def verse_reference_role(role, rawtext, text, lineno, inliner, options={}, content=[]): #print(role,' - ',rawtext,' - ',text,file=sys.stderr) env = inliner.document.settings.env bible_version = if bible_version not in version_reference_functions: raise Exception("Unknown bible version. I don't know about "+bible_version) bibleref_function = version_reference_functions[bible_version] p = Parser(text) try: vrlist = p.parse_verse_references() except ParseException as pe: msg = inliner.reporter.error("Exception parsing '"+text+"':"+str(pe), line=lineno) prb = inliner.problematic(rawtext, rawtext, msg) return [prb], [msg] nodels = [] roles.set_classes(options) for vr in vrlist: #print('refuri is',bibleref_function(vr),file=sys.stderr) #print('opts:',options) node = nodes.reference(rawtext, vr.text, internal=False, refuri=bibleref_function(vr), **options) nodels.append(node) nodels.append(nodes.generated(', ',', ', **options)) if len(nodels) > 1: del nodels[-1] # delete last comma return nodels,[]
def update_section_numbers(self, node, prefix=(), depth=0, level=0): self.suffix = '.' depth += 1 if prefix: sectnum = 1 else: sectnum = self.startvalue level += 1 index_rule = 1 index_directive = 1 for child in node: if isinstance(child, nodes.section): title = child[0] if level > self.start_depth: numbers = prefix + (str(sectnum), ) text = (self.prefix + '.'.join(numbers) + self.suffix + u'\u00a0' * 2) else: numbers = prefix text = '' generated = nodes.generated('', text, classes=['sectnum']) title.insert(0, generated) title['auto'] = 1 if depth < self.maxdepth: self.update_section_numbers(child, numbers, depth, level) sectnum += 1
def run (self): newnode = citationgroup(rawsource=self.arguments[0],text=self.arguments[0]) content = '\n'.join(self.content) newnodes = nodes.generated(rawsource=content) self.state.nested_parse(self.content, self.content_offset, newnodes) return [newnode,newnodes]
def run(self): config = if 'breathe' in self.options: breathe_directive_name = self.options['breathe'] else: breathe_directive_name = config.breathelink_default_breathe_directive if 'doxylink' in self.options: doxylink_role_name = self.options['doxylink'] else: doxylink_role_name = config.breathelink_default_doxylink_role new_content = [] for argument in self.arguments: arguments = [argument] options = {'no-link': ''} breathe_directive_class, messages = rst.directives.directive( breathe_directive_name, self.state.memo.language, self.state.document) self.state.parent += messages breathe_directive_instance = breathe_directive_class( breathe_directive_name, arguments, options, self.content, self.lineno, self.content_offset, self.block_text, self.state, self.state_machine) new_content += list_item = nodes.generated('', '') list_item.reporter = self.state_machine.reporter doxylink_role_class, messages = rst.roles.role( doxylink_role_name, self.state.memo.language, self.lineno, self.state_machine.reporter) self.state.parent += messages role_nodes, messages = doxylink_role_class(doxylink_role_name, '', arguments[0], self.lineno, list_item) # The reporter function is not picklable list_item.reporter = None self.state.parent += messages list_item += nodes.generated('', 'See ') list_item += role_nodes list_item += nodes.generated('', ' for additional documentation.') link = nodes.bullet_list('') link['bullet'] = '-' link += list_item new_content += link return new_content
def run (self): if not self.options.has_key('court-id'): error = self.state_machine.reporter.error( 'Invalid context: missing court-id option in court directive', nodes.literal_block(self.block_text, self.block_text), line=self.lineno) return [error] traveling_jurisdiction[0] = self.options["court-id"] if self.options.has_key("flp-key"): courts_map[self.options["flp-key"]] = self.options["court-id"] court_id_node = courtid() court_id_bubble = courtbubble(rawsource=self.options['court-id'],text=self.options['court-id']) court_id_bubble["href"] = self.mkGitHubUrl("courts",self.options["court-id"]) court_id_node += court_id_bubble court_node = court() court_text = nodes.inline(rawsource=self.arguments[0],text=self.arguments[0]) if self.options.has_key("url"): court_ref = nodes.reference(refuri=self.options["url"]) court_link = octiconlink() court_ref += court_link court_ref += court_text court_node += court_ref else: court_node += court_text # Split in two here, and validate. # notes:: is optional, must be the first element if present, and can occur only once. # reporter:: is the only other permitted element. foundNotes = False foundReporter = False reporter_offset = 0 for line in self.content: if line.startswith('.. reporter::'): foundReporter = True if line.startswith('.. notes::'): if foundReporter: error = self.state_machine.reporter.error( 'Invalid structure: notes:: must come before any reporter:: in court directive', nodes.literal_block(self.block_text, self.block_text), line=self.lineno) return [error] if not foundReporter: reporter_offset += 1 note_content = '\n'.join(self.content[0:reporter_offset]) note_node = nodes.generated(rawsource=note_content) self.state.nested_parse(self.content[0:reporter_offset], self.content_offset, note_node) reporter_content = '\n'.join(self.content[reporter_offset:]) reporters_node = reporters() self.state.nested_parse(self.content[reporter_offset:], self.content_offset + reporter_offset, reporters_node) return [court_node,court_id_node,note_node,reporters_node]
def run(self): config = if self.options.has_key('breathe'): breathe_directive_name = self.options['breathe'] else: breathe_directive_name = config.breathelink_default_breathe_directive if self.options.has_key('doxylink'): doxylink_role_name = self.options['doxylink'] else: doxylink_role_name = config.breathelink_default_doxylink_role new_content = [] for argument in self.arguments: arguments = [argument] options = {'no-link': ''} breathe_directive_class, messages = rst.directives.directive(breathe_directive_name, self.state.memo.language, self.state.document) self.state.parent += messages breathe_directive_instance = breathe_directive_class(breathe_directive_name, arguments, options, self.content, self.lineno, self.content_offset, self.block_text, self.state, self.state_machine) new_content += list_item = nodes.generated('', '') list_item.reporter = self.state_machine.reporter doxylink_role_class, messages = rst.roles.role(doxylink_role_name, self.state.memo.language, self.lineno, self.state_machine.reporter) self.state.parent += messages role_nodes, messages = doxylink_role_class(doxylink_role_name, '', arguments[0], self.lineno, list_item) # The reporter function is not picklable list_item.reporter = None self.state.parent += messages list_item += nodes.generated('', 'See ') list_item += role_nodes list_item += nodes.generated('', ' for additional documentation.') link = nodes.bullet_list('') link['bullet'] = '-' link += list_item new_content += link return new_content
def AAFigureDirective(name, arguments, options, content, lineno, content_offset, block_text, state, state_machine): text = '\n'.join(content) global aafigure_counter # ensure that options are present and initialized with defaults if not given if 'background' not in options: options['background'] = '#ffffff' if 'foreground' not in options: options['foreground'] = '#000000' if 'fill' not in options: options['fill'] = options['foreground'] # fill = fore by default if 'scale' not in options: options['scale'] = 1 if 'line_width' not in options: options['line_width'] = 2 if 'format' not in options: options['format'] = DEFAULT_FORMAT if 'aspect' not in options: options['aspect'] = 1 if 'proportional' not in options: options['proportional'] = False if 'name' not in options: options['name'] = 'aafigure-%i' % aafigure_counter aafigure_counter += 1 output_name = options['name'] + '.' + options['format'].lower() try: (visitor, output) = aafigure.render(text, output_name, options) except aafigure.UnsupportedFormatError as e: result = [state_machine.reporter.error(str(e), nodes.literal_block(block_text, block_text), line=lineno )] output.close() if options['format'] == 'svg': #~ svgout.visit(aaimg, xml_header = False) # insert data into html using a raw node attributes = {'format': 'html'} #~ # result = [nodes.raw('', '<embed src="%s" %s type="image/svg+xml"/>' % ( result = [nodes.raw('', '<object type="image/svg+xml" data="%s" %s>' '</object>' % (output_name, visitor.get_size_attrs()), **attributes)] #~ result = [nodes.raw('', io.getvalue(), **attributes)] elif options['format'] == 'pdf': # Return a link. wrapper = nodes.generated() wrapper.append(nodes.reference('', '%s (PDF)' % options['name'], refuri=os.path.basename(output_name) )) result = [wrapper] else: # Return an image directive. image_options = {} image_options['uri'] = os.path.basename(output_name) result = [nodes.image(output_name, **image_options)] return result
def run (self): if not self.options.has_key('court-id'): error = self.state_machine.reporter.error( 'Invalid context: missing court-id option in court directive', nodes.literal_block(self.block_text, self.block_text), line=self.lineno) return [error] court_id_node = courtid() court_id_bubble = courtbubble(rawsource=self.options['court-id'],text=self.options['court-id']) court_id_bubble["href"] = self.mkGitHubUrl("courts",self.options["court-id"]) court_id_node += court_id_bubble court_node = court() court_text = nodes.inline(rawsource=self.arguments[0],text=self.arguments[0]) if self.options.has_key("url"): court_ref = nodes.reference(refuri=self.options["url"]) court_link = octiconlink() court_ref += court_link court_ref += court_text court_node += court_ref else: court_node += court_text # Split in two here, and validate. # notes:: is optional, must be the first element if present, and can occur only once. # reporter:: is the only other permitted element. foundNotes = False foundReporter = False reporter_offset = 0 for line in self.content: if line.startswith('.. reporter::'): foundReporter = True if line.startswith('.. notes::'): if foundReporter: error = self.state_machine.reporter.error( 'Invalid structure: notes:: must come before any reporter:: in court directive', nodes.literal_block(self.block_text, self.block_text), line=self.lineno) return [error] if not foundReporter: reporter_offset += 1 note_content = '\n'.join(self.content[0:reporter_offset]) note_node = nodes.generated(rawsource=note_content) self.state.nested_parse(self.content[0:reporter_offset], self.content_offset, note_node) reporter_content = '\n'.join(self.content[reporter_offset:]) reporters_node = reporters() self.state.nested_parse(self.content[reporter_offset:], self.content_offset + reporter_offset, reporters_node) return [court_node,court_id_node,note_node,reporters_node]
def _generate_sigbody(self, node): row1 = xnodes.div(classes=["sig-qualifier"]) ref = addnodes.pending_xref("", nodes.Text(self.qualifier), reftarget=self.qualifier[:-1], reftype="class", refdomain="py") # Note: `ref` cannot be added directly: docutils requires that # <reference> nodes were nested inside <TextElement> nodes. row1 += nodes.generated("", "", ref) node += row1 row2 = xnodes.div(classes=["sig-main"]) self._generate_sigmain(row2) node += row2
def update_section_numbers(self, node, prefix=(), depth=0): depth += 1 sectnum = 1 for child in node: if isinstance(child, nodes.section): numbers = prefix + (str(sectnum),) title = child[0] # Use for spacing: generated = nodes.generated( '', '.'.join(numbers) + u'\u00a0' * 3, CLASS='sectnum') title.insert(0, generated) title['auto'] = 1 if depth < self.maxdepth: self.update_section_numbers(child, numbers, depth) sectnum += 1
def walk(html_node): """ Walk the tree, building a reStructuredText object as we go. """ if html_node is None: return None elif ((type(html_node) == BeautifulSoup.NavigableString) or (type(html_node) == str) or (type(html_node) == unicode) ): # Terminal nodes text = cleanString(unicode(html_node)) # whitespace is significant in reST, so normalize empties to a single space if re.match("^\s+$", text): return nodes.Text(" ") else: return nodes.Text(text) else: # Nesting nodes. if ( == 'span'): ret = None if (html_node.has_key('style') and (html_node['style'] == "font-style:italic;")): children = compact([walk(c) for c in html_node.contents]) return nodes.emphasis("", "", *children) elif (html_node.has_key('style') and (html_node['style'] == "font-variant:small-caps;")): children = compact([walk(c) for c in html_node.contents]) return xciterst.smallcaps("", "", *children) elif (html_node.has_key('style') and (html_node['style'] == "font-style:normal;")): children = compact([walk(c) for c in html_node.contents]) return nodes.emphasis("", "", *children) else: children = compact(walk("".join([ str(c) for c in html_node.contents ]))) return nodes.generated("", "", *children) if ( == 'i'): children = compact([walk(c) for c in html_node.contents]) return nodes.emphasis("", "", *children) elif ( == 'b'): children = compact([walk(c) for c in html_node.contents ]) return nodes.strong("", "", *children) elif ( == 'p'): children = compact([ walk(c) for c in html_node.contents ]) return nodes.paragraph("", "", *children) elif ( == 'a'): children = compact([ walk(c) for c in html_node.contents ]) return apply(nodes.reference, ["", ""] + children, { 'refuri' : html_node['href'] }) elif ( == 'div'): children = compact([ walk(c) for c in html_node.contents ]) classes = re.split(" ", html_node.get('class', "")) return nodes.container("", *wrap_text(children), classes=classes)
def update_section_numbers(self, node, prefix=(), depth=0): depth += 1 if prefix: sectnum = 1 else: sectnum = self.startvalue for child in node: if isinstance(child, nodes.section): numbers = prefix + (str(sectnum),) title = child[0] # Use for spacing: generated = nodes.generated( '', (self.prefix + '.'.join(numbers) + self.suffix + '\u00a0' * 3), classes=['sectnum']) title.insert(0, generated) title['auto'] = 1 if depth < self.maxdepth: self.update_section_numbers(child, numbers, depth) sectnum += 1
def update_section_numbers(self, node, prefix=(), depth=0): depth += 1 if prefix: sectnum = 1 else: sectnum = self.startvalue for child in node: if isinstance(child, nodes.section): numbers = prefix + (str(sectnum),) title = child[0] # Use for spacing: generated = nodes.generated( '', (self.prefix + '.'.join(numbers) + self.suffix + u'\u00a0' * 3), classes=['sectnum']) title.insert(0, generated) title['auto'] = 1 if depth < self.maxdepth: self.update_section_numbers(child, numbers, depth) sectnum += 1
def apply(self): # self.startnode is the pending marker # self.startnode.parent is the translation text # self.startnode.parent.parent is the enclosing node, whatever it is translation = self.startnode.parent.astext() empty = nodes.generated() self.startnode.parent.replace_self(empty) # Okay, so we want to add a wrapper around children, # and make the wrapper the new child of self.startnode.parent.parent altie = altwrapper() altie["title"] = translation for child in self.startnode.parent.parent.children: newchild = child.deepcopy() altie += newchild altie.setup_child(newchild) self.startnode.parent.parent.children = [altie] self.startnode.parent.parent.setup_child(altie)
def verse_reference_role(role, rawtext, text, lineno, inliner, options={}, content=[]): #print(role,' - ',rawtext,' - ',text,file=sys.stderr) env = inliner.document.settings.env bible_version = if bible_version not in version_reference_functions: raise Exception("Unknown bible version. I don't know about " + bible_version) bibleref_function = version_reference_functions[bible_version] p = Parser(text) try: vrlist = p.parse_verse_references() except ParseException as pe: #print(pe) msg = inliner.reporter.error("Exception parsing '" + text + "':" + str(pe), line=lineno) prb = inliner.problematic(rawtext, rawtext, msg) return [prb], [msg] nodels = [] roles.set_classes(options) for vr in vrlist: #print('refuri is',bibleref_function(vr),file=sys.stderr) #print('opts:',options) node = nodes.reference(rawtext, vr.text, internal=False, refuri=bibleref_function(vr), **options) nodels.append(node) nodels.append(nodes.generated(', ', ', ', **options)) if len(nodels) > 1: del nodels[-1] # delete last comma return nodels, []
def run (self): dates = Dates() if not self.options.has_key('edition-abbreviation'): error = self.state_machine.reporter.error( 'Invalid context: missing edition-abbreviation option in reporter directive', nodes.literal_block(self.block_text, self.block_text), line=self.lineno) return [error] if not self.options.has_key('dates'): error = self.state_machine.reporter.error( 'Invalid context: missing dates in reporter directive', nodes.literal_block(self.block_text, self.block_text), line=self.lineno) return [error] m = re.match("^([0-9]{4})/([0-9]{1,2})/([0-9]{1,2})-(?:([0-9]{4})/([0-9]{1,2})/([0-9]{1,2})|(present))",self.options["dates"]) if not m: error = self.state_machine.reporter.error( 'Invalid context: misformatted dates range in reporter directive. Format must be YYYY/MM/DD-YYYY/MM/DD or YYYY/MM/DD-present', nodes.literal_block(self.block_text, self.block_text), line=self.lineno) return [error] dates.startYearDisplay = dates.startYear = dates.startMonth = dates.startDay = if dates.endYear = dates.endYearDisplay = dates.endMonth = dates.endDay = else: dates.endYearDisplay = dates.endYear = False dates.endMonth = False dates.endDay = False ## Save segments as short names to avoid going crazy. if traveler.hook.reporter_start: traveler.hook.reporter_start(self.options, dates, self.arguments[0]) # That's everything but variations, which are handled by the directive. dummy = nodes.generated() self.state.nested_parse(self.content, self.content_offset, dummy) if traveler.hook.reporter_end: traveler.hook.reporter_end(self.options, self.arguments[0]) reporter_box_node = self.makeContainer("reporter-box", suffix="") if self.options.has_key("neutral"): reporter_node = self.makeContainer("reporter neutral") else: reporter_node = self.makeContainer("reporter") reporter_name = self.arguments[0].replace("'",u"\u0027") reporter_name_node = self.makeContainer("reporter-name", rawsource=self.arguments[0],text=reporter_name) description_node = self.makeContainer("description-box",suffix="") abbrev = self.makeMiniBubble(self.options["jurisdiction"],self.options["edition-abbreviation"]) start = self.makeLabelNode(dates.startYearDisplay,key="From") end = self.makeLabelNode(dates.endYearDisplay,key="To") if self.options.has_key("neutral"): neutral = self.makeLabelNode("yes",key="Neutral",nodeType=valueneutral) else: neutral = self.makeLabelNode("no",key="Neutral") if self.options.has_key("confirmed"): confirmed = self.makeLabelNode("yes",key="Confirmed") else: confirmed = self.makeLabelNode("no",key="Confirmed",nodeType=valueunconfirmed) description_node += abbrev description_node += start description_node += end description_node += neutral description_node += confirmed feature_node = self.makeContainer("feature-box",suffix="") keys = traveler.features.local.required.keys() keys.sort() for feature in keys: feature_node += self.makeLabelNode(u"req\u0027d",key=feature) keys = traveler.features.local.optional.keys() keys.sort() for feature in keys: feature_node += self.makeLabelNode("optional",key=feature) reporter_node += reporter_name_node reporter_node += description_node reporter_node += feature_node reporter_box_node += reporter_node return [reporter_box_node]
def run(self): dates = Dates() if not self.options.has_key('edition-abbreviation'): error = self.state_machine.reporter.error( 'Invalid context: missing edition-abbreviation option in reporter directive', nodes.literal_block(self.block_text, self.block_text), line=self.lineno) return [error] if not self.options.has_key('dates'): error = self.state_machine.reporter.error( 'Invalid context: missing dates in reporter directive', nodes.literal_block(self.block_text, self.block_text), line=self.lineno) return [error] m = re.match( "^([0-9]{4})/([0-9]{1,2})/([0-9]{1,2})-(?:([0-9]{4})/([0-9]{1,2})/([0-9]{1,2})|(present))", self.options["dates"]) if not m: error = self.state_machine.reporter.error( 'Invalid context: misformatted dates range in reporter directive. Format must be YYYY/MM/DD-YYYY/MM/DD or YYYY/MM/DD-present', nodes.literal_block(self.block_text, self.block_text), line=self.lineno) return [error] dates.startYearDisplay = dates.startYear = dates.startMonth = dates.startDay = if dates.endYear = dates.endYearDisplay = dates.endMonth = dates.endDay = else: dates.endYearDisplay = dates.endYear = False dates.endMonth = False dates.endDay = False ## Save segments as short names to avoid going crazy. if traveler.hook.reporter_start: traveler.hook.reporter_start(self.options, dates, self.arguments[0]) # That's everything but variations, which are handled by the directive. dummy = nodes.generated() self.state.nested_parse(self.content, self.content_offset, dummy) if traveler.hook.reporter_end: traveler.hook.reporter_end(self.options, self.arguments[0]) reporter_box_node = self.makeContainer("reporter-box", suffix="") if self.options.has_key("neutral"): reporter_node = self.makeContainer("reporter neutral") else: reporter_node = self.makeContainer("reporter") reporter_name = self.arguments[0].replace("'", u"\u0027") reporter_name_node = self.makeContainer("reporter-name", rawsource=self.arguments[0], text=reporter_name) description_node = self.makeContainer("description-box", suffix="") abbrev = self.makeMiniBubble(self.options["jurisdiction"], self.options["edition-abbreviation"]) start = self.makeLabelNode(dates.startYearDisplay, key="From") end = self.makeLabelNode(dates.endYearDisplay, key="To") if self.options.has_key("neutral"): neutral = self.makeLabelNode("yes", key="Neutral", nodeType=valueneutral) else: neutral = self.makeLabelNode("no", key="Neutral") if self.options.has_key("confirmed"): confirmed = self.makeLabelNode("yes", key="Confirmed") else: confirmed = self.makeLabelNode("no", key="Confirmed", nodeType=valueunconfirmed) description_node += abbrev description_node += start description_node += end description_node += neutral description_node += confirmed feature_node = self.makeContainer("feature-box", suffix="") keys = traveler.features.local.required.keys() keys.sort() for feature in keys: feature_node += self.makeLabelNode(u"req\u0027d", key=feature) keys = traveler.features.local.optional.keys() keys.sort() for feature in keys: feature_node += self.makeLabelNode("optional", key=feature) reporter_node += reporter_name_node reporter_node += description_node reporter_node += feature_node reporter_box_node += reporter_node return [reporter_box_node]
def cite(self, cmd, refuri): """ Return a docutils Node consisting of properly formatted citations children nodes. Brent edit: replaced 'inline' with 'generated'. """ bo, bc = self.config['brackets'] sep = u'%s ' % self.config['separator'] style = self.config['style'] all_auths = (cmd.endswith('s')) alt = (cmd.startswith('alt') or \ (cmd.startswith('alp')) or \ (style == 'citeyear')) if (cmd.startswith('p') or cmd == 'yearpar') and style != 'super': node = nodes.generated(bo, bo, classes=['citation']) else: node = nodes.generated('', '', classes=['citation']) if self.pre: pre = u"%s " % self.pre.decode('latex') node += nodes.generated(pre, pre, classes=['pre']) for i, ref in enumerate(self.refs): authors = ref.persons.get('author', []) author_text = self.get_author(authors, all_auths).decode('latex') lrefuri = refuri + '#citation-' + nodes.make_id(ref.key) if i > 0 and i < len(self.refs): if style == "authoryear": node += nodes.generated(sep, sep) else: if style == "super": node += nodes.superscript(', ', ', ') else: node += nodes.generated(', ', ', ') if (style == "authoryear" and (cmd.startswith('p') or cmd.startswith('alp'))) or \ (cmd.startswith('t') or cmd.startswith('alt') or cmd.startswith('author')): node += nodes.reference(author_text, author_text, internal=True, refuri=lrefuri) if cmd.startswith('p') or cmd.startswith('alp'): node += nodes.generated(', ', ', ') else: node += nodes.generated(' ', ' ') # Add in either the year or the citation number if not cmd.startswith('author'): if style != 'authoryear': num = self.get_ref_num(ref.key) else: num = ref.fields.get('year') refnode = nodes.reference(str(num), str(num), internal=True, refuri=lrefuri) if cmd.startswith('t') and style != 'super': node += nodes.generated(bo, bo) if style == 'super': node += nodes.superscript('', '', refnode) else: node += refnode if cmd.startswith('t') and style != 'super': node += nodes.generated(bc, bc) if post = u", %s" %'latex') node += nodes.generated(post, post, classes=['post']) if (cmd.startswith('p') or cmd == 'yearpar') and style != 'super': node += nodes.generated(bc, bc, classes=['citation']) return node
if options['format'] == 'svg': #~ svgout.visit(aaimg, xml_header = False) # insert data into html using a raw node attributes = {'format': 'html'} #~ # result = [nodes.raw('', '<embed src="%s" %s type="image/svg+xml"/>' % ( result = [ nodes.raw( '', '<object type="image/svg+xml" data="%s" %s>' '</object>' % (output_name, visitor.get_size_attrs()), **attributes) ] #~ result = [nodes.raw('', io.getvalue(), **attributes)] elif options['format'] == 'pdf': # Return a link. wrapper = nodes.generated() wrapper.append( nodes.reference('', '%s (PDF)' % options['name'], refuri=os.path.basename(output_name))) result = [wrapper] else: # Return an image directive. image_options = {} image_options['uri'] = os.path.basename(output_name) result = [nodes.image(output_name, **image_options)] return result AAFigureDirective.content = True
line=lineno )] output.close() if options['format'] == 'svg': #~ svgout.visit(aaimg, xml_header = False) # insert data into html using a raw node attributes = {'format': 'html'} #~ # result = [nodes.raw('', '<embed src="%s" %s type="image/svg+xml"/>' % ( result = [nodes.raw('', '<object type="image/svg+xml" data="%s" %s>' '</object>' % (output_name, visitor.get_size_attrs()), **attributes)] #~ result = [nodes.raw('', io.getvalue(), **attributes)] elif options['format'] == 'pdf': # Return a link. wrapper = nodes.generated() wrapper.append(nodes.reference('', '%s (PDF)' % options['name'], refuri=os.path.basename(output_name) )) result = [wrapper] else: # Return an image directive. image_options = {} image_options['uri'] = os.path.basename(output_name) result = [nodes.image(output_name, **image_options)] return result AAFigureDirective.content = True #~ AAFigureDirective.arguments = (1, 1, 1) AAFigureDirective.options = {
def run (self): global reporters_json if not self.options.has_key('edition-abbreviation'): error = self.state_machine.reporter.error( 'Invalid context: missing edition-abbreviation option in reporter directive', nodes.literal_block(self.block_text, self.block_text), line=self.lineno) return [error] if not self.options.has_key('dates'): error = self.state_machine.reporter.error( 'Invalid context: missing dates in reporter directive', nodes.literal_block(self.block_text, self.block_text), line=self.lineno) return [error] m = re.match("^([0-9]{4})/([0-9]{1,2})/([0-9]{1,2})-(?:([0-9]{4})/([0-9]{1,2})/([0-9]{1,2})|(present))",self.options["dates"]) if not m: error = self.state_machine.reporter.error( 'Invalid context: misformatted dates range in reporter directive. Format must be YYYY/MM/DD-YYYY/MM/DD or YYYY/MM/DD-present', nodes.literal_block(self.block_text, self.block_text), line=self.lineno) return [error] startyearDisplay = startyear = startmonth = startday = if endyear = endyearDisplay = endmonth = endday = else: endyearDisplay = endyear = False endmonth = False endday = False ## Save segments as short names to avoid going crazy. bundle_key = self.options["flp-common-abbreviation"] if not reporters_json.has_key(bundle_key): bundle = [] reporters_json[self.options["flp-common-abbreviation"]] = bundle else: bundle = reporters_json[bundle_key] series_name = self.arguments[0] edition_key = self.options["edition-abbreviation"] series = self.findReporterSeries(bundle,series_name) if not series: series = {} series["cite_type"] = self.options["flp-series-cite-type"] series["editions"] = {} series["mlz_jurisdiction"] = [] series["name"] = series_name series["variations"] = {} bundle.append(series) if not series["mlz_jurisdiction"].count(traveling_jurisdiction[0]): series["mlz_jurisdiction"].append(traveling_jurisdiction[0]) series["mlz_jurisdiction"].sort() series["editions"][edition_key] = [ { "year": startyear, "month": startmonth, "day": startday }, { "year": endyear, "month": endmonth, "day": endday } ] # That's everything but variations, which are handled by the directive. dummy = nodes.generated() self.state.nested_parse(self.content, self.content_offset, dummy) for key in traveling_variations[0].keys(): traveling_variations[0][key] = edition_key series["variations"].update(traveling_variations[0]) traveling_variations[0] = {} reporter_box_node = reporterbox() if self.options.has_key("neutral"): reporter_node = reporterneutral() else: reporter_node = reporter() reporter_name = self.arguments[0].replace("'",u"\u0027") reporter_name_node = reportername(rawsource=self.arguments[0],text=reporter_name) description_node = descriptionbox() abbrev = self.makeMiniBubble(self.options["jurisdiction"],self.options["edition-abbreviation"]) start = self.makeLabelNode(startyearDisplay,key="From") end = self.makeLabelNode(endyearDisplay,key="To") if self.options.has_key("neutral"): neutral = self.makeLabelNode("yes",key="Neutral",nodeType=valueneutral) else: neutral = self.makeLabelNode("no",key="Neutral") if self.options.has_key("confirmed"): confirmed = self.makeLabelNode("yes",key="Confirmed") else: confirmed = self.makeLabelNode("no",key="Confirmed",nodeType=valueunconfirmed) description_node += abbrev description_node += start description_node += end description_node += neutral description_node += confirmed feature_node = featurebox() keys = FEATURES.local.required.keys() keys.sort() for feature in keys: feature_node += self.makeLabelNode(u"req\u0027d",key=feature) keys = FEATURES.local.optional.keys() keys.sort() for feature in keys: feature_node += self.makeLabelNode("optional",key=feature) reporter_node += reporter_name_node reporter_node += description_node reporter_node += feature_node reporter_box_node += reporter_node return [reporter_box_node]
def cite(self, cmd, refuri): """ Return a docutils Node consisting of properly formatted citations children nodes. Brent edit: replaced 'inline' with 'generated' """ bo, bc = self.config['brackets'] sep = '%s ' % self.config['separator'] style = self.config['style'] all_auths = (cmd.endswith('s')) alt = (cmd.startswith('alt') or \ (cmd.startswith('alp')) or \ (style == 'citeyear')) if (cmd.startswith('p') or cmd == 'yearpar') and style != 'super': #node = nodes.inline(bo, bo, classes=['citation']) node = nodes.generated(bo, bo, classes=['citation']) else: #node = nodes.inline('', '', classes=['citation']) node = nodes.generated('', '', classes=['citation']) if self.pre: pre="%s ".format(decod(self.pre)) #node += nodes.inline(pre, pre, classes=['pre']) node += nodes.generated(pre, pre, classes=['pre']) for i, ref in enumerate(self.refs): authors = ref.persons.get('author', []) author_text = decod(self.get_author(authors, all_auths)) lrefuri = refuri + '#citation-' + nodes.make_id(ref.key) if i > 0 and i < len(self.refs): if style == "authoryear": #node += nodes.inline(sep, sep) node += nodes.generated(sep, sep) else: if style == "super": node+=nodes.superscript(', ',', ') else: #node += nodes.inline(', ', ', ') node += nodes.generated(', ', ', ') if (style == "authoryear" and (cmd.startswith('p') or cmd.startswith('alp'))) or \ (cmd.startswith('t') or cmd.startswith('alt') or cmd.startswith('author')): node+=nodes.reference(author_text,author_text,internal=True,refuri=lrefuri) if cmd.startswith('p') or cmd.startswith('alp'): #node+=nodes.inline(', ',', ') node+=nodes.generated(', ',', ') else: #node+=nodes.inline(' ',' ') node+=nodes.generated(' ',' ') # Add in either the year or the citation number if not cmd.startswith('author'): if style != 'authoryear': num = self.get_ref_num(ref.key) else: num = ref.fields.get('year') refnode = nodes.reference(str(num), str(num), internal=True, refuri=lrefuri) if cmd.startswith('t') and style != 'super': #node += nodes.inline(bo, bo) node += nodes.generated(bo, bo) if style == 'super': node += nodes.superscript('', '', refnode) else: node += refnode if cmd.startswith('t') and style != 'super': #node += nodes.inline(bc, bc) node += nodes.generated(bc, bc) if post=", %s".format(decod( #node += nodes.inline(post, post, classes=['post']) node += nodes.generated(post, post, classes=['post']) if (cmd.startswith('p') or cmd == 'yearpar') and style != 'super': #node += nodes.inline(bc, bc, classes=['citation']) node += nodes.generated(bc, bc, classes=['citation']) return node