def get_service_by_service_id(service_id: str, search_role: str = "PATHWAYS_REFERRAL") -> dict: # This is to make sure we don't spam the DoS API with more than 2 requests per second. time.sleep(0.5) pathways_session = get_session("PATHWAYS_REFERRAL") digital_session = get_session("DIGITAL_REFERRAL") url = (f"{config.UEC_DOS_BASE_URL}/app/controllers/api/v1.0/" f"services/byServiceId/{service_id}") result = pathways_session.get(url) service_json = result.json() if service_json["success"]["serviceCount"] == 0: logger.debug("Trying Digital Referral search role") result = digital_session.get(url) service_json = result.json() try: service = service_json["success"]["services"][0] return service except IndexError: logger.exception("Service not found in JSON response") return None
def get_most_recent_snapshot_for_service(service_id): # TODO: Fix so it doesn't throw an error if there's only one previous snapshot logger.debug("Getting latest snapshot from database") query = {"id": service_id, "source": config.APP_NAME} results = (snapshots.find(query).sort([("snapshotTime", pymongo.DESCENDING) ]).limit(1)) result = results[0] return result
def get_all_postcodes(): logger.debug("Getting all service postcodes") projection = {"_id": False} results = statuses.find(projection=projection) result_list = [result for result in results] return result_list
def update_status(document): query = {"id": document["id"]} update = {"$set": document} try: r = statuses.update_one(query, update, upsert=True) logger.debug(f"Updated status for {document['id']}") return r except: logger.error(f"Failed to update status for {document['id']}") raise
def get_all_statuses(): logger.debug("Getting all service statuses") projection = {"_id": False} results = statuses.find(projection=projection).sort([("capacity", pymongo.DESCENDING)]) result_list = [result for result in results if result["capacity"] != ""] return result_list
def add_snapshot(document): try: snapshots.insert(document) logger.debug(f"Added snapshot for {document['id']}") except errors.WriteError: logger.error("Error writing snapshot to database") except errors.OperationFailure as e: if "over your space quota" in str(e): logger.error( "Error writing snapshot to database - no database quota remaining" )
def get_status_for_single_service(service_id): logger.debug(f"Getting status for single service {service_id}") query = {"id": service_id} projection = {"id": True, "capacity": True, "rag": True} result = statuses.find_one(query, projection=projection) try: return result except TypeError: logger.debug(f"No status found for {service_id}") return None
def get_old_snapshots(): logger.debug(f"Getting previous snapshots") query = {"snapshotTime": {"$lt":}} results = snapshots.find(query).limit(1) try: for result in results: pprint.pprint(result) except TypeError: logger.debug(f"No snapshots found") return None
def get_session(search_role) -> requests.Session: s = requests.session() if search_role == "DIGITAL_REFERRAL": s.auth = (config.UEC_DOS_USERNAME_DIGITAL, config.UEC_DOS_PASSWORD_DIGITAL) logger.debug(f"Using account {config.UEC_DOS_USERNAME_DIGITAL}") else: s.auth = (config.UEC_DOS_USERNAME, config.UEC_DOS_PASSWORD) logger.debug(f"Using account {config.UEC_DOS_USERNAME}") return s
def store_snapshot(service): if service["capacity"]["status"]["human"]: logger.debug( f"{service['name']} - {service['capacity']['status']['human']}") snapshot = { "id": service["id"], "name": service["name"], "type": service["type"]["name"], "postCode": service["postcode"], "easting": int(service["easting"]), "northing": int(service["northing"]), "snapshotTime": datetime.datetime.utcnow(), "capacity": { "status": service["capacity"]["status"]["human"], "rag": service["capacity"]["status"]["rag"], }, "source": config.APP_NAME, } database.add_snapshot(snapshot)
def snapshot_single_service(service_id, search_role): start = time.time() service = uec_dos.get_service_by_service_id(service_id, search_role) round_trip_time = time.time() - start f"Ran probe for {service_id} as {search_role} (Took {round_trip_time})" ) database.add_metric({ "eventTime": datetime.datetime.utcnow(), "type": "single_service", "service_id": service_id, "total_time": float("{0:.2f}".format(round_trip_time)), }) if service: store_snapshot(service) try: logger.debug(f"{service_id} - {service['name']}") # Only store snapshots and queue status checks if the status has a value if service["capacity"]["status"]["human"] != "": logger.debug("Queueing capacity check for {service_id}") q.enqueue(has_status_changed, service["id"]) else: logger.debug("Empty capacity - skipping status check") except IndexError: logger.exception("Service not found")
def has_status_changed(service_id): logger.debug(f"Checking status for {service_id}") status = database.get_status_for_single_service(service_id) if status: old_status = status["capacity"] old_rag = status["rag"] elif not status: service_data = uec_dos.get_service_by_service_id(service_id) logger.warn("No status for this service - adding a status entry") update_status_from_service_data(service_data) return service_snapshot = database.get_most_recent_snapshot_for_service( service_id) new_status = service_snapshot["capacity"]["status"] if service_snapshot: logger.debug(f"Previous Status: {old_status}, " f"New Status: {new_status}") if old_status == new_status: logger.debug(f"Status for {service_id} hasn't changed") update_status_from_latest_snapshot(service_id) return elif old_status != new_status: if is_robot_change(old_status, new_status):"Skipping change as it's just the 24h ROBOT") return # Retrieve the entire service record from the DoS as this # contains details of the person who changed the status service_data = uec_dos.get_service_by_service_id(service_id) if not service_data: logger.error("No service information retrieved from DoS") return service_updated_by = service_data["capacity"]["updated"]["by"] service_status = service_data["capacity"]["status"]["human"] service_rag = service_data["capacity"]["status"]["rag"] service_name = service_data["name"] service_postcode = service_data["postcode"] service_updated_date = service_data["capacity"]["updated"]["date"] service_updated_time = service_data["capacity"]["updated"]["time"] service_region = service_data["region"]["name"] service_type = service_data["type"]["name"]"Status has changed for {service_id} - " f"{service_name} - {service_status} " f"({service_rag})") # Fix the incorrect service_updated_time by subtracting an hour from the supplied time. # Below line needs to be included when in BST # TODO: Remove this fix when the API is fixed to return the correct local time service_updated_time, service_updated_date = utils.adjust_timestamp_for_api_bst_bug( service_updated_time, service_updated_date) document = { "id": service_id, "name": service_name, "type": service_type, "postCode": service_postcode, "region": service_region, "eventTime": datetime.datetime.utcnow(), "capacity": { "newStatus": service_status, "newRag": service_rag, "previousStatus": old_status, "previousRag": old_rag, "changedBy": service_updated_by, "changedDate": service_updated_date, "changedTime": service_updated_time, }, "source": config.APP_NAME, } database.add_change(document) update_status_from_service_data(service_data) if config.SMS_ENABLED: q.enqueue( sms.send_sms, config.MOBILE_NUMBER, f"{service_name} ({service_id}) in {service_region} " f"changed to {service_status} ({service_rag}) by " f"{service_updated_by} at {service_updated_time}.", at_front=True, ) if config.SLACK_ENABLED: q.enqueue( slack.send_slack_notification, service_name, service_region, service_status, old_status, service_type, service_updated_time, service_updated_by, at_front=True, ) return
def snapshot_service_search(probe): postcode = probe["postcode"] search_distance = probe["search_distance"] service_types = probe["service_types"] number_per_type = probe["number_per_type"] gp = probe["gp"] search_role = probe["search_role"] try: start = time.time() services = uec_dos.get_services_by_service_search( postcode, search_distance, service_types, number_per_type, gp, search_role) round_trip_time = time.time() - start f"Ran probe for {postcode} as {search_role}, at {search_distance} " f"miles, for {number_per_type} each of service types: " f"{service_types} - {len(services)} services (Took {round_trip_time})" ) database.add_metric({ "eventTime": datetime.datetime.utcnow(), "type": "service_search", "postcode": postcode, "search_distance": int(search_distance), "service_types": service_types, "number_per_type": int(number_per_type), "gp": gp, "search_role": search_role, "total_time": float("{0:.2f}".format(round_trip_time)), }) for service in services: store_snapshot(service) service_id = service["id"] # Only store snapshots and queue status checks if the status has a value if service["capacity"]["status"]["human"] != "": logger.debug("Queueing capacity check for {service_id}") q.enqueue(has_status_changed, service_id) else: logger.debug("Empty capacity - skipping status check") update_status_from_latest_snapshot(service_id) except Exception as e: logger.exception( f"Error whilst running probe for {postcode}, at {search_distance} " f"miles, for {number_per_type} each of service types: " f"{service_types}")
def remove_watched_service(service_id): logger.debug(f"Removing watch for service {service_id}") query = {"id": service_id} r = watched_services.delete_many(query) return r
def add_change(document): changes.insert(document) logger.debug(f"Added change event for {document['id']}")
def add_watched_service(service_id): logger.debug(f"Adding watch for service {service_id}") query = {"id": service_id} update = {"id": service_id} r = watched_services.replace_one(query, update, upsert=True) return r
def get_watched_searches(): logger.debug("Getting search watchlist from database") query = {} results = watched_searches.find(query) return list(results)