コード例 #1
    def save_model(self, request, obj, form, change):
        MySQLDatabase = cache.get_model('mysql_manager', 'MySQLDatabase')
        if not change:  # Database creation form
            # The ``created_by`` attribute is set once at creation time
            obj.created_by = request.user
            MySQLDatabase.objects.create_database(obj.name, obj.charset_name, obj.collation_name)
            if obj.user:
                MySQLDatabase.objects.grant_privileges(obj.name, obj.user.name)
        else:   # This is the change form
            if 'charset_name' in form.changed_data or 'collation_name' in form.changed_data:
                MySQLDatabase.objects.change_specification(obj.name, obj.charset_name, obj.collation_name)
            if 'user' in form.changed_data:
                # First revoke all privileges on the old database.
                old_user_id = form.initial.get('user', None)
                if old_user_id is not None:
                    # old_user_id can be none in cases where it has never been set before.
                    MySQLUser = cache.get_model('mysql_manager', 'MySQLUser')
                    old_user = MySQLUser.objects.get(id__exact=old_user_id)
                    MySQLDatabase.objects.revoke_privileges(obj.name, old_user.name)

            if obj.user:
                # Now grant all privileges to the new owner
                MySQLDatabase.objects.grant_privileges(obj.name, obj.user.name)
        # Save the model
コード例 #2
ファイル: picker.py プロジェクト: azpm/django-scampi-cms
    def get_for_picking(self, ct):
        """ Returns class instance of a given model ContentType"""
        if type(ct) is not ContentType:
            raise TypeError, "cannot call get_for_picking without a valid ContentType, called with {0:>s}".format
        model = app_cache.get_model(ct.app_label, ct.model)
        if not model:
                module = app_cache.load_app('libscampi.contrib.{0:>s}'.format(ct.app_label))
                model = app_cache.get_model(ct.app_label, ct.model)
            except ImportError:
                raise NameError, "cannot get ({0:>s}, {1:>s}) from any path".format(ct.app_label, ct.model)
        if not self.is_registered(model):
            raise NameError, "({0:>s}, {1:>s}) is not registered for picking".format(ct.app_label, ct.model)

            fs = self.get_registration_info(model)()
        except PickerError:
            raise NameError, "({0:>s}, {1:>s}) has no filter set".format(ct.app_label, ct.model)
        return model, fs
コード例 #3
def template_create_zone_view(request, template_id):
    """Create zone from template.
    Accepts a template ID.
    An intermediate page asking for the origin of the new zone is used.
    # Permission check on models.
    if not request.user.has_perms([
        messages.error(request, 'Insufficient permissions for this action.')
        return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('admin:powerdns_manager_zonetemplate_changelist'))
    if request.method == 'POST':
        origin = request.POST.get('origin')
        # Get the models
        ZoneTemplate = cache.get_model('powerdns_manager', 'ZoneTemplate')
        Domain = cache.get_model('powerdns_manager', 'Domain')
        template_obj = ZoneTemplate.objects.get(id=template_id)
        template_obj_display = force_unicode(template_obj)
        # Check template ownership.
        if request.user != template_obj.created_by:
            messages.error(request, 'Permission denied for template: %s' % template_obj_display)
            return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('admin:powerdns_manager_zonetemplate_changelist'))
            # Replace placeholder with origin in the template content.
            zonetext = template_obj.content.replace('#origin#', origin)
            process_zone_file(origin, zonetext, request.user)
            messages.info(request, "Successfully created zone '%s' from template '%s'." % (origin, template_obj.name))
            # Redirect to the new zone's change form.
            domain_obj = Domain.objects.get(name=origin)
            return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('admin:powerdns_manager_domain_change', args=(domain_obj.id,)))
                    # Create log entry
#                     LogEntry.objects.log_action(
#                         user_id         = request.user.pk, 
#                         content_type_id = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(obj).pk,
#                         object_id       = obj.pk,
#                         object_repr     = obj_display, 
#                         action_flag     = CHANGE
#                     )

        form = TemplateOriginForm()
    info_dict = {
        'form': form,
        'template_id': template_id,
    return render_to_response(
        'powerdns_manager/template/create_zone.html', info_dict, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
コード例 #4
ファイル: tests.py プロジェクト: AvaniLodaya/django
    def test_models_py(self):
        Tests that the models in the models.py file were loaded correctly.
        self.assertEqual(cache.get_model("app_cache", "TotallyNormal"), TotallyNormal)
        self.assertEqual(cache.get_model("app_cache", "SoAlternative"), None)

        self.assertEqual(new_app_cache.get_model("app_cache", "TotallyNormal"), None)
        self.assertEqual(new_app_cache.get_model("app_cache", "SoAlternative"), SoAlternative)
コード例 #5
ファイル: import_model.py プロジェクト: salvapinyol/metricas
def main():
    parser = OptionParser()

    parser.add_option("-f", "--fichero", dest="fichero",
                      help="fichero a crear.")
    parser.add_option("-m", "--modelo", dest="modelo",
                      help="modelo a exportar")

    (options, dummy) = parser.parse_args()
    if not options.fichero or not options.modelo:
    print "\n\n"
    fichero = open(options.fichero,'r')
    model = cache.get_model("rtg", options.modelo)
    campos = fichero.readline().split(";")
    for linea in fichero:
        print linea
        datos = linea.split(";")
        instancia = model()
        s = zip(campos,datos)
        for (campo,dato) in s:
            print campo,dato
コード例 #6
 def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
     if 'app_label' in kwargs['queue_options']:
         if 'modl_name' in kwargs['queue_options']:
             from django.db.models.loading import cache
             mgr_attr = kwargs['queue_options'].get('manager', "objects")
             ModlCls = cache.get_model(
             if ModlCls is not None:
                 mgr_instance = getattr(ModlCls, mgr_attr)
                 mgr_instance.runmode = kwargs.pop('runmode', None)
                 mgr_instance.queue_name = kwargs.pop('queue_name')
                 mgr_instance.queue_options = {}
                 mgr_instance.queue_options.update(kwargs.pop('queue_options', {}))
                 return mgr_instance
                 return QueueBase()
             raise ImproperlyConfigured(
                 "DatabaseQueueProxy's queue configuration requires the name of a model class to be specified in in 'modl_name'.")
         raise ImproperlyConfigured(
             "DatabaseQueueProxy's queue configuration requires an app specified in 'app_label', in which the definition for a model named 'modl_name' can be found.")
コード例 #7
    def save_model(self, request, obj, form, change):
        MySQLUser = cache.get_model('mysql_manager', 'MySQLUser')
        password = form.cleaned_data.get('password1')
        if not change:  # User creation form
            assert password != '', 'A password is mandatory for new accounts'
            # The ``created_by`` attribute is set once at creation time
            obj.created_by = request.user
            MySQLUser.objects.create_user(obj.name, password)
            MySQLUser.objects.set_limits(obj.name, obj.max_queries_per_hour,
                obj.max_updates_per_hour, obj.max_connections_per_hour, obj.max_user_connections)
        else:   # This is the change form
            if 'max_queries_per_hour' in form.changed_data or \
                    'max_updates_per_hour' in form.changed_data or \
                    'max_connections_per_hour' in form.changed_data or \
                    'max_user_connections' in form.changed_data:
                MySQLUser.objects.set_limits(obj.name, obj.max_queries_per_hour,
                    obj.max_updates_per_hour, obj.max_connections_per_hour, obj.max_user_connections)
            if password:
                MySQLUser.objects.change_password(obj.name, password)
        # Save the model
コード例 #8
ファイル: export_model.py プロジェクト: salvapinyol/metricas
def main():
    parser = OptionParser()

    parser.add_option("-f", "--fichero", dest="fichero",
                      help="fichero a crear.")
    parser.add_option("-m", "--modelo", dest="modelo",
                      help="modelo a exportar")

    (options, dummy) = parser.parse_args()
    if not options.fichero or not options.modelo:
    print "\n\n"
    fichero = open(options.fichero,'w')
    model = cache.get_model("rtg", options.modelo)
    writer = csv.writer(fichero,delimiter=';')
    # Write headers to CSV file
    headers = []
    for field in model._meta.fields: #IGNORE:W0212
    # Write data to CSV file
    for obj in model.objects.all():
        row = []
        for field in headers:
            if field in headers:
                val = getattr(obj, field)
                if callable(val):
                    val = val()
#                if isinstance(val,basestring):
#                    val = val.encode("ISO-8859-1")
コード例 #9
ファイル: generic.py プロジェクト: mallison/djangolib
 def dispatch(self, *args, **kwargs):
     self.model_name = kwargs["model"]
     # TODO remove hard-coded 'main' app name here
     self.model = cache.get_model("main", self.model_name)
     if self.model is None:
         raise ValueError("No such model: %s" % self.model_name)
     return super(ModelNameInUrlMixin, self).dispatch(*args, **kwargs)
コード例 #10
ファイル: base.py プロジェクト: twidi/django-signalqueue
 def dequeue(self, queued_signal=None):
     Deserialize and execute a signal, either from the queue or as per the contents
     of the queued_signal kwarg.
     If queued_signal contains a serialized signal call datastructure,* dequeue()
     will deserialize and execute that serialized signal without popping the queue.
     If queued_signal is None, it will call retrieve() to pop the queue for the next
     signal, which it will execute if one is returned successfully.
     * See the QueueBase docstring for an example.
     if queued_signal is None:
         queued_signal = self.retrieve()
     logg.info("Dequeueing signal: %s" % queued_signal)
     signal_dict = queued_signal.get('signal')
     sender_dict = queued_signal.get('sender')
     regkey, name = signal_dict.items()[0]
     sender = None
     # specifying a sender is optional.
     if sender_dict is not None:
             sender = cache.get_model(str(sender_dict['app_label']), str(sender_dict['modl_name']))
         except (KeyError, AttributeError), err:
             sender = None
コード例 #11
def reset_database(modeladmin, request, queryset):
    MySQLDatabase = cache.get_model('mysql_manager', 'MySQLDatabase')
    n = queryset.count()
    for db_obj in queryset:
        # Store the database info in variables
        db_name = db_obj.name
        db_user_obj = db_obj.user
        db_charset_name = db_obj.charset_name
        db_collation_name = db_obj.collation_name
        db_created_by_obj = db_obj.created_by
        # Delete the current database
        # Create a new database object with the stored info
        new_db_obj = MySQLDatabase(
            name = db_name,
            user = db_user_obj,
            charset_name = db_charset_name,
            collation_name = db_collation_name,
            created_by = db_created_by_obj
        # First create the MySQL database on the MySQL server
        MySQLDatabase.objects.create_database(db_name, db_charset_name, db_collation_name)
        # Grant privileges on the user
        MySQLDatabase.objects.grant_privileges(db_name, db_user_obj.name)
        # Now save the Django object
    if n:
        messages.info(request, 'Successful reset of %d database(s)' % n)
コード例 #12
ファイル: agon_tags.py プロジェクト: asavoy/agon
 def render(self, context):
     limit = None
     model_lookup = self.model.resolve(context)
     incorrect_value = ValueError(
         "'%s' does not result in a model. Is it correct?" % model_lookup
         model = app_cache.get_model(*model_lookup.split("."))
     except TypeError:
         raise incorrect_value
         if model is None:
             raise incorrect_value
     if self.limit is not None:
         limit = self.limit.resolve(context)
     objs = fetch_top_objects(model, self.time_limit)
     if limit is not None:
         objs = objs[:limit]
     context[self.context_var] = objs
     return u""
コード例 #13
def drop_database(sender, **kwargs):
    MySQLDatabase = cache.get_model('mysql_manager', 'MySQLDatabase')
    instance = kwargs['instance']
    # First revoke the privileges of the user on this database
    MySQLDatabase.objects.revoke_privileges(instance.name, instance.user.name)
    # Then delete the database.
コード例 #14
ファイル: contrib.py プロジェクト: PaoloC68/django-plans
def send_template_email(recipients, title_template, body_template, context, language):
    """Sends e-mail using templating system"""

    site_name = getattr(settings, 'SITE_NAME', 'Please define settings.SITE_NAME')
    domain = getattr(settings, 'SITE_URL', None)

    if domain is None:
        Site = cache.get_model('sites', 'Site')
        current_site = Site.objects.get_current()
        site_name = current_site.name
        domain = current_site.domain

    context.update({'site_name' : site_name, 'site_domain': domain})

    if language is not None:

    mail_title_template = loader.get_template(title_template)
    mail_body_template = loader.get_template(body_template)
    title = mail_title_template.render(context)
    body = mail_body_template.render(context)

        email_from = getattr(settings, 'DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL')
    except AttributeError:
        raise ImproperlyConfigured('DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL setting needed for sending e-mails')

    mail.send_mail(title, body, email_from, recipients)

    if language is not None:

    email_logger.info(u"Email (%s) sent to %s\nTitle: %s\n%s\n\n" % (language, recipients, title, body))
コード例 #15
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: cypreess/django-email-change
def email_verify_view(request, verification_key, extra_context={},
    EmailChangeRequest = cache.get_model('email_change', 'EmailChangeRequest')
    context = RequestContext(request, extra_context)
        ecr = EmailChangeRequest.objects.get(
            user=request.user, verification_key=verification_key)
    except EmailChangeRequest.DoesNotExist:
        # Return failure response
        return render_to_response(template_name, context_instance=context)
        # Check if the email change request has expired
        if ecr.has_expired():
            # Return failure response
            return render_to_response(template_name, context_instance=context)
        # Success. Replace the user's email with the new email
        request.user.email = ecr.email
        # Delete the email change request
        # Redirect to success URL
        return redirect(success_url)
コード例 #16
ファイル: contrib.py プロジェクト: swappsco/django-plans
def send_template_email(recipients, title_template, body_template, context, language):
    """Sends e-mail using templating system"""

    send_emails = getattr(settings, 'SEND_PLANS_EMAILS', True)
    if not send_emails:

    site_name = getattr(settings, 'SITE_NAME', 'Please define settings.SITE_NAME')
    domain = getattr(settings, 'SITE_URL', None)

    if domain is None:
        Site = cache.get_model('sites', 'Site')
        current_site = Site.objects.get_current()
        site_name = current_site.name
        domain = current_site.domain

    context.update({'site_name': site_name, 'site_domain': domain})

    if language is not None:
        original_language = translation.get_language()

    mail_title_template = loader.get_template(title_template)
    mail_body_template = loader.get_template(body_template)
    title = mail_title_template.render(context)
    body = mail_body_template.render(context)
    email_from = getattr(settings, 'DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL')
    mail.send_mail(title, body, email_from, recipients)

    if language is not None:

    email_logger.info(u"Email ({0}) sent to {1}\nTitle: {2}\n{3}\n\n".format(
        language, recipients, title, body))
コード例 #17
 def handle(self, *origins, **options):
     outdir = os.path.abspath(options.get('directory'))
     export_all = options.get('all')
     verbosity = int(options.get('verbosity', 1))
     if export_all and len(origins) > 0:
         raise CommandError('No origins should be specified when the --all switch is used.')
     Domain = cache.get_model('powerdns_manager', 'Domain')
     if export_all:
         origins = [d.name for d in Domain.objects.all()]
     for origin in origins:
             data = generate_zone_file(origin)
         except Domain.DoesNotExist:
             sys.stderr.write('error: zone not found: %s\n' % origin)
             path = os.path.join(outdir, '%s.zone' % origin)
             f = open(path, 'w')
             if verbosity:
                 sys.stdout.write('success: %s\n' % origin)
コード例 #18
    def save_model(self, request, obj, form, change):
        PgUser = cache.get_model('postgresql_manager', 'PgUser')
        password = form.cleaned_data.get('password1')
        if not change:  # User creation form
            assert password != '', 'A password is mandatory for new accounts'
            # The ``created_by`` attribute is set once at creation time
            obj.created_by = request.user
            attrs = 'LOGIN'
            if not obj.is_active:
                attrs = 'NOLOGIN'
            PgUser.objects.create_role(obj.name, password, attrs)
        else:   # This is the change form
            if 'name' in form.changed_data:
                PgUser.objects.rename_role(form.initial['name'], obj.name)
            if 'connlimit' in form.changed_data:
                PgUser.objects.limit_connections(obj.name, obj.connlimit)
            if 'is_active' in form.changed_data:
                PgUser.objects.lock_unlock_role(obj.name, obj.is_active)
            if password:
                PgUser.objects.change_password(obj.name, password)
        # Save the model
コード例 #19
ファイル: base.py プロジェクト: JordanReiter/django-groups
 def _group_gfk_field(self, model, join=None, field_name=None):
     opts = model._meta
     if field_name is None:
         field_name = "group"
     if join is not None:
         # see if we can get the model where the field actually lives
         parts = join.split(LOOKUP_SEP)
         for name in parts:
             f, model, direct, m2m = opts.get_field_by_name(name)
             # not handling the model is not None case (proxied models I think)
             if direct:
                 if m2m or f.rel:
                     opts = f.rel.to._meta
                 opts = f.opts
         field = [f for f in opts.virtual_fields if f.name == field_name][0]
     except IndexError:
         from django.db.models.loading import cache as app_cache
         model = app_cache.get_model(opts.app_label, opts.module_name)
         raise LookupError("Unable to find generic foreign key named '%s' "
             "on %r\nThe model may have a different name or it does not "
             "exist." % (
     return field
コード例 #20
ファイル: readers.py プロジェクト: Wombatpm/djangae
 def __init__(self, start_id, end_id, model, *args, **kwargs):
     self.shard_id = 1
     self.start_id = start_id
     self.end_id = end_id
     self.raw_model = model
     app, model = self.raw_model.split('.')
     self.model = model_cache.get_model(app, model)
     super(DjangoInputReader, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
コード例 #21
def tag_list_view(request):
    app_label, model_class = settings.TAGGIT_AUTOCOMPLETE_TAG_MODEL.split('.')
    Tag = cache.get_model(app_label, model_class)
        tags = Tag.objects.all().values_list('name', flat=True) #TODO: add filtering
    except MultiValueDictKeyError:
        tags = []
    return HttpResponse(simplejson.dumps(list(tags)), mimetype='application/json')
コード例 #22
	def __call__(cls, request):
		app_name = request.GET.get('app_name','')
		model_name = request.GET.get('model','')
		model = APPCACHE.get_model(app_name, model_name)
		if model:
			return HttpResponse(simplejson.dumps(cls.get_context(model)), mimetype='application/json')

		return HttpResponse(simplejson.dumps({}), mimetype='application/json')
コード例 #23
def tag_list_view(request):
    app_label, model_class = TAGGIT_AUTOCOMPLETE_TAG_MODEL.split(".")
    Tag = cache.get_model(app_label, model_class)
        tags = Tag.objects.filter(name__istartswith=request.GET["term"]).values_list("name", flat=True)
    except MultiValueDictKeyError:
        tags = []
    return HttpResponse(json.dumps(list(tags), ensure_ascii=False), mimetype="application/json")
コード例 #24
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: workcode/simplelifetest
def tag_list_view(request):
    app_label, model_class = settings.TAGGIT_AUTOCOMPLETE_TAG_MODEL.split('.')
    Tag = cache.get_model(app_label, model_class)
        tags = Tag.objects.filter(name__istartswith=request.GET['q']).values_list('name', flat=True)
    except MultiValueDictKeyError:
        tags = []
    return HttpResponse('\n'.join(tags), mimetype='text/plain')
コード例 #25
 def flush_signal_queue(self, apps, options):
     Flushes the named signal queue, executing all enqueued signals.
     from django.conf import settings
     from signalqueue import SQ_RUNMODES as runmodes
     from signalqueue.worker import backends
     from signalqueue.models import log_exceptions
     queue_name = options.get('queue_name')
     queues = backends.ConnectionHandler(settings.SQ_QUEUES, runmodes['SQ_ASYNC_MGMT'])
     if not queue_name in queues:
         self.echo("\n--- No definition found for a queue named '%s'" % (queue_name,), color=16)
         self.echo("\n--- Your defined queues have these names: '%s'" % ("', '".join(queues.keys()),), color=16)
         self.echo("\n>>> Exiting ...\n\n", color=16)
     queue = queues[queue_name]
         queue_available = queue.ping()
         self.echo("\n--- Can't ping the backend for %s named '%s'" % (queue.__class__.__name__, queue_name), color=16)
         self.echo("\n--- Is the server running?", color=16)
         self.echo("\n>>> Exiting ...\n\n", color=16)
     if not queue_available:
         self.echo("\n--- Can't ping the backend for %s named '%s'" % (queue.__class__.__name__, queue_name), color=16)
         self.echo("\n--- Is the server running?", color=16)
         self.echo("\n>>> Exiting ...\n\n", color=16)
     self.echo("\n>>> Flushing signal queue '%s' -- %s enqueued signals total" % (
         queue.queue_name, queue.count()), color=31)
     from django.db.models.loading import cache
     if queue.count() > 0:
         for signalblip in queue:
             #self.echo("\n>>> Signal: ", color=31)
             #self.echo("\n%s" % pformat(signalblip), color=31)
             sender_dict = signalblip.get('sender')
             sender = cache.get_model(str(sender_dict['app_label']), str(sender_dict['modl_name']))
             signal = signalblip.get('signal')
             self.echo(">>> Processing signal sent by %s.%s: %s.%s" % (
                 sender._meta.app_label, sender.__name__, signal.keys()[0], signal.values()[0]), color=31)
             with log_exceptions(queue_name=queue_name):
     self.echo(">>> Done flushing signal queue '%s' -- %s enqueued signals remaining" % (
         queue.queue_name, queue.count()), color=31)
コード例 #26
ファイル: models.py プロジェクト: spicycms/spicy.core
def get_custom_model_class(custom_model_name):
    Returns class for abstract model

        custom_model_name (str): Custom model name in format
    return cache.get_model(*custom_model_name.split('.'))
コード例 #27
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: affan2/django-follow
def toggle(request, app, model, id):
    model = cache.get_model(app, model)
    obj = model.objects.get(pk=id)
    status = _toggle(request.user, obj)
    if status.__class__.__name__ == 'Follow':
        messages.success(request, 'You are now following %s and will receive regular updates on their activity.' % obj)
        messages.warning(request, 'You are no longer following %s and will not receive any updates on their activity.' % obj)
    return status
コード例 #28
 def _get_from_cache(self, link):
     StoredOEmbedResponse = cache.get_model('oembed_works', 'StoredOEmbedResponse')
     link_hash = md5(link).hexdigest()
         stored_response = StoredOEmbedResponse.objects.get(link_hash=link_hash)
     except StoredOEmbedResponse.DoesNotExist:
         return None
         return stored_response.get_response_object()
コード例 #29
 def remap(cls, intermediate):
     from django.db.models.loading import cache
     pk = intermediate.get('obj_id')
     ModCls = cache.get_model(
     if ModCls:
         if pk is not -1:
             return ModCls.objects.get(pk=pk)
     return None
コード例 #30
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: arctelix/pinimatic
def unfollow(request, app, model, id, user_id=None):
    if not user_id:
        user_id = request.user.id
    model = cache.get_model(app, model)
    obj = model.objects.get(pk=id)
    follow = Follow.objects.get_follows(obj).get(user__id=user_id)
    if follow.user == request.user or follow.folowing == request.user:
    redirect_to = redirect_to_referer(request)
    return HttpResponseRedirect(redirect_to)
コード例 #31
ファイル: admin.py プロジェクト: ZhipengJia/djcode
class BaseTabularRecordInline(admin.TabularInline):
    RR_TYPE = '__OVERRIDE__'
    form = '__OVERRIDE__'
    model = cache.get_model('powerdns_manager', 'Record')
    extra = 0
    fields = ('name', 'ttl', 'content')

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self.verbose_name = '%s Resource Record' % self.RR_TYPE
        self.verbose_name_plural = '%s Resource Records' % self.RR_TYPE
        super(BaseTabularRecordInline, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

    def queryset(self, request):
        """Return only RR_TYPE records"""
        qs = super(BaseTabularRecordInline, self).queryset(request)
        return qs.filter(type=self.RR_TYPE).order_by('name')
コード例 #32
ファイル: forms.py プロジェクト: ZhipengJia/djcode
 def clean_clone_domain_name(self):
     clone_domain_name = self.cleaned_data.get('clone_domain_name')
     # 1) Check for valid characters
     validate_hostname(clone_domain_name, supports_cidr_notation=True)
     # 2) Check for uniqueness
     Domain = cache.get_model('powerdns_manager', 'Domain')
         domain_obj = Domain.objects.get(name=clone_domain_name)
     except Domain.DoesNotExist:
         raise forms.ValidationError('A zone with this name already exists. Please enter a new domain name.')
     return clone_domain_name
コード例 #33
 def update_serial(self):
     """Updates the serial of the zone (SOA record).
     SOA content:  primary hostmaster serial refresh retry expire default_ttl
     Record = cache.get_model('powerdns_manager', 'Record')
         soa_rr = Record.objects.get(domain=self, type='SOA')
     except Record.DoesNotExist:
         raise Exception('SOA Resource Record does not exist.')
         bits = soa_rr.content.split()
         bits[2] = str(generate_serial(serial_old=bits[2]))
         soa_rr.content = ' '.join(bits)
コード例 #34
class SoaRecordInline(admin.StackedInline):
    model = cache.get_model('powerdns_manager', 'Record')
    form = SoaRecordModelForm
    # Show exactly one form
    extra = 1
    max_num = 1
    verbose_name = 'SOA Resource Record'
    verbose_name_plural = 'SOA Resource Record' # Only one SOA RR per zone
    # The ``name`` field is not available for editing. It is always set to the
    # name of the domain in ``forms.SoaRecordModelForm.save()`` method.
    fields = ('ttl', 'primary', 'hostmaster', 'serial', 'refresh', 'retry', 'expire', 'default_ttl')
    can_delete = False
    def queryset(self, request):
        """Return only SOA records"""
        qs = super(SoaRecordInline, self).queryset(request)
        return qs.filter(type='SOA')
コード例 #35
 def get_minimum_ttl(self):
     """Returns the minimum TTL.
     The SOA record of the zone is retrieved and the minimum TTL is extracted
     from the ``content`` field.
     If a SOA record does not exist for this zone, PDNS_DEFAULT_RR_TTL
     is returned from the settings..
     Record = cache.get_model('powerdns_manager', 'Record')
         soa_rr = Record.objects.get(domain=self, type='SOA')
     except Record.DoesNotExist:
         return settings.PDNS_DEFAULT_RR_TTL
         return soa_rr.content.split()[-1]
コード例 #36
class EmptyNonTerminalRecordInline(admin.TabularInline):
    """Special inline for empty non-terminals supported by PowerDNS 3.2.
    See: http://doc.powerdns.com/dnssec-modes.html#dnssec-direct-database
    model = cache.get_model('powerdns_manager', 'Record')
    extra = 0
    verbose_name = 'Empty Non-Terminal Resource Record'
    verbose_name_plural = 'Empty Non-Terminal Resource Record' # Only one SOA RR per zone
    fields = ('name', 'type', 'content', 'ttl', 'prio', 'auth', 'ordername', 'change_date')
    readonly_fields = ('name', 'type', 'content', 'ttl', 'prio', 'auth', 'ordername', 'change_date')
    can_delete = False
    def queryset(self, request):
        """Return only Empty Non-Terminal records"""
        qs = super(EmptyNonTerminalRecordInline, self).queryset(request)
        return qs.filter(type__isnull=True)
コード例 #37
ファイル: forms.py プロジェクト: ZhipengJia/djcode
    def clean_api_key(self):
        """Checks the provided API key.
        1) The key must contain [A-Z0-9]
        2) A dynamic zone must be configured with the supplied key
        api_key = self.cleaned_data.get('api_key')

        if not re.match('^[A-Z0-9]+$', api_key):
            raise forms.ValidationError('Invalid API key')
        DynamicZone = cache.get_model('powerdns_manager', 'DynamicZone')
        except DynamicZone.DoesNotExist:
            raise forms.ValidationError('Invalid API key')
            return api_key
コード例 #38
def get_geojson(request):
    """View used by the map javascript to fetch geojson data for each map tile.

    This view receives some parameters via GET request and returns a geojson

        bounds: string of the form "lat_lo,lng_lo,lat_hi,lng_hi", where "lo"
            corresponds to the southwest corner of the bounding box,
            while "hi" corresponds to the northeast corner of that box.
        zoom: the map zoom level.
        models: a list of model to filter, separated by comma, of the form
        project - the id of the the project with which the filtered objects
            should have ralations. (Optional)

    bounds = request.GET.get('bounds', None)
    zoom = int(request.GET.get('zoom', 13))
    models = request.GET.get('models', '')
    project = request.GET.get('project', None)

    if not bounds and not project:
        return HttpResponseBadRequest(to_json({'error': 'Invalid query'}),

    if bounds:
        x1, y2, x2, y1 = [float(i) for i in bounds.split(',')]
        polygon = Polygon(((x1, y1), (x1, y2), (x2, y2), (x2, y1), (x1, y1)))

        intersects_polygon = (Q(points__intersects=polygon)
                              | Q(lines__intersects=polygon)
                              | Q(polys__intersects=polygon))
        intersects_polygon = Q()

    models = [cache.get_model(*m.split('.')) for m in models.split(',') if m]
    d = _fetch_geo_objects(intersects_polygon, zoom, models, project)
    l = []
    for objs in d.values():
    geojson = create_geojson(l)
    return HttpResponse(to_json(geojson), mimetype="application/x-javascript")
コード例 #39
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: therealjeffg/zamboni
def general_search(request, app_id, model_id):
    if not admin.site.has_permission(request):
        return http.HttpResponseForbidden()

    model = app_cache.get_model(app_id, model_id)
    if not model:
        return http.Http404()

    limit = 10
    obj = admin.site._registry[model]
    ChangeList = obj.get_changelist(request)
    # This is a hideous api, but uses the builtin admin search_fields API.
    # Expecting this to get replaced by ES so soon, that I'm not going to lose
    # too much sleep about it.
    cl = ChangeList(request, obj.model, [], [], [], [],
                    obj.search_fields, [], limit, [], obj)
    qs = cl.get_query_set()
    # Override search_fields_response on the ModelAdmin object
    # if you'd like to pass something else back to the front end.
    lookup = getattr(obj, 'search_fields_response', None)
    return [{'value':o.pk, 'label':getattr(o, lookup) if lookup else str(o)}
            for o in qs[:limit]]
コード例 #40
    def response_change(self, request, obj):
        """Determines the HttpResponse for the change_view stage.
        Extends admin.ModelAdmin's ``response_change()`` method to support
        the domain tools.

        # See template ``powerdns_manager/domain_change_form.html``
        if "_transfer" in request.POST:
            return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('zone_transfer', args=(obj.id,)))
        elif "_clone" in request.POST:
            return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('zone_clone', args=(obj.id,)))
        elif "_set_rr_ttl" in request.POST:
            return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('zone_set_ttl', args=(obj.id,)))
        elif "_reset_api_key" in request.POST:
            Domain = cache.get_model('powerdns_manager', 'Domain')
            qs = Domain.objects.filter(id=obj.id)
            reset_api_key(self, request, qs)

        return super(DomainAdmin, self).response_change(request, obj)
コード例 #41
def send_template_email(recipients, title_template, body_template, context,
    """Sends e-mail using templating system"""

    site_name = getattr(settings, 'SITE_NAME',
                        'Please define settings.SITE_NAME')
    domain = getattr(settings, 'SITE_URL', None)

    if domain is None:
        Site = cache.get_model('sites', 'Site')
        current_site = Site.objects.get_current()
        site_name = current_site.name
        domain = current_site.domain

    context.update({'site_name': site_name, 'site_domain': domain})

    if language is not None:

    mail_title_template = loader.get_template(title_template)
    mail_body_template = loader.get_template(body_template)
    title = mail_title_template.render(context)
    body = mail_body_template.render(context)

        email_from = getattr(settings, 'DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL')
    except AttributeError:
        raise ImproperlyConfigured(
            'DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL setting needed for sending e-mails')

    mail.send_mail(title, body, email_from, recipients)

    if language is not None:

    email_logger.info(u"Email (%s) sent to %s\nTitle: %s\n%s\n\n" %
                      (language, recipients, title, body))
コード例 #42
def export_zone_view(request, origin):

    Domain = cache.get_model('powerdns_manager', 'Domain')

    obj = Domain.objects.get(name=origin)
    obj_display = force_unicode(obj)

    # Check zone ownership.
    if request.user != obj.created_by:
                       'Permission denied for domain: %s' % obj_display)
        # Redirect to the Domain changelist.
        return render_to_response('powerdns_manager/zone/import/error.html',
        return HttpResponseRedirect(
        info_dict = {
            'zone_text': generate_zone_file(origin),
            'origin': origin,
        return render_to_response('powerdns_manager/zone/export/zonefile.html',
コード例 #43
ファイル: contrib.py プロジェクト: nyimbi/django-plans
def send_template_email(recipients, title_template, body_template, context,
    """Sends e-mail using templating system"""

    send_emails = getattr(settings, 'SEND_PLANS_EMAILS', True)
    if not send_emails:

    site_name = getattr(settings, 'SITE_NAME',
                        'Please define settings.SITE_NAME')
    domain = getattr(settings, 'SITE_URL', None)

    if domain is None:
        Site = cache.get_model('sites', 'Site')
        current_site = Site.objects.get_current()
        site_name = current_site.name
        domain = current_site.domain

    context.update({'site_name': site_name, 'site_domain': domain})

    if language is not None:
        original_language = translation.get_language()

    mail_title_template = loader.get_template(title_template)
    mail_body_template = loader.get_template(body_template)
    title = mail_title_template.render(context)
    body = mail_body_template.render(context)
    email_from = getattr(settings, 'DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL')
    mail.send_mail(title, body, email_from, recipients)

    if language is not None:

    email_logger.info(u"Email ({0}) sent to {1}\nTitle: {2}\n{3}\n\n".format(
        language, recipients, title, body))
コード例 #44
 def set_minimum_ttl(self, new_minimum_ttl):
     """Sets the minimum TTL.
     Accepts ``new_minimum_ttl`` (integer)
     SOA content:  primary hostmaster serial refresh retry expire default_ttl
     Make sure this is not called while the SOA record object is modified.
     TODO: Investigate whether it is needed to perform any checks against settings.PDNS_DEFAULT_RR_TTL
     Record = cache.get_model('powerdns_manager', 'Record')
         soa_rr = Record.objects.get(domain=self, type='SOA')
     except Record.DoesNotExist:
         raise Exception('SOA Resource Record does not exist.')
         bits = soa_rr.content.split()
         bits[6] = new_minimum_ttl
         soa_rr.content = ' '.join(bits)
コード例 #45
def reset_api_key(modeladmin, request, queryset):
    if not modeladmin.has_change_permission(request):
        raise PermissionDenied
    DynamicZone = cache.get_model('powerdns_manager', 'DynamicZone')
    n = queryset.count()
    for domain_obj in queryset:
        # Only one DynamicZone instance for each Domain
            dz = DynamicZone.objects.get(domain=domain_obj)
        except DynamicZone.DoesNotExist:
                           'Zone is not dynamic: %s' % domain_obj.name)
            n = n - 1
            if dz.api_key:
                dz.api_key = generate_api_key()
                               'Zone is not dynamic: %s' % domain_obj.name)
                n = n - 1
    if n:
                      'Successfully reset the API key of %d domains.' % n)
コード例 #46
ファイル: utils.py プロジェクト: ZhipengJia/djcode
def pdnssec_hash_zone_record(zone_name, record_name):
    """Generates hash for ordername field in NSEC3 non-narrow mode.
    Special kudos to the folks at the #powerdns IRC channel for the help,
    especially Maik for pointing me to dns.name.Name.to_digestable() method.
    Notes from RFCs for easy reference
    NSEC3PARAM Presentation Format:
    4.3. Presentation Format
    The presentation format of the RDATA portion is as follows:
    - The Hash Algorithm field is represented as an unsigned decimal
    integer.  The value has a maximum of 255.
    - The Flags field is represented as an unsigned decimal integer.
    The value has a maximum value of 255.
    - The Iterations field is represented as an unsigned decimal
    integer.  The value is between 0 and 65535, inclusive.
    - The Salt Length field is not represented.
    - The Salt field is represented as a sequence of case-insensitive
    hexadecimal digits.  Whitespace is not allowed within the
    sequence.  This field is represented as "-" (without the quotes)
    when the Salt Length field is zero.

    5. Calculation of the Hash
    The hash calculation uses three of the NSEC3 RDATA fields: Hash
    Algorithm, Salt, and Iterations.
    Define H(x) to be the hash of x using the Hash Algorithm selected by
    the NSEC3 RR, k to be the number of Iterations, and || to indicate
    concatenation.  Then define:
    IH(salt, x, 0) = H(x || salt), and
    IH(salt, x, k) = H(IH(salt, x, k-1) || salt), if k > 0
    Then the calculated hash of an owner name is
    IH(salt, owner name, iterations),
    where the owner name is in the canonical form, defined as:
    The wire format of the owner name where:
    1.  The owner name is fully expanded (no DNS name compression) and
    fully qualified;
    2.  All uppercase US-ASCII letters are replaced by the corresponding
    lowercase US-ASCII letters;
    3.  If the owner name is a wildcard name, the owner name is in its
    original unexpanded form, including the "*" label (no wildcard
    This form is as defined in Section 6.2 of [RFC4034].
    The method to calculate the Hash is based on [RFC2898].
    "DNSSEC NSEC3 Hash Algorithms".
   The initial contents of this registry are:

      0 is Reserved.

      1 is SHA-1.

      2-255 Available for assignment.
    Domain = cache.get_model('powerdns_manager', 'Domain')
    DomainMetadata = cache.get_model('powerdns_manager', 'DomainMetadata')
    the_domain = Domain.objects.get(name__exact=zone_name)
    nsec3param = DomainMetadata.objects.get(domain=the_domain, kind='NSEC3PARAM')
    algo, flags, iterations, salt = nsec3param.content.split()
    # dns.name.NAME expects an absolute name (with trailing dot)
    record_name = '%s.' % record_name.rstrip('.')
    record_name = Name(record_name.split('.'))
    # Prepare salt
    salt = salt.decode('hex')
    hashed_name = sha1hash(record_name.to_digestable(), salt)
    i = 0
    while i < int(iterations):
        hashed_name = sha1hash(hashed_name, salt)
        i += 1
    # Do standard base32 encoding
    final_data = base64.b32encode(hashed_name)
    # Apply the translation table to convert to base32hex encoding.
    final_data = final_data.translate(b32_to_ext_hex)
    # Return lower case representation as required by PowerDNS
    return final_data.lower()
コード例 #47
ファイル: actions.py プロジェクト: ZhipengJia/djcode
def clone_zone(modeladmin, request, queryset):
    """Actions that clones the selected zone.
    Accepts only one selected zone.
      - Resource Records
      - Dynamic setting
      - Domain Metadata
    This action first displays a page which provides an input box to enter
    the origin of the new zone.
    It checks if the user has add & change permissions.
    It checks if a zone with the name that has been entered as new exists in
    the database.
    Based on: https://github.com/django/django/blob/1.4.2/django/contrib/admin/actions.py
    In order to work requires some special form fields (see the template).
    opts = modeladmin.model._meta
    app_label = opts.app_label

    Domain = cache.get_model('powerdns_manager', 'Domain')
    Record = cache.get_model('powerdns_manager', 'Record')
    DynamicZone = cache.get_model('powerdns_manager', 'DynamicZone')
    DomainMetadata = cache.get_model('powerdns_manager', 'DomainMetadata')

    # Check the number of selected zones. This action can work on a single zone.

    n = queryset.count()
    if n != 1:
        messages.error(request, 'Only one zone may be selected for cloning.')
        return None

    # Check permissions

    perm_domain_add = '%s.%s' % (opts.app_label, opts.get_add_permission())
    perm_domain_change = '%s.%s' % (opts.app_label,
    perm_record_add = '%s.add_record' % opts.app_label
    perm_record_change = '%s.change_record' % opts.app_label

    if not request.user.has_perms([
            perm_domain_add, perm_domain_change, perm_record_add,
        raise PermissionDenied

    # Check that the user has change permission for the add and change modeladmin forms
    if not modeladmin.has_add_permission(request):
        raise PermissionDenied
    if not modeladmin.has_change_permission(request):
        raise PermissionDenied

    # The user has set a domain name for the clone through the forms.ClonedZoneDomainForm form.
    #if request.method == 'POST':
    if request.POST.get('post'):
        form = ClonedZoneDomainForm(request.POST)
        if form.is_valid():

            # Store Data from the form

            # Store the new domain name for the clone.
            clone_domain_name = form.cleaned_data['clone_domain_name']

            if not clone_domain_name:
                return None  # Should never happen

            option_clone_dynamic = form.cleaned_data['option_clone_dynamic']
            option_clone_metadata = form.cleaned_data['option_clone_metadata']

            # Clone base zone

            # At this point queryset contain exactly one object. Checked above.
            domain_obj = queryset[0]

            # Create the clone (Check for uniqueness takes place in forms.ClonedZoneDomainForm
            clone_obj = Domain.objects.create(
                #last_check = domain_obj.last_check,
                #notified_serial = domain_obj.notified_serial,
                user  # We deliberately do not use the domain_obj.created_by
            modeladmin.log_addition(request, clone_obj)

            # Clone Resource Records

            # Find all resource records of this domain
            domain_rr_qs = Record.objects.filter(domain=domain_obj)

            # Create the clone's RRs
            for rr in domain_rr_qs:

                # Construct RR name with interchanged domain
                clone_rr_name = interchange_domain(rr.name, domain_obj.name,

                # Special treatment to the content of SOA and SRV RRs
                if rr.type == 'SOA':
                    content_parts = rr.content.split()
                    # primary
                    content_parts[0] = interchange_domain(
                        content_parts[0], domain_obj.name, clone_domain_name)
                    # hostmaster
                    content_parts[1] = interchange_domain(
                        content_parts[1], domain_obj.name, clone_domain_name)
                    # Serial. Set new serial
                    content_parts[2] = generate_serial()
                    clone_rr_content = ' '.join(content_parts)
                elif rr.type == 'SRV':
                    content_parts = rr.content.split()
                    # target
                    content_parts[2] = interchange_domain(
                        content_parts[2], domain_obj.name, clone_domain_name)
                    clone_rr_content = ' '.join(content_parts)
                    clone_rr_content = interchange_domain(
                        rr.content, domain_obj.name, clone_domain_name)

                # Create and save the cloned record.
                clone_rr = Record(domain=clone_obj,
                #modeladmin.log_addition(request, clone_rr)

            # Clone Dynamic Zone setting

            if option_clone_dynamic:

                # Get the base domain's dynamic zone.
                # There is only one Dynamic Zone object for each zone.
                domain_dynzone_obj = DynamicZone.objects.get(domain=domain_obj)

                # Create and save the dynamic zone object for the clone.
                clone_dynzone_obj = DynamicZone(
                    domain=clone_obj, is_dynamic=domain_dynzone_obj.is_dynamic)

            # Clone the zone's metadata

            if option_clone_metadata:

                # Get the base domain's metadata object.
                # There is only one metadata object for each zone.
                domain_metadata_obj = DomainMetadata.objects.get(

                # Create and save the metadata object for the clone.
                clone_metadata_obj = DomainMetadata(

            messages.info(request, 'Successfully cloned %s zone to %s' % \
                (domain_obj.name, clone_domain_name))

            # Redirect to the new zone's change form.
            return HttpResponseRedirect(
                reverse('admin:%s_domain_change' % app_label,
                        args=(clone_obj.id, )))

        form = ClonedZoneDomainForm()

    info_dict = {
        'form': form,
        'queryset': queryset,
        'opts': opts,
        'app_label': app_label,
        'action_checkbox_name': helpers.ACTION_CHECKBOX_NAME,
    return render_to_response('powerdns_manager/actions/clone_zone.html',
コード例 #48
ファイル: utils.py プロジェクト: ZhipengJia/djcode
def generate_zone_file(origin):
    """Generates a zone file.
    Accepts the zone origin as string (no trailing dot).
    Returns the contents of a zone file that contains all the resource records
    associated with the domain with the provided origin.
    Domain = cache.get_model('powerdns_manager', 'Domain')
    Record = cache.get_model('powerdns_manager', 'Record')
    the_domain = Domain.objects.get(name__exact=origin)
    the_rrs = Record.objects.filter(domain=the_domain).order_by('-type')
    # Generate the zone file
    origin = Name((origin.rstrip('.') + '.').split('.'))
    # Create an empty dns.zone object.
    # We set check_origin=False because the zone contains no records.
    zone = dns.zone.from_text('', origin=origin, relativize=False, check_origin=False)
    rdclass = dns.rdataclass._by_text.get('IN')
    for rr in the_rrs:
        # Add trailing dot to rr.name
        record_name = rr.name.rstrip('.') + '.'
        if rr.type == 'SOA':
            # Add SOA Resource Record
            # SOA content:  primary hostmaster serial refresh retry expire default_ttl
            bits = rr.content.split()
            # Primary nameserver of SOA record
            primary = bits[0].rstrip('.') + '.'
            mname = Name(primary.split('.'))
            # Responsible hostmaster from SOA record
            hostmaster = bits[1].rstrip('.') + '.'
            rname = Name(hostmaster.split('.'))
            rdtype = dns.rdatatype._by_text.get('SOA')
            rdataset = zone.find_rdataset(record_name, rdtype=rdtype, create=True)
            rdata = dns.rdtypes.ANY.SOA.SOA(rdclass, rdtype,
                mname = mname,
                rname = rname,
                serial = int(bits[2]),
                refresh = int(bits[3]),
                retry = int(bits[4]),
                expire = int(bits[5]),
                minimum = int(bits[6])
            rdataset.add(rdata, ttl=int(rr.ttl))
        elif rr.type == 'NS':
            # Add NS Resource Record
            rdtype = dns.rdatatype._by_text.get('NS')
            rdataset = zone.find_rdataset(record_name, rdtype=rdtype, create=True)
            rdata = dns.rdtypes.ANY.NS.NS(rdclass, rdtype,
                target = Name((rr.content.rstrip('.') + '.').split('.'))
            rdataset.add(rdata, ttl=int(rr.ttl))
        elif rr.type == 'MX':
            # Add MX Resource Record
            rdtype = dns.rdatatype._by_text.get('MX')
            rdataset = zone.find_rdataset(record_name, rdtype=rdtype, create=True)
            rdata = dns.rdtypes.ANY.MX.MX(rdclass, rdtype,
                preference = int(rr.prio),
                exchange = Name((rr.content.rstrip('.') + '.').split('.'))
            rdataset.add(rdata, ttl=int(rr.ttl))
        elif rr.type == 'TXT':
            # Add TXT Resource Record
            rdtype = dns.rdatatype._by_text.get('TXT')
            rdataset = zone.find_rdataset(record_name, rdtype=rdtype, create=True)
            rdata = dns.rdtypes.ANY.TXT.TXT(rdclass, rdtype,
                strings = rr.content.split(';')
            rdataset.add(rdata, ttl=int(rr.ttl))
        elif rr.type == 'CNAME':
            # Add CNAME Resource Record
            rdtype = dns.rdatatype._by_text.get('CNAME')
            rdataset = zone.find_rdataset(record_name, rdtype=rdtype, create=True)
            rdata = dns.rdtypes.ANY.CNAME.CNAME(rdclass, rdtype,
                target = Name((rr.content.rstrip('.') + '.').split('.'))
            rdataset.add(rdata, ttl=int(rr.ttl))
        elif rr.type == 'A':
            # Add A Resource Record
            rdtype = dns.rdatatype._by_text.get('A')
            rdataset = zone.find_rdataset(record_name, rdtype=rdtype, create=True)
            rdata = dns.rdtypes.IN.A.A(rdclass, rdtype,
                address = rr.content
            rdataset.add(rdata, ttl=int(rr.ttl))
        elif rr.type == 'AAAA':
            # Add AAAA Resource Record
            rdtype = dns.rdatatype._by_text.get('AAAA')
            rdataset = zone.find_rdataset(record_name, rdtype=rdtype, create=True)
            rdata = dns.rdtypes.IN.AAAA.AAAA(rdclass, rdtype,
                address = rr.content
            rdataset.add(rdata, ttl=int(rr.ttl))
        elif rr.type == 'SPF':
            # Add SPF Resource Record
            rdtype = dns.rdatatype._by_text.get('SPF')
            rdataset = zone.find_rdataset(record_name, rdtype=rdtype, create=True)
            rdata = dns.rdtypes.ANY.SPF.SPF(rdclass, rdtype,
                strings = rr.content.split(';')
            rdataset.add(rdata, ttl=int(rr.ttl))
        elif rr.type == 'PTR':
            # Add PTR Resource Record
            rdtype = dns.rdatatype._by_text.get('PTR')
            rdataset = zone.find_rdataset(record_name, rdtype=rdtype, create=True)
            rdata = dns.rdtypes.ANY.PTR.PTR(rdclass, rdtype,
                target = Name((rr.content.rstrip('.') + '.').split('.'))
            rdataset.add(rdata, ttl=int(rr.ttl))
        elif rr.type == 'SRV':
            # Add SRV Resource Record
            # weight port target
            weight, port, target = rr.content.split()
            rdtype = dns.rdatatype._by_text.get('SRV')
            rdataset = zone.find_rdataset(record_name, rdtype=rdtype, create=True)
            rdata = dns.rdtypes.IN.SRV.SRV(rdclass, rdtype,
                priority = int(rr.prio),
                weight = int(weight),
                port = int(port),
                target = Name((target.rstrip('.') + '.').split('.'))
            rdataset.add(rdata, ttl=int(rr.ttl))
    # Export text (from the source code of http://www.dnspython.org/docs/1.10.0/html/dns.zone.Zone-class.html#to_file)
    EOL = '\r\n'
    f = StringIO.StringIO()
    f.write('$ORIGIN %s%s' % (origin, EOL))
    zone.to_file(f, sorted=True, relativize=False, nl=EOL)
    data = f.getvalue()
    return data
コード例 #49
ファイル: utils.py プロジェクト: ZhipengJia/djcode
def rectify_zone(origin):
    """Fix up DNSSEC fields (order, auth).
    Special kudos to the folks at the #powerdns IRC channel for the help,
    especially Habbie and Maik. 
    rectify_zone() accepts a string containing the zone origin.
    Returns nothing.
    PowerDNS Documentation at Chapter 12 Section 8.5:
    If you ever need to read this code and you are not much into DNS stuff,
    here is some information about the involved DNS Resource Records and the
    terminology used.
    * A: http://www.simpledns.com/help/v52/index.html?rec_a.htm
    * AAAA: http://www.simpledns.com/help/v52/index.html?rec_aaaa.htm
    * DS: http://www.simpledns.com/help/v52/index.html?rec_ds.htm
    * NS: http://www.simpledns.com/help/v52/index.html?rec_ns.htm
    * Glue: Glue records are needed to prevent circular references. Circular
      references exist where the name servers for a domain can't be resolved
      without resolving the domain they're responsible for. For example, if
      the name servers for yourdomain.com are ns1.yourdomain.com and
      ns2.yourdomain.com, the DNS client would not be able to get to either
      name server without knowing where yourdomain.com is. But this information
      is held by those name servers! A glue record is a hint that is provided
      by the parent DNS server.
      More at: http://www.webdnstools.com/dnstools/articles/glue_records
    * Delegation: When the authoritative name server for a domain receives
      a request for a subdomain's records and responds with NS records for
      other name servers, that is DNS delegation.
    AUTH Field
    The 'auth' field should be set to '1' for data for which the zone
    itself is authoritative, which includes the SOA record and its own NS
    The 'auth' field should be 0 however for NS records which are used for
    delegation, and also for any glue (A, AAAA) records present for this
    purpose. Do note that the DS record for a secure delegation should be
        ~~~~ PowerDNS Documentation at Chapter 12 Section 8.5
    Rules used in the following code
    1. A & AAAA records (glue) of delegated names always get auth=0
    2. DS records (used for secure delegation) get auth=1
    3. Delegating NS records get auth=0
    The 'ordername' field needs to be filled out depending on the NSEC/NSEC3
    mode. When running in NSEC3 'Narrow' mode, the ordername field is ignored
    and best left empty. In NSEC mode, the ordername field should be NULL for
    any glue but filled in for delegation NS records and all authoritative
    records. In NSEC3 opt-out mode (the only NSEC3 mode PowerDNS currently
    supports), any non-authoritative records (as described for the 'auth'
    field) should have ordername set to NULL.

    In 'NSEC' mode, it should contain the relative part of a domain name,
    in reverse order, with dots replaced by spaces. So 'www.uk.powerdnssec.org'
    in the 'powerdnssec.org' zone should have 'uk www' as its ordername.

    In 'NSEC3' non-narrow mode, the ordername should contain a lowercase
    base32hex encoded representation of the salted & iterated hash of the full
    record name. pdnssec hash-zone-record zone record can be used to calculate
    this hash. 
        ~~~~ PowerDNS Documentation at Chapter 12 Section 8.5
    Rules used in the following code
    If no crypto keys are present for the domain, DNSSEC is not enabled,
    so the ``ordername`` field is not necessary to be filled. However, this
    function always fills the ``ordername`` field regardless of the existence
    of crypto keys in the cryptokeys table. ``pdnssec rectify-zone ...`` fills
    the ordername field regardless of the existence of keys in cryptokeys,
    so we stick to that functionality.
    Modes are distinguished by the following criteria:
    (a) domain has no DNSSEC: there are no keys in cryptokeys
    (b) domain has DNSSEC with NSEC: there are keys in cryptokeys, and nothing about NSEC3 in domainmetadata
    (c) domain has DNSSEC with narrow NSEC3: cryptokeys+NSEC3PARAM+NSEC3NARROW
    (d) domain has DNSSEC with non-narrow NSEC3: cryptokeys+NSEC3PARAM
    (e) domain has DNSSEC with opt-out NSEC3: cryptokeys+NSEC3PARAM
    Note: non-narrow and opt-out NSEC3 modes cannot be distinguished. All rules
    mentioned in the documentation for these two modes apply if there are
    Note 2: there is never a case in which ordername is filled in on glue record.
    1) ordername in NSEC mode:
        - NULL for glue (A, AAAA) records
        - Filled for:
            a) delegation NS records
            b) all authoritative records (auth=1)
          It should contain the relative part of a domain name, in reverse
          order, with dots replaced by spaces.
    2) ordername in NSEC3 'Narrow' mode:
        - empty (but not NULL)
    3) ordername in NSEC3 'Opt-out' or 'Non-Narrow' modes:
        - NULL for non-authoritative records (auth=0)
        - lowercase base32hex encoded representation of the salted & iterated
          hash of the full record name for authoritative records (auth=1)
    TODO: implement empty terminal support
    In addition, from 3.2 and up, PowerDNS fully supports empty non-terminals.
    If you have a zone example.com, and a host a.b.c.example.com in it,
    rectify-zone (and the AXFR client code) will insert b.c.example.com and
    c.example.com in the records table with type NULL (SQL NULL, not 'NULL').
    Having these entries provides several benefits. We no longer reply NXDOMAIN
    for these shorter names (this was an RFC violation but not one that caused
    trouble). But more importantly, to do NSEC3 correctly, we need to be able
    to prove existence of these shorter names. The type=NULL records entry
    gives us a place to store the NSEC3 hash of these names.

    If your frontend does not add empty non-terminal names to records, you will
    get DNSSEC replies of 3.1-quality, which has served many people well, but
    we suggest you update your code as soon as possible!
        ~~~~ PowerDNS Documentation at Chapter 12 Section 8.5
    Domain = cache.get_model('powerdns_manager', 'Domain')
    Record = cache.get_model('powerdns_manager', 'Record')
    DomainMetadata = cache.get_model('powerdns_manager', 'DomainMetadata')
    CryptoKey = cache.get_model('powerdns_manager', 'CryptoKey')
    # List containing domain parts
    origin_parts = origin.split('.')
    # Get the Domain instance that corresponds to the supplied origin
    # TODO: Do some exception handling here in case domain does not exist
    the_domain = Domain.objects.get(name=origin)
    # Get a list of the zone's records
    zone_rr_list = Record.objects.filter(domain__name=origin)
    # Find delegated names by checking the names of all NS and DS records.
    delegated_names_list = []
    for rr in zone_rr_list:
        if rr.type not in ('NS', 'DS'):
        rr_name_parts = rr.name.split('.')
        if len(rr_name_parts) > len(origin_parts):
            # name is delegated
            if rr.name not in delegated_names_list:
    # AUTH field management
    # Set auth=1 on all records initially
    for rr in zone_rr_list:
        rr.auth = True
    for delegated_name in delegated_names_list:
        # Set auth=0 to A & AAAA records (glue) of delegated names
        for rr in zone_rr_list:
            if rr.name == delegated_name and rr.type in ('A', 'AAAA'):
                rr.auth = False
        # DS records should already have auth=1
        # Set auth=0 to NS records
        for rr in zone_rr_list:
            if rr.name == delegated_name and rr.type == 'NS':
                rr.auth = False
    # ORDERNAME field management
    # If no crypto keys are present for the domain, DNSSEC is not enabled,
    # so the ``ordername`` field is not necessary to be filled. However, the
    # following code always fills the ``ordername`` field. 
    qs = CryptoKey.objects.filter(domain=the_domain)
    if not len(qs):
        # This is not a DNSSEC-enabled domain.
        # We still fill the ordername field as mentioned in the docstring.
    # Decide NSEC mode:
        nsec3 = DomainMetadata.objects.get(
            domain=the_domain, kind__startswith='NSEC3')
    except DomainMetadata.DoesNotExist:
        # NSEC Mode
        for rr in zone_rr_list:
            # Generate ordername content
            name_parts = rr.name.split('.')
            ordername_content_parts = name_parts[:-3]
            ordername_content = ' '.join(ordername_content_parts)
            if rr.name in delegated_names_list:
                # Set ordername=NULL for A & AAAA records of delegated names (glue)
                if rr.type in ('A', 'AAAA'):
                    rr.ordername = None
                # Fill ordername for: Delegation NS records
                elif rr.type == 'NS':
                    rr.ordername = ordername_content
            # Fill ordername for: All auth=1 records
            if rr.auth:
                rr.ordername = ordername_content
        # NSEC3 Mode
            nsec3narrow = DomainMetadata.objects.get(
                domain=the_domain, kind='NSEC3NARROW')
        except DomainMetadata.DoesNotExist:
            # NSEC3 'Non-Narrow', 'Opt-out' mode
            for rr in zone_rr_list:
                if rr.auth:
                    rr.ordername = pdnssec_hash_zone_record(rr.domain.name , rr.name)
                    rr.ordername = None
            # NSEC3 'Narrow' Mode
            for rr in zone_rr_list:
    # Save the records
    # Since this is an internal maintenance function, the serial of the zone
    # is not updated.
    for rr in zone_rr_list:
コード例 #50
def toggle(request, app, model, id):
    model = cache.get_model(app, model)
    obj = model.objects.get(pk=id)
    return _toggle(request.user, obj)
コード例 #51
ファイル: utils.py プロジェクト: ZhipengJia/djcode
def process_and_import_zone_data(zone, owner, overwrite=False):
    zone: dns.zone
    Special kudos to Grig Gheorghiu for demonstrating how to manage zone files
    using dnspython in the following article:
    Domain = cache.get_model('powerdns_manager', 'Domain')
    Record = cache.get_model('powerdns_manager', 'Record')
    # Check if zone already exists in the database.
        domain_instance = Domain.objects.get(name=str(zone.origin).rstrip('.'))
    except Domain.DoesNotExist:
        pass    # proceed with importing the new zone data
    else:   # Zone exists
        if overwrite:
            # If ``overwrite`` has been checked, then delete the current zone.
            raise Exception('Zone already exists. Consider using the "overwrite" option')
    # Import the new zone data to the database.
    # Create a domain instance
    #the_domain = Domain.objects.create(name=str(zone.origin).rstrip('.'), type='NATIVE', master='')
    the_domain = Domain(
    if owner is not None:
        the_domain.created_by = owner
    # Create RRs
    for name, node in zone.nodes.items():
        rdatasets = node.rdatasets
        for rdataset in rdatasets:
            # Check instance variables of types:
            # http://www.dnspython.org/docs/1.10.0/html/dns.rdtypes-module.html

            for rdata in rdataset:
                rr = Record(
                    name=str(name).rstrip('.'), # name is the dnspython node name
                    ttl = rdataset.ttl
                if rdataset.rdtype == dns.rdatatype._by_text['SOA']:
                    # Set type
                    rr.type = 'SOA'
                    # Construct content
                    rr.content = '%s %s %s %s %s %s %s' % (

                elif rdataset.rdtype == dns.rdatatype._by_text['NS']:
                    # http://www.dnspython.org/docs/1.10.0/html/dns.rdtypes.ANY.NS.NS-class.html
                    rr.type = 'NS'
                    rr.content = str(rdata.target).rstrip('.')

                elif rdataset.rdtype == dns.rdatatype._by_text['MX']:
                    # http://www.dnspython.org/docs/1.10.0/html/dns.rdtypes.ANY.MX.MX-class.html
                    rr.type = 'MX'
                    rr.content = str(rdata.exchange).rstrip('.')
                    rr.prio = rdata.preference
                elif rdataset.rdtype == dns.rdatatype._by_text['TXT']:
                    # http://www.dnspython.org/docs/1.10.0/html/dns.rdtypes.ANY.TXT.TXT-class.html
                    rr.type = 'TXT'
                    rr.content = ' '.join(rdata.strings)
                elif rdataset.rdtype == dns.rdatatype._by_text['CNAME']:
                    # http://www.dnspython.org/docs/1.10.0/html/dns.rdtypes.ANY.CNAME.CNAME-class.html
                    rr.type = 'CNAME'
                    rr.content = str(rdata.target).rstrip('.')
                elif rdataset.rdtype == dns.rdatatype._by_text['A']:
                    # http://www.dnspython.org/docs/1.10.0/html/dns.rdtypes.IN.A.A-class.html
                    rr.type = 'A'
                    rr.content = rdata.address
                elif rdataset.rdtype == dns.rdatatype._by_text['AAAA']:
                    # http://www.dnspython.org/docs/1.10.0/html/dns.rdtypes.IN.AAAA.AAAA-class.html
                    rr.type = 'AAAA'
                    rr.content = rdata.address
                elif rdataset.rdtype == dns.rdatatype._by_text['SPF']:
                    # http://www.dnspython.org/docs/1.10.0/html/dns.rdtypes.ANY.SPF.SPF-class.html
                    rr.type = 'SPF'
                    rr.content = ' '.join(rdata.strings)
                elif rdataset.rdtype == dns.rdatatype._by_text['PTR']:
                    # http://www.dnspython.org/docs/1.10.0/html/dns.rdtypes.ANY.PTR.PTR-class.html
                    rr.type = 'PTR'
                    rr.content = str(rdata.target).rstrip('.')
                elif rdataset.rdtype == dns.rdatatype._by_text['SRV']:
                    # http://www.dnspython.org/docs/1.10.0/html/dns.rdtypes.IN.SRV.SRV-class.html
                    rr.type = 'SRV'
                    rr.content = '%d %d %s' % (rdata.weight, rdata.port, str(rdata.target).rstrip('.'))
    # Update zone serial
    # Rectify zone
コード例 #52
ファイル: forms.py プロジェクト: ZhipengJia/djcode
 class Meta:
     model = cache.get_model('powerdns_manager', 'Domain')
コード例 #53
def decode_model(model_str):
    return model_cache.get_model(*model_str.split(','))
コード例 #54
class CryptoKeyInline(admin.TabularInline):
    model = cache.get_model('powerdns_manager', 'CryptoKey')
    fields = ('flags', 'active', 'content')
    extra = 0
    verbose_name_plural = 'Crypto Keys'
コード例 #55
ファイル: forms.py プロジェクト: ZhipengJia/djcode
 class Meta:
     model = cache.get_model('powerdns_manager', 'Record')
コード例 #56
class DomainMetadataInline(admin.TabularInline):
    model = cache.get_model('powerdns_manager', 'DomainMetadata')
    fields = ('kind', 'content', )
    extra = 0
    verbose_name_plural = 'Domain Metadata'
コード例 #57
        rectify_zone() would be called multiple times and only the last call
        would be the effective one.
        rectify_zone() must be called after all the records and the domain have
        been saved to the database.
        Here we execute the parent save_related() and then we call rectify zone
        through a custom signal.
        super(DomainAdmin, self).save_related(request, form, formsets, change)
        # Send the zone_saved signal
        zone_saved.send(sender=self.model, instance=form.instance)

admin.site.register(cache.get_model('powerdns_manager', 'Domain'), DomainAdmin)

class TsigKeyAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
    fields = ('name', 'algorithm', 'secret', 'date_modified')
    readonly_fields = ('date_modified', )
    list_display = ('name', 'algorithm', 'date_modified')
    list_filter = ('algorithm', )
    search_fields = ('name', )
    verbose_name = 'TSIG Key'
    verbose_name_plural = 'TSIG Keys'

    def queryset(self, request):
        qs = super(TsigKeyAdmin, self).queryset(request)
        if not request.user.is_superuser:
            # Non-superusers see the records they have created
コード例 #58
ファイル: actions.py プロジェクト: ZhipengJia/djcode
def set_ttl_bulk(modeladmin, request, queryset):
    """Actions that resets TTL information on all resource records of the zone
    to the specified value.
    This action first displays a page which provides an input box to enter
    the new TTL.
    It checks if the user has change permission.
    Based on: https://github.com/django/django/blob/1.4.2/django/contrib/admin/actions.py
    In order to work requires some special form fields (see the template).
    opts = modeladmin.model._meta
    app_label = opts.app_label

    Domain = cache.get_model('powerdns_manager', 'Domain')
    Record = cache.get_model('powerdns_manager', 'Record')

    perm_domain_change = '%s.%s' % (opts.app_label,
    perm_record_change = '%s.change_record' % opts.app_label

    if not request.user.has_perms([perm_domain_change, perm_record_change]):
        raise PermissionDenied

    # Check that the user has change permission for the Re model
    if not modeladmin.has_change_permission(request):
        raise PermissionDenied

    # The user has set a new TTL value through the forms.TtlSelectionForm form.
    # Make the changes to the selected objects and return a None to display the
    # change list view again.
    #if request.method == 'POST':
    if request.POST.get('post'):
        form = TtlSelectionForm(request.POST)
        if form.is_valid():
            new_ttl = form.cleaned_data['new_ttl']
            reset_zone_minimum = form.cleaned_data['reset_zone_minimum']

            n = queryset.count()
            record_count = 0

            if n and new_ttl:
                for domain_obj in queryset:
                    # Find all resource records of this domain
                    qs = Record.objects.filter(domain=domain_obj)
                    # Now set the new TTL
                    for rr in qs:
                        rr.ttl = int(new_ttl)
                        # If this is the SOA record and ``reset_zone_minimum`` has
                        # been checked, set the minimum TTL of the SOA record equal
                        # to the ``new_ttl`` value
                        # Important: We do not call ``models.Domain.set_minimum_ttl()``
                        # because we edit the SOA record here.
                        if reset_zone_minimum and rr.type == 'SOA':
                            bits = rr.content.split()
                            # SOA content:  primary hostmaster serial refresh retry expire default_ttl
                            bits[6] = str(new_ttl)
                            rr.content = ' '.join(bits)
                        # Save the resource record
                        rr_display = force_unicode(rr)
                        modeladmin.log_change(request, rr, rr_display)

                    # Update the domain serial

                    record_count += len(qs)
                    'Successfully updated %d zones (%d total records).' %
                    (n, record_count))
            # Return None to display the change list page again.
            return None
        form = TtlSelectionForm()

    info_dict = {
        'form': form,
        'queryset': queryset,
        'opts': opts,
        'app_label': app_label,
        'action_checkbox_name': helpers.ACTION_CHECKBOX_NAME,
    return render_to_response('powerdns_manager/actions/set_ttl.html',
コード例 #59
        # See template ``powerdns_manager/domain_change_form.html``
        if "_transfer" in request.POST:
            return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('zone_transfer', args=(obj.id,)))
        elif "_clone" in request.POST:
            return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('zone_clone', args=(obj.id,)))
        elif "_set_rr_ttl" in request.POST:
            return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('zone_set_ttl', args=(obj.id,)))
        elif "_reset_api_key" in request.POST:
            Domain = cache.get_model('powerdns_manager', 'Domain')
            qs = Domain.objects.filter(id=obj.id)
            reset_api_key(self, request, qs)

        return super(DomainAdmin, self).response_change(request, obj)

admin.site.register(cache.get_model('powerdns_manager', 'Domain'), DomainAdmin)

class TsigKeyAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
    fields = ('name', 'algorithm', 'secret', 'date_modified')
    readonly_fields = ('date_modified', )
    list_display = ('name', 'algorithm', 'date_modified')
    list_filter = ('algorithm', )
    search_fields = ('name', )
    verbose_name = 'TSIG Key'
    verbose_name_plural = 'TSIG Keys'
    def queryset(self, request):
        qs = super(TsigKeyAdmin, self).queryset(request)
        if not request.user.is_superuser:
コード例 #60
ファイル: datastore.py プロジェクト: zfstor/zfstor
 def __get_model(self, name):
     """Helper method to get Model for given name
     e.g. network.interfaces -> Interfaces
     app, model = name.split('.', 1)
     return cache.get_model(app, model)