def _setup_regex(self): ''' Defines exclusion rules for files ''' from django.test import simple from django.conf import settings self.valid_rexx = RegExpList() for el in self.mod_enabled: self.valid_rexx.append("^" + el + ".*") self.skip_rexx = RegExpList( getattr(settings, "COVERAGE_SKIP", [ ".*tests.*", ".*\.%s\..*" % simple.TEST_MODULE, ".*\.%s" % simple.TEST_MODULE, "^django\..*", # ".*\.coverage", # "^django_evolution\..*", # "^mychecker", # "^djangodevtools\..*" ] ) )
class CoverageTool(object): def write_files(self, ctx): ''' Creates the report structure (index, summary, etc)''' from django.template.loader import get_template # files = ['coverage_summary', # 'coverage_modules', # 'coverage_header'] k = self.summary_data.keys() k.sort() ctx["apps"] = k ctx["datadict"] = self.summary_data # dest = os.path.join(self.outputDir) t = get_template('coverage_index.tpl.html') html = t.render(ctx) fp = self.get_file_handle('', "index") fp.write(html) fp.close() t = get_template('coverage_app.tpl.html') html = t.render(ctx) fp = self.get_file_handle('', "app") fp.write(html) fp.close() for app in k: self.summary_data[app].modules.sort() ctx["modules"] = self.summary_data[app].modules ctx["app_name"] = app ctx["co"] = self.summary_data[app].coverage() ctx["tl"] = self.summary_data[app].total_lines ctx["cl"] = self.summary_data[app].total_covered_lines ctx["el"] = self.summary_data[app].total_excluded_lines t = get_template('coverage_summary.tpl.html') html = t.render(ctx) fp = self.get_file_handle(app, "summary") fp.write(html) fp.close() t = get_template('coverage_modules.tpl.html') html = t.render(ctx) fp = self.get_file_handle(app, "modules") fp.write(html) fp.close() t = get_template('coverage_header.tpl.html') html = t.render(ctx) fp = self.get_file_handle(app, "header") fp.write(html) fp.close() def write_index(self, total_lines, total_covered_lines, total_excluded_lines): ''' Returns context to set reports ''' from django.template import Context now = self.summary_data[GLOBAL_COVERAGE].modules.sort() co = total_covered_lines > 0 and float(total_covered_lines * 100 / total_lines) or 0 ctx = Context({'now': now, 'modules': self.summary_data[ GLOBAL_COVERAGE ].modules, 'tl':total_lines, 'cl': total_covered_lines, 'el': total_excluded_lines, 'co': co, 'cmdline_args': self.cmdline_args, 'cmdline_kwargs': self.cmdline_kwargs, 'title': "Coverage", 'GLOBAL_COVERAGE': GLOBAL_COVERAGE, }) self.write_files(ctx) def write_module_coverage_file(self, app, moduleName, sourceFileName, num_of_lines, not_covered_lines = [], excluded_lines = []): ''' Set and writes the coverage report ''' from django.template import Context from django.template.loader import get_template #Decode a file fo =, 'rb', "utf-8") try: source = finally: fo.close() try: offset = 0 lines = source.split("\n") while lines[ offset ] == "": offset += 1 if offset > 0: not_covered_lines = [x - 1 for x in not_covered_lines] except IndexError: offset = 0 #Lexer tokenize an input string lexer = get_lexer_by_name("py") tokens = lex(source, lexer) fmt = CssHtmlFormatter(linenos = 'inline', hl_lines = not_covered_lines, noclasses = False, css_lines = {"skipped" : excluded_lines}) fmt.lineseparator = "\n" source_html = format(tokens, fmt) ncl = len(not_covered_lines) # uncovered lines cl = num_of_lines - ncl # number covered lines el = len(excluded_lines) co = cl > 0 and float(cl * 100 / num_of_lines) or 0 t = get_template('coverage_module.tpl.html') now = html = t.render(Context({'now': now, 'module':moduleName, 'app':moduleName.split('.')[0], 'pkgs':moduleName.split("."), 'tl': num_of_lines, 'cl': cl, 'el': el, 'co': co, 'title': "%s coverage" % moduleName, 'code': source_html, 'GLOBAL_COVERAGE': GLOBAL_COVERAGE, })) fp = self.get_file_handle(app, moduleName) fp.write(html.encode('utf-8')) fp.close() def enabled(self, modname): ''' Verifies that the module is enabled ''' return (modname in self.valid_rexx) and (modname not in self.skip_rexx) def get_file_handle(self, app, filename): return file(self.get_file_name(app, filename), "wb") def get_file_name(self, app, filename): """ return fullfilename BASE/application_name/ """ targetDir = os.path.join(self.output_dir, app) if not os.path.exists(targetDir): os.makedirs(targetDir) return os.path.join(targetDir, filename + ".html") def _setup_dest_directory(self, options): '''Creates the coverage directory ''' from django.conf import settings dest = options.pop('dest_dir', getattr(settings, "COVERAGE_DIR", os.path.join(os.path.pardir, "coverage_dir"))) self.output_dir = os.path.abspath(dest) if not os.path.exists(self.output_dir): os.makedirs(self.output_dir) print "Save coverage data in:" , self.output_dir def _setup_regex(self): ''' Defines exclusion rules for files ''' from django.test import simple from django.conf import settings self.valid_rexx = RegExpList() for el in self.mod_enabled: self.valid_rexx.append("^" + el + ".*") self.skip_rexx = RegExpList( getattr(settings, "COVERAGE_SKIP", [ ".*tests.*", ".*\.%s\..*" % simple.TEST_MODULE, ".*\.%s" % simple.TEST_MODULE, "^django\..*", # ".*\.coverage", # "^django_evolution\..*", # "^mychecker", # "^djangodevtools\..*" ] ) ) # for el in # self.skip_rexx.append(rel ) def html_report(self, cov): '''Analyzes python modules to set the coverage report''' from django.contrib.admin.sites import AlreadyRegistered self._setup_regex() modules = sys.modules.keys() ttl = 0 # total valid statements lines tcl = 0 # total covered lines tel = 0 # total excluded lines self.summary_data = AppDataDict() self.summary_data[ GLOBAL_COVERAGE ] = "All" for modname in modules: if self.enabled(modname): try: module = __import__(modname, globals(), locals(), [""]) filename, statements, excluded, missing, _missing_formatted = cov.analysis2(module) tl = len(statements) # total lines of code if tl > 0: ncl = len(missing) # uncovered lines el = len(excluded) # excluded lines cl = tl - ncl # number covered lines co = cl * 100. / tl if cl > 0 else 0. #module coverage app = modname.split('.')[0] self.summary_data[ app ] = "" ttl += tl tcl += cl tel += el data = (co, modname, tl, cl, el, app) self.summary_data[ app ].update(tl, ncl, el, data) self.summary_data[ GLOBAL_COVERAGE ].update(tl, ncl, el, data) self.write_module_coverage_file(app, modname, filename, tl, missing, excluded) except ImportError: pass except ValueError: pass except AlreadyRegistered: pass self.write_index(ttl, tcl, tel)