コード例 #1
ファイル: deco.py プロジェクト: strogo/djpcms
 def wrapper(request, *args, **kwargs):
     from django.conf import settings
     ajax = request.is_ajax()
         res = f(request, *args, **kwargs)
     except Exception, e:
         # we got an error. If in debug mode send a JSON response with
         # the error message back to javascript.
         if settings.DEBUG and ajax:
             res = jservererror(e, url = request.path)
             raise e
コード例 #2
ファイル: baseview.py プロジェクト: strogo/djpcms
    def post_response(self, djp):
        '''Handle the post view. This function checks the request.POST dictionary
for a post_view_key specified in HTML_CLASSES (by default 'xhr')
If it finds this key, the post view is an AJAX-JSON request and the key VALUE represents
 a function responsible for handling the response.
These ajax enabled post view functions must start with the prefix
ajax__ followed by the VALUE of the post_view_key.

    so lets say we find in the POST dictionary
    'xhr': 'change_parameter',

Than there should be a function called   'ajax__change_parameter'
which handle the response'''
        request   = djp.request
        post      = request.POST
        is_ajax   = request.is_ajax()
        ajax_key  = False
        mimetype  = None
        http      = djp.http
        if is_ajax:
            mimetype = 'application/javascript'
            params   = dict(post.items())
            prefix   = params.get('_prefixed',None)
            ajax_key = params.get(djp.css.post_view_key, None)
            if ajax_key:
                if prefix and prefix in ajax_key:
                    ajax_key = ajax_key[len(prefix)+1:]
                ajax_key = ajax_key.replace('-','_').lower()
        # If ajax_key is defined, it means this is a AJAX-JSON request
        if is_ajax:
            # Handle the cancel request redirect.
            # Check for next in the parameters,
            # If not there redirect to self.defaultredirect
            if ajax_key == 'cancel':
                next = params.get('next',None)
                next = self.defaultredirect(djp.request, next = url, **djp.kwargs)
                res  = jredirect(next)
                ajax_view_function = None
                if ajax_key:
                    ajax_view = 'ajax__%s' % ajax_key
                    ajax_view_function  = getattr(self,str(ajax_view),None)
                # No post view function found. Let's try the default ajax post view
                if not ajax_view_function:
                    ajax_view_function = self.default_post;
                    res  = ajax_view_function(djp)
                except Exception as e:
                    # we got an error. If in debug mode send a JSON response with
                    # the error message back to javascript.
                    if djp.settings.DEBUG:
                        exc_info = sys.exc_info()
                        stack_trace = '\n'.join(traceback.format_exception(*exc_info))
                        logerror(self.logger, request, exc_info)
                        res = jservererror(stack_trace, url = djp.url)
                        raise e
            return http.HttpResponse(res.dumps(),mimetype)
        # Otherwise it is the default POST response
            return self.default_post(djp)