コード例 #1
    def test_02_classification_required(self):
        # Check we can mark an application 'ready' with a subject classification present
        in_progress_application = models.Suggestion(**ApplicationFixtureFactory.make_update_request_source())

        fc = formcontext.ApplicationFormFactory.get_form_context(role='editor', source=in_progress_application)

        # Make changes to the application status via the form, check it validates
        fc.form.application_status.data = constants.APPLICATION_STATUS_READY

        assert fc.validate()

        # Without a subject classification, we should not be able to set the status to 'ready'
        no_class_application = models.Suggestion(**ApplicationFixtureFactory.make_update_request_source())
        del no_class_application.data['bibjson']['subject']
        fc = formcontext.ApplicationFormFactory.get_form_context(role='editor', source=no_class_application)
        # Make changes to the application status via the form
        assert fc.source.bibjson().subjects() == []
        fc.form.application_status.data = constants.APPLICATION_STATUS_READY

        assert not fc.validate()

        # However, we should be able to set it to a different status rather than 'ready'
        fc.form.application_status.data = constants.APPLICATION_STATUS_PENDING

        assert fc.validate()
コード例 #2
ファイル: test_query_filters.py プロジェクト: mauromsl/doaj
    def test_09_publisher_result_filter_unpacked(self):
        apsrc_admin = ApplicationFixtureFactory.make_update_request_source(
        # Not all of these properties are applicable to applications, but these test objects are not applications:
        # they are made-up admin sections designed solely to test whether the filter lets the right keys through.
        # We just use applications as a base to construct them.
        apsrc_admin['ticked'] = True
        apsrc_admin['in_doaj'] = True
        apsrc_admin['related_applications'] = [1, 2, 3]
        apsrc_admin['current_application'] = 'abcde'

        allowed = [
            "ticked", "seal", "in_doaj", "related_applications",
            "current_application", "current_journal", "application_status"
        forbidden = [
            'notes', 'contact', 'editor_group', 'editor', 'related_journal'

        res = {"admin": deepcopy(apsrc_admin), "bibjson": {}}

        newres = query_filters.publisher_result_filter(res, unpacked=True)

        for allowed_k in allowed:
            assert allowed_k in newres['admin'], \
                '{} key not found in result {}, but it is allowed and should have been left intact by the filter'.format(allowed_k, newres)
        for forbidden_k in forbidden:
            assert forbidden_k not in newres['admin'], \
                '{} key was found in result {}, but it is forbidden and should have been stripped out by the filter'.format(forbidden_k, newres)
コード例 #3
    def test_06_retrieve_application_success(self):
        # set up all the bits we need
        data = ApplicationFixtureFactory.make_update_request_source()
        ap = models.Suggestion(**data)

        account = models.Account()

        # call retrieve on the object
        a = ApplicationsCrudApi.retrieve(ap.id, account)

        # check that we got back the object we expected
        assert isinstance(a, OutgoingApplication)
        assert a.id == ap.id
コード例 #4
    def test_05_outgoing_application_do(self):
        # make a blank one
        oa = OutgoingApplication()

        # make one from an incoming application model fixture
        data = ApplicationFixtureFactory.make_update_request_source()
        ap = models.Suggestion(**data)
        oa = OutgoingApplication.from_model(ap)

        # check that it does not contain information that it shouldn't
        assert oa.data.get("index") is None
        assert oa.data.get("history") is None
        assert oa.data.get("admin", {}).get("notes") is None
        assert oa.data.get("admin", {}).get("editor_group") is None
        assert oa.data.get("admin", {}).get("editor") is None
        assert oa.data.get("admin", {}).get("seal") is None
        assert oa.data.get("admin", {}).get("related_journal") is None

        # check that it does contain admin information that it should
        assert oa.data.get("admin", {}).get("current_journal") is not None
コード例 #5
    def test_07_retrieve_application_fail(self):
        # set up all the bits we need
        data = ApplicationFixtureFactory.make_update_request_source()
        ap = models.Suggestion(**data)

        # no user
        with self.assertRaises(Api401Error):
            a = ApplicationsCrudApi.retrieve(ap.id, None)

        # wrong user
        account = models.Account()
        with self.assertRaises(Api404Error):
            a = ApplicationsCrudApi.retrieve(ap.id, account)

        # non-existant application
        account = models.Account()
        with self.assertRaises(Api404Error):
            a = ApplicationsCrudApi.retrieve("ijsidfawefwefw", account)
コード例 #6
ファイル: test_xwalk.py プロジェクト: leenashah73/doaj
from portality.formcontext import forms
from portality.formcontext.xwalks import suggestion_form
from portality import models
from werkzeug.datastructures import MultiDict
from copy import deepcopy
from portality import lcc

from doajtest.fixtures import JournalFixtureFactory, ApplicationFixtureFactory

JOURNAL_FORM = JournalFixtureFactory.make_journal_form()
JOURNAL_FORMINFO = JournalFixtureFactory.make_journal_form_info()
JOURNAL_SOURCE = JournalFixtureFactory.make_journal_source_with_legacy_info()

APPLICATION_FORM = ApplicationFixtureFactory.make_application_form()
APPLICATION_FORMINFO = ApplicationFixtureFactory.make_application_form_info()
APPLICATION_SOURCE = ApplicationFixtureFactory.make_update_request_source()

OLD_STYLE_APP = ApplicationFixtureFactory.make_update_request_source()
del OLD_STYLE_APP["bibjson"]["persistent_identifier_scheme"]
del OLD_STYLE_APP["bibjson"]["deposit_policy"]
del OLD_STYLE_APP["bibjson"]["author_copyright"]
del OLD_STYLE_APP["bibjson"]["author_publishing_rights"]

# Mocks

def mock_lookup_code(code):
    if code == "H": return "Social Sciences"
    if code == "HB1-3840": return "Economic theory. Demography"
コード例 #7
import re
from copy import deepcopy

from werkzeug.datastructures import MultiDict

from portality import constants
from doajtest.fixtures import JournalFixtureFactory, ApplicationFixtureFactory
from doajtest.helpers import DoajTestCase
from portality import models
from portality.formcontext import formcontext

# Source objects to be used for testing

UPDATE_REQUEST_SOURCE = ApplicationFixtureFactory.make_update_request_source()
    "application_status"] = constants.APPLICATION_STATUS_UPDATE_REQUEST
UPDATE_REQUEST_FORM = ApplicationFixtureFactory.make_application_form(

# Main test class

class TestPublisherUpdateRequestFormContext(DoajTestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        super(TestPublisherUpdateRequestFormContext, self).setUp()

    def tearDown(self):
コード例 #8
    def test_01_accept_application(self, name, application_type, account_type, manual_update, provenance, raises, result_provenance, result_manual_update):

        ## set up

        # create the application
        application = None
        if application_type == "save_fail":
            application = Suggestion(**ApplicationFixtureFactory.make_update_request_source())
            application.save = mock_save
            Journal.save = mock_save
        elif application_type == "with_current_journal":
            application = Suggestion(**ApplicationFixtureFactory.make_update_request_source())
            application.add_note("unique 1", "2002-01-01T00:00:00Z")
            application.add_note("duplicate", "2001-01-01T00:00:00Z")
            cj = application.current_journal
            journal = Journal(**JournalFixtureFactory.make_journal_source())
            journal.add_note("unique 2", "2003-01-01T00:00:00Z")
            journal.add_note("duplicate", "2001-01-01T00:00:00Z")
        elif application_type == "no_current_journal":
            application = Suggestion(**ApplicationFixtureFactory.make_update_request_source())

        acc = None
        if account_type == "not_allowed":
            acc = Account(**AccountFixtureFactory.make_publisher_source())
        elif account_type == "allowed":
            acc = Account(**AccountFixtureFactory.make_managing_editor_source())

        mu = None
        if manual_update in ["true", "false"]:
            mu = manual_update == "true"

        prov = None
        if provenance in ["true", "false"]:
            prov = provenance == "true"

        save = bool(randint(0,1))

        # Execution

        svc = DOAJ.applicationService()
        if raises != "":
            with self.assertRaises(EXCEPTIONS[raises]):
                svc.accept_application(application, acc, mu, prov)
            journal = svc.accept_application(application, acc, mu, prov, save_journal=save, save_application=save)

            # we need to sleep, so the index catches up

            # check a few common things
            assert application.application_status == constants.APPLICATION_STATUS_ACCEPTED
            assert application.current_journal is None
            assert journal.current_application is None
            assert application.related_journal == journal.id

            related = journal.related_applications
            if application_type == "with_current_journal":
                assert len(related) == 3
            elif application_type == "no_current_journal":
                assert len(related) == 1
            assert related[0].get("application_id") == application.id
            assert related[0].get("date_accepted") is not None

            if result_manual_update == "yes":
                assert journal.last_manual_update is not None
                assert journal.last_manual_update != "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
                assert application.last_manual_update is not None
                assert application.last_manual_update != "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
            elif result_manual_update == "no":
                assert journal.last_manual_update is None
                assert application.last_manual_update is None

            if application_type == "with_current_journal":
                assert len(journal.notes) == 3
                notevals = [note.get("note") for note in journal.notes]
                assert "duplicate" in notevals
                assert "unique 1" in notevals
                assert "unique 2" in notevals

            app_prov = Provenance.get_latest_by_resource_id(application.id)
            if result_provenance == "yes":
                assert app_prov is not None
            elif result_provenance == "no":
                assert app_prov is None

            if save: