def postprocess_v2(temperature=1., numResampleLogX=1, plot=True, loaded=[], \ cut=0., save=True, zoom_in=True, compression_bias_min=1., verbose=True,\ compression_scatter=0., moreSamples=1., compression_assert=None, single_precision=False): if len(loaded) == 0: levels_orig = np.atleast_2d(dn4.my_loadtxt("levels.txt")) sample_info = np.atleast_2d(dn4.my_loadtxt("sample_info.txt")) else: levels_orig, sample_info = loaded[0], loaded[1] # Remove regularisation from levels_orig if we asked for it if compression_assert is not None: levels_orig[1:, 0] = -np.cumsum( compression_assert * np.ones(levels_orig.shape[0] - 1)) cut = int(cut * sample_info.shape[0]) sample_info = sample_info[cut:, :] if plot: plt.figure(1) plt.plot(sample_info[:, 0], "k") plt.xlabel("Iteration") plt.ylabel("Level") plt.figure(2) plt.subplot(2, 1, 1) plt.plot(np.diff(levels_orig[:, 0]), "k") plt.ylabel("Compression") plt.xlabel("Level") xlim = plt.gca().get_xlim() plt.axhline(-1., color='g') plt.axhline(-np.log(10.), color='g', linestyle="--") plt.ylim(ymax=0.05) plt.subplot(2, 1, 2) good = np.nonzero(levels_orig[:, 4] > 0)[0] plt.plot(levels_orig[good, 3] / levels_orig[good, 4], "ko-") plt.xlim(xlim) plt.ylim([0., 1.]) plt.xlabel("Level") plt.ylabel("MH Acceptance") # Convert to lists of tuples logl_levels = [(levels_orig[i, 1], levels_orig[i, 2]) for i in range(0, levels_orig.shape[0])] # logl, tiebreaker logl_samples = [(sample_info[i, 1], sample_info[i, 2], i) for i in range(0, sample_info.shape[0]) ] # logl, tiebreaker, id logx_samples = np.zeros((sample_info.shape[0], numResampleLogX)) logp_samples = np.zeros((sample_info.shape[0], numResampleLogX)) logP_samples = np.zeros((sample_info.shape[0], numResampleLogX)) P_samples = np.zeros((sample_info.shape[0], numResampleLogX)) logz_estimates = np.zeros((numResampleLogX, 1)) H_estimates = np.zeros((numResampleLogX, 1)) # Find sandwiching level for each sample sandwich = sample_info[:, 0].copy().astype('int') for i in range(0, sample_info.shape[0]): while sandwich[i] < levels_orig.shape[0] - 1 and logl_samples[ i] > logl_levels[sandwich[i] + 1]: sandwich[i] += 1 for z in range(0, numResampleLogX): # Make a monte carlo perturbation of the level compressions levels = levels_orig.copy() compressions = -np.diff(levels[:, 0]) compressions *= compression_bias_min + ( 1. - compression_bias_min) * np.random.rand() compressions *= np.exp(compression_scatter * np.random.randn(compressions.size)) levels[1:, 0] = -compressions levels[:, 0] = np.cumsum(levels[:, 0]) # For each level for i in range(0, levels.shape[0]): # Find the samples sandwiched by this level which = np.nonzero(sandwich == i)[0] logl_samples_thisLevel = [] # (logl, tieBreaker, ID) for j in range(0, len(which)): logl_samples_thisLevel.append( copy.deepcopy(logl_samples[which[j]])) logl_samples_thisLevel = sorted(logl_samples_thisLevel) N = len(logl_samples_thisLevel) # Generate intermediate logx values logx_max = levels[i, 0] if i == levels.shape[0] - 1: logx_min = -1E300 else: logx_min = levels[i + 1, 0] Umin = np.exp(logx_min - logx_max) if N == 0 or numResampleLogX > 1: U = Umin + (1. - Umin) * np.random.rand(len(which)) else: U = Umin + (1. - Umin) * np.linspace(1. / (N + 1), 1. - 1. / (N + 1), N) logx_samples_thisLevel = np.sort(logx_max + np.log(U))[::-1] for j in range(0, which.size): logx_samples[logl_samples_thisLevel[j] [2]][z] = logx_samples_thisLevel[j] if j != which.size - 1: left = logx_samples_thisLevel[j + 1] elif i == levels.shape[0] - 1: left = -1E300 else: left = levels[i + 1][0] if j != 0: right = logx_samples_thisLevel[j - 1] else: right = levels[i][0] logp_samples[logl_samples_thisLevel[j] [2]][z] = np.log(0.5) + dn4.classic.logdiffexp( right, left) logl = sample_info[:, 1] / temperature logp_samples[:, z] = logp_samples[:, z] - dn4.classic.logsumexp( logp_samples[:, z]) logP_samples[:, z] = logp_samples[:, z] + logl logz_estimates[z] = dn4.classic.logsumexp(logP_samples[:, z]) logP_samples[:, z] -= logz_estimates[z] P_samples[:, z] = np.exp(logP_samples[:, z]) H_estimates[z] = -logz_estimates[z] + np.sum(P_samples[:, z] * logl) if plot: plt.figure(3) plt.subplot(2, 1, 1) plt.plot(logx_samples[:, z], sample_info[:, 1], 'k.', label='Samples') plt.plot(levels[1:, 0], levels[1:, 1], 'g.', label='Levels') plt.legend(numpoints=1, loc='lower left') plt.ylabel('log(L)') plt.title( str(z + 1) + "/" + str(numResampleLogX) + ", log(Z) = " + str(logz_estimates[z][0])) # Use all plotted logl values to set ylim combined_logl = np.hstack([sample_info[:, 1], levels[1:, 1]]) combined_logl = np.sort(combined_logl) lower = combined_logl[int(0.1 * combined_logl.size)] upper = combined_logl[-1] diff = upper - lower lower -= 0.05 * diff upper += 0.05 * diff if zoom_in: plt.ylim([lower, upper]) xlim = plt.gca().get_xlim() if plot: plt.subplot(2, 1, 2) plt.plot(logx_samples[:, z], P_samples[:, z], 'k.') plt.ylabel('Posterior Weights') plt.xlabel('log(X)') plt.xlim(xlim) P_samples = np.mean(P_samples, 1) P_samples = P_samples / np.sum(P_samples) logz_estimate = np.mean(logz_estimates) logz_error = np.std(logz_estimates) H_estimate = np.mean(H_estimates) H_error = np.std(H_estimates) ESS = np.exp(-np.sum(P_samples * np.log(P_samples + 1E-300))) errorbar1 = "" errorbar2 = "" if numResampleLogX > 1: errorbar1 += " +- " + str(logz_error) errorbar2 += " +- " + str(H_error) if verbose: print("log(Z) = " + str(logz_estimate) + errorbar1) sys.stdout.flush() print("Information = " + str(H_estimate) + errorbar2 + " nats.") sys.stdout.flush() print("Effective sample size = " + str(ESS)) sys.stdout.flush() # Resample to uniform weight N = int(moreSamples * ESS) w = P_samples w = w / np.max(w) rows = np.empty(N, dtype="int64") for i in range(0, N): while True: which = np.random.randint(sample_info.shape[0]) if np.random.rand() <= w[which]: break rows[i] = which + cut # Get header row f = open("sample.txt", "r") line = f.readline() if line[0] == "#": header = line[1:] else: header = "" f.close() sample = dn4.loadtxt_rows("sample.txt", set(rows), single_precision) posterior_sample = None posterior_sample_2 = None if single_precision: posterior_sample = np.empty((N, sample["ncol"]), dtype="float32") posterior_sample_2 = np.empty((N, sample["ncol"] + 1), dtype="float32") else: posterior_sample = np.empty((N, sample["ncol"])) posterior_sample_2 = np.empty((N, sample["ncol"] + 1)) for i in range(0, N): posterior_sample[i, :] = sample[rows[ i]] # This sets row i of posterior_sample to be that of sample. posterior_sample_2[i] = np.append( posterior_sample[i], sample_info[rows[i], 1]) # Adds the log likelihood to the end of the row if save: np.savetxt('weights.txt', w) if single_precision: np.savetxt("posterior_sample.txt", posterior_sample_2, fmt="%.7e",\ header=header) else: np.savetxt("posterior_sample.txt", posterior_sample_2,\ header=header) if plot: return [logz_estimate, H_estimate, logx_samples]
import os # Piecewise linear stretch def stretch(x): y = x.copy() y = (y - y.min()) / (y.max() - y.min()) y[y > 0.1] = 0.1 + 0.05 * (y[y > 0.1] - 0.1) return y saveFrames = False # For making movies if saveFrames: os.system("rm Frames/*.png") posterior_sample = atleast_2d(dnest4.my_loadtxt("posterior_sample.txt", single_precision=True)) data = loadtxt("Data/test_image.txt") sig = loadtxt("Data/test_sigma.txt") ion() hold(False) for i in range(0, posterior_sample.shape[0]): img = posterior_sample[i, 0 : 200 ** 2].reshape((200, 200)) subplot(1, 2, 1) imshow(stretch(img), cmap="viridis", interpolation="nearest") title("Model {i}".format(i=i)) gca().set_xticks([-0.5, 99.5, 199.5]) gca().set_yticks([-0.5, 99.5, 199.5]) gca().set_xticklabels(["-1", "0", "1"]) gca().set_yticklabels(["1", "0", "-1"])
if view_stats == 'y': os.chdir('Photometry') Outputs = postprocess_v2(plot=True) os.chdir('../') else: os.chdir('Photometry') Outputs = postprocess_v2(plot=False) os.chdir('../') # Read in posterior_sample.txt and the image input used in DNest4. If one had a data file with the std deviation from the mean at each pixel, # one can also read that in here. This was never necessary in our work, but perhaps will be for some. To include one, simply uncomment the # relevant line. posterior_sample = atleast_2d( dn4.my_loadtxt('Photometry/posterior_sample.txt', single_precision=True)) sample = atleast_2d(dn4.my_loadtxt('Photometry/sample.txt')) sample_info = atleast_2d(dn4.my_loadtxt('Photometry/sample_info.txt')) data = loadtxt('Photometry/Data/test_image.txt') #sig = loadtxt('Photometry/Data/test_sigma.txt') # Read in the necessary values from the metadata file # Conversion to integers necessary for some of the array operations which follow (DNest4 requires floats) x_pix = np.loadtxt(metadata_file, usecols=(0, )) x_pix = int(x_pix) y_pix = np.loadtxt(metadata_file, usecols=(1, )) y_pix = int(y_pix) N_lim = np.loadtxt(metadata_file, usecols=(2, )) N_lim = int(N_lim) xmin = np.loadtxt(metadata_file, usecols=(3, ))
import dnest4 import os # Piecewise linear stretch def stretch(x): y = x.copy() y = (y - y.min())/(y.max() - y.min()) y[y > 0.1] = 0.1 + 0.05*(y[y > 0.1] - 0.1) return y saveFrames = False # For making movies if saveFrames: os.system('rm Frames/*.png') posterior_sample = atleast_2d(dnest4.my_loadtxt('posterior_sample.txt', single_precision=True)) data = loadtxt('Data/test_image.txt') sig = loadtxt('Data/test_sigma.txt') ion() hold(False) for i in range(0, posterior_sample.shape[0]): img = posterior_sample[i, 0:200**2].reshape((200, 200)) subplot(1, 2, 1) imshow(stretch(img), cmap='viridis') title('Model {i}'.format(i=i)) gca().set_xticks([-0.5, 99.5, 199.5]) gca().set_yticks([-0.5, 99.5, 199.5]) gca().set_xticklabels(['-1', '0', '1']) gca().set_yticklabels(['1', '0', '-1'])