コード例 #1
  def resolve_typename(self, old_ctypes_typename):
    """Gets a qualified ctypes typename from typedefs_dict and C_TO_CTYPES."""

    # Recursively dereference any typenames declared in self.typedefs_dict
    new_ctypes_typename = codegen_util.recursive_dict_lookup(
        old_ctypes_typename, self.typedefs_dict)

    # Try to convert to a ctypes native typename
    new_ctypes_typename = header_parsing.C_TO_CTYPES.get(
        new_ctypes_typename, new_ctypes_typename)

    if new_ctypes_typename == old_ctypes_typename:
      logging.warn("Could not resolve typename '%s'", old_ctypes_typename)

    return new_ctypes_typename
コード例 #2
    def resolve_size(self, old_size):
        """Resolves an array size identifier.

    The following conversions will be attempted:

      * If `old_size` is an integer it will be returned as-is.
      * If `old_size` is a string of the form `"3"` it will be cast to an int.
      * If `old_size` is a string in `self.consts_dict` then the value of the
        constant will be returned.
      * If `old_size` is a string of the form `"3*constant_name"` then the
        result of `3*constant_value` will be returned.
      * If `old_size` is a string that does not specify an int constant and
        cannot be cast to an int (e.g. an identifier for a dynamic dimension,
        such as `"ncontact"`) then it will be returned as-is.

      old_size: An int or string.

      An int or string.
        if isinstance(old_size, int):
            return old_size  # If it's already an int then there's nothing left to do
        elif "*" in old_size:
            # If it's a string specifying a product (such as "2*mjMAXLINEPNT"),
            # recursively resolve the components to ints and calculate the result.
            size = 1
            sizes = []
            is_int = True
            for part in old_size.split("*"):
                dim = self.resolve_size(part)
                if not isinstance(dim, int):
                    is_int = False
                    size *= dim
            if is_int:
                return size
                return tuple(sizes)
            # Recursively dereference any sizes declared in header macros
            size = codegen_util.recursive_dict_lookup(
                old_size, self.get_consts_and_enums())
            # Try to coerce the result to an int, return a string if this fails
            return codegen_util.try_coerce_to_num(size, try_types=(int, ))