コード例 #1
def relpath(path: PathLike,
            relative_to: Optional[PathLike] = None) -> pathlib.Path:
	Returns the path for the given file or directory relative to the given
	directory or, if that would require path traversal, returns the absolute path.

	:param path: Path to find the relative path for
	:param relative_to: The directory to find the path relative to.
		Defaults to the current directory.
	:no-default relative_to:
	"""  # noqa D400

    if not isinstance(path, pathlib.Path):
        path = pathlib.Path(path)

    abs_path = path.absolute()

    if relative_to is None:
        relative_to = pathlib.Path().absolute()

    if not isinstance(relative_to, pathlib.Path):
        relative_to = pathlib.Path(relative_to)

    relative_to = relative_to.absolute()

        return abs_path.relative_to(relative_to)
    except ValueError:
        return abs_path
コード例 #2
def commit_changed_files(
    repo_path: PathLike,
    managed_files: Iterable[PathLike],
    commit: Optional[bool] = None,
    message: bytes = b"Updated files with 'repo_helper'.",
    enable_pre_commit: bool = True,
) -> bool:
	Stage and commit any files that have been updated, added or removed.

	:param repo_path: The path to the repository root.
	:param managed_files: List of files managed by ``repo_helper``.
	:param commit: Whether to commit the changes automatically.
		:py:obj:`None` (default) indicates the user should be asked.
	:param message: The commit message to use. Default ``"Updated files with 'repo_helper'."``
	:param enable_pre_commit: Whether to install and configure pre-commit. Default :py:obj`True`.

	:returns: :py:obj:`True` if the changes were committed. :py:obj:`False` otherwise.

    # this package
    from repo_helper.utils import commit_changes, sort_paths, stage_changes

    repo_path = PathPlus(repo_path).absolute()
    r = Repo(str(repo_path))

    staged_files = stage_changes(r.path, managed_files)

    # Ensure pre-commit hooks are installed
    if enable_pre_commit and platform.system() == "Linux":
        with in_directory(repo_path), suppress(ImportError):
            # 3rd party
            import pre_commit.main  # type: ignore

    if staged_files:
        click.echo("\nThe following files will be committed:")

        # Sort staged_files and put directories first
        for staged_filename in sort_paths(*staged_files):
            click.echo(f"  {staged_filename.as_posix()!s}")

        if commit is None:
            commit = confirm("Commit?", default=True)

        if commit:
            if enable_pre_commit or "pre-commit" in r.hooks:
                # Ensure the working directory for pre-commit is correct
                r.hooks["pre-commit"].cwd = str(
                    repo_path.absolute())  # type: ignore

                commit_id = commit_changes(r, message.decode("UTF-8"))
                click.echo(f"Committed as {commit_id}")
                return True

            except CommitError as e:
                click.echo(f"Unable to commit: {e}", err=True)
            click.echo("Changed files were staged but not committed.")
        click.echo("Nothing to commit")

    return False