コード例 #1
def buildMscOverlapMatrix(lang):
    logging.info("building MSC overlap matrix")

    arts = [
        art for art in docsim.getArts(
            ARTS_FILE, acceptNoBody=True, acceptNoMsc=False)
        if art.language == lang or lang == 'any'
    cats, rcats = loadMsc2Id(lang)  # from buildPure

    logging.info("computing MSC matrices")

    overlap = numpy.zeros(
        (len(cats), len(cats)), dtype=int
    )  # binary msc similarity (with fixed msc hierarchy = identity)
    for art in arts:
        for msc1 in art.msc:
            for msc2 in art.msc:
                        rcats[mscs.niceMSC(msc2)[0]]] += 1

    resultOverlap = numpy.zeros((len(cats), len(cats)), dtype=numpy.float32)
    for i in xrange(resultOverlap.shape[0]):
        max = numpy.max(overlap[i])
        for j in xrange(resultOverlap.shape[1]):
            resultOverlap[i, j] = math.log(1.0 + 100.0 * overlap[i, j] /
                                           max) / math.log(101)

                        common.matrixFile("mscs_overlap_%s.mm" % lang),
    return resultOverlap
コード例 #2
def buildMscPureMatrix(lang):
    if os.path.exists(ARTS_FILE):
            "SKIPPING creating MSC database from meta.xml files (using old %s); is this what you want?"
            % ARTS_FILE)
        logging.info("creating MSC database from meta.xml files")
        )  # only run this when collection changes (test for file existence / delete file explicitly?)
    arts = [
        art for art in docsim.getArts(
            ARTS_FILE, acceptNoBody=True, acceptNoMsc=False)
        if art.language == lang or lang == 'any'

    cats = dict(enumerate(mscs.getFreqMSCs(arts, minFreq=1, useMains=False)))
    rcats = utils_dml.reverseMap(cats)
    saveMsc2Id(cats, lang)

    logging.info("building MSC binary matrix")
    resultBin = numpy.zeros(
        (len(cats), len(cats)), dtype=numpy.float32
    )  # binary msc similarity (with fixed msc hierarchy = identity)
    for idi, cati in cats.iteritems():
        for idj, catj in cats.iteritems():
            #            print idi, cati, idj, catj
            if idi == idj:
                resultBin[idi, idj] = 1.0
                resultBin[idi, idj] = 0.0
                        common.matrixFile("mscs_bin_%s.mm" % lang),
    return resultBin
コード例 #3
def buildMscPureMatrix(lang):
    if os.path.exists(ARTS_FILE):
            "SKIPPING creating MSC database from meta.xml files (using old %s); is this what you want?" % ARTS_FILE
        logging.info("creating MSC database from meta.xml files")
        createMscsDb()  # only run this when collection changes (test for file existence / delete file explicitly?)
    arts = [
        for art in docsim.getArts(ARTS_FILE, acceptNoBody=True, acceptNoMsc=False)
        if art.language == lang or lang == "any"

    cats = dict(enumerate(mscs.getFreqMSCs(arts, minFreq=1, useMains=False)))
    rcats = utils_dml.reverseMap(cats)
    saveMsc2Id(cats, lang)

    logging.info("building MSC binary matrix")
    resultBin = numpy.zeros(
        (len(cats), len(cats)), dtype=numpy.float32
    )  # binary msc similarity (with fixed msc hierarchy = identity)
    for idi, cati in cats.iteritems():
        for idj, catj in cats.iteritems():
            #            print idi, cati, idj, catj
            if idi == idj:
                resultBin[idi, idj] = 1.0
                resultBin[idi, idj] = 0.0
    matutils.saveMatrix(resultBin, common.matrixFile("mscs_bin_%s.mm" % lang), sparse=False)
    return resultBin
コード例 #4
def buildMscOverlapMatrix(lang):
    logging.info("building MSC overlap matrix")

    arts = [
        for art in docsim.getArts(ARTS_FILE, acceptNoBody=True, acceptNoMsc=False)
        if art.language == lang or lang == "any"
    cats, rcats = loadMsc2Id(lang)  # from buildPure

    logging.info("computing MSC matrices")

    overlap = numpy.zeros(
        (len(cats), len(cats)), dtype=int
    )  # binary msc similarity (with fixed msc hierarchy = identity)
    for art in arts:
        for msc1 in art.msc:
            for msc2 in art.msc:
                overlap[rcats[mscs.niceMSC(msc1)[0]], rcats[mscs.niceMSC(msc2)[0]]] += 1

    resultOverlap = numpy.zeros((len(cats), len(cats)), dtype=numpy.float32)
    for i in xrange(resultOverlap.shape[0]):
        max = numpy.max(overlap[i])
        for j in xrange(resultOverlap.shape[1]):
            resultOverlap[i, j] = math.log(1.0 + 100.0 * overlap[i, j] / max) / math.log(101)

    matutils.saveMatrix(resultOverlap, common.matrixFile("mscs_overlap_%s.mm" % lang), sparse=False)
    return resultOverlap
コード例 #5
    logging.info("avg similarity within %s: %f" % (id, numpy.mean(mat)))
    logging.info("stddev similarity within %s: %f" % (id, numpy.std(mat)))
    logging.debug("creating msc=%s luminescence matrix" % (id))
    print mat
    matLum = getLum(mat).astype(numpy.uint8)
    fname = "%s_sim_lum%i_%s.png" % (SIM_TYPE, LUM_SCALE, id)
    logging.debug("saving msc=%s similarity luminescence matrix to %s" %
                  (id, fname))
    logging.info("saving to %s" % fname)
    i = Image.fromarray(matLum, 'L')

logging.info("loading articles")
#arts = docsim.getArts(common.dbFile('serial_eng', '1msc'))
arts = docsim.getArts('/home/radim/workspace/data/dml/results/serial_msc.pdl')

for art in arts:
    art.fullmsc = art.msc[:]
    art.msc = tuple(removeDup([mscs.niceMSC(msc)[0] for msc in art.msc]))
arts = [
    art for art in arts if art.id_int in ipyutils.rdocids
    and art.language == "eng" and len(art.msc) == 1

art2msc = [(art.fullmsc, art.id_int, art.msc) for art in arts]

del arts

logging.info("len(art2msc)=%i" % len(art2msc))
コード例 #6
def buildMscCentroidMatrix(language):
    logging.info("building MSC centroid matrix from %s" % ARTS_FILE)
    arts = [
        art for art in docsim.getArts(
            ARTS_FILE, acceptNoBody=False, acceptNoMsc=False)
        if art.language == language or language == 'any'
    prefix = 'mscs_serial_%s_' % language
    matFile = common.matrixFile(prefix + 'TFIDF_T.mm')
    if os.path.exists(matFile):
            'SKIPPING creating TFIDF matrix for %s (file %s present). Is this what you wanted?'
            % (language, matFile))
        tfidf = matutils.loadMatrix(matFile).tocsr()
        logging.info('creating TFIDF matrix for %s to %s' %
                     (language, matFile))
        tfidf = docsim.buildTFIDFMatrices(arts,

    arts = [
        art for art in arts if art.id_int in ipyutils.rdocids
    ]  # remove articles that had empty body (according to their tfidf vector)
    if len(ipyutils.rdocids) != len(arts):
            "no. of TFIDF document = %i, but there are %i documents in the database (mismatch)"
            % (len(ipyutils.rdocids), len(arts)))
        raise Exception(
            "different size of database/dictionary; version mismatch?")

    cats, rcats = loadMsc2Id(language)  # from buildPure
    #    print "mscs:", cats

    logging.info("loading tfidf collection matrix (for centroids)")
    tfidf = matutils.loadMatrix(
        common.matrixFile('gensim_' + language + 'TFIDF_T.mm')).tocsr()
    logging.debug("loaded %ix%i matrix" % tfidf.shape)

    logging.info("computing centroids")
    centroids = numpy.zeros((len(cats), tfidf.shape[1]), numpy.float)
    #    print "centroids.shape =", centroids.shape
    num = numpy.zeros((len(cats), ), numpy.int)
    artCnt = 0
    for art in arts:
        if not art.id_int in ipyutils.rdocids:
            logging.warning("article not found among docids: %s" % art)
        artCnt += 1
        artId = ipyutils.rdocids[art.id_int]
        tops = [mscs.niceMSC(msc)[0] for msc in art.msc]
        tops = set(
        )  # only count each top-level once (comment out this line to count e.g. 30H55 and 30.13 twice for this article, as cat. 30)
        for top in tops:
            mscId = rcats[top]
            vec = tfidf[artId].toarray()
            vec.shape = (vec.size, )
            #            print "vec.shape = ", vec.shape
            centroids[mscId] += vec
            num[mscId] += 1
        if artCnt < 10 or artCnt % 1000 == 0:
                "sanity check - article %s has id %i and has mscs=%s, mscsIds=%s"
                % (art.id_int, artId, art.msc,
                   [rcats[mscs.niceMSC(msc)[0]] for msc in art.msc]))
    if not artCnt == tfidf.shape[0]:
        raise Exception("not all articles used; database/matrix mismatch?")
    for i, vec in enumerate(centroids):
            "centroid for msc %s (id %i) is an average of %i vectors" %
            (cats[i], i, num[i]))
        if numpy.sum(numpy.abs(vec)) == 0:
            logging.warning("empty centroid for msc %s (msc int id %i)" %
                            (cats[i], i))
    for mscId in cats.iterkeys():
        centroids[mscId] /= num[mscId]
        "used %i articles for %i vectors (articles may have more than one msc and so can be counted more than once)"
        % (artCnt, sum(num)))

    logging.info("computing MSC centroid matrix")
    resultCentroid = numpy.zeros((len(cats), len(cats)), dtype=numpy.float32)
    for idi, cati in cats.iteritems():
        for idj, catj in cats.iteritems():
            #            print idi, cati, idj, catj
            sim = matutils.cossim(centroids[idi], centroids[idj])
            if numpy.isfinite(sim):
                resultCentroid[idi, idj] = sim
                resultCentroid[idi, idj] = 0.0

                        common.matrixFile("mscs_centroid_%s.mm" % language),
コード例 #7
def processMsc(mat, id):
	logging.info("avg similarity within %s: %f" % (id, numpy.mean(mat)))
	logging.info("stddev similarity within %s: %f" % (id, numpy.std(mat)))
	logging.debug("creating msc=%s luminescence matrix" % (id))
	print mat
	matLum = getLum(mat).astype(numpy.uint8)
	fname = "%s_sim_lum%i_%s.png" % (SIM_TYPE, LUM_SCALE, id)
	logging.debug("saving msc=%s similarity luminescence matrix to %s" % (id, fname))
	logging.info("saving to %s" % fname)
	i = Image.fromarray(matLum, 'L')

logging.info("loading articles")
#arts = docsim.getArts(common.dbFile('serial_eng', '1msc'))
arts = docsim.getArts('/home/radim/workspace/data/dml/results/serial_msc.pdl')

for art in arts:
	art.fullmsc = art.msc[:]
	art.msc = tuple(removeDup([mscs.niceMSC(msc)[0] for msc in art.msc]))
arts = [art for art in arts if art.id_int in ipyutils.rdocids and art.language == "eng" and len(art.msc) == 1]

art2msc = [(art.fullmsc, art.id_int, art.msc) for art in arts]

del arts

logging.info("len(art2msc)=%i" % len(art2msc))
print "first ten art2msc:", art2msc[:10]
print "last ten art2msc:", art2msc[-10:]
コード例 #8
def buildMscCentroidMatrix(language):
    logging.info("building MSC centroid matrix from %s" % ARTS_FILE)
    arts = [
        for art in docsim.getArts(ARTS_FILE, acceptNoBody=False, acceptNoMsc=False)
        if art.language == language or language == "any"
    prefix = "mscs_serial_%s_" % language
    matFile = common.matrixFile(prefix + "TFIDF_T.mm")
    if os.path.exists(matFile):
            "SKIPPING creating TFIDF matrix for %s (file %s present). Is this what you wanted?" % (language, matFile)
        tfidf = matutils.loadMatrix(matFile).tocsr()
        logging.info("creating TFIDF matrix for %s to %s" % (language, matFile))
        tfidf = docsim.buildTFIDFMatrices(arts, prefix=prefix, saveMatrices=False).tocsr()

    arts = [
        art for art in arts if art.id_int in ipyutils.rdocids
    ]  # remove articles that had empty body (according to their tfidf vector)
    if len(ipyutils.rdocids) != len(arts):
            "no. of TFIDF document = %i, but there are %i documents in the database (mismatch)"
            % (len(ipyutils.rdocids), len(arts))
        raise Exception("different size of database/dictionary; version mismatch?")

    cats, rcats = loadMsc2Id(language)  # from buildPure
    #    print "mscs:", cats

    logging.info("loading tfidf collection matrix (for centroids)")
    tfidf = matutils.loadMatrix(common.matrixFile("gensim_" + language + "TFIDF_T.mm")).tocsr()
    logging.debug("loaded %ix%i matrix" % tfidf.shape)

    logging.info("computing centroids")
    centroids = numpy.zeros((len(cats), tfidf.shape[1]), numpy.float)
    #    print "centroids.shape =", centroids.shape
    num = numpy.zeros((len(cats),), numpy.int)
    artCnt = 0
    for art in arts:
        if not art.id_int in ipyutils.rdocids:
            logging.warning("article not found among docids: %s" % art)
        artCnt += 1
        artId = ipyutils.rdocids[art.id_int]
        tops = [mscs.niceMSC(msc)[0] for msc in art.msc]
        tops = set(
        )  # only count each top-level once (comment out this line to count e.g. 30H55 and 30.13 twice for this article, as cat. 30)
        for top in tops:
            mscId = rcats[top]
            vec = tfidf[artId].toarray()
            vec.shape = (vec.size,)
            #            print "vec.shape = ", vec.shape
            centroids[mscId] += vec
            num[mscId] += 1
        if artCnt < 10 or artCnt % 1000 == 0:
                "sanity check - article %s has id %i and has mscs=%s, mscsIds=%s"
                % (art.id_int, artId, art.msc, [rcats[mscs.niceMSC(msc)[0]] for msc in art.msc])
    if not artCnt == tfidf.shape[0]:
        raise Exception("not all articles used; database/matrix mismatch?")
    for i, vec in enumerate(centroids):
        logging.info("centroid for msc %s (id %i) is an average of %i vectors" % (cats[i], i, num[i]))
        if numpy.sum(numpy.abs(vec)) == 0:
            logging.warning("empty centroid for msc %s (msc int id %i)" % (cats[i], i))
    for mscId in cats.iterkeys():
        centroids[mscId] /= num[mscId]
        "used %i articles for %i vectors (articles may have more than one msc and so can be counted more than once)"
        % (artCnt, sum(num))

    logging.info("computing MSC centroid matrix")
    resultCentroid = numpy.zeros((len(cats), len(cats)), dtype=numpy.float32)
    for idi, cati in cats.iteritems():
        for idj, catj in cats.iteritems():
            #            print idi, cati, idj, catj
            sim = matutils.cossim(centroids[idi], centroids[idj])
            if numpy.isfinite(sim):
                resultCentroid[idi, idj] = sim
                resultCentroid[idi, idj] = 0.0

    matutils.saveMatrix(resultCentroid, common.matrixFile("mscs_centroid_%s.mm" % language), sparse=False)