def get_filename(event): global result filename = entry.get() try: result = docstrings.get_docstrings(filename) except FileNotFoundError: filename = entry.get() result = docstrings.get_docstrings(filename) entry.destroy() button_ok.destroy() button_module = Button(tree, text=filename, background='PaleVioletRed1', activebackground='PaleVioletRed3', command=partial(get_docstring, result['.'])), y=10) tree.create_line(10, 10, 10, 10 + 50) tree.create_line(10, 60, 10 + 200, 60) previousclass = '' x = 210 y = 60 for k, v in result.items(): if k == '.': continue num = k.find('.') if previousclass == k[:num]: button_def = Button(tree, text=k[num + 1:], background='aquamarine2', activebackground='aquamarine4', command=partial(get_docstring, v)), y=y) tree.create_line(x - 100, y - 50, x - 100, y) tree.create_line(x - 100, y, x, y) y += 50 elif previousclass != k[:num]: x -= 100 button_class = Button(tree, text=k[:num], background='MediumPurple2', activebackground='MediumPurple4', command=partial(get_docstring, v)), y=y) tree.create_line(x - 100, 10, x - 100, y) tree.create_line(x - 100, y, x, y) x += 100 y += 50 button_def = Button(tree, text=k[num + 1:], background='aquamarine2', activebackground='aquamarine4', command=partial(get_docstring, v)), y=y) tree.create_line(x - 100, y - 50, x - 100, y) tree.create_line(x - 100, y, x, y) y += 50 previousclass = k[:num]
def test_get_docstrings_module_with_comments(self): result = d.get_docstrings('example.txt') s = [] for key in result.keys(): if key[:key.find('.')] == '' and key[key.find('.') + 1:] == '': s.append('.') self.assertTrue(len(s) == 1)
def test_get_docstrings_class_with_comments(self): result = d.get_docstrings('example.txt') s = set() for key in result.keys(): if key[:key.find('.')] != '' and key[key.find('.') + 1:] == '': s.add(key[:key.find('.')]) self.assertTrue(len(s) == 2)
def get_pdf(filename): d = docstrings.get_docstrings(filename) pdf = pyFPDF.FPDF(format='letter') pdf.add_page() for i, j in d.items(): pdf.set_font("Arial", size=14) pdf.cell(0, 5, 'class.def: {0}'.format(i), border=1, ln=1, align='C') arr = j.split('\n') pdf.cell(0, 5, 'comm:', border=0, ln=1) pdf.set_font("Arial", size=12) for el in arr: pdf.cell(0, 5, el, border=0, ln=1) name_pdf = '{0}.pdf'.format(filename.split('.')[0]) pdf.output(name_pdf) f_pdf_read = open(name_pdf, 'rb') read = PdfFileReader(f_pdf_read) write = PdfFileWriter() for i in range(read.getNumPages()): page = read.getPage(i) page_content = page.extractText() names = re.findall(r'(class\.def: [\w()]*\.\w*)', page_content) write.addPage(read.getPage(i)) for name in names: write.addBookmark(re.sub(r'(class\.def: )|(comm)', '', name), i, bold=True) f_pdf_write = open(name_pdf, 'wb') write.write(f_pdf_write) f_pdf_read.close() f_pdf_write.close()
def test_get_docstrings_pdf_comm(self): docstrings = d.get_docstrings('example.txt') f_pdf_read = open('example.pdf', 'rb') read = PdfFileReader(f_pdf_read) res = '' for i in range(read.getNumPages()): page = read.getPage(i) page_content = page.extractText() res += page_content for e in docstrings: self.assertTrue(res.find(e) != -1) f_pdf_read.close()
def test_get_docstrings_pdf_def(self): docstrings = d.get_docstrings('example.txt') f_pdf_read = open('example.pdf', 'rb') read = PdfFileReader(f_pdf_read) res = [] for i in range(read.getNumPages()): page = read.getPage(i) page_content = page.extractText() names = re.findall(r'(class\.def: [\w()]*\.\w*)', page_content) for name in names: newname = name.replace('comm', '') newname = newname[newname.find('class.def: ') + 11:] res.append(newname) self.assertTrue(len(res) == len(docstrings)) for e in res: self.assertTrue(e in docstrings) f_pdf_read.close()
def test_get_docstrings_none(self): result = d.get_docstrings('example.txt') self.assertIsNotNone(result)