def light_side(): print("Light side of the force!") l.clear() b.rgb(0,0,255) l.write("Moege die Macht mit Dir sein, Jedi Meister") sleep(10) test()
def main(): lcd.clear() backlight.set_graph(0) backlight.rgb(255,255,255) lcd.set_cursor_position(1,0) lcd.write("MIFARE Cloner") lcd.set_cursor_position(3,2) lcd.write("by Cypaubr") time.sleep(3) lcd.clear() backlight.rgb(100,200,255) lcd.set_cursor_position(1,0) lcd.write("Place your tag") lcd.set_cursor_position(2,2) lcd.write("PRESS START") while True: @touch.on(touch.BUTTON) def start_detection(ch, evt): lcd.clear() detect() @touch.on(touch.CANCEL) def cancel_detection(ch, evt): lcd.clear() lcd.write("Canceling...") backlight.rgb(255,0,0) time.sleep(1) exit(0)
def cleanup(): """ Function called on exit. Just clears the screen and turns all the lights off """ lcd.clear() backlight.rgb(0,0,0) backlight.graph_off()
def dark_side(): print("Dark side of the force!") l.clear() b.rgb(255,0,0) l.write("Ergib dich der dunklen Seite der Macht") sleep(10) test()
def handle_left(ch,evt): print("Left pressed!") l.clear() l.write("BBC News Feed") time.sleep(1) l.clear() b.rgb(0,0,128) feedme("")
def handle_right(ch,evt): print("Right pressed!") l.clear() b.rgb(0,128,0) l.write("Hackaday RSS") time.sleep(1) l.clear() feedme("")
def assign_selected_sensor(): global selected_sensor selected_sensor = item_deque[0] lcd.clear() backlight.rgb(255, 255, 255) lcd.set_cursor_position(0, 0) lcd.write(selected_sensor.desc) lcd.set_cursor_position(0, 2)
def displayCurrentValues(): humidity, temperature = Adafruit_DHT.read_retry(sensor, pin) color = temp_color(int(temperature)) backlight.rgb(int( * 255), int( * 255), int( * 255)) lcd.set_cursor_position(0, 0) lcd.write("Temperatur: " + str(temperature)) lcd.set_cursor_position(0,1) lcd.write("Humidity: " + str(humidity)) time.sleep(10.01)
def handle_down(ch, evt): #def handle_down(pin): global loopcount loopcount = 0 lcd.clear() backlight.rgb(255, 0, 0) lcd.write("Shutting Down!") #time.sleep(1) os.system('systemctl poweroff')
def displayCurrentValues(): humidity, temperature = Adafruit_DHT.read_retry(sensor, pin) color = temp_color(int(temperature)) backlight.rgb(int( * 255), int( * 255), int( * 255)) lcd.set_cursor_position(0, 0) lcd.write("Temperatur: " + str(temperature)) lcd.set_cursor_position(0, 1) lcd.write("Humidity: " + str(humidity)) time.sleep(10.01)
def handle_up(ch, evt): settings = (int(filenum), int(shutter)) temp = settings[0] temp += 1 print('filenum is {}'.format(int(temp)) ) l.clear() b.rgb(0, 255, 0) l.write('filenum is {}'.format(int(temp))) global filenum filenum = int(temp)
def SetRGB(self, red, green, blue): """ Helper function to set the RGB values. Save the RGB values to a state variable and then call the backlight update function. This way, we know the previous backlight colour and when we turn the screen back on, we can set the colour as planned. """ = red = green = blue backlight.rgb(,,
def tophat(): #controls the raspberry pi HAT display lcd.clear(); lcd.set_contrast(50); backlight.set_graph(0) if (asoldiers > dsoldiers) and (atotallost != 1): backlight.rgb(0,255,0) elif (asoldiers <= dsoldiers): backlight.rgb(255,0,0) lcd.set_cursor_position(0,0); lcd.write("War is hell...") lcd.set_cursor_position(0,1); lcd.write("Offense Lost: " + str(atotallost)) lcd.set_cursor_position(0,2); lcd.write("Defense Lost: " + str(dtotallost))
def handle_down(ch, evt): global dtemp, rtemp, display_status l.clear() b.rgb(128, 128, 0) #blue dtemp=dtemp-1 l.clear() l.set_cursor_position(0,1) l.write(str(room) + str(dtemp) + chr(223) + 'C') time.sleep(1) display_status="ON" default_display()
def display_show(text1, text2, text3, light): print ("display_show") if light: backlight.rgb(0, 100, 0) else: menu.write_row(0, text1) menu.write_row(1, text2) menu.write_row(2, text3)
def speakIPAddress(): wlan = get_ip_address('wlan0') backlight.rgb(0, 255, 0) lcd.set_contrast(50) lcd.clear() lcd.set_cursor_position(2, 0) lcd.write("IP Address:") lcd.set_cursor_position(1, 1) lcd.write(wlan) command = "flite -voice rms -t 'My I P address is " + wlan + "' " print command os.system(command)
def LCD_update(first = "", second = "Coretec Robotics", third = "", r = 0, g = 225, b = 0): print first print second print third backlight.rgb(r, g, b) lcd.clear() lcd.set_contrast(50) lcd.set_cursor_position(0, 0) lcd.write(first) lcd.set_cursor_position(0, 1) lcd.write(second) lcd.set_cursor_position(0,2) lcd.write(third)
def handle_button(ch,evt): print("Button pressed!") l.clear() b.rgb(0,0,0) l.set_cursor_position(0,0) l.write("Linux Voice") for i in range(256): b.left_rgb(i,0,0) time.sleep(0.01) b.mid_rgb(i,0,0) time.sleep(0.01) b.right_rgb(i,0,0) time.sleep(0.01)
def backlight(data): if data["command"] == "off": return True if data["command"] == "sweep": backlight.sweep(data["hue"],data["range"]) return True if data["command"] == "hue": backlight.hue(data["hue"]) return True if data["command"] == "rgb": backlight.rgb(data["r"],data["g"],data["b"]) return True if data["command"] == "left_hue": backlight.left_hue(data["hue"]) return True if data["command"] == "left_rgb": backlight.left_rgb(data["r"],data["g"],data["b"]) return True if data["command"] == "mid_hue": backlight.mid_hue(data["hue"]) return True if data["command"] == "mid_rgb": backlight.mid_rgb(data["r"],data["g"],data["b"]) return True if data["command"] == "right_hue": backlight.right_hue(data["hue"]) return True if data["command"] == "right_rgb": backlight.right_rgb(data["r"],data["g"],data["b"]) return True if data["command"] == "set": backlight.set(data["index"],data["value"]) return True if data["command"] == "set_bar": backlight.set_bar(data["index"],data["value"]) return True if data["command"] == "set_graph": backlight.set(data["value"]) return True if data["command"] == "update": backlight.update() return True
def main(): ip = urlopen('').read() lcd.clear() lcd.set_contrast(50) if ip == '#IPADDRESS': backlight.rgb(0, 255, 0) lcd.set_cursor_position(0, 0) lcd.write(" LINK SECURED") lcd.set_cursor_position(0, 1) lcd.write(" " + ip) else: backlight.rgb(255, 0, 0) lcd.set_cursor_position(0, 0) lcd.write(" LINK UNSECURED") lcd.set_cursor_position(0, 1) lcd.write(" " + ip)
def handle_down(ch, evt): settings = (int(filenum), int(shutter)) temp = settings[0] if int(temp) == 1: print("Can't do more") l.clear() b.rgb(255, 0, 0) l.write("Can't go lower") else: temp -= 1 print('filenum is {}'.format(int(temp))) l.clear() b.rgb(0, 255, 0) l.write('filenum is {}'.format(int(temp))) global filenum filenum = int(temp)
def handle_right(ch, evt): settings = (int(filenum), int(shutter)) temp = settings[1] if int(temp) == 6000000: print("Can't do more") l.clear() b.rgb(255, 0, 0) l.write("Can't go higher") else: temp = int(temp) + 500000 print('shutter is {}'.format(int(temp))) l.clear() b.rgb(0, 0, 255) l.write('shutter is {}'.format(int(temp))) global shutter shutter = int(temp)
def set_background_status(self, status): if status == BackgroundStatus.Ok: backlight.rgb(0, 255, 0) elif status == BackgroundStatus.Error: backlight.rgb(255, 0, 0) elif status == BackgroundStatus.Warn: backlight.rgb(255, 255, 0) else: backlight.rgb(0, 0, 255)
def main(): # Get the current SSID SSID = None try: SSID = subprocess.check_output(["iwgetid", "-r"]).strip() except subprocess.CalledProcessError: # If there is no connection subprocess throws a 'CalledProcessError' pass # Show status on the LCD display if SSID is None: backlight.rgb(255, 0, 0) lcd.clear() lcd.write("Not connected") else: backlight.rgb(0, 255, 0) lcd.clear() lcd.write("SSID: " + SSID)
def default_display(): global dtemp, rtemp, heat, display_status, heatc l.clear() if display_status == "ON": b.rgb(128,128,128) else: b.rgb(0,0,0) l.set_cursor_position(0,0) l.write(str(room) + str(dtemp) + chr(223) + 'C') l.set_cursor_position(0,1) l.write("Heating: " + str(heat)) l.set_cursor_position(0,2) x= "Now:" + str(rtemp) + chr(223) + 'C ' + time.strftime("%H:%M") l.write(x) count_heat() time.sleep(1)
def handle_button(ch, evt): #def handle_button(pin): global ButtonStatus global loopcount if ButtonStatus == 'On': loopcount = 10 lcd.clear() ButtonStatus = 'Off' print "Display Off" else: loopcount = 0 backlight.rgb(229, 255, 0) display_hostname(0) display_NIC(1) display_WNIC(2) graph_CPUTemp(5) ButtonStatus = 'On' print "Display Off"
def change_color(r_in, g_in, b_in, seconds=.5): # Make sure back light is at global values backlight.rgb(GVars.LED_RED, GVars.LED_GREEN, GVars.LED_BLUE) red_delta = abs(GVars.LED_RED - r_in) green_delta = abs(GVars.LED_GREEN - g_in) blue_delta = abs(GVars.LED_BLUE - b_in) ops_per_sec = 32 # Temp Vars (used to store globals for inter function operations r = GVars.LED_RED g = GVars.LED_GREEN b = GVars.LED_BLUE number_of_cycles = int(seconds * ops_per_sec) for x in range(0, number_of_cycles): # FIXME Doesn't seem to end on correct number, bad math? if r_in >= r: r += red_delta / number_of_cycles else: r -= red_delta / number_of_cycles if b_in >= b: b += blue_delta / number_of_cycles else: b -= blue_delta / number_of_cycles if g_in >= g: g += green_delta / number_of_cycles else: g -= green_delta / number_of_cycles # logging.debug(str(r) + ' ' + str(g) + ' ' + str(b)) backlight.rgb(r, g, b) s = 1 / float(ops_per_sec) sleep(s) GVars.LED_RED = r GVars.LED_GREEN = g GVars.LED_BLUE = b
def takelongphoto(): print("Takeing Photo") l.clear() b.rgb(255, 255, 255) l.write("Taking Photo Don't Move") settings = (int(filenum), int(shutter)) with picamera.PiCamera() as camera: camera.resoluion = (1024, 768) camera.hflip = True camera.vflip = True camera.framerate = Fraction(1, 6) camera.shutter_speed = settings[1] camera.expodure_mode = 'off' camera.iso = 100 sleep(10) camera.capture('/home/pi/photo/longexp_{}.jpg'.format(int(settings[0]))) print("DONE!") l.clear() b.rgb(0, 255, 255) l.write("We are done")
def callbackfunction(self, deviceId, method, value, callbackId, context): dt = sdt = dt.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M') # For some reason the motion sensor sends the same event twice if (sdt == self.last_event): return self.last_event = sdt if (deviceId == 7): if (method == 1): lcd.clear() lcd.set_cursor_position(0, 0) lcd.write(sdt) backlight.rgb(0, 255, 0) self.set_leds() self.send(sdt) print sdt if (method == 2): lcd.set_cursor_position(0, 1) lcd.write('Waiting...') sys.stdout.flush()
def temp(): print 'Starting Temp' from dothat import backlight from dothat import lcd import time lcd.set_contrast(50) while True: tempC = int(open('/sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp').read()) / 1e3 # Change backlight if temp changes if tempC < 60: backlight.rgb(0, 255, 0) elif tempC > 70: backlight.rgb(255, 0, 0) else: backlight.rgb(0, 255, 255) # Convert Temp to String tempF = str(tempC) # Write Temp and wait 1 sec. lcd.set_cursor_position(0, 0) lcd.write("Temp: " + tempF + " C") time.sleep(1) lcd.clear() print 'backlight: finishing'
def handle_up(ch,evt): print("Up pressed!") l.clear() b.rgb(255,0,0) l.write("Up up and away!")
LcdItem(METRICS_TOPIC, "Msgs/Sec")] item_dict = {} for i in items: item_dict[i.topic] = i item_deque = deque() for i in item_dict.keys(): item_deque.append(item_dict[i]) # default sensor selected_sensor = item_deque[0] # lcd initialization lcd.clear() backlight.rgb(255, 255, 255) lcd.set_contrast(45) lcd.clear() def on_connect(mqtt_client, userdata, flags, rc):"Connected with result code: %s", rc) item_dict = userdata[ITEM_DICT] for key in item_dict.keys(): mqtt_client.subscribe(item_dict[key].topic) def on_message(mqtt_client, userdata, msg): item_dict = userdata[ITEM_DICT]
def handle_cancel(ch, evt): print("Cancel pressed!") lcd.clear() backlight.rgb(0, 0, 0) lcd.write("Boom!")
def handle_button(ch, evt): print("Button pressed!") lcd.clear() backlight.rgb(255, 255, 255) lcd.write("Ouch!")
def handle_right(ch, evt): print("Right pressed!") lcd.clear() backlight.rgb(0, 255, 255) lcd.write("Rightie tighty!")
def handle_left(ch, evt): print("Left pressed!") lcd.clear() backlight.rgb(0, 0, 255) lcd.write("Leftie left left!")
def handle_down(ch, evt): print("Down pressed!") lcd.clear() backlight.rgb(0, 255, 0) lcd.write("Down down doobie down!")
#!/usr/bin/env python print(""" This basic example display a simple text and terminates executaion immediately. """) import dothat.backlight as backlight import dothat.lcd as lcd # Turn off led bar backlight.set_graph(0) # Set backlight colour to cyan backlight.rgb(0,255,255) # Display text in FIRST line of the LCD lcd.set_cursor_position(0, 0) lcd.write("Hello world.") # Display text in SECOND line of the LCD lcd.set_cursor_position(0, 1) lcd.write("This is fun!") # Display text in THIRD line of the LCD lcd.set_cursor_position(0, 2) lcd.write(":)")
def lcd_display(dict, delay=0.1): while True: try: lcd.clear() lcd.set_cursor_position(0, 0) lcd.write(selected_sensor.desc) lcd.set_cursor_position(0, 2) val = selected_sensor.value if val == "-1": backlight.rgb(255, 0, 0) else: backlight.rgb(255, 255, 255) if selected_sensor == dict[LIDAR_LEFT_TOPIC]: lcd.write(val + " mm") elif selected_sensor == dict[LIDAR_RIGHT_TOPIC]: lcd.write(val + " mm") elif selected_sensor == dict[LIDAR_FRONT_TOPIC]: lcd.write(val + " cm") elif selected_sensor == dict[LIDAR_REAR_TOPIC]: lcd.write(val + " cm") elif selected_sensor == dict[CAMERA_VALUE_TOPIC]: lcd.write(val) if val == NOT_SEEN: backlight.rgb(255, 0, 0) elif val == NOT_ALIGNED: backlight.rgb(0, 0, 255) elif val == ALIGNED: backlight.rgb(0, 255, 0) elif selected_sensor == dict[HEADING_CALIBRATION_TOPIC]: lcd.write(val.replace(" ", "", 10)) if val == CALIBRATION_BY_VALUES: backlight.rgb(0, 255, 0) elif selected_sensor == dict[HEADING_DEGREES_TOPIC]: lcd.write(val) elif selected_sensor == dict[METRICS_TOPIC]: lcd.write(val) else: lcd.write("") time.sleep(delay) except BaseException as e: logger.error("%s", e, exc_info=True) time.sleep(1)
def handle_button(ch, evt): print("Confirm settings!") l.clear() b.rgb(255, 255, 255) settings = (int(filenum), int(shutter)) l.write('filename = %s and shutter = %s' % settings)
mgtext = MGText() menu = Menu( structure = { 'MGText Test': mgtext, }, lcd = lcd, input_handler = mgtext) try: touch.bind_defaults(menu) # Trap the Cancel button for our own purposes (to use as a Delete key). @touch.on(touch.CANCEL) def handle_cancel(ch, evt): mgtext.cancel() backlight.rgb(192, 124, 234) menu.right() # Go straight to text-editing while 1: menu.redraw() time.sleep(0.05) except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): reset() except: reset() raise
def handle_down(ch,evt): print("Playing BBC 6 Music") l.clear() b.rgb(87,145,146) l.write("BBC 6 Music") player(radio6)
from dothat import lcd from dothat import backlight from dothat import touch import time lcd.clear() print('''Santa Tracker! Built by appledeej on Github. Press CTRL + C to exit.''') backlight.rgb(255, 0, 0) backlight.update time.sleep(1) backlight.rgb(0, 255, 0) backlight.update time.sleep(1) backlight.rgb(0, 0, 255) backlight.update lcd.set_cursor_position(1, 1) #Startup/splash screen. lcd.write("Santa Tracker") lcd.set_cursor_position(1, 2) lcd.write("appledeej") lcd.set_cursor_position(1, 0) lcd.write("Version 0.1") lcd.clear backlight.rgb(255, 0, 0) backlight.update
def handle_left(ch,evt): print("Left pressed!") l.clear() b.rgb(0,0,255) l.write("Leftie left left!")
def handle_down(ch,evt): print("Down pressed!") l.clear() b.rgb(0,255,0) l.write("Down down doobie down!")
def handle_button(ch,evt): print("Button pressed!") l.clear() b.rgb(255,255,255) l.write("Ouch!")
def handle_right(ch,evt): print("Right pressed!") l.clear() b.rgb(0,255,255) l.write("Rightie tighty!")
def handle_cancel(ch,evt): print("Stopping Music") l.clear() b.rgb(0,0,0) stop()
def handle_cancel(ch,evt): print("Cancel pressed!") l.clear() b.rgb(0,0,0) l.write("Boom!")
def stop(): p.stop() b.rgb(255,0,0) l.write("S T O P") b.graph_off()
#!/usr/bin/env python import dothat.lcd as lcd import dothat.backlight as backlight from time import sleep lcd.set_cursor_position(0, 1) lcd.write('Happy Christmas!') #for x in range(50): # backlight.hue(x / 50.0) # sleep(0.05) backlight.rgb(0, 255, 0)
def handle_up(ch,evt): print("Playing BBC Radio 2") l.clear() b.rgb(255,0,255) l.write("BBC Radio 2") player(radio2)