def test_rfc3339_date_with_timezone(self): """ Test rfc3339_date() correctly formats datetime objects with tzinfo. """ self.assertEqual( feedgenerator.rfc3339_date(datetime.datetime(2008, 11, 14, 13, 37, 0, tzinfo=tzinfo.FixedOffset(datetime.timedelta(minutes=120)))), "2008-11-14T13:37:00+02:00" )
def test_rfc3339_date_without_time(self): """ Test rfc3339_date() correctly formats date objects. """ self.assertEqual( feedgenerator.rfc3339_date(, 11, 14)), "2008-11-14T00:00:00Z" )
def test_rfc3339_date(self): """ Test rfc3339_date() correctly formats datetime objects. """ self.assertEqual( feedgenerator.rfc3339_date(datetime.datetime(2008, 11, 14, 13, 37, 0)), "2008-11-14T13:37:00Z" )
def test_naive_datetime_conversion(self): """ Test that datetimes are correctly converted to the local time zone. """ # Naive date times passed in get converted to the local time zone, so # check the recived zone offset against the local offset. response = self.client.get('/syndication/naive-dates/') doc = minidom.parseString(response.content) updated = doc.getElementsByTagName('updated')[0].firstChild.wholeText d = Entry.objects.latest('date').date ltz = tzinfo.LocalTimezone(d) latest = rfc3339_date(d.replace(tzinfo=ltz)) self.assertEqual(updated, latest)