def update_topic_stats(self): self.stdout.write("\n *** set topic stats...\n") topics = Topic.objects.all() total = topics.count() process_info = ProcessInfo(total, use_last_rates=4) start_time = time.time() next_status = time.time() + 0.25 for count, topic in enumerate(topics): if time.time() > next_status: next_status = time.time() + 1 rest, eta, rate = process_info.update(count) msg = ( "\r\t%i/%i topics... rest: %i - eta: %s (rate: %.1f/sec) " ) % (count, total, rest, eta, rate) self.stdout.write(msg) self.stdout.flush() queryset = Post.objects.only("created", "updated").filter(topic=topic) topic.post_count = queryset.count() try: last_post = queryset.latest("updated") except Post.DoesNotExist: # there is no post in this forum pass else: topic.last_post = last_post if last_post.updated: topic.updated = last_post.updated else: topic.updated = last_post.created duration = time.time() - start_time rate = float(count) / duration self.stdout.write( "\r *** %i topic stats set in %s (rate: %.1f/sec)\n" % ( count, human_duration(duration), rate ) )
def update_topic_stats(self): self.out(u"\n *** set topic stats...\n") topics = Topic.objects.all() total = topics.count() process_info = ProcessInfo(total, use_last_rates=4) start_time = time.time() next_status = time.time() + 0.25 for count, topic in enumerate(topics, 1): if time.time() > next_status: next_status = time.time() + 1 rest, eta, rate = process_info.update(count) self.out_update( "\t%i/%i topics... rest: %i - eta: %s (rate: %.1f/sec)" % (count, total, rest, eta, rate)) queryset = Post.objects.only("created", "updated").filter(topic=topic) topic.post_count = queryset.count() try: last_post = queryset.latest("updated") except Post.DoesNotExist: # there is no post in this forum pass else: topic.last_post = last_post if last_post.updated: topic.updated = last_post.updated else: topic.updated = last_post.created duration = time.time() - start_time rate = float(count) / duration self.out_overwrite(" *** %i topic stats set in %s (rate: %.1f/sec)" % (count, human_duration(duration), rate))
class Command(BaseCommand): help = 'migrate a phpBB3 installation to DjangoBB' option_list = BaseCommand.option_list + ( make_option( '--noinput', action='store_false', dest='interactive', default=True, help='Tells Django to NOT prompt the user for input of any kind.'), make_option( '--cleanup_users', action='store', dest='cleanup_users', default='2', type='choice', choices=['0', '1', '2', '3'], help= 'Which user to migrate: 0:all users, 1:with email, 2:+lastvisit (default), 3:+has post' ), make_option( '--only_users', action='store_true', help='Migrate/update only the phpBB users to django users'), make_option( '--flush_djangobb', action='store_true', help='Delete all DjangoBB forum models. (For testing, only)'), make_option( '--max_entries', type="int", help='Migrate only a few users/topics/posts. (For testing, only)'), ) def handle(self, *args, **options): try: self._handle(*args, **options) except Exception: print "-" * TERMINAL_WIDTH traceback.print_exc() print "-" * TERMINAL_WIDTH debugger.post_mortem() def _handle(self, *args, **options): self.verbosity = int(options.get('verbosity')) self.interactive = options.get('interactive') only_users = options.get("only_users", False) flush_djangobb = options.get("flush_djangobb", False) if flush_djangobb: self._flush_djangobb() return self.max_entries = options.get("max_entries") if self.max_entries: self.warn("Migrate with max entries: %i !\n" % self.max_entries) self.check_attachment_path() self.check_models() # disable DjangoBB signals for speedup post_save.disconnect(djangobb_signals.post_saved, sender=Post, dispatch_uid='djangobb_post_save') post_save.disconnect(djangobb_signals.topic_saved, sender=Topic, dispatch_uid='djangobb_topic_save') # Speedup migration by disable haystack search index creation. site.unregister(Post) #disable_auto_fields(Forum) disable_auto_fields(Topic) disable_auto_fields(Post) cleanup_users = int(options.get("cleanup_users")) moderator_groups = phpbb_Group.objects.filter( name__in=["ADMINISTRATORS", "GLOBAL_MODERATORS"]) user_dict, moderators = self.migrate_users(cleanup_users, moderator_groups) if only_users: self.out(u"\nmigrate only users done.\n") return forum_dict = self.migrate_forums(moderators) self.migrate_topic(user_dict, forum_dict) self.migrate_posts(user_dict) # needed if signals disabled, see above self.update_topic_stats() self.update_forum_stats() self.out(u"\nmigration done.\n") def _out_encode(self, msg): # see: msg = smart_str(msg, encoding=OUT_ENCODING, errors="replace") msg = msg.replace("\t", " ") # Helpful in out_update() return msg def warn(self, msg): self.stderr.write( self.stderr.flush() def out(self, msg): self.stdout.write(self._out_encode(msg)) self.stdout.flush() def err(self, msg): self.stderr.write(self._out_encode(msg)) self.stdout.flush() def _out_justify(self, msg): self.stdout.write(msg.ljust(TERMINAL_WIDTH)) def out_update(self, msg): msg = self._out_encode(msg) self.stdout.write("\r") self._out_justify(msg) self.stdout.flush() def out_overwrite(self, msg): self.out_update(msg) self.stdout.write("\n") self.stdout.flush() def _flush_djangobb(self): self.warn("Delete all DjangoBB data.\n") if self.interactive: confirm = raw_input("Continue? (yes/no): ") while 1: if confirm.lower().startswith("n"): sys.exit("-1") if confirm.lower() != "yes": confirm = raw_input('Please enter either "yes" or "no": ') continue break for ModelClass in (Attachment, Post, Topic, Forum, Profile, Category): count = ModelClass.objects.all().count() self.out(" *** Delete %i '%s' model entries..." % (count, ModelClass.__name__)) ModelClass.objects.all().delete() self.out("OK\n") def check_attachment_path(self): attachment_count = phpbb_Attachment.objects.count() self.out("This phpBB3 Forum has %i Attachment(s).\n" % attachment_count)) if attachment_count == 0: # Don't check paths if no attachments exists. return path = getattr(settings, "PHPBB_ATTACHMENT_PATH", None) if path is None: raise CommandError("settings.PHPBB_ATTACHMENT_PATH was not set!" " Please add it into your!") if not os.path.isdir(path): msg = ("PHPBB_ATTACHMENT_PATH '%s' doesn't exists!" " Please add it into your!") % path raise CommandError(msg) for filename in (".htaccess", "index.htm"): test_path = os.path.join(path, filename) if not os.path.isfile(test_path): self.warn("WARNING: file '%s' doesn't exists!\n" % test_path) djangobb_path = os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, forum_settings.ATTACHMENT_UPLOAD_TO) if not os.path.isdir(djangobb_path): msg = ( "DjangoBB attachment path '%s' doesn't exists!" " Please check MEDIA_ROOT + ATTACHMENT_UPLOAD_TO in your!" ) % djangobb_path raise CommandError(msg) def check_models(self): has_entries = False for ModelClass in (Category, Forum, Profile, Post, Topic, Attachment): count = ModelClass.objects.all().count() if count != 0: has_entries = True self.err("ERROR: '%s' model has %i entries!\n" % (ModelClass.__name__, count)) if has_entries: self.warn("Maybe you have missed to use '--flush_djangobb' ?\n") if self.interactive: confirm = raw_input("\nContinue? (yes/no): ") while 1: if confirm.lower().startswith("n"): sys.exit("-1") if confirm.lower() != "yes": confirm = raw_input( 'Please enter either "yes" or "no": ') continue break def migrate_users(self, cleanup_users, moderator_groups): self.out(u"\n *** Migrate phpbb_forum users...\n") lang_codes = [i[0] for i in settings.LANGUAGES] default_lang = settings.LANGUAGE_CODE.split("-")[0] moderators = [] user_dict = {} phpbb_users = phpbb_User.objects.all() total = phpbb_users.count() process_info = ProcessInfo(total, use_last_rates=4) skip_count = 0 start_time = time.time() next_status = start_time + 0.25 for count, phpbb_user in enumerate(phpbb_users, 1): if self.max_entries and count >= self.max_entries: self.warn("Skip rest of users because max_entries used!") break if time.time() > next_status: next_status = time.time() + 1 rest, eta, rate = process_info.update(count) self.out_update( "\t%i/%i users migrated %i skiped... rest: %i - eta: %s (rate: %.1f/sec)" % (count, total, skip_count, rest, eta, rate)) if not phpbb_user.posts: #assert phpbb_user.has_content() == False # Only users with has no posts can be skip. if cleanup_users >= 1: if not skip_count += 1 if self.verbosity >= 2: self.out_overwrite( u"\t * Skip '%s' (no email)" % smart_unicode(phpbb_user.username)) continue if cleanup_users >= 2: if not phpbb_user.lastvisit: skip_count += 1 if self.verbosity >= 2: self.out_overwrite( u"\t * Skip '%s' (no lastvisit)" % smart_unicode(phpbb_user.username)) continue if cleanup_users >= 3: if not phpbb_user.posts: skip_count += 1 if self.verbosity >= 2: self.out_overwrite( u"\t * Skip '%s' (no posts)" % smart_unicode(phpbb_user.username)) continue last_login = phpbb_user.lastvisit_datetime() if not last_login: # can't be None in User model: last_login = datetime.datetime(year=datetime.MINYEAR, month=1, day=1) is_moderator = in moderator_groups is_active = phpbb_user.inactive_time == 0 # Prefix the password, e.g.: "$H$9dwN..." -> "phpBB3_md5$H$9dwN..." phpbb_password = PHPBB_PASSWORD % phpbb_user.password django_user, created = User.objects.get_or_create( username=phpbb_user.username, defaults={ "email":, "password": phpbb_password, "is_staff": is_moderator, "is_active": is_active, "is_superuser": False, "last_login": last_login, "date_joined": phpbb_user.registration_datetime(), }) if created: if self.verbosity >= 2: self.out_overwrite(u"\tUser '%s' created." % smart_unicode(django_user.username)) else: if self.verbosity >= 2: self.out_overwrite(u"\tUser '%s' exists." % smart_unicode(django_user.username)) if django_user.password in (None, "", "!"): # Update old migration django_user.password = phpbb_password django_user.is_staff = is_moderator django_user.is_active = is_active if is_moderator: if self.verbosity >= 1: self.out_overwrite( u"\t *** Mark user '%s' as global forum moderator" % phpbb_user) moderators.append(django_user) user_dict[] = django_user tz = TZ_CHOICES[int(phpbb_user.timezone)][0] #print tz # TODO: migrate avatar, too! # see: # if phpbb_user.lang in lang_codes: language = phpbb_user.lang else: language = default_lang cleaned_signature = phpbb_user.get_cleaned_signature() user_profile, created = Profile.objects.get_or_create( user=django_user, defaults={ "site":, "signature": cleaned_signature, #"signature_html": phpbb_user.sig, "post_count": phpbb_user.posts, "yahoo": phpbb_user.yim, "time_zone": tz, "language": language, "jabber": phpbb_user.jabber, "icq": phpbb_user.icq, "msn": phpbb_user.msnm, "aim": phpbb_user.aim, }) if created: if self.verbosity >= 2: self.out_overwrite(u"\t - User profile for '%s' created." % smart_unicode(django_user.username)) else: if self.verbosity >= 2: self.out_overwrite(u"\t - User profile for '%s' exists." % smart_unicode(django_user.username)) duration = time.time() - start_time rate = float(count) / duration self.out_overwrite( u" *** %i users migrated %i skiped in %s (rate: %.1f/sec)" % (count, skip_count, human_duration(duration), rate)) return user_dict, moderators def get_or_create_category(self, phpbb_forum): obj, created = Category.objects.get_or_create( name=smart_unicode(phpbb_forum.forum_name)) if created: self.out(u"\tCategory '%s' created.\n" % else: self.out(u"\tCategory '%s' exists.\n" % return obj def migrate_forums(self, moderators): self.out(u"\n *** Migrate phpbb_forum entries...\n") phpbb_forums = phpbb_Forum.objects.all() # Create categories category_dict = {} forum_dict = {} for phpbb_forum in phpbb_forums: #print phpbb_forum try: phpbb_forum.parent except phpbb_Forum.DoesNotExist: # has no parent -> is a Category # phpbb_forum.parent == 0 and a db item with ID 0 doesn't exist category = self.get_or_create_category(phpbb_forum) category_dict[] = category else: # Has parent -> no Category continue # Create forums and categories for a sub forum for phpbb_forum in phpbb_forums: #print phpbb_forum try: # XXX: We can also use "forum_type" parent = phpbb_forum.parent except phpbb_Forum.DoesNotExist: # has no parent -> is a Category # skip, was created above continue try: category = category_dict[] except KeyError: # Create a new category for sub-forum parent = phpbb_Forum.objects.get( category = self.get_or_create_category(parent) category_dict[] = category obj, created = Forum.objects.get_or_create( name=smart_unicode(phpbb_forum.forum_name), defaults={ "category": category, "description": phpbb_forum.forum_desc, # TODO: set 'position' by flattern the btree # These attributes would be set later in update_forum_stats(): # post_count, last_post, topic_count }) if created: self.out(u"\tForum '%s' created.\n" % smart_unicode( else: self.out(u"\tForum '%s' exists.\n" % smart_unicode( forum_dict[] = obj for moderator in moderators: obj.moderators.add(moderator) self.out(u"\t - moderators: %s\n" % obj.moderators.all()) return forum_dict _anonymous_user = None def _get_anonymous_user(self): """ Pseudo account from phpBB Used to assign user to topics/posts from deleted users """ if self._anonymous_user is None: self._anonymous_user, created = User.objects.get_or_create(# Pseudo account from phpBB username="******", defaults={ "password": UNUSABLE_PASSWORD, "is_superuser": False, "is_staff": False, "is_active": False, } ) if created: self.out(u"Anonymous User created") return self._anonymous_user def migrate_topic(self, user_dict, forum_dict): self.out(u"\n *** Migrate phpBB topic entries...\n") self.out(u"\tget topic watch information...") self.stdout.flush() topic_watch = get_topic_watch() self.out(u"OK\n") self.stdout.flush() anonymous_user = self._get_anonymous_user( ) # Pseudo account from phpBB topics = phpbb_Topic.objects.all().order_by("time") total = topics.count() process_info = ProcessInfo(total, use_last_rates=4) start_time = time.time() next_status = start_time + 0.25 for count, topic in enumerate(topics, 1): if self.max_entries and count >= self.max_entries: self.warn("Skip rest of topics because max_entries used!") break if time.time() > next_status: next_status = time.time() + 1 rest, eta, rate = process_info.update(count) self.out_update( "\t%i/%i topics migrated... rest: %i - eta: %s (rate: %.1f/sec)" % (count, total, rest, eta, rate)) if topic.moved(): # skip moved topics -> DjangoBB doesn't support them continue phpbb_user_id = topic.poster_id try: user = user_dict[phpbb_user_id] except KeyError: self.out_overwrite( "topic %i poster: phpBB User with ID %i doesn't exist. Use Anonymous." % (, phpbb_user_id))) user = anonymous_user forum = forum_dict[topic.forum_id] if topic.type in (1, 2, 3): # convert sticky, announce and global post to sticky # 0 == NORMAL, 1 == STICKY, 2 == ANNOUNCE, 3 == GLOBAL sticky = True else: sticky = False obj = Topic.objects.create(, forum=forum, user=user, name=topic.clean_title(), created=topic.create_datetime(), views=topic.views, sticky=sticky, closed=topic.locked(), # These attributes would be set later in update_topic_stats(): # updated, post_count, last_post ) if in topic_watch: subscribers = [] phpbb_user_ids = topic_watch[] for phpbb_user_id in phpbb_user_ids: try: user = user_dict[phpbb_user_id] except KeyError: continue # Skip not existing users. subscribers.append(user) obj.subscribers = subscribers duration = time.time() - start_time rate = float(count) / duration self.out_overwrite(" *** %i topics migrated in %s (rate: %.1f/sec)" % (count, human_duration(duration), rate)) def migrate_posts(self, user_dict): self.out(u"\n *** Migrate phpBB posts entries...\n") anonymous_user = self._get_anonymous_user( ) # Pseudo account from phpBB posts = phpbb_Post.objects.all().order_by("time") total = posts.count() process_info = ProcessInfo(total, use_last_rates=4) start_time = time.time() next_status = start_time + 0.25 for count, phpbb_post in enumerate(posts, 1): if self.max_entries and count >= self.max_entries: self.warn("Skip rest of posts because max_entries used!") break if time.time() > next_status: next_status = time.time() + 1 rest, eta, rate = process_info.update(count) self.out_update( "\t%i/%i posts migrated... rest: %i - eta: %s (rate: %.1f/sec)" % (count, total, rest, eta, rate)) topic_id = phpbb_post.topic_id try: topic = Topic.objects.get(id=topic_id) except Topic.DoesNotExist: self.out_overwrite( "topic for post %i doesn't exist! Skip post." % continue phpbb_user_id = phpbb_post.poster_id try: user = user_dict[phpbb_user_id] except KeyError: self.out_overwrite( "phpBB User with ID %i doesn't exist for post %i. Use Anonymous." % (phpbb_user_id, user = anonymous_user if phpbb_post.edit_user > 0 and phpbb_post.edit_time > 0: updated = phpbb_post.update_datetime() try: updated_by = user_dict[phpbb_post.edit_user] except KeyError: updated_by = anonymous_user else: updated = None updated_by = None try: post = Post.objects.create(, topic=topic, user=user, created=phpbb_post.create_datetime(), updated=updated, updated_by=updated_by, markup="bbcode", body=phpbb_post.get_cleaned_bbcode(), #body_html=html, # would be generated in save() user_ip=phpbb_post.poster_ip, ) except Exception, err: raise msg = ( "\n +++ ERROR: creating Post entry for phpBB3 post (ID: %s):\n" "%s\n") % (, err) self.out_overwrite( continue if phpbb_post.has_attachment(): # copy attachment files phpbb_attachments = phpbb_Attachment.objects.filter( post_msg=phpbb_post) for phpbb_attachment in phpbb_attachments: src_path = os.path.join(settings.PHPBB_ATTACHMENT_PATH, phpbb_attachment.physical_filename) if not os.path.isfile(src_path): self.warn( "\r\n +++ ERROR: Attachment not found: '%s'\n" % src_path) else: attachment = Attachment( size=phpbb_attachment.filesize, content_type=phpbb_attachment.mimetype, name=phpbb_attachment.real_filename, post=post) filename = "%d.0" % dst_path = os.path.join( settings.MEDIA_ROOT, forum_settings.ATTACHMENT_UPLOAD_TO, filename) shutil.copy(src_path, dst_path) attachment.path = filename self.out_overwrite( "\t *** Attachment %s copied in: %s" % (, dst_path)) duration = time.time() - start_time rate = float(count) / duration self.out_overwrite(" *** %i posts migrated in %s (rate: %.1f/sec)" % (count, human_duration(duration), rate))
def migrate_topic(self, user_dict, forum_dict): self.out(u"\n *** Migrate phpBB topic entries...\n") self.out(u"\tget topic watch information...") self.stdout.flush() topic_watch = get_topic_watch() self.out(u"OK\n") self.stdout.flush() anonymous_user = self._get_anonymous_user( ) # Pseudo account from phpBB topics = phpbb_Topic.objects.all().order_by("time") total = topics.count() process_info = ProcessInfo(total, use_last_rates=4) start_time = time.time() next_status = start_time + 0.25 for count, topic in enumerate(topics, 1): if self.max_entries and count >= self.max_entries: self.warn("Skip rest of topics because max_entries used!") break if time.time() > next_status: next_status = time.time() + 1 rest, eta, rate = process_info.update(count) self.out_update( "\t%i/%i topics migrated... rest: %i - eta: %s (rate: %.1f/sec)" % (count, total, rest, eta, rate)) if topic.moved(): # skip moved topics -> DjangoBB doesn't support them continue phpbb_user_id = topic.poster_id try: user = user_dict[phpbb_user_id] except KeyError: self.out_overwrite( "topic %i poster: phpBB User with ID %i doesn't exist. Use Anonymous." % (, phpbb_user_id))) user = anonymous_user forum = forum_dict[topic.forum_id] if topic.type in (1, 2, 3): # convert sticky, announce and global post to sticky # 0 == NORMAL, 1 == STICKY, 2 == ANNOUNCE, 3 == GLOBAL sticky = True else: sticky = False obj = Topic.objects.create(, forum=forum, user=user, name=topic.clean_title(), created=topic.create_datetime(), views=topic.views, sticky=sticky, closed=topic.locked(), # These attributes would be set later in update_topic_stats(): # updated, post_count, last_post ) if in topic_watch: subscribers = [] phpbb_user_ids = topic_watch[] for phpbb_user_id in phpbb_user_ids: try: user = user_dict[phpbb_user_id] except KeyError: continue # Skip not existing users. subscribers.append(user) obj.subscribers = subscribers duration = time.time() - start_time rate = float(count) / duration self.out_overwrite(" *** %i topics migrated in %s (rate: %.1f/sec)" % (count, human_duration(duration), rate))
def migrate_users(self, cleanup_users, moderator_groups): self.out(u"\n *** Migrate phpbb_forum users...\n") lang_codes = [i[0] for i in settings.LANGUAGES] default_lang = settings.LANGUAGE_CODE.split("-")[0] moderators = [] user_dict = {} phpbb_users = phpbb_User.objects.all() total = phpbb_users.count() process_info = ProcessInfo(total, use_last_rates=4) skip_count = 0 start_time = time.time() next_status = start_time + 0.25 for count, phpbb_user in enumerate(phpbb_users, 1): if self.max_entries and count >= self.max_entries: self.warn("Skip rest of users because max_entries used!") break if time.time() > next_status: next_status = time.time() + 1 rest, eta, rate = process_info.update(count) self.out_update( "\t%i/%i users migrated %i skiped... rest: %i - eta: %s (rate: %.1f/sec)" % (count, total, skip_count, rest, eta, rate)) if not phpbb_user.posts: #assert phpbb_user.has_content() == False # Only users with has no posts can be skip. if cleanup_users >= 1: if not skip_count += 1 if self.verbosity >= 2: self.out_overwrite( u"\t * Skip '%s' (no email)" % smart_unicode(phpbb_user.username)) continue if cleanup_users >= 2: if not phpbb_user.lastvisit: skip_count += 1 if self.verbosity >= 2: self.out_overwrite( u"\t * Skip '%s' (no lastvisit)" % smart_unicode(phpbb_user.username)) continue if cleanup_users >= 3: if not phpbb_user.posts: skip_count += 1 if self.verbosity >= 2: self.out_overwrite( u"\t * Skip '%s' (no posts)" % smart_unicode(phpbb_user.username)) continue last_login = phpbb_user.lastvisit_datetime() if not last_login: # can't be None in User model: last_login = datetime.datetime(year=datetime.MINYEAR, month=1, day=1) is_moderator = in moderator_groups is_active = phpbb_user.inactive_time == 0 # Prefix the password, e.g.: "$H$9dwN..." -> "phpBB3_md5$H$9dwN..." phpbb_password = PHPBB_PASSWORD % phpbb_user.password django_user, created = User.objects.get_or_create( username=phpbb_user.username, defaults={ "email":, "password": phpbb_password, "is_staff": is_moderator, "is_active": is_active, "is_superuser": False, "last_login": last_login, "date_joined": phpbb_user.registration_datetime(), }) if created: if self.verbosity >= 2: self.out_overwrite(u"\tUser '%s' created." % smart_unicode(django_user.username)) else: if self.verbosity >= 2: self.out_overwrite(u"\tUser '%s' exists." % smart_unicode(django_user.username)) if django_user.password in (None, "", "!"): # Update old migration django_user.password = phpbb_password django_user.is_staff = is_moderator django_user.is_active = is_active if is_moderator: if self.verbosity >= 1: self.out_overwrite( u"\t *** Mark user '%s' as global forum moderator" % phpbb_user) moderators.append(django_user) user_dict[] = django_user tz = TZ_CHOICES[int(phpbb_user.timezone)][0] #print tz # TODO: migrate avatar, too! # see: # if phpbb_user.lang in lang_codes: language = phpbb_user.lang else: language = default_lang cleaned_signature = phpbb_user.get_cleaned_signature() user_profile, created = Profile.objects.get_or_create( user=django_user, defaults={ "site":, "signature": cleaned_signature, #"signature_html": phpbb_user.sig, "post_count": phpbb_user.posts, "yahoo": phpbb_user.yim, "time_zone": tz, "language": language, "jabber": phpbb_user.jabber, "icq": phpbb_user.icq, "msn": phpbb_user.msnm, "aim": phpbb_user.aim, }) if created: if self.verbosity >= 2: self.out_overwrite(u"\t - User profile for '%s' created." % smart_unicode(django_user.username)) else: if self.verbosity >= 2: self.out_overwrite(u"\t - User profile for '%s' exists." % smart_unicode(django_user.username)) duration = time.time() - start_time rate = float(count) / duration self.out_overwrite( u" *** %i users migrated %i skiped in %s (rate: %.1f/sec)" % (count, skip_count, human_duration(duration), rate)) return user_dict, moderators
def migrate_topic(self, user_dict, forum_dict): self.stdout.write("\n *** Migrate phpBB topic entries...\n") self.stdout.write("\tget topic watch information...") self.stdout.flush() topic_watch = get_topic_watch() self.stdout.write("OK\n") self.stdout.flush() topic_dict = {} topics = phpbb_Topic.objects.all().order_by("time") total = topics.count() process_info = ProcessInfo(total, use_last_rates=4) count = 0 start_time = time.time() next_status = start_time + 0.25 for topic in topics: count += 1 if time.time() > next_status: next_status = time.time() + 1 rest, eta, rate = process_info.update(count) msg = ( "\r\t%i/%i topics migrated... rest: %i - eta: %s (rate: %.1f/sec) " ) % (count, total, rest, eta, rate) self.stdout.write(msg) self.stdout.flush() if topic.moved(): # skip moved topics -> DjangoBB doesn't support them continue user = user_dict[] forum = forum_dict[] if topic.type in (1, 2, 3): # convert sticky, announce and global post to sticky # 0 == NORMAL, 1 == STICKY, 2 == ANNOUNCE, 3 == GLOBAL sticky = True else: sticky = False obj = Topic.objects.create(, forum=forum, user=user, name=topic.clean_title(), created=topic.create_datetime(), views=topic.views, sticky=sticky, closed=topic.locked(), # These attributes would be set later in update_topic_stats(): # updated, post_count, last_post ) if in topic_watch: subscribers = [user_dict[user_id] for user_id in topic_watch[]] obj.subscribers = subscribers topic_dict[] = obj duration = time.time() - start_time rate = float(count) / duration self.stdout.write( "\r *** %i topics migrated in %s (rate: %.1f/sec)\n" % ( count, human_duration(duration), rate ) ) return topic_dict
) shutil.copy(src_path, dst_path) attachment.path = filename self.stdout.write( "\n\t *** Attachment %s copied in: %s\n" % (, dst_path ) ) self.stdout.flush() duration = time.time() - start_time rate = float(count) / duration self.stdout.write( "\r *** %i posts migrated in %s (rate: %.1f/sec)\n" % ( count, human_duration(duration), rate ) ) def update_topic_stats(self): self.stdout.write(u"\n *** set topic stats...\n") topics = Topic.objects.all() total = topics.count() process_info = ProcessInfo(total, use_last_rates=4) start_time = time.time() next_status = time.time() + 0.25 for count, topic in enumerate(topics): if time.time() > next_status: next_status = time.time() + 1 rest, eta, rate = process_info.update(count)
def migrate_topic(self, user_dict, forum_dict): self.out(u"\n *** Migrate phpBB topic entries...\n") self.out(u"\tget topic watch information...") self.stdout.flush() topic_watch = get_topic_watch() self.out(u"OK\n") self.stdout.flush() anonymous_user = self._get_anonymous_user() # Pseudo account from phpBB topics = phpbb_Topic.objects.all().order_by("time") total = topics.count() process_info = ProcessInfo(total, use_last_rates=4) start_time = time.time() next_status = start_time + 0.25 for count, topic in enumerate(topics, 1): if self.max_entries and count >= self.max_entries: self.warn("Skip rest of topics because max_entries used!") break if time.time() > next_status: next_status = time.time() + 1 rest, eta, rate = process_info.update(count) self.out_update( "\t%i/%i topics migrated... rest: %i - eta: %s (rate: %.1f/sec)" % ( count, total, rest, eta, rate ) ) if topic.moved(): # skip moved topics -> DjangoBB doesn't support them continue phpbb_user_id = topic.poster_id try: user = user_dict[phpbb_user_id] except KeyError: self.out_overwrite( "topic %i poster: phpBB User with ID %i doesn't exist. Use Anonymous." % (, phpbb_user_id ) )) user = anonymous_user forum = forum_dict[topic.forum_id] if topic.type in (1, 2, 3): # convert sticky, announce and global post to sticky # 0 == NORMAL, 1 == STICKY, 2 == ANNOUNCE, 3 == GLOBAL sticky = True else: sticky = False obj = Topic.objects.create(, forum=forum, user=user, name=topic.clean_title(), created=topic.create_datetime(), views=topic.views, sticky=sticky, closed=topic.locked(), # These attributes would be set later in update_topic_stats(): # updated, post_count, last_post ) if in topic_watch: subscribers = [] phpbb_user_ids = topic_watch[] for phpbb_user_id in phpbb_user_ids: try: user = user_dict[phpbb_user_id] except KeyError: continue # Skip not existing users. subscribers.append(user) obj.subscribers = subscribers duration = time.time() - start_time rate = float(count) / duration self.out_overwrite( " *** %i topics migrated in %s (rate: %.1f/sec)" % ( count, human_duration(duration), rate ) )
def migrate_users(self, cleanup_users, moderator_groups): self.out(u"\n *** Migrate phpbb_forum users...\n") lang_codes = [i[0] for i in settings.LANGUAGES] default_lang = settings.LANGUAGE_CODE.split("-")[0] moderators = [] user_dict = {} phpbb_users = phpbb_User.objects.all() total = phpbb_users.count() process_info = ProcessInfo(total, use_last_rates=4) skip_count = 0 start_time = time.time() next_status = start_time + 0.25 for count, phpbb_user in enumerate(phpbb_users, 1): if self.max_entries and count >= self.max_entries: self.warn("Skip rest of users because max_entries used!") break if time.time() > next_status: next_status = time.time() + 1 rest, eta, rate = process_info.update(count) self.out_update( "\t%i/%i users migrated %i skiped... rest: %i - eta: %s (rate: %.1f/sec)" % ( count, total, skip_count, rest, eta, rate ) ) if not phpbb_user.posts: #assert phpbb_user.has_content() == False # Only users with has no posts can be skip. if cleanup_users >= 1: if not skip_count += 1 if self.verbosity >= 2: self.out_overwrite( u"\t * Skip '%s' (no email)" % smart_unicode(phpbb_user.username) ) continue if cleanup_users >= 2: if not phpbb_user.lastvisit: skip_count += 1 if self.verbosity >= 2: self.out_overwrite( u"\t * Skip '%s' (no lastvisit)" % smart_unicode(phpbb_user.username) ) continue if cleanup_users >= 3: if not phpbb_user.posts: skip_count += 1 if self.verbosity >= 2: self.out_overwrite( u"\t * Skip '%s' (no posts)" % smart_unicode(phpbb_user.username) ) continue last_login = phpbb_user.lastvisit_datetime() if not last_login: # can't be None in User model: last_login = datetime.datetime(year=datetime.MINYEAR, month=1, day=1) is_moderator = in moderator_groups is_active = phpbb_user.inactive_time == 0 # Prefix the password, e.g.: "$H$9dwN..." -> "phpBB3_md5$H$9dwN..." phpbb_password = PHPBB_PASSWORD % phpbb_user.password django_user, created = User.objects.get_or_create( username=phpbb_user.username, defaults={ "email", "password": phpbb_password, "is_staff": is_moderator, "is_active": is_active, "is_superuser": False, "last_login": last_login, "date_joined": phpbb_user.registration_datetime(), } ) if created: if self.verbosity >= 2: self.out_overwrite( u"\tUser '%s' created." % smart_unicode(django_user.username) ) else: if self.verbosity >= 2: self.out_overwrite( u"\tUser '%s' exists." % smart_unicode(django_user.username) ) if django_user.password in (None, "", "!"): # Update old migration django_user.password = phpbb_password django_user.is_staff = is_moderator django_user.is_active = is_active if is_moderator: if self.verbosity >= 1: self.out_overwrite( u"\t *** Mark user '%s' as global forum moderator" % phpbb_user ) moderators.append(django_user) user_dict[] = django_user tz = TZ_CHOICES[int(phpbb_user.timezone)][0] #print tz # TODO: migrate avatar, too! # see: # if phpbb_user.lang in lang_codes: language = phpbb_user.lang else: language = default_lang cleaned_signature = phpbb_user.get_cleaned_signature() user_profile, created = Profile.objects.get_or_create( user=django_user, defaults={ "site":, "signature": cleaned_signature, #"signature_html": phpbb_user.sig, "post_count": phpbb_user.posts, "yahoo": phpbb_user.yim, "time_zone": tz, "language":language, "jabber":phpbb_user.jabber, "icq":phpbb_user.icq, "msn":phpbb_user.msnm, "aim":phpbb_user.aim, } ) if created: if self.verbosity >= 2: self.out_overwrite( u"\t - User profile for '%s' created." % smart_unicode(django_user.username) ) else: if self.verbosity >= 2: self.out_overwrite( u"\t - User profile for '%s' exists." % smart_unicode(django_user.username) ) duration = time.time() - start_time rate = float(count) / duration self.out_overwrite( u" *** %i users migrated %i skiped in %s (rate: %.1f/sec)" % ( count, skip_count, human_duration(duration), rate ) ) return user_dict, moderators