コード例 #1
ファイル: getRegObsdata.py プロジェクト: pslota/Ice-modelling
def get_ice_cover(LocationName, fromDate, toDate):
    Method returns a list of IceCover objects from regObs between fromDate to toDate.

    :param LocationName:    [string/list] name as given in regObs in ObsLocation table
    :param fromDate:        [string] The from date as 'YYYY-MM-DD'
    :param toDate:          [string] The to date as 'YYYY-MM-DD'



    iceCoverList = []

    if isinstance(LocationName, types.ListType):
        for l in LocationName:
            iceCoverList = iceCoverList + get_ice_cover(l, fromDate, toDate)

        view = 'IceCoverObsV'
        OdataLocationName = fe.change_unicode_to_utf8hex(LocationName)

        oDataQuery = "DtObsTime gt datetime'{0}' and " \
                     "DtObsTime lt datetime'{1}' and " \
                     "LocationName eq '{2}' and " \
                     "LangKey eq 1".format(fromDate, toDate, OdataLocationName)

        # get data for current view and dates
        url = "http://api.nve.no/hydrology/regobs/{0}/Odata.svc/{2}?$filter={1}&$format=json".decode('utf8').format(api_version, oDataQuery, view)
        data = requests.get(url).json()
        datalist = data['d']['results']

        for ic in datalist:
            iceCoverDate = pz.normal_time_from_unix_time(int(ic['DtObsTime'][6:-2]))
            iceCoverName = ic['IceCoverName']
            iceCoverBefore = ic['IceCoverBeforeName']
            cover = ice.IceCover(iceCoverDate, iceCoverName, iceCoverBefore, LocationName)

    return iceCoverList
コード例 #2
def make_weather_element_list_from_url(url, stationID, elementID,
    """Returns a list of weatherElements given the url to a request
    on Chartserver/ShowData.aspx. This is common code to the "get" methods.

    :param url [string]:                    URL for the datarequest to chartserver/ShowData
    :param stationID [string]:              Station ID in hydra. Ex: stationID  = '6.24.4'
    :param elementID [string]:              Element ID in hydra. Ex: elementID = '17.1'
    :param methodReference [dictionary]:    Reference added to the metadata. Ex: {'MethodName': 'Chartserver - getStationdata'}
    :return [list[WeatherElement]]:         List of WeatherElement objects.


    print "getChartserverdata: Requesting {0}".format(url)
    request = requests.get(url)

    if request.status_code == 500:
        if "The length of the string exceeds the value set on the maxJsonLength property." in request.content:
            return "Request less data."
            return "HTTP 500 for unknown reason."

    datareq = request.json()

    seriesPoints = datareq[0][u'SeriesPoints']
    legendText = datareq[0][u'LegendText']

    weatherElementList = []

    for sp in seriesPoints:

        value = sp[u'Value']
        date = pz.normal_time_from_unix_time(int(sp[u'Key'][6:-2]))

        we = WeatherElement(stationID, date, elementID, value)
        we.Metadata.append({'URL': url})
        we.Metadata.append({'LegendText': legendText})

    # Chartserver/ShowData.aspx returns half hour values and on request it returns [from, to]. That is,
    # it includes the to value so if the request is nested the data will contain doublets of values
    # om the "to dates". These are therefore taken out in this method.
    del weatherElementList[-1]

    return weatherElementList
コード例 #3
def make_weather_element_list_from_url(url, stationID, elementID, methodReference):
    """Returns a list of weatherElements given the url to a request
    on Chartserver/ShowData.aspx. This is common code to the "get" methods.

    :param url [string]:                    URL for the datarequest to chartserver/ShowData
    :param stationID [string]:              Station ID in hydra. Ex: stationID  = '6.24.4'
    :param elementID [string]:              Element ID in hydra. Ex: elementID = '17.1'
    :param methodReference [dictionary]:    Reference added to the metadata. Ex: {'MethodName': 'Chartserver - getStationdata'}
    :return [list[WeatherElement]]:         List of WeatherElement objects.


    print "getChartserverdata: Requesting {0}".format(url)
    request = requests.get(url)

    if request.status_code == 500:
        if "The length of the string exceeds the value set on the maxJsonLength property." in request.content:
            return "Request less data."
            return "HTTP 500 for unknown reason."

    datareq = request.json()

    seriesPoints = datareq[0][u'SeriesPoints']
    legendText = datareq[0][u'LegendText']

    weatherElementList = []

    for sp in seriesPoints:

        value = sp[u'Value']
        date = pz.normal_time_from_unix_time(int(sp[u'Key'][6:-2]))

        we = WeatherElement(stationID, date, elementID, value)

    # Chartserver/ShowData.aspx returns half hour values and on request it returns [from, to]. That is,
    # it includes the to value so if the request is nested the data will contain doublets of values
    # om the "to dates". These are therefore taken out in this method.
    del weatherElementList[-1]

    return weatherElementList
コード例 #4
ファイル: getRegObsdata.py プロジェクト: pslota/Ice-modelling
def get_ice_thickness(LocationName, fromDate, toDate):
    Method returns a list of ice thickness between two dates for a given location in regObs.

    :param LocationName:    [string/list] name as given in regObs in ObsLocation table. Multiploe locations posible
    :param fromDate:        [string] The from date as 'YYYY-MM-DD'
    :param toDate:          [string] The to date as 'YYYY-MM-DD'

    ice_columns = []

    if isinstance(LocationName, types.ListType):
        for l in LocationName:
            ice_columns = ice_columns + get_ice_thickness(l, fromDate, toDate)
        view = 'IceThicknessV'
        OdataLocationName = fe.change_unicode_to_utf8hex(LocationName)  # Crazyshitencoding

        oDataQuery = "DtObsTime gt datetime'{0}' and " \
                     "DtObsTime lt datetime'{1}' and " \
                     "LocationName eq '{2}' and " \
                     "LangKey eq 1".format(fromDate, toDate, OdataLocationName)

        # get data for current view and dates
        url = "http://api.nve.no/hydrology/regobs/{0}/Odata.svc/{2}?$filter={1}&$format=json".decode('utf8').format(api_version, oDataQuery, view)
        data = requests.get(url).json()
        datalist = data['d']['results']

        for ic in datalist:
            date = pz.normal_time_from_unix_time(int(ic['DtObsTime'][6:-2]))
            RegID = ic['RegID']
            layers = get_ice_thickness_layers(RegID)
            if len(layers) == 0:
                layers = [ ice.IceLayer(float(ic['IceThicknessSum']), 'unknown') ]

            ice_column = ice.IceColumn(date, layers)
            ice_column.add_metadata('RegID', RegID)
            ice_column.add_metadata('LocatonName', LocationName)

            ice_column.add_layer_at_index(0, ice.IceLayer(ic['SlushSnow'], 'slush'))
            ice_column.add_layer_at_index(0, ice.IceLayer(ic['SnowDepth'], 'snow'))


            iha = ic['IceHeightAfter']

            # if ice height after is not given I make an estimate so that I know where to put it in the plot
            if iha is None:
                ice_column.add_metadata('IceHeightAfter', 'Modeled')
                iha = ice_column.draft_thickness - ice_column.water_line
                if ice_column.top_layer_is_slush:
                    iha = iha + const.snow_pull_on_water

            ice_column.water_line = ice_column.draft_thickness - float(iha)

            if ice_column.top_layer_is_slush is True:
                ice_column.water_line -= ice_column.column[0].height


    return ice_columns