def create_user(self, username: str, passwd: str, session_id: str): """ Creates a user in the authentication server. --- Parameters: - username: The username string. - password: The password string. - session_id: The session id string. Throws: - BadRequestError: if the request is malformed. - UnauthorizedError: if the requestor does not meet the security requirements. - ConflictError: if a user with the given username already exists. - HTTPException: On an unhandled 500 error. """ form: str = urlencode({ 'username': username, 'password': passwd, 'session_id': session_id }) headers: dict = {'Content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'} connection: HTTPConnection = self.__get_connection() connection.request('POST', '/users', form, headers) response: HTTPResponse = connection.getresponse() if response.status == 200: return if response.status == 400: raise BadRequestError() if response.status == 401: raise UnauthorizedError() if response.status == 409: raise ConflictError() if response.status == 500: raise HTTPException('Server error')
def revoke(self, username: str, right: str, session_id: str): """ Revoke a right to a user from the authentication server. --- Parameters: - username: The username string. - right: The right string. - session_id: The session id string. Throws: - UnauthorizedError: if the requestor does not meet the security requirements or no session was provided. - NotFoundError: if the user does not exist or the right does not exist. - HTTPException: On an unhandled 500 error. """ form: str = urlencode({ 'username': username, 'right': right, 'session_id': session_id }) headers: dict = {'Content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'} connection: HTTPConnection = self.__get_connection() connection.request('DELETE', '/users/' + str(username) + '/rights/' + str(right), form, headers) response: HTTPResponse = connection.getresponse() if response.status == 200: return if response.status == 401: raise UnauthorizedError() if response.status == 404: raise NotFoundError() if response.status == 500: raise HTTPException('Server error')
def get_rule(self, rulename: str, user: str) -> dict: """ Gets the specified rule. --- Parameters: - rulename: The rule name string. - user: The username string. Returns: A dictionary with a rule, where it has rule_name, type, data and frequency Throws: - BadRequestError: If the request is malformed. - NotFoundError: If the rule does not exist. - HTTPException: On an unhandled 500 error. """ form: str = urlencode({'username': user}) headers: dict = {'Content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'} connection: HTTPConnection = self.__get_connection() connection.request('GET', '/rule/' + quote(str(rulename)), form, headers) response: HTTPResponse = connection.getresponse() if response.status == 200: response_data_json = return json.loads(response_data_json) if response.status == 400: raise BadRequestError() if response.status == 401: raise UnauthorizedError() if response.status == 404: raise NotFoundError() if response.status == 500: raise HTTPException('Server error') return {}
def cambiarreglas(self, regla, tipo_sensor, username) -> dict: """ Método que cambia las reglas de los sensores. --- Parameters: - regla: regla a cambiar - tipo_sensor: tipo del sensor Returns: Diccionario con los valores de las reglas del sensor """ if self.__auth_service.is_running() == True: status = self.__auth_service.has_right(username, 'AdminRules') if status == 200: if self.__sensor1_service.is_running() == True: dict_respuesta = self.__sensor1_service.actualizarlasreglas( tipo_sensor, regla) else: dict_respuesta = {} return dict_respuesta elif status == 404: raise UnauthorizedError() else: print("ERROR: ....", status) raise Exception return {}
def get_all_rules(self, user: str) -> List[dict]: """ Gets the list of rules. --- Parameters: - user: The username string. Returns: A dictionary with the list of rules, where each has rule_name, type, data and frequency Throws: - HTTPException: On an unhandled 500 error. """ form: str = urlencode({'username': user}) headers: dict = {'Content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'} connection: HTTPConnection = self.__get_connection() connection.request('GET', '/rules/', form, headers) response: HTTPResponse = connection.getresponse() if response.status == 200: response_data_json = lista = json.loads(response_data_json) retorno: List[dict] = [] for rule in lista: retorno.append(json.loads(rule)) return retorno if response.status == 401: raise UnauthorizedError() if response.status == 500: raise HTTPException('Server error') return []
def delete_rule(self, rulename: str, user: str): """ Removes a specified rule. --- Parameters: - rulename: The rule name string. - user: The username string. Throws: - BadRequestError: If the request is malformed. - NotFoundError: If the rule does not exist. - HTTPException: On an unhandled 500 error. """ form: str = urlencode({'username': user}) headers: dict = {'Content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'} connection: HTTPConnection = self.__get_connection() connection.request('DELETE', '/rule/' + quote(str(rulename)), form, headers) response: HTTPResponse = connection.getresponse() if response.status == 200: return if response.status == 400: raise BadRequestError() if response.status == 401: raise UnauthorizedError() if response.status == 404: raise NotFoundError() if response.status == 500: raise HTTPException('Server error')
def dar_quitar_permisos(self, usernameAdmin: str, usernameChanges: str, rightChanges: int, session_id: str, dar_quitar: str): """ modifica los permisos de un usurio en el sistema. --- Parameters: - usernameAdmin: Usuario admin que realiza la operacion. - username: nombre del usuario a modificar permisos - password: contrasena del usuario a modificar permisos - session_id: id de la session actual Returns: Status of the action Throws: - UnauthorizedError: If the provided session is incorrect or closed. - HTTPException: On an unhandled 500 error. """ form: str = urlencode({'session_id': session_id}) headers: dict = {'Content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'} right_change: str = '' if rightChanges == 1: right_change = 'AdminUsers' elif rightChanges == 2: right_change = 'AdminRights' elif rightChanges == 3: right_change = 'AdminSensors' elif rightChanges == 4: right_change = 'AdminRules' elif rightChanges == 5: right_change = 'ViewReports' connection: HTTPConnection = self.__get_connection() connection.request('GET', '/users/' + usernameAdmin + '/rights/AdminRights') response: HTTPResponse = connection.getresponse() if response.status == 200: connection.request( dar_quitar, '/users/' + usernameChanges + '/rights/' + right_change, form, headers) response = connection.getresponse() if response.status == 200: return response.status elif response.status == 500: raise HTTPException('Server error') else: print( "ERROR, no se de el permiso correctamente por el error --> ", response.status) return response.status elif response.status == 401: raise UnauthorizedError() else: print("Error....", response.status) return response.status
def logout(self, session_id: str): """ Logs out a user from the authentication server. --- Parameters: - session_id: The session id string. Throws: - UnauthorizedError: If the provided session is incorrect or closed. - HTTPException: On an unhandled 500 error. """ form: str = urlencode({'session_id': session_id}) headers: dict = {'Content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'} connection: HTTPConnection = self.__get_connection() connection.request('DELETE', '/sessions', form, headers) response: HTTPResponse = connection.getresponse() if response.status == 200: return if response.status == 401: raise UnauthorizedError() if response.status == 500: raise HTTPException('Server error')
def newUser(self, usernameAdmin: str, username: str, password: str, session_id: str): """ Crea un nuevo usurio en el sistema. --- Parameters: - usernameAdmin: Usuario admin que realiza la operacion. - username: nombre del nuevo usuario - password: contrasena del nuevo usuario - session_id: id de la session actual Returns: Status of the action Throws: - UnauthorizedError: If the provided session is incorrect or closed. """ form: str = urlencode({ 'username': username, 'password': password, 'session_id': session_id }) headers: dict = {'Content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'} connection: HTTPConnection = self.__get_connection() connection.request('GET', '/users/' + usernameAdmin + '/rights/AdminUsers') response: HTTPResponse = connection.getresponse() if response.status == 200: connection = self.__get_connection() connection.request('POST', '/users', form, headers) response = connection.getresponse() if response.status == 200: return response.status else: print("Usuario no creado con éxito --> ", response.status) elif response.status == 401: raise UnauthorizedError() else: print("ERROR: ....", response.status) return response.status return response.status
def create_rule(self, rulename: str, ruletype: str, ruleargs: str, frequency: int, user: str): """ Creates a new rule. --- Parameters: - rulename: The rule name string. - ruletype: The type of the rule string. (text: command, file) - ruleargs: A command or a file path. - frequency (seconds): 0 if it does not execute automatically. - user: The username string. Throws: - BadRequestError: If the request is malformed. - ConflictError: If the rule already exists. - HTTPException: On an unhandled 500 error. """ form: str = urlencode({ 'rule_name': rulename, 'type': ruletype, 'data': ruleargs, 'frequency': frequency, 'username': user }) headers: dict = {'Content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'} connection: HTTPConnection = self.__get_connection() connection.request('POST', '/rule/', form, headers) response: HTTPResponse = connection.getresponse() if response.status == 200: return if response.status == 400: raise BadRequestError() if response.status == 401: raise UnauthorizedError() if response.status == 409: raise ConflictError() if response.status == 500: raise HTTPException('Server error')