コード例 #1
    def get_articles(self, blocks, limit=None, order=None, request=None):
        multiblock = len(blocks) > 1
        articles = Article.live_objects.all()
        if multiblock:
            aux = []
            for b in blocks:
            articles = articles.filter(*aux)
            articles = articles.filter(block__icontains=blocks[0])

        # Order
        if order is not None:
            if order == 'random':
                articles = articles.order_by('?')

        # Multigroup groups and Limit
        if multiblock:
            tmp = {}
            for block, l in groupby(articles, lambda h: h.block):
                tmp[block] = list(l)[:limit]
            articles = tmp
            articles = articles[:limit]

        return articles
コード例 #2
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: pombredanne/Bundestagger
def show(request):
    feature_ranks = FeatureRank.objects.all()
    features = groupby(feature_ranks, lambda fr: fr.feature)
    new_features = []
    for feature, it in features:
        feature.featureranks = list(it)
    return render_to_response("bundesstats/show.html", RequestContext(request, {"features" : new_features }))
コード例 #3
def regroup(target, expression):
    Regroups a list of alike objects by a common attribute.

    This complex tag is best illustrated by use of an example:  say that
    ``people`` is a list of ``Person`` objects that have ``first_name``,
    ``last_name``, and ``gender`` attributes, and you'd like to display a list
    that looks like:

        * Male:
            * George Bush
            * Bill Clinton
        * Female:
            * Margaret Thatcher
            * Colendeeza Rice
        * Unknown:
            * Pat Smith

    The following snippet of template code would accomplish this dubious task::

        {% regroup people by gender as grouped %}
        {% for group in grouped %}
            <li>{{ group.grouper }}
                {% for item in group.list %}
                <li>{{ item }}</li>
                {% endfor %}
        {% endfor %}

    As you can see, ``{% regroup %}`` populates a variable with a list of
    objects with ``grouper`` and ``list`` attributes.  ``grouper`` contains the
    item that was grouped by; ``list`` contains the list of objects that share
    that ``grouper``.  In this case, ``grouper`` would be ``Male``, ``Female``
    and ``Unknown``, and ``list`` is the list of people with those genders.

    Note that ``{% regroup %}`` does not work when the list to be grouped is not
    sorted by the key you are grouping by!  This means that if your list of
    people was not sorted by gender, you'd need to make sure it is sorted
    before using it, i.e.::

        {% regroup people|dictsort:"gender" by gender as grouped %}

    if not target: return ''
    return [
        # List of dictionaries in the format:
        # {'grouper': 'key', 'list': [list of contents]}.
            'grouper': key,
            'list': list(val)
        } for key, val in groupby(obj_list,
                                  lambda v, f=expression.resolve: f(v, True))
コード例 #4
ファイル: defaulttags.py プロジェクト: alatteri/informer
 def iter_render(self, context):
     obj_list = self.target.resolve(context, True)
     if obj_list == None: # target_var wasn't found in context; fail silently
         context[self.var_name] = []
         return ()
     # List of dictionaries in the format
     # {'grouper': 'key', 'list': [list of contents]}.
     context[self.var_name] = [{'grouper':key, 'list':list(val)} for key, val in
         groupby(obj_list, lambda v, f=self.expression.resolve: f(v, True))]
     return ()
コード例 #5
 def render(self, context):
     obj_list = self.target.resolve(context, True)
     if obj_list == None:
         # target variable wasn't found in context; fail silently.
         context[self.var_name] = []
         return ''
     # List of dictionaries in the format:
     # {'grouper': 'key', 'list': [list of contents]}.
     context[self.var_name] = [{
         'grouper': key,
         'list': list(val)
     } for key, val in groupby(
         obj_list, lambda v, f=self.expression.resolve: f(v, True))]
     return ''