コード例 #1
    def _snapshot_from_alias(self, alias, config, ec2_conn):
        Take a snapshot based on the alias in the given config file.
        Returns a tuple of the (snapshot_id, volume_id)
            alias_section = config.get('volume_aliases', alias)
        except ConfigParser.NoSectionError:
            raise CommandError("volume_aliases section not found in config file: %s. Aborting" % config_file)
        except ConfigParser.NoOptionError:
            logging.warn("Volume alias: %s not found. Not snapshotting" % alias)

            volume_id = config.get(alias_section, 'volume_id')
            mountpoint = config.get(alias_section, 'mountpoint')
        except ConfigParser.NoOptionError:
            logging.warn("Volume alias: %s does not have both a volume_id and mountpoint. Not snapshotting" % alias)

        if config.has_option(alias_section, 'lock_db'):
            lock_db = config.get(alias_section, 'lock_db')
            lock_db = False

        snapshot_id = take_snapshot(ec2_conn, volume_id, mountpoint, lock_db)

        return (snapshot_id, volume_id)
コード例 #2
    def handle(self, *args, **options):
        logging.basicConfig(level=logging.ERROR, format="%(message)s")

        if not (ACCESS_KEY_ID and SECRET_ACCESS_KEY) and \
           not (options.get('aws_access_key', None) and options.get('aws_secret_key', None)):
            raise CommandError("access_key and secret_key required since no aws account info was found in your settings file")

        access_key = options.get('aws_access_key') or ACCESS_KEY_ID
        secret_key = options.get('aws_secret_key') or SECRET_ACCESS_KEY

        arg_count = len(args)
        volume = options.get('volume', None)
        mountpoint = options.get('mountpoint', None)
        pickled_output = options.get('pickled_output')

        config_file = options.get('config_file')
        config_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), os.path.expanduser(config_file))

        # Validation
        # Must have some info
        if arg_count == 0 and not ( volume and mountpoint ) and not options['snapshot_all']:
            raise CommandError("Either a snapshot from the config file, a volume and mountpoint or the --all flag must be specified")

        if options.get('snapshot_all', False) and ( arg_count > 0 or volume ):
            logging.warn("--all flag given, so snapshot arguments and --volume options are being ignored")

        ec2_conn = ec2.EC2Connection(

        # If specifying volume, must fully specify
        if volume or mountpoint:
            if not volume or not mountpoint:
                raise CommandError("Both a volume id and a volume mount point directory are required")

            if volume[:4] != 'vol-' or len(volume) != 12:
                raise CommandError("vol-id must be in form vol-aaaaaaaa")

            freeze_dir = os.path.abspath(mountpoint)

            snapshot_id = take_snapshot(ec2_conn, volume, freeze_dir, options['lock_db'])
            output = [('', snapshot_id, volume)]
            if pickled_output:
                print pickle.dumps(output)

            config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()

            if options.get('snapshot_all'):
                # Take a snapshot of everything in our config file
                    aliases = config.options('volume_aliases')
                except ConfigParser.NoSectionError:
                    raise CommandError("volume_aliases section not found in config file: %s. Aborting" % config_file)

                snapshots = []
                for alias in aliases:
                    snapshot_id, volume_id = self._snapshot_from_alias(alias, config, ec2_conn)
                    snapshots.append((alias, snapshot_id, volume_id))
                snapshots = []
                for arg in args:
                    snapshot_id, volume_id = self._snapshot_from_alias(arg, config, ec2_conn)
                    snapshots.append((arg, snapshot_id, volume_id))

            if pickled_output:
                # Output the snapshot results
                print pickle.dumps(snapshots)