def test_mw_config_wrong_rule_condition(): mw_config = { 'TOKEN': 'token', 'MIDDLEWARE': { 'CHAT_ID': -1001339325227, 'RULES': [{ 'view': 'reports-fail', 'trigger_codes': [204], 'conditions': { 'type': '', 'field': 'template.status', 'field_value': 'blocked', }, 'message': 'Template is blocked due to report failed', }], }, } c = TelegramBotConfigurator(mw_config, [MW_DEF]) with pytest.raises(ImproperlyConfigured) as err: c._check_mw_settings() err_expected = ( '"MIDDLEWARE[RULES]" position "0" error: Condition "type"' ' key must be one of "[\'function\', \'value\']"' ) assert err_expected == str(err.value)
def test_mw_config_wrong_rule_trigger_codes_not_all_integers(): mw_config = { 'TOKEN': 'token', 'MIDDLEWARE': { 'CHAT_ID': -1001339325227, 'RULES': [{ 'view': 'view', 'trigger_codes': [1, 2, "3"], 'conditions': { 'type': 'value', 'field': 'template.status', 'field_value': 'blocked', }, 'message': 'msg', }], }, } c = TelegramBotConfigurator(mw_config, [MW_DEF]) with pytest.raises(ImproperlyConfigured) as err: c._check_mw_settings() err_expected = ( '"MIDDLEWARE[RULES]" position "0" error: ' '"trigger_codes" contains non-integer values' ) assert err_expected == str(err.value)
def test_mw_config_wrong_rule_message_empty(): mw_config = { 'TOKEN': 'token', 'MIDDLEWARE': { 'CHAT_ID': -1001339325227, 'RULES': [{ 'view': 'view', 'trigger_codes': [204], 'conditions': { 'type': 'value', 'field': 'template.status', 'field_value': 'blocked', }, 'message': '', }], }, } c = TelegramBotConfigurator(mw_config, [MW_DEF]) with pytest.raises(ImproperlyConfigured) as err: c._check_mw_settings() err_expected = '"MIDDLEWARE[RULES]" position "0" error: "message" key has not been set' assert err_expected == str(err.value)
def test_condition_config_function_ok(): c = TelegramBotConfigurator({}, []) condition = { 'type': 'function', 'function': 'tests.test_configurator.cond_fn', } assert c._check_mw_config_rule_condition(condition) is None
def test_condition_config_value_ok(): c = TelegramBotConfigurator({}, []) condition = { 'type': 'value', 'field': 'f1', 'field_value': 'f1_value', } assert c._check_mw_config_rule_condition(condition) is None
def test_condition_config_type_value_no_field_value(): c = TelegramBotConfigurator({}, []) condition = { 'type': 'value', 'field': 'f', } with pytest.raises(ImproperlyConfigured) as err: c._check_mw_config_rule_condition(condition) assert 'Condition "field_value" key must be set' == str(err.value)
def test_mw_config_no_mw_key(): mw_config = { 'TOKEN': 'token', } c = TelegramBotConfigurator(mw_config, [MW_DEF]) with pytest.raises(ImproperlyConfigured) as err: c._check_mw_settings() assert f'"{MW_DEF}" is enabled, however "MIDDLEWARE" key has not been set.' == str(err.value)
def test_condition_config_no_type(): c = TelegramBotConfigurator({}, []) condition = { 'field': 'f1', 'field_value': 'f1_value', } with pytest.raises(ImproperlyConfigured) as err: c._check_mw_config_rule_condition(condition) assert 'Condition "type" key has not been set' == str(err.value)
def test_condition_config_type_empty(): c = TelegramBotConfigurator({}, []) condition = { 'type': '', 'field': 'f1', 'field_value': 'f1_value', } with pytest.raises(ImproperlyConfigured) as err: c._check_mw_config_rule_condition(condition) assert 'Condition "type" key must be one of "[\'function\', \'value\']"' == str(err.value)
def test_condition_config_function_no_function(): c = TelegramBotConfigurator({}, []) condition = { 'type': 'function', } with pytest.raises(ImproperlyConfigured) as err: c._check_mw_config_rule_condition(condition) assert str(( 'Condition "function" key must be set and have value. ', 'Or specified function could be found.', )) == str(err.value)
def test_mw_config_no_rules(): mw_config = { 'TOKEN': 'token', 'MIDDLEWARE': { 'CHAT_ID': 123, }, } c = TelegramBotConfigurator(mw_config, [MW_DEF]) with pytest.raises(ImproperlyConfigured) as err: c._check_mw_settings() assert '"MIDDLEWARE[RULES]" key has not been set.' == str(err.value)
def ready(self): telegram_settings = getattr(settings, 'TELEGRAM_BOT', None) if not telegram_settings: raise ImproperlyConfigured( "Error obtaining telegram bot settings. ", "Please check the documentation on how to configure ", "in your project. TELEGRAM_BOT object is missing.", ) if not isinstance(telegram_settings, dict): raise ImproperlyConfigured( "TELEGRAM_BOT object must be a dictionary.", ) checker = TelegramBotConfigurator(telegram_settings, settings.MIDDLEWARE) checker.run_check()
def test_mw_config_ok_rule_no_conditions(): mw_config = { 'TOKEN': 'token', 'MIDDLEWARE': { 'CHAT_ID': -1001339325227, 'RULES': [{ 'view': 'view', 'trigger_codes': [1, 2], 'message': 'msg', }], }, } c = TelegramBotConfigurator(mw_config, [MW_DEF]) assert c._check_mw_settings() is None
def test_mw_config_not_enabled(): mw_config = { 'TOKEN': 'token', 'CHAT_ID': -1001339325227, 'CONFIG': [{ 'view': 'reports-fail', 'trigger_codes': [204], 'conditions': { 'type': 'value', 'field': 'template.status', 'field_value': 'blocked', }, 'message': 'Template is blocked due to report failed', }], } c = TelegramBotConfigurator(mw_config, []) assert c._check_mw_settings() is None
def test_global_config_conversations_not_empty(): mw_config = { 'TOKEN': 'token', 'COMMANDS_SUFFIX': '', 'HISTORY_LOOKUP_MODEL_PROPERTY': 'prop', 'CONVERSATIONS': ['test'], 'MIDDLEWARE': { 'CHAT_ID': -1001339325227, 'RULES': [{ 'view': 'view', 'trigger_codes': [1, 2], 'message': 'msg', }], }, } c = TelegramBotConfigurator(mw_config, [MW_DEF]) assert c.run_check() is None
def test_global_config_no_conversations(): mw_config = { 'TOKEN': 'token', 'COMMANDS_SUFFIX': '', 'HISTORY_LOOKUP_MODEL_PROPERTY': 'prop', 'MIDDLEWARE': { 'CHAT_ID': -1001339325227, 'RULES': [{ 'view': 'view', 'trigger_codes': [1, 2], 'message': 'msg', }], }, } c = TelegramBotConfigurator(mw_config, [MW_DEF]) with pytest.raises(ImproperlyConfigured) as err: c.run_check() assert '"CONVERSATIONS" key has not been set.' == str(err.value)
def test_mw_config_no_chat_id(): mw_config = { 'TOKEN': 'token', 'MIDDLEWARE': { 'RULES': [{ 'view': 'reports-fail', 'trigger_codes': [204], 'conditions': { 'type': 'value', 'field': 'template.status', 'field_value': 'blocked', }, 'message': 'Template is blocked due to report failed', }], }, } c = TelegramBotConfigurator(mw_config, [MW_DEF]) with pytest.raises(ImproperlyConfigured) as err: c._check_mw_settings() assert '"MIDDLEWARE[CHAT_ID]" key has not been set.' == str(err.value)