コード例 #1
ファイル: wrapped_mesh.py プロジェクト: getzze/magnum.fe
  def create(mesh, domain_ids, invert=False):
    Creates a wrapped mesh from a super mesh for a given collection
    of domain IDs.

      mesh (:class:`dolfin.Mesh`)
        The mesh.
      domain_ids (:class:`[int]`)
        List of domain IDs
      invert (:class:`bool`)
        Invert list of domain IDs

        The wrapped mesh
    if invert or isinstance(domain_ids, list) or isinstance(domain_ids, tuple):
      if isinstance(domain_ids, int): domain_ids = (domain_ids,)

      subdomains = MeshFunction('size_t', mesh, 3, mesh.domains())
      combined_subdomains = CellFunction("size_t", mesh, 0)
      for domain_id in domain_ids:
        combined_subdomains.array()[subdomains.array() == domain_id] = 1

      submesh = SubMesh(mesh, combined_subdomains, 0 if invert else 1)
      submesh = SubMesh(mesh, domain_ids)

    submesh.__class__  = WrappedMesh

    return submesh
コード例 #2
ファイル: wrapped_mesh.py プロジェクト: Venkat004/magnum.fe
    def create(mesh, domain_ids, invert=False):
    Creates a wrapped mesh from a super mesh for a given collection
    of domain IDs.

      mesh (:class:`dolfin.Mesh`)
        The mesh.
      domain_ids (:class:`[int]`)
        List of domain IDs
      invert (:class:`bool`)
        Invert list of domain IDs

        The wrapped mesh
        if invert or isinstance(domain_ids, list) or isinstance(
                domain_ids, tuple):
            if isinstance(domain_ids, int): domain_ids = (domain_ids, )

            subdomains = MeshFunction('size_t', mesh, 3, mesh.domains())
            combined_subdomains = CellFunction("size_t", mesh, 0)
            for domain_id in domain_ids:
                combined_subdomains.array()[subdomains.array() ==
                                            domain_id] = 1

            submesh = SubMesh(mesh, combined_subdomains, 0 if invert else 1)
            submesh = SubMesh(mesh, domain_ids)

        submesh.__class__ = WrappedMesh

        return submesh
コード例 #3
        def test_ale(self):

            print ""
            print "Testing ALE::move(Mesh& mesh0, const Mesh& mesh1)"

            # Create some mesh
            mesh = UnitSquareMesh(4, 5)

            # Make some cell function
            # FIXME: Initialization by array indexing is probably
            #        not a good way for parallel test
            cellfunc = CellFunction('size_t', mesh)
            cellfunc.array()[0:4] = 0
            cellfunc.array()[4:] = 1

            # Create submeshes - this does not work in parallel
            submesh0 = SubMesh(mesh, cellfunc, 0)
            submesh1 = SubMesh(mesh, cellfunc, 1)

            # Move submesh0
            disp = Constant(("0.1", "-0.1"))

            # Move and smooth submesh1 accordignly

            # Move mesh accordingly
            parent_vertex_indices_0 = \
                     submesh0.data().array('parent_vertex_indices', 0)
            parent_vertex_indices_1 = \
                     submesh1.data().array('parent_vertex_indices', 0)
            mesh.coordinates()[parent_vertex_indices_0[:]] = \
            mesh.coordinates()[parent_vertex_indices_1[:]] = \

            # If test passes here then it is probably working
            # Check for cell quality for sure
            magic_number = 0.28
            rmin = MeshQuality.radius_ratio_min_max(mesh)[0]
            self.assertTrue(rmin > magic_number)
コード例 #4
        def test_ale(self):

            print ""
            print "Testing ALE::move(Mesh& mesh0, const Mesh& mesh1)"

            # Create some mesh
            mesh = UnitSquareMesh(4, 5)

            # Make some cell function
            # FIXME: Initialization by array indexing is probably
            #        not a good way for parallel test
            cellfunc = CellFunction('size_t', mesh)
            cellfunc.array()[0:4] = 0
            cellfunc.array()[4:]  = 1

            # Create submeshes - this does not work in parallel
            submesh0 = SubMesh(mesh, cellfunc, 0)
            submesh1 = SubMesh(mesh, cellfunc, 1)

            # Move submesh0
            disp = Constant(("0.1", "-0.1"))

            # Move and smooth submesh1 accordignly

            # Move mesh accordingly
            parent_vertex_indices_0 = \
                     submesh0.data().array('parent_vertex_indices', 0)
            parent_vertex_indices_1 = \
                     submesh1.data().array('parent_vertex_indices', 0)
            mesh.coordinates()[parent_vertex_indices_0[:]] = \
            mesh.coordinates()[parent_vertex_indices_1[:]] = \

            # If test passes here then it is probably working
            # Check for cell quality for sure
            magic_number = 0.28
            rmin = MeshQuality.radius_ratio_min_max(mesh)[0]
            self.assertTrue(rmin > magic_number)
コード例 #5
ファイル: solver.py プロジェクト: siudej/Steklov-eigenvalues
 def adaptive(self, mesh, eigv, eigf):
     """Refine mesh based on residual errors."""
     fraction = 0.1
     C = FunctionSpace(mesh, "DG", 0)  # constants on triangles
     w = TestFunction(C)
     h = CellSize(mesh)
     n = FacetNormal(mesh)
     marker = CellFunction("bool", mesh)
     print len(marker)
     indicators = np.zeros(len(marker))
     for e, u in zip(eigv, eigf):
         errform = avg(h) * jump(grad(u), n) ** 2 * avg(w) * dS \
             + h * (inner(grad(u), n) - Constant(e) * u) ** 2 * w * ds
         if self.degree > 1:
             errform += h**2 * div(grad(u))**2 * w * dx
         indicators[:] += assemble(errform).array()  # errors for each cell
     print "Residual error: ", sqrt(sum(indicators) / len(eigv))
     cutoff = sorted(indicators,
                     reverse=True)[int(len(indicators) * fraction) - 1]
     marker.array()[:] = indicators > cutoff  # mark worst errors
     mesh = refine(mesh, marker)
     return mesh
コード例 #6
ファイル: solver.py プロジェクト: siudej/Steklov-eigenvalues
 def adaptive(self, mesh, eigv, eigf):
     """Refine mesh based on residual errors."""
     fraction = 0.1
     C = FunctionSpace(mesh, "DG", 0)  # constants on triangles
     w = TestFunction(C)
     h = CellSize(mesh)
     n = FacetNormal(mesh)
     marker = CellFunction("bool", mesh)
     print len(marker)
     indicators = np.zeros(len(marker))
     for e, u in zip(eigv, eigf):
         errform = avg(h) * jump(grad(u), n) ** 2 * avg(w) * dS \
             + h * (inner(grad(u), n) - Constant(e) * u) ** 2 * w * ds
         if self.degree > 1:
             errform += h ** 2 * div(grad(u)) ** 2 * w * dx
         indicators[:] += assemble(errform).array()  # errors for each cell
     print "Residual error: ", sqrt(sum(indicators) / len(eigv))
     cutoff = sorted(
         indicators, reverse=True)[
         int(len(indicators) * fraction) - 1]
     marker.array()[:] = indicators > cutoff  # mark worst errors
     mesh = refine(mesh, marker)
     return mesh
コード例 #7
ファイル: test.py プロジェクト: alogg/dolfin
    def test_convert_triangle(self): # Disabled because it fails, see FIXME below
        # test no. 1
        from dolfin import Mesh, MPI
        if MPI.num_processes() != 1:
        fname = os.path.join("data", "triangle")
        dfname = fname+".xml"
        # Read triangle file and convert to a dolfin xml mesh file
        meshconvert.triangle2xml(fname, dfname)

        # Read in dolfin mesh and check number of cells and vertices
        mesh = Mesh(dfname)
        self.assertEqual(mesh.num_vertices(), 96)
        self.assertEqual(mesh.num_cells(), 159)

        # Clean up

        # test no. 2
        from dolfin import MPI, Mesh, MeshFunction, \
                           edges, Edge, faces, Face, \
                           SubsetIterator, facets, CellFunction
        if MPI.num_processes() != 1:
        fname = os.path.join("data", "test_Triangle_3")
        dfname = fname+".xml"
        dfname0 = fname+".attr0.xml"

        # Read triangle file and convert to a dolfin xml mesh file
        meshconvert.triangle2xml(fname, dfname)

        # Read in dolfin mesh and check number of cells and vertices
        mesh = Mesh(dfname)
        mfun = MeshFunction('double', mesh, dfname0)
        self.assertEqual(mesh.num_vertices(), 58)
        self.assertEqual(mesh.num_cells(), 58)

        # Create a size_t CellFunction and assign the values based on the
        # converted Meshfunction
        cf = CellFunction("size_t", mesh)
        cf.array()[mfun.array()==10.0] = 0
        cf.array()[mfun.array()==-10.0] = 1

        # Meassure total area of cells with 1 and 2 marker
        add = lambda x, y : x+y
        area0 = reduce(add, (Face(mesh, cell.index()).area() \
                             for cell in SubsetIterator(cf, 0)), 0.0)
        area1 = reduce(add, (Face(mesh, cell.index()).area() \
                             for cell in SubsetIterator(cf, 1)), 0.0)
        total_area = reduce(add, (face.area() for face in faces(mesh)), 0.0)

        # Check that all cells in the two domains are either above or below y=0
        self.assertTrue(all(cell.midpoint().y()<0 for cell in SubsetIterator(cf, 0)))
        self.assertTrue(all(cell.midpoint().y()>0 for cell in SubsetIterator(cf, 1)))
        # Check that the areas add up
        self.assertAlmostEqual(area0+area1, total_area)
        # Measure the edge length of the two edge domains
        edge_markers = mesh.domains().facet_domains()
        self.assertTrue(edge_markers is not None)
        length0 = reduce(add, (Edge(mesh, e.index()).length() \
                            for e in SubsetIterator(edge_markers, 0)), 0.0)
        length1 = reduce(add, (Edge(mesh, e.index()).length() \
                            for e in SubsetIterator(edge_markers, 1)), 0.0)
        # Total length of all edges and total length of boundary edges
        total_length = reduce(add, (e.length() for e in edges(mesh)), 0.0)
        boundary_length = reduce(add, (Edge(mesh, f.index()).length() \
                          for f in facets(mesh) if f.exterior()), 0.0)
        # Check that the edges add up
        self.assertAlmostEqual(length0+length1, total_length)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(length1, boundary_length)

        # Clean up
コード例 #8
    def test_convert_triangle(
            self):  # Disabled because it fails, see FIXME below
        # test no. 1
        from dolfin import Mesh, MPI, mpi_comm_world

        # MPI_COMM_WORLD wrapper
        if MPI.size(mpi_comm_world()) != 1:
        fname = os.path.join("data", "triangle")
        dfname = fname + ".xml"

        # Read triangle file and convert to a dolfin xml mesh file
        meshconvert.triangle2xml(fname, dfname)

        # Read in dolfin mesh and check number of cells and vertices
        mesh = Mesh(dfname)
        self.assertEqual(mesh.num_vertices(), 96)
        self.assertEqual(mesh.num_cells(), 159)

        # Clean up

        # test no. 2
        from dolfin import MPI, Mesh, MeshFunction, \
                           edges, Edge, faces, Face, \
                           SubsetIterator, facets, CellFunction, mpi_comm_world
        if MPI.size(mpi_comm_world()) != 1:
        fname = os.path.join("data", "test_Triangle_3")
        dfname = fname + ".xml"
        dfname0 = fname + ".attr0.xml"

        # Read triangle file and convert to a dolfin xml mesh file
        meshconvert.triangle2xml(fname, dfname)

        # Read in dolfin mesh and check number of cells and vertices
        mesh = Mesh(dfname)
        mfun = MeshFunction('double', mesh, dfname0)
        self.assertEqual(mesh.num_vertices(), 58)
        self.assertEqual(mesh.num_cells(), 58)

        # Create a size_t CellFunction and assign the values based on the
        # converted Meshfunction
        cf = CellFunction("size_t", mesh)
        cf.array()[mfun.array() == 10.0] = 0
        cf.array()[mfun.array() == -10.0] = 1

        # Meassure total area of cells with 1 and 2 marker
        add = lambda x, y: x + y
        area0 = reduce(add, (Face(mesh, cell.index()).area() \
                             for cell in SubsetIterator(cf, 0)), 0.0)
        area1 = reduce(add, (Face(mesh, cell.index()).area() \
                             for cell in SubsetIterator(cf, 1)), 0.0)
        total_area = reduce(add, (face.area() for face in faces(mesh)), 0.0)

        # Check that all cells in the two domains are either above or below y=0
            all(cell.midpoint().y() < 0 for cell in SubsetIterator(cf, 0)))
            all(cell.midpoint().y() > 0 for cell in SubsetIterator(cf, 1)))

        # Check that the areas add up
        self.assertAlmostEqual(area0 + area1, total_area)

        # Measure the edge length of the two edge domains
        #edge_markers = mesh.domains().facet_domains()
        edge_markers = mesh.domains().markers(mesh.topology().dim() - 1)
        self.assertTrue(edge_markers is not None)
        #length0 = reduce(add, (Edge(mesh, e.index()).length() \
        #                    for e in SubsetIterator(edge_markers, 0)), 0.0)
        length0, length1 = 0.0, 0.0
        for item in edge_markers.items():
            if item[1] == 0:
                e = Edge(mesh, int(item[0]))
                length0 += Edge(mesh, int(item[0])).length()
            elif item[1] == 1:
                length1 += Edge(mesh, int(item[0])).length()

        # Total length of all edges and total length of boundary edges
        total_length = reduce(add, (e.length() for e in edges(mesh)), 0.0)
        boundary_length = reduce(add, (Edge(mesh, f.index()).length() \
                          for f in facets(mesh) if f.exterior()), 0.0)

        # Check that the edges add up
        self.assertAlmostEqual(length0 + length1, total_length)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(length1, boundary_length)

        # Clean up