def test_db_rollback(self): """A ballad rollback rolls back its db transaction.""" with Ballad() as ballad: t = TestModel.objects.create(unique=1) ballad.rollback() self.assertEqual(0, TestModel.objects.count()) self.assertTrue(ballad.rolled_back)
def test_stanza_causes_rollback(self): test_list = [] with Ballad() as ballad: with ballad.stanza() as stanza: test_list.append(0) stanza.compensation = lambda: test_list.pop() ballad.rollback() self.assertEqual(0, len(test_list)) self.assertTrue(ballad.rolled_back)
def test_exception_in_block(self): """Exceptions in the ballad are raised normally.""" try: with Ballad() as ballad: raise ValueError except ValueError: pass except Exception as e:"Unexpected exception %s" % e) self.assertTrue(ballad.rolled_back)
def test_suppress_compensation_exceptions(self): """Exceptions in rollback can be suppressed.""" try: with Ballad(ignore_rollback_exceptions=True) as ballad: ballad.compensation(lambda: unknown()) ballad.rollback() except BalladException as e:"BalladException was not been suppressed.") except Exception as e:"Unexpected exception %s" % e) self.assertTrue(ballad.rolled_back)
def test_compensation_exception(self): """Exceptions in rollback get reported specially.""" try: with Ballad() as ballad: ballad.compensation(lambda: unknown()) ballad.rollback() except BalladException as e: self.assertEqual(1, len(e.exceptions)) self.assertEqual(None, e.cause) except Exception as e:"Unexpected exception %s" % e) self.assertTrue(ballad.rolled_back)
def test_db_exception_causes_rollback(self): """An exception causes ballad rollback, which rolls back its db transaction.""" try: with Ballad() as ballad: t = TestModel.objects.create(unique=1) raise ValueError"Should have raised ValueError") except ValueError: pass except:"Raised non-ValueError") self.assertEqual(0, TestModel.objects.count()) self.assertTrue(ballad.rolled_back)
def test_exception_in_block_and_suppressed_compensation_exceptions(self): """Exceptions in the ballad are raised normally.""" try: with Ballad(ignore_rollback_exceptions=True) as ballad: ballad.compensation(lambda: unknown()) raise ValueError except ValueError: pass except BalladException as e:"BalladException was not been suppressed.") except Exception as e:"Unexpected exception %s" % e) self.assertTrue(ballad.rolled_back)
def test_exception_in_block_and_compensation_exceptions(self): """Exceptions in the ballad are bundled with rollback exceptions.""" try: with Ballad() as ballad: ballad.compensation(lambda: unknown()) raise ValueError except BalladException as e: self.assertEqual(1, len(e.exceptions)) self.assertEqual(3, len(e.cause)) self.assertEqual(ValueError, e.cause[0]) except ValueError:"Unbundled ballad exception raised.") except Exception as e:"Unexpected exception %s" % e) self.assertTrue(ballad.rolled_back)
def test_db_filesystem(self): """A ballad that isn't rolled back does not run compensating actions.""" fname = None with Ballad() as ballad: f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) fname = f.write(smart_bytes("hi there")) f.close() ballad.compensation(lambda: os.unlink(fname)) t = TestModel.objects.create(unique=1) self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(fname)) self.assertEqual(1, TestModel.objects.count()) os.unlink(fname) self.assertFalse(ballad.rolled_back)
def test_db_integrity_error_rollback(self): """Integrity error is recovered within the ballad.""" # if commit_on_success (under Django < 1.6) or atomic (1.6+) # didn't actually work properly, or we invoked them incorrectly # when we wrap the context manager, we might end up with a # non-functional database connection under postgresql (you must # roll back after an IntegrityError). t = TestModel.objects.create(unique=1) try: with Ballad() as ballad: t = TestModel.objects.create(unique=1) "Should have raised an IntegrityError out of the ballad.") except IntegrityError as e: pass # test both DML and DQL to ensure we're still good self.assertEqual(1, TestModel.objects.count()) TestModel.objects.create(unique=2) self.assertEqual(2, TestModel.objects.count()) self.assertTrue(ballad.rolled_back)
def test_db(self): """A ballad that isn't rolled back commits its db transaction.""" with Ballad() as ballad: t = TestModel.objects.create(unique=1) self.assertEqual(1, TestModel.objects.count()) self.assertFalse(ballad.rolled_back)