def mail_admins(subject, message='', trace=True): if trace: exc_info = sys.exc_info() if exc_info: message += ("\n\n" if message else '') + ''.join( traceback.format_exception(*exc_info)) django_mail_admins(subject, message, fail_silently=True)
def mail_admins(subject, message, fail_silently=False, connection=None, html_message=None, send_sms=False, include_stack=True): """ Helper wrapper to send mail to admins. If there are problems sending mail to admins a critical notification is logged as well as notifification via sms. If the caller wishes they can also forward an sms message.""" try: if include_stack: # Typically true except in ExceptionDumpMiddleware tracemsg = '\n'.join( '...%s:%d in %s() %s' % (fname[-32:], lnum, fn, line.strip() if line else '') for fname, lnum, fn, line in extract_stack()) message = "%s\n\n\nTraceback:\n%s" % (message, tracemsg) if html_message: html_message = "%s<br/><br/><br/>Traceback:<br/>%s" % \ (html_message, '<br/>'.join(tracemsg.split('\n'))) django_mail_admins(subject, message, fail_silently, connection, html_message) if send_sms: sms_admins(message) except (Exception), e: exception_msg = "Failure in mail_admins, exception: %s" % (repr(e)) msg = "mail_admins failure, exception details in previous log. %s" % str( message) logger.critical(exception_msg) logger.critical(msg) sms_admins(exception_msg)
def mail_admins(*args, **kwargs): """ Wraps the Django :func:`mail_admins` function into a parallel thread for immediate reactivity on the web-front side. .. versionadded:: 1.17 """ parallel = kwargs.pop("parallel", False) if parallel: BatcherThread(django_mail_admins, args=args, kwargs=kwargs, parallel=True).start() else: django_mail_admins(*args, **kwargs)
def log(tag,message,data=None,level=INFO,content_object=None,request=None,ip=None,user=None,site=None,mail_admins=False,callback=None): """ Logs a message into site log """ # Set IP value if ip is None: if not request is None: if 'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR' in request.META: ip=request.META['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'].split(',')[0].strip() else: ip=request.META['REMOTE_ADDR'] else: ip='' # Set user value if user is None: if not request is None: if request.user.is_authenticated(): user=request.user # Set site value if site is None: if not request is None: site=get_current_site(request) else: site=Site.objects.get_current() # Check exceptions if sys.exc_info() != (None,None,None): if data is not None: data=unicode(data) + '\n\n---\n' + traceback.format_exc() else: data=traceback.format_exc() # Save log object log=SiteLog(tag=tag,message=u'%s' % message,level=level,data=u'%s' % data,ip=ip,user=user,site=site) log.content_object=content_object # Mail admins if specified or needed if mail_admins or log.level <= SITELOG_MAIL_ADMINS_LEVEL: print log body=render_to_string('sitelog/mail_admins.html', {'log': log}) django_mail_admins(message,body,fail_silently=True) # Callback execution if callback is not None: return callback(log)
def mail_admins(*args, **kwargs): """ Wraps the Django :func:`mail_admins` function into a parallel thread for immediate reactivity on the web-front side. .. versionadded:: 1.17 """ parallel = kwargs.pop('parallel', False) if parallel: BatcherThread(django_mail_admins, args=args, kwargs=kwargs, parallel=True).start() else: django_mail_admins(*args, **kwargs)
def mail_admins(subject, message, fail_silently=False, connection=None, html_message=None, send_sms=False, include_stack=True): """ Helper wrapper to send mail to admins. If there are problems sending mail to admins a critical notification is logged as well as notifification via sms. If the caller wishes they can also forward an sms message.""" try: if include_stack: # Typically true except in ExceptionDumpMiddleware tracemsg = '\n'.join('...%s:%d in %s() %s' % (fname[-32:], lnum, fn, line.strip() if line else '') for fname, lnum, fn, line in extract_stack()) message = "%s\n\n\nTraceback:\n%s" % (message, tracemsg) if html_message: html_message = "%s<br/><br/><br/>Traceback:<br/>%s" % \ (html_message, '<br/>'.join(tracemsg.split('\n'))) django_mail_admins(subject, message, fail_silently, connection, html_message) if send_sms: sms_admins(message) except (Exception), e: exception_msg = "Failure in mail_admins, exception: %s" % (repr(e)) msg = "mail_admins failure, exception details in previous log. %s" % str(message) logger.critical(exception_msg) logger.critical(msg) sms_admins(exception_msg)
def mail_admins(subject, message='', trace=True): if trace: exc_info = sys.exc_info() if exc_info: message += ("\n\n" if message else '') + ''.join(traceback.format_exception(*exc_info)) django_mail_admins(subject, message, fail_silently=True)
def mail_admins(subj, msg, user=None, **kwargs): if settings.DEBUG: # We'll use the standard debugging logic in send_mail return send_mail(subj, msg, ADMIN_EMAILS, user=user, **kwargs) return django_mail_admins(subj, msg, **kwargs)