def parse_schema(schema_path): """Parses the schema XML. Args: schema_path: Path to the schema XML file. Returns: An `ElementSpec` for the root element in the schema. """ with resources.GetResourceAsFile(schema_path) as file_handle: schema_xml = etree.parse(file_handle).getroot() return _parse_element(schema_xml)
def _make_model(n_bodies, n_actuators, random, stiffness_range=(15, 25), damping_range=(0, 0)): """Returns an MJCF XML string defining a model of springs and dampers. Args: n_bodies: An integer, the number of bodies (DoFs) in the system. n_actuators: An integer, the number of actuated bodies. random: A `numpy.random.RandomState` instance. stiffness_range: A tuple containing minimum and maximum stiffness. Each joint's stiffness is sampled uniformly from this interval. damping_range: A tuple containing minimum and maximum damping. Each joint's damping is sampled uniformly from this interval. Returns: An MJCF string describing the linear system. Raises: ValueError: If the number of bodies or actuators is erronous. """ if n_bodies < 1 or n_actuators < 1: raise ValueError('At least 1 body and 1 actuator required.') if n_actuators > n_bodies: raise ValueError('At most 1 actuator per body.') file_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'lqr.xml') with resources.GetResourceAsFile(file_path) as xml_file: mjcf = xml_tools.parse(xml_file) parent = mjcf.find('./worldbody') actuator = etree.SubElement(mjcf.getroot(), 'actuator') tendon = etree.SubElement(mjcf.getroot(), 'tendon') for body in range(n_bodies): # Inserting body. child = _make_body(body, stiffness_range, damping_range, random) site_name = 'site_{}'.format(body) child.append(etree.Element('site', name=site_name)) if body == 0: child.set('pos', '.25 0 .1') # Add actuators to the first n_actuators bodies. if body < n_actuators: # Adding actuator. joint_name = 'joint_{}'.format(body) motor_name = 'motor_{}'.format(body) child.find('joint').set('name', joint_name) actuator.append( etree.Element('motor', name=motor_name, joint=joint_name)) # Add a tendon between consecutive bodies (for visualisation purposes only). if body < n_bodies - 1: child_site_name = 'site_{}'.format(body + 1) tendon_name = 'tendon_{}'.format(body) spatial = etree.SubElement(tendon, 'spatial', name=tendon_name) spatial.append(etree.Element('site', site=site_name)) spatial.append(etree.Element('site', site=child_site_name)) parent.append(child) parent = child return etree.tostring(mjcf, pretty_print=True)