コード例 #1
def dmaps_annulus():
    """Uses Lafon DMAP to generate embedding of annulus such that eigenvectors are constant on level sets, f = x^2 + y^2"""
    # generate dataset
    npts = 3000
    # rs = np.random.uniform(low=0.5, high=1.5, size=npts)
    # thetas = np.random.uniform(high=2*np.pi, size=npts)
    # data = np.array((rs*np.cos(thetas), rs*np.sin(thetas))).T
    data = np.random.uniform(low=0.1, size=(npts,2))
    grad = lambda x: 2*x
    # visualize param set
    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
    ax.scatter(data[:,0], data[:,1])

    # perform dmap
    epsilon = 1e-5
    kernel = dmaps_kernels.gradient_kernel(epsilon, grad)
    k = 12
    eigvals, eigvects = dmaps.embed_data_customkernel(data, k, kernel)

    # plot output, color param plane by output eigvectors
    for i in range(1,8):
        fig = plt.figure()
        ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
        ax.scatter(data[:,0], data[:,1], c=eigvects[:,i])
コード例 #2
def gradient_dmaps():
    """Testing the effects of including gradient information in the DMAPS kernel on the resulting embedding."""
    # set values for data generation and algorithm performance
    k1_true = 0.1
    kinv_true = 0.1
    k2_true = 10000.0
    alpha_true = k1_true*k1_true/(kinv_true*kinv_true + k2_true)
    beta_true = k2_true/(kinv_true*kinv_true + k2_true)
    alpha_true = np.array((alpha_true,))
    beta_true = np.array((beta_true,))
    # the contour value for which data will be generated
    contour = 1e-1
    # psa stepsize
    ds = 1e-3
    times = np.linspace(1, 5, 10)
    data = get_sloppy_traj(beta_true, alpha_true, times)
    of = ab_fn(data, times, contour, ds)
    # set up psa solver
    psa_solver = PSA.PSA(of.f, of.Df)
    # perturb beta to ensure nonsingular jacobian in psa routine
    beta_perturbed = 1.001*beta_true
    ab_contour = psa_solver.find_branch(alpha_true, beta_perturbed, ds, nsteps=1000)
    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
    ax.scatter(ab_contour[:,0], ab_contour[:,1])
    k = 6
    eigvals, dmaps_embedding = dmaps.embed_data_customkernel(ab_contour, k, of.gradient_dmaps_kernel)
    for i in range(1, k):
        for j in range(i+1, k):
            ax.scatter(eigvals[i]*dmaps_embedding[:,i], eigvals[j]*dmaps_embedding[:,j])
            plt.savefig('./figs/embeddings/dmaps' + str(i) + str(j) + '.png')
コード例 #3
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: glinka/sloppy_models
def zxy_kernel():
    """Examines kernel eigenvectors for z(x,y) given on a uniform rectangle"""
    sqrt_npts = 50
    npts = sqrt_npts * sqrt_npts
    xgrid, ygrid = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(-1, 1, sqrt_npts),
                               np.linspace(0, 1, sqrt_npts))
    xydata = np.array((xgrid.flatten(), ygrid.flatten())).T
    # z = x^3
    zdata = np.power(xydata[:, 0], 3)

    fulldata = zip(xydata, zdata)

    k = 20
    epsilon = 5e-2
    lam = 1
    kernel = Data_Kernel(epsilon, lam)
    eigvals, eigvects = dmaps.embed_data_customkernel(fulldata,
    print 'dun'
コード例 #4
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: glinka/sloppy_models
def dmaps_param_set_grad_kernel():
    """DMAP a collection of sloppy parameter combinations using a kernel which accounts for objective function value and should, ideally, uncover the important parameter(s) in the model"""

    # set up base model
    A0 = 1.0  # initial concentration of A
    k1_true = 1.0
    kinv_true = 1000.0
    k2_true = 1000.0
    decay_rate = k1_true * k2_true / (
        kinv_true + k2_true
    )  # effective rate constant that governs exponential growth rate
    # start at t0 = 0, end at tf*decay_rate = 4
    ntimes = 20  # arbitrary
    times = np.linspace(0, 4 / decay_rate, ntimes)
    model = Rawlings_Model(times,

    # import existing data
    data = np.genfromtxt('./data/params-ofevals.csv', delimiter=',')

    of_tol = 0.4  # from plotting with scratch.py
    somedata = data[data[:, 0] < of_tol]
    # only keep npts points due to computational considerations
    npts = 6000
    slice_size = somedata.shape[0] / npts
    somedata = somedata[::slice_size]
    # keff = somedata[:,1]*somedata[:,3]/(somedata[:,2] + somedata[:,3])

    log_params_data = np.log10(somedata[:, 1:])
    # add some noise
    noise_level = 0.02
    log_params_data = log_params_data + noise_level * np.random.normal(
    # log_params_data = np.log10(data[:,1:])

    # evaluate various epsilons for DMAP kernel
    neps = 5  # number of epsilons to evaluate
    epsilons = np.logspace(-3, 2, neps)
    kernels = [
        DMAPS_Gradient_Kernel(epsilon, model.sympy_lsq_of_gradient)
        for epsilon in epsilons
    # # investigate proper choice of epsilon
    # plot_dmaps.kernel_plot(kernels, epsilons, somedata[:,1:]) # use un-logged data if using gradient of ob. fn. in kernel
    # DMAP with o.f. kernel, appears the epsilon = 20 is appropriate
    epsilon = 20.0
    kernel = DMAPS_Gradient_Kernel(epsilon, model.sympy_lsq_of_gradient)
    k = 15
    eigvals, eigvects = dmaps.embed_data_customkernel(somedata[:, 1:], k,
    plot_dmaps.plot_xyz(somedata[:, 1],
                        somedata[:, 2],
                        somedata[:, 3],
                        color=eigvects[:, 1])
    plot_dmaps.plot_xyz(somedata[:, 1],
                        somedata[:, 2],
                        somedata[:, 3],
                        color=eigvects[:, 2])
コード例 #5
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: glinka/sloppy_models
def dmaps_param_set_data_kernel():
    """DMAP a collection of sloppy parameter combinations using a kernel which accounts for the model predictions at each parameter combination which will, ideally, uncover the important parameter(s) in the model"""
    # set up base model
    A0 = 1.0  # initial concentration of A
    k1_true = 1.0
    kinv_true = 1000.0
    k2_true = 1000.0
    decay_rate = k1_true * k2_true / (
        kinv_true + k2_true
    )  # effective rate constant that governs exponential growth rate
    # start at t0 = 0, end at tf*decay_rate = 4
    ntimes = 20  # arbitrary
    times = np.linspace(0, 4 / decay_rate, ntimes)
    model = Rawlings_Model(times,

    # import existing data
    data = np.genfromtxt('./data/params-ofevals.csv', delimiter=',')

    of_tol = 0.4  # from plotting with scratch.py
    somedata = data[data[:, 0] < of_tol]
    # only keep npts points due to computational considerations
    npts = 4000
    slice_size = somedata.shape[0] / npts
    # throw out o.f. evals in first column
    somedata = somedata[::slice_size, 1:]
    keff = somedata[:, 0] * somedata[:, 2] / (somedata[:, 1] + somedata[:, 2])
    somedata = somedata[keff < 1]
    npts = somedata.shape[0]
    print 'sending a cherry-picked sample of', npts, 'to dmaps'
    trajectories = np.empty(
        (npts, ntimes)
    )  # each row contains [(k1, kinv, k2), (model prediction at k1, kinv, k2)]

    # find model predictions from parameter set
    for i, param_set in enumerate(somedata):
        trajectories[i] = model.gen_timecourse(*param_set)

    # combine into one datastructure
    full_data = zip(somedata, trajectories)

    print 'generated full dataset, proceeding to dmaps'

    # neps = 5 # number of epsilons to evaluate
    # epsilons = np.logspace(-3, 2, neps)
    # kernels = [DMAPS_Data_Kernel(epsilon) for epsilon in epsilons]
    # # investigate proper choice of epsilon
    # dmaps.kernel_plot(kernels, epsilons, full_data) # use un-logged data, as kernel explicitly takes log of parameters

    # perform dmaps, try epsilon=1e-1
    k = 20
    epsilon = 1e-1
    kernel = DMAPS_Data_Kernel(epsilon)
    eigvals, eigvects = dmaps.embed_data_customkernel(full_data, k, kernel)
    np.savetxt('./data/data-dmaps-eigvals.csv', eigvals.real, delimiter=',')
    np.savetxt('./data/data-dmaps-eigvects.csv', eigvects.real, delimiter=',')
    np.savetxt('./data/data-dmaps-params.csv', somedata, delimiter=',')
    print 'saved dmaps output as ./data/data-dmaps...'
コード例 #6
def dmaps_two_important_one_sloppy():
    """Generate parameter combinations in which there are two important (alpha, lambda) and one sloppy (epsilon) parameter(s) and use DMAPS with a kernel that accounts for both parameter-space distance and distances in model output, with the aim to uncover the alpha and lambda parameters"""
    if os.path.isfile('./data/a-lam-eps-of-params-new.pkl'):
        # already have data saved, load and trim data to approx 5000 pts for DMAPS
        params = np.load('./data/a-lam-eps-of-params.pkl')
        trajs = np.load('./data/a-lam-eps-trajs.pkl')
        tol = 2e-2
        trajs = trajs[params[:,3] < tol]
        params = params[params[:,3] < tol]
        params = params[:,:3]
        print 'Have', params.shape[0], 'pts in dataset'
        data = zip(params, trajs)
        # epsilons = np.logspace(-3, 1, 5)
        # kernels = [DMAPS_Data_Kernel(epsilon) for epsilon in epsilons]
        # dmaps.kernel_plot(kernels, epsilons, data)
        epsilon = 1e-2 # from epsilon plot
        kernel = DMAPS_Data_Kernel(epsilon)
        k = 30
        eigvals, eigvects = dmaps.embed_data_customkernel(data, k, kernel, symmetric=True)
        for i in range(1,k):
            fig = plt.figure()
            ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
            ax.scatter(np.log10(params[:,0]), np.log10(params[:,1]), np.log10(params[:,2]), c=eigvects[:,i])
            plt.savefig('./figs/data-space-dmaps' + str(i) + '.png')
            # plt.show()
        # need to generate dataset

        # CREATE DATASET (no dataset exists):
        # init MPI
        comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD
        rank = comm.Get_rank()
        nprocs = comm.Get_size()

        # set up base system
        # specify ode parameters
        (a_true, b_true, lam_true, eps_true) = (0.1, 1.0, 0.1, 0.001)
        params = np.array((a_true, b_true, lam_true, eps_true))
        # create system with given params
        z_system = ZM.Z_Model(params)

        # set up integration times
        t0 = 3*eps_true # 0
        tfinal = 1/lam_true
        dt = eps_true
        ntimes = 50
        times = np.linspace(t0, tfinal, ntimes)

        # get true trajectory based on true initial conditions
        x0_true = np.array((1, a_true))
        x_true_traj = z_system.get_trajectory(x0_true, times)

        # set up sampling grid and storage space for obj. fn. evals
        # lam_max = 1.2
        nsamples = 100
        lam_samples = np.linspace(0.9*lam_true, 1.1*lam_true, nsamples)
        a_samples = np.linspace(0.9*a_true, 1.1*a_true, nsamples)
        epsmin = 1e-6
        epsmax = 1e-1
        eps_samples = np.logspace(np.log10(epsmin), np.log10(epsmax), nsamples)
        # add noise to each individual parameter combination to create nice dataset
        params_noise = np.empty((nsamples*nsamples*nsamples, 4))
        params_noise[:,0] = 0.01*np.random.normal(loc=0, size=nsamples*nsamples*nsamples) # same noise for both lam and a
        params_noise[:,1] = 0 # no noise in b
        params_noise[:,2] = 0.01*np.random.normal(loc=0, size=nsamples*nsamples*nsamples)
        params_noise[:,3] = 0.1*np.random.normal(loc=0, size=nsamples*nsamples*nsamples) # noise for eps must vary with scale
        # eps_samples = np.logspace(-6, np.log10(epsmax), nsamples)
        params = np.empty((nsamples*nsamples*nsamples, 4)) # space for obj. fn. evals
        trajs = np.empty((nsamples*nsamples*nsamples, ntimes, 2))

        count = 0
        for lam in uf.parallelize_iterable(lam_samples, rank, nprocs):
            for eps in eps_samples:
                for a in a_samples:
                    new_params = np.array((a, b_true, lam, eps)) + params_noise[count]*np.array((1,1,1,eps))
                        x_sample_traj = z_system.get_trajectory(x0_true, times)
                    except CustomErrors.IntegrationError:
                        params[count] = (new_params[0], new_params[2], new_params[3], get_of(x_sample_traj, x_true_traj)) # a, lam, eps
                        trajs[count] = x_sample_traj
                        count = count + 1

        params = params[:count]
        all_params = comm.gather(params, root=0)
        trajs = trajs[:count]
        all_trajs = comm.gather(trajs, root=0)

        if rank is 0:
            all_params = np.concatenate(all_params)
            all_trajs = np.concatenate(all_trajs)

            print '******************************\nData saved in ./data/a-lam-eps-...\n******************************'