コード例 #1
    def setUp(self):
        self.image = 'docker://ubuntu:latest'
        self.tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        os.environ['SINGULARITY_ROOTFS'] = self.tmpdir
        os.mkdir('%s/.singularity.d' % self.tmpdir)
        from docker.api import DockerApiConnection
        self.client = DockerApiConnection(image=self.image)

コード例 #2
    def test_create_runscript(self):
        '''test_create_runscript should ensure that a runscript is generated
        with some command
        from docker.api import DockerApiConnection

        print('Testing creation of runscript')
        from docker.tasks import extract_runscript

        manifest = self.client.get_manifest(old_version=True)

        print("Case 1: Asking for CMD when none defined")
        default_cmd = 'exec /bin/bash "$@"'
        runscript = extract_runscript(manifest=manifest, includecmd=True)
        # Commands are always in format exec [] "$@"
        # 'exec echo \'Hello World\' "$@"'
        self.assertTrue(default_cmd in runscript)

        print("Case 2: Asking for ENTRYPOINT when none defined")
        runscript = extract_runscript(manifest=manifest)
        self.assertTrue(default_cmd in runscript)

        client = DockerApiConnection(image="docker://bids/mriqc:0.0.2")
        manifest = client.get_manifest(old_version=True)

        print("Case 3: Asking for ENTRYPOINT when defined")
        runscript = extract_runscript(manifest=manifest)
        self.assertTrue('exec /run_mriqc "$@"' in runscript)

        print("Case 4: Asking for CMD when defined")
        runscript = extract_runscript(manifest=manifest, includecmd=True)
        self.assertTrue('exec --help "$@"' in runscript)

        print("Case 5: Asking for ENTRYPOINT when None, should return CMD")
        from docker.tasks import get_configs
        client = DockerApiConnection(image="tensorflow/tensorflow:1.0.0")
        manifest = client.get_manifest(old_version=True)

        configs = get_configs(manifest, ['Cmd', 'Entrypoint'])
        self.assertEqual(configs['Entrypoint'], None)
        runscript = extract_runscript(manifest=manifest)
        self.assertTrue(configs['Cmd'] in runscript)
コード例 #3
    def test_get_token(self):
        '''test_get_token will obtain a token from the Docker registry for a namepspace
        and repo. 
        from docker.api import DockerApiConnection
        client = DockerApiConnection(

        print("Case 1: Ask when we don't need token returns None")
        token = client.update_token()
        self.assertEqual(token, None)
コード例 #4
    def test_get_manifest(self):
        '''test_get_manifest will obtain a library/repo manifest
        from docker.api import DockerApiConnection

        print("Case 1: Obtain manifest for %s/%s" %
              (self.client.namespace, self.client.repo_name))

        manifest = self.client.get_manifest(old_version=True)

        # Default tag should be latest
        self.assertTrue("fsLayers" in manifest)

        # Giving a bad tag sould return error
        print("Case 3: Bad tag should print valid tags and exit")
        client = DockerApiConnection(image="ubuntu:mmm.avocado")

        # Should work for custom registries
        print("Case 4: Obtain manifest from custom registry")
        client = DockerApiConnection(image="gcr.io/tensorflow/tensorflow")
        manifest = client.get_manifest(old_version=True)
        self.assertTrue("fsLayers" in manifest or "layers" in manifest)
コード例 #5
    def test_get_images(self):
        '''test_get_images will obtain a list of images
        from docker.api import DockerApiConnection

        print("Case 1: Ask for images")
        images = self.client.get_images()
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(images, list))
        self.assertTrue(len(images) > 1)

        print("Case 2: Ask for images from custom registry")
        client = DockerApiConnection(image="gcr.io/tensorflow/tensorflow")
        images = client.get_images()
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(images, list))
        self.assertTrue(len(images) > 1)
コード例 #6
    def test_get_manifest(self):
        '''test_get_manifest will obtain a library/repo manifest
        from docker.api import DockerApiConnection

        print("Case 1: Obtain manifest for %s" % self.client.repo_name)

        manifest = self.client.get_manifest(old_version=True)

        # Default tag should be latest
        self.assertTrue("fsLayers" in manifest)

        # Giving a bad tag sould return error
        print("Case 3: Bad tag should print valid tags and exit")
        client = DockerApiConnection(image="ubuntu:mmm.avocado")
コード例 #7
    def test_get_tags(self):
        '''test_get_tags will obtain a list of tags
        from docker.api import DockerApiConnection

        full_name = "%s/%s" % (self.client.namespace, self.client.repo_name)
        print("Case 1: Ask for tags from standard %s" % full_name)
        tags = self.client.get_tags()
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(tags, list))
        self.assertTrue(len(tags) > 1)
        ubuntu_tags = ['xenial', 'latest', 'trusty', 'yakkety']
        [self.assertTrue(x in tags) for x in ubuntu_tags]

        print("Case 2: Ask for tags from custom registry")
        client = DockerApiConnection(image="gcr.io/tensorflow/tensorflow")
        tags = client.get_tags()
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(tags, list))
        self.assertTrue(len(tags) > 1)
        [self.assertTrue(x in tags) for x in ['latest', 'latest-gpu']]