コード例 #1
    def build_mapping(self, S3, V3):
        S3 is the vector function space of the 2d mesh
        V3 is the vector function space of the corresponding 3d mesh
        vert_to_dof2 = df.vertex_to_dof_map(S3)
        dof_to_vert2 = df.dof_to_vertex_map(S3)

        vert_to_dof3 = df.vertex_to_dof_map(V3)
        dof_to_vert3 = df.dof_to_vertex_map(V3)

        map_2d_to_3d = np.zeros(V3.dim(), dtype=np.int32)

        n2d = S3.dim()
        for i in range(n2d):
            map_2d_to_3d[i] = vert_to_dof3[dof_to_vert2[i]]
            map_2d_to_3d[i + n2d] = vert_to_dof3[dof_to_vert2[i] + n2d]

        self.map_2d_to_3d = map_2d_to_3d
        # print map_2d_to_3d

        n3d = V3.dim()
        map_3d_to_2d = np.zeros(V3.dim(), dtype=np.int32)
        for i in range(V3.dim()):
            map_3d_to_2d[i] = vert_to_dof2[dof_to_vert3[i] % n2d]

        self.map_3d_to_2d = map_3d_to_2d
コード例 #2
def data_reordering(V):
    '''Reshaping/reordering data read from files'''
    # HDF5/VTK store 3d vectors and 3d tensor so we need to chop the data
    # also reorder as in 2017.2.0 only(?) vertex values are dumped
    if V.ufl_element().value_shape() == ():
        dof2v = dof_to_vertex_map(V)
        reorder = lambda a: a[dof2v]

        return reorder

    Vi = V.sub(0).collapse()
    dof2v = dof_to_vertex_map(Vi)
    gdim = V.mesh().geometry().dim()
    # WARNING: below there are assumption on component ordering
    # Vector
    if len(V.ufl_element().value_shape()) == 1:
        # Ellim Z for vectors in 2d
        keep = [0, 1] if gdim == 2 else range(gdim)

        reorder = lambda a, keep=keep, dof2f=dof2v: (np.column_stack(
            [row[dof2v] for row in (a[:, keep]).T]).flatten())

        return reorder

    # And tensor
    if len(V.ufl_element().value_shape()) == 2:
        # Ellim Z
        keep = [0, 1, 3, 4] if gdim == 2 else range(gdim**2)

        reorder = lambda a, keep=keep, dof2f=dof2v: (np.column_stack(
            [row[dof2v] for row in (a[:, keep]).T]).flatten())

        return reorder
コード例 #3
ファイル: components.py プロジェクト: bdevl/PGMCPC
    def _assemble(self, dtype, device):

        if self._mode.lower() == 'manualinterpolation':

            Vf, Vc = self._physics['fom'].V, self._physics['rom'].V
            free_dofs = self._physics['fom'].free_dofs

            coords = Vf.mesh().coordinates()
            dvmap = df.dof_to_vertex_map(Vf)
            points = np.zeros((Vf.dim(), self._physics['fom'].tdim))

            for i, mapped_dof in enumerate(dvmap):
                points[i, :] = coords[mapped_dof, :]

            if self._only_free_dofs:
                points = points[free_dofs, :]

            W = AssembleBasisFunctionMatrix(Vc, points, ReturnType='scipy')

            self._W = Convert_ScipySparse_PyTorchSparse(W.T,

            # ugly fix: cast to dense tensor
            self._W = self._W.to_dense()

            raise ValueError('Interpolation mode unknown')
コード例 #4
ファイル: tools.py プロジェクト: MiroK/gmshAround
def transfer_vertex_function(mesh_fine, mesh_foo_coarse, output=VertexFunction):
    Assuming that mesh_fine is created by meshing around the mesh underlying
    mesh_foo_coarse this function interpolates the data from mesh_foo_coarse
    assert isinstance(mesh_fine, EmbeddedMesh)
    mesh_fine = mesh_fine.mesh  # FIXME: remove when EmbeddedMesh <: Mesh
    assert mesh_fine.topology().dim() == 1 and mesh_fine.geometry().dim() > 1
    mesh = mesh_foo_coarse.mesh()
    assert mesh.topology().dim() == 1 and mesh.geometry().dim() > 1

    # The strategy here is to interpolate into a CG1 function on mesh_fine
    # and then turn it to vertex function. NOTE: consider CG1 as function
    # for it is easier to get e.g. DG0 (midpoint values) out of it
    Vf = FunctionSpace(mesh_fine, 'CG', 1)
    assert mesh_foo_coarse.cpp_value_type() == 'double'
    assert mesh_foo_coarse.dim() == 0
    mesh_coarse = mesh_foo_coarse.mesh()
    Vc = FunctionSpace(mesh, 'CG', 1)
    fc = Function(Vc)
    # Fill the data

    ff = interpolate(fc, Vf)

    if output == Function: return ff
    # Combe back to vertex function
    vertex_foo = VertexFunction('double', mesh_fine, 0.0)
    return vertex_foo
コード例 #5
    def __init__(self, V, geo, name, f):
        self.V = V
        # get dofs lying in subdomain
        dofmap = V.dofmap()
        tup = geo.physicaldomain(name)
        sub = geo.subdomains
        mesh = geo.mesh

        subdofs = set()
        for i, cell in enumerate(dolfin.cells(mesh)):
            if sub[cell] in tup:
                celldofs = dofmap.cell_dofs(i)

        subdofs = np.array(list(subdofs), dtype="intc")
        d2v = dolfin.dof_to_vertex_map(V)
        co = mesh.coordinates()

        # create function with desired values
        # could also be implemented with Expression.eval_cell like pwconst
        bc_f = dolfin.Function(V)
        for dof in subdofs:
            x = co[d2v[dof]]
            bc_f.vector()[dof] = f(x)
        self.bc_f = bc_f
        self.dof_set = subdofs
コード例 #6
ファイル: new-cs.py プロジェクト: Artoria2e5/colorio
def test_invariance():
    """Asserts invariance of cost functional w.r.t. translation and rotation"""
    centers, J = _get_macadam()
    n = 1
    problem = PiecewiseEllipse(centers, J.copy(), n)

    alpha = problem.alpha.copy()

    c0 = problem.cost_min(alpha)
    alpha += 1.23
    c1 = problem.cost_min(alpha)
    assert abs(c0 - c1) < 1.0e-12 * c0

    d2v = dof_to_vertex_map(problem.V)
    v2d = vertex_to_dof_map(problem.V)

    alpha = problem.alpha.copy()
    alpha = alpha.reshape(2, -1).T
    coords = alpha[v2d]
    # rotate
    theta = 0.35 * numpy.pi
    sin = numpy.sin(theta)
    cos = numpy.cos(theta)
    R = numpy.array([[cos, -sin], [sin, cos]])
    rcoords = numpy.dot(R, coords.T)
    # map back to alpha)
    alpha = numpy.concatenate(rcoords[:, d2v])
    c2 = problem.cost_min(alpha)
    assert abs(c0 - c2) < 1.0e-12 * c0
コード例 #7
def img2funvec(img: np.array) -> np.array:
    """Takes a 2D array and returns an array suited to assign to piecewise
    linear approximation on a triangle grid.

    Each pixel corresponds to one vertex of a triangle mesh.

        img (np.array): The input array of shape (m, n).

        np.array: A vector of shape (m * n,).

    m, n = img.shape

    # Create mesh and function space.
    mesh = UnitSquareMesh(m - 1, n - 1)
    xm = mesh.coordinates().reshape((-1, 2))

    # Create function space.
    V = create_function_space(mesh, 'default')

    # Evaluate function at vertices.
    hx, hy = 1 / (m - 1), 1 / (n - 1)

    x = np.array(np.round(xm[:, 0] / hx), dtype=int)
    y = np.array(np.round(xm[:, 1] / hy), dtype=int)
    fv = img[x, y]

    # Map pixel values to vertices.
    d2v = dof_to_vertex_map(V)
    return fv[d2v]
コード例 #8
def imgseq2funvec(img: np.array) -> np.array:
    """Takes a 3D array and returns an array suited to assign to piecewise
    linear approximation on a triangle grid.

    Each pixel corresponds to one vertex of a triangle mesh.

        img (np.array): The input array.

        np.array: A vector.

    # Create mesh.
    [m, n, o] = img.shape
    mesh = UnitCubeMesh(m-1, n-1, o-1)
    mc = mesh.coordinates().reshape((-1, 3))

    # Evaluate function at vertices.
    hx, hy, hz = 1./(m-1), 1./(n-1), 1./(o-1)
    x = np.array(np.round(mc[:, 0]/hx), dtype=int)
    y = np.array(np.round(mc[:, 1]/hy), dtype=int)
    z = np.array(np.round(mc[:, 2]/hz), dtype=int)
    fv = img[x, y, z]

    # Create function space.
    V = FunctionSpace(mesh, 'CG', 1)

    # Map pixel values to vertices.
    d2v = dof_to_vertex_map(V)
    return fv[d2v]
コード例 #9
def p1_trace(fenics_space):
    Return the P1 trace operator.

    This function returns a pair (space, trace_matrix),
    where space is a BEM++ space object and trace_matrix is the corresponding
    matrix that maps the coefficients of a FEniCS function to its boundary
    trace coefficients in the corresponding BEM++ space.


    import dolfin  #pylint: disable=import-error
    from bempp.api.fenics_interface.coupling import fenics_space_info
    from bempp.api import function_space, grid_from_element_data
    import numpy as np

    family, degree = fenics_space_info(fenics_space)
    if not (family == 'Lagrange' and degree == 1):
        raise ValueError("fenics_space must be a p1 Lagrange space")

    mesh = fenics_space.mesh()

    boundary_mesh = dolfin.BoundaryMesh(mesh, "exterior", False)
    bm_nodes = boundary_mesh.entity_map(0).array().astype(np.int64)
    bm_coords = boundary_mesh.coordinates()
    bm_cells = boundary_mesh.cells()
    bempp_boundary_grid = grid_from_element_data(bm_coords.transpose(),

    # First get trace space
    space = function_space(bempp_boundary_grid, "P", 1)

    # Now compute the mapping from FEniCS dofs to BEM++ dofs.

    # First the BEM++ dofs from the boundary vertices
    from scipy.sparse import coo_matrix
    bempp_dofs_from_b_vertices = p1_dof_to_vertex_matrix(space).transpose()

    # Now FEniCS vertices to boundary dofs
    b_vertices_from_vertices = coo_matrix(
        (np.ones(len(bm_nodes)), (np.arange(len(bm_nodes)), bm_nodes)),
        shape=(len(bm_nodes), mesh.num_vertices()),

    # Finally FEniCS dofs to vertices.
    vertices_from_fenics_dofs = coo_matrix(
        (np.ones(mesh.num_vertices()), (dolfin.dof_to_vertex_map(fenics_space),
        shape=(mesh.num_vertices(), mesh.num_vertices()),

    # Get trace matrix by multiplication
    trace_matrix = bempp_dofs_from_b_vertices * \
        b_vertices_from_vertices * vertices_from_fenics_dofs

    # Now return everything
    return space, trace_matrix
コード例 #10
ファイル: fenics.py プロジェクト: Lyu721/bempp-cl
def p1_trace(fenics_space):
    Return the P1 trace operator.

    This function returns a pair (space, trace_matrix),
    where space is a Bempp space object and trace_matrix is the corresponding
    matrix that maps the coefficients of a FEniCS function to its boundary
    trace coefficients in the corresponding Bempp space.


    import dolfin
    import bempp.api
    from scipy.sparse import coo_matrix
    import numpy as np

    family, degree = fenics_space_info(fenics_space)
    if not (family == "Lagrange" and degree == 1):
        raise ValueError("fenics_space must be a p1 Lagrange space")

    mesh = fenics_space.mesh()

    boundary_mesh = dolfin.BoundaryMesh(mesh, "exterior", False)
    bm_nodes = boundary_mesh.entity_map(0).array().astype(np.int64)
    bm_coords = boundary_mesh.coordinates()
    bm_cells = boundary_mesh.cells()
    bempp_boundary_grid = bempp.api.Grid(bm_coords.transpose(),

    # First get trace space
    space = bempp.api.function_space(bempp_boundary_grid, "P", 1)

    # Now FEniCS vertices to boundary dofs
    b_vertices_from_vertices = coo_matrix(
        (np.ones(len(bm_nodes)), (np.arange(len(bm_nodes)), bm_nodes)),
        shape=(len(bm_nodes), mesh.num_vertices()),

    # Finally FEniCS dofs to vertices.
    vertices_from_fenics_dofs = coo_matrix(
        shape=(mesh.num_vertices(), mesh.num_vertices()),

    # Get trace matrix by multiplication
    trace_matrix = b_vertices_from_vertices @ vertices_from_fenics_dofs

    # Now return everything
    return space, trace_matrix
コード例 #11
ファイル: utils.py プロジェクト: MiroK/mbed
def to_P1_function(f):
    '''Vertex function -> P1'''
    assert f.dim() == 0, f.dim()

    V = df.FunctionSpace(f.mesh(), 'CG', 1)
    g = df.Function(V)
    g_values = g.vector().get_local()
    g_values[:] = f.array()[df.dof_to_vertex_map(V)]

    return g
コード例 #12
    def vertices(self):
        Returns the vertices of the surface of the object

        This information might be useful for calculating the current density
        into the object surface
        coords = self.V.mesh().coordinates()
        d2v = df.dof_to_vertex_map(self.V)
        vertex_indices = list(set(d2v[self.dofs]))
        return coords[vertex_indices]
コード例 #13
ファイル: p1_coupling.py プロジェクト: popsomer/bempp
def p1_trace(fenics_space):

    import dolfin
    from .coupling import fenics_space_info
    from bempp import function_space, grid_from_element_data
    import numpy as np

    family, degree = fenics_space_info(fenics_space)
    if not (family == 'Lagrange' and degree == 1):
        raise ValueError("fenics_space must be a p1 Lagrange space")

    mesh = fenics_space.mesh()

    bm = dolfin.BoundaryMesh(mesh, "exterior", False)
    bm_nodes = bm.entity_map(0).array().astype(np.int64)
    bm_coords = bm.coordinates()
    bm_cells = bm.cells()
    bempp_boundary_grid = grid_from_element_data(bm_coords.transpose(),

    # First get trace space
    space = function_space(bempp_boundary_grid, "P", 1)

    # Now compute the mapping from BEM++ dofs to FEniCS dofs

    # First the BEM++ dofs to the boundary vertices
    from ._lagrange_coupling import p1_vertex_map
    from scipy.sparse import coo_matrix
    vertex_to_dof_map = p1_vertex_map(space)
    vertex_indices = np.arange(space.global_dof_count)
    data = np.ones(space.global_dof_count)
    bempp_dofs_from_b_vertices = coo_matrix(
        (data, (vertex_to_dof_map, vertex_indices)), dtype='float64').tocsr()

    # Now the boundary vertices to all the vertices
    b_vertices_from_vertices = coo_matrix(
        (np.ones(len(bm_nodes)), (np.arange(len(bm_nodes)), bm_nodes)),
        shape=(len(bm_nodes), mesh.num_vertices()),

    # Finally the vertices to FEniCS dofs
    vertices_from_fenics_dofs = coo_matrix(
        (np.ones(mesh.num_vertices()), (dolfin.dof_to_vertex_map(fenics_space),
        shape=(mesh.num_vertices(), mesh.num_vertices()),

    # Get trace matrix by multiplication
    trace_matrix = bempp_dofs_from_b_vertices * b_vertices_from_vertices * vertices_from_fenics_dofs

    # Now return everything
    return (space, trace_matrix)
コード例 #14
ファイル: common.py プロジェクト: justinlaughlin/stubs
def submesh_dof_to_vertex(Vsubmesh, species_index, index=None):
    num_species = Vsubmesh.num_sub_spaces()
    if num_species == 0: num_species = 1
    num_dofs = int(len(Vsubmesh.dofmap().dofs()) / num_species)
    if index == None:
        index = range(num_dofs)

    mapping = d.dof_to_vertex_map(Vsubmesh)
    mapping = mapping[range(species_index, len(mapping),
                            num_species)] / num_species
    mapping = [int(x) for x in mapping]

    return [mapping[x] for x in index]
コード例 #15
ファイル: tools.py プロジェクト: BartoszJaroszkowski/FEISol
def plot_deltas_2D(vertex_vector, mesh_path, save_dir):
    mesh = Mesh()
    with XDMFFile(mesh_path) as f:
    V = FunctionSpace(mesh, 'CG', 1)
    value = Function(V)
    value.vector()[:] = vertex_vector[dof_to_vertex_map(V)]
    delta_S = project(value.dx(0), V)
    delta_file = XDMFFile(save_dir)
    delta_file.write_checkpoint(delta_S, 'delta_S', 0, XDMFFile.Encoding.HDF5,
    delta_v = project(value.dx(1), V)
    delta_file.write_checkpoint(delta_v, 'delta_v', 0, XDMFFile.Encoding.HDF5,
コード例 #16
ファイル: field.py プロジェクト: whshangl/finmag
    def normalise_dofmap(self):
        Overwrite own field values with normalised ones.

        dofmap = df.vertex_to_dof_map(self.functionspace)
        reordered = self.f.vector().array()[
            dofmap]  # [x1, y1, z1, ..., xn, yn, zn]
        vectors = reordered.reshape(
            (3, -1))  # [[x1, y1, z1], ..., [xn, yn, zn]]
        lengths = np.sqrt(np.add.reduce(vectors * vectors, axis=1))
        normalised = np.dot(vectors.T, np.diag(1 / lengths)).T.ravel()
        vertexmap = df.dof_to_vertex_map(self.functionspace)
        normalised_original_order = normalised[vertexmap]
コード例 #17
def vertex_to_DG0_foo(data):
    Convert vertex function to DG0 function on the same mesh
    mesh = data.mesh()
    # Build CG
    P1 = FunctionSpace(mesh, 'CG', 1)
    f = Function(P1)
        np.array(data.array()[dof_to_vertex_map(P1)], dtype=float))
    # Then gen midpoint value by interpolation
    DG0 = FunctionSpace(mesh, 'DG', 0)
    f = interpolate(f, DG0)

    return f
コード例 #18
ファイル: p1_coupling.py プロジェクト: getzze/bempp
def p1_trace(fenics_space):

    import dolfin
    from .coupling import fenics_space_info
    from bempp import function_space,grid_from_element_data
    import numpy as np

    family,degree = fenics_space_info(fenics_space)
    if not (family=='Lagrange' and degree == 1):
        raise ValueError("fenics_space must be a p1 Lagrange space")

    mesh = fenics_space.mesh()

    bm = dolfin.BoundaryMesh(mesh,"exterior",False)
    bm_nodes  = bm.entity_map(0).array().astype(np.int64)
    bm_coords = bm.coordinates()
    bm_cells  = bm.cells()
    bempp_boundary_grid = grid_from_element_data(bm_coords.transpose(),bm_cells.transpose())

    # First get trace space 
    space = function_space(bempp_boundary_grid,"P",1)

    # Now compute the mapping from BEM++ dofs to FEniCS dofs

    # First the BEM++ dofs to the boundary vertices
    from ._lagrange_coupling import p1_vertex_map
    from scipy.sparse import coo_matrix
    vertex_to_dof_map =  p1_vertex_map(space)
    vertex_indices = np.arange(space.global_dof_count)
    data = np.ones(space.global_dof_count)
    bempp_dofs_from_b_vertices = coo_matrix((data,(vertex_to_dof_map,vertex_indices)),dtype='float64').tocsr()

    # Now the boundary vertices to all the vertices
    b_vertices_from_vertices = coo_matrix((

    # Finally the vertices to FEniCS dofs
    vertices_from_fenics_dofs = coo_matrix((

    # Get trace matrix by multiplication
    trace_matrix = bempp_dofs_from_b_vertices*b_vertices_from_vertices*vertices_from_fenics_dofs

    # Now return everything
    return (space,trace_matrix)
コード例 #19
 def read_function_group(self, key):
     group = self.file[key]
     if key in self.scalar_groups:
         space = dolfin.FunctionSpace(self.mesh, 'CG', 1)
     elif key in self.vector_groups:
         space = dolfin.VectorFunctionSpace(self.mesh, 'CG', 1)
     index_map = dolfin.dof_to_vertex_map(space)
     functions = []
     ii = 0
     key = f'{ii}'
     while key in group:
         dset = group[key]
         functions.append(dolfin.Function(space, name='u'))
         ii += 1
         key = f'{ii}'
     return functions
コード例 #20
    def time_deriv(img: np.array) -> Function:
        # Evaluate function at vertices.
        mc = mesh.coordinates().reshape((-1, 3))
        hx, hy, hz = 1./(t-2), 1./(m-1), 1./(n-1)
        x = np.array(mc[:, 0]/hx, dtype=int)
        y = np.array(mc[:, 1]/hy, dtype=int)
        z = np.array(mc[:, 2]/hz, dtype=int)

        # Map pixel values to vertices.
        d2v = dof_to_vertex_map(V)

        # Compute derivative wrt. time.
        imgt = img[1:] - img[0:-1]
        ftv = imgt[x, y, z]

        # Create function.
        ft = Function(V)
        ft.vector()[:] = ftv[d2v]
        return ft
コード例 #21
def retrieve_ensemble(bip,
    f = df.HDF5File(bip.pde.mpi_comm, os.path.join(dir_name, f_name), "r")
    ensbl_f = df.Function(bip.prior.V)
    num_ensbls = max_iter * ensbl_sz
    eldeg = bip.prior.V.ufl_element().degree()
    if img_out:
        gdim = bip.prior.V.mesh().geometry().dim()
        imsz = bip.meshsz if hasattr(bip, 'meshsz') else (np.floor(
            (bip.prior.V.dim() / eldeg**2)**(1. /
                                             gdim)).astype('int'), ) * gdim
        #         out_shape=(num_ensbls,np.int((bip.prior.V.dim()/bip.prior.V.ufl_element().degree()**2)/imsz**(gdim-1)))+(imsz,)*(gdim-1)
        out_shape = (num_ensbls, ) + imsz
        out_shape = (num_ensbls, bip.mesh.num_vertices())
    out = np.zeros(out_shape)
    prog = np.ceil(num_ensbls * (.1 + np.arange(0, 1, .1)))
    V_P1 = df.FunctionSpace(adif.mesh, 'Lagrange', 1)
    d2v = df.dof_to_vertex_map(V_P1)
    for n in range(max_iter):
        for j in range(ensbl_sz):
            f.read(ensbl_f, 'iter{0}_ensbl{1}'.format(n + ('Y' not in TRAIN),
            s = n * ensbl_sz + j
            ensbl_v = ensbl_f.vector()
            if whiten: ensbl_v = bip.prior.u2v(ensbl_v)
            if img_out:
                out[s] = bip.vec2img(ensbl_v)  # convert to images
                out[s] = ensbl_f.compute_vertex_values(
                    bip.mesh)[d2v] if eldeg > 1 else ensbl_v.get_local(
                    )  # convert to P1 space (keep dof order) if necessary
            if s + 1 in prog:
                print('{0:.0f}% ensembles have been retrieved.'.format(
                    np.float(s + 1) / num_ensbls * 100))
    return out
コード例 #22
ファイル: BoxField.py プロジェクト: aashish24/scitools
def dolfin_function2BoxField(dolfin_function, dolfin_mesh,
                             division=None, uniform_mesh=True):
    Turn a DOLFIN P1 finite element field over a structured mesh into
    a BoxField object. (Mostly for ease of plotting with scitools.)
    Standard DOLFIN numbering numbers the nodes along the x[0] axis,
    then x[1] axis, and so on.

    If the DOLFIN function employs elements of degree > 1, one should
    project or interpolate the field onto a field with elements of
    if dolfin_function.ufl_element().degree() != 1:
        raise TypeError("""\
The dolfin_function2BoxField function works with degree=1 elements
only. The DOLFIN function (dolfin_function) has finite elements of type
i.e., the degree=%d != 1. Project or interpolate this function
onto a space of P1 elements, i.e.,

V2 = FunctionSpace(mesh, 'CG', 1)
u2 = project(u, V2)
# or
u2 = interpolate(u, V2)

""" % (str(dolfin_function.ufl_element()), dolfin_function.ufl_element().degree()))

    if dolfin.__version__[:3] == "1.0":
        nodal_values = dolfin_function.vector().array().copy()
        #map = dolfin_function.function_space().dofmap().vertex_to_dof_map(dolfin_mesh)
        d2v = dolfin.dof_to_vertex_map(dolfin_function.function_space())
        nodal_values = dolfin_function.vector().array().copy()
        nodal_values[d2v] = dolfin_function.vector().array().copy()

    if uniform_mesh:
        grid = dolfin_mesh2UniformBoxGrid(dolfin_mesh, division)
        grid = dolfin_mesh2BoxGrid(dolfin_mesh, division)

    if nodal_values.size > grid.npoints:
        # vector field, treat each component separately
        ncomponents = int(nodal_values.size/grid.npoints)
            nodal_values.shape = (ncomponents, grid.npoints)
        except ValueError as e:
            raise ValueError('Vector field (nodal_values) has length %d, there are %d grid points, and this does not match with %d components' % (nodal_values.size, grid.npoints, ncomponents))
        vector_field = [_rank12rankd_mesh(nodal_values[i,:].copy(),
                                          grid.shape) \
                        for i in range(ncomponents)]
        nodal_values = array(vector_field)
        bf = BoxField(grid, name=dolfin_function.name(),
                      vector=ncomponents, values=nodal_values)
            nodal_values = _rank12rankd_mesh(nodal_values, grid.shape)
        except ValueError as e:
            raise ValueError('DOLFIN function has vector of size %s while the provided mesh has %d points and shape %s' % (nodal_values.size, grid.npoints, grid.shape))
        bf = BoxField(grid, name=dolfin_function.name(),
                      vector=0, values=nodal_values)
    return bf
コード例 #23
def solve_tr_dir__const_rheo(mesh_name, hol_cyl, deg_choice, T_in_expr,
                             T_inf_expr, HTC, T_old_v, k_mesh, cp_mesh,
                             rho_mesh, k_mesh_old, cp_mesh_old, rho_mesh_old,
                             dt, time_v, theta, bool_plot, bool_solv,
                             savings_do, logger_f):
    mesh_name: a proper XML file.
    bool_plot: plots if bool_plot = 1.
    Solves a direct, steady-state heat conduction problem, and
    returns A_np, b_np, D_np, T_np, bool_ex, bool_in.
    A_np: stiffness matrix, ordered by vertices.
    b_np: integrated volumetric heat sources and surface heat fluxes, ordered by vertices.
    The surface heat fluxes come from the solution to the direct problem;
    hence, these terms will not be there in a real IHCP. 
    D_np: integrated Laplacian of T, ordered by vertices.
    Option 2.
    The Laplacian of q is properly assembled from D_np.
    If do.dx(domain = hol_cyl) -> do.Measure('ds')[boundary_faces] and
    do.Measure('ds')[boundary_faces] -> something representative of Gamma,
    I would get option 1.
    T_np: solution to the direct heat conduction problem, ordered by vertices.
    bool_ex: boolean array declaring which vertices lie on the outer boundary.
    bool_in: boolean array indicating which vertices lie on the inner boundary.
    T_sol: solution to the direct heat conduction problem.
    deg_choice: degree in FunctionSpace.
    hol_cyl: mesh.

    #comm1 = MPI.COMM_WORLD

    #current proc
    #rank1 = comm1.Get_rank()

    V = do.FunctionSpace(hol_cyl, 'CG', deg_choice)

    if 'hollow' in mesh_name and 'cyl' in mesh_name:
        from hollow_cyl_inv_mesh import geo_fun as geo_fun_hollow_cyl
        geo_params_d = geo_fun_hollow_cyl()[1]
        #x_c is a scalar here
        #y_c is a scalar here

    elif 'four' in mesh_name and 'cyl' in mesh_name:
        from four_hole_cyl_inv_mesh import geo_fun as geo_fun_four_hole_cyl
        geo_params_d = geo_fun_four_hole_cyl()[1]
        #x_c is an array here
        #y_c is an array here
        x_c_l = [geo_params_d['x_0_{}'.format(itera)] for itera in xrange(4)]
        y_c_l = [geo_params_d['y_0_{}'.format(itera)] for itera in xrange(4)]

    elif 'one_hole_cir' in mesh_name:
        from one_hole_cir_adj_mesh import geo_fun as geo_fun_one_hole_cir
        geo_params_d = geo_fun_one_hole_cir()[1]
        #x_c is an array here
        #y_c is an array here
        x_c_l = [geo_params_d['x_0']]
        y_c_l = [geo_params_d['y_0']]

    elif 'reinh_cir' in mesh_name:
        from reinh_cir_adj_mesh import geo_fun as geo_fun_one_hole_cir
        geo_params_d = geo_fun_one_hole_cir()[1]
        #x_c is an array here
        #y_c is an array here
        x_c_l = [geo_params_d['x_0']]
        y_c_l = [geo_params_d['y_0']]

    elif 'small_circle' in mesh_name:
        from four_hole_small_cir_adj_mesh import geo_fun as geo_fun_four_hole_cir
        geo_params_d = geo_fun_four_hole_cir()[1]
        #x_c is an array here
        #y_c is an array here
        x_c_l = [geo_params_d['x_0_{}'.format(itera)] for itera in xrange(4)]
        y_c_l = [geo_params_d['y_0_{}'.format(itera)] for itera in xrange(4)]

    #center of the cylinder base
    x_c = geo_params_d['x_0']
    y_c = geo_params_d['y_0']

    R_in = geo_params_d['R_in']
    R_ex = geo_params_d['R_ex']

    #define variational problem
    T = do.TrialFunction(V)
    g = do.Function(V)
    v = do.TestFunction(V)

    T_old = do.Function(V)
    T_inf = do.Function(V)

    T_old.vector()[:] = T_old_v
    T_inf.vector()[:] = T_inf_expr

    T_sol = do.Function(V)

    T_sol.vector()[:] = T_old_v

    # Create boundary markers
    mark_all = 3
    mark_in = 4
    mark_ex = 5

    #x_c is an array here
    #y_c is an array here
    g_in = g_in_mesh(mesh_name, x_c_l, y_c_l, R_in)

    g_ex = g_ex_mesh(mesh_name, x_c, y_c, R_ex)

    in_boundary = do.AutoSubDomain(g_in)
    ex_boundary = do.AutoSubDomain(g_ex)

    unitNormal = do.FacetNormal(hol_cyl)
    boundary_faces = do.MeshFunction('size_t', hol_cyl,
                                     hol_cyl.topology().dim() - 1)

    in_boundary.mark(boundary_faces, mark_in)
    ex_boundary.mark(boundary_faces, mark_ex)

    bc_in = do.DirichletBC(V, T_in_expr, boundary_faces, mark_in)
    #bc_ex = do.DirichletBC(V, T_ex_expr, boundary_faces, mark_ex)
    bcs = [bc_in]

    #k = do.Function(V)  #W/m/K
    #k.vector()[:] = k_mesh

    #A0 = k * do.dot(do.grad(T), do.grad(v)) * do.dx(domain = hol_cyl)
    A = dt / 2. * k_mesh * do.dot(do.grad(T), do.grad(v)) * do.dx(domain = hol_cyl) + \
        rho_mesh * cp_mesh * T * v * do.dx(domain = hol_cyl)

    A_full = A + dt / 2. * HTC * T * v * do.ds(
        mark_ex, domain=hol_cyl, subdomain_data=boundary_faces)

    L = -dt / 2. * k_mesh_old * do.dot(do.grad(T_old), do.grad(v)) * \
        do.dx(domain = hol_cyl) + \
        rho_mesh_old * cp_mesh_old * T_old * v * do.dx(domain = hol_cyl) - \
        dt / 2. * HTC * (T_old) * v * do.ds(mark_ex,
                                                    domain = hol_cyl,
                                                    subdomain_data = boundary_faces)  + \
        dt * HTC * T_inf * v * do.ds(mark_ex,
                                                    domain = hol_cyl,
                                                    subdomain_data = boundary_faces)

    #numpy version of A, T, and (L + int_fluxT)
    #A_np__not_v2d = do.assemble(A).array() #before applying BCs - needs v2d
    #L_np__not_v2d = do.assemble(L).array() #before applying BCs - needs v2d

    #Laplacian of T, without any -1/k int_S q*n*v dS
    Approximated integral of the Laplacian of T.
    Option 2.
    The Laplacian of q is properly assembled from D_np.
    If do.dx(domain = hol_cyl) -> do.Measure('ds')[boundary_faces] and
    do.Measure('ds')[boundary_faces] -> something representative of Gamma,
    I would get option 1.
    #D_np__not_v2d = do.assemble(-do.dot(do.grad(T), do.grad(v)) * do.dx(domain = hol_cyl) +
    #                             do.dot(unitNormal, do.grad(T)) * v *
    #                             do.Measure('ds')[boundary_faces]).array()
    #print np.max(D_np__not_v2d)#, np.max(A_np__not_v2d)
    #logger_f.warning('shape of D_np = {}, {}'.format(D_np__not_v2d.shape[0],

    #nonzero_entries = []
    #for row in D_np__not_v2d:
    #    nonzero_entries += [len(np.where(abs(row) > 1e-16)[0])]

    #logger_f.warning('max, min, and mean of nonzero_entries = {}, {}, {}'.format(
    #      max(nonzero_entries), min(nonzero_entries), np.mean(nonzero_entries)))

    #solver parameters
    #linear solvers from
    #preconditioners from
    solver = do.KrylovSolver('gmres', 'ilu')
    do.info(solver.parameters, True)  #prints default values
    solver.parameters['relative_tolerance'] = 1e-16
    solver.parameters['maximum_iterations'] = 20000000
    solver.parameters['monitor_convergence'] = True  #on the screen
    '''solver.parameters['nonzero_initial_guess'] = True'''
    solver.parameters['absolute_tolerance'] = 1e-15
    #uses whatever in q_v as my initial condition

    #the next lines are used for CHECK 3 only
    #A_sys, b_sys = do.assemble_system(A, L, bcs)

        os.path.join(savings_do, '{}__markers.pvd'.format(
            mesh_name.split('.')[0]))) << boundary_faces

    if bool_plot:
        do.plot(boundary_faces, '3D mesh', title='boundary markers')

    T_sol_d = {}
    g_d = {}

    if bool_solv == 1:

        xdmf_DHCP_T = do.File(os.path.join(savings_do, 'DHCP', 'T.pvd'))
        xdmf_DHCP_q = do.File(os.path.join(savings_do, 'DHCP', 'q.pvd'))

        for count_t_i, t_i in enumerate(time_v[1:]):

            #T_in_expr.ts = t_i
            #T_ex_expr.ts = t_i

            T_sol_d[count_t_i] = do.Function(V)
            T_sol_d[count_t_i].vector()[:] = T_sol.vector().array()

            do.solve(A_full == L, T_sol, bcs)
            TO BE UPDATED:
            rheology is not updated

            #updates L

            T_sol.rename('DHCP_T', 'temperature from DHCP')

            #write solution to file
            #paraview format
            xdmf_DHCP_T << (T_sol, t_i)

            #plot solution
            if bool_plot:
                do.plot(T_sol, title='T')  #, interactive = True)

            logger_f.warning('len(T) = {}'.format(len(T_sol.vector().array())))

            print 'T: count_t = {}, min(T_DHCP) = {}'.format(
                count_t_i, min(T_sol_d[count_t_i].vector().array()))
            print 'T: count_t = {}, max(T_DHCP) = {}'.format(
                count_t_i, max(T_sol_d[count_t_i].vector().array())), '\n'

            #save flux - required for solving IHCP
            #same result if do.ds(mark_ex, subdomain_data = boundary_faces)
            #instead of do.Measure('ds')[boundary_faces]
            #Langtangen, p. 37:
            #either do.dot(do.nabla_grad(T), unitNormal)
            #or do.dot(unitNormal, do.grad(T))

            #int_fluxT = do.assemble(-k * do.dot(unitNormal, do.grad(T_sol)) * v *
            #                          do.Measure('ds')[boundary_faces])

            fluxT = do.project(
                -k_mesh * do.grad(T_sol),
                do.VectorFunctionSpace(hol_cyl, 'CG', deg_choice, dim=2))

            if bool_plot:
                        title='flux at iteration = {}'.format(count_t_i))

            fluxT.rename('DHCP_flux', 'flux from DHCP')

            xdmf_DHCP_q << (fluxT, t_i)

            print 'DHCP: iteration = {}'.format(count_t_i)

            #full solution
            #T_sol_full = do.Vector()
            #T_sol.vector().gather(T_sol_full, np.array(range(V.dim()), 'intc'))

        count_t_i += 1

        #copy previous lines
        T_sol_d[count_t_i] = do.Function(V)
        T_sol_d[count_t_i].vector()[:] = T_sol.vector().array()

    for count_t_i, t_i in enumerate(time_v):
        g_d[count_t_i] = do.Function(V)
        g_d[count_t_i].vector()[:] = g.vector().array()

    gdim = hol_cyl.geometry().dim()
    dofmap = V.dofmap()
    dofs = dofmap.dofs()

    #Get coordinates as len(dofs) x gdim array
    dofs_x = V.tabulate_dof_coordinates().reshape((-1, gdim))

    #booleans corresponding to the outer boundary -> ints since they are sent to root = 0
    bool_ex = 1. * np.array([g_ex(dof_x) for dof_x in dofs_x])
    #booleans corresponding to the inner boundary -> ints since they are sent to root = 0
    bool_in = 1. * np.array([g_in(dof_x) for dof_x in dofs_x])

    T_np_ex = []
    T_np_in = []

    for i_coor, coor in enumerate(dofs_x):
        if g_ex(coor):
            T_np_ex += [T_sol.vector().array()[i_coor]]
        if g_in(coor):
            T_np_in += [T_sol.vector().array()[i_coor]]

    print 'CHECK: mean(T) on the outer boundary = ', np.mean(np.array(T_np_ex))
    print 'CHECK: mean(T) on the inner boundary = ', np.mean(np.array(T_np_in))
    print 'CHECK: mean(HTC) = ', np.mean(do.project(HTC, V).vector().array())

    #v2d = do.vertex_to_dof_map(V) #orders by hol_cyl.coordinates()
    if deg_choice == 1:
        print 'len(dof_to_vertex_map) = ', len(do.dof_to_vertex_map(V))

    print 'min(dofs) = ', min(dofs), ', max(dofs) = ', max(dofs)
    print 'len(bool ex) = ', len(bool_ex)
    print 'len(bool in) = ', len(bool_in)
    print 'bool ex[:10] = ', repr(bool_ex[:10])
    print 'type(T) = ', type(T_sol.vector().array())

    #first global results, then local results
    return A, L, g_d, \
           V, v, k_mesh, \
           mark_in, mark_ex, \
           boundary_faces, bool_ex, \
           R_in, R_ex, T_sol_d, deg_choice, hol_cyl, \
           unitNormal, dofs_x
コード例 #24
    def long_run_compare(self):

        mesh = UnitIntervalMesh(5)

        # FIXME: We need to make this run in paralell.
        if MPI.size(mesh.mpi_comm()) > 1:

        Model = Tentusscher_2004_mcell
        tstop = 10
        ind_V = 0
        dt_ref = 0.1
        time_ref = np.linspace(0, tstop, int(tstop / dt_ref) + 1)
        dir_path = os.path.dirname(__file__)
        Vm_reference = np.fromfile(os.path.join(dir_path, "Vm_reference.npy"))
        params = Model.default_parameters()

        time = Constant(0.0)
        stim = Expression("(time >= stim_start) && (time < stim_start + stim_duration)"\
                             " ? stim_amplitude : 0.0 ", time=time, stim_amplitude=52.0, \
                             stim_start=1.0, stim_duration=1.0, degree=1)

        # Initiate solver, with model and Scheme
        if dolfin_adjoint:

        solver = self._setup_solver(Model, Scheme, mesh, time, stim, params)
            "relative_tolerance"] = 1e-8
            "maximum_iterations"] = 30
        solver._pi_solver.parameters["newton_solver"]["report"] = False

        scheme = solver._scheme
        (vs_, vs) = solver.solution_fields()


        dof_to_vertex_map_values = dof_to_vertex_map(vs.function_space())

        vs_array = np.zeros(mesh.num_vertices()*\
        vs_array[dof_to_vertex_map_values] = vs.vector().get_local()
        output = [vs_array[ind_V]]
        time_output = [0.0]
        dt = dt_org

        # Time step
        next_dt = max(min(tstop - float(scheme.t()), dt), 0.0)
        t0 = 0.0

        while next_dt > 0.0:

            # Step solver
            solver.step((t0, t0 + next_dt))

            # Collect plt output data
            vs_array[dof_to_vertex_map_values] = vs.vector().get_local()

            # Next time step
            t0 += next_dt
            next_dt = max(min(tstop - float(scheme.t()), dt), 0.0)

        # Compare solution from CellML run using opencell
        assert_almost_equal(output[-1], Vm_reference[-1], abs_tol)

        output = np.array(output)
        time_output = np.array(time_output)

        output = np.interp(time_ref, time_output, output)

        value = np.sqrt(np.sum(
            ((Vm_reference - output) / Vm_reference)**2)) / len(Vm_reference)
        assert_almost_equal(value, 0.0, rel_tol)
コード例 #25
ファイル: meshing.py プロジェクト: MiroK/fenics_ii
def fun(mesh3d, npoints):
    '''A random curve starting close to (-1, -1, -1) and continueing inside'''
    import networkx as nx
    import random

    edge_f = df.MeshFunction('size_t', mesh3d, 1, 0)
    mesh3d.init(1, 0)
    # Init the graph
    G = nx.Graph()

    edge_indices = {
        tuple(sorted(e.entities(0).tolist())): e_index
        for e_index, e in enumerate(df.edges(mesh3d))

    # Let's find boundary vertices
    V = df.FunctionSpace(mesh3d, 'CG', 1)
    bdry = df.CompiledSubDomain(
        'near(std::max(std::max(std::abs(x[0]), std::abs(x[1])), std::abs(x[2])), 1, tol)',
    bc = df.DirichletBC(V, df.Constant(0), bdry, 'pointwise')

    bc_vertices = set(
    # Start at the boundary at (-1, -1, 1)
    X = mesh3d.coordinates()
    start = np.argmin(np.sum((X - np.array([-1, -1, -1]))**2, axis=1))

    # All vertices
    vertices = list(range(mesh3d.num_vertices()))
    first = None
    while npoints:
        # Pick the next vertex, inside
        while True:
            stop = random.choice(vertices)
            if start != stop and stop not in bc_vertices: break

        # The path is a shortest path between vertices
        path = nx.shortest_path(G, source=start, target=stop)

        # Here it can happen that the path will have surface points
        if first is None:
            # So we walk back (guaranteed to be in) until we hit the surface
            clean_path = []
            for p in reversed(path):
                if p in bc_vertices:
                    print('Shifted start to', X[p])
                    first = p
            path = clean_path
            start = first
        # Start in, must end in and stay in
            if set(path) & bc_vertices: continue

        for v0, v1 in zip(path[:-1], path[1:]):
            edge = (v0, v1) if v0 < v1 else (v1, v0)
            edge_f[edge_indices[edge]] = 1
        start = stop
        npoints -= 1

    # df.File('x.pvd') << edge_f

    return edge_f, X[first]
コード例 #26
ファイル: gridmodel.py プロジェクト: pf4d/fenics_mpm
    def initialize_variables(self):
		Initialize the model variables to default values.  The variables
		defined here are:

		Various things :

		* ``self.element``    -- the finite-element
		* ``self.top_dim``    -- the topological dimension
		* ``self.dofmap``     -- :class:`~dolfin.cpp.fem.DofMap` for converting between vertex to nodal indicies
		* ``self.h``          -- Cell diameter formed by calling :func:`~dolfin.functions.specialfunctions.CellDiameter` with ``self.mesh``

		Grid velocity vector :math:`\mathbf{u}_i = [u\ v\ w]^{\intercal}`:

		* ``self.U_mag``      -- velocity vector magnitude
		* ``self.U3``         -- velocity vector
		* ``self.u``          -- :math:`x`-component of velocity vector
		* ``self.v``          -- :math:`y`-component of velocity vector
		* ``self.w``          -- :math:`z`-component of velocity vector

		Grid acceleration vector :math:`\mathbf{a}_i = [a_x\ a_y\ a_z]^{\intercal}`:

		* ``self.a_mag``      -- acceleration vector magnitude
		* ``self.a3``         -- acceleration vector
		* ``self.a_x``        -- :math:`x`-component of acceleration vector
		* ``self.a_y``        -- :math:`y`-component of acceleration vector
		* ``self.a_z``        -- :math:`z`-component of acceleration vector

		Grid internal force vector :math:`\mathbf{f}_i^{\mathrm{int}} = [f_x^{\mathrm{int}}\ f_y^{\mathrm{int}}\ f_z^{\mathrm{int}}]^{\intercal}`:

		* ``self.f_int_mag``  -- internal force vector magnitude
		* ``self.f_int``      -- internal force vector
		* ``self.f_int_x``    -- :math:`x`-component of internal force vector
		* ``self.f_int_y``    -- :math:`y`-component of internal force vector
		* ``self.f_int_z``    -- :math:`z`-component of internal force vector

		Grid mass :math:`m_i`:

		* ``self.m``          -- mass :math:`m_i`
		* ``self.m0``         -- inital mass :math:`m_i^0`
        s = "::: initializing grid variables :::"
        print_text(s, cls=self.this)

        # the finite-element used :
        self.element = self.Q.element()

        # topological dimension :
        self.top_dim = self.element.geometric_dimension()

        # map from verticies to nodes :
        self.dofmap = self.Q.dofmap()

        # for finding vertices sitting on boundary :
        self.d2v = dl.dof_to_vertex_map(self.Q)

        # list of arrays of vertices and bcs set by self.set_boundary_conditions() :
        self.bc_vrt = None
        self.bc_val = None

        # cell diameter :
        self.h = dl.project(dl.CellDiameter(self.mesh), self.Q)

        # cell volume :
        self.Ve = dl.project(dl.CellVolume(self.mesh), self.Q)

        # grid velocity :
        self.U_mag = dl.Function(self.Q, name='U_mag')
        self.U3 = dl.Function(self.Q3, name='U3')
        u, v, w = self.U3.split()
        u.rename('u', '')
        v.rename('v', '')
        w.rename('w', '')
        self.u = u
        self.v = v
        self.w = w

        # grid acceleration :
        self.a_mag = dl.Function(self.Q, name='a_mag')
        self.a3 = dl.Function(self.Q3, name='a3')
        a_x, a_y, a_z = self.a3.split()
        a_x.rename('a_x', '')
        a_y.rename('a_y', '')
        a_z.rename('a_z', '')
        self.a_x = a_x
        self.a_y = a_y
        self.a_z = a_z

        # grid internal force vector :
        self.f_int_mag = dl.Function(self.Q, name='f_int_mag')
        self.f_int = dl.Function(self.Q3, name='f_int')
        f_int_x, f_int_y, f_int_z = self.f_int.split()
        f_int_x.rename('f_int_x', '')
        f_int_y.rename('f_int_y', '')
        f_int_z.rename('f_int_z', '')
        self.f_int_x = f_int_x
        self.f_int_y = f_int_y
        self.f_int_z = f_int_z

        # grid mass :
        self.m = dl.Function(self.Q, name='m')
        self.m0 = dl.Function(self.Q, name='m0')

        # function assigners speed assigning up :
        self.assu = dl.FunctionAssigner(self.u.function_space(), self.Q)
        self.assv = dl.FunctionAssigner(self.v.function_space(), self.Q)
        self.assw = dl.FunctionAssigner(self.w.function_space(), self.Q)
        self.assa_x = dl.FunctionAssigner(self.a_x.function_space(), self.Q)
        self.assa_y = dl.FunctionAssigner(self.a_y.function_space(), self.Q)
        self.assa_z = dl.FunctionAssigner(self.a_z.function_space(), self.Q)
        self.assf_int_x = dl.FunctionAssigner(self.f_int_x.function_space(),
        self.assf_int_y = dl.FunctionAssigner(self.f_int_y.function_space(),
        self.assf_int_z = dl.FunctionAssigner(self.f_int_z.function_space(),
        self.assm = dl.FunctionAssigner(self.m.function_space(), self.Q)

        # save the number of degrees of freedom :
        self.dofs = self.m.vector().size()
コード例 #27
def scalar_laplacians(mesh):
    Calculate the laplacians needed by fiberrule algorithms
    mesh : dolfin.Mesh
       A dolfin mesh with marked boundaries:
       base = 10, rv = 20, lv = 30, epi = 40
       The base is assumed placed at x=0

    if not isinstance(mesh, d.Mesh):
        raise TypeError("Expected a dolfin.Mesh as the mesh argument.")

    # Init connectivities
    facet_markers = d.MeshFunction("size_t", mesh, 2, mesh.domains())

    # Boundary markers, solutions and cases
    markers = dict(base=10, rv=20, lv=30, epi=40, apex=50)

    # Solver parameters
        preconditioner="ml_amg" if d.has_krylov_solver_preconditioner("ml_amg") \
        else "default", linear_solver="gmres"))

    cases = ["rv", "lv", "epi"]
    boundaries = cases + ["base"]

    # Check that all boundary faces are marked
    num_boundary_facets = d.BoundaryMesh(mesh, "exterior").num_cells()

    if num_boundary_facets != sum(np.sum(\
                                  for boundary in boundaries):
        d.error("Not all boundary faces are marked correctly. Make sure all "\
                "boundary facets are marked as: base = 10, rv = 20, lv = 30, "\
                "epi = 40.")

    # Coords and cells
    coords = mesh.coordinates()
    cells_info = mesh.cells()

    # Find apex by solving a laplacian with base solution = 0
    # Create Base variational problem
    V = d.FunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", 1)

    u = d.TrialFunction(V)
    v = d.TestFunction(V)

    a = d.dot(d.grad(u), d.grad(v)) * d.dx
    L = v * d.Constant(1) * d.dx

    DBC_10 = d.DirichletBC(V, 1, facet_markers, markers["base"], "topological")

    # Create solutions
    solutions = dict(
        (what, d.Function(V)) for what in markers if what != "base")

    d.solve(a == L,
            solver_parameters={"linear_solver": "gmres"})

    apex_values = solutions["apex"].vector().array()
    apex_values[d.dof_to_vertex_map(V)] = solutions["apex"].vector().array()
    ind_apex_max = apex_values.argmax()
    apex_coord = coords[ind_apex_max, :]

    # Update rhs
    L = v * d.Constant(0) * d.dx

    d.info("  Apex coord: ({0}, {1}, {2})".format(*apex_coord))
    d.info("  Num coords: {0}".format(len(coords)))
    d.info("  Num cells: {0}".format(len(cells_info)))

    # Calculate volume
    volume = 0.0
    for cell in d.cells(mesh):
        volume += cell.volume()

    d.info("  Volume: {0}".format(volume))

    # Cases
    # =====
    # 1) base: 1, apex: 0
    # 2) lv: 1, rv, epi: 0
    # 3) rv: 1, lv, epi: 0
    # 4) epi: 1, rv, lv: 0

    class ApexDomain(d.SubDomain):
        def inside(self, x, on_boundary):
            return d.near(x[0], apex_coord[0]) and d.near(x[1], apex_coord[1]) and \
                   d.near(x[2], apex_coord[2])

    apex_domain = ApexDomain()

    # Case 1:
    Poisson = 1
    DBC_11 = d.DirichletBC(V, 0, apex_domain, "pointwise")

    # Using Poisson
    if Poisson:
        d.solve(a == L,
                solutions["apex"], [DBC_10, DBC_11],
                solver_parameters={"linear_solver": "gmres"})

    # Using Eikonal equation
        Le = v * d.Constant(1) * d.dx
        d.solve(a == Le,
                solver_parameters={"linear_solver": "gmres"})

        # Create Eikonal problem
        eps = d.Constant(mesh.hmax() / 25)
        y = solutions["apex"]
        F = d.sqrt(d.inner(d.grad(y), d.grad(y)))*v*d.dx - \
            d.Constant(1)*v*d.dx + eps*d.inner(d.grad(y), d.grad(v))*d.dx
        d.solve(F == 0,
                    "linear_solver": "lu",
                    "newton_solver": {
                        "relative_tolerance": 1e-5

    # Check that solution of the three last cases all sum to 1.
    sol = solutions["apex"].vector().copy()
    sol[:] = 0.0

    # Iterate over the three different cases
    for case in cases:

        # Solve linear system
        bcs = [d.DirichletBC(V, 1 if what == case else 0, \
                             facet_markers, markers[what], "topological") \
               for what in cases]
コード例 #28
def dolfin_fiberrules(
        fiber_rotation_epi=50,  # 50 
        fiber_rotation_endo=40,  # 40
        sheet_rotation_epi=65,  # 65
        sheet_rotation_endo=25,  # 25
    Create fiber, cross fibers and sheet directions

    mesh : dolfin.Mesh
       A dolfin mesh with marked boundaries:
       base = 10, rv = 20, lv = 30, epi = 40
       The base is assumed placed at x=0
    fiber_space : dolfin.FunctionSpace (optional)
       Determines for what space the fibers should be calculated for.
    fiber_rotation_epi : float (optional)
       Fiber rotation angle on the endocardial surfaces.
    fiber_rotation_endo : float (optional)
       Fiber rotation angle on the epicardial surfaces.
    sheet_rotation_epi : float (optional)
       Sheet rotation angle on the endocardial surfaces.
    sheet_rotation_endo : float (optional)
       Sheet rotation angle on the epicardial surfaces.
    #import cpp

    if not isinstance(mesh, d.Mesh):
        raise TypeError("Expected a dolfin.Mesh as the mesh argument.")

    # Default fiber space is P1
    fiber_space = fiber_space or d.FunctionSpace(mesh, "P", 1)

    # Create scalar laplacian solutions
    d.info("Calculating scalar fields")
    scalar_solutions = scalar_laplacians(mesh)

    # Create gradients
    d.info("\nCalculating gradients")
    data = project_gradients(mesh, fiber_space, scalar_solutions)

    # Assign the fiber and sheet rotations
    data.fiber_rotation_epi = fiber_rotation_epi
    data.fiber_rotation_endo = fiber_rotation_endo
    data.sheet_rotation_epi = sheet_rotation_epi
    data.sheet_rotation_endo = sheet_rotation_endo

    #Gaussian field with correlation length l
    #p , l = np.inf, 2
    #number of terms in expansion
    #k = 10

    #kernel = Matern(p = p,l = l)    #0,1Exponential covariance kernel
    #kle  = KLE(mesh, kernel, verbose = True)
    #kle.compute_eigendecomposition(k = k)#20 by default

    #Generate realizations
    #noise = kle.realizations()
    #x = np.zeros(len(noise))
    #noise = np.array(x)
    #noise[0:len(noise)/2] = 30
    ##print y
    #print "noise array", noise

    #V = d.FunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", 1)
    #random_field =d.Function(V)
    #random_f = np.zeros((mesh.num_vertices()),dtype =float)
    #random_f = noise
    #random_field.vector()[:] = random_f[d.dof_to_vertex_map(V)]
    #d.plot(random_field, mesh, interactive =True)

    ##random_f = noise

    #x = np.zeros(len(noise))
    #y = np.array(x)
    #y[0:len(noise)/2] = 30
    ##print y
    #print "noise array", y

    # Check noise
    if np.isscalar(alpha_noise):
        alpha_noise = np.zeros(mesh.num_vertices(), dtype=float)

    if np.isscalar(beta_noise):
        beta_noise = np.zeros(mesh.num_vertices(), dtype=float)

    # Call the fiber sheet generation

    # Create output Functions
    Vv = d.VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, fiber_space.ufl_element().family(), \
    V = fiber_space

    fiber_sheet_tensor = data.fiber_sheet_tensor
    fiber_components = []
    scalar_size = fiber_sheet_tensor.size / 9
    indices = np.zeros(scalar_size * 3, dtype="L")
    indices[0::3] = np.arange(scalar_size, dtype="L") * 9  # x
    indices[1::3] = np.arange(scalar_size, dtype="L") * 9 + 3  # y
    indices[2::3] = np.arange(scalar_size, dtype="L") * 9 + 6  # z

    for ind, name in enumerate(["f0", "n0", "s0"]):
        component = d.Function(Vv, name=name)

        # Sort the fibers and sheets in dolfin degrees of freedom (dofs)
        component.vector()[:] = fiber_sheet_tensor[indices]
        indices += 1

    # Make sheet the last component
    fiber_components = [fiber_components[0]] + fiber_components[-1:0:-1]

    return fiber_components
コード例 #29
ファイル: train_gp.py プロジェクト: zhouqp631/DREAM-BUQ
fig,axes = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=2, sharex=True, sharey=True, figsize=(12,6), facecolor='white')
# plt.show(block=True)
n_dif = 100
dif = np.zeros((n_dif,2))
sel4eval = prng.choice(num_samp,size=n_dif,replace=False)
X=loaded['X'][sel4eval]; Y=loaded['Y'][sel4eval]
sel4print = prng.choice(n_dif,size=10,replace=False)
u_f = df.Function(adif.prior.V)
eldeg = adif.prior.V.ufl_element().degree()
if eldeg>1:
    V_P1 = df.FunctionSpace(adif.mesh,'Lagrange',1)
    d2v = df.dof_to_vertex_map(V_P1)
    u_f1 = df.Function(V_P1)
    u_f1 = u_f
for n in range(n_dif):
    # calculate gradient
    u_f1.vector().set_local(u); u_v = u_f1.vector() # u already in dof order
    if eldeg>1:
        u_v = u_f.vector()
#     u_f = img2fun(u, adif.prior.V); u_v = u_f.vector() # for u in vertex order
    ll_xact,dll_xact = adif.get_geom(u_v,[0,1])[:2]
    t_used[0] += timeit.default_timer()-t_start
    # emulate gradient
コード例 #30
# closest_point_vectorized() took 157871 microseconds
# nquery= 100000 , dt_closest_SM= 0.2701895236968994
# and
# closest_point_vectorized() took 1249172 microseconds
# nquery= 1000000 , dt_closest_SM= 3.3071250915527344


mesh = circle_mesh(np.array([0.0, 0.0]), 1.0, 1e-2)
V = dl.FunctionSpace(mesh, 'CG', 1)

# check that I'm using the dof to vertex mapping right

mesh_coords = mesh.coordinates()
dof_coords = V.tabulate_dof_coordinates()
dof2vertex = dl.dof_to_vertex_map(V)
vertex2dof = dl.vertex_to_dof_map(V)

u = dl.Function(V)
u.vector()[:] = dof_coords[:, 0]**2 + 2 * dof_coords[:, 1]**2

uu = u.vector()[vertex2dof]
# uu = u.vector()[dof2vertex]

uu_true = np.zeros(V.dim())
for ii in range(V.dim()):
    uu_true[ii] = u(mesh_coords[ii, :])

err_uu = np.linalg.norm(uu - uu_true)
print('err_uu=', err_uu)
コード例 #31
def dolfin_function2BoxField(dolfin_function,
    Turn a DOLFIN P1 finite element field over a structured mesh into
    a BoxField object. (Mostly for ease of plotting with scitools.)
    Standard DOLFIN numbering numbers the nodes along the x[0] axis,
    then x[1] axis, and so on.

    If the DOLFIN function employs elements of degree > 1, one should
    project or interpolate the field onto a field with elements of
    if dolfin_function.ufl_element().degree() != 1:
        raise TypeError("""\
The dolfin_function2BoxField function works with degree=1 elements
only. The DOLFIN function (dolfin_function) has finite elements of type
i.e., the degree=%d != 1. Project or interpolate this function
onto a space of P1 elements, i.e.,

V2 = FunctionSpace(mesh, 'CG', 1)
u2 = project(u, V2)
# or
u2 = interpolate(u, V2)

""" % (str(dolfin_function.ufl_element()),

    if dolfin.__version__[:3] == "1.0":
        nodal_values = dolfin_function.vector().array().copy()
        #map = dolfin_function.function_space().dofmap().vertex_to_dof_map(dolfin_mesh)
        d2v = dolfin.dof_to_vertex_map(dolfin_function.function_space())
        nodal_values = dolfin_function.vector().array().copy()
        nodal_values[d2v] = dolfin_function.vector().array().copy()

    if uniform_mesh:
        grid = dolfin_mesh2UniformBoxGrid(dolfin_mesh, division)
        grid = dolfin_mesh2BoxGrid(dolfin_mesh, division)

    if nodal_values.size > grid.npoints:
        # vector field, treat each component separately
        ncomponents = int(nodal_values.size / grid.npoints)
            nodal_values.shape = (ncomponents, grid.npoints)
        except ValueError as e:
            raise ValueError(
                'Vector field (nodal_values) has length %d, there are %d grid points, and this does not match with %d components'
                % (nodal_values.size, grid.npoints, ncomponents))
        vector_field = [_rank12rankd_mesh(nodal_values[i,:].copy(),
                                          grid.shape) \
                        for i in range(ncomponents)]
        nodal_values = array(vector_field)
        bf = BoxField(grid,
            nodal_values = _rank12rankd_mesh(nodal_values, grid.shape)
        except ValueError as e:
            raise ValueError(
                'DOLFIN function has vector of size %s while the provided mesh has %d points and shape %s'
                % (nodal_values.size, grid.npoints, grid.shape))
        bf = BoxField(grid,
    return bf
コード例 #32
def geom(unknown_lat,bip_lat,bip,autoencoder,geom_ord=[0],whitened=False,**kwargs):
    loglik=None; gradlik=None; metact=None; rtmetact=None; eigs=None
    # un-whiten if necessary
    if whitened=='latent':
    eldeg = bip.prior.V.ufl_element().degree()
    if 'Conv' in type(autoencoder).__name__:
        width=tuple(np.mod(i,2) for i in u_latin.shape)
        u_latin=chop(u_latin,width)[None,:,:,None] if autoencoder.activations['latent'] is None else u_latin.flatten()[None,:]
        unknown=bip.img2vec(pad(np.squeeze(autoencoder.decode(u_latin)),width), bip.prior.V if eldeg>1 else None)
#         unknown=df.Function(V).vector()
#         unknown.set_local(autoencoder.decode(u_latin).flatten())
        unknown=bip.prior.gen_vector(u_decoded) if eldeg==1 else vinPn(u_decoded, bip.prior.V)
        if len(kwargs)==0:
            loglik,gradlik,metact_,rtmetact_ = emul_geom(unknown,geom_ord,whitened=='emulated',inP1=True)
            loglik,gradlik,metact_,eigs_ = emul_geom(unknown,geom_ord,whitened=='emulated',inP1=True,**kwargs)
            if len(kwargs)==0:
                loglik,gradlik,metact_,rtmetact_ = full_geom(unknown,geom_ord,whitened=='original')
                loglik,gradlik,metact_,eigs_ = full_geom(unknown,geom_ord,whitened=='original',**kwargs)
            raise RuntimeError('No geometry in the original space available!')
    if any(s>=1 for s in geom_ord):
        if whitened=='latent':
            gradlik = bip.prior.C_act(gradlik,.5)
#         jac=autoencoder.jacobian(u_latin,'decode')
        if 'Conv' in type(autoencoder).__name__:
            jac=pad(jac,width*2 if autoencoder.activations['latent'] is None else width+(0,))
            jac=jac[np.ix_(df.dof_to_vertex_map(bip.prior.V), df.dof_to_vertex_map(bip_lat.prior.V))]
        gradlik_ = autoencoder.jacvec(u_latin,gradlik.get_local()[None,:])
#         print('time consumed:{}'.format(timeit.default_timer()-t_start))
    if any(s>=1.5 for s in geom_ord):
        def _get_metact_misfit(u_actedon):
            if type(u_actedon) is df.Vector:
            tmp=df.Vector(unknown); tmp.zero()
            return v
        def _get_rtmetact_misfit(u_actedon):
            if type(u_actedon) is not df.Vector:
            return v
        metact = _get_metact_misfit
        rtmetact = _get_rtmetact_misfit
    if any(s>1 for s in geom_ord) and len(kwargs)!=0:
        if bip_lat is None: raise ValueError('No latent inverse problem defined!')
        # compute eigen-decomposition using randomized algorithms
        if whitened=='latent':
            # generalized eigen-decomposition (_C^(1/2) F _C^(1/2), M), i.e. _C^(1/2) F _C^(1/2) = M V D V', V' M V = I
            def invM(a):
                return invMa
            eigs = geigen_RA(metact, lambda u: bip_lat.prior.M*u, invM, dim=bip_lat.prior.V.dim(),**kwargs)
            # generalized eigen-decomposition (F, _C^(-1)), i.e. F = _C^(-1) U D U^(-1), U' _C^(-1) U = I, V = _C^(-1/2) U
            eigs = geigen_RA(metact,lambda u: bip_lat.prior.C_act(u,-1),lambda u: bip_lat.prior.C_act(u),dim=bip_lat.prior.V.dim(),**kwargs)
        if any(s>1.5 for s in geom_ord):
            # adjust the gradient
            # update low-rank approximate Gaussian posterior
            bip_lat.post_Ga = Gaussian_apx_posterior(bip_lat.prior,eigs=eigs)
#             Hu = bip_lat.prior.gen_vector()
#             bip_lat.post_Ga.Hlr.mult(unknown, Hu)
#             gradlik.axpy(1.0,Hu)
    if len(kwargs)==0:
        return loglik,gradlik,metact,rtmetact
        return loglik,gradlik,metact,eigs