfidf', 'rows', 'cols' or 'all'"
                                 % pre_normalize)
        #Compute SVD(M, k)
        self._U, self._S, self._V = matrix.svd(k)
        # Sim. matrix = U \Sigma^2 U^T
        self._reconstruct_similarity(post_normalize=post_normalize, force=True)
        # M' = U S V^t
        self._reconstruct_matrix(shifts=self._shifts, force=True)

        if savefile:
            options = {
                'k': k,
                'min_values': min_values,
                'pre_normalize': pre_normalize,
                'mean_center': mean_center,
                'post_normalize': post_normalize
            self.save_model(savefile, options)

    def _get_row_reconstructed(
    ):  #if foldin that means it is known what the user rated and zeros contains the rated items
        if zeros:
            return self._matrix_reconstructed.row_named(i)[zeros]
        return self._matrix_reconstructed.row_named(i)

    def _get_col_reconstructed(self, j, zeros=None):
        if zeros:
            return self._matrix_reconstructed.col_named(j)[zeros]
        return self._matrix_reconstructed.col_named(j)

    def _get_row_unrated(
        self, i, rated
    ):  # use for foldin since that means users new rated items are known so no need to squish or need normal matrix
        sparse_matrix = self._matrix_reconstructed.row_named(i).to_sparse()
        # values: np array with the predicted ratings or ratings
        # named_rows: normal array with movie names
        values, named_cols = sparse_matrix.named_lists(
        )  #values contains a np array with predicted ratings , while named_cols contains list of labels of columns
        removal_indicies = []  #array of indicies for removal

        for item in rated:
            index_remove = named_cols.index(item)
            del named_cols[
                index_remove]  #since its a normal list can remove like this

        values = np.delete(
            values, removal_indicies
        )  #since it's a numpy array so must remove like this

        return divisiSparseVector.from_named_lists(values,

    def _get_col_unrated(
        self, j, rated
    ):  # use for foldin since that means users new rated items are known so no need to squish or need normal matrix
        sparse_matrix = self._matrix_reconstructed.col_named(j).to_sparse()
        # values: np array with the predicted ratings or ratings
        # named_rows: normal array with movie names
        values, named_rows = sparse_matrix.named_lists()
        removal_indicies = []

        for item in rated:
            index_remove = named_rows.index(item)
            del named_rows[index_remove]

        values = np.delete(values, removal_indicies)

        return divisiSparseVector.from_named_lists(values,

    def predict(self, i, j, MIN_VALUE=None, MAX_VALUE=None):
        Predicts the value of :math:`M_{i,j}`, using reconstructed matrix :math:`M^\prime = U \Sigma_k V^T`

        :param i: row in M, :math:`M_{i \cdot}`
        :type i: user or item id
        :param j: col in M, :math:`M_{\cdot j}`
        :type j: item or user id
        :param MIN_VALUE: min. value in M (e.g. in ratings[1..5] => 1)
        :type MIN_VALUE: float
        :param MAX_VALUE: max. value in M (e.g. in ratings[1..5] => 5)
        :type MAX_VALUE: float
        if not self._matrix_reconstructed:
            self.compute()  #will use default values!
        predicted_value = self._matrix_reconstructed.entry_named(
            i, j)  #M' = U S V^t
        if MIN_VALUE:
            predicted_value = max(predicted_value, MIN_VALUE)
        if MAX_VALUE:
            predicted_value = min(predicted_value, MAX_VALUE)
        return float(predicted_value)

    def recommend(self, i, n=10, only_unknowns=False, is_row=True):
        Recommends items to a user (or users to an item) using reconstructed matrix :math:`M^\prime = U \Sigma_k V^T`

        E.g. if *i* is a row and *only_unknowns* is True, it returns the higher values of :math:`M^\prime_{i,\cdot}` :math:`\\forall_j{M_{i,j}=\emptyset}`

        :param i: row or col in M
        :type i: user or item id
        :param n: number of recommendations to return
        :type n: int
        :param only_unknowns: only return unknown values in *M*? (e.g. items not rated by the user)
        :type only_unknowns: Boolean
        :param is_row: is param *i* a row (or a col)?
        :type is_row: Boolean
        if not self._matrix_reconstructed:
            self.compute()  #will use default values!
        item = None
        zeros = []
        seeDict = False
        if only_unknowns and not self._matrix.get() and len(
                self._foldinZeroes) == 0:
            raise ValueError(
                "Matrix is empty! If you loaded an SVD model you can't use only_unknowns=True, unless svd.create_matrix() is called"
        if not self._matrix.get():
            seeDict = True
        if is_row:
            if only_unknowns:
                if seeDict:
                    zeros = self._foldinZeroes[
                        i]  #zeros in this instance contains the rated items
                    if len(zeros) == 0:
                        raise ValueError(
                            "Matrix is empty! If you loaded an SVD model you can't use only_unknowns=True, unless svd.create_matrix() is called or youve just folded them in"
                        item = self._get_row_unrated(
                            i, zeros
                        )  #removing the rated items from utility row for recommendations
                    zeros = self._matrix.get().row_named(i).zero_entries()
                    item = self._get_row_reconstructed(i, zeros)
                item = self._get_row_reconstructed(i, zeros)
            if only_unknowns:
                if seeDict:
                    zeros = self._foldinZeroes[
                        i]  #zeros in this instance contains the rated items
                    if len(zeros) == 0:
                        raise ValueError(
                            "Matrix is empty! If you loaded an SVD model you can't use only_unknowns=True, unless svd.create_matrix() is called or you just folded them in"
                        item = self._get_col_unrated(
                            i, zeros
                        )  #removing the rated items from utility columns for recommendations
                    zeros = self._matrix.get().col_named(i).zero_entries()
                    item = self._get_col_reconstructed(i, zeros)
                item = self._get_row_reconstructed(i, zeros)

        return item.top_items(n)

    def _calc_mean_center(
    ):  #created this to use the loaded shifts and calculate the row or column shift
        row_shift, col_shift, total_shift = self._shifts

        total_mean = total_shift  # use the global shift one
        if is_row:
            row_means = matrix.row_op(
                np.mean) - total_mean  # calculate row shift
            col_means = col_shift  # use already given col shifts
            row_means = row_shift  # use already given row shifts
            col_means = matrix.col_op(
                np.mean) - total_mean  # calculate col shifts

        row_lengths = matrix.row_op(len)
        col_lengths = matrix.col_op(len)

        shifted = matrix.copy()
        for row, col in shifted.keys():
            shifted[row, col] -= (
                (row_means[row] * row_lengths[row] +
                 col_means[col] * col_lengths[col]) /
                (row_lengths[row] + col_lengths[col])) + total_mean

        return (shifted, row_means, col_means, total_mean)
        # return shifted

    def load_updateDataTuple_foldin(self,
                                        'value': 0,
                                        'row': 1,
                                        'col': 2
        Folds-in a SINGLE user OR item. First loads a dataset file that contains a SINGLE tuple (a dataset for a single user OR item , has to be either same row or same column depending on is_row aka tuple)

        For params: filename,force,sep,format,pickle then see params definition in *datamodel.Data.load()*

        :param is_row: are you trying to foldin a row or a column ? yes->foldin row , no->foldin column
        :type is_row: boolean
        :param truncate: sometimes new users rate new items not in the original SVD matrix so would you like new items to be truncated or folded in ? default is foldin
        :type truncate: boolean
        :param post_normalize: Normalize every row of :math:`U \Sigma` to be a unit vector. Thus, row similarity (using cosine distance) returns :math:`[-1.0 .. 1.0]`
        :type post_normalize: Boolean

        if force:
            self._updateData = Data()

        self._updateData.load(filename, force, sep, format, pickle)

        if VERBOSE:
            print "reading the new tuple"
        if (is_row):
            nDimensionLabels = self._V.all_labels()[
                0]  #get labels from V matrix to complete the sparse matrix
            print type(nDimensionLabels)
            print type(nDimensionLabels[0])
            print len(nDimensionLabels)
                               [0]] = self._singleUpdateMatrix.get_cols()

            nDimensionLabels = self._U.all_labels(
            )  #get labels from U matrix to complete the sparse matrix
            print nDimensionLabels
                               [0]] = self._singleUpdateMatrix.get_rows()

        if not truncate:
            additionalElements = self._singleUpdateMatrix.get_additional_elements(
            #If it's trying to foldin a new user who has rated a new item which was not used before, then foldin the item first then foldin that user
            print "dimension", len(nDimensionLabels)
            print "additional elements:", additionalElements
            print "length", len(additionalElements)
            if len(additionalElements) != 0:
                for item in additionalElements:
                    if (
                    ):  #if I am folding in a row then , the additionals added that shouldn't be are the columns to be folded in to the rows
                            [(0, nDimensionLabels[0], item)],
                            [(0, item, nDimensionLabels[0])],
                                 is_row=not is_row)

        # #update the data matrix
        if VERBOSE:
            print "updating the sparse matrix"
        if self._matrix.get():  #if matrix not there due to load ignore it
            )  # updating the data matrix for the zeroes , also for saving the data matrix if needed

        # Mean centering
        if self._shifts:  #if not None then it means mean_center was equal true
            row_shift, col_shift, total_shift = self._shifts

            meanedMatrix, rowShift, colShift, totalShift = self._calc_mean_center(
                self._singleUpdateMatrix.get(), is_row=is_row)


            if is_row:
                values, named_rows = row_shift.to_sparse().named_lists(
                )  #values numpy array, named_rows normal array
                valuesFold, named_rowsFold = rowShift.to_sparse().named_lists()

                values, named_rows = col_shift.to_sparse().named_lists(
                )  # values numpy array, named_rows normal array
                valuesFold, named_rowsFold = colShift.to_sparse().named_lists()

            values = np.concatenate((values, valuesFold))

            if is_row:
                row_shift = divisiSparseVector.from_named_lists(
                    values, named_rows).to_dense()
                col_shift = divisiSparseVector.from_named_lists(
                    values, named_rows).to_dense()

            self._shifts = (row_shift, col_shift, total_shift)

        self._update(is_row=is_row, post_normalize=post_normalize)

    def _construct_batch_dictionary(self, data, is_row=True):

        :param data: Data()
        :param is_row: Boolean
        :return: constructs a dictionary with the row or col as the keys (depending on which is being added) with values as the tuples
        in self._batchDict

        key_idx = 1  #key index default is the row
        if not is_row:
            key_idx = 2

        #collecting the significant col or row tuples at one place to fold them in at once

        for item in data:  #data is a list of tuples so item is 1 tuple
            except KeyError:
                self._batchDict[item[key_idx]] = []

        #batch loaded , now need to fold them in one by one
        print "Batch loaded successfully"

    def load_updateDataBatch_foldin(self,
                                        'value': 0,
                                        'row': 1,
                                        'col': 2
            Folds in the batch users or items, first Loads a dataset file that contains Multiple tuples (users or items) or uses the preloaded data from the datamodel/data.py object then folds them in with their ratings

            :param data: Contains the dataset that was loaded using the Data() class
            :type data: Data()

            For params: filename,force,sep,format,pickle then see params definition in *datamodel.Data.load()*

            :param is_row: are you trying to foldin a row or a column ? yes->foldin row , no->foldin column
            :type is_row: boolean
            :param truncate: sometimes new users rate new items not in the original SVD matrix so would you like new items to be truncated or folded in ? default is foldin
            :type truncate: boolean
            :param post_normalize: Normalize every row of :math:`U \Sigma` to be a unit vector. Thus, row similarity (using cosine distance) returns :math:`[-1.0 .. 1.0]`
            :type post_normalize: Boolean

        if force:
            self._updateData = Data()
        if filename:  #not null
            self._updateData.load(filename, force, sep, format,
                                  pickle)  #load array of tuples
            if data:
                self._updateData = data
                raise ValueError('No data or filename set!')
        print "Reading the new batch"

        self._construct_batch_dictionary(self._updateData.get(), is_row)

        print "Folding in batch entries"
        nDimensionLabels = None
        if (is_row):
            nDimensionLabels = self._V.all_labels()[
                0]  # get labels from V matrix to complete the sparse matrix
            nDimensionLabels = self._U.all_labels()[
                0]  # get labels from U matrix to complete the sparse matrix
        length_of_dict = len(self._batchDict)
        i = 0
        meanDenseVector = []
        isbatch = True
        for key_idx in self._batchDict:  #data in batchDict in form {key:[(tuple)]}
            i += 1
            if VERBOSE:
                if i % 100 == 0:
                if i % 1000 == 0:
                if i % 10000 == 0:
                    sys.stdout.write(' (%d K user)\n' % int(i / 1000))

            if (is_row):


            # If it's trying to foldin a new user who has rated a new item which was not used before, then foldin the item first then foldin that user
            if not truncate:
                additionalElements = self._singleUpdateMatrix.get_additional_elements(

                if len(additionalElements) != 0:
                    for item in additionalElements:
                        if (
                        ):  # if I am folding in a row then , the additionals added that shouldn't be are the columns to be folded in to the rows
                                [(0, nDimensionLabels[0], item)],
                                [(0, item, nDimensionLabels[0])],

                            is_row=not is_row)

            if self._shifts:  # if not None then it means mean_center was equal true
                row_shift, col_shift, total_shift = self._shifts

                meanedMatrix, rowShift, colShift, totalShift = self._calc_mean_center(
                    self._singleUpdateMatrix.get(), is_row=is_row)

                # row shift cause it's row for the time being
                if is_row:


            if self._matrix.get():  #if matrix not there due to load ignore it
                    self._singleUpdateMatrix, is_batch=isbatch
                )  # updating the data matrix for the zeroes , also for saving the data matrix if needed

                is_batch=isbatch)  #Do foldin on the singleUpdateMatrix tuple
        if VERBOSE:
        if self._shifts:
            sys.stdout.write("updating shifts")
            if is_row:
                values, named_rows = row_shift.to_sparse().named_lists(
                )  # values numpy array, named_rows normal array
                values, named_rows = col_shift.to_sparse().named_lists(
                )  # values numpy array, named_rows normal array
            for vector in meanDenseVector:
                valuesFold, named_rowsFold = vector.to_sparse().named_lists(
                )  # rowShift contains new calculated row shift
                values = np.concatenate((values, valuesFold))
            if is_row:
                row_shift = divisiSparseVector.from_named_lists(
                    values, named_rows).to_dense()
                col_shift = divisiSparseVector.from_named_lists(
                    values, named_rows).to_dense()

            self._shifts = (row_shift, col_shift, total_shift)


    def update_sparse_matrix_data(self,
        #update the data matrix
        if is_batch:
            if self._matrix.get():
                if VERBOSE:
                    print "updating sparse index"
            if VERBOSE:
                print "before updating, M=", self._matrix_reconstructed.shape
            # Sim. matrix = U \Sigma^2 U^T
            # M' = U S V^t
            self._reconstruct_matrix(shifts=self._shifts, force=True)
            if VERBOSE:
                print "done updating, M=", self._matrix_reconstructed.shape
        if squish:
            if self._matrix.get():  #if loaded model there is no matrix
                if VERBOSE:
                    print "commiting the sparse data matrix by removing empty rows and columns divisi created"
                )  # updating the data matrix for the zeroes ,#NOTE: Intensive so do at end

    def _update(self,
        #The function which does the actual folding-in process
        if self.inv_S is None:
            self.inv_S = np.zeros((self._S.shape[0], self._S.shape[0]))
            for i in range(self._S.shape[0]):
                self.inv_S[i, i] = self._S[
                    i]**-1  # creating diagonal matrix and inverting using special property of diagonal matrix

        #if new is row -> V*S^-1
        if is_row:
            prodM = self._V.dot(self.inv_S)
            # if VERBOSE:
            #     print "dimension of VxS^-1=", prodM.shape
        else:  #if new is col -> U*S^-1
            prodM = self._U.dot(self.inv_S)
            # if VERBOSE:
            #     print "dimension of UxS^-1=", prodM.shape

        if update_matrix:
            updateTupleMatrix = update_matrix.get()
            updateTupleMatrix = self._singleUpdateMatrix.get()

        if not is_row:
            updateTupleMatrix = updateTupleMatrix.transpose()  #transpose

        res = updateTupleMatrix.dot(prodM)

        if is_row:
            #new value can now be concatinated with U

            self._U = self._U.concatenate(res)

            #new value can now be concatinated with V

            self._V = self._V.concatenate(res)

        if not is_batch:  #will reconstruct all at end with batch using another function
            if VERBOSE:
                print "before updating, M=", self._matrix_reconstructed.shape
            # Sim. matrix = U \Sigma^2 U^T
            # M' = U S V^t
            self._reconstruct_matrix(shifts=self._shifts, force=True)
            if VERBOSE:
                print "done updating, M=", self._matrix_reconstructed.shape

    def centroid(self, ids, is_row=True):
        points = []
        for id in ids:
            if is_row:
                point = self._U.row_named(id)
                point = self._V.row_named(id)
        M = divisi2.SparseMatrix(points)
        return M.col_op(sum) / len(points)  #TODO Numpy.sum?

    def kmeans(self, ids, k=5, components=3, are_rows=True):
        K-means clustering. It uses k-means++ (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/K-means%2B%2B) to choose the initial centroids of the clusters

        Clusterizes a list of IDs (either row or cols)

        :param ids: list of row (or col) ids to cluster
        :param k: number of clusters
        :param components: how many eigen values use (from SVD)
        :param are_rows: is param *ids* a list of rows (or cols)?
        :type are_rows: Boolean
        if not isinstance(ids, list):
            # Cluster the whole row(or col) values. It's slow!
            return super(SVD, self).kmeans(ids, k=k, is_row=are_rows)
        if VERBOSE:
            sys.stdout.write('Computing k-means, k=%s for ids %s\n' % (k, ids))
        MAX_POINTS = 150
        points = []
        for id in ids:
            if are_rows:
        M = array(points)
        # Only apply Matrix initialization if num. points is not that big!
        if len(points) <= MAX_POINTS:
            centers = self._kinit(array(points), k)
            centroids, labels = kmeans2(M, centers, minit='matrix')
            centroids, labels = kmeans2(M, k, minit='random')
        i = 0
        clusters = dict()
        for cluster in labels:
            if not clusters.has_key(cluster):
                clusters[cluster] = dict()
                clusters[cluster]['centroid'] = centroids[cluster]
                clusters[cluster]['points'] = []
            point = self._U.row_named(ids[i])[:components]
            centroid = clusters[cluster]['centroid']
            to_centroid = self._cosine(centroid, point)
            clusters[cluster]['points'].append((ids[i], to_centroid))
            clusters[cluster]['points'].sort(key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True)
            i += 1
        return clusters

コード例 #5
ファイル: baseline.py プロジェクト: dnarwani/twitter-rec
class Baseline(Algorithm):
    def __init__(self, filename=None):
        #Call parent constructor
        super(Baseline, self).__init__()

        # self._U: Eigen vector. Relates the concepts of the input matrix to the principal axes
        # self._S (or \Sigma): Singular -or eigen- values. It represents the strength of each eigenvector.
        # self._V: Eigen vector. Relates features to the principal axes
        self._U, self._S, self._V = (None, None, None)
        # Mean centered Matrix: row and col shifts
        self._shifts = None
        # self._matrix_reconstructed: M' = U S V^t
        self._matrix_reconstructed = None

        # Similarity matrix: (U \Sigma)(U \Sigma)^T = U \Sigma^2 U^T
        # U \Sigma is concept_axes weighted by axis_weights.
        self._matrix_similarity = SimilarityMatrix()

        if filename:

        # Row and Col ids. Only when importing from SVDLIBC
        self._file_row_ids = None
        self._file_col_ids = None

    def __repr__(self):
            s = '\n'.join(('M\':' + str(self._reconstruct_matrix()), \
                'A row (U):' + str(self._reconstruct_matrix().right[1]), \
                'A col (V):' + str(self._reconstruct_matrix().left[1])))
        except TypeError:
            s = self._data.__repr__()
        return s

    def load_model(self, filename):
        Loads SVD transformation (U, Sigma and V matrices) from a ZIP file

        :param filename: path to the SVD matrix transformation (a ZIP file)
        :type filename: string
            zip = zipfile.ZipFile(filename, allowZip64=True)
            zip = zipfile.ZipFile(filename + '.zip', allowZip64=True)
        # Options file
        options = dict()
        for line in zip.open('README'):
            data = line.strip().split('\t')
            options[data[0]] = data[1]
            k = int(options['k'])
            k = 100 #TODO: nasty!!!

        # Load U, S, and V
        #Python 2.6 only:
        #self._U = loads(zip.open('.U').read())
        #self._S = loads(zip.open('.S').read())
        #self._V = loads(zip.open('.V').read())
            self._U = loads(zip.read('.U'))
            matrix = fromfile(zip.extract('.U', TMPDIR))
            vectors = []
            i = 0
            while i < len(matrix) / k:
                v = DenseVector(matrix[k*i:k*(i+1)])
                i += 1
                idx = [ int(idx.strip()) for idx in zip.read('.row_ids').split('\n') if idx]
                idx = [ idx.strip() for idx in zip.read('.row_ids').split('\n') if idx]
            #self._U = DenseMatrix(vectors)
            self._U = DenseMatrix(vectors, OrderedSet(idx), None)
            self._V = loads(zip.read('.V'))
            matrix = fromfile(zip.extract('.V', TMPDIR))
            vectors = []
            i = 0
            while i < len(matrix) / k:
                v = DenseVector(matrix[k*i:k*(i+1)])
                i += 1
                idx = [ int(idx.strip()) for idx in zip.read('.col_ids').split('\n') if idx]
                idx = [ idx.strip() for idx in zip.read('.col_ids').split('\n') if idx]
            #self._V = DenseMatrix(vectors)
            self._V = DenseMatrix(vectors, OrderedSet(idx), None)

        self._S = loads(zip.read('.S'))

        # Shifts for Mean Centerer Matrix
        self._shifts = None
        if '.shifts.row' in zip.namelist():
            self._shifts = [loads(zip.read('.shifts.row')),
        self._reconstruct_matrix(shifts=self._shifts, force=True)

    def save_model(self, filename, options={}):
        Saves SVD transformation (U, Sigma and V matrices) to a ZIP file

        :param filename: path to save the SVD matrix transformation (U, Sigma and V matrices)
        :type filename: string
        :param options: a dict() containing the info about the SVD transformation. E.g. {'k': 100, 'min_values': 5, 'pre_normalize': None, 'mean_center': True, 'post_normalize': True}
        :type options: dict
        if VERBOSE:
            sys.stdout.write('Saving svd model to %s\n' % filename)

        f_opt = open(filename + '.config', 'w')
        for option, value in options.items():
            f_opt.write('\t'.join((option, str(value))) + '\n')
        # U, S, and V
        MAX_VECTORS = 2**21
        if len(self._U) < MAX_VECTORS:
            self._U.dump(filename + '.U')
            self._U.tofile(filename + '.U')
        if len(self._V) < MAX_VECTORS:
            self._V.dump(filename + '.V')
            self._V.tofile(filename + '.V')
        self._S.dump(filename + '.S')

        # Shifts for Mean Centered Matrix
        if self._shifts:
            #(row_shift, col_shift, total_shift)
            self._shifts[0].dump(filename + '.shifts.row')
            self._shifts[1].dump(filename + '.shifts.col')
            self._shifts[2].dump(filename + '.shifts.total')

        zip = filename
        if not filename.endswith('.zip') and not filename.endswith('.ZIP'):
            zip += '.zip'
        fp = zipfile.ZipFile(zip, 'w', allowZip64=True)

        # Store Options in the ZIP file
        fp.write(filename=filename + '.config', arcname='README')
        os.remove(filename + '.config')

        # Store matrices in the ZIP file
        for extension in ['.U', '.S', '.V']:
            fp.write(filename=filename + extension, arcname=extension)
            os.remove(filename + extension)

        # Store mean center shifts in the ZIP file
        if self._shifts:
            for extension in ['.shifts.row', '.shifts.col', '.shifts.total']:
                fp.write(filename=filename + extension, arcname=extension)
                os.remove(filename + extension)

        # Store row and col ids file, if importing from SVDLIBC
        if self._file_row_ids:
            fp.write(filename=self._file_row_ids, arcname='.row_ids')
        if self._file_col_ids:
            fp.write(filename=self._file_col_ids, arcname='.col_ids')

    def _reconstruct_similarity(self, post_normalize=True, force=True):
        if not self.get_matrix_similarity() or force:
            self._matrix_similarity = SimilarityMatrix()
            self._matrix_similarity.create(self._U, self._S, post_normalize=post_normalize)
        return self._matrix_similarity

    def _reconstruct_matrix(self, shifts=None, force=True):
        if not self._matrix_reconstructed or force:
            if shifts:
                self._matrix_reconstructed = divisi2.reconstruct(self._U, self._S, self._V, shifts=shifts)
                self._matrix_reconstructed = divisi2.reconstruct(self._U, self._S, self._V)
        return self._matrix_reconstructed

    def _get_row_reconstructed(self, i, zeros=None):
        if zeros:
            return self._matrix_reconstructed.row_named(i)[zeros]
        return self._matrix_reconstructed.row_named(i)

    def _get_col_reconstructed(self, j, zeros=None):
        if zeros:
            return self._matrix_reconstructed.col_named(j)[zeros]
        return self._matrix_reconstructed.col_named(j)

    def compute(self, k=100, min_values=None, pre_normalize=None, mean_center=False, post_normalize=True, savefile=None):

        # Get SparseMatrix
        matrix = self._matrix.get()

        # Mean center?
        shifts, row_shift, col_shift, total_shift = (None, None, None, None)
        if mean_center:
            matrix, row_shift, col_shift, total_shift = matrix.mean_center()
            self._shifts = (row_shift, col_shift, total_shift)

        # Pre-normalize input matrix?
        if pre_normalize:
            Divisi2 divides each entry by the geometric mean of its row norm and its column norm.
            The rows and columns don't actually become unit vectors, but they all become closer to unit vectors.
            if pre_normalize == 'tfidf':
                matrix = matrix.normalize_tfidf() #TODO By default, treats the matrix as terms-by-documents;
                                                  # pass cols_are_terms=True if the matrix is instead documents-by-terms.
            elif pre_normalize == 'rows':
                matrix = matrix.normalize_rows()
            elif pre_normalize == 'cols':
                matrix = matrix.normalize_cols()
            elif pre_normalize == 'all':
                matrix = matrix.normalize_all()
                raise ValueError("Pre-normalize option (%s) is not correct.\n \
                                  Possible values are: 'tfidf', 'rows', 'cols' or 'all'" % pre_normalize)

        #Compute SVD(M, k)
        self._U, self._S, self._V = matrix.svd(k)

        # Sim. matrix = U \Sigma^2 U^T
        self._reconstruct_similarity(post_normalize=post_normalize, force=True)
        # M' = U S V^t
        self._reconstruct_matrix(shifts=self._shifts, force=True)

        if savefile:
            options = {'k': k, 'min_values': min_values, 'pre_normalize': pre_normalize, 'mean_center': mean_center, 'post_normalize': post_normalize}
            self.save_model(savefile, options)

    def recommend(self, i, n=10, only_unknowns=False, is_row=True):
        Recommends items to a user (or users to an item) using reconstructed matrix :math:`M^\prime = U \Sigma_k V^T`

        E.g. if *i* is a row and *only_unknowns* is True, it returns the higher values of :math:`M^\prime_{i,\cdot}` :math:`\\forall_j{M_{i,j}=\emptyset}`

        :param i: row or col in M
        :type i: user or item id
        :param n: number of recommendations to return
        :type n: int
        :param only_unknowns: only return unknown values in *M*? (e.g. items not rated by the user)
        :type only_unknowns: Boolean
        :param is_row: is param *i* a row (or a col)?
        :type is_row: Boolean
        if not self._matrix_reconstructed:
            self.compute() #will use default values!
        item = None
        zeros = []
        if only_unknowns and not self._matrix.get():
            raise ValueError("Matrix is empty! If you loaded an SVD model you can't use only_unknowns=True, unless svd.create_matrix() is called")
        if is_row:
            if only_unknowns:
                zeros = self._matrix.get().row_named(i).zero_entries()
            item = self._get_row_reconstructed(i, zeros)
            if only_unknowns:
                zeros = self._matrix.get().col_named(i).zero_entries()
            item = self._get_col_reconstructed(i, zeros)
        return item.top_items(n)