コード例 #1
ファイル: xml_writer.py プロジェクト: yassineMrabet/bkchem
    def add_atom(self, a):
        """adds atom item to SVG document"""
        if a.show:
            item = a.selector
            x1, y1 = a.get_xy()
            x, y, x2, y2 = self.paper.bbox(item)
            if a.area_color != '':
                # it is not needed to export the rectangle in case its transparent
                    self.group, 'rect',
                    (('x', self.convert(x)), ('y', self.convert(y)),
                     ('width', self.convert(x2 - x)),
                     ('height', self.convert(y2 - y)),
                     ('fill', self.cc(a.area_color)),
                     ('stroke', self.cc(a.area_color))))

            # some fine tuning
            y1 += a.font.metrics('descent') + Tuning.SVG.text_y_shift
            x += Tuning.SVG.text_x_shift  ## hack to compensate for the wrong measuring of text

            text = ftext_to_svg_dom(a.xml_ftext)
                text, (("x", self.convert(x)), ("y", self.convert(y1)),
                       ("font-family", a.font_family),
                       ("font-size", '%d%s' % (a.font_size, pt_or_px)),
                       ('fill', self.cc(a.line_color))))
            # set the text length but only for text longer than threshold
            if (x2 - x) > 50:
                text.setAttribute('textLength', "%.1f" % (x2 - x))

        if hasattr(a, "marks"):
            for m in a.marks:
コード例 #2
ファイル: xml_writer.py プロジェクト: sctincman/bkchem
  def add_text(self, t):
    """Add text item to SVG document.

    x1, y1 = t.get_xy()
    x, y, x2, y2 = t.ftext.bbox( complete=True)
    _x, y, _x2, y2 = t.ftext.bbox( complete=False)
    if t.area_color:
      # it is not needed to export the rectangle in case its transparent
      dom_extensions.elementUnder( self.group, 'rect',
                                   (( 'x', self.convert( x)),
                                    ( 'y', self.convert( y)),
                                    ( 'width', self.convert( x2-x)),
                                    ( 'height', self.convert( y2-y)),
                                    ( 'fill', self.cc( t.area_color)),
                                    ( 'stroke', self.cc( t.area_color))))
    y1 += (y2-y)/4.0
    x += 2 ## hack to compensate for the wrong measuring of text
    text = ftext_dom_to_svg_dom(dom.parseString(t.ftext.sanitized_text().encode('utf-8')),
    dom_extensions.setAttributes( text, (( "x", self.convert( x)),
                                         ( "y", self.convert( y1)),
                                         ( "font-family", t.font_family),
                                         ( "font-size", '%d%s' % (t.font_size, pt_or_px)),
                                         ( 'fill', self.cc( t.line_color)),
                                         ( 'textLength', "%d" % (x2-x+len( [1 for i in t.xml_ftext if i=="-" and t.paper.get_paper_property( 'replace_minus')])))))
    self.group.appendChild( text)
コード例 #3
ファイル: xml_writer.py プロジェクト: bartlebee/bkchem
  def add_atom( self, a):
    """adds atom item to SVG document"""
    if a.show:
      item = a.selector
      x1, y1 = a.get_xy()
      x, y, x2, y2 = self.paper.bbox( item)
      if a.area_color != '':
        # it is not needed to export the rectangle in case its transparent
        dom_extensions.elementUnder( self.group, 'rect',
                                     (( 'x', self.convert( x)),
                                      ( 'y', self.convert( y)),
                                      ( 'width', self.convert( x2-x)),
                                      ( 'height', self.convert( y2-y)),
                                      ( 'fill', self.cc( a.area_color)),
                                      ( 'stroke', self.cc( a.area_color))))

      # some fine tuning 
      y1 += a.font.metrics('descent') + Tuning.SVG.text_y_shift
      x += Tuning.SVG.text_x_shift ## hack to compensate for the wrong measuring of text

      text = ftext_to_svg_dom( a.xml_ftext)
      dom_extensions.setAttributes( text, (( "x", self.convert( x)),
                                           ( "y", self.convert( y1)),
                                           ( "font-family", a.font_family),
                                           ( "font-size", '%d%s' % (a.font_size, pt_or_px)),
                                           ( 'fill', self.cc( a.line_color))))
      # set the text length but only for text longer than threshold
      if (x2-x) > 50:
        text.setAttribute( 'textLength', "%.1f" % (x2-x))
      self.group.appendChild( text)

    if hasattr( a, "marks"):
      for m in a.marks:
        self.group.appendChild( m.get_svg_element( self.document))
コード例 #4
ファイル: xml_writer.py プロジェクト: insilichem/bkchem
    def add_text(self, t):
        """Add text item to SVG document.

        x1, y1 = t.get_xy()
        x, y, x2, y2 = t.ftext.bbox(complete=True)
        _x, y, _x2, y2 = t.ftext.bbox(complete=False)
        if t.area_color:
            # it is not needed to export the rectangle in case its transparent
            dom_extensions.elementUnder(self.group, 'rect',
                                        (('x', self.convert(x)),
                                         ('y', self.convert(y)),
                                         ('width', self.convert(x2 - x)),
                                         ('height', self.convert(y2 - y)),
                                         ('fill', self.cc(t.area_color)),
                                         ('stroke', self.cc(t.area_color))))
        y1 += (y2 - y) / 4.0
        x += 2  ## hack to compensate for the wrong measuring of text
        text = ftext_dom_to_svg_dom(
            (("x", self.convert(x)), ("y", self.convert(y1)),
             ("font-family", t.font_family),
             ("font-size", '%d%s' % (t.font_size, pt_or_px)),
             ('fill', self.cc(t.line_color)),
             ('textLength', "%d" % (x2 - x + len([
                 1 for i in t.xml_ftext
                 if i == "-" and t.paper.get_paper_property('replace_minus')
コード例 #5
ファイル: classes.py プロジェクト: yassineMrabet/bkchem
 def get_package(self, doc):
     """returns a DOM element describing the object in CDML,
 doc is the parent document which is used for element creation
 (the returned element is not inserted into the document)"""
     ret = doc.createElement('standard')
         (('line_width', str(self.line_width)),
          ('font_size', str(self.font_size)),
          ('font_family', str(self.font_family)),
          ('line_color', self.line_color), ('area_color', self.area_color),
          ('paper_type', self.paper_type),
          ('paper_orientation', self.paper_orientation),
          ('paper_crop_svg', str(self.paper_crop_svg)),
          ('paper_crop_margin', str(self.paper_crop_margin))))
         ret, 'bond', (('length', str(self.bond_length)),
                       ('width', str(self.bond_width)),
                       ('wedge-width', str(self.wedge_width)),
                       ('double-ratio', str(self.double_length_ratio))))
     dom_extensions.elementUnder(ret, 'arrow',
                                 (('length', str(self.arrow_length)), ))
         ret, 'atom', (('show_hydrogens', str(int(self.show_hydrogens))), ))
     return ret
コード例 #6
ファイル: bond.py プロジェクト: insilichem/bkchem
 def get_package( self, doc):
   """returns a DOM element describing the object in CDML,
   doc is the parent document which is used for element creation
   (the returned element is not inserted into the document)"""
   b = ['no', 'yes']
   bnd = doc.createElement('bond')
   dom_extensions.setAttributes( bnd, (('type', "%s%d" % (self.type, self.order)),
                                       ('line_width', str( self.line_width)),
                                       ('start', self.atom1.id),
                                       ('end', self.atom2.id),
                                       ('id', str( self.id)),
                                       ('double_ratio', str( self.double_length_ratio))))
   if hasattr( self, 'equithick') and self.equithick:
     bnd.setAttribute( 'equithick', str(1))
   if self.order != 1:
     bnd.setAttribute( 'bond_width', str( self.bond_width * self.paper.screen_to_real_ratio()))
     if self.order == 2:
       bnd.setAttribute( 'center', b[ int( self.center)])
       if self.auto_bond_sign != 1:
         bnd.setAttribute( 'auto_sign', str( self.auto_bond_sign))
   if self.type != 'n':
     bnd.setAttribute( 'wedge_width', str( self.wedge_width * self.paper.screen_to_real_ratio()))
   if self.line_color != '#000':
     bnd.setAttribute( 'color', self.line_color)
   if self.type != 'n' and self.order != 1:
     bnd.setAttribute( 'simple_double', str( int( self.simple_double)))
   return bnd
コード例 #7
ファイル: bond.py プロジェクト: sctincman/bkchem
 def get_package( self, doc):
   """returns a DOM element describing the object in CDML,
   doc is the parent document which is used for element creation
   (the returned element is not inserted into the document)"""
   b = ['no', 'yes']
   bnd = doc.createElement('bond')
   dom_extensions.setAttributes( bnd, (('type', "%s%d" % (self.type, self.order)),
                                       ('line_width', str( self.line_width)),
                                       ('start', self.atom1.id),
                                       ('end', self.atom2.id),
                                       ('id', str( self.id)),
                                       ('double_ratio', str( self.double_length_ratio))))
   if hasattr( self, 'equithick') and self.equithick:
     bnd.setAttribute( 'equithick', str(1))
   if self.order != 1:
     bnd.setAttribute( 'bond_width', str( self.bond_width * self.paper.screen_to_real_ratio()))
     if self.order == 2:
       bnd.setAttribute( 'center', b[ int( self.center)])
       if self.auto_bond_sign != 1:
         bnd.setAttribute( 'auto_sign', str( self.auto_bond_sign))
   if self.type != 'n':
     bnd.setAttribute( 'wedge_width', str( self.wedge_width * self.paper.screen_to_real_ratio()))
   if self.line_color != '#000':
     bnd.setAttribute( 'color', self.line_color)
   if self.type != 'n' and self.order != 1:
     bnd.setAttribute( 'simple_double', str( int( self.simple_double)))
   return bnd
コード例 #8
ファイル: openoffice.py プロジェクト: sctincman/bkchem
 def to_dom( self, doc):
   style = doc.createElement( 'style:style')
   dom_extensions.setAttributes( style, (('style:family', self.family),
                                         ('style:name', self.name)))
   prop = dom_extensions.elementUnder( style, 'style:properties', (( 'fo:font-size', self.font_size),
                                                                   ( 'fo:font-family', self.font_family),
                                                                   ( 'fo:font-style', self.font_style),
                                                                   ( 'fo:font-weight', self.font_weight)))
   return style
コード例 #9
ファイル: openoffice.py プロジェクト: sctincman/bkchem
 def to_dom( self, doc):
   style = doc.createElement( 'style:style')
   dom_extensions.setAttributes( style, (('style:family', self.family),
                                         ('style:name', self.name)))
   dom_extensions.elementUnder( style, 'style:properties', (( 'fo:font-size', self.font_size),
                                                            ( 'fo:font-family', self.font_family),
                                                            ( 'fo:text-align', 'center'),
                                                            ( 'fo:color', self.color)))
   return style
コード例 #10
 def to_dom( self, doc):
   style = doc.createElement( 'style:style')
   dom_extensions.setAttributes( style, (('style:family', self.family),
                                         ('style:name', self.name)))
   prop = dom_extensions.elementUnder( style, 'style:text-properties', (( 'fo:font-size', self.font_size),
                                                                        ( 'fo:font-family', self.font_family),
                                                                        ( 'fo:font-style', self.font_style),
                                                                        ( 'fo:font-weight', self.font_weight)))
   return style
コード例 #11
ファイル: classes.py プロジェクト: yassineMrabet/bkchem
 def get_package(self, doc):
     """returns a DOM element describing the object in CDML,
 doc is the parent document which is used for element creation
 (the returned element is not inserted into the document)"""
     pnt = doc.createElement('point')
     x, y = map(Screen.px_to_text_with_unit,
                self.paper.screen_to_real_coords((self.x, self.y)))
     dom_extensions.setAttributes(pnt, (('x', x), ('y', y)))
     return pnt
コード例 #12
ファイル: classes.py プロジェクト: sctincman/bkchem
 def get_package( self, doc):
   """returns a DOM element describing the object in CDML,
   doc is the parent document which is used for element creation
   (the returned element is not inserted into the document)"""
   pnt = doc.createElement('point')
   x, y = map( Screen.px_to_text_with_unit, self.paper.screen_to_real_coords( (self.x, self.y)))
   dom_extensions.setAttributes( pnt, (('x', x),
                                       ('y', y)))
   return pnt
コード例 #13
ファイル: openoffice.py プロジェクト: insilichem/bkchem
 def to_dom(self, doc):
     style = doc.createElement('style:style')
     dom_extensions.setAttributes(style, (('style:family', self.family),
                                          ('style:name', self.name)))
     dom_extensions.elementUnder(style, 'style:properties',
                                 (('fo:font-size', self.font_size),
                                  ('fo:font-family', self.font_family),
                                  ('fo:text-align', 'center'),
                                  ('fo:color', self.color)))
     return style
コード例 #14
 def get_package( self, doc):
   """returns a DOM element describing the object in CDML,
   doc is the parent document which is used for element creation
   (the returned element is not inserted into the document)"""
   pack = doc.createElement( 'polygon')
   dom_extensions.setAttributes( pack, (('area_color', self.area_color),
                                        ('line_color', self.line_color),
                                        ('width', str( self.line_width))))
   for p in self.points:
     pack.appendChild( p.get_package( doc))
   return pack
コード例 #15
 def get_svg_element( self, doc):
   e = doc.createElement( 'ellipse')
   dom_extensions.setAttributes( e,
                                (( 'cx', str( self.x)),
                                 ( 'cy', str( self.y)),
                                 ( 'rx', str( self.size /2)),
                                 ( 'ry', str( self.size /2)),
                                 ( 'fill', self.line_color),
                                 ( 'stroke', self.line_color),
                                 ( 'stroke-width', '1')))
   return e
コード例 #16
ファイル: CML.py プロジェクト: insilichem/bkchem
 def transform_CML_bond( self, bond, doc):
   """called by transform_bond in order to do the transform from CML_bond instance to CDML"""
   if bond.not_enough_data():
     # bond does not have sufficient data to be safely converted to cdml
     raise plugin.import_exception( "missing "+str( bond.not_enough_data())+" in bond specification")
   out = doc.createElement( 'bond')
   type = (bond.stereo.lower() or 'n') + str( bond.order)
   dom_ext.setAttributes( out,  (('type', type),
                                 ('start', bond.atom1),
                                 ('end', bond.atom2)))
   return out
コード例 #17
 def to_dom( self, doc):
   style = doc.createElement( 'style:style')
   dom_extensions.setAttributes( style, (('style:family', self.family),
                                         ('style:name', self.name)))
   dom_extensions.elementUnder( style, 'style:paragraph-properties', (#( 'fo:font-size', self.font_size),
                                                                      #( 'fo:font-family', self.font_family),
                                                                      ( 'fo:text-align', 'center'),
                                                                      #( 'fo:color', self.color),
                                                                      ( 'fo:margin-left', "0cm"),
                                                                      ( 'fo:margin-right', "0cm"),
                                                                      ( 'fo:text-indent', "0cm")))
   return style
コード例 #18
ファイル: odf.py プロジェクト: sctincman/bkchem
 def to_dom( self, doc):
   style = doc.createElement( 'style:style')
   dom_extensions.setAttributes( style, (('style:family', self.family),
                                         ('style:name', self.name)))
   dom_extensions.elementUnder( style, 'style:paragraph-properties', (#( 'fo:font-size', self.font_size),
                                                                      #( 'fo:font-family', self.font_family),
                                                                      ( 'fo:text-align', 'center'),
                                                                      #( 'fo:color', self.color),
                                                                      ( 'fo:margin-left', "0cm"),
                                                                      ( 'fo:margin-right', "0cm"),
                                                                      ( 'fo:text-indent', "0cm")))
   return style
コード例 #19
 def get_svg_element( self, doc):
   e = doc.createElement( 'line')
   x1, y1, x2, y2 = self.paper.coords( self.items[0])
   dom_extensions.setAttributes( e,
                                (( 'x1', str( x1)),
                                 ( 'y1', str( y1)),
                                 ( 'x2', str( x2)),
                                 ( 'y2', str( y2)),
                                 ( 'stroke-width', str( self.line_width)),
                                 ( 'fill', self.line_color),
                                 ( 'stroke', self.line_color)))
   return e
コード例 #20
ファイル: graphics.py プロジェクト: insilichem/bkchem
 def get_package(self, doc):
     """returns a DOM element describing the object in CDML,
 doc is the parent document which is used for element creation
 (the returned element is not inserted into the document)"""
     pack = doc.createElement('circle')
     x1, y1, x2, y2 = Screen.px_to_text_with_unit(
         (('x1', x1), ('y1', y1), ('x2', x2), ('y2', y2),
          ('area_color', self.area_color), ('line_color', self.line_color),
          ('width', str(self.line_width))))
     return pack
コード例 #21
ファイル: openoffice.py プロジェクト: insilichem/bkchem
    def to_dom(self, doc):
        style = doc.createElement('style:style')
        dom_extensions.setAttributes(style, (('style:family', self.family),
                                             ('style:name', self.name)))
        prop = dom_extensions.elementUnder(style, 'style:properties')
        if self.font_style:
            prop.setAttribute('fo:font-style', self.font_style)
        if self.font_weight:
            prop.setAttribute('fo:font-weight', self.font_weight)
        if self.text_position:
            prop.setAttribute('style:text-position', self.text_position)

        return style
コード例 #22
ファイル: openoffice.py プロジェクト: sctincman/bkchem
  def to_dom( self, doc):
    style = doc.createElement( 'style:style')
    dom_extensions.setAttributes( style, (('style:family', self.family),
                                          ('style:name', self.name)))
    prop = dom_extensions.elementUnder( style, 'style:properties')
    if self.font_style:
      prop.setAttribute( 'fo:font-style', self.font_style)
    if self.font_weight:
      prop.setAttribute( 'fo:font-weight', self.font_weight)
    if self.text_position:
      prop.setAttribute( 'style:text-position', self.text_position)

    return style
コード例 #23
ファイル: graphics.py プロジェクト: bartlebee/bkchem
 def get_package( self, doc):
   """returns a DOM element describing the object in CDML,
   doc is the parent document which is used for element creation
   (the returned element is not inserted into the document)"""
   pack = doc.createElement( 'circle')
   x1, y1, x2, y2 = Screen.px_to_text_with_unit( self.paper.screen_to_real_coords( self.coords))
   dom_extensions.setAttributes( pack, (('x1', x1),
                                        ('y1', y1),
                                        ('x2', x2),
                                        ('y2', y2),
                                        ('area_color', self.area_color),
                                        ('line_color', self.line_color),
                                        ('width', str( self.line_width))))
   return pack
コード例 #24
ファイル: xml_writer.py プロジェクト: bartlebee/bkchem
def ftext_dom_to_svg_dom( ftext, doc, add_to=None, replace_minus=False):
  if not add_to:
    element = doc.createElement( 'text')
    element = add_to

  if not ftext.nodeValue:
    name = ftext.nodeName
    # check if to add attributes to already existing element or create a new one
    if (not element.lastChild and element.nodeName == "tspan") or name == "ftext":
      my_svg = element
      my_svg = doc.createElement( 'tspan')
      element.appendChild( my_svg)

    # now put the attributes inside
    if name == 'b':
      dom_extensions.setAttributes( my_svg, (('font-weight', 'bold'),))
    elif name == 'i':
      dom_extensions.setAttributes( my_svg, (('font-style', 'italic'),))
    elif name == 'sup':
      dom_extensions.setAttributes( my_svg, (('baseline-shift', 'super'),('font-size','75%')))
    elif name == 'sub':
      dom_extensions.setAttributes( my_svg, (('baseline-shift', 'sub'),('font-size','75%')))

    # continue with the children
    for el in ftext.childNodes:
      ftext_dom_to_svg_dom( el, doc, add_to=my_svg)
    if replace_minus:
      element.appendChild( doc.createTextNode( ftext.nodeValue.replace( "-", unichr( 8722))))
      element.appendChild( doc.createTextNode( ftext.nodeValue))

  return element
コード例 #25
 def get_package( self, doc):
   a = doc.createElement('mark')
   x ,y = map( Screen.px_to_text_with_unit, (self.x, self.y))
   dom_extensions.setAttributes( a, (('type', self.__class__.__name__),
                                     ('x', x),
                                     ('y', y),
                                     ('auto', str( int( self.auto))),
                                     ('size', str( self.size))))
   for (attr, typ) in self.meta__save_attrs.items():
     val = getattr( self, attr)
     if typ == bool:
       value = data.booleans[ int( val)]
       value = str( val)
     a.setAttribute( attr, value)
   return a
コード例 #26
 def get_CML_dom(self, doc):
     if self.not_enough_data():
         return None  # raise cml_exception( "missing "+str( self.not_enough_data())+" in atom specification")
     out = doc.createElement('atom')
     if self.z is None:
                               (('id', str(self.id)), ('x2', str(self.x)),
                                ('y2', str(self.y)),
                                ('elementType', self.symbol)))
                               (('id', str(self.id)), ('x3', str(self.x)),
                                ('y3', str(self.y)), ('z3', str(self.z)),
                                ('elementType', self.symbol)))
     if self.charge:
         out.setAttribute('formalCharge', str(self.charge))
     return out
コード例 #27
ファイル: CML2.py プロジェクト: sctincman/bkchem
 def get_CML_dom( self, doc):
   if self.not_enough_data():
     return None # raise cml_exception( "missing "+str( self.not_enough_data())+" in atom specification")
   out = doc.createElement( 'atom')
   if self.z is None:
     dom_ext.setAttributes( out, (('id', str( self.id)),
                                  ('x2', str( self.x)),
                                  ('y2', str( self.y)),
                                  ('elementType', self.symbol)))
     dom_ext.setAttributes( out, (('id', str( self.id)),
                                  ('x3', str( self.x)),
                                  ('y3', str( self.y)),
                                  ('z3', str( self.z)),
                                  ('elementType', self.symbol)))
   if self.charge:
     out.setAttribute( 'formalCharge', str( self.charge))
   return out
コード例 #28
ファイル: arrow.py プロジェクト: insilichem/bkchem
 def get_package(self, doc):
     """returns a DOM element describing the object in CDML,
 doc is the parent document which is used for element creation
 (the returned element is not inserted into the document)"""
     a = ['no', 'yes']
     arr = doc.createElement('arrow')
     arr.setAttribute('id', self.id)
     start, end = 0, 0
     if self.pin == 2 or self.pin == 3:
         start = 1
     if self.pin == 1 or self.pin == 3:
         end = 1
         arr, (('shape', str(self.shape)), ('spline', a[self.spline]),
               ('width', str(self.line_width)), ('start', a[start]),
               ('end', a[end]), ('color', str(self.line_color)),
               ('type', self.type)))
     for p in self.points:
     return arr
コード例 #29
ファイル: CML.py プロジェクト: insilichem/bkchem
 def transform_atom( self, a, doc):
   out = doc.createElement( 'atom')
     atom = self.CML_atom( cml=a)
   except cml_exception as detail:
     # problems converting cml to atom
     raise plugin.import_exception( detail)
   if atom.not_enough_data():
     # atom does not have sufficient data to be safely converted to cdml
     raise plugin.import_exception( "missing "+str( atom.not_enough_data())+" in atom specification")
   self.atoms.append( atom)
   dom_ext.setAttributes( out, (('name', atom.symbol),
                                ('id', atom.id)))
   pnt = dom_ext.elementUnder( out, 'point', (('x', str( atom.x)),
                                              ('y', str( atom.y))))
   if atom.z is not None:
     pnt.setAttribute( 'z', str( atom.z))
   self.xs.append( atom.x)
   self.ys.append( atom.y)
   return out
コード例 #30
ファイル: classes.py プロジェクト: sctincman/bkchem
 def get_package( self, doc):
   """returns a DOM element describing the object in CDML,
   doc is the parent document which is used for element creation
   (the returned element is not inserted into the document)"""
   ret = doc.createElement( 'standard')
   dom_extensions.setAttributes( ret, (('line_width', str( self.line_width)),
                                       ('font_size', str( self.font_size)),
                                       ('font_family', str( self.font_family)),
                                       ('line_color', self.line_color),
                                       ('area_color', self.area_color),
                                       ('paper_type', self.paper_type),
                                       ('paper_orientation', self.paper_orientation),
                                       ('paper_crop_svg', str( self.paper_crop_svg)),
                                       ('paper_crop_margin', str( self.paper_crop_margin))))
   dom_extensions.elementUnder( ret, 'bond', (('length', str( self.bond_length)),
                                              ('width', str( self.bond_width)),
                                              ('wedge-width', str( self.wedge_width)),
                                              ('double-ratio', str( self.double_length_ratio))))
   dom_extensions.elementUnder( ret, 'arrow', (('length', str( self.arrow_length)),))
   dom_extensions.elementUnder( ret, 'atom', (('show_hydrogens', str( int( self.show_hydrogens))),))
   return ret
コード例 #31
ファイル: arrow.py プロジェクト: bartlebee/bkchem
 def get_package( self, doc):
   """returns a DOM element describing the object in CDML,
   doc is the parent document which is used for element creation
   (the returned element is not inserted into the document)"""
   a = ['no', 'yes']
   arr = doc.createElement('arrow')
   arr.setAttribute( 'id', self.id)
   start, end = 0, 0
   if self.pin == 2 or self.pin == 3:
     start = 1
   if self.pin == 1 or self.pin ==3:
     end = 1
   dom_extensions.setAttributes( arr, (('shape', str( self.shape)),
                                      ('spline', a[self.spline]),
                                       ('width', str( self.line_width)),
                                       ('start', a[start]),
                                       ('end', a[end]),
                                       ('color', str( self.line_color)),
                                       ('type', self.type)))
   for p in self.points:
     arr.appendChild( p.get_package( doc))
   return arr
コード例 #32
ファイル: openoffice.py プロジェクト: sctincman/bkchem
  def to_dom( self, doc):
    style = doc.createElement( 'style:style')
    dom_extensions.setAttributes( style, (('style:family', self.family),
                                          ('style:name', self.name),
    pad_top = "%scm" % self.padding_top
    pad_bot = "%scm" % self.padding_bottom
    pad_left = "%scm" % self.padding_left
    pad_right = "%scm" % self.padding_right
    prop = dom_extensions.elementUnder( style, 'style:properties', (( 'draw:fill', self.fill),
                                                                    ( 'svg:stroke-color', self.stroke_color),
                                                                    ( 'draw:fill-color', self.fill_color),
                                                                    ( 'svg:stroke-width', '%fcm' % self.stroke_width),
                                                                    ( 'draw:auto-grow-width', 'true'),
                                                                    ( 'draw:auto-grow-height', 'true'),
                                                                    ( 'draw:textarea-horizontal-align','middle'),
                                                                    ( 'draw:textarea-vertical-align','middle'),
                                                                    ( 'fo:padding-top', pad_top),
                                                                    ( 'fo:padding-bottom', pad_bot),
                                                                    ( 'fo:padding-left', pad_left),
                                                                    ( 'fo:padding-right', pad_right)))

    if self.marker_end:
      prop.setAttribute( 'draw:marker-end', 'Arrow')
      if self.marker_end_width:
        prop.setAttribute( 'draw:marker-end-width',
                           "%dcm" % self.marker_end_width)
    if self.marker_start:
      prop.setAttribute( 'draw:marker-start', 'Arrow')
      if self.marker_start_width:
        prop.setAttribute( 'draw:marker-start-width',
                           "%dcm" % self.marker_start_width)
    if not self.stroke_width:
      prop.setAttribute('draw:stroke', 'none')
      prop.setAttribute('draw:stroke', self.stroke_color)

    return style
コード例 #33
ファイル: openoffice.py プロジェクト: insilichem/bkchem
    def to_dom(self, doc):
        style = doc.createElement('style:style')
                                     (('style:family', self.family),
                                      ('style:name', self.name),
                                      ('style:parent-style-name', 'standard')))
        pad_top = "%scm" % self.padding_top
        pad_bot = "%scm" % self.padding_bottom
        pad_left = "%scm" % self.padding_left
        pad_right = "%scm" % self.padding_right
        prop = dom_extensions.elementUnder(
            style, 'style:properties',
            (('draw:fill', self.fill), ('svg:stroke-color', self.stroke_color),
             ('draw:fill-color', self.fill_color),
             ('svg:stroke-width', '%fcm' % self.stroke_width),
             ('draw:auto-grow-width', 'true'),
             ('draw:auto-grow-height', 'true'),
             ('draw:textarea-horizontal-align', 'middle'),
             ('draw:textarea-vertical-align', 'middle'),
             ('fo:padding-top', pad_top), ('fo:padding-bottom', pad_bot),
             ('fo:padding-left', pad_left), ('fo:padding-right', pad_right)))

        if self.marker_end:
            prop.setAttribute('draw:marker-end', 'Arrow')
            if self.marker_end_width:
                                  "%dcm" % self.marker_end_width)
        if self.marker_start:
            prop.setAttribute('draw:marker-start', 'Arrow')
            if self.marker_start_width:
                                  "%dcm" % self.marker_start_width)
        if not self.stroke_width:
            prop.setAttribute('draw:stroke', 'none')
            prop.setAttribute('draw:stroke', self.stroke_color)

        return style
コード例 #34
ファイル: xml_writer.py プロジェクト: insilichem/bkchem
def ftext_dom_to_svg_dom(ftext, doc, add_to=None, replace_minus=False):
    if not add_to:
        element = doc.createElement('text')
        element = add_to

    if not ftext.nodeValue:
        name = ftext.nodeName
        # check if to add attributes to already existing element or create a new one
        if (not element.lastChild
                and element.nodeName == "tspan") or name == "ftext":
            my_svg = element
            my_svg = doc.createElement('tspan')

        # now put the attributes inside
        if name == 'b':
            dom_extensions.setAttributes(my_svg, (('font-weight', 'bold'), ))
        elif name == 'i':
            dom_extensions.setAttributes(my_svg, (('font-style', 'italic'), ))
        elif name == 'sup':
            dom_extensions.setAttributes(my_svg, (('baseline-shift', 'super'),
                                                  ('font-size', '75%')))
        elif name == 'sub':
            dom_extensions.setAttributes(my_svg, (('baseline-shift', 'sub'),
                                                  ('font-size', '75%')))

        # continue with the children
        for el in ftext.childNodes:
            ftext_dom_to_svg_dom(el, doc, add_to=my_svg)
        if replace_minus:
                doc.createTextNode(ftext.nodeValue.replace("-", unichr(8722))))

    return element
コード例 #35
ファイル: xml_writer.py プロジェクト: bartlebee/bkchem
  def construct_dom_tree( self, top_levels):
    """constructs the SVG dom from all top_levels"""
    # the constants
    border_size = self.paper.get_paper_property( 'crop_margin')

    # converter
    px_to_cm_txt = lambda x: Screen.px_to_text_with_unit( x, unit="cm", round_to=5)
    px_to_mm_txt = lambda x: Screen.px_to_text_with_unit( x, unit="mm", round_to=5)

    # the code
    self._id = 0
    doc = self.document
    self.top = dom_extensions.elementUnder( doc, "svg", attributes=(("xmlns", "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"),
                                                                    ("version", "1.0")))
    if self.full_size:
      sx = self.paper.get_paper_property( 'size_x')
      sy = self.paper.get_paper_property( 'size_y')
      dom_extensions.setAttributes( self.top, (("width", '%fmm' % sx),
                                               ("height", '%fmm' % sy),
                                               ('viewBox', '0 0 %d %d' % (Screen.mm_to_px(sx), Screen.mm_to_px(sy)))))
      items = list( self.paper.find_all())
      items.remove( self.paper.background)
      x1, y1, x2, y2 = self.paper.list_bbox( items)
      w = px_to_mm_txt( x2 -x1 +2*border_size)
      h = px_to_mm_txt( y2 -y1 +2*border_size)
      bx2, by2 = x2-x1+2*border_size, y2-y1+2*border_size
      dom_extensions.setAttributes( self.top, (("width", w),
                                               ("height", h),
                                               ("viewBox",'0 0 %d %d' % ( bx2, by2))))
    self.group = dom_extensions.elementUnder( self.top, 'g',
                                              (('font-size', '12pt'),
                                               ('font-family', 'Helvetica'),
                                               ('stroke-linecap', 'round')))
    if not self.full_size:
      self.group.setAttribute( 'transform', 'translate(%d,%d)' % (-x1+border_size, -y1+border_size))
    # sort the top_levels according to paper.stack
    cs = []
    for c in self.paper.stack:
      if c in top_levels:
        cs.append( c)
    for o in cs:
      if o.object_type == 'molecule':
        for b in o.bonds:
          self.add_bond( b)
        for a in o.atoms:
          self.add_atom( a)
      elif o.object_type == 'arrow':
        self.add_arrow( o)
      elif o.object_type == 'text':
        self.add_text( o)
      elif o.object_type == 'plus':
        self.add_plus( o)
      elif o.object_type in data.vector_graphics_types:
        if o.object_type == 'rect':
          self.add_rect( o)
        elif o.object_type == 'oval':
          self.add_oval( o)
        elif o.object_type == 'polygon':
          self.add_polygon( o)
        elif o.object_type == 'polyline':
          self.add_polyline( o)
コード例 #36
ファイル: CML.py プロジェクト: yassineMrabet/bkchem
class CML_importer( plugin.importer):
  """Imports a CML (Chemical Markup Language) document, uses version 1.0 of the CML standard."""
  doc_string = _("Imports a CML (Chemical Markup Language) document, uses version 1.0 of the CML standard.")

  def __init__( self):
    # this makes implementing CML2 much easier - just supply different CML_atom and CML_bond
    self.CML_atom = CML_atom
    self.CML_bond = CML_bond

    self.xs = []
    self.ys = []

  def on_begin( self):
    self.xs = []
    self.ys = []
    self.atoms = []
    return 1

  def get_cdml_dom( self, file_name):
    tree = dom.parse( file_name)
    out = dom.Document()
    root = dom_ext.elementUnder( out, 'cdml', (('version','0.11'),))
    for m in tree.getElementsByTagName( 'molecule'):
      out_m = self.transform_molecule( m, out)
      if out_m:
        root.appendChild( out_m)
    view = self.on_end_set_viewport()
    if view:
      viewport = out.createElement( 'viewport')
      viewport.setAttribute( 'viewport', '%f %f %f %f' % view)
      root.insertBefore( viewport, root.firstChild)
    return root

  def transform_molecule( self, mol, doc):
    out = doc.createElement( 'molecule')
    for a in mol.getElementsByTagName( 'atom'):
      out_a = self.transform_atom( a, doc)
      if out_a:
        out.appendChild( out_a)
    # bonds
    ar = mol.getElementsByTagName( 'bondArray')
    if ar:
      ar = ar[0]
      for b in ar.getElementsByTagName( 'bond'):
        out_b = self.transform_bond( b, doc)
        if out_b:
          out.appendChild( out_b)
      for b in self.add_nonexisting_bonds():
        out.appendChild( b)
    return out

  def transform_atom( self, a, doc):
    out = doc.createElement( 'atom')
      atom = self.CML_atom( cml=a)
    except cml_exception, detail:
      # problems converting cml to atom
      raise plugin.import_exception( detail)
    if atom.not_enough_data():
      # atom does not have sufficient data to be safely converted to cdml
      raise plugin.import_exception( "missing "+str( atom.not_enough_data())+" in atom specification")
    self.atoms.append( atom)
    dom_ext.setAttributes( out, (('name', atom.symbol),
                                 ('id', atom.id)))
    pnt = dom_ext.elementUnder( out, 'point', (('x', str( atom.x)),
                                               ('y', str( atom.y))))
    if atom.z != None:
      pnt.setAttribute( 'z', str( atom.z))
    self.xs.append( atom.x)
    self.ys.append( atom.y)
    return out
コード例 #37
ファイル: xml_writer.py プロジェクト: insilichem/bkchem
    def construct_dom_tree(self, top_levels):
        """Construct the SVG dom from all top_levels.

        # the constants
        border_size = self.paper.get_paper_property('crop_margin')

        # converter
        px_to_cm_txt = lambda x: Screen.px_to_text_with_unit(
            x, unit="cm", round_to=5)
        px_to_mm_txt = lambda x: Screen.px_to_text_with_unit(
            x, unit="mm", round_to=5)

        # the code
        self._id = 0
        doc = self.document
        self.top = dom_extensions.elementUnder(
            attributes=(("xmlns", "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"), ("version",
        if self.full_size:
            sx = self.paper.get_paper_property('size_x')
            sy = self.paper.get_paper_property('size_y')
                self.top, (("width", '%fmm' % sx), ("height", '%fmm' % sy),
                           ('viewBox', '0 0 %d %d' %
                            (Screen.mm_to_px(sx), Screen.mm_to_px(sy)))))
            items = list(self.paper.find_all())
            x1, y1, x2, y2 = self.paper.list_bbox(items)
            w = px_to_mm_txt(x2 - x1 + 2 * border_size)
            h = px_to_mm_txt(y2 - y1 + 2 * border_size)
            bx2, by2 = x2 - x1 + 2 * border_size, y2 - y1 + 2 * border_size
                self.top, (("width", w), ("height", h),
                           ("viewBox", '0 0 %d %d' % (bx2, by2))))
        self.group = dom_extensions.elementUnder(self.top, 'g',
                                                 (('font-size', '12pt'),
                                                  ('font-family', 'Helvetica'),
                                                  ('stroke-linecap', 'round')))
        if not self.full_size:
                'translate(%d,%d)' % (-x1 + border_size, -y1 + border_size))

        # sort the top_levels according to paper.stack
        cs = []
        for c in self.paper.stack:
            if c in top_levels:
        for o in cs:
            if o.object_type == 'molecule':
                for b in o.bonds:
                for a in o.atoms:
            elif o.object_type == 'arrow':
            elif o.object_type == 'text':
            elif o.object_type == 'plus':
            elif o.object_type in data.vector_graphics_types:
                if o.object_type == 'rect':
                elif o.object_type == 'oval':
                elif o.object_type == 'polygon':
                elif o.object_type == 'polyline':