コード例 #1
def get_giw(sim_dir, iteration_slice, tau=None, w_n=None, setup=None):
    r"""Recovers with Fourier Transform G_iw from H5 file

    h5parent : hdf5 group to go
    iteration_slice : list of iteration names to average over
    tau : 1D real array time slices of HF data
    w_n : 1D real array matsubara frequencies

    tuple : :math:`G(\tau)`, :math:`G(i\omega_n)`

    recovered_sim_info = False
    if None in (tau, w_n, setup):
        with open(sim_dir + '/setup', 'r') as read:
            setup = json.load(read)
        tau, w_n = gf.tau_wn_setup(setup)
        recovered_sim_info = True

    gtau = averager(sim_dir, 'gtau.npy', iteration_slice)
    giw = gf.gt_fouriertrans(gtau, tau, w_n,
                             gf_tail(gtau, setup['U'], setup['MU']))

    if recovered_sim_info:
        return giw, gtau, tau, w_n, setup
        return giw, gtau
コード例 #2
ファイル: ipt_imag.py プロジェクト: vkxlzptm/pydmft
def single_band_ipt_solver(u_int, g_0_iwn, w_n, tau):
    r"""Given a Green function it returns a dressed one and the self-energy

    .. math:: \Sigma(\tau) \approx U^2 \mathcal{G}^0(\tau)^3

    .. math:: G = \mathcal{G}^0(i\omega_n)/(1 - \Sigma(i\omega_n)\mathcal{G}^0(i\omega_n))

    The Fourier transforms use as tail expansion of the atomic limit self-enegy

    .. math:: \Sigma(i\omega_n\rightarrow \infty) = \frac{U^2}{4(i\omega_n)}

    u_int: float, local contact interaction
    g_0_iwn: complex 1D ndarray
        *bare* Green function, the Weiss field
    w_n: real 1D ndarray
        Matsubara frequencies
    tau: real 1D array
        Imaginary time points, not included edge point of :math:`\beta^-`

    g_0_tau = gw_invfouriertrans(g_0_iwn, tau, w_n, [1., 0., 0.25])
    sigma_tau = u_int**2 * g_0_tau**3
    sigma_iwn = gt_fouriertrans(sigma_tau, tau, w_n, [u_int**2 / 4., 0., 0.])
    g_iwn = g_0_iwn / (1 - sigma_iwn * g_0_iwn)

    return g_iwn, sigma_iwn
コード例 #3
ファイル: ipt_imag.py プロジェクト: Titan-C/learn-dmft
def solver(u_int, g_0_iwn, w_n, tau):

    g_0_tau = gw_invfouriertrans(g_0_iwn, tau, w_n)
    sigma_tau = u_int**2 * g_0_tau**3
    sigma_iwn = gt_fouriertrans(sigma_tau, tau, w_n)
    g_iwn = g_0_iwn / (1 - sigma_iwn * g_0_iwn)

    return g_iwn, sigma_iwn
コード例 #4
ファイル: ipt_imag.py プロジェクト: vkxlzptm/pydmft
def dimer_sigma(u_int, tp, g0iw_d, g0iw_o, tau, w_n):
    r"""Given a Green function it returns the self-energy

    .. math:: \Sigma(\tau) \approx - U^2 \mathcal{G}^0(\tau)\mathcal{G}^0(-\tau)\mathcal{G}^0(\tau)

    Which is done element wise given the form of the local interaction
    in the dimer. For symmetry reasons only the 2 arrays are returned,
    corresponding to the diagonal and off-diagonal terms of the matrix

    The Fourier transforms uses an empirically established tail expansion

    .. math:: \Sigma(i\omega_n\rightarrow \infty)_{AA} =
        \frac{U^2}{4i\omega_n} + \frac{M_3}{(i\omega_n)^3}
    .. math:: \Sigma(i\omega_n\rightarrow \infty)_{AB} = \frac{M_2}{2(i\omega_n)^2}

    where :math:`M_3,M_2` are calculated from the derivatives of the :math:`\Sigma(\tau)`

    u_int : float, local contact interaction
    tp : float, dimer hybridization strength
    g0iw_d : complex 1D ndarray
        *bare* local Green function, the Weiss field
    g0iw_o : complex 1D ndarray
        *bare* hybridizing Green function, the Weiss field
    tau: real 1D array
        Imaginary time points, not included edge point of :math:`\beta^-`
    w_n: real 1D ndarray
        Matsubara frequencies

    g0t_d = gw_invfouriertrans(g0iw_d, tau, w_n, [1., 0., tp**2 + 0.25])
    g0t_o = gw_invfouriertrans(g0iw_o, tau, w_n, [0., tp, 0.])

    st_d, st_o = _dimer_sigma(g0t_d, g0t_o, u_int)

    dj2d = -2 * ((st_d[2] - 2 * st_d[1] + st_d[0]) / tau[1]**2)
    sw_d = gt_fouriertrans(
        st_d, tau, w_n, [u_int**2 / 4, 0., dj2d])
    dj1o = 2 * (st_o[1] - st_o[0]) / tau[1]
    sw_o = gt_fouriertrans(st_o, tau, w_n, [0., dj1o, 0.])

    return sw_d, sw_o
コード例 #5
ファイル: test_common.py プロジェクト: vkxlzptm/pydmft
def test_fourier_trasforms(chempot, beta=50., n_matsubara=128):
    """Test the tail improved fourier transforms"""
    parms = {'BETA': beta, 'N_MATSUBARA': n_matsubara}
    tau, w_n = gf.tau_wn_setup(parms)
    giw = gf.greenF(w_n, mu=chempot)

    for gwr in [giw, np.array([giw, giw])]:
        g_tau = gf.gw_invfouriertrans(gwr, tau, w_n, [1., -chempot, 0.25])
        g_iomega = gf.gt_fouriertrans(g_tau, tau, w_n, [1., -chempot, 0.25])
        assert np.allclose(gwr, g_iomega)
コード例 #6
def test_fourier_trasforms(chempot, beta=50., n_tau=2**11, n_matsubara=64):
    """Test the tail improved fourier transforms"""
    parms = {'BETA': beta, 'N_TAU': n_tau, 'N_MATSUBARA': n_matsubara}
    tau, w_n = tau_wn_setup(parms)
    gw = greenF(w_n, mu=chempot)

    for gwr in [gw, np.array([gw, gw])]:
        g_tau = gw_invfouriertrans(gwr, tau, w_n)
        g_iomega = gt_fouriertrans(g_tau, tau, w_n)
        assert np.allclose(gwr, g_iomega)
コード例 #7
ファイル: test_common.py プロジェクト: Titan-C/learn-dmft
def test_fourier_trasforms(chempot, beta=50., n_tau=2**11, n_matsubara=64):
    """Test the tail improved fourier transforms"""
    parms = {'BETA': beta, 'N_TAU': n_tau, 'N_MATSUBARA': n_matsubara}
    tau, w_n = tau_wn_setup(parms)
    gw = greenF(w_n, mu=chempot)

    for gwr in [gw, np.array([gw, gw])]:
        g_tau = gw_invfouriertrans(gwr, tau, w_n)
        g_iomega = gt_fouriertrans(g_tau, tau, w_n)
        assert np.allclose(gwr, g_iomega)
コード例 #8
def collect_bined_saves():
    binede_dat = glob('gtau_bin_*')
    G = np.array([np.load(dfile) for dfile in binede_dat])
    gtau = G.mean(1)
    tau, w_n = gf.tau_wn_setup(dict(BETA=32., N_MATSUBARA=32))
    fw = gf.matsubara_freq(32., 64, -63)

    giw = gf.gt_fouriertrans(gtau, tau, w_n, [1., 0., .25 + 2.5**2 / 4])

    sgiw = np.concatenate((giw.conj().T[::-1], giw.T))
    np.savez('bined', w_n=fw, giw=sgiw)
コード例 #9
ファイル: hf_dimer.py プロジェクト: vkxlzptm/pydmft
def get_giw(filestr, tau=None, w_n=None, setup=None):
    """Recovers with Fourier Transform G_iw and G_tau from npy file

    filestr : string
            file with array data G(tau)
    setup : dictionary about simulation parameters
    tau : real float array
            Imaginary time points
    w_n : real float array
            fermionic matsubara frequencies. Only use the positive ones

    tuple complex ndarray (giw, gtau)
            Interacting Greens function in matsubara frequencies
            and original Imaginary time. Entries are list ordered and
            not in matrix shape

    See also

    recovered_sim_info = False
    if None in (tau, w_n, setup):
        sim_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(filestr)))
        with open(sim_dir + '/setup', 'r') as read:
            setup = json.load(read)
        tau, w_n = gf.tau_wn_setup(setup)
        recovered_sim_info = True

    gtau = np.load(filestr)
    mu, tp, u_int = setup['MU'], setup['tp'], setup['U']
    giw = gf.gt_fouriertrans(gtau.reshape(2, 2, -1), tau, w_n,
                             gf_tail(gtau.reshape(2, 2, -1), u_int, mu, tp))

    if recovered_sim_info:
        return giw.reshape(4, -1), gtau, tau, w_n, setup
        return giw.reshape(4, -1), gtau
コード例 #10
ファイル: plot_pm.py プロジェクト: Titan-C/learn-dmft
def dmft_loop_pm(gw=None, **kwargs):
    """Implementation of the solver"""
    parameters = {
                   'n_tau_mc':    40,
                   'BETA':        16,
                   'N_TAU':    2**11,
                   'N_MATSUBARA': 64,
                   'U':           2,
                   't':           0.5,
                   'MU':          0,
                   'loops':       8,
                   'sweeps':      20000,

    tau, w_n, __, Giw, v_aux = hf.setup_PM_sim(parameters)

    simulation = {'parameters': parameters}

    if gw is not None:
        Giw = gw

    for iter_count in range(parameters['loops']):
        G0iw = 1/(1j*w_n + parameters['MU'] - parameters['t']**2 * Giw)
        G0t = gw_invfouriertrans(G0iw, tau, w_n)
        g0t = hf.interpol(G0t, parameters['n_tau_mc'])

        gtu, gtd = hf.imp_solver(g0t, g0t, v_aux, parameters['sweeps'])
        gt = -0.5 * (gtu+gtd)

        Gt = hf.interpol(gt, parameters['N_TAU'])
        Giw = gt_fouriertrans(Gt, tau, w_n)
        simulation['it{:0>2}'.format(iter_count)] = {
                            'G0iw': G0iw,
                            'Giw':  Giw,
                            'gtau': gt,
    return simulation
コード例 #11
ファイル: plot_pm.py プロジェクト: ddcr/learn-dmft
def dmft_loop_pm(gw=None, **kwargs):
    """Implementation of the solver"""
    parameters = {
        'n_tau_mc': 40,
        'BETA': 16,
        'N_TAU': 2**11,
        'N_MATSUBARA': 64,
        'U': 2,
        't': 0.5,
        'MU': 0,
        'loops': 8,
        'sweeps': 20000,

    tau, w_n, __, Giw, v_aux = hf.setup_PM_sim(parameters)

    simulation = {'parameters': parameters}

    if gw is not None:
        Giw = gw

    for iter_count in range(parameters['loops']):
        G0iw = 1 / (1j * w_n + parameters['MU'] - parameters['t']**2 * Giw)
        G0t = gw_invfouriertrans(G0iw, tau, w_n)
        g0t = hf.interpol(G0t, parameters['n_tau_mc'])

        gtu, gtd = hf.imp_solver(g0t, g0t, v_aux, parameters['sweeps'])
        gt = -0.5 * (gtu + gtd)

        Gt = hf.interpol(gt, parameters['N_TAU'])
        Giw = gt_fouriertrans(Gt, tau, w_n)
        simulation['it{:0>2}'.format(iter_count)] = {
            'G0iw': G0iw,
            'Giw': Giw,
            'gtau': gt,
    return simulation
コード例 #12
ファイル: dimer_dop.py プロジェクト: vkxlzptm/pydmft
def dmft_loop_pm(simulation, U, g_iw_start=None):
    """Implementation of the solver"""
    setup = {
        't': 0.5,
        'BANDS': 1,
        'SITES': 2,

    setup['dtau_mc'] = setup['BETA'] / 2. / setup['N_MATSUBARA']
    current_u = 'U' + str(U)
    setup['U'] = U
    setup['simt'] = 'PM'  # simulation type ParaMagnetic
    if setup['AFM']:
        setup['simt'] = 'AFM'  # simulation type AntiFerroMagnetic

    tau, w_n = gf.tau_wn_setup(setup)
    intm = hf.interaction_matrix(setup['BANDS'])
    setup['n_tau_mc'] = len(tau)
    mu, tp = setup['MU'], setup['tp']
    giw_d, giw_o = dimer.gf_met(w_n, mu, tp, 0.5, 0.)

    gmix = np.array([[1j * w_n + mu, -tp * np.ones_like(w_n)],
                     [-tp * np.ones_like(w_n), 1j * w_n + mu]])

    giw = np.array([[giw_d, giw_o], [giw_o, giw_d]])
    g0tau0 = -0.5 * np.eye(2).reshape(2, 2, 1)
    gtu = gf.gw_invfouriertrans(giw, tau, w_n, pd.gf_tail(g0tau0, 0., mu, tp))
    gtd = np.copy(gtu)

    if g_iw_start is not None:
        giw_up = g_iw_start[0]
        giw_dw = g_iw_start[1]

    save_dir = os.path.join(setup['ofile'].format(**setup), current_u)
    try:  # try reloading data from disk
        with open(save_dir + '/setup', 'r') as conf:
            last_loop = json.load(conf)['last_loop']
        gtu = np.load(
            os.path.join(save_dir, 'it{:03}'.format(last_loop),
                         'gtau_up.npy')).reshape(2, 2, -1)
        gtd = np.load(
            os.path.join(save_dir, 'it{:03}'.format(last_loop),
                         'gtau_dw.npy')).reshape(2, 2, -1)

        last_loop += 1
    except (IOError, KeyError, ValueError):  # if no data clean start
        last_loop = 0

    V_field = hf.ising_v(setup['dtau_mc'],
                         L=setup['SITES'] * setup['n_tau_mc'],

    for iter_count in range(last_loop, last_loop + setup['Niter']):
        work_dir = os.path.join(save_dir, 'it{:03}'.format(iter_count))
        setup['work_dir'] = work_dir

        if comm.rank == 0:
            print('On loop', iter_count, 'beta', setup['BETA'], 'U', U, 'tp',
        # paramagnetic cleaning
        gtu = 0.5 * (gtu + gtd)
        gtd = gtu

        giw_up = gf.gt_fouriertrans(gtu, tau, w_n, pd.gf_tail(gtu, U, mu, tp))
        giw_dw = gf.gt_fouriertrans(gtd, tau, w_n, pd.gf_tail(gtd, U, mu, tp))

        # Bethe lattice bath
        g0iw_up = dimer.mat_2_inv(gmix - 0.25 * giw_up)
        g0iw_dw = dimer.mat_2_inv(gmix - 0.25 * giw_dw)

        g0tau_up = gf.gw_invfouriertrans(g0iw_up, tau, w_n,
                                         pd.gf_tail(g0tau0, 0., mu, tp))
        g0tau_dw = gf.gw_invfouriertrans(g0iw_dw, tau, w_n,
                                         pd.gf_tail(g0tau0, 0., mu, tp))

        # Impurity solver

        gtu, gtd = hf.imp_solver([g0tau_dw, g0tau_up], V_field, intm, setup)

        # Save output
        if comm.rank == 0:
            np.save(work_dir + '/gtau_up', gtu.reshape(4, -1))
            np.save(work_dir + '/gtau_dw', gtd.reshape(4, -1))
            with open(save_dir + '/setup', 'w') as conf:
                setup['last_loop'] = iter_count
                json.dump(setup, conf, indent=2)
コード例 #13
def dmft_loop_pm(simulation):
    """Implementation of the solver"""
    setup = {
        't': 0.5,
        'BANDS': 1,
        'SITES': 2,

    if simulation['new_seed']:
        if comm.rank == 0:
            hf.set_new_seed(simulation, ['gtau_d', 'gtau_o'])
        simulation['U'] = simulation['new_seed'][1]

    setup['dtau_mc'] = setup['BETA'] / 2. / setup['N_MATSUBARA']
    current_u = 'U' + str(setup['U'])

    tau, w_n = gf.tau_wn_setup(setup)
    intm = hf.interaction_matrix(setup['BANDS'])
    setup['n_tau_mc'] = len(tau)
    mu, tp, U = setup['MU'], setup['tp'], setup['U']

    giw_d_up, giw_o_up = dimer.gf_met(w_n, 1e-3, tp, 0.5, 0.)
    giw_d_dw, giw_o_dw = dimer.gf_met(w_n, -1e-3, tp, 0.5, 0.)
    gmix = np.array([[1j * w_n, -tp * np.ones_like(w_n)],
                     [-tp * np.ones_like(w_n), 1j * w_n]])
    g0tail = [
        np.eye(2).reshape(2, 2, 1),
        tp * np.array([[0, 1], [1, 0]]).reshape(2, 2, 1),
        np.array([[tp**2, 0], [0, tp**2]]).reshape(2, 2, 1)
    gtail = [
        np.eye(2).reshape(2, 2, 1),
        tp * np.array([[0, 1], [1, 0]]).reshape(2, 2, 1),
        np.array([[tp**2 + U**2 / 4, 0], [0,
                                          tp**2 + U**2 / 4]]).reshape(2, 2, 1)

    giw_up = np.array([[giw_d_up, giw_o_up], [giw_o_dw, giw_d_dw]])
    giw_dw = np.array([[giw_d_dw, giw_o_dw], [giw_o_up, giw_d_up]])

    try:  # try reloading data from disk
        with h5.File(setup['ofile'].format(**setup), 'r') as last_run:
            last_loop = len(last_run[current_u].keys())
            last_it = 'it{:03}'.format(last_loop - 1)
            giw_d, giw_o = pd.get_giw(last_run[current_u], last_it, tau, w_n)
    except (IOError, KeyError):  # if no data clean start
        last_loop = 0

    V_field = hf.ising_v(setup['dtau_mc'],
                         L=setup['SITES'] * setup['n_tau_mc'],

    for loop_count in range(last_loop, last_loop + setup['Niter']):
        # For saving in the h5 file
        dest_group = current_u + '/it{:03}/'.format(loop_count)
        setup['group'] = dest_group

        if comm.rank == 0:
            print('On loop', loop_count, 'beta', setup['BETA'], 'U', U, 'tp',

        # Bethe lattice bath
        g0iw_up = mat_2_inv(gmix - 0.25 * giw_up)
        g0iw_dw = mat_2_inv(gmix - 0.25 * giw_dw)

        g0tau_up = gf.gw_invfouriertrans(g0iw_up, tau, w_n, g0tail)
        g0tau_dw = gf.gw_invfouriertrans(g0iw_dw, tau, w_n, g0tail)

        # Impurity solver

        gtu, gtd = hf.imp_solver([g0tau_up, g0tau_dw], V_field, intm, setup)

        giw_up = gf.gt_fouriertrans(-gtu, tau, w_n, gtail)
        giw_dw = gf.gt_fouriertrans(-gtd, tau, w_n, gtail)

        # Save output
        if comm.rank == 0:
            with h5.File(setup['ofile'].format(**setup), 'a') as store:
                store[dest_group + 'gtau_u'] = gtu
                store[dest_group + 'gtau_d'] = gtd
                h5.add_attributes(store[dest_group], setup)
コード例 #14
# Redo from the QMC tau, tail following G(tau) discontinuity
gt = gtau.sum(0) * .5
gt = np.concatenate((gt, [-1 - gt[0]]))
taub = np.concatenate((tau, [64.]))

gtautck = splrep(taub, gt, s=0)
dev0 = [splev(0, gtautck, der=i) for i in range(4)]
devb = [splev(64, gtautck, der=i) for i in range(4)]

ders = np.abs(-gf.np.array(dev0) - gf.np.array(devb))

taud = np.arange(0, 64, 64 / 1024.)
plt.plot(taub, gt, taud, splev(taud, gtautck, der=0), '+-')

wnl = gf.matsubara_freq(64., 1024)
gif = gf.gt_fouriertrans(splev(taud, gtautck, der=0), taud, wnl, ders)
# plt.plot(wnl, gif.real * wnl**2, wnl, (gif.imag + 1 / wnl) * wnl**3)
# plt.ylim([-3, 3])

# tail replacement
tail = -1j / wnl - ders[1] / wnl**2 + \
    ders[2] * 1j / wnl**3 + ders[3] / wnl**4
x = 64
gif[x:] = tail[x:]
# plt.plot(wnl, gif.real * wnl**2, wnl, (gif.imag + 1 / wnl) * wnl**3)
plt.plot(wnl, gif.real, 'o:', label='metal Re')
plt.plot(wnl, gif.imag, 's:', label='metal Im')

コード例 #15
ファイル: single_site.py プロジェクト: vkxlzptm/pydmft
def dmft_loop_pm(simulation, U, g_iw_start=None):
    """Implementation of the solver"""
    setup = {'t':           .5,
             'SITES':       1,

    current_u = 'U'+str(U)
    setup['U'] = U
    setup['simt'] = 'PM' # simulation type ParaMagnetic

    tau, w_n, _, giw, v_aux, intm = hf.setup_PM_sim(setup)
    if setup['AFM']:
        giw = giw + np.array([[-1], [1]])*1e-3*giw.imag
        setup['simt'] = 'AFM' # simulation type Anti-Ferro-Magnetic

    if g_iw_start is not None:
        giw = g_iw_start

    gtau = gf.gw_invfouriertrans(giw, tau, w_n, [1., 0., .25])
    save_dir = os.path.join(setup['ofile'].format(**setup), current_u)
        with open(save_dir + '/setup', 'r') as conf:
            last_loop = json.load(conf)['last_loop']
        gtau = np.load(os.path.join(save_dir,
        last_loop += 1
    except (IOError, OSError):
        last_loop = 0

    for iter_count in range(last_loop, last_loop + setup['Niter']):
        # For saving in the h5 file
        work_dir = os.path.join(save_dir, 'it{:03}'.format(iter_count))
        setup['work_dir'] = work_dir

        if COMM.rank == 0:
            print('On loop', iter_count, 'beta', setup['BETA'], 'U', setup['U'])

        giw = gf.gt_fouriertrans(gtau, tau, w_n,
                                 pss.gf_tail(gtau, U, setup['MU']))

        if setup['AFM']:
            g0iw = 1/(1j*w_n + setup['MU'] - setup['t']**2 * giw[[1, 0]])
            g0tau = gf.gw_invfouriertrans(g0iw, tau, w_n, [1., 0., .25])
            gtu, gtd = hf.imp_solver([g0tau[0], g0tau[1]], v_aux, intm, setup)
            gtau = np.squeeze([gtu, gtd])

            # enforce Half-fill, particle-hole symmetry
            giw.real = 0.

            g0iw = 1/(1j*w_n + setup['MU'] - setup['t']**2 * giw)
            g0tau = gf.gw_invfouriertrans(g0iw, tau, w_n, [1., 0., .25])
            gtu, gtd = hf.imp_solver([g0tau]*2, v_aux, intm, setup)
            gtau = np.squeeze(0.5 * (gtu+gtd))

        if COMM.rank == 0:
            np.save(work_dir + '/gtau', gtau)
            with open(save_dir + '/setup', 'w') as conf:
                setup['last_loop'] = iter_count
                json.dump(setup, conf, indent=2)

    return giw