コード例 #1
def test_getCost():
    print("Testing getCost()")
    card = "Smithy"
    print("Getting cost of card: %s" %card)
    print ("Cost of card : %s is %d" %(card,r))
コード例 #2
def test_buyCard_gainCard(): 
    ##kingdomCards = [d.Adventurer, d.Ambassador, d.Baron, d.Council_Room, d.Cut purse, d.Embargo, d.Feast, d.Gardens, d.Great_Hall, d.Village]
    tempcard = random.choice(kingdomCards)
    ## why only kingdom Cards because if i choose any other card which is not choosen in kingdormcards. It is throwing an error.Mentioned in Testreport.
    card = d.cardlist.index(tempcard)
    print "TESTING buyCard_gainCard()"
    a = d.initializeGame(numPlayers,kingdomCards, randomSeed)
    assert(a !=-1)
    a.whoseTurn = random.randint(0,numPlayers-1)
    print "Before Buying"
    print "Card want to Buy:"
    print d.cardlist[card]
    print "Cost of Card"
    x = d.getCost(d.cardlist[card])
    print x
    print "Coins Available:"
    print a.coins
    print "numBuys available"
    print a.numBuys
    print "Whose Turn:"
    print a.whoseTurn
    print "Discard"
    print a.discard
    print "Supply of Card"
    print a.supplyCount[d.cardlist[card]]
    b = d.buyCard(card,a)
    if (b == -1):
        print "Invalid Input:No numBuys OR No enough Coins OR SupplyEmpty"
    if(b ==0):
        print "BuyCard() is successfull for player : %d brought: %s" %(a.whoseTurn,card)
        print "After Buying"
        print "Card Bought:"
        print card
        print "Coins Available:"
        print a.coins
        print "numBuys available"
        print a.numBuys
        print "Whose Turn:"
        print a.whoseTurn
        print "Discard"
        print a.discard
        print "Supply of Card"
        print a.supplyCount[d.cardlist[card]]