コード例 #1
ファイル: dnf.py プロジェクト: vinaymavi/djangae
    def remove_empty_in(node):
            Once we are normalized, if any of the branches filters
            on an empty list, we can remove that entire branch from the
            query. If this leaves no branches, then the result set is empty

        # This is a bit ugly, but you try and do it more succinctly :)
        # We have the following possible situations for IN queries with an empty
        # value:

        # - Negated: One of the nodes in the and branch will always be true and is therefore
        #    unnecessary, we leave it alone though
        # - Not negated: The entire AND branch will always be false, so that branch can be removed
        #    if that was the last branch, then the queryset will be empty

        # Everything got wiped out!
        if node.connector == 'OR' and len(node.children) == 0:
            raise EmptyResultSet()

        for and_branch in node.children[:]:
            if and_branch.is_leaf and and_branch.operator == "IN" and not len(and_branch.value):

            if not node.children:
                raise EmptyResultSet()
コード例 #2
        def process_and_branch(query, and_branch):
            for child in and_branch[-1]:
                column, op, value = child[1]

            # for column, op, value in and_branch[-1]:
                if column == self.pk_col:
                    column = "__key__"

                    #FIXME: This EmptyResultSet check should happen during normalization so that Django doesn't count it as a query
                    if op == "=" and "__key__ =" in query and query["__key__ ="] != value:
                        # We've already done an exact lookup on a key, this query can't return anything!
                        raise EmptyResultSet()

                    if not isinstance(value, datastore.Key):
                        value = get_datastore_key(self.model, value)

                key = "%s %s" % (column, op)
                    if isinstance(value, basestring):
                        value = coerce_unicode(value)

                    if key in query:
                        if type(query[key]) == list:
                            if value not in query[key]:
                            if query[key] != value:
                                query[key] = [ query[key], value ]
                        query[key] = value
                except datastore_errors.BadFilterError as e:
                    raise NotSupportedError(str(e))
コード例 #3
    def set_leaf(self, column, operator, value, is_pk_field, negated, target_field=None):
        assert column
        assert operator
        assert isinstance(is_pk_field, bool)
        assert isinstance(negated, bool)

        if operator == "iexact" and isinstance(target_field, AutoField):
            # When new instance is created, automatic primary key 'id' does not generate '_idx_iexact_id'.
            # As the primary key 'id' (AutoField) is integer and is always case insensitive,
            # we can deal with 'id_iexact=' query by using 'exact' rather than 'iexact'.
            operator = "exact"
            value = int(value)

        if is_pk_field:
            # If this is a primary key, we need to make sure that the value
            # we pass to the query is a datastore Key. We have to deal with IN queries here
            # because they aren't flattened until the DNF stage
            model = get_top_concrete_parent(target_field.model)
            table = model._meta.db_table

            if isinstance(value, (list, tuple)):
                value = [
                    datastore.Key.from_path(table, x)
                    for x in value if x
                if operator == "isnull" and value is True:
                    # FIXME: Strictly, this isn't correct, this could be one of several branches
                    # but id=None filters are silly anyway. This should be moved to after normalization..
                    # probably. This fixes a test in Django which does this in get_or_create for some reason
                    raise EmptyResultSet()

                if not value:
                    # Empty strings and 0 are forbidden as keys
                    # so make this an impossible filter
                    # FIXME: This is a hack! It screws with the ordering
                    # because it's an inequality. Instead we should wipe this
                    # filter out when preprocessing in the DNF (because it's impossible)
                    value = datastore.Key.from_path('', 1)
                    operator = '<'
                    value = datastore.Key.from_path(table, value)
            column = "__key__"

        # Do any special index conversions necessary to perform this lookup
        if operator in REQUIRES_SPECIAL_INDEXES:
            add_special_index(target_field.model, column, operator, value)
            indexer = REQUIRES_SPECIAL_INDEXES[operator]
            index_type = indexer.prepare_index_type(operator, value)
            value = indexer.prep_value_for_query(value)
            if not indexer.validate_can_be_indexed(value, negated):
                raise NotSupportedError("Unsupported special index or value '%s %s'" % (column, operator))

            column = indexer.indexed_column_name(column, value, index_type)
            operator = indexer.prep_query_operator(operator)

        self.column = column
        self.operator = convert_operator(operator)
        self.value = value
コード例 #4
ファイル: query.py プロジェクト: izogain/djangae
def _transform_query_18(connection, kind, query):
    from django.db.models.sql.where import EmptyWhere
    if isinstance(query.where, EmptyWhere):
        # Empty where means return nothing!
        raise EmptyResultSet()

    ret = Query(query.model, kind)
    ret.connection = connection

    # Add the root concrete table as the source table
    root_table = get_top_concrete_parent(query.model)._meta.db_table

    # Extract the ordering of the query results
    for order_col in _extract_ordering_from_query_18(query):

    # Extract any projected columns (values/values_list/only/defer)
    for projected_col in _extract_projected_columns_from_query_18(query):

    # Add any extra selects
    for col, select in query.extra_select.items():
        ret.add_extra_select(col, select[0])

    if query.distinct:
        # This must happen after extracting projected cols

    # Process annotations!
    if query.annotation_select:
        for k, v in query.annotation_select.items():
            ret.add_annotation(k, v)

    # Extract any query offsets and limits
    ret.low_mark = query.low_mark
    ret.high_mark = query.high_mark

    output = WhereNode()
    output.connector = query.where.connector


    # If there no child nodes, just wipe out the where
    if not output.children:
        output = None

    ret.where = output

    return ret
コード例 #5
ファイル: base.py プロジェクト: sgmagar/ezclinic
 def _prepare_for_transformation(self):
     from django.db.models.sql.where import NothingNode, WhereNode as DjangoWhereNode
     query = self.django_query
     # It could either be a NothingNode, or a WhereNode(AND NothingNode)
     if (isinstance(query.where, NothingNode)
             or (isinstance(query.where, DjangoWhereNode)
                 and len(query.where.children) == 1
                 and isinstance(query.where.children[0], NothingNode))):
         # Empty where means return nothing!
         raise EmptyResultSet()
コード例 #6
ファイル: dnf.py プロジェクト: kyasui/djangae
def parse_dnf(node, connection, ordering=None):
    should_in_memory_exclude = should_exclude_pks_in_memory(node, ordering)

    tree, filtered_columns, excluded_pks = parse_tree(
        excluded_pks=set() if should_in_memory_exclude else None)

    if not should_exclude_pks_in_memory:
        assert excluded_pks is None

    if tree:
        tree = tripled(tree)

    if tree and tree[0] != 'OR':
        tree = ('OR', [tree])

    # Filter out impossible branches of the where, if that then results in an empty tree then
    # raise an EmptyResultSet, otherwise replace the tree with the now simpler query
    if tree:
        final = []
        for and_branch in tree[-1]:
            if and_branch[0] == 'LIT' and and_branch[-1] == IMPOSSIBLE_FILTER:
            elif and_branch[0] == 'AND' and IMPOSSIBLE_FILTER in [
                    x[-1] for x in and_branch[-1]

        if not final:
            raise EmptyResultSet()
            tree = (tree[0], final)

    # If there are more than 30 filters, and not all filters are PK filters
    if tree and len(tree[-1]) > 30:
        for and_branch in tree[-1]:
            if and_branch[0] == 'LIT':
                and_branch = [and_branch]
            for lit in and_branch[-1] if and_branch[
                    0] == 'AND' else and_branch:  # Go through each literal tuple
                if isinstance(lit[-1], datastore.Key) or isinstance(
                        lit[-1][-1], datastore.Key
                ):  # If the value is a key, then break the loop
                # If we didn't find a literal with a datastore Key, then raise unsupported
                raise NotSupportedError(
                    "The datastore doesn't support this query, more than 30 filters were needed"

    return tree, filtered_columns, excluded_pks or set()
コード例 #7
    def check_query(self):
        Checks if the current query is supported by the database.

        In general, we expect queries requiring JOINs (many-to-many
        relations, abstract model bases, or model spanning filtering),
        using DISTINCT (through `QuerySet.distinct()`, which is not
        required in most situations) or using the SQL-specific
        `QuerySet.extra()` to not work with nonrel back-ends.
        if hasattr(self.query, 'is_empty') and self.query.is_empty():
            raise EmptyResultSet()
        if (len([a for a in self.query.alias_map if self.query.alias_refcount[a]]) > 1
                or self.query.distinct or self.query.extra or self.query.having):
            raise DatabaseError("This query is not supported by the database.")
コード例 #8
ファイル: dnf.py プロジェクト: vinaymavi/djangae
    def detect_conflicting_key_filter(node):
        assert node.connector == "OR"
        for and_branch in node.children[:]:
            # If we have a Root OR with leaf elements, we don't need to worry
            if and_branch.is_leaf:

            pk_equality_found = None
            for child in and_branch.children:
                if child.column == "__key__" and child.operator == "=":
                    if pk_equality_found and pk_equality_found != child.value:
                        # Remove this AND branch as it's impossible to return anything
                        pk_equality_found = child.value
            if not node.children:
                raise EmptyResultSet()
コード例 #9
        def process_and_branch(query, and_branch):
            for column, op, value in and_branch[-1]:
                if column == self.pk_col:
                    column = "__key__"

                    #FIXME: This EmptyResultSet check should happen during normalization so that Django doesn't count it as a query
                    if op == "=" and "__key__ =" in query:
                        #We've already done an exact lookup on a key, this query can't return anything!
                        raise EmptyResultSet()

                    if not isinstance(value, datastore.Key):
                        value = get_datastore_key(self.model, value)

                key = "%s %s" % (column, op)
                if key in query:
                    query[key] = [ query[key], value ]
                    query[key] = value
コード例 #10
    def check_query(self):
        Checks if the current query is supported by the database.

        In general, we expect queries requiring JOINs (many-to-many
        relations, abstract model bases, or model spanning filtering),
        using DISTINCT (through `QuerySet.distinct()`, which is not
        required in most situations) or using the SQL-specific
        `QuerySet.extra()` to not work with nonrel back-ends.
        if hasattr(self.query, 'is_empty') and self.query.is_empty():
            raise EmptyResultSet()
        if (len([
                a for a in self.query.alias_map if self.query.alias_refcount[a]
        ]) > 1 or self.query.distinct
                or self.query.extra):  # or self.having -- Not quite working.
            # having is no longer part of the query as of 1.9; It moved to the compiler
            # https://github.com/django/django/commit/afe0bb7b13bb8dc4370f32225238012c873b0ee3
            raise DatabaseError("This query is not supported by the database.")
コード例 #11
    def _prepare_for_transformation(self):
        from django.db.models.sql.where import NothingNode
        query = self.django_query

        def where_will_always_be_empty(where):
            if isinstance(where, NothingNode):
                return True

            if where.connector == 'AND' and any(isinstance(x, NothingNode) for x in where.children):
                return True

            if where.connector == 'OR' and len(where.children) == 1 and isinstance(where.children[0], NothingNode):
                return True

            return False

        # It could either be a NothingNode, or a WhereNode(AND NothingNode)
        if where_will_always_be_empty(query.where):
            # Empty where means return nothing!
            raise EmptyResultSet()
コード例 #12
    def remove_unnecessary_nodes(top_node):
            Sometimes you end up with a branch that has two nodes that
            have the same column and operator, but different values. When
            this happens we need to simplify, e.g.:

            AND:[username<A],[username<B] -> AND:[username<A]

        for and_branch in top_node.children[:]:
            seen = {}

            altered = False
            for node in and_branch.children:
                key = (node.column, node.operator)
                if key in seen:
                    altered = True
                    if node.operator in ('<', '<='):
                        seen[key].value = min(seen[key].value, node.value)
                    elif node.operator in ('>', '>='):
                        seen[key].value = max(seen[key].value, node.value)
                    elif node.operator == "=":
                        # Impossible filter! remove the AND branch entirely
                        if and_branch in top_node.children and seen[
                                key].value != node.value:
                    seen[key] = node

            if altered:
                and_branch.children = [x for x in seen.values()]

        # If all the OR clause are impossible filters we end up with no filters
        # at all, which is incorrect
        if not top_node.children:
            raise EmptyResultSet()
コード例 #13
    def _remove_impossible_branches(self):
            If we mark a child node as never returning results we either need to
            remove those nodes, or remove the branches of the tree they are on depending
            on the connector of the parent node.
        if not self._where:

        def walk(node, negated):
            if node.negated:
                negated = not negated

            for child in node.children[:]:
                walk(child, negated)

                if child.will_never_return_results:
                    if node.connector == 'AND':
                        if child.negated:
                            node.will_never_return_results = True
                        if not child.negated:
                            if not node.children:
                                node.will_never_return_results = True
                            node.children[:] = []

        walk(self._where, False)

        if self._where.will_never_return_results:
            # We removed all the children of the root where node, so no results
            raise EmptyResultSet()
コード例 #14
    def make_atom(self, child, qn, connection):
        lvalue, lookup_type, value_annot, param = child
        kwargs = {'connection': connection}

        if lvalue and lvalue.field and hasattr(
                'db_type') and lvalue.field.db_type(**kwargs) == 'hstore':
                lvalue, params = lvalue.process(lookup_type, param, connection)
            except EmptyShortCircuit:
                raise EmptyResultSet()
            field = self.sql_for_columns(lvalue, qn, connection)

            if lookup_type == 'exact':
                if isinstance(param, dict):
                    return ('{0} = %s'.format(field), [param])
                raise ValueError('invalid value')
            elif lookup_type in ('gt', 'gte', 'lt', 'lte'):
                if isinstance(param, dict):
                    sign = (lookup_type[0] == 'g' and '>%s'
                            or '<%s') % (lookup_type[-1] == 'e' and '=' or '')
                    param_keys = list(param.keys())
                    conditions = []
                    for key in param_keys:
                        cast = get_cast_for_param(value_annot, key)
                        conditions.append('(%s->\'%s\')%s %s %%s' %
                                          (field, key, cast, sign))
                    return (" AND ".join(conditions), param.values())
                raise ValueError('invalid value')
            elif lookup_type in ['contains', 'icontains']:
                if isinstance(param, dict):
                    values = list(param.values())
                    keys = list(param.keys())
                    if len(values) == 1 and isinstance(values[0],
                                                       (list, tuple)):
                        # Can't cast here because the list could contain multiple types
                        return ('%s->\'%s\' = ANY(%%s)' % (field, keys[0]),
                                [[str(x) for x in values[0]]])
                    elif len(keys) == 1 and len(values) == 1:
                        # Retrieve key and compare to param instead of using '@>' in order to cast hstore value
                        cast = get_cast_for_param(value_annot, keys[0])
                        return ('(%s->\'%s\')%s = %%s' %
                                (field, keys[0], cast), [values[0]])
                    return ('%s @> %%s' % field, [param])
                elif isinstance(param, (list, tuple)):
                    if len(param) == 0:
                        raise ValueError('invalid value')
                    if len(param) < 2:
                        return ('%s ? %%s' % field, [param[0]])
                    if param:
                        return ('%s ?& %%s' % field, [param])
                    raise ValueError('invalid value')
                elif isinstance(param, six.string_types):
                    # if looking for a string perform the normal text lookup
                    # that is: look for occurence of string in all the keys
                elif hasattr(child[0].field, 'serializer'):
                    except Exception:
                        raise ValueError('invalid value')
                    raise ValueError('invalid value')
            elif lookup_type == 'isnull':
                if isinstance(param, dict):
                    param_keys = list(param.keys())
                    conditions = []
                    for key in param_keys:
                        op = 'IS NULL' if value_annot[key] else 'IS NOT NULL'
                        conditions.append('(%s->\'%s\') %s' % (field, key, op))
                    return (" AND ".join(conditions), [])
                # do not perform any special format
                return super(HStoreWhereNode,
                             self).make_atom(child, qn, connection)
                raise TypeError('invalid lookup type')
        return super(HStoreWhereNode, self).make_atom(child, qn, connection)
コード例 #15
    def __init__(self, connection, query, keys_only=False):

        self.original_query = query
        self.connection = connection

        self.limits = (query.low_mark, query.high_mark)

        opts = query.get_meta()

        self.distinct = query.distinct
        self.distinct_values = set()
        self.distinct_on_field = None
        self.distinct_field_convertor = None
        self.queried_fields = []
        self.model = query.model
        self.pk_col = opts.pk.column
        self.is_count = query.aggregates
        self.extra_select = query.extra_select


        if not query.default_ordering:
            self.ordering = query.order_by
            self.ordering = query.order_by or opts.ordering

        if self.ordering:
            ordering = [ x for x in self.ordering if not (isinstance(x, basestring) and "__" in x) ]
            if len(ordering) < len(self.ordering):
                if not on_production() and not in_testing():
                    diff = set(self.ordering) - set(ordering)
                    log_once(DJANGAE_LOG.warning, "The following orderings were ignored as cross-table orderings are not supported on the datastore: %s", diff)
                self.ordering = ordering

        #If the query uses defer()/only() then we need to process deferred. We have to get all deferred columns
        # for all (concrete) inherited models and then only include columns if they appear in that list
        deferred_columns = {}
        query.deferred_to_data(deferred_columns, query.deferred_to_columns_cb)
        inherited_db_tables = [ x._meta.db_table for x in get_concrete_parents(self.model) ]
        only_load = list(chain(*[ list(deferred_columns.get(x, [])) for x in inherited_db_tables ]))

        if query.select:
            for x in query.select:
                if hasattr(x, "field"):
                    #In Django 1.6+ 'x' above is a SelectInfo (which is a tuple subclass), whereas in 1.5 it's a tuple
                    # in 1.6 x[1] == Field, but 1.5 x[1] == unicode (column name)
                    if x.field is None:
                        column = x.col.col[1] #This is the column we are getting
                        lookup_type = x.col.lookup_type

                        self.distinct_on_field = column

                        #This whole section of code is weird, and is probably better implemented as a custom Query type (like QueryByKeys)
                        # basically, appengine gives back dates as a time since the epoch, we convert it to a date, then floor it, then convert it back
                        # in our transform function. The transform is applied when the results are read back so that only distinct values are returned.
                        # this is very hacky...
                        if lookup_type in DATE_TRANSFORMS:
                            self.distinct_field_convertor = lambda value: DATE_TRANSFORMS[lookup_type](self.connection, value)
                            raise CouldBeSupportedError("Unhandled lookup_type %s" % lookup_type)
                        column = x.field.column
                    column = x[1]

                if only_load and column not in only_load:

            self.queried_fields = [ x.column for x in opts.fields if (not only_load) or (x.column in only_load) ]

        self.keys_only = keys_only or self.queried_fields == [ opts.pk.column ]

        assert self.queried_fields

        #Projection queries don't return results unless all projected fields are
        #indexed on the model. This means if you add a field, and all fields on the model
        #are projectable, you will never get any results until you've resaved all of them.

        #Because it's not possible to detect this situation, we only try a projection query if a
        #subset of fields was specified (e.g. values_list('bananas')) which makes the behaviour a
        #bit more predictable. It would be nice at some point to add some kind of force_projection()
        #thing on a queryset that would do this whenever possible, but that's for the future, maybe.
        try_projection = (self.keys_only is False) and bool(self.queried_fields)

        if not self.queried_fields:
            self.queried_fields = [ x.column for x in opts.fields ]

        self.excluded_pks = set()

        self.has_inequality_filter = False
        self.all_filters = []
        self.results = None

        self.gae_query = None

        projection_fields = []

        if try_projection:
            for field in self.queried_fields:
                #We don't include the primary key in projection queries...
                if field == self.pk_col:

                #Text and byte fields aren't indexed, so we can't do a
                #projection query
                f = get_field_from_column(self.model, field)
                if not f:
                    raise CouldBeSupportedError("Attemping a cross-table select or dates query, or something?!")
                assert f #If this happens, we have a cross-table select going on! #FIXME
                db_type = f.db_type(connection)

                if db_type in ("bytes", "text"):
                    projection_fields = []


        self.projection = list(set(projection_fields)) or None
        if opts.parents:
            self.projection = None

        columns = set()

        if isinstance(query.where, EmptyWhere):
            #Empty where means return nothing!
            raise EmptyResultSet()
            self.where = normalize_query(query.where, self.connection, filtered_columns=columns)

        for field in self.projection or []:
            if field in columns:
                self.projection = None
            #If the PK was queried, we switch it in our queried
            #fields store with __key__
            pk_index = self.queried_fields.index(self.pk_col)
            self.queried_fields[pk_index] = "__key__"
        except ValueError:
コード例 #16
    def __init__(self, connection, query, keys_only=False):
        self.where = None

        self.original_query = query
        self.connection = connection

        self.limits = (query.low_mark, query.high_mark)
        self.results_returned = 0

        opts = query.get_meta()

        self.distinct = query.distinct
        self.distinct_values = set()
        self.distinct_on_field = None
        self.distinct_field_convertor = None
        self.queried_fields = []
        self.model = query.model
        self.pk_col = opts.pk.column
        self.is_count = query.aggregates
        self.extra_select = query.extra_select

            self.ordering = _convert_ordering(query)
        except NotSupportedError as e:
            # If we can detect here, or when parsing the WHERE tree that a query is unsupported
            # we set this flag, and then throw NotSupportedError when execute is called.
            # This will then wrap the exception in Django's NotSupportedError meaning users
            # only need to catch that one, and not both Django's and ours
            self.unsupported_query_message = str(e)
            self.unsupported_query_message = ""

        # If the query uses defer()/only() then we need to process deferred. We have to get all deferred columns
        # for all (concrete) inherited models and then only include columns if they appear in that list
        deferred_columns = {}
        query.deferred_to_data(deferred_columns, query.deferred_to_columns_cb)
        inherited_db_tables = [x._meta.db_table for x in get_concrete_parents(self.model)]
        only_load = list(chain(*[list(deferred_columns.get(x, [])) for x in inherited_db_tables]))

        if query.select:
            for x in query.select:
                if hasattr(x, "field"):
                    # In Django 1.6+ 'x' above is a SelectInfo (which is a tuple subclass), whereas in 1.5 it's a tuple
                    # in 1.6 x[1] == Field, but 1.5 x[1] == unicode (column name)
                    if x.field is None:
                        column = x.col.col[1]  # This is the column we are getting
                        lookup_type = x.col.lookup_type

                        self.distinct_on_field = column

                        # This whole section of code is weird, and is probably better implemented as a custom Query type (like QueryByKeys)
                        # basically, appengine gives back dates as a time since the epoch, we convert it to a date, then floor it, then convert it back
                        # in our transform function. The transform is applied when the results are read back so that only distinct values are returned.
                        # this is very hacky...
                        if lookup_type in DATE_TRANSFORMS:
                            self.distinct_field_convertor = lambda value: DATE_TRANSFORMS[lookup_type](self.connection, value)
                            raise CouldBeSupportedError("Unhandled lookup_type %s" % lookup_type)
                        column = x.field.column
                    column = x[1]

                if only_load and column not in only_load:

            # If no specific fields were specified, select all fields if the query is distinct (as App Engine only supports
            # distinct on projection queries) or the ones specified by only_load
            self.queried_fields = [x.column for x in opts.fields if (x.column in only_load) or self.distinct]

        self.keys_only = keys_only or self.queried_fields == [opts.pk.column]

        # Projection queries don't return results unless all projected fields are
        # indexed on the model. This means if you add a field, and all fields on the model
        # are projectable, you will never get any results until you've resaved all of them.

        # Because it's not possible to detect this situation, we only try a projection query if a
        # subset of fields was specified (e.g. values_list('bananas')) which makes the behaviour a
        # bit more predictable. It would be nice at some point to add some kind of force_projection()
        # thing on a queryset that would do this whenever possible, but that's for the future, maybe.
        try_projection = (self.keys_only is False) and bool(self.queried_fields)

        if not self.queried_fields:
            # If we don't have any queried fields yet, it must have been an empty select and not a distinct
            # and not an only/defer, so get all the fields
            self.queried_fields = [ x.column for x in opts.fields ]

        self.excluded_pks = set()

        self.has_inequality_filter = False
        self.all_filters = []
        self.results = None

        self.gae_query = None

        projection_fields = []

        if try_projection:
            for field in self.queried_fields:
                # We don't include the primary key in projection queries...
                if field == self.pk_col:
                    order_fields = set([ x.strip("-") for x in self.ordering])

                    if self.pk_col in order_fields or "pk" in order_fields:
                        # If we were ordering on __key__ we can't do a projection at all
                        self.projection_fields = []

                # Text and byte fields aren't indexed, so we can't do a
                # projection query
                f = get_field_from_column(self.model, field)
                if not f:
                    raise CouldBeSupportedError("Attempting a cross-table select or dates query, or something?!")
                assert f  # If this happens, we have a cross-table select going on! #FIXME
                db_type = f.db_type(connection)

                if db_type in ("bytes", "text", "list", "set"):
                    projection_fields = []


        self.projection = list(set(projection_fields)) or None
        if opts.parents:
            self.projection = None

        if isinstance(query.where, EmptyWhere):
            # Empty where means return nothing!
            raise EmptyResultSet()
                where_tables = _get_tables_from_where(query.where)
            except TypeError:
                # This exception is thrown by get_group_by_cols if one of the constraints is a SubQueryConstraint
                # yeah, we can't do that.
                self.unsupported_query_message = "Subquery WHERE constraints aren't supported"

            if where_tables and where_tables != [ query.model._meta.db_table ]:
                # Mark this query as unsupported and return
                self.unsupported_query_message = "Cross-join WHERE constraints aren't supported: %s" % _cols_from_where_node(query.where)

            from dnf import parse_dnf
                self.where, columns, self.excluded_pks = parse_dnf(query.where, self.connection, ordering=self.ordering)
            except NotSupportedError as e:
                # Mark this query as unsupported and return
                self.unsupported_query_message = str(e)

        for field in self.projection or []:
            if field in columns:
                self.projection = None
            # If the PK was queried, we switch it in our queried
            # fields store with __key__
            pk_index = self.queried_fields.index(self.pk_col)
            self.queried_fields[pk_index] = "__key__"
        except ValueError:
コード例 #17
    def make_atom(self, child, qn, connection):
        lvalue, lookup_type, value_annot, param = child
        kwargs = {'connection': connection} if VERSION[:2] >= (1, 3) else {}

        if lvalue and lvalue.field and hasattr(
                'db_type') and lvalue.field.db_type(**kwargs) == 'hstore':
                lvalue, params = lvalue.process(lookup_type, param, connection)
            except EmptyShortCircuit:
                raise EmptyResultSet()

            field = self.sql_for_columns(lvalue, qn, connection)

            if lookup_type == 'exact':
                if isinstance(param, dict):
                    return ('{0} = %s'.format(field), [param])

                raise ValueError('invalid value')

            elif lookup_type in ('gt', 'gte', 'lt', 'lte'):
                if isinstance(param, dict) and len(param) == 1:
                    sign = (lookup_type[0] == 'g' and '>%s'
                            or '<%s') % (lookup_type[-1] == 'e' and '=' or '')
                    param_keys = list(param.keys())
                    return ('%s->\'%s\' %s %%s' % (field, param_keys[0], sign),

                raise ValueError('invalid value')

            elif lookup_type in ['contains', 'icontains']:
                if isinstance(param, dict):
                    values = list(param.values())
                    keys = list(param.keys())

                    if len(values) == 1 and isinstance(values[0],
                                                       (list, tuple)):
                        return ('%s->\'%s\' = ANY(%%s)' % (field, keys[0]),
                                [[str(x) for x in values[0]]])

                    return ('%s @> %%s' % field, [param])

                elif isinstance(param, (list, tuple)):
                    if len(param) < 2:
                        return ('%s ? %%s' % field, [param[0]])

                    if param:
                        return ('%s ?& %%s' % field, [param])

                    raise ValueError('invalid value')

                elif isinstance(param, six.string_types):
                    # if looking for a string perform the normal text lookup
                    # that is: look for occurence of string in all the keys

                    raise ValueError('invalid value')

            elif lookup_type == 'isnull':
                # do not perform any special format
                return super(HStoreWhereNode,
                             self).make_atom(child, qn, connection)

                raise TypeError('invalid lookup type')

        return super(HStoreWhereNode, self).make_atom(child, qn, connection)
コード例 #18
    def _process_where_node(self, parent, query):
        Process a single WHERE node, possibly recursing.
        :param parent: The parent 'WHERE' clause
        if isinstance(parent, EmptyWhere):
            raise EmptyResultSet()

        where = []

        for child in parent.children:
            if isinstance(child, WhereNode):
                where.append(self._process_where_node(child, query))

            # Field as represented in the query
            query_field = child.lhs.output_field
            # Field of the DB table for the model
            real_field = child.lhs.target
            # Origin field (if this is a foreign field)
            origin_field = real_field.related_field if real_field.rel else real_field

            was_list = isinstance(child.rhs, (list, tuple))
            rhs_value = origin_field.get_db_prep_lookup(child.lookup_name,
            if not was_list and rhs_value != []:
                rhs_value = rhs_value[0]

            if origin_field.primary_key:
                if real_field.rel:
                    # If we're a related field, use the foreign table,
                    # but also don't use META(id), since it's actually embedded
                    lhs_table = real_field.related_model._meta.db_table
                    lhs = real_field.column
                    lhs_table = query.alias_map[child.lhs.alias].table_name
                    lhs = 'META({}).id'.format(n1ql_escape(BUCKET_PLACEHOLDER))

                if real_field.get_internal_type() in ('IntegerField',
                    # This could be cast as a string, so cast it back as an int
                    castfn = int
                    castfn = lambda x_: x_

                if isinstance(rhs_value, (list, tuple)):
                    rhs_value = [
                        DocID.encode(lhs_table, castfn(x)) for x in rhs_value
                    rhs_value = DocID.encode(lhs_table, castfn(rhs_value))

                lhs = n1ql_escape(query_field.column)
                real_field = query_field

            placeholder = self.params.indexstr()
            rhs_value, criteria = Operators.convert(rhs_value, lhs,

            where.append(' '.join(criteria))

        if where:
            connector = ' ' + parent.connector + ' '
            neg = 'NOT ' if parent.negated else ''
            return '(' + neg + (connector.join(where)) + ')'
            return None
コード例 #19
    def _prepare_for_transformation(self):
        from django.db.models.sql.where import EmptyWhere

        if isinstance(self.django_query.where, EmptyWhere):
            # Empty where means return nothing!
            raise EmptyResultSet()
コード例 #20
def parse_constraint(child, connection, negated=False):
    if isinstance(child, tuple):
        # First, unpack the constraint
        constraint, op, annotation, value = child
        was_list = isinstance(value, (list, tuple))
        if isinstance(value, query.Query):
            value = value.get_compiler(connection.alias).as_sql()[0].execute()
            packed, value = constraint.process(op, value, connection)
        alias, column, db_type = packed
        field = constraint.field
        # Django 1.7+
        field = child.lhs.target
        column = child.lhs.target.column
        op = child.lookup_name
        value = child.rhs
        annotation = value
        was_list = isinstance(value, (list, tuple))

        if isinstance(value, query.Query):
            value = value.get_compiler(connection.alias).as_sql()[0].execute()
        elif value != []:
            value = child.lhs.output_field.get_db_prep_lookup(
                child.lookup_name, child.rhs, connection, prepared=True)

    is_pk = field and field.primary_key

    if column == "id" and op == "iexact" and is_pk and isinstance(field, AutoField):
        # When new instance is created, automatic primary key 'id' does not generate '_idx_iexact_id'.
        # As the primary key 'id' (AutoField) is integer and is always case insensitive, we can deal with 'id_iexact=' query by using 'exact' rather than 'iexact'.
        op = "exact"

    if field and field.db_type(connection) in ("bytes", "text"):
        raise NotSupportedError("Text and Blob fields are not indexed by the datastore, so you can't filter on them")

        # Don't convert if this op requires special indexes, it will be handled there
        if field:
            value = [ connection.ops.prep_lookup_value(field.model, x, field, column=column) for x in value]

        # Don't ask me why, but on Django 1.6 constraint.process on isnull wipes out the value (it returns an empty list)
        # so we have to special case this to use the annotation value instead
        if op == "isnull":
            if annotation is not None:
                value = [ annotation ]

            if is_pk and value[0]:
                raise EmptyResultSet()

        if not was_list:
            value = value[0]
        if negated:
            raise CouldBeSupportedError("Special indexing does not currently supported negated queries. See #80")

        if not was_list:
            value = value[0]

        add_special_index(field.model, column, op)  # Add the index if we can (e.g. on dev_appserver)

        if op not in special_indexes_for_column(field.model, column):
            raise RuntimeError("There is a missing index in your djangaeidx.yaml - \n\n{0}:\n\t{1}: [{2}]".format(
                field.model, column, op)

        indexer = REQUIRES_SPECIAL_INDEXES[op]
        value = indexer.prep_value_for_query(value)
        column = indexer.indexed_column_name(column, value=value)
        op = indexer.prep_query_operator(op)

    return column, op, value
コード例 #21
ファイル: commands.py プロジェクト: olibrook/djangae
    def parse_where_and_check_projection(self, where, negated=False):
        """ recursively parse the where tree and return a list of tuples of
            (column, match_type, value), e.g. ('name', 'exact', 'John').
        result = []

        if where.negated:
            negated = not negated

        if negated and where.connector != AND:
            raise NotSupportedError("Only AND filters are supported for negated queries")

        for child in where.children:
            if isinstance(child, tuple):
                constraint, op, annotation, value = child
                if isinstance(value, (list, tuple)):
                    value = [ self.connection.ops.prep_lookup_value(self.model, x, constraint.field) for x in value]
                    value = self.connection.ops.prep_lookup_value(self.model, value, constraint.field)

                #Disable projection if it's not supported
                if self.projection and constraint.col in self.projection:
                    if op in ("exact", "in", "isnull"):
                        #If we are projecting, but we are doing an
                        #equality filter on one of the columns, then we
                        #can't project
                        self.projection = None

                if negated:
                    if op in ("exact", "in") and constraint.field.primary_key:
                    #else: FIXME when excluded_pks is handled, we can put the
                    #next section in an else block
                    if op == "exact":
                        if self.has_inequality_filter:
                            raise RuntimeError("You can only specify one inequality filter per query")

                        col = constraint.col
                        result.append((col, "gt_and_lt", value))
                        self.has_inequality_filter = True
                        raise RuntimeError("Unsupported negated lookup: " + op)
                    if constraint.field.primary_key:
                        if (value is None and op == "exact") or (op == "isnull" and value):
                            #If we are looking for a primary key that is None, then we always
                            #just return nothing
                            raise EmptyResultSet()

                        elif op in ("exact", "in"):
                            if isinstance(value, (list, tuple)):
                            col = constraint.col
                            result.append((col, op, value))
                        col = constraint.col
                        result.append((col, op, value))
                result.extend(self.parse_where_and_check_projection(child, negated))

        return result
コード例 #22
def _transform_query_17(connection, kind, query):
    from django.db.models.sql.datastructures import Date, DateTime

    if isinstance(query.where, EmptyWhere):
        # Empty where means return nothing!
        raise EmptyResultSet()

    # Check for joins, we ignore select related tables as they aren't actually used (the connector marks select
    # related as unsupported in its features)
    tables = [k for k, v in query.alias_refcount.items() if v]
    inherited_tables = set(
        [x._meta.db_table for x in query.model._meta.parents])
    select_related_tables = set([y[0][0] for y in query.related_select_cols])
    tables = set(tables) - inherited_tables - select_related_tables

    if len(tables) > 1:
        raise NotSupportedError("""
            The appengine database connector does not support JOINs. The requested join map follows\n
        """ % query.join_map)

    ret = Query(query.model, kind)
    ret.connection = connection

    # Add the root concrete table as the source table
    root_table = get_top_concrete_parent(query.model)._meta.db_table

    # Extract the ordering of the query results
    for order_col in _extract_ordering_from_query_17(query):

    # Extract any projected columns (values/values_list/only/defer)
    for projected_col in _extract_projected_columns_from_query_17(query):

    for potential_annotation in query.select:
        col = getattr(potential_annotation, "col", None)
        if not col:

        if isinstance(col, (Date, DateTime)):
            ret.add_annotation(col.col[-1], col)

    # Add any extra selects
    for col, select in query.extra_select.items():
        ret.add_extra_select(col, select[0])

    # This must happen after extracting projected cols
    if query.distinct:

    # Extract any query offsets and limits
    ret.low_mark = query.low_mark
    ret.high_mark = query.high_mark

    output = WhereNode()
    output.connector = query.where.connector


    # If there no child nodes, just wipe out the where
    if not output.children:
        output = None

    ret.where = output

    return ret
コード例 #23
def normalize_query(node, connection, negated=False, filtered_columns=None, _inequality_property=None):
        Converts a django_where_tree which is CNF to a DNF for use in the datastore.
        This function does a lot of heavy lifting so optimization is welcome.

        The connection is needed for calculating the values on the literals, it would
        be nice if we can remove that so this only has one task, but it's fine for now
    _inequality_property = _inequality_property if _inequality_property is not None else []

    def check_inequality_usage(_op, _column, _current_inequality):
        if _op in INEQUALITY_OPERATORS:
            if _current_inequality and _current_inequality[0] != _column:
                raise NotSupportedError(
                    "You can only specify inequality filters ({}) on one property. There is already one on {}, you're attempting to use one on {}".format(
                #We have to use a list, because Python 2.x doesn't have 'nonlocal' :/

    if isinstance(node, tuple) and isinstance(node[0], Constraint):
        # This is where contraints are exploded
        column, op, value = parse_constraint(node, connection)

        if filtered_columns is not None:
            assert isinstance(filtered_columns, set)

        if op == 'in': # Explode INs into OR
            if not isinstance(value, (list, tuple, set)):
                raise ValueError("IN queries must be supplied a list of values")

            if negated:
                check_inequality_usage(">", column, _inequality_property)
                return ('OR', [ ('OR', [(column, '>', x), (column, '<', x)]) for x in value ])
                if len(value) == 1:
                    return (column, '=', value[0])
                return ('OR', [(column, '=', x) for x in value])

        if op not in OPERATORS_MAP:
            raise NotSupportedError("Unsupported operator %s" % op)

        _op = OPERATORS_MAP[op]

        check_inequality_usage(_op, column, _inequality_property) #Check we aren't doing an additional inequality

        if negated and _op == '=': # Explode
            check_inequality_usage('>', column, _inequality_property)
            return ('OR', [(column, '>', value), (column, '<', value)])
        elif op == "startswith":
            #You can emulate starts with by adding the last unicode char
            #to the value, then doing <=. Genius.
            if value.endswith("%"):
                value = value[:-1]
            end_value = value[:]
            if isinstance(end_value, str):
                end_value = end_value.decode("utf-8")
            end_value += u'\ufffd'

            check_inequality_usage('>=', column, _inequality_property)
            if not negated:
                return ('AND', [(column, '>=', value), (column, '<', end_value)])
                return ('OR', [(column, '<', value), (column, '>=', end_value)])

        elif op == "isnull":
            if (value and not negated) or (not value and negated): #We're checking for isnull=True
                #If we are checking that a primary key isnull, then don't do an impossible query!
                if node[0].field.primary_key:
                    raise EmptyResultSet()

                return (column, "=", None)
            else: #We're checking for isnull=False
                check_inequality_usage('>', column, _inequality_property)
                return ('OR', [(column, '>', None), (column, '<', None)])
        elif _op == None:
            raise NotSupportedError("Unhandled lookup type %s" % op)

        return (column, _op, value)
        # This is where the distribution is applied over the children
        if not node.children:
            return []

        if node.negated:
            negated = True
        if len(node.children) > 1: # If there is more than one child then attempt to reduce
            exploded = (node.connector, [
                normalize_query(child, connection, negated=negated, filtered_columns=filtered_columns, _inequality_property=_inequality_property)
                for child in node.children

            if node.connector == 'AND':

                if len(exploded[1]) > 1:
                    # We need to know if there are any ORs under this AND node
                    _ors = [x for x in exploded[1] if x[0] == 'OR' ]

                    def special_product(*args):
                            Modified product to return the prods in an AND container
                        pools = map(tuple, args)
                        result = [[]]
                        for pool in pools:
                            result = [x+[y] if y[0] != 'AND' else x+y[1] for x in result for y in pool]
                        for prod in result:
                            yield ('AND', list(prod))

                    if len(_ors) > 0:
                        # This is a bit complicated to explain in a comment
                        # But you can calculate the DNF by doing a clever product on the children of the AND node
                        # It's all to do with grouping the ORs in groups and the ANDs individualy
                        # This returns a DNF which is naturally wrapped in an OR
                        _literals = (x for x in exploded[1] if x[0] != 'OR')
                        flat_ors = (x[1] if x[0] == 'OR' else x for x in _ors)
                        flat_literals = ([y] if y[0] != 'AND' else ([q] for q in y[1]) for y in _literals)
                        return ('OR', [x for x in special_product(*chain(flat_ors, flat_literals))])

            elif node.connector == 'OR':
                if all(x[0] == 'OR' for x in exploded[1]):
                    return ('OR', list(chain.from_iterable((x[1] for x in exploded[1]))))

            exploded = normalize_query(

            if exploded[0] == exploded[1][0][0]: # crush any single child 'OR' or 'AND' hangover
                return (exploded[0], [x for x in exploded[1][0][1]])

        return exploded