コード例 #1
 def validate_customer_card(customer_card: CustomerCard):
     Function verify if an object respects some conditions and if it finds an irregularity raise an exception
     :param customer_card: an CustomerCard object
     :return: exceptions
     if not isinstance(customer_card.get_id_entity(), int):
         raise InvalidCustomerCardException("ID = {} must be an int".format(
     if len("{}".format(customer_card.get_customer_cnp())) != 13:
         raise InvalidCNPException("CNP {} must be made out of 13"
                                   " characters".format(
     if len("{}".format(customer_card.get_customer_name())) == 0:
         raise InvalidCustomerCardException("Customer has to get a name ")
     if len("{}".format(customer_card.get_customer_first_name())) == 0:
         raise InvalidCustomerCardException("Customer has to get a name ")
     if not isinstance(customer_card.get_customer_cnp(), int):
         raise InvalidCustomerCardException("CNP {} must be int".format(
     if "/" not in customer_card.get_birth_date():
         raise InvalidCustomerCardException("please use / for writing date")
     if "/" not in customer_card.get_registration_date():
         raise InvalidCustomerCardException("please use / for writing date")
     if len("{}".format(customer_card.get_birth_date())) < 5:
         raise InvalidCustomerCardException("Date is not valid")
     if len("{}".format(customer_card.get_registration_date())) < 5:
         raise InvalidCustomerCardException("Date is not valid")
     birth_date = customer_card.get_birth_date().split(sep="/")
     if len(birth_date) != 3:
         raise InvalidCustomerCardException("Use only two /")
     if int(birth_date[0]) < 1 or int(birth_date[0]) > 31:
         raise InvalidCustomerCardException(
             "Day {} must be between 1 and 31".format(int(birth_date[0])))
     if int(birth_date[1]) < 1 or int(birth_date[1]) > 12:
         raise InvalidCustomerCardException(
             "Month {} must be between 1 and 12".format(int(birth_date[1])))
     if int(birth_date[2]) > 2019:
         raise InvalidCustomerCardException(
             "Year cannot be in the future {}".format(int(birth_date[2])))
     registration_date = customer_card.get_registration_date().split(
     if int(registration_date[0]) < 1 or int(registration_date[0]) > 31:
         raise InvalidCustomerCardException(
             "Day {} must be between 1 and 31".format(
     if int(registration_date[1]) < 1 or int(registration_date[1]) > 12:
         raise InvalidCustomerCardException(
             "Month {} must be between 1 and 12".format(
     if int(registration_date[2]) > 2019:
         raise InvalidCustomerCardException(
             "Year cannot be in the future {}".format(
     if len(registration_date) != 3:
         raise InvalidCustomerCardException("Use only two /")
コード例 #2
 def test_getter(self):
     card_one = CustomerCard(1, 'Adam', 'Andrei', 5010306015562,
                             '06/03/2001', '01/10/2019', False)
     self.assertEqual(card_one.get_id_entity(), 1)
     self.assertEqual(card_one.get_customer_name(), 'Adam')
     self.assertEqual(card_one.get_customer_first_name(), 'Andrei')
     self.assertEqual(card_one.get_customer_cnp(), 5010306015562)
     self.assertEqual(card_one.get_birth_date(), '06/03/2001')
     self.assertEqual(card_one.get_registration_date(), '01/10/2019')