コード例 #1
def make_parser():

    e = environment()

    parser = ArgParser(usage)

        "module_name", type=str,
        help="name of module to publish")
        "release", type=str,
        help="release of module to publish")
        "-f", "--force", action="store_true", dest="force",
        help="force the publish, disable warnings")
        "-e", "--epics_version", action="store", type=str, dest="epics_version",
        help="Change the epics version. This will determine where "
             "the built documentation is copied from. Default is %s "
             "(from your environment)" % e.epicsVer())
        "-r", "--rhel_version", action="store", type=int,
        dest="rhel_version", default=get_rhel_version(),
        help="change the rhel version of the " +
             "environment, default is " + get_rhel_version() +
             " (from your system)")
    return parser
コード例 #2
ファイル: options.py プロジェクト: dls-controls/dls_ade
 def __init__(self, usage):
     _OptionParser.__init__(self, usage)
         help="set <area>=AREA, e.g. " + ", ".join(environment().areas),
     self.add_option("-p", "--python", action="store_true", dest="python", help="set <area>='python'")
     self.add_option("-i", "--ioc", action="store_true", dest="ioc", help="set <area>='ioc'")
コード例 #3
def main():

    # setup the environment
    e = environment()
    epics_version = e.epicsVer()

    parser = make_parser()
    args = parser.parse_args()
#    if len(args) != 2:
#        parser.error("Incorrect number of arguments.")

    module = args.module_name
    release = args.release
    area = args.area
    # set epics version, and extension
    if args.epics_version:
        if not args.epics_version.startswith("R"):
            args.epics_version = "R%s" % args.epics_version
        if e.epics_ver_re.match(args.epics_version):
                "Expected epics version like R3.14.8.2, got '%s'" % args.epics_version)
    path = "/tmp"
    docdirs = ["documentation", "docs"]
# >>> I assume a is user input, but I don't know what the question was supposed to be
    if args.area == "ioc" and a.upper() != "Y":
        assert len(module.split('/')) > 1, "Missing Technical Area under Beamline"
    source = svn.prodModule(module, args.area)

    # Check for existence of this module in various places in the repository
    assert svn.pathcheck(source), \
        'Repository does not contain the "' + source + '" module'

    # Locate built version of module
    prodArea = e.prodArea(args.area)
    if args.area == 'python' and args.rhel_version >= 6:
        prodArea = os.path.join(prodArea, "RHEL%s-%s" % (
                args.rhel_version, platform.machine()))
    prodPath = prodArea + "/" + module + "/" + release
    assert os.path.isdir(prodPath), "Module " + prodPath + " doesn't exist in prod"
    # Check the release isn't on the webserver
    webPath = "/dls_sw/cs-publish/downloads/%(area)s/%(module)s" % locals()
    if os.path.isdir(webPath+"/"+release):
        msg = "%(module)s release %(release)s already exists on webserver" % locals()
        if args.force:
            print("Warning: " + msg + ". Overwriting")
            shutil.rmtree("%(webPath)s/%(release)s" % locals())
            raise AssertionError(msg)
    os.makedirs(webPath + "/" + release)
    # Export to filesystem
    export = path + "/" + module + "-" + release
    print("Exporting to " + export + "...")
    if os.path.exists(export):
        shutil.rmtree("%(export)s" % locals())
    svn.export(source + "/" + release, export)

    # Remove the etc dir
    if os.path.isdir("%(export)s/etc" % locals()):
        shutil.rmtree("%(export)s/etc" % locals())
    # replace documentation with built version
    for docdir in docdirs:
        if os.path.exists(export + "/" + docdir):
            shutil.rmtree("%(export)s/%(docdir)s" % locals())
            shutil.copytree("%(prodPath)s/%(docdir)s" % locals(),
                            "%(export)s/%(docdir)s" % locals())
            assert not os.system(
                r"find %(export)s/%(docdir)s -name '.svn' -prune -exec rm -rf {} \;" %
                locals()), "Can't remove all .svn directories in documentation dir"
            if os.path.isdir("%(export)s/%(docdir)s/private" % locals()):
                shutil.rmtree("%(export)s/%(docdir)s/private" % locals())
            assert not os.system("chmod -R ug+rwX,o+rX,o-w %(export)s" % locals()), \
                "Can't chmod the directory"    
            assert not os.system("chgrp -R dcs %(export)s" % locals()), \
                "Can't chgrp the directory"                  
            shutil.copytree("%(export)s/%(docdir)s" % locals(),
                            "%(webPath)s/%(release)s/%(docdir)s" % locals())

    # add in iocs
    if os.path.exists(prodPath + "/iocs"):
        for ioc in os.listdir(prodPath + "/iocs"):
            if os.path.isdir(prodPath + "/iocs/" + ioc) and ioc not in os.listdir(export + "/iocs") and ioc != ".svn":
                shutil.copytree("%s/iocs/%s" % (prodPath, ioc), "%s/iocs/%s" % (export, ioc))
                assert not os.system(
                    r"find %(export)s/iocs/%(ioc)s -name '.svn' -prune -exec rm -rf {} \;" %
                    locals()), "Can't remove all .svn directories in iocs dir"
                assert not os.system(
                    "make -C %(export)s/iocs/%(ioc)s clean uninstall > /dev/null" %
                    locals()), "Can't do a make clean uninstall on the ioc"

    # do any other steps
    if os.path.isfile("%(export)s/preparePublish.sh" % locals()):
        assert not os.system("cd %(export)s; ./preparePublish.sh" % locals()), \
            "Can't run the preparePublish.sh script in this module"
        os.remove("%(export)s/preparePublish.sh" % locals())
    # python files need the correct versioned setup.py
    if args.area == "python":
        shutil.copy("%(prodPath)s/setup.py" % locals(), "%(export)s/setup.py" % locals())
    # Zip up
    tgz = "%(path)s/%(module)s-%(release)s.tgz" % locals()
    print("Zipping up...")
    assert not os.system("tar -czf %(tgz)s -C %(path)s %(module)s-%(release)s" % locals()), \
        "Can't zip the release"
    # put it on the webserver
    print("Copying to " + webPath + "...")
    shutil.copy(tgz, "%(webPath)s/%(release)s" % locals())

    # regenerate the webpage
    print("Generating releases page...")
    releases = e.sortReleases([x for x in os.listdir(webPath)
                               if os.path.isdir(webPath + "/" + x) and
                               x != ".svn" and
                               glob.glob(webPath+"/" + x + "/*.tgz")])
    text = """<h2>Releases</h2>

<table id="releases" cellspacing="0" summary="releases">
    <th scope="col">Version</th>
    <th scope="col"><img src="../../img/archive.png" alt="icon"/>Source Code</th>
    <th scope="col"><img src="../../img/html.png" alt="icon"/>Documentation</th>
""" % locals()
    cls = ""
    for r in releases:
        text += '  <tr>\n'
        text += '    <td%(cls)s><strong>%(r)s</strong></td>\n' % locals()
        filename = "%(module)s-%(r)s.tgz" % locals()
        text += '    <td%(cls)s><a href="%(r)s/%(filename)s"><img src="../../img/archive.png"' \
                ' alt="icon"/>%(filename)s</a></td>\n' % locals()
        text += '    <td%(cls)s>' % locals()
        htmls = []
        pdfs = []
        for docdir in docdirs:
            if os.path.isdir("%(webPath)s/%(r)s/%(docdir)s/html" % locals()):
                docpath = docdir + "/html"
            elif os.path.isdir("%(webPath)s/%(r)s/%(docdir)s" % locals()):
                docpath = docdir
            htmls = [x.replace(".html", "") for x in os.listdir("%(webPath)s/%(r)s/%(docpath)s" %
                                                                locals()) if x.endswith(".html")]
            pdfs = [x for x in os.listdir("%(webPath)s/%(r)s/%(docpath)s" %
                                          locals()) if x.endswith(".pdf")]
        if htmls:
            # if an index exists, only include that
            if "index" in htmls:
                htmls = ["index"]
            for html in htmls:
                text += '<a href="%(r)s/%(docpath)s/%(html)s.html"><img src="../../img/html.png"' \
                        'alt="icon"/>%(html)s</a>' % locals()
                if len(htmls) > 1:
                    text += '<br/>'
        elif pdfs:
            for pdf in pdfs:
                text += '<a href="%(r)s/%(docpath)s/%(pdf)s"><img src="../../img/pdficon_small.gif"' \
                        ' alt="icon"/>%(pdf)s</a>' % locals()
                if len(pdfs) > 1:
                    text += '<br/>'
            text += "None"
        text += '</td>\n'            
        text += '  </tr>\n'
        if cls:
            cls = ""
            cls = ' class="alt"'
    text += "</table>\n"
    open(webPath+"/releases.html", "w").write(text)

    # generate an index page if one doesn't exist
    if not os.path.exists(webPath + "/index.php"):
        open(webPath+"/index.php", "w").write("""<?php 
$top = "../../..";
$module = "%(module)s";


<img src="../../names/Firstname.Lastname.png" alt="contact"/>

<?php include("releases.html"); ?> 

<h2>Release Notes</h2>

<h3>Release %(release)s</h3>
<li>Initial release</li>

<?php include($top . "/footer.html"); ?>""" % locals())
        indexwritten = True
        indexwritten = False        
    # clean up
    print("Cleaning up...")
    shutil.rmtree("%(path)s/%(module)s-%(release)s" % locals())
    if indexwritten:
        print("Now edit %(webPath)s/index.php to describe your module, " \
            "and add it to the navigation bar in %(webPath)s/../header.html" % locals())
        print("You can create an email image by running:")
        print("  /dls_sw/work/common/scripts/email_obfusticate.sh firstname.lastname")
    print("Please check http://controls.diamond.ac.uk then")
    print("  svn add %s" % webPath)
    print("  svn commit %s/.." % webPath)
    print("with a suitable comment when you are happy")