コード例 #1
ファイル: tests.py プロジェクト: h1551895/FortyTwoTestTask
 def test_middleware(self):
     """ Testing that middleware saves requests"""
     cl = Client()
     qs = Request.objects.all()
     self.assertEqual(len(qs), 3)
コード例 #2
ファイル: tests.py プロジェクト: kznmft/regluit
 def test_anonymous(self):
     anon_client = Client()
     r = anon_client.get("/work/{}/".format(self.work.id))
     r = anon_client.head("/work/{}/".format(self.work.id))
     self.assertEqual(r.status_code, 200)
     csrfmatch =  re.search("name='csrfmiddlewaretoken' value='([^']*)'", str(r.content, 'utf-8'))
     r = anon_client.post("/work/{}/kw/".format(self.work.id))
     self.assertEqual(r.status_code, 302)
コード例 #3
ファイル: tests.py プロジェクト: JMDTol/django-seo-cascade
    def test_view_for_meta(self):

        l = Location.objects.get(slug='las-vegas')
        c = Client()
        response = c.head(l.get_absolute_url())

        print "@-->response %r" % dir(response)

        print "@-->location %r" % l.get_absolute_url()

        print "@-->context %r" % response.request.get('PATH_INFO')
        #print "@-->request %r" % response.context.get('request')
        request = response.context.get('request')
        print "@-->path %r" % request.get_full_path()

        self.assertEqual(1, 0)
コード例 #4
	def test_view_for_meta(self):

		l = Location.objects.get(slug='las-vegas')
		c = Client()
		response = c.head(l.get_absolute_url())

		print "@-->response %r" % dir(response)

		print "@-->location %r" % l.get_absolute_url()

		print "@-->context %r" % response.request.get('PATH_INFO')
		#print "@-->request %r" % response.context.get('request')
		request = response.context.get('request')
		print "@-->path %r" % request.get_full_path()

		self.assertEqual(1, 0)
コード例 #5
class ResolverTestCase(TestCase):
    fixtures = [ 'test_uriregister.json', 'test_rewriterule.json', 'test_mediatype.json', 'test_acceptmapping.json' ]
    def setUp(self):
        self.c = Client()
        self.basePath = '/def' # this needs to be configured depending on how you've set up URL structure in your Django project
    def test_resolve_uri_invalid_HTTP_method(self):
        result = self.c.post(self.basePath + "something/sent/to/resolver")
        self.assertEqual(result.status_code, 405, 'Resolver.resolve_uri did not return a 405 error when receiving a POST')
        result = self.c.head(self.basePath + "something/sent/to/resolver")
        self.assertEqual(result.status_code, 405, 'Resolver.resolve_uri did not return a 405 error when receiving a HEAD')
        result = self.c.put(self.basePath + "something/sent/to/resolver")
        self.assertEqual(result.status_code, 405, 'Resolver.resolve_uri did not return a 405 error when receiving a PUT')
        result = self.c.delete(self.basePath + "something/sent/to/resolver")
        self.assertEqual(result.status_code, 405, 'Resolver.resolve_uri did not return a 405 error when receiving a DELETE')
        result = self.c.options(self.basePath + "something/sent/to/resolver")
        self.assertEqual(result.status_code, 405, 'Resolver.resolve_uri did not return a 405 error when receiving a OPTIONS')
    def test_resolve_uri_register_does_not_exist(self):
        result = self.c.get(self.basePath + "something/sent/to/resolver")
        self.assertEqual(result.status_code, 404, 'Resolver.resolve_uri did not return a 404 error when receiving a request for an unknown URI register')
    def test_resolve_uri_register_is_remote(self):
        result = self.c.get(self.basePath + "another-registry/to/resolver")
        self.assertEqual(result.status_code, 301, 'Resolver.resolve_uri did not return a 301 redirection when receiving a request for a remote URI register')
    def test_resolve_uri_no_matching_rules(self):
        result = self.c.get(self.basePath + "uri-gin/something/sent/to/resolver")
        self.assertEqual(result.status_code, 404, 'Resolver.resolve_uri did not return a 404 error when receiving a request for an unknown URI register')
    def test_resolve_uri_multiple_matching_rules(self):
        result = self.c.get(self.basePath + "uri-gin/this/is/a/duplicate/rule")
        self.assertEqual(result.status_code, 500, 'Resolver.resolve_uri did not return a 500 error when receiving a request matching multiple rules')
    def test_resolve_uri_no_acceptable_content(self):
        result = self.c.get(self.basePath + "uri-gin/something/twomappings", **{ "HTTP_ACCEPT": 'text/javascript' })
        self.assertEqual(result.status_code, 406, 'Resolver.resolve_uri did not return a 406 error when receiving a request with no acceptable response')
    def test_resolve_uri_multiple_acceptable_content(self):
        result = self.c.get(self.basePath + "uri-gin/duplicate/accept/mappings/here", **{ "HTTP_ACCEPT": 'text/html' })
        self.assertEqual(result.status_code, 500, 'Resolver.resolve_uri did not return a 500 error when receiving a request with multiple acceptable responses')
    def test_resolve_uri_success_one_group_one_mapping(self):
        result = self.c.get(self.basePath + "uri-gin/something/onegroup/onemapping/success", **{ "HTTP_ACCEPT": 'text/html' })
        self.assertEqual(result['Location'], 'http://elsewhere.com/something', 'Resolver.resolve_uri did not return a 303 redirection to the appropriate location')
    def test_resolve_uri_success_one_group_two_mappings(self):    
        result = self.c.get(self.basePath + "uri-gin/something/onegroup/twomappings/success", **{ "HTTP_ACCEPT": 'text/html' })
        self.assertEqual(result['Location'], 'http://elsewhere.com/something', 'Resolver.resolve_uri did not return a 303 redirection to the appropriate location')
    def test_resolve_uri_success_two_groups_one_mapping(self):    
        result = self.c.get(self.basePath + "uri-gin/first/twogroups/second/onemapping/success", **{ "HTTP_ACCEPT": 'text/html' })
        self.assertEqual(result['Location'], 'http://elsewhere.com/first--second', 'Resolver.resolve_uri did not return a 303 redirection to the appropriate location')
    def test_resolve_uri_success_two_groups_two_mappings(self):    
        result = self.c.get(self.basePath + "uri-gin/first/twogroups/second/twomappings/success", **{ "HTTP_ACCEPT": 'text/html' })
        self.assertEqual(result['Location'], 'http://elsewhere.com/first--second', 'Resolver.resolve_uri did not return a 303 redirection to the appropriate location')
    def test_resolve_uri_success_extensions(self):
        result = self.c.get(self.basePath + "uri-gin/first/twogroups/second/twomappings/success.txt")
        self.assertEqual(result['Location'], 'http://fileextension.com/text.txt', 'Resolver.resolve_uri did not return a 303 redirection to the appropriate location when given a file extension')   
コード例 #6
class ClientTestCaseMixin(AuthTestCaseMixin):

    logger = logging.getLogger('tests')

    def setUp(self):
        self.c = Client()
        self.r_factory = RequestFactory()
        self.default_headers = {}
        super(ClientTestCaseMixin, self).setUp()

    def get_request_with_user(self, request):
        request.user = self.logged_user.user
        return request

    def logout(self):
        self.logged_user = None

    def authorize(self, username, password):
            self.post(config.LOGIN_URL, {
                config.USERNAME: username,
                config.PASSWORD: password

    def get(self, url, headers=None):
        headers = headers or {}

        resp = self.c.get(url, **headers)
        return resp

    def put(self, url, data={}, headers=None):
        headers = headers or {}

        return self.c.put(url, data, **self.headers)

    def post(self, url, data, headers=None):
        headers = headers or {}

        return self.c.post(url, data, **headers)

    def head(self, url, headers=None):
        headers = headers or {}

        return self.c.head(url, **headers)

    def options(self, url, headers=None):
        headers = headers or {}

        return self.c.options(url, **headers)

    def delete(self, url, headers=None):
        headers = headers or {}

        resp = self.c.delete(url, **headers)
        return resp
コード例 #7
class TestApiClient(object):
    def __init__(self, serializer=None):
        Sets up a fresh ``TestApiClient`` instance.

        If you are employing a custom serializer, you can pass the class to the
        ``serializer=`` kwarg.
        self.client = Client()
        self.serializer = serializer

        if not self.serializer:
            self.serializer = Serializer()

    def get_content_type(self, short_format):
        Given a short name (such as ``json`` or ``xml``), returns the full content-type
        for it (``application/json`` or ``application/xml`` in this case).
        return self.serializer.content_types.get(short_format, 'json')

    def get(self,
        Performs a simulated ``GET`` request to the provided URI.

        Optionally accepts a ``data`` kwarg, which in the case of ``GET``, lets you
        send along ``GET`` parameters. This is useful when testing filtering or other
        things that read off the ``GET`` params. Example::

            from delicious_cake.test import TestApiClient
            client = TestApiClient()

            response = client.get('/api/v1/entry/1/', data={'format': 'json', 'title__startswith': 'a', 'limit': 20, 'offset': 60})

        Optionally accepts an ``authentication`` kwarg, which should be an HTTP header
        with the correct authentication data already setup.

        All other ``**kwargs`` passed in get passed through to the Django
        ``TestClient``. See https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/testing/#module-django.test.client
        for details.
        content_type = self.get_content_type(format)
        kwargs['HTTP_ACCEPT'] = content_type

        # GET & DELETE are the only times we don't serialize the data.
        if data is not None:
            kwargs['data'] = data

        if authentication is not None:
            kwargs['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'] = authentication

        return self.client.get(uri, **kwargs)

    def head(self,
        Performs a simulated ``GET`` request to the provided URI.

        Optionally accepts a ``data`` kwarg, which in the case of ``GET``, lets you
        send along ``GET`` parameters. This is useful when testing filtering or other
        things that read off the ``GET`` params. Example::

            from delicious_cake.test import TestApiClient
            client = TestApiClient()

            response = client.get('/api/v1/entry/1/', data={'format': 'json', 'title__startswith': 'a', 'limit': 20, 'offset': 60})

        Optionally accepts an ``authentication`` kwarg, which should be an HTTP header
        with the correct authentication data already setup.

        All other ``**kwargs`` passed in get passed through to the Django
        ``TestClient``. See https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/testing/#module-django.test.client
        for details.
        content_type = self.get_content_type(format)
        kwargs['HTTP_ACCEPT'] = content_type

        # GET & DELETE are the only times we don't serialize the data.
        if data is not None:
            kwargs['data'] = data

        if authentication is not None:
            kwargs['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'] = authentication

        return self.client.head(uri, **kwargs)

    def post(self,
        Performs a simulated ``POST`` request to the provided URI.

        Optionally accepts a ``data`` kwarg. **Unlike** ``GET``, in ``POST`` the
        ``data`` gets serialized & sent as the body instead of becoming part of the URI.

            from delicious_cake.test import TestApiClient
            client = TestApiClient()

            response = client.post('/api/v1/entry/', data={
                'created': '2012-05-01T20:02:36',
                'slug': 'another-post',
                'title': 'Another Post',
                'user': '******',

        Optionally accepts an ``authentication`` kwarg, which should be an HTTP header
        with the correct authentication data already setup.

        All other ``**kwargs`` passed in get passed through to the Django
        ``TestClient``. See https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/testing/#module-django.test.client
        for details.
        content_type = self.get_content_type(format)
        kwargs['content_type'] = content_type

        if data is not None:
            kwargs['data'] = self.serializer.serialize(data,

        if authentication is not None:
            kwargs['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'] = authentication

        return self.client.post(uri, **kwargs)

    def put(self,
        Performs a simulated ``PUT`` request to the provided URI.

        Optionally accepts a ``data`` kwarg. **Unlike** ``GET``, in ``PUT`` the
        ``data`` gets serialized & sent as the body instead of becoming part of the URI.

            from delicious_cake.test import TestApiClient
            client = TestApiClient()

            response = client.put('/api/v1/entry/1/', data={
                'created': '2012-05-01T20:02:36',
                'slug': 'another-post',
                'title': 'Another Post',
                'user': '******',

        Optionally accepts an ``authentication`` kwarg, which should be an HTTP header
        with the correct authentication data already setup.

        All other ``**kwargs`` passed in get passed through to the Django
        ``TestClient``. See https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/testing/#module-django.test.client
        for details.
        content_type = self.get_content_type(format)
        kwargs['content_type'] = content_type

        if data is not None:
            kwargs['data'] = self.serializer.serialize(data,

        if authentication is not None:
            kwargs['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'] = authentication

        return self.client.put(uri, **kwargs)

    def patch(self,
        Performs a simulated ``PATCH`` request to the provided URI.

        Optionally accepts a ``data`` kwarg. **Unlike** ``GET``, in ``PATCH`` the
        ``data`` gets serialized & sent as the body instead of becoming part of the URI.

            from delicious_cake.test import TestApiClient
            client = TestApiClient()

            response = client.patch('/api/v1/entry/1/', data={
                'created': '2012-05-01T20:02:36',
                'slug': 'another-post',
                'title': 'Another Post',
                'user': '******',

        Optionally accepts an ``authentication`` kwarg, which should be an HTTP header
        with the correct authentication data already setup.

        All other ``**kwargs`` passed in get passed through to the Django
        ``TestClient``. See https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/testing/#module-django.test.client
        for details.
        content_type = self.get_content_type(format)
        kwargs['content_type'] = content_type

        if data is not None:
            kwargs['data'] = self.serializer.serialize(data,

        if authentication is not None:
            kwargs['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'] = authentication

        # This hurts because Django doesn't support PATCH natively.
        parsed = urlparse(uri)
        r = {
            'CONTENT_LENGTH': len(kwargs['data']),
            'CONTENT_TYPE': content_type,
            'PATH_INFO': self.client._get_path(parsed),
            'QUERY_STRING': parsed[4],
            'REQUEST_METHOD': 'PATCH',
            'wsgi.input': FakePayload(kwargs['data']),
        return self.client.request(**r)

    def delete(self,
        Performs a simulated ``DELETE`` request to the provided URI.

        Optionally accepts a ``data`` kwarg, which in the case of ``DELETE``, lets you
        send along ``DELETE`` parameters. This is useful when testing filtering or other
        things that read off the ``DELETE`` params. Example::

            from delicious_cake.test import TestApiClient
            client = TestApiClient()

            response = client.delete('/api/v1/entry/1/', data={'format': 'json'})

        Optionally accepts an ``authentication`` kwarg, which should be an HTTP header
        with the correct authentication data already setup.

        All other ``**kwargs`` passed in get passed through to the Django
        ``TestClient``. See https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/testing/#module-django.test.client
        for details.
        content_type = self.get_content_type(format)
        kwargs['content_type'] = content_type

        # GET & DELETE are the only times we don't serialize the data.
        if data is not None:
            kwargs['data'] = data

        if authentication is not None:
            kwargs['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'] = authentication

        return self.client.delete(uri, **kwargs)
コード例 #8
class EntityDefaultEditViewTest(AnnalistTestCase):
    Tests for record type edit views

    def setUp(self):
        self.testsite = Site(TestBaseUri, TestBaseDir)
        self.testcoll = Collection.create(self.testsite, "testcoll", collection_create_values("testcoll"))
        self.testtype = RecordType.create(self.testcoll, "testtype", recordtype_create_values("testcoll", "testtype"))
        self.testdata = RecordTypeData.create(self.testcoll, "testtype", {})
        self.type_ids = get_site_types_linked("testcoll")
                label="RecordType testcoll/_type/testtype",
                link=recordtype_url("testcoll", "testtype")
        self.no_options = [ FieldChoice('', label="(no options)") ]
        # Login and permissions
        create_test_user(self.testcoll, "testuser", "testpassword")
        self.client = Client(HTTP_HOST=TestHost)
        loggedin = self.client.login(username="******", password="******")

    def tearDown(self):

    def setUpClass(cls):
        super(EntityDefaultEditViewTest, cls).setUpClass()

    def tearDownClass(cls):
        super(EntityDefaultEditViewTest, cls).tearDownClass()
        #@@checkme@@ resetSitedata()

    #   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   Helpers
    #   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def _create_entity_data(self, entity_id, update="Entity"):
        "Helper function creates entity data with supplied entity_id"
        e = EntityData.create(self.testdata, entity_id, 
            entitydata_create_values(entity_id, update=update)
        return e    

    def _check_entity_data_values(self, 
            entity_id, type_id="testtype", type_uri=None,
            update="Entity", parent=None, 
        "Helper function checks content of form-updated record type entry with supplied entity_id"
        recorddata = RecordTypeData.load(self.testcoll, type_id)
        self.assertTrue(EntityData.exists(recorddata, entity_id))
        e = EntityData.load(recorddata, entity_id)
        self.assertEqual(e.get_id(), entity_id)
        self.assertEqual(e.get_url(""), TestHostUri + entity_url("testcoll", type_id, entity_id))
        v = entitydata_values(entity_id, type_id=type_id, type_uri=type_uri, update=update)
        if update_dict:
            for k in update_dict:
                if update_dict[k] is None:
                    v.pop(k, None)
        self.assertDictionaryMatch(e.get_values(), v)
        return e

    #   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   Form rendering tests
    #   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def test_get_form_rendering(self):
        u = entitydata_edit_url("new", "testcoll", "testtype", view_id="Default_view")
        r = self.client.get(u+"?continuation_url=/xyzzy/")
        self.assertEqual(r.status_code,   200)
        self.assertEqual(r.reason_phrase, "OK")
        self.assertContains(r, "Collection testcoll")
        field_vals = default_fields(
            coll_id="testcoll", type_id="testtype", entity_id="00000001",
            tooltip1=context_view_field(r.context, 0, 0)['field_tooltip'],
            tooltip2=context_view_field(r.context, 0, 1)['field_tooltip'],
            tooltip3=context_view_field(r.context, 1, 0)['field_tooltip'],
            tooltip4=context_view_field(r.context, 2, 0)['field_tooltip'],
        formrow1 = """
              <div class="small-12 medium-6 columns" title="%(tooltip1)s">
                <div class="row view-value-row">
                  <div class="%(label_classes)s">
                  <div class="%(input_classes)s">
                    <!-- cf http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1480588/input-size-vs-width -->
                    <input type="text" size="64" name="entity_id" 
                           placeholder="(entity id)" value="00000001">
        formrow2 = ("""
              <div class="small-12 medium-6 columns" title="%(tooltip2)s">
                <div class="row view-value-row">
                  <div class="%(label_classes)s">
                  <div class="%(input_classes)s">
        formrow3 = """
              <!-- editable text field -->
              <div class="small-12 columns" title="%(tooltip3)s">
                <div class="row view-value-row">
                  <div class="%(label_classes)s">
                  <div class="%(input_classes)s">
                    <input type="text" size="64" name="Entity_label" 
        formrow4 = """
              <div class="small-12 columns" title="%(tooltip4)s">
                <div class="row view-value-row">
                  <div class="%(label_classes)s">
                  <div class="%(input_classes)s">
                    <textarea cols="64" rows="6" name="Entity_comment" 
                              class="small-rows-4 medium-rows-8"
        # log.info("******\n"+r.content)
        self.assertContains(r, formrow1, html=True)
        self.assertContains(r, formrow2, html=True)
        self.assertContains(r, formrow3, html=True)
        self.assertContains(r, formrow4, html=True)

    def test_get_new(self):
        u = entitydata_edit_url("new", "testcoll", "testtype", view_id="Default_view")
        r = self.client.get(u+"?continuation_url=/xyzzy/")
        self.assertEqual(r.status_code,   200)
        self.assertEqual(r.reason_phrase, "OK")
        # Test context
        expect_context = default_view_context_data(
            coll_id="testcoll", type_id="testtype", entity_id="00000001", orig_id=None,
            type_ref="testtype", type_choices=self.type_ids,
        self.assertEqual(len(r.context['fields']), 3) # 4 fields over 3 rows
        self.assertDictionaryMatch(context_bind_fields(r.context), expect_context)

    def test_get_edit(self):
        u = entitydata_edit_url("edit", "testcoll", "testtype", entity_id="entity1")
        r = self.client.get(u+"?continuation_url=/xyzzy/")
        self.assertEqual(r.status_code,   200)
        self.assertEqual(r.reason_phrase, "OK")
        # log.info(r.content)
        self.assertContains(r, "<title>Entity testcoll/testtype/entity1 - Default record view - Collection testcoll</title>")
        # Test context
        expect_context = default_view_context_data(
            coll_id="testcoll", type_id="testtype", entity_id="entity1", 
            type_ref="testtype", type_choices=self.type_ids,
            entity_label="Entity testcoll/testtype/entity1",
            entity_descr="Entity coll testcoll, type testtype, entity entity1",
        self.assertEqual(len(r.context['fields']), 3) # 4 fields over 3 rows
        self.assertDictionaryMatch(context_bind_fields(r.context), expect_context)

    def test_get_edit_not_exists(self):
        u = entitydata_edit_url("edit", "testcoll", "testtype", 
        r = self.client.get(u+"?continuation_url=/xyzzy/")
                label=error_label("testcoll", "testtype", "entitynone")

    def test_head_new(self):
        u = entitydata_edit_url("new", "testcoll", "testtype", view_id="Default_view")
        r = self.client.head(u)
        self.assertEqual(r.status_code,   200)
        self.assertEqual(r.reason_phrase, "OK")
        self.assertEqual(r.content,       b"")

    def test_head_edit(self):
        u = entitydata_edit_url("edit", "testcoll", "testtype", 
        r = self.client.head(u)
        self.assertEqual(r.status_code,   200)
        self.assertEqual(r.reason_phrase, "OK")
        self.assertEqual(r.content,       b"")

    def test_head_edit_not_exists(self):
        u = entitydata_edit_url("edit", "testcoll", "testtype", 
        r = self.client.head(u)

    #   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   Form response tests
    #   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    #   -------- new entity --------

    def test_post_new_entity(self):
        self.assertFalse(EntityData.exists(self.testdata, "newentity"))
        f = default_view_form_data(entity_id="newentity", action="new")
        u = entitydata_edit_url("new", "testcoll", "testtype", view_id="Default_view")
        r = self.client.post(u, f)
        self.assertEqual(r.status_code,   302)
        self.assertEqual(r.reason_phrase, "Found")
        self.assertEqual(r.content,       b"")
        self.assertEqual(r['location'],   entitydata_list_type_url("testcoll", "testtype"))
        # Check new entity data created

    def test_post_new_entity_cancel(self):
        self.assertFalse(EntityData.exists(self.testdata, "newentity"))
        f = default_view_form_data(entity_id="newentity", action="new", cancel="Cancel")
        u = entitydata_edit_url("new", "testcoll", "testtype", view_id="Default_view")
        r = self.client.post(u, f)
        self.assertEqual(r.status_code,   302)
        self.assertEqual(r.reason_phrase, "Found")
        self.assertEqual(r.content,       b"")
        self.assertEqual(r['location'],   entitydata_list_type_url("testcoll", "testtype"))
        # Check that new record type still does not exist
        self.assertFalse(EntityData.exists(self.testdata, "newentity"))

    def test_post_new_entity_missing_id(self):
        f = default_view_form_data(action="new", entity_id="")
        u = entitydata_edit_url("new", "testcoll", "testtype", view_id="Default_view")
        r = self.client.post(u, f)
        self.assertEqual(r.status_code,   200)
        self.assertEqual(r.reason_phrase, "OK")
        self.assertContains(r, "<h3>Problem with entity identifier</h3>")
        # Test context
        expect_context = default_view_context_data(
            coll_id="testcoll", type_id="testtype", 
            entity_id="", orig_id="orig_entity_id",
            type_ref="", type_choices=self.type_ids,
        self.assertEqual(len(r.context['fields']), 3) # 4 fields over 3 rows
        self.assertDictionaryMatch(context_bind_fields(r.context), expect_context)

    def test_post_new_entity_invalid_id(self):
        f = default_view_form_data(
            entity_id="!badentity", orig_id="orig_entity_id", action="new"
        u = entitydata_edit_url("new", "testcoll", "testtype", view_id="Default_view")
        r = self.client.post(u, f)
        self.assertEqual(r.status_code,   200)
        self.assertEqual(r.reason_phrase, "OK")
        self.assertContains(r, "<h3>Problem with entity identifier</h3>")
        # Test context
        expect_context = default_view_context_data(
            coll_id="testcoll", type_id="testtype", 
            entity_id="!badentity", orig_id="orig_entity_id",
            type_ref="_type/testtype", type_choices=self.type_ids,
        self.assertDictionaryMatch(context_bind_fields(r.context), expect_context)

    def test_new_entity_default_type(self):
        # Checks logic related to creating a new recorddata entity in collection 
        # for type defined in site data
        self.assertFalse(EntityData.exists(self.testdata, "newentity"))
        f = default_view_form_data(entity_id="newentity", type_id="Default_type", action="new")
        u = entitydata_edit_url("new", "testcoll", "Default_type", view_id="Default_view")
        r = self.client.post(u, f)
        self.assertEqual(r.status_code,   302)
        self.assertEqual(r.reason_phrase, "Found")
        self.assertEqual(r.content,       b"")
        self.assertEqual(r['location'],   entitydata_list_type_url("testcoll", "Default_type"))
        # Check new entity data created
            "newentity", type_id="Default_type", type_uri="annal:Default_type",
                { '@type': ['annal:Default_type', 'annal:EntityData'] }

    def test_new_entity_new_type(self):
        # Checks logic for creating an entity which may require creation of new recorddata
        # Create new type
        self.assertFalse(RecordType.exists(self.testcoll, "newtype"))
        f = type_view_form_data(action="new",
        u = entitydata_edit_url("new", "testcoll", type_id="_type", view_id="Type_view")
        r = self.client.post(u, f)
        self.assertEqual(r.status_code,   302)
        self.assertEqual(r.reason_phrase, "Found")
        self.assertEqual(r.content,       b"")
        self.assertEqual(r['location'],   entitydata_list_type_url("testcoll", "_type"))
        self.assertTrue(RecordType.exists(self.testcoll, "newtype"))
        # Create new entity
        self.assertFalse(EntityData.exists(self.testdata, "newentity"))
        f = default_view_form_data(entity_id="newentity", type_id="newtype", action="new")
        u = entitydata_edit_url("new", "testcoll", "newtype", view_id="Default_view")
        r = self.client.post(u, f)
        self.assertEqual(r.status_code,   302)
        self.assertEqual(r.reason_phrase, "Found")
        self.assertEqual(r.content,       b"")
        self.assertEqual(r['location'],   entitydata_list_type_url("testcoll", "newtype"))
        # Check new entity data created
        self._check_entity_data_values("newentity", type_id="newtype")

    #   -------- copy type --------

    def test_post_copy_entity(self):
        self.assertFalse(EntityData.exists(self.testdata, "copytype"))
        f = default_view_form_data(entity_id="copytype", action="copy")
        u = entitydata_edit_url("copy", "testcoll", "testtype", entity_id="entity1")
        r = self.client.post(u, f)
        self.assertEqual(r.status_code,   302)
        self.assertEqual(r.reason_phrase, "Found")
        self.assertEqual(r.content,       b"")
        self.assertEqual(r['location'],   entitydata_list_type_url("testcoll", "testtype"))
        # Check that new record type exists

    def test_post_copy_entity_cancel(self):
        self.assertFalse(EntityData.exists(self.testdata, "copytype"))
        f = default_view_form_data(entity_id="copytype", action="copy", cancel="Cancel")
        u = entitydata_edit_url("copy", "testcoll", "testtype", entity_id="entity1")
        r = self.client.post(u, f)
        self.assertEqual(r.status_code,   302)
        self.assertEqual(r.reason_phrase, "Found")
        self.assertEqual(r.content,       b"")
        self.assertEqual(r['location'],   entitydata_list_type_url("testcoll", "testtype"))
        # Check that target record type still does not exist
        self.assertFalse(EntityData.exists(self.testdata, "copytype"))

    def test_post_copy_entity_missing_id(self):
        f = default_view_form_data(action="copy", entity_id="", orig_id="entity1")
        u = entitydata_edit_url("copy", "testcoll", "testtype", entity_id="entity1")
        r = self.client.post(u, f)
        self.assertEqual(r.status_code,   200)
        self.assertEqual(r.reason_phrase, "OK")
        self.assertContains(r, "<h3>Problem with entity identifier</h3>")
        expect_context = default_view_context_data(
            action="copy", orig_id="entity1",
            type_ref="", type_choices=self.type_ids
        self.assertDictionaryMatch(context_bind_fields(r.context), expect_context)

    def test_post_copy_entity_invalid_id(self):
        f = default_view_form_data(
            entity_id="!badentity", orig_id="entity1", action="copy"
        u = entitydata_edit_url("copy", "testcoll", "testtype", entity_id="entity1")
        r = self.client.post(u, f)
        self.assertEqual(r.status_code,   200)
        self.assertEqual(r.reason_phrase, "OK")
        self.assertContains(r, "<h3>Problem with entity identifier</h3>")
        expect_context = default_view_context_data(
            action="copy", entity_id="!badentity", orig_id="entity1",
            type_ref="_type/testtype", type_choices=self.type_ids,
        self.assertDictionaryMatch(context_bind_fields(r.context), expect_context)

    #   -------- edit type --------

    def test_post_edit_entity(self):
        f  = default_view_form_data(entity_id="entityedit", action="edit", update="Updated entity")
        u  = entitydata_edit_url("edit", "testcoll", "testtype", entity_id="entityedit")
        r  = self.client.post(u, f)
        self.assertEqual(r.status_code,   302)
        self.assertEqual(r.reason_phrase, "Found")
        self.assertEqual(r.content,       b"")
        self.assertEqual(r['location'],   entitydata_list_type_url("testcoll", "testtype"))
        self._check_entity_data_values("entityedit", update="Updated entity")

    def test_post_edit_entity_new_id(self):
        e1 = self._check_entity_data_values("entityeditid1")
        # Now post edit form submission with different values and new id
        f  = default_view_form_data(entity_id="entityeditid2", orig_id="entityeditid1", action="edit")
        u  = entitydata_edit_url("edit", "testcoll", "testtype", entity_id="entityeditid1")
        r  = self.client.post(u, f)
        self.assertEqual(r.status_code,   302)
        self.assertEqual(r.reason_phrase, "Found")
        self.assertEqual(r.content,       b"")
        self.assertEqual(r['location'],   entitydata_list_type_url("testcoll", "testtype"))
        # Check that new record type exists and old does not
        self.assertFalse(EntityData.exists(self.testdata, "entityeditid1"))

    def test_post_edit_entity_new_type(self):
        e1 = self._check_entity_data_values("entityedittype")
        self.assertFalse(RecordType.exists(self.testcoll, "newtype"))
        newtype     = RecordType.create(self.testcoll, "newtype", recordtype_create_values("newtype"))
        newtypedata = RecordTypeData(self.testcoll, "newtype")
        self.assertTrue(RecordType.exists(self.testcoll, "newtype"))
        self.assertFalse(RecordTypeData.exists(self.testcoll, "newtype"))
        # Now post edit form submission with new type id
        f = default_view_form_data(
            entity_id="entityedittype", orig_id="entityedittype", 
            type_id="newtype", orig_type="testtype",
        u = entitydata_edit_url("edit", "testcoll", "testtype", entity_id="entityedittype")
        r = self.client.post(u, f)
        # log.info("***********\n"+r.content)
        self.assertEqual(r.status_code,   302)
        self.assertEqual(r.reason_phrase, "Found")
        self.assertEqual(r.content,       b"")
        self.assertEqual(r['location'],   entitydata_list_type_url("testcoll", "testtype"))
        # Check that new record type data now exists, and that new record exists and old does not
        self.assertTrue(RecordTypeData.exists(self.testcoll, "newtype"))
        self.assertFalse(EntityData.exists(self.testdata, "entityedittype"))
        self.assertTrue(EntityData.exists(newtypedata, "entityedittype"))
        self._check_entity_data_values("entityedittype", type_id="newtype")

    def test_post_edit_entity_cancel(self):
        # Post from cancelled edit form
        f = default_view_form_data(entity_id="edittype", action="edit", cancel="Cancel", update="Updated entity")
        u = entitydata_edit_url("edit", "testcoll", "testtype", entity_id="edittype")
        r = self.client.post(u, f)
        self.assertEqual(r.status_code,   302)
        self.assertEqual(r.reason_phrase, "Found")
        self.assertEqual(r.content,       b"")
        self.assertEqual(r['location'],   entitydata_list_type_url("testcoll", "testtype"))
        # Check that target record type still does not exist and unchanged

    def test_post_edit_entity_missing_id(self):
        # Form post with ID missing
        f = default_view_form_data(
            entity_id="", orig_id="edittype",
            update="Updated entity"
        u = entitydata_edit_url("edit", "testcoll", "testtype", entity_id="edittype")
        r = self.client.post(u, f)
        self.assertEqual(r.status_code,   200)
        self.assertEqual(r.reason_phrase, "OK")
        self.assertContains(r, "<h3>Problem with entity identifier</h3>")
        # Test context for re-rendered form
        expect_context = default_view_context_data(
            action="edit", update="Updated entity",
            type_ref="", type_choices=self.type_ids,
        self.assertEqual(len(r.context['fields']), 3) # 4 fields over 3 rows
        self.assertDictionaryMatch(context_bind_fields(r.context), expect_context)
        # Check stored entity is unchanged

    def test_post_edit_entity_invalid_id(self):
        # Form post with ID malformed
        f = default_view_form_data(
            entity_id="!badentity", orig_id="edittype", action="edit"
        u = entitydata_edit_url("edit", "testcoll", "testtype", entity_id="edittype")
        r = self.client.post(u, f)
        self.assertEqual(r.status_code,   200)
        self.assertEqual(r.reason_phrase, "OK")
        self.assertContains(r, "<h3>Problem with entity identifier</h3>")
        # Test context for re-rendered form
        expect_context = default_view_context_data(
            entity_id="!badentity", orig_id="edittype", action="edit",
            type_ref="_type/testtype", type_choices=self.type_ids,
        self.assertDictionaryMatch(context_bind_fields(r.context), expect_context)
        # Check stored entity is unchanged
コード例 #9
 def test_no_HEAD(self):
     c = Client()
     response = c.head("/api/v1/null")
     self.assertEquals(response.status_code, 405)
コード例 #10
ファイル: client.py プロジェクト: Almad/django-http-digest
 def head(self, url, *args, **kwargs):
     response = Client.head(self, url, *args, **kwargs)
コード例 #11
class ClientTestCase(AuthTestCaseMixin, LiveServerTestCase, AssertMixin):

    logger = logging.getLogger('tests')

    def setUp(self):
        self.c = Client()
        self.r_factory = RequestFactory()
        self.default_headers = {}
        super(ClientTestCase, self).setUp()

    def get_request_with_user(self, request):
        request.user = self.logged_user.user
        return request

    def logout(self):
        self.logged_user = None

    def authorize(self, username, password):
        resp = self.post(config.LOGIN_URL, {
            config.USERNAME: username,
            config.PASSWORD: password

    def get(self, url, headers=None):
        headers = headers or {}

        resp = self.c.get(url, **headers)
        return resp

    def put(self, url, data={}, headers=None):
        headers = headers or {}

        return self.c.put(url, data, **self.headers)

    def post(self, url, data, headers=None):
        headers = headers or {}

        return self.c.post(url, data, **headers)

    def head(self, url, headers=None):
        headers = headers or {}

        return self.c.head(url, **headers)

    def options(self, url, headers=None):
        headers = headers or {}

        return self.c.options(url, **headers)

    def delete(self, url, headers=None):
        headers = headers or {}

        resp = self.c.delete(url, **headers)
        return resp

    def assert_http_ok(self, resp, msg=None):
        return self.assert_equal(resp.status_code, 200, msg)

    def assert_http_created(self, resp, msg=None):
        return self.assert_equal(resp.status_code, 201, msg)

    def assert_http_accepted(self, resp, msg=None):
        return self.assert_in(resp.status_code, [202, 204], msg)

    def assert_http_multiple_choices(self, resp, msg=None):
        return self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 300, msg)

    def assert_http_redirect(self, resp, msg=None):
        Ensures the response is returning a HTTP 302.
        return self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 302, msg)

    def assert_http_see_other(self, resp, msg=None):
        Ensures the response is returning a HTTP 303.
        return self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 303, msg)

    def assert_http_not_modified(self, resp, msg=None):
        Ensures the response is returning a HTTP 304.
        return self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 304, msg)

    def assert_http_bad_request(self, resp, msg=None):
        Ensures the response is returning a HTTP 400.
        return self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 400, msg)

    def assert_http_unauthorized(self, resp, msg=None):
        Ensures the response is returning a HTTP 401.
        return self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 401, msg)

    def assert_http_forbidden(self, resp, msg=None):
        Ensures the response is returning a HTTP 403.
        return self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 403, msg)

    def assert_http_not_found(self, resp, msg=None):
        Ensures the response is returning a HTTP 404.
        return self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 404, msg)

    def assert_http_method_not_allowed(self, resp, msg=None):
        Ensures the response is returning a HTTP 405.
        return self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 405, msg)

    def assert_http_conflict(self, resp, msg=None):
        Ensures the response is returning a HTTP 409.
        return self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 409, msg)

    def assert_http_gone(self, resp, msg=None):
        Ensures the response is returning a HTTP 410.
        return self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 410, msg)

    def assert_http_unprocessable_entity(self, resp, msg=None):
        Ensures the response is returning a HTTP 422.
        return self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 422, msg)

    def assert_http_too_many_requests(self, resp, msg=None):
        Ensures the response is returning a HTTP 429.
        return self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 429, msg)

    def assert_http_application_error(self, resp, msg=None):
        Ensures the response is returning a HTTP 500.
        return self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 500, msg)

    def assert_http_not_implemented(self, resp, msg=None):
        Ensures the response is returning a HTTP 501.
        return self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 501, msg)
コード例 #12
ファイル: test.py プロジェクト: abhi-shete/delicious-cake
class TestApiClient(object):
    def __init__(self, serializer=None):
        Sets up a fresh ``TestApiClient`` instance.

        If you are employing a custom serializer, you can pass the class to the
        ``serializer=`` kwarg.
        self.client = Client()
        self.serializer = serializer

        if not self.serializer:
            self.serializer = Serializer()

    def get_content_type(self, short_format):
        Given a short name (such as ``json`` or ``xml``), returns the full content-type
        for it (``application/json`` or ``application/xml`` in this case).
        return self.serializer.content_types.get(short_format, 'json')

    def get(self, uri, format='json', data=None, authentication=None, **kwargs):
        Performs a simulated ``GET`` request to the provided URI.

        Optionally accepts a ``data`` kwarg, which in the case of ``GET``, lets you
        send along ``GET`` parameters. This is useful when testing filtering or other
        things that read off the ``GET`` params. Example::

            from delicious_cake.test import TestApiClient
            client = TestApiClient()

            response = client.get('/api/v1/entry/1/', data={'format': 'json', 'title__startswith': 'a', 'limit': 20, 'offset': 60})

        Optionally accepts an ``authentication`` kwarg, which should be an HTTP header
        with the correct authentication data already setup.

        All other ``**kwargs`` passed in get passed through to the Django
        ``TestClient``. See https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/testing/#module-django.test.client
        for details.
        content_type = self.get_content_type(format)
        kwargs['HTTP_ACCEPT'] = content_type

        # GET & DELETE are the only times we don't serialize the data.
        if data is not None:
            kwargs['data'] = data

        if authentication is not None:
            kwargs['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'] = authentication

        return self.client.get(uri, **kwargs)

    def head(self, uri, format='json', data=None, authentication=None, **kwargs):
        Performs a simulated ``GET`` request to the provided URI.

        Optionally accepts a ``data`` kwarg, which in the case of ``GET``, lets you
        send along ``GET`` parameters. This is useful when testing filtering or other
        things that read off the ``GET`` params. Example::

            from delicious_cake.test import TestApiClient
            client = TestApiClient()

            response = client.get('/api/v1/entry/1/', data={'format': 'json', 'title__startswith': 'a', 'limit': 20, 'offset': 60})

        Optionally accepts an ``authentication`` kwarg, which should be an HTTP header
        with the correct authentication data already setup.

        All other ``**kwargs`` passed in get passed through to the Django
        ``TestClient``. See https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/testing/#module-django.test.client
        for details.
        content_type = self.get_content_type(format)
        kwargs['HTTP_ACCEPT'] = content_type

        # GET & DELETE are the only times we don't serialize the data.
        if data is not None:
            kwargs['data'] = data

        if authentication is not None:
            kwargs['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'] = authentication

        return self.client.head(uri, **kwargs)

    def post(self, uri, format='json', data=None, authentication=None, **kwargs):
        Performs a simulated ``POST`` request to the provided URI.

        Optionally accepts a ``data`` kwarg. **Unlike** ``GET``, in ``POST`` the
        ``data`` gets serialized & sent as the body instead of becoming part of the URI.

            from delicious_cake.test import TestApiClient
            client = TestApiClient()

            response = client.post('/api/v1/entry/', data={
                'created': '2012-05-01T20:02:36',
                'slug': 'another-post',
                'title': 'Another Post',
                'user': '******',

        Optionally accepts an ``authentication`` kwarg, which should be an HTTP header
        with the correct authentication data already setup.

        All other ``**kwargs`` passed in get passed through to the Django
        ``TestClient``. See https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/testing/#module-django.test.client
        for details.
        content_type = self.get_content_type(format)
        kwargs['content_type'] = content_type

        if data is not None:
            kwargs['data'] = self.serializer.serialize(data, format=content_type)

        if authentication is not None:
            kwargs['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'] = authentication

        return self.client.post(uri, **kwargs)

    def put(self, uri, format='json', data=None, authentication=None, **kwargs):
        Performs a simulated ``PUT`` request to the provided URI.

        Optionally accepts a ``data`` kwarg. **Unlike** ``GET``, in ``PUT`` the
        ``data`` gets serialized & sent as the body instead of becoming part of the URI.

            from delicious_cake.test import TestApiClient
            client = TestApiClient()

            response = client.put('/api/v1/entry/1/', data={
                'created': '2012-05-01T20:02:36',
                'slug': 'another-post',
                'title': 'Another Post',
                'user': '******',

        Optionally accepts an ``authentication`` kwarg, which should be an HTTP header
        with the correct authentication data already setup.

        All other ``**kwargs`` passed in get passed through to the Django
        ``TestClient``. See https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/testing/#module-django.test.client
        for details.
        content_type = self.get_content_type(format)
        kwargs['content_type'] = content_type

        if data is not None:
            kwargs['data'] = self.serializer.serialize(data, format=content_type)

        if authentication is not None:
            kwargs['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'] = authentication

        return self.client.put(uri, **kwargs)

    def patch(self, uri, format='json', data=None, authentication=None, **kwargs):
        Performs a simulated ``PATCH`` request to the provided URI.

        Optionally accepts a ``data`` kwarg. **Unlike** ``GET``, in ``PATCH`` the
        ``data`` gets serialized & sent as the body instead of becoming part of the URI.

            from delicious_cake.test import TestApiClient
            client = TestApiClient()

            response = client.patch('/api/v1/entry/1/', data={
                'created': '2012-05-01T20:02:36',
                'slug': 'another-post',
                'title': 'Another Post',
                'user': '******',

        Optionally accepts an ``authentication`` kwarg, which should be an HTTP header
        with the correct authentication data already setup.

        All other ``**kwargs`` passed in get passed through to the Django
        ``TestClient``. See https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/testing/#module-django.test.client
        for details.
        content_type = self.get_content_type(format)
        kwargs['content_type'] = content_type

        if data is not None:
            kwargs['data'] = self.serializer.serialize(data, format=content_type)

        if authentication is not None:
            kwargs['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'] = authentication

        # This hurts because Django doesn't support PATCH natively.
        parsed = urlparse(uri)
        r = {
            'CONTENT_LENGTH': len(kwargs['data']),
            'CONTENT_TYPE': content_type,
            'PATH_INFO': self.client._get_path(parsed),
            'QUERY_STRING': parsed[4],
            'REQUEST_METHOD': 'PATCH',
            'wsgi.input': FakePayload(kwargs['data']),
        return self.client.request(**r)

    def delete(self, uri, format='json', data=None, authentication=None, **kwargs):
        Performs a simulated ``DELETE`` request to the provided URI.

        Optionally accepts a ``data`` kwarg, which in the case of ``DELETE``, lets you
        send along ``DELETE`` parameters. This is useful when testing filtering or other
        things that read off the ``DELETE`` params. Example::

            from delicious_cake.test import TestApiClient
            client = TestApiClient()

            response = client.delete('/api/v1/entry/1/', data={'format': 'json'})

        Optionally accepts an ``authentication`` kwarg, which should be an HTTP header
        with the correct authentication data already setup.

        All other ``**kwargs`` passed in get passed through to the Django
        ``TestClient``. See https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/testing/#module-django.test.client
        for details.
        content_type = self.get_content_type(format)
        kwargs['content_type'] = content_type

        # GET & DELETE are the only times we don't serialize the data.
        if data is not None:
            kwargs['data'] = data

        if authentication is not None:
            kwargs['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'] = authentication

        return self.client.delete(uri, **kwargs)
コード例 #13
 def head(self, url, *args, **kwargs):
     response = Client.head(self, url, *args, **kwargs)