コード例 #1
ファイル: allPythonContent.py プロジェクト: Mondego/pyreco
def repl():
    """Start the interactive Read-Eval-Print-Loop"""
    print("                 " + faded("                             \`.    T       "))
    print("    Welcome to   " + faded("   .--------------.___________) \   |    T  "))
    print("   the DIY-lisp  " + faded("   |//////////////|___________[ ]   !  T |  "))
    print("       REPL      " + faded("   `--------------'           ) (      | !  "))
    print("                 " + faded("                              '-'      !    "))
    print(faded("  use ^D to exit"))

    env = Environment()
    interpret_file(join(dirname(relpath(__file__)), '..', 'stdlib.diy'), env)
    while True:
            source = read_expression()
            print(interpret(source, env))
        except LispError as e:
            print(colored("!", "red"))
            print(faded(str(e.__class__.__name__) + ":"))
        except KeyboardInterrupt:
            msg = "Interupted. " + faded("(Use ^D to exit)")
            print("\n" + colored("! ", "red") + msg)
        except EOFError:
            print(faded("\nBye! o/"))
        except Exception as e:
            print(colored("! ", "red") + faded("The Python is showing through…"))
            print(faded("  " + str(e.__class__.__name__) + ":"))
コード例 #2
def repl():
    """Start the interactive Read-Eval-Print-Loop"""
    print("                 " +
          faded("                             \`.    T       "))
    print("    Welcome to   " +
          faded("   .--------------.___________) \   |    T  "))
    print("   the DIY-lisp  " +
          faded("   |//////////////|___________[ ]   !  T |  "))
    print("       REPL      " +
          faded("   `--------------'           ) (      | !  "))
    print("                 " +
          faded("                              '-'      !    "))
    print(faded("  use ^D to exit"))

    env = Environment()
    interpret_file(join(dirname(relpath(__file__)), '..', 'stdlib.diy'), env)
    while True:
            source = read_expression()
            print(interpret(source, env))
        except LispError as e:
            print(colored("!", "red"))
            print(faded(str(e.__class__.__name__) + ":"))
        except KeyboardInterrupt:
            msg = "Interupted. " + faded("(Use ^D to exit)")
            print("\n" + colored("! ", "red") + msg)
        except EOFError:
            print(faded("\nBye! o/"))
        except Exception as e:
                colored("! ", "red") + faded("The Python is showing through…"))
            print(faded("  " + str(e.__class__.__name__) + ":"))
コード例 #3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from nose.tools import assert_equals
from os.path import dirname, relpath, join

from diylisp.interpreter import interpret, interpret_file
from diylisp.types import Environment

env = Environment()
path = join(dirname(relpath(__file__)), '..', 'stdlib.diy')
interpret_file(path, env)

Consider these tests as suggestions for what a standard library for
your language could contain. Each test function tests the implementation
of one stdlib function.

Put the implementation in the file `stdlib.diy` at the root directory
of the repository. The first function, `not` is already defined for you.
It's your job to create the rest, or perhaps something completely different?

Anything you put in `stdlib.diy` is also available from the REPL, so feel
free to test things out there.

    $ ./repl
    →  (not #t)

PS: Note that in these tests, `interpret` is used. In addition to parsing
and evaluating, it "unparses" the result, hence strings such as "#t" as the
expected result instead of `True`.
コード例 #4
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from nose.tools import assert_equals
from os.path import dirname, relpath, join

from diylisp.interpreter import interpret, interpret_file
from diylisp.types import Environment

env = Environment()
path = join(dirname(relpath(__file__)), '..', 'stdlib.diy')
interpret_file(path, env)
Consider these tests as suggestions for what a standard library for
your language could contain. Each test function tests the implementation
of one stdlib function.

Put the implementation in the file `stdlib.diy` at the root directory
of the repository. The first function, `not` is already defined for you.
It's your job to create the rest, or perhaps somthing completely different?

Anything you put in `stdlib.diy` is also available from the REPL, so feel
free to test things out there.

    $ ./repl 
    →  (not #t)

PS: Note that in these tests, `interpret` is used. In addition to parsing 
and evaluating, it "unparses" the result, hence strings such as "#t" as the 
expected result instead of `True`.
コード例 #5
def prepare_env():
    global env
    env = Environment()
    path = join(dirname(relpath(__file__)), '..', 'stdlib.diy')
    interpret_file(path, env)
コード例 #6
def prepare_env():
    global env
    env = Environment()
    path = join(dirname(relpath(__file__)), '..', 'stdlib.diy')
    interpret_file(path, env)