def test_dq_subquery_filter(self): """This subquery is a DjangoQuery subquery.""" # import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace() len1 = len( list(DQ('(, Book{ in ["("]} b').dicts())) len2 = len(list(DQ("(").dicts())) self.assertEqual(len1, len2)
def test_deletes(self): # import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace() book_count = DQ("(count( Book").value() book_id = DQ("(").limit(1).value() data = {"_model": "books.Book", "_pk": book_id} deletes([data]) book_count_new = DQ("(count( Book").value() self.assertEqual(book_count, book_count_new + 1)
def test_function_whitelist(self): with self.assertRaises(UnknownFunctionException): list(DQ("(, pg_backend_pid()) Book b").tuples()) with self.assertRaises(UnknownFunctionException): list(DQ("(, asdfasdfasdf()) Book b").tuples()) # this should be fine because `ceil()` is in our whitelist list(DQ("(, ceil(b.price)) Book b").tuples())
def test_in_list(self): """Test that IN (list) works.""" # get available ids ids = list(DQ("( Book b").tuples()) ids = [id[0] for id in ids] # take just three of them c = {"ids": ids[:3]} dq = DQ("(, Book{ in '$(ids)'} b") r = list(dq.context(c).dicts()) # make sure we got three of them self.assertEqual(len(r), 3)
def test_complex_expression(self): dq = DQ(""" (, max(Book.price) - avg(Book.price) as price_diff) Book b """) for t in dq.tuples(): pass
def test_aggregate(self): dq = DQ("( as publisher, count( as count) Book b") # make list of dicts pubs = [d for d in dq.dicts()] self.assertEqual(len(pubs), 2) self.assertTrue("publisher" in pubs[0]) self.assertTrue("count" in pubs[0])
def test_subquery_queryset(self): qs = Book.objects.all().only("id") ids = [ for rec in qs] list( DQ("(, b.price) Book{id in '@qs_sub'} b", names={ "qs_sub": ids }).tuples())
def test_whitelist(self): # make sure it lets us in wl = {"books": ["Book"]} schema = get_schema(connections["default"], whitelist=wl) self.assertIn("books.Book", schema) self.assertEqual(len(schema.keys()), 1) DQ("( Book{ilike(, 'A%')} b", whitelist=wl).parse() # make sure it keeps us out wl = {"django.contrib.auth": ["User"]} schema = get_schema(connections["default"], whitelist=wl) self.assertIn("django.contrib.auth.User", schema) self.assertNotIn("books.Book", schema) self.assertEqual(len(schema.keys()), 1) wl = {"django.contrib.auth": ["User"]} with self.assertRaises(ModelNotFoundException): DQ("( Book{ilike(, 'A%')} b", whitelist=wl).parse()
def test_complex2(self): dq = DQ("""(, b.price as price, 0.2 as discount, b.price * 0.2 as discount_price, b.price - (b.price * 0.2) as diff, as publisher ) Book{b.price > 7} b""") for d in dq.json(): json.loads(d)
def test_dq_subquery_select(self): q = """( as id,, ["(count( books.Book{} b"] as cnt ) books.Publisher p """ data = list(DQ(q).dicts()) # one entry for each publisher self.assertEqual(len(data), len(Publisher.objects.all())) # now check each individual value by getting # the same data with a different query s = """( count( as cnt ) books.Book{'$(pubid)'} b """ for rec in data: v = DQ(s).context({"pubid": rec["id"]}).value() self.assertEqual(v, rec["cnt"])
def test_subquery_djangoquery(self): dq_sub = DQ("( Book{name == 'B*'} b", name="dq_sub") # noqa: F841 list(DQ("(, b.price) Book{id in '@dq_sub'} b").tuples())
def test_m2m(self): results = list(DQ("(, Book b").dicts()) self.assertTrue("b_name" in results[0]) self.assertTrue("b_authors_name" in results[0])
def test_onetoone(self): # import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace() results = list( DQ("(u.username,, User u").tuples()) self.assertTrue(results[0][0] == "artemis")
def test_subquery_2(self): pubs = DQ("( Publisher p", name="pubs") # noqa: F841 list(DQ("( Book{publisher in '@pubs'} b").tuples())
def test_custom_functions(self): dq = DQ(""" (sum(iif(b.rating >= 3, b.rating, 0)) as below_3, sum(iif(b.rating > 3, b.rating, 0)) as above_3) Book b """) list(dq.tuples())
def test_implicit_model(self): dq = DQ("(,") self.assertEquals(dq.count(), 10)
def test_order_by(self): list( DQ("( Book b order by (, b.publisher,").dicts( ))
def test_expression_grouping(self): list( DQ("(, Book{( == 1 or == 2) and == 3} b " ).tuples())
def test_parameter(self): dq = DQ("""(, Book{ == 1 or regex(, '$(mynamepattern)')} b """) list(dq.context({"mynamepattern": "B.*"}).tuples())
def test_group_by(self): dq = DQ("(avg(b.price)) Book b") self.assertEqual(len([t for t in dq.tuples()]), 1) for t in dq.rewind().tuples(): self.assertTrue(isinstance(t[0], Decimal))
def test_count(self): dq = DQ("(, Book b") self.assertEqual(dq.count(), 10)
def test_csv(self): dq = DQ("(, Book b") for r in dq.csv(): self.assertTrue(isinstance(r, str))
def test_aggregate_funcs(self): dq = DQ("(avg(b.price), max(b.price), min(b.price)) Book b") for r in dq.dicts(): self.assertTrue(isinstance(r, dict))
def test_json(self): dq = DQ("(, Book b") for r in dq.json(): self.assertTrue(isinstance(json.loads(r), dict))