def compute(log_dir, recursive): """ Finds files and compute experiments' statistics. :param std log_dir: Directory to search files for. :param bool recursive: If True, directory will be searched recursively. :return: Dictionary with experiment statistics. """ files = IOUtils.find_files(log_dir, "*.log", recursive) exps = LogParser.parse_log_files(files) stats = { 'num_log_files': len(files), 'num_failed_exps': 0, 'num_successful_exps': 0, 'failed_exps': {} } for exp in exps: time_val = str(exp['results.time']).strip() if 'results.time' in exp else '' if not time_val: stats['num_failed_exps'] += 1 stats['failed_exps'][exp['']] = { 'msg': 'No %s time found in log file.' % exp['exp.phase'], 'log_file': exp['exp.log_file'], 'phase': exp['exp.phase'], 'framework_title': exp['exp.framework_title'] } else: stats['num_successful_exps'] += 1 return stats
def compute(log_dir, recursive): """ Finds files and compute experiments' statistics. :param std log_dir: Directory to search files for. :param bool recursive: If True, directory will be searched recursively. :return: Dictionary with experiment statistics. """ files = IOUtils.find_files(log_dir, "*.log", recursive) benchmarks, failed_benchmarks = LogParser.parse_log_files(files) def _get(d, key, val=''): return d[key] if key in d else val stats = { 'num_log_files': len(files), 'num_failed_exps': 0, 'num_successful_exps': 0, 'failed_exps': {}, 'node_ids': set(), 'node_titles': set(), 'gpu_titles': set() } for bench in benchmarks: time_val = str(bench['results.time']).strip( ) if 'results.time' in bench else '' if not time_val: stats['num_failed_exps'] += 1 if '' not in bench: print("[ERROR] No found in benchmark (%s)" % str(bench)) continue stats['failed_exps'][bench['']] = { 'msg': 'No %s time found in log file.' % _get(bench, 'exp.phase', 'PHASE_UNKNOWN'), 'log_file': _get(bench, 'exp.log_file', 'LOG_FILE_UNKNOWN'), 'phase': _get(bench, 'exp.phase', 'PHASE_UNKNOWN'), 'framework_title': _get(bench, 'exp.framework_title', 'FRAMEWORK_TITLE_UNKNOWN') } else: stats['num_successful_exps'] += 1 # for key in [('exp.node_id', 'node_ids'), ('exp.node_title', 'node_titles'), ('exp.gpu_title', 'gpu_titles')]: if key[0] in bench: stats[key[1]].add(bench[key[0]]) for key in ['node_ids', 'node_titles', 'gpu_titles']: stats[key] = list(stats[key]) return stats
def load_data(**kwargs): is_dir = os.path.isdir(kwargs['input']) is_file = os.path.isfile(kwargs['input']) is_log_file = is_file and kwargs['input'].endswith('.log') is_json_file = is_file and (kwargs['input'].endswith('.json') or kwargs['input'].endswith('.json.gz')) if is_dir or is_log_file: files = IOUtils.find_files(config['input'], "*.log", config['recursive']) benchmarks, failed_benchmarks = LogParser.parse_log_files(files) benchmarks.extend(failed_benchmarks) elif is_json_file: benchmarks = IOUtils.read_json(kwargs['input']) benchmarks = benchmarks['data'] else: raise ValueError("Invalid input descriptor: {}".format( kwargs['input'])) return benchmarks
action='store_true', help='Scan --log-dir folder recursively for log files.') args = parser.parse_args() if args.log_dir is not None: files = IOUtils.find_files(args.log_dir, "*.log", args.recursive) else: files = [] if args.log_file is not None: files.append(args.log_file) save_file = None if args.save_file is not None: save_file = args.save_file exps = LogParser.parse_log_files(files) for exp in exps: key = 'results.time_data' if key not in exp: continue times = exp[key] xs = range(len(times)) # Plot moving averages for different windows if exp['exp.device_type'] == 'gpu': title = "%s / %s / GPU batch %s / GPUs count %s" % ( exp['exp.framework_title'], exp['exp.model_title'], exp['exp.replica_batch'], exp['exp.num_gpus']) else: title = "%s / %s / CPU batch %d" % (exp['exp.framework_title'], exp['exp.model_title'], exp['exp.effective_batch'])
def main(): """Entry point when invoking this scrip from a command line.""" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('inputs', nargs='*', help='Log directory or a JSON file') parser.add_argument( '--recursive', required=False, default=False, action='store_true', help='If input is folder, scan it recursively for log files.') parser.add_argument('--xparam', type=str, required=True, default=None, help='A parameter that is associated with x axis.') parser.add_argument('--yparam', type=str, required=True, default=None, help='A parameter that is associated with y axis.') parser.add_argument('--series', type=str, required=True, default=None, help='A json array with filters for series.') parser.add_argument( '--aggregation', type=str, required=True, default="avg", help= 'In case of multiple matches, use this to aggregate values (min, max, avg)' ) parser.add_argument('--chart_file', '--chart-file', type=str, required=False, default=None, help='If present, write chart into this file.') parser.add_argument( '--series_file', '--series-file', type=str, required=False, default=None, help='If present, write series JSON data into this file.') parser.add_argument( '--chart_opts', '--chart-opts', type=str, required=False, default=None, help='If present, a json object specifying chart options.') parser.add_argument('--chart_type', '--chart-type', type=str, required=False, default='line', help='Type of a chart ("line" or "bar").') parser.add_argument( '--baseline_xvalue', '--baseline-xvalue', type=str, required=False, default=None, help= "A value that's used to normalize one series. Useful to plot speedup charts." ) parser.add_argument( '--baseline_series', '--baseline-series', type=int, required=False, default=None, help="An index of a baseline series to use to normalize all series.") args = parser.parse_args() if len(args.inputs) == 0: raise ValueError("Must be at least one input ('--input')") # Parse log files and load benchmark data logfiles = [] # Original raw log files with benchmark data benchmarks = [] # Parsed benchmarks for input_path in args.inputs: if os.path.isdir(input_path): logfiles.extend( IOUtils.find_files(input_path, "*.log", args.recursive)) elif os.path.isfile(input_path) and input_path.endswith( ('.json', '.json.gz')): file_benchmarks = IOUtils.read_json(input_path) if 'data' in file_benchmarks and isinstance( file_benchmarks['data'], list): benchmarks.extend(file_benchmarks['data']) else: logging.warn("Cannot parse file (%s). Invalid content.", input_path) else: logging.warn("Cannot parse file (%s). Unknown extension. ", input_path) if len(logfiles) > 0: benchmarks.extend(LogParser.parse_log_files(logfiles)) else: logging.warn("No input log files have been found") if len(benchmarks) == 0: raise ValueError("No benchmarks have been loaded.") # Build data for series chart_data =, args) # Write it if args.series_file: DictUtils.dump_json_to_file(chart_data, args) # Plot it if args.chart_file: SeriesBuilder.plot(chart_data, args)